WOTCC Holy Convocation Magazine 2013

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July 28, 2013 Holy Greetings in the Name of Jesus!

Table of Contents 3-8 Official Letters of Greetings

9 Convocation Officers & Committee Members 10 Biography of Our Founder 11 Holy Convocation 2014 12-15 Holy Convocation & NYFC Convention Program 16-17 “Welcome to The WOTCC, Int’l” 18-22 Outstanding Seniors of the WOTCC

Praise the Lord, Saints. I am truly grateful that the Lord has allowed each of us to be able to assemble ourselves together once again with the earnest desire to lift up His Holy Name. This year represents Sixty-nine years for our Annual Holy General Convocation and Fifty-nine years for the National Youth For Christ Convention. Through the divine favor of God, this is a major milestone for The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International! Throughout this week of activities, let us carefully focus and give our utmost attention to this year’s theme “We’ve Come Too Far to Turn Around”. During this time, I can’t help but think of many of the saints who toiled night and day in order to plan for and attend this yearly event. In their absence, it is increasingly important that each of us continue to work diligently in order to maintain our great legacy. As Presiding Bishop, I am dedicated to upholding the foundation upon which this great organization was founded upon. Our forefathers challenged me, and I challenge you to “Keep the faith”. Today, I give special thanks and appreciation to Bishop Carl Miller, Elder Travell Travis, and their entire dedicated Convocation staff who have made countless sacrifices in order to make things comfortable for you and your families. The sacrifices are far too numerous to mention, however, God has recorded each one and knows each of you by name. Your labor will not go unrewarded. Always remember, a truly successful Convocation is dependent on not one, but all! As we begin this great celebration, I’d like to encourage you to take advantage of this week of organized events. May you be energized by each “Praise the Lord” and “Thank you Jesus” that you witness. And most importantly, let us invite the Lord into our midst today and forever more.

23 “The Way of the Cross Leads Home” Your humble servant,

Renaissance Concourse Atlanta Airport Hotel 1 Hartsfield Centre Parkway Atlanta, GA 30354

Program Book Design: Joy L. Miller - inJoy Designs inJoyDesigns@live.com

Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, Sr., Presiding Bishop The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International

SHILOH WAY OF THE CROSS CHURCH OF CHRIST, INC. OF THE APOSTOLIC DOCTRINE 938 Brookdale Street, P. O. Box 5023 Martinsville, Virginia 24115

Church Office: (276) 632-6910 • Fax: (276) 632-1172 www.shilohwayofthecross.org Vice-Presiding Bishop Earley Dillard, D.D. • Pastor’s Study (276) 632-9230 Pastor

July 28, 2013

Greetings to you in the Precious Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


I count it a great privilege and joy to be able to come together again with the Saints of God during this 69th General Convocation and 59th Youth for Christ Convention. Your presence here is a great blessing to the Way of the Cross Organization and reminds us of the warm fellowship we share together. Many of us look forward to this time each year where we can see and spend a little time with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Words cannot express the love I have for the saints of God throughout the Way of the Cross Organization. I hope and pray that you will be blessed during this week. Enjoy the services and other activities planned for you, praying that this convocation will be one of the greatest that we have ever had. I personally want to thank the Convocation Committee for your time and efforts in making this Convocation enjoyable for everyone. You are very much appreciated for your labor and dedication. I wish also to acknowledge all those who work behind the scenes each year at the Convocation assisting us in various areas. Saints, let us come together on one accord and enjoy Jesus during this week and always. Truly, “we’ve come too far to turn around.” God has been too good to all of us. So let’s keep pressing on, and lift our praises to new heights in Christ Jesus. I pray that the Lord will save, heal, deliver, encourage, fill souls with the Holy Ghost and send a special anointing to those who sincerely desire His Holy Touch. Grace be unto you! The Master’s Servant, 2nd Vice-Presiding Bishop Earley Dillard The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, Int’l


 “In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” –Proverbs 3:6


July 28, 2013 Praise the Lord Saints of God,

It is with great excitement and anticipation that I welcome you to The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, Int’l 69th Holy Convocation & 59th National Youth for Christ Convention. The Lord has already appropriated your healing, your miracle, your deliverance, and your liberty. Chains shall be broken; generational curses reversed; marriages mended; families renewed; and finances restored. All we have to do is to be at the appointed place for our change. And here we are, together in one place, to magnify our mighty God for His wonderful works. As David stated “One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life”. As we come to worship, fellowship, and kindle new friendships in this Holy Convocation, let us also bring our expectancy for a mighty move of God. The Lord will always exceed the expectancy of our faith. Life is constantly bringing changes all around us, but we must keep our eye on the prize and not be distracted by the enemy. Let us all come together and humble ourselves and repent as a body of believers that the Lord might have His way among us and in us. To our very fine guests, visitors, and friends we want to thank you for taking time to fellowship with us. Your presence lets us know that you love this organization just as we do. I would also like to thank all the pastors that encouraged their congregation to come and witness this life changing Convocation. Again thank you for helping us make this Convocation a success. Also, thank you to our wonderful Convocation Committee: General Secretary--Bishop Ronald A. Frazier, Vice Chair--Sister Vivian Person, Committee Secretary--Sister Judy Fogg, and all of the Subcommittee Chairpersons for their sacrifice and diligence to ensure that this Convocation would be one to remember. Saints of God, let us rejoice and celebrate our God with praise and thanksgiving, because “We’ve Come Too Far to Turn Around”! Your Servant in Christ,

