1 minute read

Getting Schooled on Mermaids


Scores of thanks to our community of volunteer contributors, without whom, this online enterprise would not exist.


Additional mention must be made of Amanda Adam Lorraine Roncalio-Meyer of Fantasy Earcuffs by Mandy and Sanndi Thompson of Sanndi Arts Mystical Expressions.

Amanda clearly has radar, as she manages to notice and 'like' every single thing Siren School posts on Facebook. Not only was she our first SirenQuest winner—she won the event of her choice, a Dryad Wood Nymph Treehouse Retreet— but she is a contributing admin on our L'il Mermaids Facebook page.

As for Sanndi, she has been a most enthusiastic, consistent, and downright delightful cheerleader from day one. So much so that I have wrangled her into acting as contributing admin on our Siren Life Facebook page. As you'll see, the girl has exquisite taste and lush talent!

Look forward to all sorts of wondrousness from these two as well as our blossoming sisterhood of generous sirens as we learn and grow together.

Getting Schooled on Mermaids

Noun: a fabled marine creature with the head and upper body of a woman and the tail of a fish

Origin: Middle English mermayde, from mere sea (from Old English) + mayde maid — more at marine

First Known Use: 14th century

... so says Merriam-Webster!

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