WOTCC Holy Convocation Magazine 2014

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The Way of the Cross Church of

table of

Christ, International

contents page


Official Letters of Greetings


The Mother Church: Bishop H. C. Brooks Mother Willie Brooks


Ransom WOTCC: Bishop J. L. Brooks Mother Laura Brooks



Holy Convocation Program


Sacred Service Program


Convocation Speaker: Elder Tyquan Sparks


Convocation Speaker: Bishop Lambert Gates


Bethel WOTCC Bishop Jacob Green Mother Arnetta Green


Shiloh WOTCC Bishop Harry Eggleston Mother Millie Eggleston


“My Tribute...”


CED Israel Tour 2014

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Convocation Committee “The Way of the Cross Leads Home”

Hyatt Dulles Hotel

2300 Dulles Corner Blvd Herndon, Virginia



70th Holy


P Letter from the



raise the Lord and congratulations to The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International—this great body of believers whose roots dig deep into the rich fibers of the Apostolic Doctrine. Welcome to the 70th General Holy Convocation! With great expectation, each of us has traveled to Herndon, Virginia to enjoy sweet fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Nothing on earth can compare with the joy that we glean from a firm handshake, a warm embrace, and especially the anointing that we expect to fall throughout this week of services. My special thanks are extended to Bishop Carl Miller and the entire Convocation staff for their tremendous efforts that have been demonstrated towards the success of this event. What a blessing it is to have such a diligent committee who has proven faithful in their many commitments. During the past twenty-nine (29) years, it has been my pleasure to humbly serve you as the Presiding Bishop of an organization that I proudly esteem as “second to none”. Upon the onset of my installation, I quickly put my trust in the God who lead our past leaders: Bishop Henry C. Brooks (Founder/1st Presider), Bishop John L. Brooks (2nd Presider), and Bishop Harry C. Eggleston (3rd Presider). I asked the Lord to be with me, just as He had been with my forefathers. Though much has transpired down through the years, His assurance and presence has always sustained me. Saints, it has always been my aspiration to “stay on the foundation” that has already been established. I thank God that I have never tried to waiver or alter the clear and precise directions that I promised to uphold and “I’m afraid to make any changes now”! I would like to acknowledge the unfailing support that has been extended to me by Bishop Alphonzo D. Brooks and Bishop Earley Dillard, our Vice Presiding Bishops. Thank you for helping to shoulder the unlimited burdens that this office faces. Honor and recognition are also bestowed upon the late: Bishop James C. Jackson, Bishop James A. Hicks, Bishop Jacob A. Green, and Bishop John Williams, Sr. who stood by my side for many years. Without a doubt, it took the relentless support of each of these vice presiders, officers, and committee members to bring us to where we are today. And to all the members of the Executive Board of Bishops, Trustees, Youth for Christ, Missionaries, Deacons, and to each of you, “May God continue to bless you”. Not only this week, but within the weeks ahead, I encourage you to consider this year’s theme, “Keep Marching: Your Future is Brighter Than Your Past”, with urgency. With the corruptions that face the church today; it is crucial that we set our affections on things above and not on this earth. Pastors, leaders, and members, your destiny lies within your own hands. I am fully persuaded that “The Way of the Cross Leads Home”. With Brotherly Love let us be determined to band ourselves together and accelerate our speed to do greater works for the Master than ever before! Your humble servant,

Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, Sr. Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, Sr.


70th Holy


“I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will show forth all thy marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in thee; I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High” (Psalm 9:1-2)

Letter from the



Praise the Lord, saints of God!! It is truly a joy to greet you on the occasion of the 70th Annual Holy Convocation of The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International! Seventy years ago, when our convocations began, the saints of God made great sacrifices to come and fellowship with each other and to rejoice before the Lord. Throughout our history, convocations have been a mighty source of inspiration. This year is no different. We expect to have a good time in the Lord and to greet our brothers and sisters with great rejoicing. I am so excited about it! Just think about it--We have existed as an organization of churches for seventy years, and look where God has brought us! When I think of God’s goodness, I just want to shout. Seventy years! One of God’s hallmarks, one of His perfect numbers. Let it be a hallmark for us too, and let us continue. God bless you all, and have a great convocation. His servant,

Alphonzo D. Brooks Bishop Alphonzo D. Brooks 1st Vice Presiding Bishop

I highly appreciate and thank the Convocation Chairman, staff and committee for their tireless efforts in working so diligently for this great and glorious occasion. May you forever be blessed is my prayer. Saints let’s “Keep marching, your future is brighter than your past”. Rejoice and continue to trust and serve the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Not only does God ask that we choose to serve Him, but He also asks that we take the message of salvation to others. The world needs the gospel of Jesus Christ, and we as a body of believers serve as that doorway. We must stand firm on the Apostolic Doctrine and the Word. Let us come together in unity and love one another so the world will see our love for God as we express it from our hearts and righteous living. Our love for Jesus Christ will shine as a beacon in the midst of the darkness of this world, so the lost may be drawn to the light of Jesus Christ they see shining from within us. Let us come together and pray for a mighty move of God during this week of convocation and throughout the days ahead. I love you and May the Lord bless you in abundance. In Christ’s Service,

Bishop Earley Dillard Bishop Earley Dillard 2nd Vice Presiding Bishop

70th Holy

Welcome to the70th Holy Convocation of The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International! I count it a great blessing to be able to come together again with the Saints of the Most High God. We are looking forward to a wonderful and glorious time in Jesus name, praying that each service will be spiritually beneficial and strengthening to your souls.




oly greetings in the precious Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

Letter from the




70th Holy


Letter from the




raise the Lord! Welcome and greetings to all of the saints and visitors who have come from far and near. Herndon, Virginia will never be the same as a result of this great 70th Holy Convocation that we are celebrating this week. The convocation theme, “Keep Marching, Your Future is Brighter Than Your Past,� reflects our determination to advance in the kingdom of God, empower the believers and reach the lost as we endeavor to win the world to Christ. Our theme scripture reminds us that though we have come through many dangers, toils and snares, we are persuaded to continue on, inseparable from our Lord and we can rest assured that the victory is ours through Jesus Christ who loves us. Seventy years is a great milestone and a time to pause, reflect and celebrate the things our wonderful God has done for us. It is also time to anticipate and prepare for the next move of God in our lives and in The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International. As your General Secretary, I welcome you and offer my assistance to make this a great Holy Convocation. My staff and I stand ready to assist you as needed. In His Service,

