1 minute read

Sharing Treasured Connections

by Bob Arnold

Networking does not have to be a lone sport. Too many of us have the idea that we must go it alone when networking.

Some people even feel it is unwise to share their connections. This is surprisingly true. I have been in conversations with several people lately who believe they own their connections.

This is a foolish attitude to have.

True networkers will make connections so they can share them. Those who think they own their connections put an unnecessary burden on the connection.

Every time I lead a networking talk or group, and ask them to express why they like networking, the answer is always a resounding 100 precent that they want to help people.

While it is expressed in a variety of ways, the overriding attitude is that connections made become a way of helping others become more successful in their endeavors.

So, why would someone feel possessive of a connection they have? It comes down to jealousy.

People become jealous that someone else might get more from a connection then they did.

For example, if two people meet at a networking event and Networker A sees there are ways the other person can help them with something that could increase their income, they will want to pursue that avenue with them further.

Then, Networker A introduces someone they know to this new person. Right before their eyes, they see that the two of them hit it off and the opportunity slips away, or so Networker A thinks. They start helping each other right away and Networker A knows it will take time before being helped by the person who originally was their new connection.

Networker A becomes jealous and regrets making the introduction.

Accountability is built into this situation, and if Networker A gets past the jealousy, the two whom Networker A connected will be trying harder to help Networker A than if it were only one of them. They may even put their collective heads together and come up with ways Networker A can grow that Networker A could have never thought of before.

Freely make connections and share them, opportunity will follow.

Bob Arnold is the founder of ONward Networking and the international best-selling author of “The Uncanny Power of the Networking Pencil,” which can be purchased at https://amzn. to/2KSy3Xm. Learn more about Arnold at https://bit.ly/3VLzr1S

Contact Arnold at TheNetworkingPencil@gmail.com

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