Hello Metro: December 2016

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NEW YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS RADIO STATION TO BE ‘EVERYTHING WE DREAMED’ MyBiz FM’s aim is to attract young entrepreneurs between the ages of 16 and 34. Jozi Media‚ led by Loyiso Ngavu‚ own MyBiz FM. PAGE 4

MOTSEPE GIVES SUNDOWNS PLAYERS THE ENTIRE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE WINNINGS The R20 million prize money will be divided amongst Mamelodi Sundowns’ players. PAGE 14

The ‘Water Anthem’ song hits airwaves across Africa thanks to Mobility Taxi Insurance funding


December 2016 www.jozimedia.com


MyBiz FM, South Africa’s newest radio station, will be live next year and the small business owners radio station will broadcast from Waterfall City, Midrand. “We are very confident,” chairman of MyBiz FM, Loyiso Ngavu, told the media. “All of the strategic elements of the radio station’s programming will be revealed in a few months closer to the launch.” Loyiso said: “The launch of MyBiz FM will be an achievement for freedom of speech‚ youth empowerment and the advancement of the country’s economic powerhouse as this will be a platform for meaningful engagement around solutions of making the province and South Africa what we all want it to be.” MyBiz FM’s aim is to attract young entrepreneurs between the ages of 16 and 34. Jozi Media‚ led by Loyiso Ngavu‚ own MyBiz FM. According to Ngavu the launch of MyBiz FM was the culmination of three years of hard work. “The first broadcast will be everything we have planned and hoped it will be – fresh, entertaining‚ informative and thoughtprovoking. We are also truly encouraged and humbled by the support we received from the Department of Small Business Development and Jozi Media Foundation‚ who clearly seem to share in our vision to deliver the best radio experience and effect change‚” he said.

Acting Editor Misani Ngavu misani@ jozimedia.com Brand & Sponsorship Manager


It would be up to African National Congress (ANC) and not the South African Communist Party (SACP) to remove President Jacob Zuma from office‚ Dr Blade Nzimande said on Monday morning. “We’re not going to be telling the ANC what to do. It’s up to the ANC itself to decide what to do‚” the SACP general secretary told Radio 702. “Though we are allies‚ they are actually the governing party that assigns the president.” He noted that there were problems within the tripartite alliance‚ saying: “We do have points of challenges and serious crisis that are facing us as a movement‚ as illustrated‚ by amongst other things‚ a not-so-great performance in the local government elections‚ and losing some of the metros‚ as well as challenges in parts of the state‚ and state-owned enterprises.” Nzimande said that adding to these was

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“the corporate capture of the state‚ and all these things are causing stresses inside the movement and in the country as a whole”. He said the SACP was most concerned about the “parasitic bourgeoisie that is seeking to capture the state and the problematic role that we see being played by the Gupta family for instance”‚ and added that the SACP was “the first organisation to raise this toxic role of the Gupta family”. Nzimande played down suggestions that the SACP would split and compete alone in the 2019 national elections‚ and said the “issue was first raised 10 years ago” and recent headlines related to the most recent issue of what it called the “state power commission” report. He said the SACP would “never got it alone” but would contest polls together with “other progressive forces”.

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a publication of

December 2016




WATER awareness campaign songs written by DJ1.Fizz MustANTHEM Fall, currently working to expand WATER township developments in South Africa, have 2. MY FINAH attracted much attention in Mzansi, a nation 3. YINTON’ FT. NOMARASHIYA with aNA serious water problem. Even though 4. DEAR HEART KEEPreleased ON FALLIN) it has not(Ibeen for sale, the Water AnthemMY song reached number one on SA’s 5. HELLO BABY FT. BRIAN music charts and is even nominated for a music 6. KHAYELITSHA FUNK REMIX award—a rare achievement for a song about 7. U & I water. Production and recording of the song AFRIKA was8.funded byUNITE the Mobility Taxi Insurance. All songs and lyricsAfrica are written Fizz Must Fall population South hasby aDJ fast-growing Recorded at Master Lugz Studios where the demand of clean and sufficient Released by: Jozi Records water& Marketed is increasing everyday. People should Distributed by: JMD use water sparingly at all times to save the Cover by: Nipun basis ofdesigned our living. Saving water has become an essential for Fall” all areas ecutive Producer: Uloyisopractice “DJ Fizz Must Ngavu around the country including areas where water may be Mastered & Mixed by: Lucky Shabangu less of an issue. DJ Fizz Must Fall reports that whenever he talked with high school students rights of the record producer and of the owner of the work and other young people about and water erved copying, public performance, broadcasting, hiringsaving out directlyhe or was indirectly of this cd isatprohibited. astonished their lack of knowledge on the subject. This to his idea to increase nd interviews, please send email to: led bookings@jozirecords.com water awareness through music, since radio is the most powerful form of entertainment in onsored by South Africa. ory of