Bishop Carl W. Miller Bishop Carl W. Miller Convocation Committee Chairman


2013 General Holy Convocation


Officers & Committee Members

July 31, 2013 reetings to you and yours in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

It is indeed an honor and privilege to welcome you to the 59 Annual National Youth for Christ Convention here in the great city of Atlanta, Georgia. With much prayer and planning, our staff has worked hard to create a convention that we hope you will find to be refreshing and empowering. th

In returning to Atlanta, I must admit to having mixed emotions. It was only five years ago that we came to Atlanta for our first convention, as your president, with a brand new staff of executive officers. The Lord met us in a tremendous way with a great outpouring of His Spirit. Ironically, in returning to Atlanta, I must say goodbye to 4 out of 6 of those executive officers – first vice president, Bishop Bennett B. Gamble, second vice president, Bishop Eric L. Cannady, third vice president, Elder Eric V. Jackson, and treasurer, Deacon Tony Williams. For the last six years, I have had the wonderful privilege of working with these outstanding men of God to lead this National Youth for Christ. During this time they have sacrificed much of their time and resources to participate in monthly conference calls, attend national meetings, and work with their staffs to ensure that the youth had great national meetings. Often our conference calls became bible studies, prayer services, and ministry support group sessions. Over the years we have grown from being, in some cases, only mere acquaintances, to becoming true brothers in Christ and co-laborers in the Gospel. I ask that you join me throughout the convention, in expressing our love and appreciation to them for their years of service and sacrifice for the NYFC. As well, I salute all the committee chairs and staff who have worked with them during this time and whose official service to the NYFC will end at the conclusion of the convention. I bid you all Godspeed as you move to new and higher levels of ministry and work for the Kingdom of God. Over the next two days we have a great program planned with powerful preaching, insightful teaching, dynamic worship, wonderful fellowship, and exciting youth competitions and awards. This year, as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Jesus name message in America, we are honored to have as our guest speakers, ministers who are either 4th or 5th generation apostolic preachers – Elder Mark Moore, Jr., Elder Tyquan Sparks, and Elder Joel Urshan. We know that the Lord has sent them here to deliver a powerful word to this generation of Apostolic youth. As our convention theme states, “We’ve Come Too Far To Turn Around”. May the blessings of the Lord be upon you this week and always! Because He is, I am,

Torrino Travell Travis

Elder Travell Travis, Esq. National Youth for Christ President

Presiding Bishop

Vice Presiding Bishops

Convocation Chairman

Assistant Convocation Chairman

Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, Sr.

Bishop Carl W. Miller

Bishop Alphonzo Brooks Bishop Earley Dillard

Sister Vivian Person

General Secretary

Assistant General Secretary

Executive Secretary

Corresponding Secretary

Bishop Ronald A. Frazier

Sister Shirley Johnson


District Elder Troy Carter

Sister Judy Fogg


Deacon Herbert Contee, Jr.

Sister Patricia Blaino


Children’s Ministry

Dist. Elder Richard Simon

Health Division Sister Kittie McGee


Elder Chauncey Lancaster


Elder Eric Nesmith Elder Celister Richardson


Dist. Elder Richard Simon


Sister Floyretta Morsell Sister Queen E. Spriggs


Dist. Elder Richard Simon

Sister Alandra Abrams Sister Latisha Carter Sister Tosheena Millner


Sister Lula Thompson Minister Rontrell Brim

Minister of Music

Bishop Bennett Gamble, Sr.

