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The Inner Goddess by Lyle Dagnen

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(Yes, we all have one)

by Lyle Dagnen


Unless you have tied, bound, gagged, and shut in a dark room, your inner goddess, she can lead you in all sorts of wonderful directions. I don't tie, bind or gag mine, she likes it way too much. My inner goddess is the me I want to be, she's how my brain sees me. That always makes looking in a mirror a big surprise. I often have the thought “Who the hell is that?”

When I had to give up smoking cigarettes and later alcohol, she was in a pout for days. Just recently the removal of caffeine had her kicking and screaming. She would probably be called a hedonist

1. ethics a. See utilitarianism - the doctrine that moral value can be defined in terms of pleasure b. the doctrine that the pursuit of pleasure is the highest good

2. the pursuit of pleasure as a matter of principle

3. indulgence in sensual pleasures

Looking at the definition she surely is that.

She is like an inner child, constantly wanting to do, to be, to get, to have, everything that crosses her path. She's constantly in an argument with my good sense goddess. Good Sense doesn't have a great deal of patience with her because she has found herself in many pleasurable situations that she has to admit that she does enjoy. While Good Sense is giving me logical reasonable advice, the inner goddess is doing back flips and cheering me on to seek the pleasure. Her motto is to seize the day and squeeze all the goody out of it.

On more than one occasion she has written a check that my body is no longer capable of cashing.

Good Sense and the Inner Goddess are both angels, the inner goddess loses her halo all the time in her messy room. It's tarnished because she often has her hands on it to keep it from slipping away. She lost more than her share of feathers getting into 'stuff' that has resulted so often in a barrel of laughs and fun. Good Sense has all her feathers, they are neat and her halo shines. She has lots of opportunity for naps because so often Inner Goddess is driving the bus.

Inner Goddess led them to Siren Lagoon and all the mermaids and merfellas over there under the willows. It was her idea to build the swing. It's Inner Goddess who writes and Good Sense that does the editing.

Get in touch with your Inner Goddess, and even get to know Good Sense. I have discovered they have lovely tails and are truly mermaid angels in my head.

Once Good Sense got really pissed when some landlubber with no sense of manners said that we were suffering from multiple personality disorder. It was a man...We no longer speak to him.

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