Nigeria’s No 1 Campus Magazine Connecting The Campus Community
Maiden Edition
Talent Buzz ADEKUNLE
Ma azine g
LINDA IKEJI SHOWS OFF 600 MILLION NAIRA WORTH OF MANSION, SHARES HER SUCCESS STORY. CONTINUE.. do this. You don't need to spread your legs for any bladdy man because of how much? N200k? That's how much my shoes cost - so why should you give up your body for that? Your sacred body? God's temple? N200k that you can make in a week or even in a day if you pursue your dreams and still have your dignity intact? You think people don't see that you're messing around with all dem old married men and talking about it? Think ladies, think! When next a man propositions you...tell him to get lost, that you will get yours yourself! Abi, aren't you a woman? You know what they say about women? "A woman is like a tea bag, you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.". You are so strong, you don't even know! Also, if you want God to bless you, you have to have a clean heart. All these backbiting, hating on others, trying to bring people down with hateful words/actions etc - God doesn't like ugly. He has over 6 billion people to look after and you think he will pay extra attention to you if your heart is ugly? Wish people well, help people when you can. Be good to others. But more than anything else be good to yourself. Believe in yourself. It's very easy to give in to feelings of selfdoubt and back down when things get tough, but you have to know that God will not give you anything you can't handle. I swear to you, you are underestimating yourself. If you know the power that you have inside. If you know the things that you are capable of. If you know how far you can high you can reach but you are holding yourself back because you're afraid of failing, because you don't think you have it in you. If only you know that you're stronger than you think. You are so powerful, you don't even know it. I'm not more special than you are. I don't have two heads. We serve the same God. Why can't you succeed? Think ladies, think. Like Barack Obama's sister said, poverty is not an excuse! I used to sell/market beer at Sheraton hotel, Lagos when I was in university for N1,000 a day. I once lived on 'puff puff' and garri for weeks in UNILAG and I was supposedly a top model but nobody knew what I was going through. Trust me, I knew poverty. Did you know I lived in Idi-oro, Mushin for 15 years? Up until when I was 25? Did you live in Mushin? Eh, so what's your excuse? I can't even say some things here for my family's privacy but here I am today because I never doubted myself and I never allowed all the doubters to distract me. I was focused. I was determined. I worked hard and I knew the God I served won't let me down. The road was long, sometimes very frustrating and painful but look at me now. God did it because he saw that I was willing! "Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one will say, “She doesn't have what it takes.” They will say, “Women don't have what it takes.” Please believe in yourself and watch God use you to set s an example for others. May all your dreams come true! Kisses. Oh by the way (addressing the argument I read online this weekend) I don't do anything else. I blog from 4am till midnight, where do I have time to do anything else? When God wants to bless you, He will bless you...even if you're selling toothpick. Cheers!
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Garden of Thoughts I have courted the lioness The feral graceful cat, And in all her prowess I have won her heart Or so I think She walks me proudly Before her kind Silenced many a hungry howl Froze many a greedy growl With but a single scowl She took meat from her gangs My hunger to atone Caressed me with her fangs On a bed of rotten bones My rivals in envy watched I looked deep into her eyes Steaming cauldron of tender love Loads of brutal strength for spice In those blood curdling stuff I clearly saw my fear One day, I may be waking Not in the warmth of her embrace One day, I may be waking In the warmth of her belly One day... but not today ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Late Olaniyan Adewale prinze is Nigerian by birth, Veterinarian by profession, writes for pleasure and expression, lover of music and animals, plays tennis and chess for fun.
JOKES!!! Letter Bomb! Two boko Haram boys, Habib & Akpo are making letter bombs. Habib: “I'm not sure whether I put enough explosive in this envelope before I sealed it.” Akpo: “Well, then open it and look.” Habib: “But if I open it, it will explode!” Akpos: “Don't be stupid – it's not addressed to you! | 31
Two room boys-quarters, a
blogoshpere took to
gatehouse, swimming pool,
her page to share her
waterfall wall, changing
joy with fans as she proudly
room, cabana, and amazing
c a l l
h e r
s e l f
She also has some words of
no news that she is actually
advice to young girls out
one of few people who has
there : Now to all the young girls looking at these photos, p l e a s e r e a d b e l o w. . My name is Linda Ikeji. I'm a blogger. I'm 35 years old and I have never...never ever in my life slept with a man for money. Not only have I never done it, I have never even considered it...and here I am with a house that cost me over half a billion naira. Listen, you are beautiful and you are stronger than you know. There's absolutely nothing you can't achieve if you set your mind to it, put your heart and soul into it. Up until five years ago, I was a struggling entrepreneur. I can't tell you how many offices in this Lagos I sat in for hours waiting to see people who could support my business...but most times, I never passed the reception area. But I never gave up and I never stopped believing and here I am today. You too can be can be better than this. No dream is too big, no dream is too small, no mountain is too's all in your mind. It's all up to you. If you believe in you, in your God who is guiding you, then
made it big just from blogging. Linda Ikeji who is still single took to her blog to express her joy. “I'm sure most of you have heard by now - that I recently bought a house, Of course I had to bring it here and share my joy with you amazing LIB family. God first and you guys second made it possible. So, I bought a two-storey luxury house in the exclusive Banana Island area of Ikoyi...and to be honest, I still can't believe it. It's everything I prayed my house would be. That's me standing in front of my house...:-). #ProudSelfMadeWoman” She added. The house is on 3 floors consisting of 6 en-suite bedrooms, a master suite with a separate walk-in closet/dressing room and a massive bathroom suite, 2 living rooms, media room, cinema room, gym room, laundry room, a fully fitted kitchen, with a large pantry.
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the sky is your starting point. Please stop waiting around for a man to give to put food on your table and put clothes on your back. I promise you, you can do it for yourself. Start thinking big, believe in yourself, be creative and start working. Realize that your dreams are valid...and nobody will make your dreams come true except you. Find what you are good at. Find something that you are passionate about. Work hard at it. Be consistent. Be patient. Start young. Even if you're not young, it's never too late! I have been hustling since I left secondary school..started modeling before I entered university in 1998. Was running a modeling agency even while I was a student and made it a full time business after I left university. I never doubted that I would succeed one day, because I was determined. And please do not think this happened over night. I've been blogging since 2006...November this year will make it exactly 9 years. God, consistency and hard work b r o u g h t m e h e r e t o d a y. Unfortunately, a lot of our young girls aren't patient and some are lazy, they want it quick and fast but it doesn't work like that. Success takes time - takes hard work - takes passion - takes consistency - but more than anything else, it takes the Grace of God. I was a 30 year old broke woman and on my
determined. And please do not think this happened over night. I've been blogging since 2006...November this year will make it exactly 9 years. God, consistency and hard work brought me here today. Unfortunately, a lot of our young girls aren't patient and some are lazy, they want it quick and fast but it doesn't work like that. Success takes time - takes hard work - takes passion - takes consistency - but more than anything else, it takes the Grace of God. I was a 30 year old broke woman and on my birthday, a very sad and depressed me turned to God and begged him. I told Him you promised me, when will You fulfill Your promise? Am I not Your child? Have I not lived according to Your teachings? When will You bless me? Please God help me...and with tears in my eyes, I begged Him. I cried and I begged and I begged and I begged. A few months later my life changed. Never underestimate God's love for you and the power of prayer. And never stop working. Listen, I make enough money to hire so many people to work on this blog while I go do other things and enjoy myself...but I don't do that. I'm up while some of you are sleeping, and already blogging before some of you wake up. I don't take this for granted. I know to stay on top, I have to constantly work and nobody will be as dedicated as I am because this is not their own thing. It's mine and I have to keep feeding it. So I'm constantly here! Young ladies, I promise too can | 30
