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DJ Under the Sea Interview with Lisa Faulkner

When selecting an album to feature for this month's theme, the choice was as clear as the waters of of the Maldives:

Mermaid Music by Ocean


'OCEAN, singer-songwriter-producer, has infused the magical feel of the seven seas into MERMAID MUSIC, her first international cd release. Her hypnotic vocals and raps drift mesmerizingly aloft the hard funk of danceable rhythms, while the accents of other cultures take the forms of Turco-Arabic melodic and rhythmic influences, and her dreamy lyrics create a beautiful spell through the multi-ranged vocals of this truly gifted solo artist.'

"Heavy tribal percussion and wispy guitars create a sensual backdrop for gasping female vocals..." ~Marc K., Listen.com

"Ocean is great! a unique voice- great vocals, great songs!" ~Summer S., Rollingstone.com

"Ocean uses all her charisma and sex appeal in the slow, funky, fairly dark songs..." ~Will L., Listen.com

Listen here ~ Purchase here

Don't miss the delightful siren songs of Sweet Soubrette Gotta love a mermaid who plays ukelele!

Other genres of music, made my mer bands & artists:

Sail to Sea by Mermaid Baby - Utah USA (Indie Rock, Pop)

End of Days

by Mermaid Bones - California, USA (Experimental)

Semi-honorable mermentions:

Mermaid Kiss - UK (Formed in Kington, Herefordshire in 2000, with influences ranging from contemporary folk music to progressive rock)

Mermaids Dance Band - NZ (Party cover band)

Mermaids - Atlanta, GA (Pop, Psychedelic, Tropical)

Ever wonder what mermaids and other sirens listen to? Lisa Faulkner can tell you. In fact, her weekly blog series entitled Songs of the Siren answers just that, with playlists and interviews supplied by sirens. Here's what she has to say about her journey into the musical soul of the siren:

Most people are familiar with the term Siren Song, but that's about as far as it goes. In your case you embrace and explore it. How has the Song of the Siren called you and affected you in your own life?

Answering the call has been scary, thrilling and transformational.

Longing to feel vibrant and sexy led me to pole dancing.

Change began in my lingerie drawer. A rainbow of pink, leopard, red and purple replaced boring neutrals. Over time, I fell in love with my body. I became a nutritarian. My libido increased. I found sisterhood. I left my job as a professor, plunging into the unknown and uncertain future of independent writing and teaching.

I’ve been on a ‘tears of joy’ path ever since.

Emotion is messy. When yearnings are unfulfilled, the siren soul calls with whispers and gentle nudges. Pestering until the longing becomes an unbearable ache requiring the shedding of sacred tears. Or injustice causes anger to simmer then erupt.

Dancing to my siren songs—in my kitchen, around the pole or in the sand—is the most effective, fun and powerful way I know to the joy, vibrancy and radiance waiting on the other side of the fear, sadness or anger.

My tears of joy song is Heavenly Day by Patty Griffin. When I gave up sugar and battled cravings, Gravity by Sara Bareilles was my sponsor. Slow Dancing in a Burning Room by John Mayer is my song of surrender without giving up when I’m caught in a rip tide. Feeing Good by Michael Buble is my ‘sunny joy’ song. Just listening to them now can shift my mood or whole day. Mermaid by Train. And Sirens of the Sea by OceanLab. I’m not sure what gifts they will bring. I only know to answer the call.

Your next music project sounds so exciting. What can you share about what you've done thus far, and where you hope to take it?

In late April I began a new weekly Monday music feature, Songs for the Siren, to help me and my readers discover new music. And support my sisterhood by introducing them and sharing their passions with a wider audience.

I recently ordered a microphone as a birthday present for myself. I want to conduct interviews and make them available as mp3 downloads so people can listen while commuting, exercising, doing the dishes, etc. I hope to include snippets of songs too.

As a pole fitness enthusiastic I have a hunch that music is vital to your activity. How does it factor into your passion?

Your hunch is correct. I’ve loved music since hearing One Bad Apple by the Osmond Brothers on the radio when I was four. I still have my 45rpm record collection from childhood.

Pole dancing elevated my hunt for music to an insatiable quest. When mood and music match with my story, I connect with a primal place where my deepest wisdom and intuition reside.

What would you like to convey to others about the value of the Siren Song?

All women deserve a personal list of songs for her siren. For listening, dancing and transforming.

There is a healing that happens. A deep connection to body, heart and soul. A magical merging of the bad girl with the good girl. The madonna and whore. Temptress and virgin.

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