Bishop Ronald A. Frazier Bishop Ronald A. Frazier

I would also like to thank all of our guest, visitors, and friends who have come from far and near. Your presence means so much to us and we pray the Lord’s blessings upon you. As you go through this week, expect God to do the miraculous and extraordinary in your life. Keep marching; keep moving; keep going. Your future looks so much brighter, than your past. In His Service,

Bishop Carl W. Miller Bishop Carl W. Miller

70th Holy

It takes planning and dedication to bring such a great event together. I would like to thank our Presiding Bishop, Executive Board of Bishops, General Secretary; Co-Convocation Chair, Sister Vivian Person; Convocation Secretary, Sister Judy Fogg; and all of the Convocation Officers and Committee Members for their hard work and dedication to make this a great Holy Convocation for all!




raise the Lord saints of the Most High God! I welcome you to The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, Int’l 70th Holy Convocation. As we gather to remember what the Lord has done for this organization in 70 years, our hearts and minds are full of gratitude and expectancy. We are on the precipice of a mighty outpouring of God’s power in the week ahead. Let us be on one accord, being persuaded that this convocation will be the event that changes lives, families, and ministries through the mighty manifestation of the Lord’s Spirit! Our prayer is for souls to be transformed, reformed, and informed for the Glory of God.

Convocation Letter from the



70th Holy


The Mother Church Washington, DC


enry Chauncey Brooks was born on July 17, 1896 in Franklinton, NC to Robert and Frances Brooks. After the untimely death of his father, he moved to Washington, DC in 1912 at the age of 16 with his sister, Leora Hamilton. Unbeknownst to him, the move to Washington would be the road the Lord planned for his salvation.

70th Holy




70th Holy


In 1917, he entered the military serving in World War I in the United States Navy. After an honorable discharge in 1919, he returned to Kittrell, NC to marry his fiancée of two years, Willie Shaw Dunston on Christmas Day. From this union, they were blessed with twelve children; Isabel B. Ford, John H. Brooks, Essie B. Lindsay, Ruth B. Lancaster, Joseph Brooks, Bertha B. Simon, Evelean Cook, Bernard Brooks, Willie R. Brooks, Naomi Postell, Olivia Yelder, and Alphonzo D. Brooks. In 1925, there was a revival at 31st and H Street, NW Washington, DC which was conducted by Elder Robert Watts of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Bishop R. C. Lawson was the Presiding Bishop at that time. Henry’s sister informed him of the revival and tried to instruct him on the baptism in Jesus Name. He d i d not accept her instruction and was determined to attend the revival to attack the preacher. After studying the word, he and his niece Rose Belle Howard attended the service. When the preacher made the altar call, Henry put his hand up to ask a question. However before he could speak, God took hold of his tongue. The preacher asked him if he wanted to be saved, and he answered “yes”. The preacher then asked, “When”? Henry answered, “Now”. That night he was

baptized in the name of Jesus. Six months later he was called to preach. Even though he had been baptized in the name of Jesus, he was still attending a Baptist Church. So, they eventually put him out. In 1926, he started his first church named Emmanuel Tabernacle, which was located at 4th and W Street, NW Washington, DC. After being there five months, he was informed that he had to leave because another church had purchased the building. This caused the small congregation to be scattered. For approximately three months he went without any accommodations. He stored the church equipment in the home of Charles and Alice Johnson, (his brother-in-law and Sister), at 3rd and Q Street, NW. This is where the church reorganized. The membership consisted of his wife, Willie Shaw Dunston Brooks, their three children at that time; Isabel, John and Essie, Charles and Alice Johnson, Rose Belle Howard and Lovie Foster Brown. On the night of February 28, 1927, The Way of the Cross Church of Christ was started; however the name was not given until they located the building at 2nd and P Street, NW. The owner asked for what purpose they would be using the building, and Bishop Brooks answered, “A church”. He asked Deacon Bruce for a name. Deacon Bruce replied, “The Way of The Cross”. Until that time, they had only been regarded as the Church of Christ. Combined, we now have The Way of the Cross Church of Christ. The Lord blessed tremendously, and in approximately one year, the building at 2nd and P Street, NW was filled to capacity. As a result, they were required to find another place to worship. They moved to 21st and M Street, NW. This building had a seating capacity of 300. After seven years there, it was also filled to capacity. One of the charter members, Samuel M. Cole, told Bishop Brooks about a building at 4th and Virginia Avenue, SE Washington, DC. Bishop Brooks and Elder Alexander R. Harris went to see the building. As they sat in the 3rd bench in the middle aisle the Lord told Bishop Brooks to claim it. At that time in Washington, DC, no other Pentecostal or Apostolic ministry worshipped in an actual church building. Moreover in 1935, God blessed Bishop Brooks and the congregation to purchase the property. The church remained there until 1963, when they were required to move due to the construction of the Interstate highway. In need of a place to worship, by the leading of the Lord Bishop Brooks found the building at 9th and D Street NE, Washington, DC. He inquired of the current pastor if the building was for sale and was told that they had just completed $100,000 worth of renovations, so they had no intention of selling. Bishop Brooks told the pastor that the Lord sent him there. He contacted an agent and the next Sunday, The Way of the Cross Church of Christ membership worshipped in the building. Today, we continue to worship in the same building. Bishop was a man of great faith, who always sought the Lord in everything. He went on to be with the Lord on June 12, 1967.

Mother Willie Shaw Dunston Brooks


he anticipation of celebrating 70 years of Holy Convocation has caused a spirit of reflection to engulf The Way of the Cross Church of Christ. One cannot consider the history of The Way of the Cross without remembering Mother Willie Brooks. Being one of the five persons who co-founded The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, this article seems an appropriate vehicle to share part of her story. As quoted in the October 1960 issue of The Messenger, here is her story:

cousin, I met the man who was to become my husband, Henry Chauncey Brooks. Six months later, he went away for two years--most of this time he was in the U.S. Navy. We were married when he was discharged, making our home on a farm in Franklinton, North Carolina, for two years. During that time we had one child [Isabell]. Later we moved to Washington, DC [where the rest of our children were born].