o God Almighty the creator of the universe who made all these possible, to all family, friends and lovers and fans of JPz Magazine, you are really the best. We couldn’t have done all of these without you. Thanks for the time, the love, the support, the Encouragement and Advice, It made the difference. To all the staff of JPz Africa and all crew members of JPz Magazine, I really want to appreciate your understanding. You took me in as a family, you taught me how to live life, you made me realize best in me, Thank you once again. And all of these wouldn’t be fair and complete if I fail to go back to the grass root where I started from, Appreciation goes to my DAD and MUM, my siblings for being there for me when I needed them most. I especially want to dedicate this Maiden Edition to God Almighty and the Loving memory of my fallen Hero and brother, Olaniyan Adewale Prince, You inspired these. May your Gentle soul continue to rest in Peace. I want to urge our esteemed readers to stay tuned to JPz Magazine as we’ve got a lot of exciting memories to share together. Don’t forget to log on to our website, this site has made over 21,000 views in just a day, don’t miss the fun and also you can follow us on twitter @JpzMagazine there are lots of trends to catch up with as we feed you daily tweets about what’s happening all around the world. Also like our facebook page ,have you heard Olaniyan Adeyemi about JPz ETv Channel, there are tons of fun you don’t want to miss out on our youtubeJohn channel
Editorial Crew Editor-in-chief OLANIYAN ADEYEMI JOHN 07063035926
Associate Editor ADEDOTUN BASHEER KAYODE 08130823199 Media Assistant TIAMIYU OLUWATOBI AI'SHA 08143669842
Assistant Editor ADEDAYO IFEOLUWA 08106381996 Event Manager ADENIJI MOJIRADE GLADYS 08162630900
Project Manager OLADELE OMOLABAKE M. 08163408617
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1.The LAST WITCH HUNTER The modern world holds many secrets, but the most astounding secret of all is that witches still live amongst us; vicious supernatural creatures intent on unleashing the Black Death upon the world. Armies of witch hunters battled the unnatural enemy across the globe for centuries, including KAULDER, a valiant warrior who managed to slay the all-powerful QUEEN WITCH, decimating her followers in the process. In the moments right before her death, the QUEEN curses KAULDER with her own immortality, forever separating him from his beloved wife and daughter in the afterlife. Today KAULDER is the only one of his kind remaining, and has spent centuries hunting down rogue witches, all the while yearning for his long-lost loved ones. However, unbeknownst to KAULDER, the QUEEN WITCH is resurrected and seeks revenge on her killer causing an epic battle that will determine the survival of the human race. CAST:Vin Diesel -Witch Hunter,Rena Owen-Glaeser, Julie Engelbrecht- Witch Queen DIRECTOR Breck Eisner,Elijah Wood, Dolan Thirty-Seven, Michael Caine,Rose Leslie, Chloe
1. All of Africa was colonized by foreign powers during the “scramble for Africa”, except Ethiopia and Liberia. 2. Africa is the second most populous continent with about 1.1 billion people or 16% of the world's population. Over 50% of Africans are under the age of 25. 3. The Second Congo War claimed over 5.4 million lives and is the deadliest worldwide conflict since World War II. 4. Almost 40% of adults in Africa are illiterate – two-thirds are women. Adult literacy rates are below 50% in Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Ethiopia, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Sierra Leone and The Gambia. 5. Over 25 million people are HIV-positive on the continent and over 17 million have died of the disease already. 6. The Sahara is the largest desert in the world and is bigger than the continental USA. 7. Africa is the world's hottest continent with deserts and drylands covering 60% of land surface area (e.g. Kalahari, Sahara and Namib). 8. Africa is the world's second driest continent (after Australia). 9. Nigeria is fourth largest oil exporter in the world, and Africa's biggest oil producer with about 2.2 million barrels produced every day. Top 10 oil producers in order of total exports: Nigeria, Algeria, Angola, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Congo, Gabon, South Africa. 10. Africa is home to the world's largest living land animal, the African elephant, which can weigh up to 7 tons. 11. Africa has over 25% of the world's bird species. 12. Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa and the second-largest freshwater lake in the world. 13. China is Africa's top trade partner with Sino-African trade volumes now nearing $200 billion per year. 14. Africa is the most centrally located of all of the continents with both the prime meridian (0 degrees longitude) and the equator (0 degrees latitude) passing through it 15. Arabic (in various dialects) is the most common language spoken in Africa with about 170 million speakers, primarily residing in North Africa. In the continent as a whole, there are over 2,000 recognized languages spoken.g 16. The most populated city in Africa is the Egyptian capital of Cairo with an estimated 17 million residents in the metropolitan area.g 17. Population experts estimate that there are at least 3,000 distinct ethnic groups (tribes) in Africa. Nigeria alone has more than 370 recognized tribes within its population.h 18. Central eastern Africa is believed by most scientists to be the origin place of both humans and great apes. The earliest remains of the modern human species Homo sapiens have been found in Ethiopia and date to roughly 200,000 years ago. 19. Facebook has 100 million active users in Africa
2. INDEPENDENCE DAY We always knew they were coming back. After Independence Day redefined the event movie genre, the next epic chapter delivers global spectacle on an unimaginable scale. Using recovered alien technology, the nations of Earth have collaborated on an immense defense program to protect the planet. But nothing can prepare us for the aliens' advanced and unprecedented force. Only the ingenuity of a few brave men and women can bring our world back from the brink of extinction. CAST:Jeff Goldblum-David Levinson,Jessie Usher-Bill Pullman President Whitmore-Judd Hirsch,Julius Levinson Liam Hemsworth,Joey King more cast & crew 3.STARS WARS The beginning of a new Star Wars trilogy will take place 30 years after Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. The new films will feature "a trio of new young leads along with some very familiar faces" (per CAST:Harrison Ford-Han Solo, Mark Hamill-Luke Skywalker Carrie Fisher-Leia Solo, Peter Mayhew-Chewbacca, Adam Driver-Undisclosed Villain, Anthony Daniels DIRECTOR-JJ Abrams
BOLLYWOOD Yaara Silly Silly is a romantic film directed by Subhash Sehgal with a tagline " A love story born in bed".It portrays mature relationship between a prostitute & her customer.It is a two night story,told very cinematically.CAST Parambrata Chatterjee, Paoli Dam, Vidya Malvade, Parth SurEva Grover, Zafar Dhillon, Falguni Rajani, Sukhvinder Chahl
Charlie Kay Chakkar Mein Our life revolves around perception of truth, in our lives we act only on our ability to judge the truth. Truth though is a fickle thing, paradoxically because it only occurs in absolution; rest is only our interpretation that allows us to live in a certain subjective truth. Addl. Commissioner of Police, Sanket Pujari and the rookie officer, Sameera sit across the television screen to decipher a rare case of multiple homicides caught on camera and this case is going to test their fundamental perception of truth. Main aur Charles is A 2015 bollywood drama, written and directed by Prawaal Raman and produced by Cynozure Networkz. This film is a fictitious thriller, inspired by true events and told from the perspective of respected Indian cop, Amod Kanth who handled the notorious case of serial killer, Charles Sobhraj.
20. The Nigerian movie industry “NOLLYWOOD” has recently been ranked the second largest movie producers in the world with America’s Hollywood ranking 3rd and Indian Bollywood ranking 1st.Nollywood produces up to 200 movies every single week and her movies has won half of the yearly awards for the best pictures since 2015.
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MOST BEAUTIFUL AND SEXIEST NOLLYWOOD ACTRESS 2015 1.OMOTOLA JOLADE EKEINDE She tops this list with no doubt.This ageless beauty queen just keeps everyone jawdropping with her ravishing countenance and looks. Omo-Sexy as she is fondly called by fans is married with 4 kids,Yeah 4kids you heard right! She still packs on stunning beauty like she's younger than 24. Omo-Sexy started her acting career far back as 1995 and since then she has been a positive force in the Nollywood Movie Industry.