Program/Magazine Sister Delphine Easley Sister Joy Miller

Public Relations

Dist. Elder Richard Simon


Bishop Darrell Hairston

Usher Board

Brother Paul Alston


Our Founder H

enry Chauncey Brooks was born on July 17, 1896

in Franklinton, NC to Robert and Frances Brooks. After the untimely death of his father, he moved to Washington, DC in 1912 at the age of 16 with his sister Leora Hamilton. Unbeknownst to him, the move to Washington would be the road the Lord planned for his salvation. In 1917, he entered the military serving in World War I in the United States Navy. After an honorable discharge in 1919, he returned to Kittrell, NC to marry his fiancée of two years, Willie Shaw Dunston on Christmas Day. From this union, they were blessed with twelve children; Isabel B. Ford, John H. Brooks, Essie B. Lindsay, Ruth B. Lancaster, Joseph Brooks, Bertha B. Simon, Evelean Cook, Bernard Brooks, Willie R. Brooks, Naomi Postell, Olivia Yelder, and Alphonzo D. Brooks. In 1925, there was a revival at 31st and H Street, NW Washington, DC which was conducted by Elder Robert Watts of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Bishop R. C. Lawson was the Presiding Bishop at that time. Henry’s sister informed him of the revival and tried to instruct him on the baptism in Jesus Name. He did not accept her instruction and was determined to attend the revival to attack the preacher. After studying the word, he and his niece Rose Belle Howard attended the service. When the preacher made the altar call, Henry put his hand up to ask a question. However before he could speak, God took hold of his tongue. The preacher asked him if he wanted to be saved, and he answered “yes”. The preacher then asked, “When”? Henry answered, “Now”. That night he was baptized in the name of Jesus. Six months later he was called to preach. Even though he had been baptized in the name of Jesus, he was still attending a Baptist Church. So, they eventually put him out. In 1926, he started his first church named Emmanuel Tabernacle, which was located at 4th and W Street, NW Washington, DC. After being there five months, he was informed that he had to leave because another church had purchased the building. This caused the small congregation to be scattered. For approximately three months he went without any accommodations. He stored the church equipment in the home of Charles and Alice Johnson, (his brother-in-law and Sister), at 3rd and Q Street, NW. This is where the church reorganized. The membership consisted of his wife, Willie Shaw Dunston Brooks, their three children at that time; Isabel, John and Essie, Charles and Alice Johnson, Rose Belle Howard and Lovie Foster Brown. On the night of February 28, 1927, The Way of the Cross Church of Christ was started; however the name was not given until they located the building at 2nd and P Street, NW. The owner asked for

what purpose they would be using the building, and Bishop Brooks answered, “A church”. He asked Deacon Bruce for a name. Deacon Bruce replied, “The Way of The Cross”. Until that time, they had only been regarded as the Church of Christ. Combined, we now have The Way of the Cross Church of Christ. The Lord blessed tremendously, and in approximately one year, the building at 2nd and P Street, NW was filled to capacity. As a result, they were required to find another place to worship. They moved to 21st and M Street, NW. This building had a seating capacity of 300. After seven years there, it was also filled to capacity. One of the charter members, Samuel M. Cole, told Bishop Brooks about a building at 4th and Virginia Avenue, SE Washington, DC. Bishop Brooks and Elder Alexander R. Harris went to see the building. As they sat in the 3rd bench in the middle aisle the Lord told Bishop Brooks to claim it. At that time in Washington, DC, no other Pentecostal or Apostolic ministry worshipped in an actual church building. Moreover in 1935, God blessed Bishop Brooks and the congregation to purchase the property. The church remained there until 1963, when they were required to move due to the construction of the Interstate highway. In need of a place to worship, by the leading of the Lord Bishop Brooks found the building at 9th and D Street NE, Washington, DC. He inquired of the current pastor if the building was for sale and was told that they had just completed $100,000 worth of renovations, so they had no intention of selling. Bishop Brooks told the pastor that the Lord sent him there. He contacted an agent and the next Sunday, The Way of the Cross Church of Christ membership worshipped in the building. Today, we continue to worship in the same building. Bishop was a man of great faith, who always sought the Lord in everything. He went on to be with the Lord on June 12, 1967.


Sunday July




Welcome Reception


Opening Service - Southern Region

Music: Southern Region Choir Speakers: Local WOTCC Pastors

Monday July


Corporate Prayer Location: Main Ballroom



9:00am Children’s Church (Ages 2-10) Location: TBA Ministers & Elders Training Location: TBA

10:00am Christian Education Workshop

Dr. H. Michael Seward, Superintendent

Location: TBA Topic: “We Must Teach Them” Facilitator: Missionary Rachael Williams

10:00am National Missionary Department Service Missionary Cecilia Williams, President P&W: Representatives from all Diocese Music: National Missionary Choir Topic: “We’ve Come Too Far to Turn Around Now” Speakers: •  Missionary Siretha Clarkson •  Missionary Lisa Roberson •  Missionary Aneisa Simon 12:00pm Mid-Day Revival Service Music: Atlanta Metro WOTCC & Missionary Tonia Cannady Speaker: District Elder Melvin Easley, Jr. WOTCC National Evangelist Refuge WOTCC, Baltimore, MD


