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When You’re Strange - with perfume alchemist Jill McKeever
When You’re Strange

Self-described ‘natural scent alchemist’ Jill McKeever of For Strange Women combines a passion for purity with an acutely artistic aesthetic to concoct a product line that quietly delights and indulges all the senses.

Everyone knows the adage, "A picture's worth a thousand words." What about aromas? How does our olfactory sense inform us?
If a picture's worth a thousand words then a scent is worth a thousand pictures.
You mention on your site that "doing things the way they were done over a century ago is once again progressive and necessary". I'm captivated. Can you expound for us?
We have gone through all the stages of the post-industrial/modern society that relies far too heavily on chemistry and technology. Humans in this society have built a synthetic reality that assaults our souls on every level and tears us apart from the Earth that is here to nurture us. It is sad and strange and time to return to our roots as an integrated part of nature.
Your scents are notably sans 'synthetic ingredients.' What impact does that have on your customers?
Using purely natural materials to me is just a thousand times more satisfying than synthetics. They are
way more complex and yet they are not overbearing to our senses. And again, in order to connect the wearer with nature, they must actually be experiencing the gifts of nature and not another synthetic reality.
In my youth I was mildly obsessed with alchemy, but never thought to employ it in relation to botanicals and scents. How did you learn your magical trade?
I learned through curiosity...
How has your background in the arts shaped your approach to perfumery?
My background is other non-visual art for the most part, like video, experimental audio, music, and dance. The process is the same for these. I think visual art is a little bit different in process for me, and although I also have experience in graphic design and photography, these are more of a means to an end for me.
To put it crudely, your prices are incredibly low. How on earth is that possible?
Well for one thing, I do little wholesale. I rely more on direct online sales, which is the largest profit margin. If I relied on wholesale or even if I had my own physical storefront with all that overhead, my prices would have to be double what they are. I also do

everything from PR to customer service to packaging design to product development to photography myself, not to mention all the order fulfillment, product development, and production in one little studio room. I also live in Kansas City, where space and living expenses are a fraction of some other cities. Although I have wanted to move to San Francisco, I would have to make a higher income to do so, which means raising my prices to be similar to the other San Francisco perfumers.
I have a sneaking suspicion that companies like yours can save the world. Is this absurd, or am I onto something?
Thank you for the compliment, but I don't think any company is going to save the world. The only thing that will truly save the world is the demise of capitalism and consumer culture altogether, in my opinion. But in the meantime, I want to make my corner of this society as meaningful and heartfelt as I possibly can. I do feel happy to have created so many connections to so many like minded people (strange women), and this in itself will surely lead to very good things. It already has.

How would you describe a 'strange woman'?
A strange woman is one who challenges conformity and all the pressures that have been placed on her to be something she isn't. A strange woman rejects the synthetic reality that is forced upon her, and the millions of advertisements aimed to make her feel as if she isn't good enough so that she will buy some meaningless product. My perfume is not designed to make you more attractive or even make you smell better. They are created to comfort you through memories and the natural world that we have been removed from. They are meant as a source of inspiration, a way to express yourself, and a way to celebrate your eccentricities without apology. Maybe you want to wear the scent of a Winter Kitty or a Horse or a Violin in the Attic. If other people don't understand, that's their problem.
And are you one?
I'll let you be the judge of that. For a truly scentsational experience, visit Jill’s site, which is far more elegant than strange. As is her luscious Facebook page.