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L ovi After the song was completed in October 2016, it was sent to SA’s only television network and all of its FM radio stations. The songs attracted a major response and were played repeatedly Marketed onby the radio. DJ Fizz (1982 Must Fall has high - 2016) expectations for his work:


J FIZZ MUST FALL featuring the smashing hit





Anthem’ song can change people’s thoughts and actions, I hope this will act as a catalyst to make saving water as everyone’s responsibility, not just the government—especially among the younger generation, who are the future of South Africa.” DJ Fizz Must Fall owns the rights to the Water Anthem song and is donating all proceeds to an NGO that works to raise awareness of saving water. When the song is played on radio in SA or other countries, music copyright management

organizations transfer all royalties to the NGO in South Africa. However, DJ Fizz Must Fall explained, “This song was created through the efforts of volunteers in order to help prevent water scarcity, so I’d mostly like for people to listen to the song for free.” With that, here are 11 pieces of advice by DJ Fizz Must Fall; this is what can be done in your home to make it more water-efficient. Take shorter showers. Reduce your toilet flush volume. Turn off the shower after soaping up, then turn it back on to rinse. Install a system to pump grey water (from the washing machine, basins, shower and bath) to the garden, most households will eliminate the need for any additional garden watering. Be alert of leaking taps and toilets. Find out how you can fix your leaking toilet. When washing dishes by hand, do not leave the water running for rinsing. If you have a double-basin, fill one with soapy

water and one with rinse water. Use tap aerators to reduce the flow in kitchen taps. Do not let the tap run while you clean vegetables. Rinse them in a stoppered sink or a pan of clean water. Water your lawn long enough for the moisture to soak down to the roots. A light sprinkling can evaporate quickly. “Saving water should come naturally as response to the challenges arising. Sign displays should not be ignored as they may help as reminders of water conservation. Parents should educate children about the simple water-saving methods around the home. Employees and co-workers should be made aware of water scarcity issues and the impact of water conservation practices, using water-saving features can reduce your in-home water use and save money too.” Says DJ Fizz Must Fall.


December 2016 www.jozimedia.com

HOW ZUMA USED THE CAPTURE OF STATE INSTITUTIONS TO STAY IN POWER The withdrawal of charges against South Africa’s Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan by the country’s National Prosecuting Authority brings to mind events in 2008 when a judge quashed corruption charges against current President Jacob Zuma. In his judgment Judge Chris Nicholson found that then President Thabo Mbeki had used state institutions to execute a political strategy to get rid of Zuma. The judge quashed the charges of corruption, money laundering and fraud against Zuma, removing a major obstacle to his becoming president of the country. Now, as then, state institutions – in particular the criminal justice system – are being abused in internal power struggles within the governing African National Congress (ANC) and the government. Zuma’s political survival is a core ingredient in both. But he may have run out of road. Against the backdrop of the ANC’s mounting appreciation of its recent electoral losses, this could be the year that determines his immediate future. But much more than the president’s future is at stake. The most significant long-term consequence of the machinations against Gordhan is the institutional damage caused to the priority crimes investigating unit of the police, the Hawks, and the country’s National Prosecuting Authority. Their credibility in the public eye is at an all-time low. While the courts are being used by opposition parties and civil society to challenge abuses, the criminal justice system

is being used by members of the government to protect their interests. This might in fact be the real “state capture” rather than crony relationships between businessmen and government officials. How did it come to this?

Gunning for Gordhan Gordhan’s woes began in earnest in February when the Hawks demanded his response to 27 questions about the erstwhile investigative unit at South African Revenue Services (SARS). The questions centred around allegations that the SARS unit was engaged in rogue activities. Gordhan was the head of the revenue service at the time. What followed over the next few months was a game of cat and mouse between the prosecuting authority and Gordhan. On May 20 the head of the Hawks, Lieutenant-General Berning Ntlemeza, confirmed that Gordhan was not a suspect in their investigation. His statement came as market sentiment towards South Africa intensified, threatening a downgrade of the country’s sovereign rating. The game ended, however, on August 25 when the Hawks summoned Gordhan to their offices to sign a warning statement. He refused. On October 11 he was summoned to appear in court. The summons was the fourth time this year that Gordhan had been confronted by either the Hawks or the National Prosecuting Authority.

