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OUR COVER SIREN - Datana Artemis

Does she stay in contact with many of her mer-chums?

"The reunions make it possible to reconnect with others I swam with."


Her home has become known as Mermaid Mansion and one weekend a month it serves as host venue to a mermaid slumber party.

"4-5 of us are a pod and make road trips. We speak the same language. It's a sisterhood... Being a mermaid is a passion. You never let it go."

In 1997 Barbara and her merpals were invited to perform at the park's 50-year reunion. They were to do one show. But people were so wildly enthusiastic that her reunion group — then 26 strong, now down to 8 — has been performing as often as twice monthly for the last 15 years.

What did she enjoy most about her time at WW?

"Just being in the magical spring. We get to float doing ballet. The spring is 100 yards in any direction and you are as close to floating and flying as you can be."

Does she have any advice for upcoming mers who are considering going pro?

"Don't give up hope, keep trying. Whether or not you work at Weeki Wachee, be your mermaid self!"

"I am a Florida based artist

living near to Weeki Wachee

home of the Live Mermaids.

As a cancer survivor I have

used Mermaids as my alter ego

to express my feelings through

painting. I admire the strength

and courage of these beautiful

creatures and believe there's a

Mermaid in every woman."

~Patricia Ritter

Datana Artemis the spark that ignited Siren School


interview by J. deVivre

When considering which exquisite mermaid to feature on our premier issue, the answer was obvious: the girl who first ignited the inspiration for Siren School and ultimately this magazine, Datana Artemis (aka Diana Godin). A lifetime ago, I took a bellydance class from Diana and was at once captivated by her down-to-earth generosity as a teacher and performer. Not competitive or showy in the least, she was comfortable enough in her own skin to express her femininity in a way that put others at ease. Plus, she taught a great and athletic class!

During the cooldown she mentioned something about being a mermaid. Something clicked within me and I yearned to learn more. But then my whole life changed and I moved out of town and yada yada, and so Diana's killer class and the notion of mermaiding floated away as flotsam and jetsam on life's turgid seas.

A few years later the idea for Siren School surfaced, spawned by my desire to trade in swimming for 'water ballet,' an activity I'd adored in my youth. I decided I simply must attend a mermaid lifestyle camp in SoCal, but quickly found that what I was looking for didn't exist. The revered mermaids of Weeki Wachee offer a beloved weekend event that gives participants an insider's feel for what it's like to be a performer. But sadly, I was on the wrong coast, and was seeking a full immersion experience into mer lore, outside of the realm of performance.

During the year and a half that it has taken for Siren School to find its fins, I'd never forgotten that mermaidy belly dance teacher—well, except for her name. Thanks to the wonders of social media we connected, and Diana is now our poster siren, embodying all of the qualities a true siren possesses: grace, humor, guts, kindness, inner beauty, strength... the list goes on and on. You'll get to see her fabulousness in issues to come, but for now, here is a rare opportunity to hear her speak, as it were.

You are literally the poster girl for Siren School. All modesty aside, what do you think it is about you that resonates with women and makes them connect to their inner siren?

believe its the way I carry myself. I have my bad hair days and skin days, but realizing that you can be beautiful no matter what is what makes us the best sirens we can be. Although makeup and getting your hair styled is fun to do, I like to keep it natural most of the time.

Other than being fabulous, what do you do for a living?

I am a preschool teacher, bellydance instructor, model, full-time mom, and of course, a mermaid performer/trainer.

How did you get into the whole mermaid thing?

Diana on Twitter ...and sand

12 years ago I met Thom Shouse who created Darrly Hannah's tail in Splash! He actually trained me when I first started and I almost drowned him. Thom has been a very special friend to me since then. Thanks to him, I was able to work with many celebrities and have performed in the most beatiful pools I have ever seen. Before I met Thom I used to pretend I was a mermaid whenever I took a bath -- even as a teenager!

How has motherhood changed the way you view womanhood?

Ohh man!! Was I a bad kid!!! My mother was right!! "One day you will understand." She always said that when I was acting rotten. And sure enough, at age 23 I had my son, Anthony, and 13 months later I had my daughter, Annalee. When I became a mother life had more purpose and made more sense.

I learned what love really felt like -- to love unconditionally. I am now a 30 year-old woman who embraces being able to grow old. I run 25 miles a week to keep my immune system flowing, and I don't diet!

You have recently been blessed with a beautiful romance. What has that done for you?

Yes!!! 9 months ago I met Todd Hooper who is a great tattoo artist from Redondo Beach, CA. Todd has helped me a lot! Not only did I learn to love again, but he has helped me to kick booze to the curb. I was never a hard drinker to begin with, but knowing that he has 10 years of sobriety really made me realize that I don't need any alcohol to have fun -- really!!! I survived my 30th birthday, Las Vegas, and dance clubs without having to take a drink these past 8 months. I have recently been introduced to Buddhism through Todd which he has been practicing for about 10 years. Overall, he has been a very positive influence in our life.

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