Evening Service Music: Pilgrim Cathedral of Atlanta Choir Speaker: Bishop Kent Branch Pilgrim Cathedral of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA

National Deacon Board Service Deacon John Kearney, President Music: National Deacon Board Choir Speakers: •  Deacon Stanley Hairston •  Deacon David Edge


Missionary Fellowship Dinner Location: TBA


National Missionary Department Evening Service Missionary Cecilia Williams, President Music: National Missionary Choir Speaker: Bishop Ronald A. Frazier WOTCC General Secretary Christ Church WOTCC, Cheverly, MD


National Deacon Board Evening Service Deacon John Kearney, President Music: National Deacon Board Choir Speaker: Bishop Darnell Easton Nat’l Deacon Board Auxiliary Bishop Bethel WOTCC, Huntingtown, MD

12 Registration is open Daily from 9:00am-4:00pm & After Evening Services

Please support our Conference Vendors


July 30


Corporate Prayer Location: Main Ballroom


Children’s Church (Ages 2-10) Location: TBA Ministers & Elders Training - Location: TBA


Christian Education Workshop


National Usher Board Workshop Location: TBA Facilitator: Brother Paul Alston, President *All Ushers are encouraged to attend.*


Christian Education Service Location: Main Ballroom Speaker: District Elder Alfred Jones, III Jesus Center WOTCC, Appomattox, VA


Foreign Missions & Evangelism Service Location: Main Ballroom Speaker: Bishop Ani Simonson

Speaker: Bishop Manuel Ahimas


Christian Education Workshop Location: TBA Topic: “You Can Be An Effective Sunday School Superintendent” Facilitator: Elder Charles Hall


National Deacon Fellowship Dinner Location: TBA

6:00pm .

Evening Worship Service - Part 1 Music: National WOTCC Mass Choir Speaker: Bishop Ron Carter Refuge Apostolic Church of Christ, Freeport, NY


Evening Worship Service - Part 2 Music: Faith Covenant Church Choir Speaker: Bishop Mark Moore, Sr. Faith Covenant Church, Atlanta, GA

Dr. H. Michael Seward, Superintendent

Location: TBA Topic: “We Must Share the Gospel” Facilitator: Elder Jonathan Mintz

Presiding Bishop, WOTC Churches-Nigeria

Soul Winning Church of India


July 31


Corporate Prayer Location: Main Ballroom


Children’s Church (Ages 2-10) Location: TBA


Ministers & Elders Training Location: TBA

12:00pm n 2:00pm . 7:00pm 10:00pm 10:00pm

Christian Education Workshop

Dr. H. Michael Seward, Superintendent

Location: TBA Topic: “We Must Go to Them” Facilitator: Elder Chauncey Lancaster Keynote Address - Ordination - Communion Presiding: Bishop Earley Dillard WOTCC Second Vice Presiding Bishop Music: National WOTCC Mass Choir Speaker: Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, Sr. WOTCC Presiding Bishop *All Saints are asked to be in attendance.* Mid-Day Revival Service Speaker: Apostle Matthew Norwood Presiding Apostle, Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ All Saints Service Presiding: Bishop Alphonzo D. Brooks WOTCC First Vice Presiding Bishop Music: National WOTCC Mass Choir Speaker: Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, Sr. WOTCC Presiding Bishop Banquet Reception Location: TBA

Nat’l Youth for Christ Pep Rally & Youth Showcase Location: Main Ballroom


NYFC Gospel “After Party” Social Location: TBA

Registration is open Daily from 9:00am-4:00pm & After Evening Services


Thursday August



Corporate Prayer Location: Main Ballroom


Children’s Church (Ages 2-10) Location: TBA

•  Nat’l Youth for Christ Mass Choir Rehearsal Presiding: Minister Allen Lewis, Jr., NYFC Minister of Music Location: Main Ballroom

Nat’l Bible Bowl Challenge Location: Main Ballroom Moderator: Sister Laura Thomas, Coordinator

•  Nat’l Youth Oratory & Essay Contest Moderator: Missionary Keevie Hairston Location: TBA

10:00am 10:30am

Nat’l Bible Bee Challenge Location: TBA Moderator: Missionary Aneisa Simon Christian Education Workshop

Dr. H. Michael Seward, Superintendent

Location: TBA Topic: “We Must Baptize Them” Facilitator: Elder Darius Hicks NYFC Concurrent Sessions

•  Children’s Church & Junior Youth Elections (Ages 2-10) Location: TBA Facilitator: Missionary Alandra Abrams •  Intermediate Youth Workshop & Elections (Ages 11-17) Location: TBA Facilitator: Bishop Eric L. Cannady •  Young Adult Workshop & Elections (Ages 18-30) Location: TBA Facilitator: Bishop Bennett Gamble, Sr. •  Adult Seminar (Ages 30 & above) Location: Main Ballroom Topic: “Creating a Family Financial Plan” Presenters: Elder Olufemi Sotayo & Elder Travell Travis, Esq. 12:00pm n