When I heard about Holiness, I gladly accepted it, for I I was born in North Carolina about eight miles from knew it was something I did not have. Psalm 102 says, Kittrell. There were four boys and three girls in my family. “Serve the Lord with gladness.” Soon after I was saved, I attended the Concord Grade School. My the Lord called my husband to the two younger brothers and I had to walk “I am not serving ministry. Since then, I have tried to help two miles to school everyday. I loved him in every way that I can. When he the Lord because Sunday School and attended regularly. started his own church, the children At the age of eleven I was baptized and and I would attend services regularly. I see others joined the Baptist Church. Even though It was not easy to bring four [or more] doing it, I had to walk two miles to church, I very children to church every night and but I am serving seldom missed going on Sunday. On all day Sunday, from Sunday School two different occasions I was appointed Him for myself.” through evening worship. It was a lot of delegate for the Baptist Sunday School hard work and a great sacrifice. At that Mother Willie Brooks Convention. time, I sometimes did not have money to buy sufficient clothes for the children, My father owned a big plantation, so I had to work on so I made most of their clothes, sometimes remaking old the farm. We worked very hard. When we had rainy days, clothes. The Lord kept me encouraged because I wanted we would help can fruit and also prepare it to be dried my children brought up in Holiness. I am not serving the when the days were sunny. My hobbies were sewing and Lord because I see others doing it, but I am serving Him growing flowers. During my leisure time, I would raise for myself. I am serving Him with joy in my heart, and I beautiful flowers and also make dresses for my mother know it will continue to be better as I continue in the way and sister. I learned to sew when I was young by making of Holiness. doll clothes. During some of the winter months, school was closed, so we used to make quilts and blankets to be Frequently, Mother Wille Brooks was heard to say that, used in the home. “Even if there were no hereafter, I would serve the Lord for the joy I get in this present life.” She was a beautiful My parents were very strict and religious. They brought example of a holy woman of God. me up the same way I am living now, although they did not know about Holiness. One day, while visiting a

Open Heart

Way of the Cross Church District Elder Troy Carter, Pastor


salms 118:23 - Our God has done exceeding, abundant, above all we could ask or think according to the power that works within us and I am literally amazed by what God has done for Open Heart Way of the Cross Church within the span of 5 years. You see five years ago our church was renting a church building off St. Barnabas Road in Oxon Hill, MD, which we had been at for 7 years, but we were faithful to our God. We had aspirations and dreams of having our own, but with just a handful of consistent givers we could only depend on our God to give us favor to transition from renting to being owners of our own property, but it seemed so far fetched with our limited membership and finances. I can vividly remember God laying on my heart to begin to search for a place of worship and on the wings of faith and trusting in the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I launched out into the deep. Thankfully the Lord had a place in mind for us, and while it required major renovations and wasn’t the ideal of location for parking, or outreach, the Lord gave us favor and we were able to purchase our own building - 6803 Marlboro Pike, District Heights, MD. After being in this location for 5 years the Lord began to speak again, and while at work I heard Him speak into my spirit, “If you build it, I will fill it”; I literally started to cry, but it was upon this unction of the Holy Spirit that I began looking for another place of worship. With the church membership steadily growing, my first inclination was to find a large building to accommodate the growth for today; that made sense to me. Well God had another plan, you see God knew that my thought was to accommodate today’s growth, but He in his divine wisdom had today’s and tomorrow’s growth in mind. Thus God blocked my attempts to find what I thought was best for the church because He had something much better in mind. My plan was to sell our existing church, buy a new building, renovate it into a church, and hope that it’s in a spot that had parking, community access, and possible room for growth later, BUT GOD, who always amazes me had a much better plan already in the works. God’s plan included our church keeping our existing property, purchasing a property with an almost new church building on it, functional house, and 3.6 acer of land. This plan would allow us to accomodate today’s growth while preparing for tomorrow’s growth, placing us in the middle of a community, having more than enough parking options, being able to lease our old church to another ministry while still being able to hold services in it, and most importantly having the ability to afford both properties without having to compromise the integrity of the gospel we preach. I tell you Psalms 11:23 sums it up best - This is the LORD’S doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. Today I sincerely thank God for making another way for our church and allowing us to reach a place in ministry most churches never achieve. If I didn’t know before that the Lord is with Open Heart Way of the Cross Church, I KNOW NOW. Let us continue in the WORD and use what God has given us to do even greater works in the name of Jesus!!!!

70th Holy



Ransom Way of the

Cross Church North Carolina


ishop John Luke Brooks was saved under the leadership of Bishop Henry Chauncey Brooks and was pastoring in Loraine, Ohio. While conducting a revival for Bishop John Luke Brooks, Bishop Henry C. Brooks asked God for a vision concerning this particular church. The following is a synopsis of the vision given to him by God:... “Give Me This Mountain - A Leap of Faith� Author: Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, Sr.

70th Holy




70th Holy


“We were in the river catching fish with a net. When the net was full to capacity, we would go to the bank and pour the fish out. The fish would flutter and go right back into the mud. We would go back and do the same thing again and again. We would catch fish until the net was full, carry the fish to the bank, dump them onto the ground, the fish would flutter and go right back into the mud again. This procedure took place all night long.” Bishop Henry C. Brooks told the dream and the interpretation to (then) Elder John Brooks. His interpretation was that souls were joining the church; however, they did not remain faithful. With a burning desire to preach the Word of God that souls might be saved, Bishop John Luke Brooks immediately left the steel mills in Loraine, Ohio and relocated to North Carolina to pastor and to the livelihood of farming. However, because he was not an experienced farmer, he suffered physically in the hot sun without consistent help. Bishop John Luke Brooks was a “long-winded preacher”, especially on Sunday mornings. He would normally begin his sermon at 1:00pm and would still be preaching by 3:00pm. The saints would return for Sunday night services, and he would preach two more hours. We also had services on Tuesday and Friday nights. The members of the church were farmers who did not have a lot of money, but did have a passion and a burning desire to hear the Word of God. I can remember seeing Bishop Brooks go to the Tithes Box many times and find no monetary contributions. Somehow he would smile and keep trusting God so he could be a good steward to support and maintain the church. In the beginning, there was no baptism pool in the church. We had to travel to the river or pond to effectively baptize people. Shortly thereafter, Bishop Brooks decided to build a pool in the church with the assistance of the late Bishop Myles Meredith and the other brothers in the church. It was

