1 minute read

Why Gratitude?

Why Gratitude?

"Why?" is always a great question. Most of us know that gratitude is important ... I've come to believe it might be the way we heal our world.

No wars are born out of gratitude. No violence, abuse, or mayhem is born out of gratitude. Greed, intolerance, hatred, deceit, fraud, gossip, destruction of our earth ... all are born in the absence of gratitude. Countless studies have shown us how much gratitude enhances our happiness, health and relationships; however, it goes beyond that. Practicing gratitude not only changes our lives but it ripples out to everything around us, giving us stepping stones to the peace we all want.

Gratitude: Steppingstone to Peace in lonely lands, life, wild and free, harmonizes with abundance, makes green food from generous sunshine, breathes free air, drinks from abundant waters, feasts on the bounty freely offered, finds shelter in protected places, protects new life as it ripens.

are the trees grateful? do the geese say “thank you? do the waters, still or flowing, speak their gratitudes?

or do they just know, understand the wisdom of enough, living gratitude in their awareness of their place in balance of all things? – Joyce Wycoff

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