Is there a pattern in these events? I believe there is. And it has to do with the country’s National Treasury exercising its mandated independence. Efforts to thwart it began with the firing of then Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene in December 2015. Subsequently, a crisis developed each time the Treasury intervened in the management of state-owned enterprises such as South African Airways, the electricity utility Eskom or the South African Broadcasting Corporation. The question of Treasury doing its job – part of which is to ensure that taxpayers’ money is spent well and honestly – has also been inextricably tied up with the Gupta family’s patronage relations with Zuma. The country seems to have found itself in crisis mode whenever this relationship has come under the spotlight. The most startling incident included a statement by Deputy Finance Minister Mcebisi Jonas that he had been approached by members of the Gupta family and offered the job of finance minister. This was while Nene was still in the post. The Guptas’ contracts with Eskom about coal supplies and ownership of a mine also deepened the view that the Treasury was the only state institution which could arrest these developments, counter the patronage plague and reign in the Gupta business spree in state enterprises. Gordhan appeared as the personification of the move to counter Zuma’s and Guptas’ designs

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December 2016



on Treasury and a bulwark against fiscal ill-discipline, mismanagement of the state businesses. South Africa found itself in an unusual situation: a government minister had become the main counterbalance for the president.

Zuma’s strategy Zuma’s apparent survival strategy in most instances is to look for a skeletons in the closet. In Gordhan’s case, he thought he’d found one in the allegations that SARS engaged in illegal intelligence activities, on Gordhan’s watch. The strategy appears to work this way: whenever Treasury opposes a plan by Zuma, his allies in state companies and the Guptas the Hawks respond by making it known that they have resumed their SARS investigation. Then, once the issue has been resolved, as when Treasury relented and agreed to provide a loan guarantee for South African Airways, the Hawks investigation goes quiet. This strategy reached a critical point when former Public Protector Thuli Madonsela indicated that her report into allegations that the Guptas had captured the state was ready for release. The furore coincided with the Constitutional Court’s refusal to grant the National Prosecuting Authority the right to appeal against the “spy tapes” judgment, raising the possibility that Zuma could once again face charges related to allegations of corruption that were dismissed in 2008. These two developments posed a real threat to Zuma. He had to do something. So, the resuscitation of charges against Gordhan in the hope that the fear of losing his position as finance minister would neutralise him.

State capture by the presidents? The use of the National Prosecuting Authority and the police in ANC presidential and succession struggles has a decade-long history. What’s been different in the Zuma era is that a symbiosis has developed between the Hawks and the National Prosecuting Authority. This political contamination in their ranks is illustrated by the controversies around senior figures such as Glynnis Breytenbach, Johan Booysen, Anwa Dramat and Nomgcobo Jiba. Pressing ahead with charges against Gordhan made one conclusion possible: Zuma had ultimately captured the Hawks and National Prosecuting Authority for his own political survival. Abrahams’ withdrawal of the charges against Gordhan has strengthened Gordhan’s position immeasurably. And charging him again would create more risks for the National Prosecuting Authority. With the latest withdrawal Zuma has lost his bargaining chip against Gordhan. But that’s not to say that the game is over.

EX-DRIVER BLOWS LID OFF GUPTA VISITOR LIST A former Gupta driver has spilt the beans on several visits by cabinet ministers, senior government officials and a top parastatal CEO to the family’s Saxonwold home. A logbook and notes by Atul Gupta’s driver, John Maseko, reveal how President Jacob Zuma and at least two of his senior cabinet ministers - Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba and Water Affairs Minister Nomvula Mokonyane - Eskom CEO Brian Molefe; Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa’s spokesman, Ronnie Mamoepa; AU Commission chairwoman Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma; and former government spin doctor Mzwanele Jimmy Manyi visited the Guptas’ residence. Soon after his visit, Molefe was appointed Transnet CEO. Manyi’s visit to the Guptas’ Saxonwold compound coincided with his appointment as the head of government communications. The latest revelations follow former public protector Thuli Madonsela’s State of Capture report confirming a Sunday Times story that Des van Rooyen visited the Gupta residence seven times in the week before he was appointed finance minister in December last year. Madonsela said the second phase of the public protector’s investigation into state capture would focus on several parastatals involved in highly publicised scandals involving the Guptas, including Transnet under Molefe’s leadership. Molefe featured prominently in Madonsela’s report. Phone records show he called Ajay Gupta 44 times during negotiations for the sale of a coal supplier to Eskom, Optimum, to the Guptas. Atul Gupta described Molefe to Madonsela as a “very good friend” who visited Saxonwold. But Molefe has so far refused to confirm the visits. Madonsela also interviewed the former CEO of the Government Communication and Information System, Themba Maseko, who said the Guptas had pressured him to place government adverts in the New Age. He also alleged Zuma had asked him to “help” the Guptas. Bongani Ngqulunga, Zuma’s spokesman, said yesterday: “President Zuma left for the G20 summit early on November 9 2010, which would have made it difficult for him to visit anywhere before departure. On his return on the morning of November 13, he did not hold any press conference. He attended a meeting of the ANC national executive committee after his return from Seoul.”