HOT NEW NAIJA MUSIC 1. Lil Kesh Ft Patoranking- Is It Because I Love You 2. Flavour Ft M.i And Phyno -wiser 3. Mavins- juanmata 4. Kiss Daniel Ft Sugar Boy-molue 5. Oritsefemi- give Thanks 6. Dj Jimmy Jatt- feeling The Beat Ft Wizkid 7. Seyi Shay Ft Banky W & Iyanya- Right Now(remix) 8. Sina Rambo Ft Davido -earth Quake 9. Solid Star Ft Ice Prince & Patoranking- Bambam
HOT MUSIC VIDEO Chris Brown and Tyga-Bitches & Marijuana Banky W - High Notes Migos-One time Kid ink ft Dej loaf -Be real Phyno- Connect Ludacris -Call ya bluff Darey - Pray for Me Drake -My side HarrySong - Raggae Blues ft. Kcee, Iyanya, Orezi NEW FOREIGN MUSIC
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Rihanna-American Oxygen Lil wayne-what you saying Usher-Milk Carton Wiz Khalifa ft Sia -Beautiful people Drake-Tell your friends(Remix)
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OF 2015cont. (3) SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 After recording dwindling profits & disappointing sales with the Samsung Galaxy S5, Samsung went to the drawing board and came up with the Samsung Galaxy S6 which departed f ro m S a m s u n g ' s we l l known design language (plastic casing). The Galaxy S6 features a metal & glass unibody design and comes with a 5.1 inch Quad HD super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen covered by Gorilla glass 4, a future proof & powerful Exynos 7420 octa-core chipset with 3GB RAM that leaves its Snapdragon 810 counterparts in the dust in benchmark tests & thermal management, 16mp back camera with Optical Image Stabilisation & 5mp wide angle lens selfie camera, Improved Fingerprint reader incorporated into the home button, heart rate sensor, 32/64/128 GB of non expandable storage, WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, WiFi Direct, Hotspot, Bluetooth v4.1, 4G LTE connectivity & a non removable (2) SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 5:The Samsung Galaxy Note 5 is the successor to the Note 4. It has a 5.7 inch super AMOLED touchscreen protected by Gorilla glass 4, runs TouchWiz UX based on Android 5.1.1 Lollipop, features the powerful Exynos 7420 chipset with 4GB of LPDDR4 RAM, 16mp OIS Camera with a LED flash, 5mp wide angle lens selfie camera, 32/64 GB of non expandable storage, WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, WiFi Direct, Hotspot, Samsung's S Pen Stylus, 4G LTE connectivity & a 3000mAh battery. (1) APPLE IPHONE 6s The Iphone 6s is the successor to the hugely successful iPhone 6. It features the same 4.7 inch 750 pixels IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen with the new force touch technology, an extremely powerful 1.84 ghz dual-core 64 bits apple A9 CPU & an equally powerful PowerVR GT7600 GPU with 2GB of RAM, 16/64/128GB of non expandable storage, 12mp auto focus camera with 4k UHD video recording & a 5mp selfie camera, WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, WiFi Direct, Hotspot, Bluetooth v4.2, refreshed touch ID fingerprint scanner with Apple pay, reversible connector, 4G LTE connectivity & a non removable Li-Po 1715 mAh | 28
Yes !she's on our second spot with her alluring beauty.she's an actress, model and singer. This single mother of 1 is not only one of the most beautiful but also, arguably, the most popular and one of the richest Nigerian actress. She began her acting career as a child actress in the then popular soap opera “ripples” at age of 8. She has been endorsed by prominent international agencies as talented and awe inspiring lady.
3.OSAS IGHODARO AJIBADE She is a Nigerian-American actress and model. Born in bronx,New York in the United States .She won The Miss Black USA Pageant Competition in 2010.She is an actress,model,presenter.She is happily married to Gbenro Ajibade. Few might question why she is among the top 3 here,well I guess you can judge from what you see and know about her.
4.STEPHANIE OKEREKE She is a 32 years old Nigerian actress and film director. Her undeniable beauty can be gauged with the fact that she was crownd most beautiful girl in Nigeria in 2002. She has also won notable awards as an actress like the 2003 REEL AWARDS for Best Actress and the 2006 Afro Hollywood Award for Best Actress.
5. CHIKA IKE A distinctive Nigerian actress and entreprenuer(CEO of Fancy Nancy Collections). In 2005 she had her first role as an actress in the movies “sweetlove” and “Bless the Child”. In 2006 she was nominated for best upcoming actress.She was on December 15,2013, Honoured with a Nollywood fashion icon of the Year Award at the cynosure Magazine Nigeria Fashion Recognition Award.
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How does RED MEAT looks? ) is the Commonly, especially in gastronomy, development of cancer in the colon or red meat is RED when raw and not pale in rectum color when cooked , in contrast to white (parts of the large intestine). It is due to the meat ,which is pale in color before and after abnormal growth of cells that have the cooking. This ability to definition only refers to flesh from mammals invade or spread to other parts of the body. or fowl. In nutritional science red meat is Signs and symptoms may include blood in defined as any meat that the stool, a change in bowel has more myoglobin movements, weight loss , and “Signs And Symptoms May Include than a white meat, white feeling tired all the time. Blood In The Stool, A Change In meat being defined as Risk factors for Bowel Movements, non dark meat from colorectal cancer chicken (excluding leg or Weight Loss , And Feeling Tired includelifestyle, older age, thigh), or fish. and inherited All The Time” Red Meat content geneticdisorders. Other risk Red meat itself contains factors include DIET smoking , certain factors that, under certain alcohol, lack of physical activity, family conditions, produce carcinogens history of colon cancer and colon polyps, like N-nitroso compounds (NOCs). Cancer Epidemiological studies have found Processed red meat that an increased consumption of Nitrates and nitrites found in processed processed and red meat is associated with meat an increased risk of colorectal cancer. (e.g. bacon, ham, salami, pepperoni, hot The risk is not associated with white dogs, meat like chicken. The World Cancer and some sausages) can be converted by our Research Fund (WCRF) and American body into nitrosamines that can be Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) classify carcinogenic, red meat consumption as carrying an causing mutation in the colorectal cell line, increased risk of contracting bowel cancer. thereby causing tumorigenesis and In the United Kingdom approximately 21% eventually leading to cancer. Cooking any of bowel cancers are associated with red meat at high temperature and smoking meat consumption. produces the carcinogens polycyclic The WCRF recommends limiting intake of aromatic hydrocarbon red meat to less than 300g (11 oz) cooked compounds (PAHs) and heterocyclic amines weight (HCA).Likely because of these factors, per week, "very little, if any of which to be marinating fresh lean red meat and processed." thoroughly cooking the meat at low Those who eat red meat (beef, pork temperature will reduce the production of etc) and processed meat products carcinogenic compounds and thereby lower get colon cancer 30% to 40% more often the risk of colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer (also known as colon cancer ,rectal cancer , or bowel cancer For Advert Placement And Event Coverage Call 07063035926 | 6
OF 2015
( 1 0 ) I nf i n i x HOT 2 The infinix hot 2 is a product of collaboration between Google incorporated & Infinix mobility. The phone was marketed and sold exclusively through at the unbelievable price of #19500 for the 2gig RAM version & #17500 for the 1gig RAM version. Little wonder the phone sold out after the 1st few hours of launching it. The price of #19500 gets you a 720 × 1280 pixels 5 inch IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen, a 1.3 ghz quad core Cortex A7 mediatek MT650 Processor coupled with 2gig RAM, 16 GB of expandable storage, 8mp back camera with a LED flash & a 2mp selfie camera, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, WiFi Direct, Hotspot, Bluetooth v4.0, Hsdpa, Hsupa,Dual micro sim cards with dual standby & a 2200mAh battery.
(9 xiaomi redmi note 2 xiaomi incorporated are well known for selling high quality devices at dirt cheap prices that are almost unbeatable anywhere in the world. Xiaomi continued that tradition with the redmi note 2. Launched in china for a price of about $ 140, it comes with a 5.5 inch 1080 × 1920 pixels ips lcd capacitive touchscreen,miui v7 os based on android 5.0 lollipop, a 64 bits based mediatek mt6795 helio x10 octa-core 2.0/2.2 ghz cortex a53 cpu & power vr g6200 gpu couple with 2gig ram, 16/32gb of expandable storage, 13mp back camera with led flash, phase detection auto focus, 1080p video recording at 30fps & a 5mp selfie camera, wifi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, wifi direct, hotspot, bluetooth v4.0, infra-red, 4g lte connectivity & a li-po 3060 mah battery. (price in Nigeria is about 45-50k).
