7 minute read
EVENTFUL EVENTS - Upcoming mermaidly opportunities
What advice can you share with women who feel they have lost their luster?
Get out there and take my Bellydance class!! Find your inner siren, whether by taking Yoga, Pole Fitness, Zumba, jogging,attending a siren school event or online dance class [editorial addition *wink*]...what ever it is DO IT!!!!
Don't just sit there and wait for something to happen! Make it happen! Find your spark! and keep it lit! Whatever you do, don't put your expectations onto anybody else. Set your goal to make yourself happy and content with who you are and be comfortable wearing your skin.
I am looking forward to many more adventures!! Traveling, Performing, and hopefully one day -- actually to be specific -- I would love to have a baby with Todd, but not till around 2020 once I'm ready to pass the torch to my daughter Annalee. She can take my place and one day be a bellydance instructor and a mermaid. After all, she pretty much is already!

Eventful Events

One thing should be made perfectly clear before continuing to read this page. The term Mermaid Season employed herein in no way refers to a time of year that is open for the hunting or capture of mermaids. Such activities are illegal and generally frowned upon. Rather, the season encapsulates the months when the mer are more active topside and most often intermingle with humankind. Basically, they tend to swim in with the Spring thaw, and out with the Autumnal Equinox.
Mer enthusiasts and shutterbugs will have ample opportunity to get up close and personal with these elusive denizens of the deep at 2013's remaining note-worthy mer happenings:

Selected weekends
through Sept 14 - Weeki Wachee Springs State Park, FL Sirens of the Deep Mermaid Camp
You will experience what it is like to be an underwater performer at Weeki Wachee Springs State Park. Each day, there will be underwater ballet training sessions and on the last day of camp, you will perform for a private audience of family and friends.
June 8 - Greenport, NY Sirens' Song Gallery
The gallery is having an opening reception for "Flights of Fancy" on June 8 from 5-7pm, with their exhibition running through July 31. Artist in residence, Caroline Waloski will be exhibiting Paintings, Limited Edition Graphics, Objet d’Art in fanciful themes reflecting the maritime and agricultural heritage of Long Island’s North Fork. A portion of all art sales will be donated to the Greenport Legion Hall Post 185 Skating Rink restoration project.
June 21-23 - Celtic Cornwall, UK 3 Wishes Faery Fest
Karen Kay, ambassador to the human realm for all things fae, has done it again. Her 3 Wishes Faery Fest is the UK’s premier outdoor Faerie Festival. Celebrate the coming of the summer solstice with a mermaid, pirate & pixie party, faery procession, tons of incredible entertainment and oh so much more!
June 22 - Coney Island, NY The Coney Island Mermaid Parade
The Mermaid Parade is the largest art parade in the nation. A celebration of ancient mythology and honkytonk rituals of the seaside, it showcases over 1,500 creative individuals from all over the five boroughs, opening the summer with incredible art, entrepreneurial spirit and community pride. The parade highlights Coney Island Pageantry based on a
Coney Island Mermaid Parade, photo by Neil Kramer 2009
century of many Coney parades, celebrates the artistic vision of the masses, and ensures that the summer season is a success by bringing hundreds of thousands of people to the amusement area in a single day.
July 6-12 - Nassau, Bahamas Mermaid Portfolio Workshop
Spend a week with two world-class mermaid/ underwater photographers on a 65’ sailboat in the Exuma Cays of the Bahamas Islands with a dozen like-minded MerPeople learning techniques sharing experience, enjoying the scenery and creating images in remote and exotic in-water island location.
July 10 - Brighton, UK March of the Mermaids Fundraiser Party
Come celebrate the first year of March of the Mermaids and join us for a fin-tastic evening of Tiki, Surf, Dirty Blues and Mermaids! Come dressed in your best nautical & Hawaiian attire, or your favorite tail! £4 in advance or £5 on the door. All in aid of raising funds for MARCH OF THE MERMAIDS and the MARINE CONSERVATION SOCIETY.
July 12-15 - Miami, FL to the Bahamas Mermaid Cruise & Dolphin Swim
The first ever mermaid cruise. Yes, this time they'll be on a boat instead of trying to sink one. Join Siren School to swim with dolphins, among Atlantis' ruins in a mertail, and basically be spoiled rotten on Norwegian Cruise Lines' Sky ship. Activities include mer lore & language lessons, wearable crafts and optional interactive 5-week tail-making class preceding the event. Note: this cruise was originally planned for the summer solstice weekend, but as it conflicted with the above all-important events it was unceremoniously scuttled off to a new date.
July 18-22 - Lebanon, OR Seadog Nights and Gypsy Carnival
The fair is held in Lebanon, Oregon, and this year the dates are July 18-22. The Shadow Fancy mermaid company will be having a booth in the market area, and will also be bringing a new attraction to the fair — a Mermaid Lagoon, featuring Morticia mermaid and several other Shadow Fancy Mermaids.
July 23 - Long Beach, CA Merminion Camp (ages 8-12)
Make a splash this Summer by transforming into a real swimming mermaid. Class includes instruction in mer history, mermaidly crafts, language and mermoves as well aquatic dance wearing your monofin or tail in water up to 10 feet deep.
July 24 - Long Beach, CA Mermaiden Camp (ages 13-17), Session 1
Make a splash this Summer by transforming into a real swimming mermaid. Class includes instruction in mer history, mermaidly crafts, language and mermoves as well aquatic dance wearing your monofin or tail in water up to 10 feet deep.
July 24 - Long Beach, CA Mermaiden My First Tail Tutorial
Make your own custom, swimmable mermaid tail without sewing!