Mid-Day Youth Revival Service - Part 1 Presiding: District Elder Elijah Page Music: NYFC Praise & Worship Team Speaker: Elder Mark Moore, Jr. Faith Covenant Church, Atlanta, GA



NYFC Concurrent Sessions


Nat’l Intermediate Youth for Christ Service MC: Sister Carlisa Simon, Intermediate President Music: Nat’l Intermediate Youth Mass Choir Speaker: Bishop Eric L. Cannady NYFC Second Vice President Atlanta Metro WOTCC, Stone Mountain, GA


Evening Worship Service Presiding: Bishop Bennett Gamble, Sr. NYFC First Vice President Music: Nat’l Youth for Christ Mass Choir Speaker: Elder Tyquan Sparks Nat’l Evangelist, House of Faith Churches, Inc. Victory Praise & Worship Center, Columbia, SC

11:00pm - 2:00am

Late Night Youth Fellowship

MetroPlex Atlanta 1959 Metropolitan Parkway SW Atlanta, GA 30315 (Less than 10 minutes away from the Host Hotel) www.MetroPlexATL.com Bowling, Roller Skating, Basketball, & Indoor Playground all in ONE place! Prices: 2 Day Pre-Paid Ticket: $10.00 per person for both days 1 Day Pre-Paid Ticket: $7.50 per person On-Site Admission: $10.00 each day, per person **Pre-Paid Tickets can be purchased at the Registration Table. For more information, see a NYFC Officer or Committee Member.**

Registration is open Daily from 9:00am-4:00pm & After Evening Services


Please support our Conference Vendors


Friday August

Nat’l Youth for Christ Election Day


Corporate Prayer Location: Main Ballroom


Children’s Church (Ages 2-10) Location: TBA


Nat’l Graduate Recognition Service Location: Main Ballroom Presiding: Sister Sonjia Davis, Chair Speakers: Deacon Charles Bell, Esq. & Missionary Zylpha Pryor Bell, Esq. Atlanta Metro WOTCC, Stone Mountain, GA


NYFC Concurrent Sessions

•  Daughters of Destiny - “Against All Odds” Intermediate Ladies Location: TBA Facilitator: First Lady Wanda Mintz Single Ladies Location: TBA

Facilitator: First Lady Myeesha Page

Married Ladies Location: TBA

Facilitator: First Lady LaRon Howard

•  Sons of Zion - “Against All Odds” Intermediate Men Location: TBA Facilitator: Elder Christopher S. Hairston Single Men Location: TBA

Facilitator: Elder Johnathan Mintz

Married Men Location: TBA

Facilitator: Elder Kevin Porter, Sr.


Mid-Day Youth Revival Service - Part 2 Presiding: District Elder Troy Carter Music: NYFC Praise & Worship Team Speaker: Elder Mark Moore, Jr. Faith Covenant Church, Atlanta, GA Presentations: Nat’l Junior YFC & Children’s Church Ministry (Missionary Alandra Abrams, Coordinator) n



NYFC Business Meeting & Awards Ceremony Location: Main Ballroom Presiding: Elder Travell Travis, Esq. NYFC President *Local YFC Annual Reports & Contributions are due at this meeting*


Nat’l Young Adult Youth for Christ Service MC: Deacon Daniel Millner, Y.A. President Music: Nat’l Young Adult Mass Choir Speaker: Bishop Bennett Gamble, Sr. NYFC First Vice President New Beginning WOTCC, Washington, DC


Evening Worship Service Presiding: Bishop Eric L. Cannady NYFC Second Vice President Music: Nat’l Youth for Christ Mass Choir Speaker: Elder Joel Urshan First Apostolic Church, Cincinnati, OH

11:00pm - 2:00am

Late Night Youth Fellowship

MetroPlex Atlanta 1959 Metropolitan Parkway SW Atlanta, GA 30315 (Less than 10 minutes away from the Host Hotel) www.MetroPlexATL.com Bowling, Roller Skating, Basketball, & Indoor Playground all in ONE place! Prices: 2 Day Pre-Paid Ticket: $10.00 per person for both days 1 Day Pre-Paid Ticket: $7.50 per person On-Site Admission: $10.00 each day, per person **Pre-Paid Tickets can be purchased at the Registration Table. For more information, see a NYFC Officer or Committee Member.**

