9 minute read
Grandparents, a baby and teens try activities for the first time


You’re never too old – or too young – to try something new. We follow grandparents, teens and a baby as they experience some of the activities available at Center Parcs for the fi rst time

Facing page: the Regan family have fun on the Red Squirrel Family Adventure and Den Building and Decorating activities. Left: the Family Ball Wall was a big hit
GRANDPARENTS: REGAN FAMILY “We didn’t want the ac vity to end”
ith acres of vehicle-light roads and woodland paths, Glenn Regan’s fi rst visit to Whinfell Forest allowed him to test the old adage, ‘You never forget how to ride a bike.’ “I hadn’t been on one for 30 years!” he says. “I was a bit wobbly as I set o , but the lack of cars gave me the time and space to fi nd my balance and I soon got into my stride.” Glenn visited with his wife, Karen, son, Andrew, daughter-in-law, Lindsey, and grandchildren, Amelie, aged seven, and Louis, four. As well as rediscovering forgotten skills, the break was also an opportunity to learn some new ones. W

Spotting squirrels During their stay, Whinfell guests might be lucky enough to glimpse a rare red squirrel. Despite dwindling numbers in the rest of England, Cumbria has a thriving population of reds. “We spotted them throughout our break,” says Glenn. Inspired to learn more about the creatures, the Regans’ fi rst activity was the Red Squirrel Family Adventure. “This was a brilliant way to get the younger ones involved in nature. The Ranger told us facts about the squirrels and their forest habitats as we walked around a nature trail. The grandchildren got really excited at the end when the Ranger handed out cuddly squirrel toys,” Glenn recalls.
Next up was the Den Building and Decorating activity. “We had to construct a waterproof den using sticks we found lying on the forest fl oor. Amelie and Louis especially enjoyed gathering the di erent-sized branches and sticks,” explains Glenn. “Karen and I showed them how we used to build dens when we were children, explaining how to lean the branches to create a structure and weave smaller sticks in between. It was nice to pass on those skills. Once the den was fi nished, the look of pride on their faces was a joy to behold.” The family then had to name their den. “The grandchildren called ours ‘The Drey’, which we’d learnt was the name of a squirrel’s nest. It was lovely that they were putting their newfound knowledge into practice,” Glenn says. Then the children crawled inside the den while the instructor threw a jug of water over the top to check if it could hold o the rain. “It wasn’t totally waterproof, but it was all good fun!” laughs Glenn.
But Glenn’s favourite activity of the day was the Family Ball Wall, which sees guests throw balls at computergenerated targets projected onto the squash court wall. “We didn’t want this session to end,” he says. “It combined fi tness and fun and we’ll defi nitely do it again.” Louis agrees, “My favourite activity was the Ball Wall,” he says. “I loved trying to beat Grandad.”
Amelie’s top activity was Den Building. “Grandad was acting really silly and made me laugh,” she says. “Grandma told me all about weaving twigs into the den to make it waterproof because that’s what she did when she was little. The activity was very exciting and fun.”
Sharing good times Glenn and Karen are already looking forward to the next chance they get to visit to Center Parcs. “We have two other grandchildren, so it would be great to go with them,” he says. “The whole break was just a wonderful experience. The activities you can do as a family of three generations make it extra special.”

BOOK IT Red Squirrel Family Adventure is available at Whinfell Forest. Family Ball Wall is available at Whinfell and Elveden Forest. Den Building and Decorating is available at Whinfell, Elveden, Longleat and Longford Forest. Book at your village’s Booking Desk, call the booking line on 03448 266 200, or log into your Center Parcs online account: centerparcs.co.uk/ activities

