The Magic Garden would explore the garden inside the tree circle the next time his mother did chores.
by DJ Piper Once upon a time, a young boy named Johnny lived with his mother in a small cottage in a sunny meadow beside a tall, dark forest. Johnny was a happy child and always smiled.
One evening, the moon came out early, and a soft breeze carried the scent of cooking hamburgers. Johnny’s mouth watered, and Scout’s ears and nose pricked in response. Johnny jumped up and ran to his mother.
“You’re the apple of my eye, Johnny,” his mother said.
“Mother,” Johnny said. “Someone is cooking hamburgers down by the tree circle.”
“What does that mean, Mother?” Johnny asked. “I’m not an apple.”
“No, Johnny,” his mother said. “There aren’t any hamburgers.”
“It means I love you very much.” His mother hugged him and leaned over to kiss the top of his head.
“But Mother, I smell hamburgers cooking.” “Yes, that’s what it smells like to you. It smells like a meaty bone to Scout. To a cat, it smells like catnip. To a horse, it smells like tall, green grass. Don’t believe your nose, Johnny. It’s a trick. Don’t go near the tree circle. And whatever you do, don’t ever, ever go into the garden.”
Johnny wanted to play but had no brothers or sisters. “Will you play with me, Mother?” “I wish I could, Johnny, but I must do chores. I need to clean the house and cook your dinner.” Whenever that happened, Johnny went outside and played with his best friend, his dog Scout. Scout helped Johnny explore the forest and play all the fantasy games his young master could think up. “Scout, let’s play over by the forest where the funnyshaped trees stand in a circle. There’s a garden planted in the middle.”
On another moonlit night, Johnny woke and heard voices. He ran to his mother’s room and knocked on her door. “Mother, I hear voices. Who’s talking? Do we know them? Are they here to visit?” “Go back to sleep, son. Don’t listen. It’s just the wind song of leaves rustling in the breeze.”
But his mother said, “Don’t go near the tree circle. And whatever you do, don’t ever, ever go into the garden.”
“But it sounds like it’s coming from the garden.” “It’s not your concern, Johnny. Go back to sleep.”
“Why can’t I go into the garden, Mother? The plants are so colorful.”
The next morning at breakfast, Johnny said, “Mother, I know I heard voices last night. Someone was in the meadow by the tree circle.”
His mother’s answer was always the same. “Don’t go near the tree circle. And whatever you do, don’t ever, ever go into the garden.”
“No, son. There was no one there. It was just the wind song of leaves rustling in the breeze.”
When Johnny was very young, he obeyed his mother. But, when he grew older, he wondered why his mother said that. “Why shouldn’t I? I can explore the garden and get back home before Mother even knows I’m gone.” Johnny decided he
One day, Johnny and Scout played outside while his mother hung clean laundry to dry on the clothesline. Scout barked and chased a squirrel into