by A.K. Mulford reviewed by Stephanie Clemens I’m an avid reader and recently discovered that some mes authors want their books read before they are released. The author hopes reading their book will inspire you to start talking about it. Well, that’s how I got to read The High Mountain Court by A. K. Mulford, an indie author with a lot of fun content on TikTok. I nished The High Mountain Court in just two days because it is a fast-paced adventure, a summer page-turner that will bring joy to the hearts of high-fantasy readers. At least, it brought joy to my heart. The story centers on witches and fae and the power struggle between these two magical popula ons. The magic system is wellde ned without feeling like an info dump, a hard task to accomplish in the rst book of a series where the author creates the world for readers from scratch. I found the poli cs in the world intriguing, as well as the general world building of the di erent lands the characters travel through on their journey. Each region has its own dis nct sights, sounds, and culture. This book has an ending that kept me on the edge of my seat, gura vely speaking, and had me wan ng more. It’s a good thing the author has already discussed the second book in the series.n fact, she just did a cover reveal. I feel like there’s going to be some unexpected intrigue in the next books, which I wish were already wri en so I could read them now. If this li le bit doesn’t intrigue you, the fact the book uses the found family trope, fated mates trope, and one other trope that I would explain but—it would be a spoiler, and we can’t have that. The book comes out August 10th, and I hope you decide to pick it up, because I need someone other than the author to talk about it with.
The High Mountain Court