18th September 2017
Dear Families As we have now been back for two weeks, there are a number of events and arrangements which you may appreciate being reminded of. However firstly can I thank parents for the wonderful attendance at recent evenings and the amount of positive feedback we are receiving about how your children have settled back and are enjoying school. As you are all aware, we are now preparing for our annual “Open Morning� which takes place next Saturday, September 23rd. Please read the following important notices: You will be aware that we are holding our Open Day on Saturday 23rd September. We know our staff and students are more than willing to come in on Saturday to celebrate and showcase our school, however, we have arranged for an extra day off to compensate for this so that students will not be in school on Friday 24th and Monday 27th November. Your child has been identified as someone who would be particularly good as a guide and we would like to ensure that they are able to come along on the morning. All students have been spoken to in assemblies explaining about the day but this communication gives you far more detail about all the timings and procedures. They may have already committed to helping within a department and if that is the case then thank you very much, however some of this information is still relevant. This day is really important in that it allows students from Years 5 and 6 to see all the positive aspects of our school. I am always so proud of the way our own students rise to the challenge of guiding parents around the different classrooms and activities and the feedback we receive is so full of praise for their maturity and informative discussion about their own experiences at Simon Balle School. We are asking guides and department helpers to arrive at school no later than 8:15 am. We would encourage students to walk to school if possible but if they need to be dropped off by car they you can do so in the usual way; we will direct you around the swimming pool playground for an easy route to return towards Hertford. There will only be parking on site for our visitors. Students should be in perfect full winter school uniform please including their jumper and they should wear their name badge which will be given to them by their form tutor on Thursday.
Guides KS3 (Years 7-9) should go to the mobile classrooms and KS4 and KS5 report to the staffroom. Those helping in departments should go straight and then go to the room or department in which they are working. The Open Day will officially finish at 12:30pm and you are welcome to collect students from the same point in the swimming pool playground where they were dropped earlier that morning from around 12:15, please organise the time with your child that is most convenient to you. Just a reminder that students will finish school at 1.05pm on FRIDAY 22nd and that Monday 25th is an Inset day for staff, students will return to school on Tuesday 26th, normal time. Many students gain such positive experiences from guiding and we are sure that as usual our students will make us proud. School will be closed for students on Monday September 25th as this is a staff training day
Fun Run- Tues 26 September By now you should have received a letter about our annual Fun run from James Pooley. Can I urge you to sign up for this and pass on your donations as soon as you can. Your child will be far more interested in sorting out what they want to wear! Non uniform Day- Friday 29 September For new parents each half term we hold a non- uniform charity day, where by students can wear sensible casual clothes into school and pay a ÂŁ2 donation, which goes to the charity for that half term nominated by the students themselves. This will take place on Friday September 29 and we are collecting for our sister school in Gambia
Other notices Please be aware that this term students will not be able to print off their work in school. Most teachers now mark on line or will explain arrangements. They can of course print at home if this is available. The reason for this is that we as a school were spending far too much on printing and some of this can be linked to student printing. Thank you for supporting us on our “no phone” policy. A reminder however that if your child needs to know the time, they must either look at the clocks around school or wear a watch! Mrs Motte’s maths lessons Mrs Motte is unfortunately absent, through long term sickness and will be away from school for this half term. We have therefore re-organised her timetable to ensure that all her students receive high quality teaching and learning through-out this time. We will update you on any developments and we all wish Mrs Motte a speedy recovery. Thank you too for all the messages of support we received for Mr Woodcock- we will pass these on to him. French conversation If anyone is interested, or know of someone who might be interested in coming into school to hold French conversation classes with our language students please contact the Head of MFL – nwahbae@simonballe.herts.sch.uk She will be able to give you full details of what this will entail.
Important Notice Parents must not drop off or pick up in Balls Park. This is private property. Thank you for your consideration of our neighbours
Teacher Training If you are aware of anyone who is interested in training as a teacher for 2018-19 they should contact me at school on the following email (admin@simonballe.herts.sch.uk) marked FAO Yvonne Adshead. Prospective trainees should also attend the Alban Federation Recruitment Fair on Saturday 14th October 2017 at Sandringham School Sixth Form Centre, The Ridgeway, St Albans, AL4 9NX . The Fair is happening between 9.00-12.00am and full details of the process and programmes on offer will be available on this day. Details of the offer at Simon Balle are available on our website http://www.simonballe.herts.sch.uk/school-direct-itt-programme/