July 25 - Long Beach, CA Mermaiden Camp (ages 13-17), Session 2
Go deeper into the merculture and learn about mermaid opportunities and the lifestyles of professional working mermaids. Includes advanced mermoves, breath control, buoyancy, flips etc. Pre-requisite: completion of Session 1
July 27 - Brighton, UK
March of the Mermaids!
A celebration of the sea and summer, to raise funds and awareness for the Marine Conservation Society. Help save the mermaids! A day out for all the family to be involved in, we will meet at Hove Lawns at 14.00 in our fishy attire, ready to commence our Mermy March at 15.00. Prepare to be shell shocked and astounded! Please note, this march is not just for mermaids, it's for mermen too, and all forms of sea life are encouraged to take part! Our March will take us along Hove and Brighton seafront to our after party 'Fin-ale' venue at Above Audio, where live music, performances and costume pageants will be awaiting our arrival.
Aug 2-5 - San Diego, CA Pacific Paradise Mermaid Camp Getaway
Feel the warming sun kiss your scales and the salt breeze blow through your hair at this idyllic island retreat in Mission Bay, San Diego, CA Aug 2-5, 2013 (Fri-Mon). Getaway weekend includes mer lore and theme activities, accommodations at the Paradise Point resort, plus the opportunity to encounter dolphins nose to bottlenose in the water at Sea World. Includes elective aquatic movement and dance in and out of the water. Terramaids (non-swimmers) are most welcome!
Aug 6 - Long Beach, CA Merminion Camp (ages 8-12)
Make a splash this Summer by transforming into a real swimming mermaid. Class includes instruction in mer history, mermaidly crafts, language and mermoves as well aquatic dance wearing your monofin or tail in water up to 10 feet deep.
Aug 7 - Long Beach, CA Mermaiden Camp (ages 13-17), Session 1
Make a splash this Summer by transforming into a real swimming mermaid. Class includes instruction in mer history, mermaidly crafts, language and mermoves as well aquatic dance wearing your monofin or tail in water up to 10 feet deep.

Aug 7 - Long Beach, CA Mermaiden My First Tail Tutorial
Make your own custom, swimmable mermaid tail without sewing!