December 2016 www.jozimedia.com



The University of Johannesburg (UJ) says it’s deeply saddened by the passing of one of its students who was shot and killed, allegedly by a security guard. Twenty-one-year-old Kelvin Baloyi was murdered at a private student accommodation. It’s understood the first year bachelor of computer science student had an argument with the guard who then shot him and fled the scene. The university’s Carmeni Reddy says, “We’re deeply saddened by this incident and more so because he was a first year student, so even the faculty deeply regrets this incident because it’s so close to exams and the completion of the first year.” Police say the security guard involved fled the scene shortly after the shooting. Spokesperson Noxolo Kweza says the motive for the crime is not yet known and an investigation is now underway. “The owner of the flat is working with police to find the suspect and we are appealing to anyone with information to help us trace the suspect.”

The University of the Western Cape (UWC) says despite threats to disrupt the final exams, they will go ahead as planned. Students will write the exams at five locations off campus.cVolatile student protests have sporadically delayed the academic programme. UWC’s Luthando Tyhalibongo says, “There are off campus venues where examinations will be written. We will do what’s necessary to ensure that examinations continue and that there aren’t any interruptions.” Meanwhile, at the University of Cape Town (UCT), exams will also proceed from today amid tight security. UCT was forced to continue the academic year online last month as protesters disrupted

campus activities, despite an increase in security measures. Today’s examinations will start under strict security measures and students are advised not to bring bags. However, students with bags will be checked by safety personnel outside the exam venue. Access to these venues will also be checked using students’ registration records. UCT also holds an interdict by the Western Cape High Court, making the disruption of exams unlawful. In a statement, the university says police are directed to assist in enforcing the order in case there are disruptions.


Listen Live on www.mybizradio.co.za The Biz Breakfast Show (06:00 - 09:00) Positivity and empowerment are the heart of The Biz Breakfast. Entrepreneurial values inform all of the content; delivered by a team whose diversity allows them to own the cherished space where doses of heavyweight intellectualism alternate with the fun and the frivolous.

The StartUp (09:00 - 12:00) Having big dreams -- like running your own business or turning your idea into a company that can change the world -- is pretty ambitious. And it's only possible if you build your startup on top of a solid business model.

This Woman’s Work (12:00 - 15:00) We believe women are a powerful economic force, we seek to capture the entrepreneurial experience of women-owned businesses, highlighting the obstacles as well as the accomplishments.

The MyBiz Drive (15:00 - 18:00) Thembi hosts the entrepreneur’s biggest afternoon drive show. It’s provocative, controversial and fun; a frenetic mix of mayhem and irreverent content. Feature-heavy, and led by the team’s conversation, The MyBiz Drive aims to get entrepreneurs home smiling and energised.

The Hustlers (18:00 – 20:00) This programme is to support, celebrate and showcase the small business owners and entrepreneurs of SA. Through it, we reaffirm our commitment to ensuring that our young people play a robust and active role in the development of our country’s economy.

My Biz Radio is the uncluttered medium Contact us: Jozi Media House, 1 Bekker Avenue, Waterfall Business Park, Midrand, South Africa Phone: 0861 000754 | Fax: 08660 6052 | Email: info@MyBizRadio.co.za

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December 2016 www.jozimedia.com


CHANGES AT METRO FM WILL AFFECT BONANG, SOMIZI & KHANYI Whoah! Just when you thought 2016 was filled to the brim with drama, we’re here to tell you it ain’t over just yet. There are major changes afoot at SABC radio stations, specifically Metro FM, as plummeting listenership continues its downward spiral. City Press is reporting that Metro FM management has been forced to reshuffle presenters with some of the new talent set to be “farmed” out to other shows.

