3 minute read

Channel Your Inner Spiritual Mermaid by

I love, love, LOVE seeing kids' faces light up! I don't know if there's anything better in this world. I also love the free feeling you get when swimming in a tail...sometimes I forget that I need to come up for air!

What has the mercommunity done for you as an individual?


Above all, it has made me feel like I'm a part of something. I've always been somewhat of an outcast in school -- people thought I was weird, and it made me feel left out. But now I've found an entire community of people like me that I can talk to, whether it's mer-related or not!

It has [also] helped me a lot when it comes to attire (how to make tails, tops, etc.). It has also taught me about what NOT to use because some adhesives and things of the sort are toxic to both people and animals!

How would you like to make a difference, as a mermaid?

I would really like to make people more aware of what is happening to our environment and how they can help. I'm still learning about these things, too! You get new information every day because there's so much you can do! I also want to show people that it's okay to be different, and they should be confident about it!

For any girls just looking into mermaiding, what suggestions would you have for them?

Definitely get a monofin first (or create one). For some people, it takes some getting used to. Then start out with a fabric tail. They're good for practice, and even if you move on to something more realistic, you will love your fabric tail forever. Always have someone around, especially if you're just starting out or aren't a strong swimmer (like me). Maybe try and get your friends involved

In a later comment she added this heartwarming tidbit:

"I also made a matching tail for my niece as a Christmas present. Today she decided her mermaid name is Mermaid Goldie. She hasn't swam in it yet (she's only 4, we have to get regular swimming down), but I'm excited for when she finally can!"

Ocean conservation, autism awareness, reading to children... today's aspiring mermaids are women of substance, a far cry from the narcissistic mirror-gazers depicted in day's gone by.

Come be part of our siren sisterhood at our Pacific Paradise Mermaid Camp

Channel Your Inner Spiritual Mermaid

by Lore Raymond,

Founder and Chief Inspirator of Women as Visionaries

What comes to mind when you read “inner spiritual mermaid”? Perhaps one of these siren words: Love. Beauty. Mystery. Allure. Untamed. Femininity. Perception. As elusive creatures, mermaids only reveal their true selves in the light of the moon. You can outrageously and ceremoniously express your authentic qualities in a special mermaid ritual designed just for this premiere issue.

When? For the Full Rose Moon— or Full Strawberry Moon- on Sunday, June 23.


Ocean Gypsy by Donna Antonucci

visit her FAIRY MAGIC FANTASY ART Facebook page here

Gather up the week before: Epsom salts or natural bath salts; natural sponge; white, blue, and/or green candles; matches; roses (even just one!); edible, fresh strawberries, 2 bottles of water, hand held mirror


Create your fierce, spiritual mermaid altar outside, near any source of natural water is best! If it means traveling somewhere, so be it. (Mermaids DO know how to get around!) Use a tray to create a mobile altar ~OR~ place all the items on a special BLUE, water looking blanket, scarf, or shawl that reminds you of happy, free times…perhaps a trip somewhere. For me, it’s a shawl from Bali. (The Girl Scout in me also wants to remind you that where there is fire, please bring one bottled water to drink AND one to extinguish the candles—just in case.)

A 22-minute Ritual: Clear. Connect. Protect. Celebrate. Close.

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