quite a job. The people worked hard and finally the pool was finished. Upon completion, however, we faced the problem of filling the new pool with water. So what did we do? We had to haul water from the river on wagons to fill the pool. The distance was about four miles, but with four or five wagons, it made the job easier. I distinctly remember how very happy everyone was the day we first filled the baptismal pool. The look of amazement on Bishop Brooks’ face was worth all of the hard work we endured while constructing this pool. Bishop John Luke Brooks was a tough man. I never saw him bow to the works of the enemy. He pastured the Ransom Way of the Cross Church from 1946 to 1967. In 1967, the founder of The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, Bishop Henry C. Brooks, went home to be with the Lord and Bishop John Brooks became the Second Presiding Bishop. While serving in this capacity, Bishop John Brooks was faced with many more tough times. However, he didn’t give in to the devices of the enemy. He was a strong, dedicated and determined man in the works of the ministry. Bishop John Brooks pastored Ransom for twenty-one years and pastored the Mother Church in Washington, DC for ten years. He led the church to victory in times of extreme difficulty. Due to the unexpected death of Bishop Henry C. Brooks, the storms of life blew strongly against the Mother Church. Yet, Bishop John Brooks exemplifed the ability to guide the ship on the rough waters of the high seas and managed to keep the ship afloat. I personally heard Bishop Henry Brooks say to Bishop John Brooks, “When I am gone home to be with the Lord, make sure you don’t change anything regarding the doctrine of the church.” As the Second Presiding Bishop, Bishop John Luke Brooks led The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International from 1967 to 1981. The Lord called Bishop John L. Brooks home after many years of labor in 1981. Taken from the autobiography: “Give Me This Mountain - A Leap of Faith” Author: Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, Sr.

In 1937, Mother Brooks received the gift of the Holy Ghost, speaking in unknown tongues as the Spirit of God gave the utterance, and later that year, helped her husband start a church in Lorain, Ohio. Working beside him, she labored with souls and taught them the Word of God. The couple spent eight years in Lorain and then he was called to pastor the Ransom Way of the Cross Church in their hometown of North Carolina. Mother Brooks continued her work as a Missionary, serving the people of God with great hospitality. She loved to coordinate the church dining room. She came to be known as the “preacher’s friend”, for she fed ministers as if they were royalty and was always in the preacher’s “corner”, if she felt he was in the right.

70th Holy

After Mother Brooks and her family moved to Lorain, they joined the Second Baptist Church and she became President of the Missionaries. In August 1936, Mother Brooks and her husband visited her brother, Bishop Henry Chauncey Brooks, who had started a church in the District of Columbia. There they heard about the baptism in Jesus’ name, as recorded in the Book of Acts, chapter two. The couple accepted this truth and was baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. Upon learning of this, the Second Baptist Church in Lorain dismissed them as members.



other Laura B. Brooks was the wife of Bishop John Luke Brooks (Second Presiding Bishop of The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International). During her childhood, she was always active in church, attending Manassas Chapel in Franklinton, North Carolina. Mother Brooks married John Luke Brooks when she was twentyone (21) years of age. After marriage, the couple lived in the District of Columbia for a while and later moved to Mt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania. They eventually settled in Lorain, Ohio along with their daughter, Betty.


Mother Laura B. Brooks

Mother Brooks had a great love for people, especially young married women, which inspired her to create the Dorcas Club. This club was organized specifically to teach young women how to love their husbands. She taught them how to enrich their marriage and become effective homemakers. She was a wonderful teacher and role model for the young married women in the club, for she truly loved her husband and was not afraid to show it. She spent many hours preparing his favorite foods, making certain he was comfortable and his clothes in order. For years, she washed his shirts by hand, ironing them with a flat iron, making absolutely certain there were no wrinkles, not because he asked her to (for he was a gentle soul who would have accepted much less), but because she loved him and wanted everything to be just right for him. When she came to the Mother Church in Washington, DC in 1968, Mother Brooks accepted her role as wife of the Second Presiding Bishop. She continued her work as a Senior Missionary, once again establishing her beloved Dorcas Club. With her husband, she served the Mother Church for ten years, and when her health began to fail, Bishop John Brooks retired from pastoring and took her home to North Carolina to care for her. Having given a beautiful life of service in the Master’s Vineyard, Mother Laura B. Brooks died in Henderson, North Carolina at the age of 82. Taken from the autobiography: “Give Me This Mountain - A Leap of Faith” Author: Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, Sr.

70th Holy Convocation | August 3-8, 2014


70th Holy


The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International

Convocation Program

Sunday, August 3 4:00pm

Welcome Reception


Opening Service - Virginia Diocese

Presiding: District Elder Alfred Jones P&W: Virginia State Diocese Music: Virginia State Diocese Mass Choir Speaker: Bishop Earley Dillard, Diocesan 2nd Vice Presiding Bishop

Monday, August 4 8:00am

Corporate Prayer

Location: Main Ballroom

8:30am Christian Education Workshop

Dr. H. Michael Seward, Superintendent

2:00pm Nat’l Deacon Board Afternoon Service

Deacon John Kearney, President

Music: Nat’l Deacon Board Choir

Topic: “Growing Towards Spiritual Maturity”

6:00pm Nat’l Deacon Board Evening Service


Music: Nat’l Deacon Board Choirs Speaker: Bishop Darnell Easton Nat’l Deacon Board Auxiliary Bishop Pastor, Bethel WOTCC

Children’s Church (Ages 2-10)

10:00am Nat’l Missionary Department Morning Service

Missionary Cecilia Williams, President

Presiding: Missionary Delphine Easley Music: Nat’l Missionary Choir Topic: “Keep Marching: Your Future is Brighter Than Your Past” Speakers: • Missionary Catherine Cannon • Missionary Linda McCrea • Missionary Maggie Fulton


Deacon John Kearney, President

8:00pm Nat’l Missionary Department Evening Service

Mother Cecilia Williams, President

Presiding: Missionary Maggie Fulton Music: Nat’l Missionary Choir Speaker: Bishop Darrell Hairston Nat’l Missionary Auxiliary Bishop Pastor, Shiloh Temple WOTCC

Mid-Day Revival Service

Presiding: Elder Celister Richardson P&W: United Faith WOTCC Speaker: Elder Alton Pettus Pastor, Evening Light WOTCC Registration is open daily from 9am-4pm & after evening services.

Please support our vendors!

Tuesday, August 5

wednesday, August 6



Corporate Prayer

Location: Main Ballroom

8:30am Elders & Ministers Training

Facilitator: Elder Troy Barnett


Children’s Church (Ages 2-10)


Morning Glory Service

Presiding: Distict Elder Elijah Page P&W: New Dimension WOTCC Speaker: Elder Joshua Wilder New Bethel WOTCC


Mid-Day Revival Service

Presiding: Elder Charles Hall P&W: Consolation Evangelistic WOTCC Speaker: Bishop Hurron Freeman Pastor, Pilgrim WOTCC

2:00pm Christian Education Service & Graduation


Dr. H. Michael Seward, Superintendent

Evening Worship Service - Part 1

Presiding: Minister R. Dargen P&W: New Hope WOTCC Music: New England Diocese Mass Choir Speaker: Bishop Terry A. Hicks, Diocesan Pastor, New Hope WOTCC


Evening Worship Service - Part 2

Presiding: Elder Kevin Porter P&W: Mid-Atlantic Diocese Music: Mid-Atlantic Diocese Mass Choir Speaker: Bishop James Davis, Diocesan Pastor, Mt. Calvary WOTCC

Purchase DVDs from the Media Center Table.