Above and left: Lucy was entranced by the fi bre-optic lights. Facing page: the Rileys on their fi rst visit to Center Parcs
Vi age insider BABY BOON Louise Williams, Sensory Play Babies Instructor, says: “The children’s faces light up when they enter the room. You can see them taking in the music and the lights and discovering new textures. All those sensations are sending signals around their bodies and connecting back to their brains. It’s a lovely session and afterwards everyone is really chilled and mellow.”
way from the excitement of our villages is an enchanting oasis, designed especially for our very smallest guests. It was here that Ruth and George Riley headed when they took their daughters Hannah, aged four, and Lucy, fi ve months, to Center Parcs Longleat for the fi rst time. Ruth and George wanted to ensure Lucy got a treat too, so booked in for the Sensory Play Babies activity.
When you’re parents to two young children, it can be hard to fi t in activities especially for you and your littlest one. “I call it Second Child Syndrome,” laughs Ruth. “I did loads of baby classes with Hannah, but it’s tricky to fi nd the time to do them with Lucy. That’s why it was great to come to Center Parcs – you get a bit of breathing space and the opportunity to do things you can’t in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.” A
A little world full of wonder Entering the Sensory Play room was like walking into another world, says Ruth. “I was struck by the beautiful coloured lights. Lucy was amazed by it all – it was lovely seeing her eyes widen in fascination.”
As soothing music gently plays in the background, babies get a chance to interact with their care-givers and other babies, while exploring textures and coloured lights. “Lucy particularly loved gazing at herself in the refl ective balls, feeling the fi bre-optic lights and touching the crinkly space blanket,” recalls Ruth. “Afterwards, Lucy and I felt calm, relaxed and ready to get stuck into the rest of our day.”
Messing about on the water While Ruth and Lucy were cherishing some precious time together, George and Hannah

were having just as much fun discovering the maze and Watersports Lake. “They also did a bit of nature spotting and were thrilled when they saw a heron on the water,” says Ruth.
But ultimately, it was all about the swimming for Hannah. “She was blown away by the Subtropical Swimming Paradise,” says Ruth. “She must have gone down the slides in Venture Bay 20 times!”
Creating happy memories, whatever your age, is what the Center Parcs experience is all about and the Rileys are looking forward to returning so they can create even more as their daughters grow. “On the way back to the car park, Hannah turned to me and said: ‘Can we come here every day when I’m not at school?’”
Photos: Ric Rawlins
BOOK IT Bond with your baby and enjoy some peaceful time together at Sensory Play Babies. Book at your village’s Booking Desk, call the booking line on 03448 266 200, or log into your Center Parcs online account: centerparcs.co.uk/activities
eenagers have a reputation for wanting to get as far away from their embarrassing parents as possible. But there’s nothing like swinging through trees and balancing on ropes in the forest canopy to make you appreciate the support and encouragement of the older generation.
That’s why, looking for a bonding experience to share with their teenage children, James and Claire Houston booked a family Aerial Adventure when they visited Center Parcs with Louis, aged 15, and Claudie, 13. Even though everyone gets hooked up to a safety harness and is led around by a qualifi ed guide, it’s a great way to enjoy a few nerve-jangling moments.
“It can be demanding in places, so it’s ideal if you’re looking for something that will leave you on a high,” recalls James. “I was worried Claire would be out of her comfort zone and there was one point at the beginning when I thought she would bail, but she and Claudie encouraged each other all the way round.
“The sta manning the trek were great,” he continues. “Really well trained and supportive.”
Louis, an Army cadet, was in his adrenaline-seeking element and T
relished the chance to show o his climbing skills to his parents, while Claudie, who is completing her Duke of Edinburgh Award, found the activity a fantastic confi dencebuilding tool.
The Aerial Adventure culminated in a thrilling zip-wire descent over the Watersports Lake. “There’s a little jolt as you get to the end – Claire went fi rst and she knew what was coming so thought it was hilarious when I reached it,” recalls James. In fact, bonding, laughter and encouragement sum up the Houston family’s entire trip. “The children couldn’t believe we’d never taken them to Center Parcs before and they can’t wait to return. There was one point when I was playing Adventure Golf with Louis and I remember thinking ‘we’re closer than we’ve ever been in the past year,’” says James. “The break really did bring us together.”
BOOK IT Connect with your teenagers on an Aerial Adventure activity. Book at your village’s Booking Desk, call the booking line on 03448 266 200, or log into your Center Parcs online account: centerparcs.co.uk/activities

From left: Louis, James, Claire and Claudie