(8) One o f worl
plus 2 one plus is a subsidiary company oppo which shook the smartphone d last year with the launch of the one plus 1 which had flagship specs at half the price of flagship phones from other established manufacturers (samsung, lg, sony, & htc). The one plus 2 is the successor to the popular one plus 1 although it lost some of the hype that the original one plus 1 generated. It comes with a 5.5 inch 1080 × 1920 pixels, (401 ppi pixel density) ltps lcd capacitive touchscreen protected by corning gorilla glass 4, oxygen os based on androi d 5.1 lollipop, qualcomm snapdragon 810 chipset with octa-core 64 bits based cpu & adreno 430 gpu plus 3gig ram, 16/64 gb of non expandable internal storage, 13mp auto focus back camera with dual-led flash, 4k uhd video recording at 30fps & a 5mp selfie camera, wifi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, wifi direct, hotspot, bluetooth v4.0, 4g lte connectivity & a non-removable li-po 3300 mah battery. (price in Nigeria is about 75 to 90k)
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(7) HUAWEI NEXUS 6P Huawei Nexus 6p was launched just this month as the successor of the Motorola Nexus 6 launched in 2014. The Nexus 6p comes with a 5.7 inch AMOLED c a p a c i t i v e touchscreen with a Quad HD resolution (1440 × 2560 pixels, 518 ppi pixel density) protected by Corning Gorilla glass 4, stock Android 6.0 marshmallow Os, Qualcomm snapdragon 810 chipset with 3GB RAM, 32/64/128 GB of non expandable storage, 12mp auto focus back camera with dual-LED flash & 8mp selfie camera, WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, WiFi Direct, Hotspot, Bluetooth v4.2, usb type C connector, 4G LTE connectivity & a non removable Li-Po 3450 mAh battery. (6) MOTOROLA MOTO X STYLE/PURE The successor to the Moto X 2014, Moto X style has a water repellent nano-coated frame (Ip 52 certified), 5.7 inch IPS LCD Quad HD display protected by Corning Gorilla glass 3, Android 5.1.1 Lollipop upgradeable to Android 6.0 marshmallow, Qualcomm snapdragon 808 hexa core 64 bits based CPU & Adreno 418 GPU with 3GB RAM, 16/32/64 GB of expandable storage via micro SD card, 21mp back camera with dual-LED flash & 5mp selfie camera, WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, WiFi Direct, Hotspot, Bluetooth v4.1, 4G LTE connectivity & a non removable 3000mAh battery.
(5) MICROSOFT LUMIA 950 The Lumia 950 is Microsoft's (formerly NOKIA) 2015 Flagship Smartphone. It features a 5.2 inch Quad HD AMOLED capacitive touchscreen protected by Corning Gorilla glass 3, Microsoft Windows 10 Os with the ability to install & run Android Apps, Qualcomm snapdragon 808 chipset, 20mp back camera with Carl Zeiss optics, Optical, Image Stabilization, auto focus, triple-LED flash, 4k UHD video recording & a 5mp selfie camera,WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, WiFi Direct, Hotspot, Bluetooth v4.1, USB type C, connector, 4G LTE connectivity & a 3000mAh battery. (4) SONY XPERIA Z5 PREMIUM The Z5 Premium is the first smartphone in the world to feature a 4k resolution display (2160 × 3840 pixels with a whopping 806 ppi pixel density). Although the phone only renders 4k content when viewing pictures and videos to conserve battery. Android 5.1.1 comes preinstalled, Qualcomm snapdragon 810 processor with 3GB RAM, 32GB of expandable memory up to 200GB, 23mp back camera, 5mp front camera, WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, 4G LTE connectivity, fingerprint sensor incorporated into the power button & a 3430 mAh battery all wrapped in a waterproof glass and metal unibody. | 27
(Answer this correctly and win a Prize) If Theresa's Daughter is my daughter's mother, who am I to Theresa? A. Grandmother B. Daughter C. Mother D. I am Teresa E. Grand daughter Send Your Name, Phone Number, Location and to
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EXERCISE: It's important to ensure that your body is strong and healthy enough to meet the challenges that you set for it. It helps to improve your overall level of health and fitness. Working out 3 or 4 times a week can do a lot of help in improving your sexual techniques, flexibility and Endurance. TYPES OF EXERCISE THAT ARE BEST FOR BETTER SEX These are Scientific proven Exercises highly recommended for improved and sustained sex life: 1.KEGEL :It strengthen the pelvic floor muscles which supports the uterus,bladder,small intestine and rectum. Doing kegel is considered a good sex exercise for men because these exercise help endurance and control by toning the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles.These muscles helps you to stop the flow of wind mid stream. Men can use kegel to delay ejaculation by contracting these muscles just before orgasm. Practise these by holding for 10 seconds,relax and do as many repitition as u can before you get tired. 2. WEIGHT LIFTING: Strength training could be just what the doctor or exercise instructor can order you to do to improve sex life and performance. Weight lifting causes the body to produce more testosterone, which is the primary precusor for the male sex drive. You, can also go for pushups, sit-ups and crunches. These muscle-building exercises can help lead to better sex by strengthening the shoulders, chest and the abdominal. Strong upper body strength can increase stamina since these muscles are engaged during intercourse. 3. YOGA: If you want to improve your sex position, practicing yoga will give you a better sex by allowing your body to get into creative positions for maximum pleasure during intercourse. Yoga poses that improves pelvic muscles are the bow pose, also known as elbow-balance. 4. SWIMMING: Since sexual activities can be an act of endurance, long- distance. Swimming can keep you going and going like the energier burny. Swimming atleast 30 minutes three times in a week will increase sexual endurance and also lead to weight loss, which can lead to better sex. Its no more secret that losing excess body fats will help us attain those six-packs abdominal and make you more attractive to potential partners. These results to better sex performance. Don't forget doing these workouts,improves your sexual techniques,endurance and flexiblity. Your lover would be impressed with your sexual power and you'd have a good
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side-benefits which are more healthier and more b a l a n c e d l i f e performance. Hummmmmm!‌.my brothers and sisters, Drugs,steriods or hard synthethic substances on sex have a great short term advantage but a long term disadvantages and side effects that outweighs any good positive performance enhancing drugs(PED). Human nature tends to find the quicker and the fatest way to a solution and in sport and competition that solution is always winning. Winning can make people do things to their body that'll benefit them just to satisfy the present need. Here are short lists of dangerous side effects that can come with the use of Performance Enhancing Drugs(PED) and steriod abuse: 1. Increased risk of mood disturbance and depression. 2. Increased risk of psychosis 3. Increased risk of Agressive acts which may injure self or others. 4. Increased risk of cardiovascular and endocrine disorder. 5. Increased risk of liver disease and cancer 6. It may cause bad breath 7. Overall decreased sex drive. 8. Muscle cramps 9. Aching joint and Arthritis etc Note: If Exercise is a Drug, it'll be the most Expensive!!! Remember HEALTH IS WEALTH, STAY HEALTHY ABOUT THE AUTHOR:
OJEWOLA OLUSEGUN OLAJIDE is a Health-Fitness Coach and Trainer. He has helped a lot of people get their life back and get in perfect shape. He has also worked in a lot medical rehabilitation facilities both home and abroad., Number:+2347067788954,08142709565 | 7
ootball is among the best and most screened sport in the world and Africa too can boast of some great footballers who currently, ranked among the best in the world. Since the 1990's, African Countries and footballers have featured and ranked at the world footballer's top table. Although no African team is yet to reach further than the quarter finals at the world cup, these individual footballers have been recognized for their talents. The likes of George weah, samuel osei, Joseph Yobo,kanu,samuel Eto, Didier Drogba etc. are among the few mentioned africans that has brought glory to the african race in the field of sport. BELOW ARE THE TOP 10 RICHEST FOOTBALLERS AND THEIR NETWORTH IN 2015: 10. Christopher Samba--------Networth: $8million 9. Seydou keita------------------Networth: $10Million 8. Freeric Kanoute---------------Networth :$12Million 7. John Mikel Obi----------------Networth :$15Million 6. Kolo Toure---------------------Networth :$ 18Million 5. Michael Essein---------------Networth: $25Million 4. Emmanuel Adebayor-------Networth :$27million 3. Yaya Toure--------------------Networth : $65Million 2. Didier drogba-----------------Networth : $70 Million 1. Samuel Eto---------------------Networth :$90 Million
Miss FAMASSA Profile: I Am Folaranmi Fatiah Titilola, from Oyo State, Nigeria, Friends Call Me Lola Adams,A S t u d e nt O f M a n a ge m e nt & Accounting In Ladoke Akintola U n i v e r s i t y O f Technology,Ogbomoso Loves Reading, Chatting And Swimming, Am Cool, Wise And Beautiful With God Fearing Mind ,i To Music Listen A Lot. IG:@folaranmifolashayoto
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Africa. Dissemination of information,business
with good ideas and invest into. Sadly, Nigerians are yet
transaction and online advertisement been a hot cake in
to realize that there is a new dollar making industry at
the Nigerian cyber realm. Setting up a blog requires little or no
their own backyard. Ninety percent of the investors in
start up capital.Quite a few notable
nigerians has made a fortune from just blogging.Linda
all the major internet companies in Nigeria right now
Ikeji,Ogbonge's Blog and many more figures are doing
are foreigners. Jumia, Konga, Jobberman, Iroko,
great with just these.