70th Holy

Convocation Program


70th Holy Convocation | #WOTCC70


The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International

Corporate Prayer

Location: Main Ballroom

8:30am Christian Education Breakfast 9:00am

Children’s Church (Ages 2-10)


Morning Glory Service


Mid-Day Revival Service

Presiding: Elder Cleive Adams P&W: Jerusalem WOTCC Speaker: Elder Jonathan Mintz Pastor, Stand for Christ WOTCC Presiding: Bishop Joe Gamble P&W: Sister Tonia Cannady Speaker: District Elder Melvin Easley, Jr. WOTCC National Evangelist

2:00pm Keynote Address from our Presider Presiding: Bishop Earley Dillard 2nd Vice Presiding Bishop Music: WOTCC Mass Choir Speaker: Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, Sr.

*All Saints are asked to be in attendance!*


Evening Worship Service - Part 1


Evening Worship Service - Part 2


WOTCC Reunion Choir Rehearsal

Presiding: Elder J. Chandler P&W: Evangelistic Temple WOTCC Music: South Carolina Diocese Mass Choir Speaker:Bishop Roosevelt Fulton,Diocesan Pastor, Evangelistic Temple WOTCC Presiding: Minister Rontrell Brim P&W: South Carolina State Diocese Music: Nat’l WOTCC Reunion Choir Speaker: Elder Tyquan Sparks Columbia, SC

Health Screenings available from 10am-2pm.

70th Holy Convocation | August 3-8, 2014


70th Holy


The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International

Convocation Program

Thursday, August 7

Friday, August 8



Corporate Prayer

Location: Main Ballroom

Corporate Prayer

Location: Main Ballroom

8:30am Elders & Ministers Training

8:30am Christian Education Workshop


Children’s Church (Ages 2-10)


Children’s Church Presentation


Morning Glory Service


Mid-Day Revival Service


Mid-Day Revival Service

Facilitator: Elder Troy Barnett

Presiding: Elder Harry Woodley Speaker: Elder Olufemi Sotayo Pastor, House of Praise WOTCC Presiding: Elder James Taylor Speaker: Bishop Eugene McCrea Pastor, Praise Temple WOTCC

2:00pm Afternoon Worship Service

Presiding: Elder Alton Pettus Music: Galilee WOTCC Speaker: Bishop Carlos Simon Pastor, Galilee WOTCC


Evening Worship Service - Part 1

Presiding: District Elder C. Lancaster P&W: The Mother Church Music: Mother Church Mass Choir Speaker: Bishop Alphonzo Brooks 1st Vice Presiding Bishop


Evening Worship Service - Part 2

Presiding: Bishop Bennett Gamble, Sr. P&W: New Beginning WOTCC Music: Professor Wilbur Benton & Choir Speaker: Bishop Lambert W. Gates Indianapolis, IN

Purchase DVDs from the Media Center Table.

Dr. H. Michael Seward, Superintendent

Presiding: Bishop Eric Cannady P&W: Sister Tonia Cannady Speaker: Elder Troy Barnett Refuge WOTCC

2:00pm Foreign Mission Service

Presiding: Bishop Eugene McCrea Speaker: Pastor Paul Olstine Soul Winning Church, Trivandrum, India


All Saints Service, Ordination, & Holy Communion

Presiding: Bishop Alphonzo D. Brooks 1st Vice Presiding Bishop P&W: Refuge WOTCC Music: Nat’l WOTCC Mass Choir Speaker: Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, Sr. WOTCC Presiding Bishop

10:00pm Reception Honoring Our Vice Presiders

1st Vice Presiding Bishop Alphonzo D. Brooks & 2nd Vice Presiding Bishop Earley Dillard Location: TBA

Health Screenings available from 10am-2pm.

70th Holy

Convocation Program


70th Holy Convocation | #WOTCC70


The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International

The Sacred Service of

Ordination | Consecration | Elevation Friday, August 8, 2014 - 6:00pm

Apostolic Charge to the Elders The Act of Ordination by the Laying on of Hands

:: Minister Jessie Williams, Minister Stevie Lowe :: :: Minister Hardy Mercer, Minister James Henderson :: :: Minister John O. Green, Jr., Minister Allen B. Lewis, Jr. :: :: Minister Rontrell Brim ::

Apostolic Charge to the District Elders

The Act of Consecration & Elevation by the Laying on of Hands :: Elder Alton F. Pettus :: :: Elder Troy A. Barnett ::

Apostolic Charge to the Executive Board of Bishops The Act of Consecration & Elevation by the Laying on of Hands :: Bishop Darnell L. Easton ::

May the Grace of Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ Be With You!

Elder Tyquan Sparks was born in Florence SC and reared by his great-grandmother, the late Mother Gertrude Davis. He is the grandson of Bishop G.W. Chambers and the son of Bishop P.F. Chambers. As a fourth generation preacher, Elder Sparks was called and anointed at an early age to preach the gospel. By the age of five years old, this gifted child was dancing to the glory of God.


70th Holy



Convocation Biography of our



At the age of six, Elder Sparks enrolled in school and it was at this time that God began to work the first of many miracles through him. His teacher was experiencing persistent and painful migraine headaches. She visited many doctors seeking a solution, but it was to no avail. Upon discovering his teacher’s suffering, the young Evangelist Sparks offered to pray for her. After telling him yes, he prayed and she received a healing miracle. She was so astonished that she wrote a letter to the church testifying of what God had done through him.


