J-Phil Photography ft. Trendsetter

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The Man Behind the Lens

Hello! My name is John Phillip Santos, I am the guy behind J-Phil | Photography. For now I count myself as a hobbyist for I don’t really earn that much from shooting because most of the models are my friends or relatives that I invited. If you are curious where do I get my budget for this hobby of mine, I get it from the salary from my real job but still I hope that someday I will be able earn enough from this hobby and leave my job so I can focus more to what I really love doing. I am fascinated in taking portraits and I litke how it can be combined with other genres of photography like advertising and landscape. Another inspiration why I love taking photos of people is the capability of it to uplift and boost other people’s self-esteem by showing them how beautiful and good looking there are in the photos. On most shoot that is my goal though I am not quite sure if I am being able to achieve it.

My dream of shooting for a magazine cover gave birth to the idea of making this magazine. I am just amazed how the title texts gives a photo a different feel and how pleasing to see your photos in a whole spread view. PDF files also gives a better view for the devices around us. The people can enjoy more on showing it to others and it will also make them feel they are really are model because they are in the cover of a magazine. I hope you guys enjoy viewing the magazine, I am sure there will be more that will come. To be updated like and follow me @ jphilphotography.portfoliobox.me jphilphotography.tumblr.com/ facebook.com/jphilphotography twitter.com/jphilphotogrphy



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The Love Month Collection

WHAT IS TRENDSETTER? “Trendsetter? Is not just a family business, it’s a fashion philosophy. It’s a disposition. It started as a crazy idea. Then one day out of impulse, we just did it.When you say Trendsetter it reflects a brave and empowered woman who’s not afraid to dress her mind and we want to share this disposition to everyone. There’s so many online clothing stores now, but i believe the thing that sets us apart is that we have a lot of heart. We want to empower women to feel great about themselves, to conquer the world with their beautiful clothes and fancy accessories. It’s so fun being a woman! You can do great things and still look pretty.” Loisa Inciong

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The Brains & Beauties Behind Trendsetter

Trendsetter is currently being run and owned by the Inciong Sisters. From Left to Right the first one is Lei then Loisa and Lorelei. On the first collection Loisa became its first brand ambassador by becoming the first person to model the clothes. While Lei and Lorelei became the stylish who are incharge in doings Loisa’s make up, making sure that the clothes are in good condition and sometimes they even suggest how Loisa could pose.

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What is coming next? “There’s still so many things to watch out for.. Right now, we already have an Instagram account follow us on TRENDSETTER_CLOTHES. We’re expanding our social networking accounts since we want to reach more customers other than our friends. We’re also planning exciting activities and promos there so stay tuned!”

Loisa Inciong Writer | Business Woman | Model

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A very jolly person pack with full of energy this is how we could describe Loisa but If you are going ask her to give a word that best describe her the answer would be. “Talkative! My friends would know why.� If you are going to experience to be with her during or even before and after the shoot she do really talks a lot. The unique thing about it was she does is with sense. It could be because she is a good writer and these are the times that she prefer to speak out rather than writing it.

THE DREAM COME TRUE EXPERIENCE “Dream come true indeed! I felt so special being all dressed up and made up. I felt like a star being in front of the camera. I was never used to being the center of attention but experiencing it for one day, felt so nice.�

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WHAT MAKES HER BEAUTIFUL “I’m at peace, that’s what makes me feel beautiful inside out. When you’re at peace, you’re contented. You’re happy and it shows by the way it lightens up your smile, brings sparkle in your eyes and you brighten people’s day with your spirit.”

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Family Friends Suki “After everything that happened to Trendsetter I’m just amazed and humbled how one crazy idea could come to be. Victor hugo once said “nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come” I’m also grateful to have wonderful friends that supported our endeavor. Like JP who offered his photography skills, my friends who sometimes model for us, my officemates who are my loyal suki and my parents for building us an office at home.” Loisa Inciong

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