W h e n Y o u ’ re S t r a n g e
Self-described ‘natural scent alchemist’ Jill McKeever of For Strange Women combines a passion for purity with an acutely artistic aesthetic to concoct a product line that quietly delights and indulges all the senses. Everyone knows the adage, "A picture's worth a thousand words." What about aromas? How does our olfactory sense inform us? If a picture's worth a thousand words then a scent is worth a thousand pictures. You mention on your site that "doing things the way they were done over a century ago is once again progressive and necessary". I'm captivated. Can you expound for us? We have gone through all the stages of the post-industrial/modern
society that relies far too heavily on chemistry and technology. Humans in this society have built a synthetic reality that assaults our souls on every level and tears us apart from the Earth that is here to nurture us. It is sad and strange and time to return to our roots as an integrated part of nature. Your scents are notably sans 'synthetic ingredients.' What impact does that have on your customers? Using purely natural materials to me is just a thousand times more satisfying than synthetics. They are -76-