Wakanow, etc. All got their investments from
foreigners. At the end, the profits will find it's way out of
Nigerians tends to love fashion and creativity. Generally, clothing is necessarily part of human needs and as long
the country.
as this need, needs to be met, investing your money in
14. HOTEL BUSINESS: This might actually be the coolest
fabrics, fashion accessories and some other clothing
way to make money in Nigeria. Invest in small scale
materials might be a very good business option in Nigeria. This business idea generally sells, though it sells better in some part of Nigeria compared to other parts.
hotel of just 10 suites and watch as the money flows in. It doesn't really have to do with tourism boom of any
10. FAST FOOD : In big and busy cities in the nation, fast
kind; there is just something in Nigerians system that
food business has proven to be to be the most
make this business very lucrative – Nigerians are jolly
progressive and profitable business at the moment. This business is always a hit regardless of the environment it is situated, among labourers, in the midst of students, in
people!You might need partnership for these and a clearly drawn out business plan.
motor parks, construction site, anywhere, It is always a
15. SCHOOLS AND TUTORIALS: Deciding to go for this
big hit wherever it is located, as long as people have to
kind of business might be a breakout for you financially.
eat its gonna boom. This business however depends on catering skills and requires an income as low as N8000 to begin with. 11.TECH INVESTMENT : Nigerians seems to be among the top african user of High Tech .The use of mobile phones and Gadgets has seen a great rise since 2008.
Sometimes taking advantage of people's ignorance pays well. Investing into the Educational sector has
Real Name: Adekunle Kosoko Stage Name: Adekunle Gold aka: King of Photoshop Genre: R&B Singer Record Label: YBNL (formerly in “The Bridge”) Adekunle gold is a singer and graphic designer initially famous for his photoshop skills and stunts, adding his pictures famous female celebrities including the likes of Tonto Dikeh, Toolz and Tiwa Savage and many others. Early life and education Adekunle was born into a royal family in Lagos State, Nigeria. He holds a National Diploma in Arts and Design after graduating from Lagos State Polytechnic. Early beginning while growing up, Adekunle
developed interest in music while listening to songs by King Sunny Ade and Ebenezer Obey. As a teen, he joined as a member of the junior church choir he was attending and went on to write his first song at the age of 15. 2010–2014 In 2010, Adekunle went solo after he disbanded a music group he formed with a friend while in school. Adekunle Gold was dubbed "King of Photoshop" after posting an edited Photoshop image of him hugging Tiwa Savage. On 19 December 2014, he released a cover of One Direction's "Story of My Life" titled "Sade" which rose to critical acclaim and went on to be
nominated at the 2015 edition of The Headies. 2015–present After the release of "Sade", Adekunle released his first official single titled "Orente" through YBNL Nation after signing a music contract with the record label on March 5, 2015. He was nominated in the Most Promising Act of the Year category at the 2015 City People Entertainment Awards. Adekunle Gold's debut single “sade” was a hit and the music that brought him to limelight in the music industry, he said he got the inspiration from a lady bearing sade that turned his love request down, and went on to write a song for her due to the love he had for her.
According to him, everything said in the music is real apart from the part he said his parent are expecting her. While his fans are still stuck to “sade”, he released another major hit “Orente”, you could almost hear it played everywhere in Southwest Nigeria. Orente was directed Mex and shot across different locations in Osun State. Adekunle Gold Songs Orente 2015, directed by Mex Sade December 2014, directed by Natialo Productions Let it Stop 2014 Ohh!, Adekunle Gold is dating the popular talented female artiste Simi. Skilled and Talented Here below are some of his talented works of art
really put smiles on many investors face. There are schools in almost all the corners of the streets in Lagos, ibadan and other major cities, yet they are still not enough. There will be continued demands for schools in
p o h s o t o h P f O King
Nigeria – from Creches to University.
Good investors can really do well in this business. 12. DRY CLEANING AND LAUNDRY: Professional dry cleaners who offers their services at affordable prices is scarce in Nigeria. What we have are professional Dry Cleaners whose service fees are extremely high or
16. SALON AND BEAUTY PRODUCTS: Every lady outthere wants to look good. Every guy wants to look presentable everyday. You can decide to invest in beauty products or even have a salon of your own whether Male,female or Unisex salon.
mediocre dry cleaners who can never keep with time. Give them cloths today and meet it unwashed after one
Other proven ideas that sells are
week. This business is a money maker if you balance it
18. Drilling and Borehole Business
19. Rentals Services
has created billonaire all across the globe including
20.Car Rentals and Dealings
Nigeria.It's simple! You don't have to be a Tech person, all you need is to look for a creative online tech startup
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DR RHYMES Birth Name: OYEWUMI IFEDAYO HAMMED A.K.A. Baba Rhaimoh Born: 19 May 1991 Origin: State Of Osun Genre: Afro, Folk Lores, R&b, Africa Soul, Reggae And Alternatives Occupation: Singer, Songwriter, Guitarist, Guitar Instructor, Blogger Instruments: Guitar,vocals Mentor: Innocent 2face Idibia Website:
r Rhymes is an upcoming Nigerian singer,song writer and guitarist. He is known for his unique Afro-R&B style of singing which he believe he got from the collections of song he heard while growing up, he listened to cultural Ekiti singers like Late Chief Elemure Ogunyemi together with western artist like R Kelly, Westlife, Craiq David and the likes. He says the mixture of this sounds in his head birth his singing. He believes he has in himself two personalities,''one side of me is modern and the other ancient and African. Dr Rhymes was born in Ikare Akoko in Ondo State Nigeria. He moved with his parents to Akure the State capital in 1997.He dated back his natural singing ability to the age of 5 when he was in the nursery school,''I recall that my female seniors in my primary school will always call me to girls hostel to sing for them''. He discovered his singing and writing skill in 2007 and ever since then, he strongly believes he should be doing music.''I was just a normal student at the secondary school having a dream of becoming a Medical Doctor and a professor at best until i discovered who I truly am. I didn't start music because I wanted to be famous and rich. If I dont have the talent, I
won't have even bothered calling myself an artist, am that truthful to myself. I will say music choose me not me choosing music'' He started developing himself musically immediately he got admitted into the University by first learning how to play the guitar in 2011.Now he is a professional guitarist and a guitar instructor.He plays as an official guitarist for many recording studios and other artists. He uses the internet to promote himself most time by uploading videos on Youtube and other social networks. He has shared stage with popular music stars like Olamide, Terry G ,Clench,Late Zee world and others. Early 2015,Dr Rhymes released a single he called 'Desire' which got him applauds from listeners locally and Internationally though he has done some recording earlier .He says he is yet to release his real type of music. He says his fans should be expecting another single from him by December. He Dr Rhymes/THE ACADEMY assured it is going to be a better tune than the previous. @iamdrrhymes
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Over time landed and
housing property investment has proven itself to be
through the road, making haulage business in Nigeria a
among the most lucrative business ideas. With
viable one. But, you must really be on ground to manage
increasing needs for housing and shelters,this business
this. This is not a business you just buy trucks and ship it
has served as a good money spinner for those who can
to your family back home and expect to make a silk pulse
play their way well around it. Deciding to do these alone
– no, it doesn't work that way.
might be back-breaking financially but getting partners
5. CASSAVA PLANTATION: Cassava plantation recently
involved would ease the money stress. building low and
has shown a trade boost since 2007. Cassava derived
high cost accommodation units, student hostels,
foods are some of the most consumed in Nigeria. If you
shopping malls and event centre is one of the easiest
can invest in cultivating 50 – 100 Acre in a fertile area like
way to make it big from one of man's basic need,
Ondo State, your harvest will be great. Millions of tones
of cassava products are consumed in Nigeria every year.