Called into the ministry by God, Elder Sparks received the gift of the Holy Ghost in 1996 and has been preaching for over 15 years. He is the national evangelist of the Household of Faith Churches, Inc. under the tutelage of his grandfather, Bishop G.W. Chambers, who is the Chief Apostle of the Household of Faith Churches Inc. From the age of five, the psalmist anointing has been upon the Elder’s life and many have been delivered and encouraged through song as he ministers. In recent years, God has allowed the Elder to collaborate with other psalmists and, in 2013, he was a featured artist on John Lakin and BOW’s album entitled “Created to Worship”. In 2011, God transitioned Elder Sparks into the leadership position of Youth Pastor at Victory Praise and Worship Center under the leadership of his father, Bishop P.F. Chambers, who is also the Presiding Prelate of the Household of Faith Churches, Inc. Evangelist Sparks was later ordained Elder in the Lord’s church by Bishop P.F. Chambers on January 15, 2012. Through the power of God, Elder Sparks has been evangelizing across the United States. In 2010, God used him during a revival in Newburgh, NY that was slated to last one week; the power of God moved so heavily throughout the city that the one week revival ended up lasting for over a month. During that month, many souls were saved and set free from the bondages of drug addiction, gang affiliations, and other satanic yokes. It is apparent that the hand of God is upon this man’s life. At times, God moves upon him in such a unique way that the anointing is transferred through towels and handkerchiefs and people have been instantaneously healed of cancer, headaches, and kidney disease.


Through the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, God has anointed Evangelist Sparks and placed a mandate upon his life to empower kingdom citizens to become agents of change in the earth.

70th Holy



Bishop Lambert Gates, Sr.


ishop Lambert W. Gates, Sr. is the assistant presiding bishop of the Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith International, and is senior pastor of Greater Apostolic Faith Temple in Detroit, Michigan and Mt. Zion Apostolic Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. Described as a prophet-sharing program, his distinction as one pastor in two locations attests to the call on his life for expansive ministry. He is an outstanding teacher of the Word of God and is a nationally known speaker whose ministry is in constant demand. He is seen internationally via Internet on Streaming Church TV and the Word Network, and in the Detroit and Indianapolis areas on the jointly sponsored Victory through Praise telecast. In addition, he is heard on radio stations in Detroit and Indianapolis. Bishop Gates is the president of L.W. Gates Ministries, an entity of programs, media works, teachings, and charitable efforts committed to spreading the Word of God to every man, woman, boy, and girl. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, and is a former high school English teacher, a position he held for several years before answering God’s call to the pastorate. He and his wife, Nancy Franklin Gates, have two sons, Lambert, Jr. and Cameron.

Convocation Biography of our


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Bethel Way of the

Cross Church Maryland


any words can be shared to introduce and summarize the life of Bishop Jacob Aster Green, however, the befitting words are “Obedience” and a “Faithful Servant of God.”

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Bishop Jacob Green’s lifestyle always silhouettes a spiritual direction. For it was at his birth on July 24, 1914, that his mother dedicated him to God prior to her death. As a young child growing up in Franklinton County, North Carolina, his life continued to be pledged by usual circumstances. However, they proved to be valuable lessons and experiences that would later play an important part in the role and purpose God had established for his life. John Jacob Green’s early childhood was surrounded by fond memories including his father, William Henry Green, and his stepmother, who loved and nurtured him as her very own. This gave Jacob Green the opportunity to be the middle child out of ten siblings. Despite Jacob Green’s early life’s disappointment, he has been richly blessed by the people God sent his way to take care of him. As a young man, living in a farm environment and sharing family responsibilities, he was not afforded the means to complete his high school education. However, late in life, in 1967, he began night school studies and received his GED diploma in 1969. He was very proud of this marvelous accomplishment and God, once again, had given him his heart’s desire. In God’s designed path for his life, in 1935, Jacob journeyed to New York City and then on to Freehold, New Jersey, in search of work. New Jersey is where his affiliation with the United Holiness Church began. Jacob then moved to Hopewell, Virginia, to work at a mill with his brother, his work efforts were to prepare for marriage. It was in December when he returned to Louisburg, North Carolina and on December 21, 1935, he wedded his childhood sweetheart, Arnetta Mangrum. As a favorite quotation from Jacob, “I’ve been married to the same woman for 66 years and she is still beautiful.” Later, in the years, the Greens had four additions to their family, Mattie, Jacob, Jr., James Thomas, and Robert Lee. Today, their family has blossomed to include grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren. What a blessing for God to allow him to see his seed flourish. It was in April of 1936 that Jacob and his lovely bride, Arnetta, would set sailing in the direction that God desired for them to travel. An Easter Sunday’s visit by Arnetta to North Carolina would set the plan in motion. There she met Sister Lovie Brown, the sister of the late Bishop Henry C. Brooks, the founder of The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, Int’l. It was at this point Sister Brown encouraged them to travel to Washington, DC. Upon arrival to Washington, DC, he made his acquaintance with

Elder Henry Brooks, who assisted him in finding employment. From establishing his employment to a new home church was Jacob and Arnetta new destiny. It was in April of 1936, the 18th day, that he was baptized and the gift of the Holy Ghost renewed. Jacob Green had found abundance of spiritual and natural growth in The Way of the Cross Church, thus continuing in the faith until this day. In 1937, Jacob acknowledged his call to the ministry and on October 23, 1938, he preached his trial sermon. Still, he continued to serve under the late Bishop Henry C. Brooks for 17 years. In 1944, he was ordained Elder. During this period of time, he established his ministerial status and received official credentials and documentations. Even though his journey was not easy and Elder Green often felt faint in the faith, he continued to seek the Lord and acknowledge his divine will for his life. Through the acquaintance of the late Elder Harris and the late Sister Nellie Gibson, the need for a pastor in Calvert County was established. Three ministers were sent in rotation to serve a 21-member congregation. Elder Green was one of the three ministers. Shortly thereafter, the late Elder Harris recommended Elder Green for the permanent pastor. It was with much reservation that Elder Green pursued the task, however, being obedient to leadership and a faithful servant, Elder Green accepted the will and work of the Lord. Upon arriving in Calvert County, Elder Green realized this was the Lord’s direction and will for him to pursue. Significantly, he was more assured of this after he preached his initial sermon, “Surely, the Lord is in This Place”. On February 11, 1953, Elder Green began his establishment and leadership role with the Calvert County Mission. Shortly thereafter, the late Brother and Sister Wallace Gibson donated land for a new church. It was in September 1953, Elder Green and congregation moved into the new edifice called “Bethel”, the name given him by the late Mother Lancaster. Through his steadfastness and obedience to God’s word, the Lord added daily to his ministry. Thus, a new edifice was dedicated in September 1979. God blessed and prospered Elder Green’s ministry! Because of Elder Green’s dedication and service he was ordained to the office of Bishop in 1970. He was appointed Middle Atlantic Diocesan in 1985 and First Vice Presiding Bishop of The Way of the Cross Church, Int’l in 1985. He also served as a membe of the National Trustee Board for 18 years. He held the title of Senior Honorary Bishop, and on February 11, 1998 after serving as Pastor for 45 years, he relinquished the reign of Pastor of Bethel to the late Bishop Allen Easton. Even though he turned over the mantle of pastoralship in 1998, Bishop Green was the father watching his sons using what he taught them. He has a rich heritage and legacy, full of Godly wisdom and he was serious about his commission and committment to walk with God. Therefore, “God is not unrighteous to forget Bishop Green’s work and labor of Love.”