Registration is open Daily from 9:00am-4:00pm & After Evening Services

*Program is subject to change.*


Please support our Conference Vendors


Welcome to The Way of the Cross Church, Int’l

Consolation Evangelistic Ministries, Inc. (Mt. Hope Community Center • 104 Pushaw Sta. Rd. • Sunderland, MD 20689)


raise the Lord Way of the Cross Family! We greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Sister Carol Jean and I are humbled, yet excited as we embark upon this journey of Consolation Evangelistic Ministries. This ministry was born from the message of St. Matthew 9:35-38. It’s foundation is built upon the doctrine of the Apostles and the Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone. After 38 years of serving in the Kingdom of God, under the banner of The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, Int’l, we now enter into this era of the destiny that God has planned for us. We are thankful to God for our father in the gospel, Bishop Jacob A. Green, and each pastor that has contributed to our spiritual growth and development. The call of God to serve the people of God, and the world at large, is directing our path, with a spirit of compassion and consolation for all people. We solicit your prayers, as we attempt to fulfill this God given mandate upon our lives. We love you, and look forward to serving and fellowshipping with you, as we await the return of Christ. In the Master’s Service,

Elder Charles & Elect Lady Carol Jean Hall Elder Charles & Elect Lady Carol Jean Hall Pastor & Founders of Consolation Evangelistic Ministries, Inc. Consolation Evangelistic Ministries, Inc. P.O. Box 1208 • Lusby, MD 20657

Welcome to The Way of the Cross Church, Int’l

Welcome to The Way of the Cross Church, Int’l

Destiny Way of the Cross Church

403 Strand Industrial Drive • Little River, SC • (843) 382-9820 Elder Levern Fulton, Founder & Pastor


lder Levern Fulton, an anointed man of God, is the Pastor and Founder of Destiny Way of the Cross Church located in Little River, South Carolina. Destiny WOTCC was a vision given to him by God in July 1999. For the last 36 years he has been married to Missionary Towanna Fulton, whose encouragement helped him to grow Destiny Way of the Cross Church. Elder Fulton was baptized in the name of Jesus and received the gift of the Holy Ghost in 1982. He is well armed for ministry with John 14:6 as the church’s scripture theme, and God as the author and finisher of every step along the way. He is also a graduate of the Evangelistic Temple Bible College of Kingstree, South Carolina where he earned his Bachelors Degree in Theology. He continued to press for the prize and received his Masters in Theology from BBI Bible Institution of Florence, South Carolina. Elder Fulton is well prepared for the soul saving journey both spiritually and naturally. In addition to his spiritual education, he is well versed and educated in Basic Electricity, Brick Mason, Hydraulics, Basic Welding, Stick Welding, Tig & Mig Welding, Hazardous Materials, Blood Borne Pathogens, High Level Rescue, and Search & Rescue. In the midst of developing the vision of Destiny Way of the Cross Church, Elder and Missionary Fulton made sure to continually instill a solid Holy Ghost foundation into their son and daughter, Deacon Bertram Jemil Fulton (wife, Missionary Stacey Fulton) and First Lady Myeesah Tavoya Page (husband, District Elder Elijah D. Page); as well as their grandchildren, Jalen E. Page, Jahki E. Page and Myell T. Page.

Welcome to The Way of the Cross Church, Int’l

Elder Paul Dunbar, Pastor

Bishop Manuel Ahimas, Pastor

True Vine WOTCC

Soul Winning Church of India

Philadelphia, PA

Triuandrum, India



Outstanding Seniors of the WOTCC

Zellen Cook


Mother Zellen Bynum Cook was born on September 1, 1910 to the late Willie and Bertha Summers Bynum in Lexington, South Carolina. She was the second of ten children. She suddenly left this earthly life on Sunday, October 28, 2012. Young Zellen was educated in Lexington County Public School System in South Carolina. As a child, she attended Springfield A.M.E. Church in South Carolina. On January 20, 1927, the late James Cook asked Zellen Bynum to join him in holy matrimony. She was a devoted wife and a dedicated mother. From this union 16 children were born – seven in South Carolina and nine in Washington, DC: William, Bertha, Robert, Carrie, Davie, Mamie, Miles, Paul, Zellen, Sylis, Kenneth, Isabelle, Yvonne, John, Juanita, and Saleem (Cornelius). During the 1930s, during the Great Depression, Mother Zellen and James moved to Washington, DC, while Zellen’s parents and siblings migrated to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to seek better job opportunities. In 1938, Zellen was baptized at The Way of the Cross Church of Christ and was a devoted member like her husband James; who was known as a fearless worker in the church. Throughout her years, she served on various ministries including: Women’s Council, Pastor’s Aide, Golden Age, Radio Club, Floral Club, and The WOTC Chorus. She adored her pastor, Bishop Alphonzo D. Brooks, he affectionately called her “his girlfriend”. For those who knew Mother Cook, she was mentally sharp, even in her centennial years. Some would say, she had the memory of an elephant; and could remember special dates and birthdays without any reminders. Her favorite color was yellow, which complimented her bright and loving spirit. She lived up to her last name and