2. POULTRY FARMING: Poultry farming is and has made
Yet, there are no serious cassava farmers who specialize
the average Nigerians rich and financially free.It doesn't
in producing it at larger quantity. This is actually an
cost much to start and it's easy to manage depending on
opportunity for smart investors to make good money.
your business plan or strategy. With increasing demand
6. Oil and Gas Business: Nigeria is actually blessed with a
for poultry and protein products in a country of over
lot of great resources which presents some of the finest
150million people you can sure make a living with this
business opportunity for Nigerians and Foreigners over
business idea.
the years to invest. Owning a Petrol Filling Station,
3.OIL PALM PLANTATION: Palm oil business continues
Supplying of Diesel, and Distribution of Kerosene are
to be among viable business ideas in Nigeria for many
some of the business ideas in this sector that you can
years now. You can easily make a fortune of almost 60-
invest easily and make good money for yourself.
70 percent returns on your capital. This is a profitable
Everybody uses fuel one way or the other. If it's not in
business. Reselling palm oil purchased cheaply during
the car, your generator or the motor bike uses it. Oil and
the peak season (July) for high profit margin during the
Gas has been one of the best business that has made
off-peak season (February-April) is a business many
piles of money for good investors.
Nigerians are currently making cool money from. The
7. PURE WATER PRODUCTION : We all know for sure the
amazing fact about oil palm is that all its by-products are
popular demand for drinks to quench thirst during hot
still re-usable thereby leaving no room for waste.
weather, events and occasions. Though this business is
4. HAULAGE SERVICES: The cost of taking a truck from
capital intensive but well worth investing into,
one place to the other in Nigeria is averagely between
especially if you can manage it properly with
N20,000 to N200,000 per trip. Due to poor rail transport
professional hands.
system, most of the Nigerian goods are transported
8. BLOGGING : Statistics has shown in recent times that
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nigeria has the largest number of internet users in | 23
ho are you really? You are not a name, you
are not a degree/qualification, or a status,
or a position. You are not where you are
coming from neither are you where you are now. Your experience(s), situation(s) or circumstance(s) does not define who you are. You are not a mistake. There is a story behind your existence and it is imperative you discover who you really are. Because until the question of who you are is been answered, life may remain a mystery to you. A great man once said to me sometimes ago, that a life without bearing is a burden, the point is from the fact that distinct understanding of our true identity, our inborn ability, who we really are is what generate a bearing or direction for our lives. A man who does not know where his going may end up anywhere. Until a man know who he is, he may never have a clear glimpse of where his going. Your direction in life is in the discovery of who you are. It will be important for you to know that your existence, race and nationality are all planned because of who you. You are not an accident. The fact that you were born into this world is a proof that there is something hidden in you to offer to the world. Adequate understanding of who you really are will save you from some oppressions and depressions and give you the evaluation of your life. Your influence or impact in life is hidden in the discovery of your true identity. As a matter of fact, the potential inside individual is what makes uniqueness and significance out of a man. The real you is on the inside. The real you is what the world is waiting for. The real you is the special ability on your inside which is hidden to men. answering these question is the truth... just free it, don't run from it, that's who you are. The real you is not to be designed by you but only to be discovered
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by you. TWO WAYS TO DISCOVER THE HIDDEN YOU OUR BELIEF SYSTEM: The first step in the discovery of who you really are begins with your belief system. What influence the way we live our lives is our belief system. Because our belief generate our convictions, our conviction produce our attitude, our attitude influence our perceptions, our perception dictates our life.There is a need for you to believe within you that there is something hidden in you. A man once said… “that you were born naked doesn't mean you were born empty.” SELF ASSESMENT: Personal assessment is one the major factor which cannot be overemphasize when talking about self-discovery. It is the process of looking at yourself deeply and intently to bring out that unique and special ability hidden in you.
THREE KEY INSIGHT TO SELF ASSESMENT WHAT THRILLS YOU? what fascinate you always whenever you are engaging yourself in it?, what do you do freely without an expectation of a reward? what do you love doing that tends to command people's attention towards you?. Dr Myles Munroe once said “when you are working towards what you were born to do, people will naturally become aware of you”.
WHAT TAKES YOUR TIME? What favourite activity do you engage yourself in, one that tends to capture your attention for so long? What do you love doing that makes your body, mind and intuition to begin to work in an unusual manner. What do you yearn to do? What fa v o u r i t e a c t i v i t y i s burning in your heart as a desire? What is that activity that tends to prompt you to sacrifice some other things for? What is that activity you feel painful and uncomfortable bout when you find yourself in a place where you're not capable of expressing yourself or | 22
he way your makeup looks is determined by the kind of place or occasion you are wearing your make up to. if you are wearing a makeup to an office or school, the makeup must not be heavy but light. it might be a combination of your well drawn eyebrow. a blend of cool colours of eye shadows and a pink or other light colour lips. Applying blush is not necessary but if at all you want to apply it, use it lightly. You also do not need to contour your face, eyelids, blush and lips. It is not ideal to wear a red lips to work. Your make up can be complement with a stunning but simple dressing. If you are going for an occasion like a wedding ceremony, birthday ceremony etc. Then you can put on heavy makeup, here you can contour your face, eyelids, blush etc But you also need to try as much as possible to not look funny by being cautious of the type of colours you blend together and don't overdo your contours. if you are having issues with picking colours you can take like two colours from the cloth you are wearing for example, if you are putting on a combination of blue and silver,y ou can blend a silver and blue eye shadow if you want a "straight makeup" and a sliver, blue and black If you want an "extreme" makeup . You can now blend it with a "ombre red lips" or any other bright colourful or ombre lips. If you have a small lips, its preferable to do a full lip but you can aslo make an ombre lips but if you have a big lip,never do a full lips but go for ombre because ombre lips makes your lips look smaller. How to make an Ombre Lip 1. Prime your lips using lip primer 2. Look for two shades of lips colours( a dark shade and a lighter shade) 3 Line your lips fully with darker shade. 4 Fill in the middle with the lighter shade 5. Blend the two 6. Apply gloss if desired.
3. Blend the lips 4. Clean out fall out 5. You can use your skin shade of concealer to highlight your lip. ABOUT AUTHOR :
How to make a full lip 1. Prime your lip using lip primer 2. Apply your desired lip colour
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DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GIRLS AND WOMEN 1. Girls search for rich men while women search for loving, caring and good men and also work their way to be rich too. 2. Girls measure their men's worth by the level of his pocket while women measure their men's worth by the level of wisdom, fear of God and how disciplined they can be towards their partner 3. Girls will end relationship giving silly excuses while women have endurance and pray knowing everything happens for a reason 4. Girls think about the present while women thinks about the future 5. Girls love many guys going after them while women are of less time knowing the law of demand which states that “cheap things has higher purchase� 6. A girl talks about her relationship affairs to outsiders while women keeps secret things secret 7. Girls demand money for make ups while women demand money to make plans 8. Girls get hurt by one man and makes all men pay for it while women thinks otherwise 9. Girls are learning while women knows 10.Girls reads this and get an attitude afterwards while women reads this and makes it a guiding principle.
