26th January 2016 We are now in week four of six and time is racing by. Our focus as senior leaders is on ensuring that our curriculum is right in the light of so many national changes. In the next two weeks, Year 9 will be looking at their options, with both guidance interviews and an information evening (Wednesday 10 February) We continue to plan for our sixth form offer and are also evaluating the induction programme for Year 7. Comments from parents are always welcome. The Government is currently consulting on its proposal for all students to study in Years 10 and 11 a set of compulsory subjects, moving back for most students (they are talking about 90%) to a traditional curriculum. This is called the EBAC and means that students in addition to studying English, Maths and Science (plus RE, PHSEE and PE) will need to choose History or Geography, French or Spanish plus perhaps one other subject. This would mean a change at Simon Balle for many students and indeed many parents will need to reconsider their thoughts. Whilst this will not be enforced in the immediate future, we will be encouraging more students to take this path as quite clearly this is the direction of travel in the UK and we cannot allow Simon Balle students to be disadvantaged. We have always prided ourself on the “education of the whole child” and are again looking at how we do this effectively. There are so many opportunities on offer for all students and I urge you to encourage your child to actively participate. James Pooley and I are meeting soon to set up a scheme for Year 10 to take on active leadership roles and just before half term, Steve Preshous and I will be interviewing Year 12 following their applications for senior student leadership roles. May I take this opportunity to thank the current Year 13 for the ways in which they have actively contributed to our school in terms of leadership and my special thanks must go to the head and deputy students and those leading specific areas. This coming week is an important one for us at Simon Balle and also Hertford schools as we remember together “Holocaust Memorial Day”. Many families will know that annually we have involved our Year 9 in a programme on the day to reconsider events and lessons learnt. We will this year as a whole school take part in an honouring ceremony which takes on the 2016 national theme of ‘Don’t Stand By’. Also the sixth form will once again host a visit from a Holocaust survivor, Freddie Knoller, a remarkable man and a captivating speaker who has visited the school on a number of occasions. Mr Knoller also received the British Empire Medal in the New Year Honours List 2016. In addition, the annual Hertfordshire event will take place in Hertford, led by staff and students from Simon Balle, Sele and Richard Hale. Melodic Minors, GCSE drama and art students from Simon Balle are all contributing to the programme. Feedback from the organisers has been stunning when they have attended rehearsals:
“What was particularly striking was the deeper understanding of the students regarding the Holocaust and subsequent genocides, gained through extended teaching.”
Dates for your diary 2016
Wednesday 27th January Friday 29th January Monday 1st February Wednesday 10th February Thursday 11th February 15th to 19th February Thursday 25th February Friday 26th February Tuesday 1st March Wednesday 2nd March Thursday 3rd March Thursday 10th March
Holocaust Memorial Day Non-uniform day (Home Start) Parents E-safety meeting 7pm Y9 options evening String recital 7pm (hall) HALF TERM Y13 parents evening Big Band Evening PHSEE parents meeting Y12 parents evening Y13 geography field trip (back 5th) Y9 Battlefields trip Brass recital evening
Thursday 17th March Friday 18th March Tuesday 22nd March Wednesday 23rd March Friday 25th March Monday 28th March Thursday 31st March Friday 1st April
Strings and singing concert Non uniform – Sports Relief Y10 geography field trip Gym and dance evening GOOD FRIDAY – SCHOOL CLOSED EASTER MONDAY – SCHOOL CLOSED Stevenson’s uniform sale (3pm to 5.30pm) END OF TERM – NORMAL FINISH
6th form update The 6th Form Team has been working hard to support Year 13 students in preparing for their next steps. 95 students have applied directly to university through UCAS and we have been delighted to see that almost all students have already received conditional offers. The time the students put in to ensuring their applications were accepted and the work of the staff in supplying detailed and positive references has clearly paid off. Many are keen to secure places at Russell Group universities and 2 students have received offers to study at the University of Cambridge. A number of students are looking at alternative pathways from September, including higher level apprenticeships, Arts Foundation courses, taking a gap year and employment. We will be offering support to all these students in the coming months to ensure they are confidently ready for the next stage in their lives. The focus now for Year 13 is to work hard to gain the best possible grades in the summer. Good luck to all.
Non uniform day Friday 29th January 2016 – Home-Start Home-Start works to support young families across Hertfordshire - many parents need help, friendship, advice or support during those early years when children are young. There is no rulebook for raising a family and sometimes it can seem overwhelming, particularly if families are going through difficult times. Home-Start supports families who may
be feeling isolated in the community, have no family nearby and be struggling to make friends. be finding it hard to cope because of illness. have been hit hard by the death of a loved one. be really struggling with the emotional and physical demands of having twins or triplets perhaps born into an already large family.
Home-Start supports any family who needs them, as long as they have at least one child under five. The money raised will help to recruit and train Home-Start volunteers who offer friendship and practical help to parents. We would encourage students to bring a minimum of £1.00 to support this worthy local charity. Students should dress sensibly and not wear anything which may be deemed inappropriate (please note that girls must not wear shorts). Those who come to school dressed inappropriately may be sent home to change. Mike Moss Deputy Head
E-safety training evening A reminder that we look forward to parents joining our safety training session on Monday 1 st February from 7pm. The session will last about one and a half hours and will cover such topics as –
Using social media Potential on-line risks Rules and guidelines for safe on-line use The benefits of these powerful on-line platforms
Please email philpottj@simonballe.herts.sch.uk by Friday 29th January to confirm your attendance.
Vacancies We are currently advertising for a history teacher and a physics teacher. Please use this link for full details. We will shortly be advertising for a maths teacher. If you, or someone you know, would be interested in an informal visit prior to applying please email harmanm@simonballe.herts.sch.uk
Alumni and 60th anniversary The school will be celebrating its 60th anniversary in September this year. We will be holding a number of events throughout the academic year to mark the occasion. Some events will be aimed particularly at past students as we would like to strengthen our links with them. If you have any ideas regarding events for next year or would like to get involved in any way please contact harmanm@simonballe.herts.sch.uk
‘New House News’ will appear in the next edition of newSBytes