could really cook! She also had a sense of humor that would make you cry from laughing. On one occasion, the late Dorothy Height and her both received an award for Women of Excellence; Dr. Height spoke first, but once Mother Cook took the stage, she immediately said, “That lady took all my time!” Mother Cook had a regimen of reading a daily bread, watching the Price is Right, and listening to her spirituals on WYCB 1340; recently switching to FM 104.1. Before resting for the evening she had to watch her favorite shows, Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, and the local news. For special occasions, she loved to visit Old Country Buffet, in Annapolis, MD to have dinner. Over the years, people were amazed by her age and asked, what she attributed to her longevity. Mother Cook would respond saying, “By minding my own business and leaving everyone else’s alone!” Mother Zellen Cook leaves her legacy and cherished memories to her children; six sons: William Sr., Robert (Gertrude), Davie Sr., Sylis (Barbara), Kenneth (Denise), and Henry (Cathy); six daughters: Carrie Dodson, Mamie Sanders, Zellen Woodson, Isabelle McMillian, Yvonne (Ollie) Davis, and Juanita (John) Powell; two daughter in-laws: Trudy and Carmen; 70 grandchildren; 88 great grandchildren; 14 great-great grandchildren; three sisters: Laura Glover, Willie Ray Jones, and Zelma Frisby; two brothers: James and Benjamin Bynum; three godchildren: Zellen Richardson, Doris Handy, Bertha Simon, and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends. Loved ones who preceded her in death: husband, James; daughter, Bertha; sons, Miles, Paul, and Saleem; son in-law, Sandy; grandchildren, Andre, Kenneth Jr., William III, Keith Sr., Tyrus, and Michelle; thee brothers, Hervie, Henry, William Bynum; one sister, Thelma Overton, and one god-daughter, Olivia Brooks.

Outstanding Seniors of the WOTCC


Orbie Ricks

Mother Orbie Ricks was born to Etta and Arthur Hill on May 31, 1912 in the little town of Ray City, Georgia. She was the oldest of seven children: three sisters (Rosie, Marine, Ruby) and three brothers (CJ, Sam, and Roosevelt). Her younger sister, Mother Ruby Pittman, is her only surviving sibling. And her daughter, Sadie, is her only surviving child. Mother Ricks and her entire family moved to North Carolina when she was between six or seven years old. She was baptized at the Red Hill Baptist Church at the age of nine. On May 6, 1930, she married Octavious Lyons and later became the mother of six children: Florine, Acie, Buddy, Clarence, Edward, and Sadie. (Sadie is her only surviving daughter). In 1954, she married Charles Ricks and the family moved to Baltimore in 1956. (Mother Ricks was among the first persons to receive a Social Security Card in 1936).

Mother Ricks officially retired at the age of sixty-five (65) but continued to work until she was in her mid-80s—first as a childcare provider and later as a housekeeper/companion for elderly women. Under the leadership of Bishop Morris R. Lane, Mother Ricks joined the Refuge Church of God in 1962. There she was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ and received the precious gift of the Holy Ghost shortly afterwards. During testimony service, Mother Ricks often referred to her encounter of hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached for the first time. Desiring to be delivered from smoking and drinking, she went up to the altar and asked for healing of a headache. As she continued to yield herself to Lord, she experienced healing of both body and soul! No doubt from that experience, one her most quoted scriptures became “… if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new).” (II Corinthians 5:17) After the Refuge Church of God closed its doors, Mother Ricks joined True Way Apostolic Church (which later became a part of The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International). Under her pastor, Elder Lemuel Fuller, she remained an active and faithful member until his death in 1997. In 2003, she began attending the Refuge Way of the Cross Church pastored by Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, Sr. and officially joined on July 7, 2005. Mother Ricks possessed the gift of encouragement and found