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HOW TO DETECT WHEN LOVE IS AT WORK SACRIFICE: love does not make excuses but sacrifice. If the person is in love, he will lay everything down for you and will cheat everything to be with you MINDFULNESS: When you love, you think about each other either far away or near. The person begins to make certain plans for you. ATTENTION :There will be visitation and no matter how busy your partner is, he or she will surely create time out of the busy schedule. The fact is nobody is too busy to give attention, it just depends the number you are on their priority list. PRIDE : No matter his status or position, Do not marry someone who you are not proud of and someone who is not proud of you. VOCALIZATION: When love is at work, you become free with each other, open up to each other and say whatever. Do not marry someone who you are not always comfortable being with and someone who nags all the time for no reason only if you are sure you will be fine with that. DISCLOSURE : When love is at work, there will be disclosure, sharing of things in common and sharing of opinions and also there will be disclosure of things you even consider as secrets. A woman who loves you will get mad at you for so many reasons but will never leave you. A good man eliminates all doubt of the future on his woman's mind and re-assures her all will be fine, you need not to shout at her. Never leave a true relationship for few faults, nobody is perfect and at the end, affection is always better than perfection. Never be too proud to say “I AM SORRY” that 3 letter words goes a long way in fixing a lot of things going wrong.
everly and Chris were married for 7 years. Chris was a recovering alcoholic and drug addict who had been clean and sober for several years before he met Beverly. Beverly was a successful professional and Chris was a hardworker in a blue collar job. After several years, Beverly suggested that the couple start a business of their own. They decided to invest in rental properties which they hoped would help grow their savings and allow them to travel and enjoy life more. They got a second mortgage on their home and bought several fixer-uppers in the same town where Chris worked. Things did not go as smoothly as expected, but they kept working on it and trying to deal with the stresses of a new business together. After about a year, Beverly came home to find Chris crying and upset. She asked him what was wrong and he said he had to move out and "see what he wanted in life". Beverly was caught totally off guard and was devastated, but had no choice but to let him go. He left immediately and, in a week, came back to pack up his personal belongings. He told Bev he was staying with friends. In the meantime, Bev worked the business on her own. About a month after Chris left, Beverly received a call from the bank that her business account was overdrawn. After meeting with the bank, she discovered that Chris had been funneling money out of their business account for some months before he left. When Beverly finally reached him, he minimized the theft, but said that he would reimburse the account. A couple of weeks later, Bev found out from friends that Chris was seeing another woman, someone he had mentioned as a new acquaintance at work. After two small checks, Chris stopped paying Beverly back.
VIVA BOSS ANKARA Model: Vanessa,Nana and Kumsy Location: Lagos,Ibadan, Ogbomosho Contact:08138337417
Designer: BEAUTY ARENA Model: Bolu,Vanessa and fiyin Location: Ogbomosho Contacts:07030542991
CHAPS FABRICS Model: FIYIN, KUMSY, BOLU Location: Ilorin Contact: 08066207149 Zanny KAY Koncepts
Designer: Dammy Makeover Location: Ogbomoso Contact: 08032647830
Model: Ibot, Barakat Location: Ogbomosho Contact:07064285772
HOLLYMID MAKEOVER Location: Lagos,Ogbomoso Contact: 08064772089 Glory Fashion Designer Model: Kumsy, Vanessa, Barakat Location: Abuja,Ogbomosho Contact:07037472690
MJ MAKEUP ACADEMY Model: Bunkunmi Location: Lagos,
Lots of time has gone bye but Beverly still loves Chris….
Ogbomosho, Ile- ife
Contact: 08162630900
Help Beverly out and win a Prize this week!! FATTYTEAM ANKARA PHONE CASE Location:Ogbomosho Contact: 08107477875
Note: Send Name,phone number,location and answers to
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NAME: ABATAN SABBATHSTON AYODEJI SCHOOL: LAGOS STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT: POLITICAL SCIENCE, LEVEL:100l TWITTER: @Asabbathston/ IG: bathston_lee BBM: 593F3555 HOBBIES: MODELLING, PLAYING WITH SOUNDS (a producer in making), Having fun, Meeting People, and also taking Selfie FAV. FOOD: FRIED RICE, SALAD, PLANTAIN FRIED CHICKEN LIKES: honesty,real people with real feelings, hardworking, perseverance, helping those who need help / DISLIKE: LIES, ENVY, BEEN FAKE, CHEATING GENDER: MALE/ RELATIONSHIP STATUS: DATING
Name: SANNI OYINDAMOLA HAISAT School: LAUTECH Department: PHYSIOLOGY Level: 400l BBM PIN: 2B0E4249 Hobbies: READING NOVELS, WATCHING, MOVIES, SEWING Favorite food: Yam and Egg Likes: DANCING AND TRAVELLING Dislike: DISHONESTY Gender: female Relationship Status: IN A RELATIONSHIP
Name OLALUDE OLADOTUN OPEYEMI Nickname: FWESH School:LAUTECH, Department C.S.E Level 200, WhatsApp 08130571933 Bbm 58CB1489 Instagram @fwesh_boy Hobby: Playing football
Name: ADENIJI MOJIRADE GLADYS School: LAUTECH Department: PHYSICS, Level: 200l BBM PIN: 56161C83 Hobbies: SINGING Favorite food: RICE, DODO AND FISH Likes: STRAIGHT FORWARDNESS Dislike: DISHONESTY Gender: FEMALE Relationship Status: IN A RELATIONSHIP
ou must have been trying to get the real meaning of love but the truth is love has no definition. It is just something that invades your soul, knocks you off your bearing, and leaves you to it. Love occur every minute, everyday but why does true love seems hard to get? True love is one of few human needs people neglect and most times don't usually want to talk about. Truth is everybody wants to love and be loved. True love is the best thing that could happen to anyone but most often people misinterpret feelings or mere emotions for true love, True Love isn't based on feelings because feelings is subject to change. We've gathered here for you, some facts and definitions of what true love might really be like; True Love is caring for each other even when you are angry and at your worst moments True love is accepting without restriction, trust without fear, want without demand, and taking each other for who you are. True Love is giving all when its all you've got True Love is not just a feeling because feelings is subject to change True love is dealing with his/her past, accepting the present and focus on what the future could bring True Love is not money but the fact is without money, you won't be able to finance your relationship. Fact is Money is not everything but everything needs money, Money is the fuel for your relationship. Money can sustain love and also helps to show expression. Here are three things that occurs in every love story and one last and final truth; It is either you find someone that loves you but you don't love the person in return. Either you love someone and the person loves you but you can't just be together due to some reasons e.g genotype, religion or family background. Lastly, its either both party loves each other, get in the boat and then sail away.
1.When a girl ignores your message twice, leave her alone. She ain't blind, she just choose to ignore it. There is no more need sending more messages. Move on to the next girl sharply.. 2.When a girl accept your request, seriously typing “thanks for accepting my request” is very lame.. Do it in her inbox if you must . Some of you get ignored when you type that crap on her wall. 3.You don't need to be a male LovePeddler. Don't woo every girl on your list. Some are good enough to be just friends with you.. 4.Guy, don't be the thirsty dude on a girl's post, simply hit the like button and move on. If you need to comment, make it brief and interesting. Don't go begging her to add you.. 5.Bro, if the picture is beautiful like it and give a simple compliment. If it's not, there is no need lying to get her Attention.. Can't wait for Facebook to upgrade, where you just press the dislike button. Lol 6.Buddy, when chatting you don't spend your whole time telling a girl how beautiful she is, hundred of guys have told her how beautiful she is everyday. They find it boring when you join the train. 7.If you find yourself always starting the convo with a Particular person, like you are always the first to message her, please stop it for a while. If she doesn't notice, you are not important to her..Leave her alone. 8. If you both don't roll, don't tag her to your pix. She might find it offensive. 9.The lesser of you, the better for you. When you are all over her wall, all over her pictures commenting and liking everything, you are less appreciated because you are acting thirsty. 10.When you compliment a girl on her pictures and another person compliments her on the same picture and she thanked the other dude and skip your name, please remove your comment. It wasn't necessary. These are plain psychological tips ,. If a girl ignore your messages, refuses to pick your calls, refuses to see you or go on a date with you, rejects your gift or returns them. Guy, it's high time you hit the road because she ain't feeling you.
