Not a “Typical” Love Story by Genevieve Poston *She, again, sits at her desk, cup of coffee. She takes a good long swig of it and sets it down. She begins to type and looks back to that first meeting and smiles.* My love story isn’t conventional, but it is special. Well, at least to me it is, of course. My fiancé means everything to me. I know there are days when we argue and don’t agree on things. But I literally couldn’t do a thing without him. I mean it — nothing. I work and he is Stay at Home Daddy to our daughter, and he takes care of managing the finances and what not. Sure, I have had people tell me that they think that is strange and weird, but it works for us. *she shrugs a little* It all started about 4 years ago…. We met via the internet. We are both gamers and role players. For those who don’t know what “Role Play” is: role-play [rohlpley] - verb (used with object) to assume the attitudes, actions, and discourse of (another), especially in a make-believe situation in an effort to understand a differing point of view or social interaction. Basically, we each had a character that we created. They had stories, “lives”, and e xp e ri e n ce s tog e ther. Our characters eventually ended up falling in love. At the time, we ourselves held no romantic connection for each other. In such games you are not your c h a r a c t e r. “ R o l e Play” is nothing more than story-telling involving more than one person really. Well, we began to talk more “outside of character” and became friends, and a little something more as time went
on. Then one day we decided “Why not?” and figured that we would meet for a weekend. Sure it was a crazy idea, some people think, but you only really have a few chances for good things, right? Why let the chance slip away? So, he took a huge chance and came to visit me — eight hours away from the place that he grew up. He came via a Greyhound bus on what he told me was “the most nerve-racking bus ride of his entire life”. He said he was so nervous the whole way. I remember picking him up at the bus station. I remember it down to the very clothes that he was wearing. I was never a believer in “love at first sight” but seeing him walk through those doors solidified every single feeling of love and affection that I had begun to feel for him. And it was that moment that I knew. I knew this was the end of a search, but the beginning of something real. So naturally, I ran up to him and threw my arms around his neck for a big hug. After all, he had become a best friend in the previous months, as well as a spawning romance. Best hug of my entire life. *She sits and smiles, remembering that first hug*