great pleasure in giving sound advice to anyone who asked. Even as a centurion, she was faithful to Prayer Service (and had the ability to kneel on her knees for the duration of time), Bible Class, Sunday School, Sunday AM and Sunday PM services. It was her desire to be found in the House of the Lord, whenever the doors were open. Mother Ricks loved to sing and was recognized for her extensive repertoire of hymns. At the age of eighty-nine (89) the Lord blessed her to pen and produce a CD entitled, “Nobody Else But Jesus”. Remarkably, at the age of one hundred (100) she remembered every word of any song she chose to sing! She also especially loved to pray, which normally began between 4 or 5 o’clock each day. She believed in the healing power of the Lord and found assurance in reciting (what she referred to as her) “Healing Scriptures every day. Many years ago when diagnosed with cancer, she called her pastor, Bishop Lane for advice. He told her, “Let’s give God a chance”. She happily reported that she never had to take that operation! She was a saint who obeyed her pastor and trusted in the Lord. Among her most favorite quotes were “Give God the Glory” along with “Everything that you do, let it be real”! This Mother of Zion often wore white and honorably served as chaplain of the Senior Fellowship Choir. Remarkably until the age of one hundred (100), Mother Ricks proudly lived alone. During her final days, she was cared for in a nursing facility; however, the nurses who at the facility seemed baffled as they conveyed that she “sang all day long”! At the end of a visit that Bishop Cannady had with her in the early part of May 2013, we were told that she sang during his entire stay. Upon departure, Sister Vivian Person told her that they were leaving but that she would be praying for her. Not aware of much of the rest of her surroundings, she grabbed onto that statement and replied, “You will”? Those words quickly inspired her and in her quiet voice, they heard her singing that old familiar hymn, “You pray for me and I’ll pray for you”, as they left the building. On June 6, 2013, (six days after reaching her one hundred and one (101) birthdays, this precious Woman of God fell asleep in the Lord. Although Mother Ricks was small in stature, the Refuge Way of the Cross Church recognizes Mother Orbie Ricks as a Giant in the Word and in the Faith. The memory of her faithfulness encourages each of us to continue to walk in the beauty of Holiness, knowing that the prize is at the end!

Outstanding Seniors of the WOTCC

Mother Sophie Livingston Brodie Born: January 7, 1930 Favorite Scripture: Psalms 34:1 Favorite Song: “Jesus Is Mine”

Mother Dorothy Macon Born: July 27, 1927 Favorite Song: “The Old Rugged Cross” Favorite Scripture: Psalms121

Outstanding Seniors of the WOTCC

Brother Russell Person Born: March 19, 1930 Favorite Scripture: Psalms 100 Favorite Song: “Down at the Cross”

Mother Martha Hargrove Born: July 21, 1920 Favorite Scripture: Psalms 100 Favorite Song: “Amazing Grace” Deacon John Norman & Rose Marie Kearney Match Made in Heaven, Living Happily Ever After!

Born: February 24, 1927 • September 23, 1928 Favorite Scripture: St. John 14:14 • Psalms 23 Favorite Song: “Some How I Made It”

Mother Lucy Fogg Born: March 23, 1931 Favorite Scripture: St John 14:1 Favorite Song: “One Day At A Time”

Mother Martha Bernice Davis Refuge WOTCC, Baltimore, MD Favorite Songs: “Jesus Never Fails” “I Promised the Lord (Hold Out)” Favorite Scriptures: Psalm 70; Psalm 91; & Psalm 92

Mother Meta Candice Cannady Refuge WOTCC, Baltimore, MD Favorite Songs: “It is Well With My Soul” “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand” Favorite Scripture: Psalm 23

Missionary Helen Artis

Gates of Praise WOTCC, Hampton, VA Favorite Song: “Lord I Just Want to Thank You” Church Activities: Charter Member, Church Mother, Missionary Treasurer, Missionary Praise Team, Sisterhood Ministry, Bread of Life Ministry

Mother Elizabeth Blue Born: January 10, 1929 Favorite Song: “Give Me My Flowers” Favorite Scripture: Psalms 27


Mother Ruth Hicks Born: June 2, 1924 Favorite Scripture: John 14:1-4 Favorite Song: “Down at the Cross”

Brother Henry Lee Henderson Born: December 27, 1930 Favorite Scripture: Ephesians 6:1 Favorite Song: “Lord Don’t Let Me Fail”

- Greater Ransom Way of the Cross Temple • Henderson, NC -

About Missionary Artis: Missionary Helen Artis is 75 years old and married to Brother Lee Stanley Artis (pictured). She is the mother of 4 children and grandmother/great-grandmother to a host of grandchildren/great-grands. She has been a member of the Gates of Praise Church since it’s establishment and has been a major part of the ministry ever since.


Outstanding Seniors of the WOTCC

The Way of the Cross Leads Home

Lyrics: Jessie Brown Pounds

Jesse Hairston deacon


Music: Charles H. Gabriel

I must needs go home By the way of the cross, There’s no other way but this; I shall ne’er get sight Of the gates of light, If the way of the cross I miss. The way of the cross leads home, The way of the cross leads home, It is sweet to know As I onward go, The way of the cross leads home. I must needs go on In the blood sprinkled way, The path that the Savior trod; If I ever climb To the heights sublime, Where the soul is at home with God. The way of the cross leads home, The way of the cross leads home, It is sweet to know As I onward go, The way of the cross leads home. Then I bid farewell To the way of the world, To walk in it never more; For the Lord says, Come, And I seek my home, Where He waits at the open door.


The way of the cross leads home, The way of the cross leads home, It is sweet to know As I onward go, The way of the cross leads home.


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