8 minute read
Not a Typical Love Story by Genevieve
Not a “Typical” Love Story
by Genevieve Poston
*She, again, sits at her desk, cup of coffee.
She takes a good long swig of it and sets it down. She begins to type and looks back to that first meeting and smiles.* My love story isn’t conventional, but it is special. Well, at least to me it is, of course. My fiancé means everything to me. I know there are days when we argue and don’t agree on things. But I literally couldn’t do a thing without him. I mean it — nothing. I work and he is Stay at Home Daddy to our daughter, and he takes care of managing the finances and what not. Sure, I have had people tell me that they think that is strange and weird, but it works for us. *she shrugs a little* It all started about 4 years ago…. We met via the internet. We are both gamers and role players. For those who don’t know what “Role Play” is: role-play [rohlpley] - verb (used with object) to assume the attitudes, actions, and discourse of (another), especially in a make-believe situation in an effort to understand a differing point of view or social interaction. Basically, we each had a character that we created. They had stories, “lives”, and experiences together. Our characters eventually ended up falling in love. At the time, we ourselves held no romantic connection for each other. In such games you are not your character. “Role Play” is nothing more than story-telling involving more than one person really. Well, we began to talk more “outside of character” and became friends, and a little something more as time went on. Then one day we decided “Why not?” and figured that we would meet for a weekend. Sure it was a crazy idea, some people think, but you only really have a few chances for good things, right? Why let the chance slip away? So, he took a huge chance and came to visit me — eight hours away from the place that he grew up. He came via a Greyhound bus on what he told me was “the most nerve-racking bus ride of his entire life”. He said he was so nervous the whole way. I remember picking him up at the bus station. I remember it down to the very clothes that he was wearing. I was never a believer in “love at first sight” but seeing him walk through those doors solidified every single feeling of love and affection that I had begun to feel for him. And it was that moment that I knew. I knew this was the end of a search, but the beginning of something real. So naturally, I ran up to him and threw my arms around his neck for a big hug. After all, he had become a best friend in the previous months, as well as a spawning romance. Best hug of my entire life. *She sits and smiles, remembering that first hug*

Well, the weekend went as fast as it arrived, and the time for him to go back home with it. It was with sad smiles and small tears that we gave each other our temporary goodbyes, with promises to call as soon as he got home safely. We talked non-stop for about a week or so before I decided that I couldn’t take it anymore. The distance was too much…. I had to be near him. He was all I could think about. I was a complete mess. Every single song on the radio made me think of him. There was literally no escaping the feeling that he was where I was meant to be. So, as the tunes of Shinedown’s “If You Only Knew” and “Second Chance” and “Vanilla Twilight” by Owl City played loudly in my car, I drove eight hours. I drove eight hours straight, no stops, straight to his arms. I spent two weeks with him and decided that I wasn’t going to let it end. So I made the choice to move. My drive home was only a drive to get my things, give my Daddy a big hug (trust me, leaving home wasn’t easy and we cried, but I had a new home waiting for me too). Of course, not every love story is a smooth and easy ride. Shortly after I moved, we ended up conceiving our daughter, fondly referred to as “Little Guppy”, “Little”, and “Daughter Beast” <3 . I am not dishonest when I tell people, she was completely an unexpected accident. But the best and most cherished accident in our life together, even when she is a stinker and “rotten”. Things aren’t always easy, nor do they happen the way that we planned. But we make it. There have been bumps in the road and other things as well. But I love him more than anything. Crux is many things. He is a good father, a good man, an honest man — even when I don’t want to hear the truth, a godly man, and a wonderful person. He is many things. Of all these things that he is, there is one thing he is most. He is my everything. I cannot say that my life is anything like I ever imagined it would be. But am I glad it is the way it is? Yes, even though there are days it seems so damn tough. And the only reason that I have an ounce of sanity left in me is because of him. He may never even read or see this, and I know that I am terrible with words and sometimes my actions might reflect the opposite of how I feel. But one thing for sure — I am so glad that I listened to my heart and took a crazy leap of faith four years ago. I wouldn’t change a thing. Improve? Perhaps. There is always room for improvement, but that is mostly on my part. Am I saying that he, or our life, is perfect? No, but I wouldn’t change a single thing — not even a tiny bit. Take it from me — if you are ever unsure where to go when it comes to love and the battle between mind (thinking practically) and heart (only feeling happiness and joy), Flip a coin. I know it sounds silly, and perhaps too simple. But do it. For that single passing moment of when that coin is in the air, lingering in the undecided, you will know exactly where you are meant to be. The answer isn’t where the coin lands, it’s the choice that calls out the loudest in that one moment. I can bet you 99% of the time, you will say heart. I hope that maybe my story helps someone to perhaps take a chance, a crazy leap, to follow their heart. I know, for me personally, I am so glad that I did.

The Immortal Beloved Third Letter July 7
Good morning,
Though still in bed, my thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved, now and then joyfully, then sadly, waiting to learn whether or not fate will hear us - I can live only wholly with you or not at all - Yes, I am resolved to wander so long away from you until I can fly to your arms and say that I am really at home with you, and can send my soul enwrapped in you into the land of spirits - Yes, unhappily it must be so - You will be the more contained since you know my fidelity to you. No one else can ever possess my heart - never - never - Oh God, why must one be parted from one whom one so loves. And yet my life in V is now a wretched life - Your love makes me at once the happiest and the unhappiest of men - At my age I need a steady, quiet life - can that be so in our connection? My angel, I have just been told that the mailcoach goes every day - therefore I must close at once so that you may receive the letter at once - Be calm, only by a calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose to live together - Be calm - love me - today - yesterday - what tearful longings for you - you - you - my life - my all - farewell. Oh continue to love me - never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved. ever thine ever mine ever ours

Many have speculated over whom might be the recipient, made more difficult by the fact that there is no year or place given on the letters. But Solomon, following Beethoven's date on the letters, his movement during the period (1812) and studying the persons close to Beethoven, has come to the solution that Antoine Brentano must be the answer, now generally accepted as being correct.
Antonie von Birkenstock was born in Vienna on May 28, 1780, thus 10 years younger than Beethoven. She underwent eduction with the Ursuline order in Pressburg.
On July 23, 1798 she married the Frankfurt merchant Franz Brentano, 15 years her senior. Her first child was born in 1799 but died a year later. She then had four surviving children. Solomon states that her marriage was unhappy. In June 1809, Antonie's father was seriously ill in Vienna and she went there with her children in early October. Her husband followed a short time later and set up a branch of his firm in Vienna. In May 1810, Antonie's sister-in-law Bettina Brentano introduced her to Beethoven for the first time.
The Brentano's remained in Vienna until late in 1812 - she didn't like Frankfurt much and was ill most of the time. During her illnesses Beethoven would often play the piano for her. The Immortal Beloved letters were written at a time when it was evident that she would be leaving Vienna. After her departure at the end of 1812 she and Beethoven never met again.
Antonie Brentano died in 1869 at the age of 89.
[source: Swipnet.se]
Copy of Beethoven’s original letter shown below