70th Holy



rnetta Mangrum Green was born on January 12, 1917, to the late Frank S. Mangrum, Sr. and Hargie R. Williams Mangrum in Franklinton, North Carolina. She departed this life on Wednesday, October 2, 2002 at 6:00pm at the Prince George’s Hospital, Cheverly, Maryland.


Mother Arnetta M. Green

cakes. Mother Arnetta was witty, but also imparted motherly love and wisdom. She enjoyed shopping and had a love for elegant hats. She loved to cook, laugh and to make sure everyone was happy.

Mother Arnetta was employed for eleven years as an Elevator Operator and was an Avon Representative. Arnetta was the second of twelve children. She received Later, she retired to full-time wife and mother. Her life her early childhood education in her hometown public was full and meaningful because she served others. Her cheerful spirit and love has been embedded in our lives school system. forever. We lost a precious jewel and her sparkle will In 1934, Arnetta was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ forever be in sight. in Franklinton, North Carolina. Shortly afterwards, she confessed receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues as the spirit of God gave the utterance. Mother Arnetta Arnetta met Jacob Green at a church service, and they remained faithful to were later joined in Holy Matrimony on December 21, 1935. The Lord blessed Jacob and Arnetta to celebrate God for the role and 66 years of marriage. From this union, the Greens were work he assigned to blessed with four beautiful children.

After marriage, the Greens journeyed to Virginia and then relocated to Washington, DC. While in Washington, DC, Mother Arnetta became affiliated with the late Bishop Henry C. Brooks of The Way of the Cross Church. She was a member under his pastorship for 17 years. She served in many capacities, including the Floral Club, The Helping Hand Club, the Senior Choir, the Usher Board, and the Missionary Board. Mother Green devotedly supported her husband in his ministerial role. In 1953, Mother Arnetta moved her membership to Calvert County, Maryland to accompany her husband’s pastorship promotion. Mother Arnetta remained faithful to God for the role and work he assigned to her hand. Thus, have served as Bishop’s wife and an honored servant of God. Mother Arnetta was committed to her role as mother. She enjoyed and nutured her family. Sharing her good cooking, her delicious chocolate, coconut and pound

her hand.

70th Holy



Shiloh Way of the

Cross Church Martinsville, VA


ishop Harry C. Eggleston started his ministry along with his wife, Mother Millie Eggleston, and a few members in 1943 by founding the Shiloh Way of the Cross Church. They had services in several houses and an old store until they began to grow.

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70th Holy


Land was purchased in the Carlisle Community where the church was erected in 1945. Bishop Eggleston and the saints remained in Carlisle until they outgrew the church building. Bishop Eggleston thought that his ministry would be more successful if they moved into the City of Martinsville, Virginia. Land was purchased in the city and in 1951 they moved into the church on Brookdale Road. The church experienced tremendous growth after this move. They remained in this church until a new sanctuary was built adjacent to it in 1981. Bishop Eggleston told the saints that he was not building the church for him or the older saints, but for the younger saints. For he felt he would not be here much longer to enjoy the new church. The Lord allowed him to complete the new sanctuary to enjoy it for only three years before calling him home to glory. Bishop was a man who loved his natural family so much, especially his dear wife of 53 years, Mother Millie Eggleston. He always told the saints that he gave all the credit to Mother Eggleston for the wonderful marriage that they enjoyed. He also treasured the time he spent with his children and especially his grandchildren. He often spoke of having some great grandchildren, but he did not live to see any. In 1981, Bishop Eggleston became the Third Presiding Bishop of The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International. He had mixed feelings about this position, but he was determined to do his best with the help of the Lord. He was elated that the very next year the Board of Bishops voted that Bishop Leroy H. Cannady would be the one to assist him as the Vice Presiding Bishop. He loved traveling with Bishop Cannady all over the United States doing the work of the Lord. He would always come back with some interesting stories about their travels.

Bishop Eggleston only served as Presiding Bishop for a short three years before the Lord called him home. He was a strong man who stood for what was right and wanted to see The Way of the Cross Organization grow into bigger and better things. Bishop was always concerned about people, not only for the people (members) of Shiloh, but for all people. He was instrumental in getting the African-Americans of Martinsville and Henry County registered to vote. He also provided transportation to the polls on Election Day. In the 1960’s, he was instrumental in the integration of restaurants and schools in the Martinsville area. He also was a member of the Martinsville Voters League and the NAACP. He served on the Board of Trustees of the Martinsville Memorial Hospital from December 20, 1966 to December 31, 1975. He served on the United Way Board and received the Outstanding Citizenship Award in 1976. He also was instrumental in the development of Spruce Village Apartments for the aged, and Deerfield Acres, a development of low to medium income homes on the street across from the church. The saints would often ask him, how did he find the time to do all of this. He would say, “There’s a calling on my life to help make things better for my fellow man.” He felt that the Lord would reward him for the sacrifices he made to help people. Bishop had a deep love for Bishop H.C. Brooks. He often told the saints about how they met. When Bishop Eggleston met Bishop H. C. Brooks, he said that his life was never the same. When Bishop Brooks passed, Bishop lost one of his dearest friends and brother in Christ. All who knew Bishop Eggleston still miss him tremendously; but one day, we hope to see him and all of the wonderful saints that have been called home to glory.

Mother Eggleston always tried to be the quiet, but strong force behind Bishop. She’s always had a deep concern for the members of Shiloh and so did Bishop. Mother Millie said that “ they were just like our natural children”. Over the years, they have met some wonderful saints. She never forgot the first time she met Bishop H. C. Brooks and Mother Willie Brooks. They were the most wonderful saints she ever had the pleasure of meeting. Bishop and she loved and respected them highly. It was the same way with Bishop J.L. Brooks and Mother Laura Brooks. Sometimes she would sit and think of all the wonderful saints that have gone on before her. Just think, one day we will see each other again, if we hold on to the precious name of Jesus. That’s all she would

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She was a pastor’s wife for 41 years and had many unforgettable experiences as a pastor’s wife. She often spoke of the early beginnings of Bishop Eggleston’s ministry. She would softly say, “Those were hard times, but we made it. If I had to travel over those same roads again, I would be glad to. The Lord was so good to us and over the years He blessed us tremendously. It takes a special woman to be a pastor’s wife because you have a lot to go through. You must be a helper to the man of God and not a hindrance to him or the ministry.”



henever you mention the name, Mother Millie Eggleston, people who know her will immediately say what a gentle, loving, and kind woman of God.


