Careers and Work Related Education (CWRE) Policy

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Careers and Work Related Education (CWRE) Policy

First Issue:

April 2016


Jan 2017

Next Review: April 2018 Committee Responsible: Student

Contents: Statement of intent 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Methods Key roles and responsibilities/ management Entitlement Curriculum provision Monitoring, Evaluation and Review

Statement of intent ‘Simon Balle All Through school is committed to providing careers education and access to careers guidance to all students from year 8-year 13 and recognises the importance of providing young people with real –life contacts and experiences from the world of work’ The Simon Balle CWRE policy is designed to clarify our view of the purpose and value of CWRE, its importance in the learning process, the development of independent learners and its contribution towards realising our vision of ‘The Simon Balle Student’. Aims and objectives Simon Balle All through School seeks to achieve the following through the CWRE programme:        

Prepare pupils for life post-education. Develop an understanding of different career paths. Develop an understanding of the differences between school and work. Inspire pupils to chase and achieve their dreams. Help pupils to access information on the full range of post-16 education and training opportunities. Support pupils after leaving school. Offer targeted support for vulnerable and disadvantaged young people. Instil a healthy attitude to work Show commitment and work towards the Investors in Careers Quality Award

1. Methods 1.1. Simon Balle All Through School will use the following methods to deliver a strong, well-rounded careers provision by: 1.1.1.

Providing a range of opportunities that enhance the curriculum.


Promoting awareness of the world of work.


Promoting a range of opportunities and provisions which assist in raising aspirations and achievement.


Promoting awareness and understanding of work, industry, the economy and community.


Relating skills, attitudes and knowledge learned in school to the wider world.


Developing students’ personal and social skills to relate to the world of work.


Providing informed and impartial guidance.


Enabling students to make considered decisions with regard to future choices.


Maintaining and developing effective links with key partners.

1.1.10. Preparing students for the transition to Further Education or employment with training. 1.2. The school will deliver a careers curriculum at each key stage. 1.3. The school will provide cross-curricular links to careers in other subjects. 1.4. Schemes of work will recognise the importance of careers.

2. Key roles and responsibilities/Management 2.1. The Governing Body has overall responsibility for the implementation of the Careers Policy of Simon Balle School. 2.2. The Governing Body has overall responsibility for ensuring that the Careers Policy, as written, does not discriminate on any grounds, including but not limited to, ethnicity/national origin, culture, religion, gender, disability or sexual orientation. 2.3. The Governing Body has responsibility for handling complaints regarding this policy as outlined in the school’s Complaints Policy. 2.4. The careers link governor is John Wiggett 2.5. The careers curriculum is managed by the Deputy Head teacher. 2.6. The Deputy Head teacher, Mike Moss will be responsible for the day-to-day implementation and management of the Careers and Work Related Education Policy of Simon Balle All-Through School. 2.7. The careers programme at KS3 and KS4 is co-ordinated by Daire Brennan. 2.8. The careers programme at KS5 is co-ordinated by the Sixth form team. 2.9. Giles Tilbury is currently our Youth Connexions careers advisor. 2.10. Y12 Work experience is planned and implemented by the Sixth form team.

3. Entitlement 3.1. Simon Balle All Through School meets national and local expectations in relation to careers by securing independent and impartial careers guidance for year 8-13 as required by the 2011 Education Act. 3.2. To enable the student to develop a self-awareness of their strengths and skills 3.3. To encourage the student to make decisions based on knowledge and understanding 3.4. The school’s careers strategy is shaped by the needs of individual students and so developing a strong dialogue with pupils is at the heart of the policy. Opportunities for advice and support will be tailored to the needs of each student. Therefore our careers programme will embed equality and diversity considerations throughout. 3.5. To support students with their transition from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 and from secondary education onwards. 3.6. The school must make it clear to pupils that they will be required to continue studying English and Maths post-16 if they do not achieve a grade C or better at GCSE in these subjects. 3.7. To link with curriculum areas to access knowledge and skills used in different careers. Students will have access to a wide range of resources through a variety of avenues, i.e. website, library, etc... 3.8. The school’s duty also includes ensuring that pupils understand the wide range and varied opportunities available in the job market for those wishing to work hard to achieve them. 3.9. There will be opportunities for pupils to develop an entrepreneurial spirit. This will be through a range of enrichment activities including speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes. 3.10. The school’ will ensure that all students including both high attaining pupils and those with SEN and Disabilities are supported.

4. Curriculum Provision 4.1. Each year group will undertake a series of careers classes each Year through subjects and Period 5. This will include: 4.1.1.

Assessing strengths and weaknesses


What is a career?


Research into different careers


Preparing for work – interview technique, presentations, C.V writing.




Being a consumer


Gender stereotyping

4.2. Each additional subject curriculum will link to further education and/or careers in that area. Schemes of work will recognise the importance of careers. 4.3. Pupils will be surveyed about their career dreams and ambitions to help identify their strengths and to ensure that their aspirations are built on a solid foundation of understanding. 4.4. In addition to our statutory duties, Simon Balle All Through School provides a range of additional careers activities. 

Enterprise Day – Year 8 (Summer Term)

Get Work Ready (with local employers) – Year 9 (Feb – before options)

Annual Careers fair which is also open to parents from all year groups – Year 10 and 12


Year 11 students have one to one Connexions interviews to prepare for post-16 education


We have links to the following local colleges and universities:

   4.4.3.

Hertford Regional College Hertfordshire University Cambridge University Our work experience for Year 12 takes place annually during the 3rd term (July).

5. Monitoring, Evaluation & Review 5.1. The Deputy Head teacher/ careers education co-ordinator will ensure that regular monitoring, evaluation and review are conducted by Heads of Department, Heads of Year and the Senior Leadership team to ensure the regularity, quality and nature of the CWRE provision across the curriculum. Appropriate dialogues and interventions will take place if issues are identified to ensure that all students receive their entitlement and that feedback and marking is having a positive impact on learning. This is done through stake holders completing a Cross curricular mapping document against the CDI framework to identify any gaps. 5.2. The Careers and Enterprise Audit is also completed each year. 5.3. The student careers group will feedback on current CWRE provision at least once per term. This will group will also review the current policy. 5.4. Monitoring meetings are convened annually with the link governor as part of the ongoing monitoring and evaluation processes.

6. Staff Development and Training (CPD)

6.1 The School works with a range of other schools, further and higher education providers, and work-based training and apprenticeship providers in order to ensure that pupils have access to a range of options at each stage of their education. The School also accepts pupils from other schools into its Sixth Form. 6.2 School staff will receive regular updates and training on the latest developments in CWRL and enterprise 6.3 Attendance at Careers updates and meetings as necessary. Career and Enterprise training, supported by the National Careers Service, as well as attendance at the annual Herts IAG conference in March.

This policy has been developed and reviewed in consultation with those involved in its delivery including the student careers group, link governor for careers, Student Governing body and those responsible for careers at Simon Balle.

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