As we bid farewell to Mandoza, we look at the moments that were memorable for the late star.

1.Soft heart Mandoza used his songs as a tool to inspire township kids. His song, Uzoyithola Kanjani, drove youngsters to get up and do things for themselves.

2.United the nation His second hit song Nkalakatha, which was produced by Gabi Le Roux, not only won him awards, but the heart of South Africans. The title track became a crossover hit and reached the top of the charts on both traditionally black and white radio stations.

3. Internationally recognised Nkalakatha won the Best Kwaito Music Album category and the Song of the Year category at the South African Music Awards in 2001. Mandoza scooped five awards of the ten categories at the 2001 Metro Music Awards, these include Best Kwaito Artist, Best Male Vocalist, Best Album, Best Styled Artist and Song of the Year. Also in 2001, Mandoza won the Best Artist – Southern Africa category at the Kora All Africa Music Awards.

4. Not just a musician In 2003, he participated in the documentary film titled SHARP! SHARP!, which is a kwaito story, directed by Aryan Kaganof. In February 2005, Mduduzi starred in Number 10, which received an Academy Award nomination

5. Lover and husband For 16 years, Mpho and Mandoza shared a life together. They started dating in 1998 and were married traditionally in 2002. Their love story, however, was far from perfect and went through many obstacles. Despite the tough times, the pair stuck together and managed to overcome their circumstances to build a strong marriage and home for their kids.

The paper is reporting that one of the major shows affected is Whose Show Is It Anyway? with Somizi Mhlongo, Khanyi Mbau and Ntombi Mzolo. It’s believed that the presenters are going to be given slots with some of the ‘older’ talent at the station, including Glen Lewis, Unathi Msengana and Bonang Matheba. The paper further claims that this has caused some tension in the ranks, with some people threatening to quit. TshisaLIVE last week revealed that Metro FM listenership figures were down 2 million. From January to June 2016 audience numbers were sitting on around 4million as opposed to 6million from July to December 2016. However, a new measurement system has been implemented and sources say this could have an affect on the figures. Final numbers for TV and radio audience figures are expected to be released at the end of November. Somizi, Khanyi and Ntombi’s show has been under review since the threesome got the gig. Sowetan revealed that the SABC pledged to investigate and work with the presenters after an extraordinary amount of complaints about the show.

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December 2016 www.jozimedia.com



December 2016 www.jozimedia.com



The R20 million prize money for winning the Caf Champions League will be divided amongst Mamelodi Sundowns’ players‚ the club’s president Patrice Motsepe said after his side lifted the trophy at Borg El Arab Stadium in Alexandria‚ Egypt. Sundowns showed guts to concede just the one goal‚ by Stanley Ohawuchi in the 65th minute‚ against Zamalek to lose the second leg of the final 1-0 and win 3-1 on aggregate. In so doing‚ they realised Motsepe’s dream since buying the club in 2003 of becoming champions of Africa. The club’s president said the $1‚5 million prize money will be shared by the players. “All of the $1.5 million – it’s all theirs. They must now sit down and start thinking about how they are going to divide that money amongst themselves‚” Motsepe said. “I just said to them‚ ‘Guys‚ don’t waste the money now. Take some of that money and invest it. “It will benefit you when your football days are over’.” Mosimane praised Downs coach Pitso Mosimane for putting together a team capable of conquering Africa. “You know the irony is I had coaches from all over the world‚ and I had to wait for a young man from South Africa to show us something that we always knew – that we have got so much talent in South Africa‚” the president said. “We must just give our coaches a chance and also invest in our youth. The future for South African football looks bright. “I’m very proud of him. And I’m also proud of [assistant coaches] Manqoba [Mngqithi] and Rhulani [Mokoena]. “And I also want to take this opportunity to thank those who’ve been part of South African football for many years. I was a little boy and these people inspired me. “They are my heroes‚ and we also want to dedicate this to them. “This is a humble contribution from Mamelodi Sundowns for South Africa. It’s a great‚ great honour to represent your country. “And we are so honoured that we can bring this trophy back for all South Africans.” Sundowns have raised the bar with their Champions League title‚ the first by a South African club since Orlando Pirates in 1995. Motsepe said he believes other clubs in SA will follow Downs’ lead. “I think there are at least five clubs in South Africa who I have no doubt can win the Champions League. And those five clubs exclude Mamelodi Sundowns‚” he said.

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