Mother Millie H. Eggleston

think about at times; meeting with the saints of God again. Oh what a time that will be! She spent a lot of time reading God’s Word and also praying for her pastor, Bishop Earley Dillard; his wife, Sister Janice Dillard; and her Shiloh family. She never forgot the Presiding Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, the late Mother Virginia Cannady, or The Way of the Cross National Body. In her old age, she was not always able to attend church; but she still prayed with fervency! Whenever the Lord gave her strength in her body, she would go to church just to see the sweet saints of God. Just seeing them made her so happy. She often missed her husband so dearly. She never thought that she would still be here after Bishop Eggleston had been gone for so long. She believed the Lord was soon to come and she just wanted to be ready for the coming of the Lord. “Oh just to behold His face...”, she would often say, “Saints be ready! You have no excuse! Don’t let Him catch you with your work undone.There is nothing in this world worth losing your soul over.” At the age of 96 she went home to be with the Lord. She fought a good fight, kept the faith, and finished her course. Henceforth, there is laid up a crown of righteousness for her which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give her! And not only to her, but unto all of them that love His appearing.


Way of the Cross Church

Apostolic Corner | 2594 S. Main St | Rocky Mount, VA (540) 483-1520


on 70 Years from Jerusalem Way of the Cross Church of Christ, Apostolic Corner Rocky Mount, Virginia. When you come, “Come Expecting A Blessing!” We are proud to be a part of The Way of the Cross Church, Int’l for 46 Years! “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21) Elder Cleive E. Adams, Jr. Pastor

Bishop C.W. Hairston Founder

C congratulations God bless you

ongratulations to The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, International on our 70th Holy Convocation! May God continue to bless The Way of the Cross Church of Christ! -Bishop Roosevelt & Missionary Maggie Fulton

651 Eastland Avenue | Kingstree, South Carolina 29556 Bishop Roosevelt Fulton, Pastor

My Tribute to sister

Delphine C. Easley Program/Magazine Chairperson


or as long as I can remember, Sister Delphine C. Easley has been the Chairperson over the Program/Magazine Committee! And before her was the late Mother Isabell Ford and her staff. How many times have you picked up a convocation book and actually sat and read and observed every bit of information in it? Take a closer look and you’ll see the effort, dedication, and love put into it just for you… At the age of 16 during The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, Int’l Holy Convocation 2006 in Greensboro, North Carolina, the Lord led me to tell Sister Delphine Easley, “I want to help you with the Convocation magazine.” With excitement in her eyes, she jumped up and hugged me and said, “Oh that would be wonderful!” She then said to me that she was just thinking about giving up the position, and then I came along and encouraged her to keep on going! The following year, 2007, was my first WOTCC publication, as well as, my first year working with Sister Easley on the Program Committee. We often called it a “Committee of Two”. For so many years I thought she had a big staff working with her to create the book, not knowing that at times it was only her. As the years went on, she would give me more and more responsibility concerning the book. I accepted the challenge and knew that one day she would give the committee over to me. Well, today is that day and I am so glad that I have been able to work with such a wonderful woman of God for the last eight years! I’m also glad that the Lord chose me to be a help to the Body of Christ with the gifts He has given me. So the next time you happen to pick up this book or any past Convocation books through the years, remember the effort, dedication, and love that was put into it by our Chairpersons: Mother Isabell Ford, Sister Delphine Easley, and myself, Sister Joy Miller. May each page you turn be a blessing to you in Jesus’ Name!

Respectfully Submitted: Sister Joy L. Miller Program/Magazine Designer (2007-Present)

Vice Presiding Bishops

Convocation Chairman

Assistant Convocation Chairman

Bishop Carl W. Miller

Bishop Alphonzo Brooks Bishop Earley Dillard

Sister Vivian Person

General Secretary

Assistant General Secretary

Executive Secretary

Corresponding Secretary

Bishop Ronald A. Frazier

Sister Shirley Johnson


District Elder Troy Carter

Sister Judy Fogg


Deacon Herbert Contee, Jr.

Sister Patricia Blaino


Children’s Ministry

Dist. Elder Richard Simon

Health Division

Sister Alandra Abrams Sister Latisha Carter Sister Tosheena Millner


Sister Kittie McGee

Sister Lula Thompson Minister Rontrell Brim



Dist. Elder Chauncey Lancaster

Minister of Music

Bishop Bennett Gamble, Sr.

Program/Magazine Sister Delphine Easley Sister Joy Miller


Sister Floyretta Morsell Sister Queen E. Spriggs

Usher Board

Brother Paul Alston

Sister Joy Miller


Elder Eric Nesmith Elder Celister Richardson


Dist. Elder Richard Simon


Bishop Darrell Hairston


Dist. Elder Richard Simon

70th Holy

Presiding Bishop

Bishop Leroy H. Cannady, Sr.


Officers & Committee Members


2014 General Holy Convocation

Congratulations Way of the Cross Church, International 70th General Holy Convocation Hunt Funeral Home

908 Kennedy Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Telephone: 202.636.3612 Fax: 202.582.1509


"Dignified Quality Service" "We've Come This Far by Faith" "Thanking you for allowing us to serve you, your family and the Way of the Cross Church Mother Church". Serving the Community for over 46 years. National and International

The Hunt Family

The Way of the Cross Leads Home

Lyrics: Jessie Brown Pounds

I must needs go home By the way of the cross, There’s no other way but this; I shall ne’er get sight Of the gates of light, If the way of the cross I miss. The way of the cross leads home, The way of the cross leads home, It is sweet to know As I onward go, The way of the cross leads home. I must needs go on In the blood sprinkled way, The path that the Savior trod; If I ever climb To the heights sublime, Where the soul is at home with God. The way of the cross leads home, The way of the cross leads home, It is sweet to know As I onward go, The way of the cross leads home. Then I bid farewell To the way of the world, To walk in it never more; For the Lord says, Come, And I seek my home, Where He waits at the open door. The way of the cross leads home, The way of the cross leads home, It is sweet to know As I onward go, The way of the cross leads home.

Music: Charles H. Gabriel

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