1st February 2014
Dear Consultee Consultation on the proposal to lower the age range and enlarge the premises of Simon Balle School to create a 2 form entry primary phase from September 2015. Consultation Overview Over three years ago, when we were still a maintained school, we were approached by the Local Authority to consider becoming an all through school. Since then a series of meetings have taken place to discuss the feasibility and desirability of this proposal. After much careful consideration the Governing Body took the decision to accept the draft plans and as a result is consulting you on the following proposal To enlarge the school premises to support a lowering of the age range to provide a 2 form entry primary phase from September 2015. This means that Simon Balle School would then be able to offer 60 Reception places from September 2015, and will grow each subsequent year thereafter until the primary phase is complete from Reception to Year 6. THERE WILL BE A SEPARATE CONSULTATION FOR PLANNING CONSENT FOR REQUIRED BUILDING WORKS What are the benefits of an all-through school ? As a Governing Body, we consider the opportunity to become an ‘all through’ Academy as a very exciting and positive development for Hertford and the local community. There are a number of advantages to an all age school including the opportunity to be able to offer our educational experience and unique ethos to younger children who are just starting out on their formal educational journey. This is both a logical extension of what we do and an exciting development. When we visited other schools as part of our research we discovered that our vision can be effective in a primary setting, a secondary setting and in an all through school. Nationally this model is being explored by Local Authorities. The advantage in having a shared philosophy and ethos is that it ensures consistency around expectations, pedagogy and the culture of the school. Having our own students from Reception means that they are not moving between different settings with different expectations. There is a distinct advantage getting Key Stage 1 and KS2 teachers working with KS3 and KS4 teachers. Teachers working together across the key stages ensures progression and high expectations. Having all students on one site will enable older students to act as mentors for younger students while primary students benefit from having access to specialist facilities. This is also a natural extension of our current practice of working very closely with our local primary schools.
Hertford needs more primary places In line with recent national and countywide trends, Hertford and the surrounding areas have seen an increase in the demand for Reception class places, and this is forecast to increase further. Hertfordshire County Council has already provided 30 places (1 form of entry) temporarily at Bengeo Primary School to meet high demand in 2012/13, and has been working on a strategy for permanent places across the area. The total number of permanent Reception places currently available in the town is 315. The following table shows the County Council’s forecast demand for places and the surplus or shortfall. Hertford - Simon Balle Autumn 2013 Forecast Number of reception places available Demand Supply/Shortage
315 312 3
315 315 0
315 346 -31
315 352 -37
315 306 9
Pupil demand forecasts are made every six months by the County Council using a software system to predict pupil numbers in each area. This forecast takes the following datasets into account within its forecasting methodology:
0-5 year olds registered with GPs trends, including migration to and from other areas and the independent sector; and an assumed pupil yield from new or planned housing developments.
The county council’s current forecast, produced in the autumn of 2013, forecasts a deficit of places across the town of between 1 form entry and 1.5 form entry in 2015/16 and 2016/17, with a slight surplus of places in 2017/18. Beyond this, these pupil forecasts become less certain as 2017/18 is the last forecast year based on known numbers of children. However, projections from the Office for National Statistics based on the 2011 Census suggest that the recent growth in the primary age population in Hertford is expected to continue with around a 23% increase in primary aged children between 2001 and 2021.
Primary age population (Reception to Year 6) in Hertford over time (ONS, 2012)
Number of Primary Age Pupils
Hertford Primary Age Population Current Primary Capacity (based on published admission numbers)
As this data is based on the 2011 Census, it does not account for any additional pupils yielding from possible future housing development in the area. East Hertfordshire District Council issued its Draft Local Plan on 16 January 2014 for consultation, indicating the District’s proposed strategic housing growth for Hertford of 1201 dwellings within the plan period (2011 – 2031). Housing growth on this scale could possibly yield over two forms of entry of primary aged children, all of whom will require a school place. We therefore consider that the provision of a 2 form entry primary phase at Simon Balle School would not only meet short term demand for Reception places in Hertford, but will also provide the capacity needed over the medium to long term to ensure every child in Hertford can access a local school place. How will parents apply for a place? Parents requiring Reception age places for their children in September 2015 will be able to express a preference for Simon Balle via the normal admissions applications process. Once a place has been allocated and accepted, children would stay on the school roll until the end of their secondary age schooling; there would be no requirement to make a further application at the normal secondary transfer stage. If a parent wanted a child to transfer at Year 7 to a different school this would take place through the normal admissions process, although the place at Simon Balle would be forfeited at that stage.
Expansion of our buildings to meet the new need If the Governing Body decide to proceed with this proposal, additional accommodation will be required. Funding has been allocated through the government’s Targeted Basic Need programme to support a building scheme at this school, with further funds agreed by the County Council. We will work closely with the County Council to ensure that the accommodation will support pupils’ needs whilst also ensuring that good value for money is achieved in the context of restrictions on public sector finance. With this in mind, we have requested that any building works are managed by the County Council, on our behalf, using contractors who would ensure a safe environment for pupils and staff whilst minimising the impact of any building works at the school. Planning permission will be required for any building work. This means that if this proposal was to proceed there would be a separate formal consultation locally through the town planning system in due course on the details of any proposed building work. Any specific town planning matters associated with our school site would need to be addressed as part of the planning application, including highways, parking and conservation issues. Have your say You have eight weeks from the date of this letter to let us know your views on the proposal. The easiest way you can do this is by viewing the information on our website - www.simonballe.herts.sch.uk - and clicking on the link to an online response form. By completing the online form, you can tell us if you agree or disagree with the proposal and leave your comments. If you do not have access to the internet you can call 01992 410400 to request a hard copy of the response form. This information can be made available on request in other formats including large print, Braille, audio and other languages. Your comments must be received by Friday 28th March 2014. Simon Balle School will not be able to acknowledge or respond individually to your comments but they will be taken into account, as explained below. How the decision will be taken This is a consultation by the Governing Body of Simon Balle School and is supported by Hertfordshire County Council. No decision has been made yet. All comments received in response to this consultation will be considered by the Governing Body which will decide whether or not to proceed with the proposal. The following timetable outlines the decision-making process. Process Governing Body carries out a consultation with stakeholders Public meeting at Simon Balle School
Date 1st February -28th March 2014 Monday - 17th March 2014 at 6.30pm in School Hall 3
Governing Body makes decision whether or not to proceed
Full Governing Body - 1st April 2014
Academy submits a business case to the Education Funding Agency (EFA) for approval by the Secretary of State
By end of April
Secretary of State approves or rejects
To be confirmed
EFA notifies the Academy Trust of the Secretary of State’s decision and takes any necessary action
To be confirmed
Although it will not be possible to inform everyone individually of the decisions made, you will be able to access this information on the Simon Balle website at: www.simonballe.herts.sch.uk Yours sincerely
Dr Viv Jones Chair of Governors