1. If you love her because of her eyes, lips or body, it is not "Love" it is "LUST" 2. If it is because of her intelligence or insight about life, it is not "Love", its "ADMIRATION" 3. If its because she cries every time you try to leave her, it is not"Love" it is "PITY" 4. If its because she makes you forget to study and sleep, it is not "Love" it is "INFATUATION" 5. Love is, when you do not know why you seem to be attracted to a person. 6. Love is when the heart sees what's invisible to the eyes 7. Love is when you really can't explain how you feel about her to her, but you can explain it to yourself 8. Love has its reason and that reason is UNKNOWN, "!!!
HERE ARE THREE THINGS THAT OCCURS IN EVERY LOVE STORY AND ONE LAST AND FINAL TRUTH; It is either you find someone that loves you but you don't love the person in return. Either you love someone and the person loves you but you can't just be together due to some reasons e.g genotype, religion or family background. Lastly, its either both party loves each other, get in the boat and then sail away.
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London. In 1960, he was awarded a Rockefeller
the Nigerian people and that gingers me up.”
fellowship and returned to Nigeria to study African
Now considered Nigeria's foremost man of letters,
Soyinka is still politically active and spent the 2015
In 1960, he founded the theater group, The 1960 Masks,
election day in Africa's biggest democracy working the
and in 1964, the Orisun Theatre Company, in which he
phones to monitor reports of voting irregularities,
produced his own plays and performed as an actor. He
technical issues and violence, according to The
has periodically been a visiting professor at the
Guardian. After the election on March 28, 2015, he said
universities of Cambridge, Sheffield, and Yale.
that Nigerians must show a Nelson Mandela–like ability
"The greatest threat to freedom is the absence of
to forgive president-elect MuhammaduBuhari's past as
an iron-fisted military ruler, according to
Soyinka is also a political activist, and during the civil
war in Nigeria he appealed in an article for a cease-fire.
Soyinka has been married three times. He married
He was arrested for this in 1967, and held as a political
British writer Barbara Dixon in 1958; OlaideIdowu, a
prisoner for 22 months until 1969.
Nigerian librarian, in 1963; and Folake Doherty, his
Nobel Prize and Later Career
current wife, in 1989. In 2014, Soyinka revealed he was
In 1986, upon awarding Soyinka with the Nobel Prize
diagnosed with prostate cancer and cured 10 months
for Literature, the committee said the playwright "in a wide cultural perspective and with poetic overtones fashions the drama of existence." Soyinka sometimes writes of modern West Africa in a satirical style, but his serious intent and his belief in the evils inherent in the exercise of power are usually present in his work. To date, Soyinka has published hundreds of works. In addition to drama and poetry, he has written two novels, The Interpreters(1965) and Season of Anomy (1973), as well as autobiographical works including The Man Died: Prison Notes (1972), a gripping account of his prison experience, and Aké ( 1981), a memoir about his childhood. Myth, Literature and the African World (1975) is a collection of Soyinka's literary essays. “Against my rational instincts, I believe that we have here a genuine case of a born-again democrat,” he said. Ultimately, “the real heroes of this exercise have been
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arly life: Chantelle-brown was born on July 27,1994 in Toronto Ontario to Lisa Young(Nee Brown) and Windsor Young.
She's since become a spokesperson for vitiligo, the same condition which is believed to have affected Michael Jackson. Harlow was a victim of verbal abuse by other “it's a skin condition, not a life changer” she said. children and so many times she was called a Winnie believes things began to take off good for her cow,zebra and all manner of other disparaging slurs when she finally decided to through out her embrace her unique look and “She's An Inspiration, childhood.As a result of used it as her advantage. a Whirlwind Of Positive Energy. these verbal harassment,it “And with that opportunities She Has A Skin Pigment Disorder That Could Have led to her numerous started to fall into my lap and Caused Her Career But She Didn't Give Up. changing of school and Winnie Harlow, Real Name Chantelle Young Brown. I thank God for all of finally dropping out of high them.Try loving yourself” She Winnie Was Diagnosed Of school at the age of 16-17 Vitiligo At Early As The Age Of Four” says. and some times having suicidal thoughts. However HER MODELLING CAREER: Harlow reports that she has finally accepted her Winnie started out as a model in 2013 when a local fate with her appearance and she also ignores youtube personality Shannon Boodram saw her negative opinion of others as it doesn't count pictures on facebook and invited her over for a shot anymore. and ever since then shes being doing it big despite all challenges that comes with it. Despite being rejected by every single modelling agency in Toronto, designers, photographers and runway directors began to see the beauty that the rest of the world could see. Unrepresented, she was invited to walk in several Fashion Art Toronto shows in 2013. From there, she had several of the city's top photographers clamor to capture her. Along her unprecedented ride to notoriety, that same year, America's Next Top Model producers caught wind of Chantelle fever. After being discovered by Tyra Banks, Chantelle was requested to compete in the 21st cycle of America's Next Top Model. Even though Chantelle was Canadian and visibly had vitiligo, Tyra was ready to make all exceptions necessary to make a lifelong dream come true for this young girl who For Advert Placement And Event Coverage Call 07063035926 | 15
refused to be held back by her own skin. Cosmopolitan, Access Hollywood, Buzzfeed, The Insider and MTV all agree that Chantelle is the next IT girl, and anyone in the know can safely rest their hopes and dreams in this new face of beauty as well. Tyra : “When I see somebody like Chantelle I'm like, 'This is beautiful,this is unique, the world needs to see that'.” PEOPLE : The self-proclaimed vitiligo spokesmodel hopes her run onthe show will inspire others to follow their own dreams.” MTV BASE : “Unafraid to shy away from her condition.” THE HUFFINGTON POST : “At school, she was constantly bullied and was called 'zebra' and 'cow'. Yet looking at her Instagram account,it's hard to see how people can view her as anything less than beautiful.” COSMOPOLITAN : We can't wait to watch her dream unfold.” Entertainment Tv: “Chantelle's decision to appear on the show has quickly inspired hundreds of fans living with the condition. One of them is E! News' very own Terrence Jenkins.” “She is pure inspiration, a whirlwind o positive energy,an example of strength and achievement, who demonstrate that we are all special and can achieve what we set out to do” A spokesperson for Desigual( a Spanish brand, Winnie modeled for) said of her.
WOLE SOYINKA W ole Soyinka is a Nigerian playwright, poet, author, teacher and political
activist who received the Nobel Prize
for Literature in 1986. Synopsis Wole Soyinka was born on July 13, 1934, in Nigeria and educated in England. In 1986, the playwright and political activist became the first African to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature. He dedicated his Nobel acceptance speech to Nelson Mandela. Soyinka has published hundreds of works, including drama, novels, essays and poetry, and colleges all over the world seek him out as a visiting professor. Early Life Wole Soyinka real name Akinwande Oluwole "Wole" Babatunde Soyinka on July 13, 1934, in Abeokuta, near Ibadan in western Nigeria. His father, Samuel Ayodele Soyinka, was a prominent Anglican minister and headmaster. His mother, Grace Eniola Soyinka, who was called "Wild Christian," was a shopkeeper and local activist. As a child, he lived in an Anglican mission compound, learning the Christian teachings of
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his parents, as well as the Yoruba spiritualism and tribal customs of his grandfather. A precocious and inquisitive child, Wole prompted the adults in his life to warn one another: “He will kill you with his questions.”
After finishing preparatory university studies in 1954 at Government College in Ibadan, Soyinka moved to England and continued his education at the University of Leeds, where he served as the editor of the school's magazine,The Eagle. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in English literature in 1958. (In 1972 the university awarded him an honorary doctorate). Plays & Political Activism In the late 1950s Soyinka wrote his first important play, A Dance of the Forests, which satirized the Nigerian political elite. From 1958 to 1959, Soyinka was a dramaturgist at the Royal Court Theatre in | 17