The Granary Tree, Vol #3

Page 4

Eclipse of the Flower Moon May 26, 2021

Immense Heaven


We … you, me, all the living beings, waters and seven continents of Earth, all the planets in our solar neighborhood, along with billions of other suns and planets in the luminous spread of the Milky Way, plus one hundred thousand other galaxies ... make up “immense heaven,” known as Laniakea Supercluster, just one of, more or less, ten million other superclusters. Maybe we should work a little harder at just getting along and protecting this tiny blue planet we call our home in this suburban outpost of immense heaven. -- Joyce Wycoff More: YouTube: Laniakea: Our home supercluster Photo Courtesy of Vahé Peroomian, who says, “Boot Arch is one of the iconic arches in the Alabama Hills just outside Lone Pine, California… I was at the arch at the end of April to see whether the Moon would line up properly during the eclipse and whether it would be above the horizon during totality. It was going to be close, especially with twilight beginning right as totality ended… The Milky Way was visible for perhaps 10 minutes, but to see the Milky Way slowly appear as the Moon’s brilliance faded was worth all the stress and planning.”

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