Agilita a biznis hodnota v projektoch

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Agilita a biznis hodnota v projektoch

Agilný / Agilita lat. AGERE (robiť, vykonávať) – AGILIS

... svieži, čulý, aktívny, horlivý, živý, obratný, svižný, zručný (agilný) ...


Agile (definitions) 1. able to move quickly and easily. 2a. relating to or denoting a method of project management, used especially for software development, that is characterized by the division of tasks into short phases of work and frequent reassessment and adaptation of plans. 2b. business relating to or involving a way of managing projects based on dividing the work into a series of small tasks and using regular feedback at each stage to make changes to how work in later stages is done 2c. "agile methods replace high-level design with frequent redesign"


Scrum / Scrummage

Skratka pojmu „scrummage“ – skrumáž – originál v staroanglickom Scrimmage / Scirmigh / Skrimigh slov. mlyn, mlynská spojka, skrumáž, tlačenica 4

Scrum / Scrummage Rugby (sport) An ordered formation of players, used to restart play, in which the forwards of a team form up with arms interlocked and heads down, and push forward against a similar group from the opposing side. The ball is thrown into the scrum and the players try to gain possession of it by kicking it backwards towards their own side. British (informal) A disorderly crowd of people or things.


Scrum / Scrummage Scrum (IT) framework for managing software development. It is designed for teams of three to nine developers who break their work into actions that can be completed within fixed duration cycles (called "sprints"), track progress and replan in daily 15-minute stand-up meetings, and collaborate to deliver workable software every sprint


Agile vs. Scrum AGILE Agile software development refers to a group of software development methodologies based on iterative development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing crossfunctional teams. SCRUM Scrum is a subset of Agile and a lean approach to Standard software development


Agile SW development principles 1. Customer satisfaction by early and continuous delivery of valuable software 2. Welcome changing requirements, even in late development 3. Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months) 4. Close, daily cooperation between business people and developers 5. Projects are built around motivated individuals, who should be trusted 6. Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication (co-location) 7. Working software is the primary measure of progress 8. Sustainable development, able to maintain a constant pace 9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design 10.Simplicity—the art of maximizing the amount of work not done—is essential 11.Best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams 12.Regularly, the team reflects on how to become more effective, and adjusts accordingly


1986 The term “Scrum” was first time introduced by Takeuchi and Nonaka Their study was published in Harvard Business Review in 1986. They explain that projects using small, cross-functional teams historically produce the best results. They relate these high performance teams to “Scrum” formations in Rugby.


1995 SCRUM was jointly created by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaberwho presented a paper describing it at OOPSLA ’95 in Austin, Texas

Jeff Sutherland is the CEO at Scrum, Inc. Ken Schwaber is a founder of


2001 On February 11-13, 2001, at The Lodge at Snowbird ski resort in the Wasatch mountains of Utah, seventeen people met to talk about programming and project management. What emerged was the Agile ‘Software Development’ Manifesto Representatives from: Extreme Programming, SCRUM, DSDM, Adaptive Software Development, Crystal, Feature-Driven Development, Pragmatic Programming, and others sympathetic to the need for an alternative to documentation driven, heavyweight software development processes convened


Agile anarchists 1. Kent Beck 2. Mike Beedle 3. Arie van Bennekum 4. Alistair Cockburn 5. Ward Cunnngham 6. Martin Fowler 7. James Grenning 8. Jim Highsmith 9. Andrew Hunt 10. Ron Jeffries 11. John Kern 12. Brian Marick 13. Bob Martin 14. Jeff Sutherland 15. Ken Schwaber 16. Stephen Mellor 17. Dave Thomas


2011 Agile Alliance created the Guide to Agile Practices The Manifesto for Agile Software Development Based on their combined experience of developing software and helping others do that, the seventeen signatories to the manifesto proclaimed that they value: • Individuals and Interactions more than processes and tools • Working Software more than comprehensive documentation • Customer Collaboration more than contract negotiation • Responding to Change more than following a plan


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