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The Ones That Got Away

The ones that got away
These are the folks that eluded capture. While they were keen on being interviewed for the magazine, they just plain ran out of time prior to us wrapping for the month. So rather than have you miss out on them, we share their interview questions here, in hopes you will visit their sites and find the answers for yourself.

The Music of Elaine Silver
• Music is something that speaks to everyone's soul.
What do you think it is about music that affects people so profoundly? • You've managed to create an entire ministry with music at its base. How does music help you impart metaphysical ideas? • Similarly, authors of note routinely seek you out to work with them. What is it about your music that attracts authors specifically? • With 18 CDs to your credit, you're well versed in the art of recording. What have you learned about yourself in the process of taking your music from inspiration in your mind and soul, to a product created for others to enjoy? • What musical instruments are most evocative for you? • Are there any locations that you retreat to for inspiration when in writing mode? • Do you have a goal for your music? • What can you tell us about the Passion Test? • A forest nymph mentioned you purvey Magic Dust.
How do you go about collecting it and what can one expect from it once they have it? • Your career is so diversified and you've done so much, are there still projects on your drawing board?
Green Water by Elena Kalis
Santa Catalina Island
• How did the island's early aboriginal denizens, the
Tongva, shape what we see on Catalina today? • Is it true gold was found in the island's hills? • Like many coastal areas of Southern California, the island was commandeered during WWII as a training ground for troops.
Have there been any long term effects from those years? • Many people are confused as to exactly what the Catalina
Casino is and what it is used for. Can you clear that up? • Is there an era that is considered Catalina’s heyday or golden age? If so, what can you tell us about it? • The Wrigley family of chewing gum and Chicago Cubs fame took over ownership of the island in 1919. How did the island grow and evolve after the Wrigleys became involved? • In 1975, son Phillip Wrigley deeded 40,000+ acres of the island to the recently formed Catalina Conservancy, arranging for a staggering 90% of the island to remain protected. What exactly does that mean for the families and businesses who make their home on the island? • What projects and conservation activities are the Conservancy especially proud of? • What is the primary message you would like to impart to visitors?