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‫مقدمة‬ ‫تقوم فكرة المشروع على نشر معلومات ثقافية من خالل مقارنة مجموعات صورية بعضها ببعض ‪ ,‬تهدف كل‬ ‫مجموعة صورية الى نقل رسالة او معلومة الى الناس بطريقة سلسة ‪ ,‬ويركز المشروع على مواقع التواصل‬ ‫االجتماعي التي باتت جزء اساسي من حياة اي فرد في المجتمعات العربية و استغالل جزء منها الهداف ثقافية‬ ‫‪ ,‬تزخر هذه المواقع بالكثير من الصفحات الثقافية وعلى الرغم من ذلك اال ان تفاعل االفراد مع هذه الصفحات‬ ‫غالبا يأتي من خالل الصور التي يتم نشرها مقابل تفاعل ضعيف جدا مع المنشورات الكتابية‪.‬‬ ‫و تزخر مواقع االنترنت بشكل عام ومواقع التواصل االجتماعي بشكل خاص بالكثير من المعلومات ‪ ,‬ولكن‬ ‫الكثير من المعلومات التي يحصل عليها االنسان من خالل القراءة او السمع يفقدها تدريجا مع الوقت ‪ ,‬في حين‬ ‫أن الذاكرة الصورية للفرد تعتبر طويلة األمد وتعمل على ترسيخ المعلومات في ذهن الفرد ‪ ,‬لذلك تعتبر عملية‬ ‫تزويد األفراد بالمعلومات من خالل الصور من الطرق الحديثة في نشر العلم و الثقافة‪.‬‬ ‫المشروع خالل فترة بسيطة عمل على نشر مجموعة كبيرة من الصور تشمل مقارنات ذات ابعاد معمارية ‪,‬‬ ‫ثقافية و تاريخية ‪ ,‬عملية العرض للمواد الصورية بسيطة الى حد ما و تضم نصوص مقتضبة تحفز االفراد على‬ ‫البحث و معرفة المزيد حول تلك المعلومات ‪.‬‬

Introduction The idea of the project is to disseminate cultural information by comparing groups of photos to each other, each set of images aimed to convey a message or information to people smoothly, the project focuses on the social networking sites which have become an essential part of the life of any person in Arab societies ,and exploitation part of the cultural goals These sites replete with many of the cultural pages in spite of that, the interaction of People with these pages , often comes through the pictures that are posted with comparing a very weak interaction with the written publications, Web sites in general and social networking sites in particular, include a lot of information, ,but much of the information obtained by the man through reading or hearing lose it gradually with time While the Photographic memory of the person considered a long-term and working to consolidate the , information in the mind of the person , so it is a process to provide people with information through images .of modern methods in the dissemination of science and culture During small period of project , I published a large collection of photos includes comparisons with the dimensions of architectural, cultural and historical, the display process for materials fairly simple and . includes a brief texts motivates people to search and learn more about the information

Zionist immigration into Palestine, which lasted since the beginning of the British Mandate

Displacement of Palestinians from their homeland to the diaspora during the Nakba war

Haifa Port, one of the oldest and most important ports of ancient Palestine, after the mandate became a gate for Zionist immigration to Palestine

today, Haifa port is the most important and largest port in Israel (occupied Palestine), moreover , it has a petroleum refinery

Jaffa Waterfront , Jaffa before the Nakba war was an Arab character par excellence in originality and its inhabitants

Jaffa waterfront Remained as it was , but after change the population and turn it into a tourist areas and art

It›s the western wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, it located in the Moroccan neighborhood in the old city of Jerusalem, the history of the neighborhood goes back to Saladin period after the liberation of Jerusalem, most of its Residents from the Maroc

After the occupation of Jerusalem city in the war of Naksa, Israeli occupation army bulldozed the entire Moroccan neighborhood and turn it into an arena for the reception of Jewish worshipers to worship at Al Buraq Wall

It›s a Windmill established at the end of the Ottoman period in Jerusalem city in the middle of ninth century , the mill has worked nearly one hundred year, until the outbreak the war of (Nakba) , where Israeli forces have taken it as a control point , so the British forces destroyed it in the process named-Don Quixote

The Israeli occupation authority has worked on the restoration of the windmill and returned it to the old design , they turned it into a small museum and called it the Mentvuori mill proportion to Moses Mentvuori one of Zionists who supported Jewish immigration

it›s an clock tower and architectural masterpiece erected above the Jaffa Gate in the city of Jerusalem by order of the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid in the beginning of last century for the passage of twenty five years of his reign, and was host to travelers coming to the city of Hebron and Jaffa

After the occupation of Jerusalem at the beginning of last century by the British Mandate forces, the military governor decided to remove the tower in twenties and was moved to another area in the city, then was transferred to British Museum in london, currently there is no trace of it

Masada Castle , relics dating back to BC, found in the Jordan Valley

Imaginary image for the castle,show how the castle was two thousands years ago

candles Grotto , a cave located in the city of Jerusalem, formed by natural factors formed crystalline rocks, it›s one of the tourism landmarks of Jerusalem, controlled by the Israeli occupation authority, also called Soreq Grotto

Jeita Grotto, a cave located in Lebanon was formed by the elements of nature , which formed one of the greatest wonders of the world, and one of the most popular tourist centers in Lebanon, located in the town of Jeita in Lebanon Mount

King David Hotel , one of the most luxurious and finest hotel in Jerusalem city , established in the Twenties of last century by Egyptian and Arab investors , part of it turned into the headquarters of the General Administration and the British military administration in Forties of last century , the hotel bombing by Zionist gangs, which led to the collapse part of it, killing ninty people

King David Hotel still a special place in the city , where it was repaired again, and is considered an architectural masterpiece in the city, it became the headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross and UN envoys during the Nakba war. The hotel has hosted Important personalities such as Egyptian President Anwar Sadat during his visit to Jerusalem

Casino Bat Gelam founded in thirties of last century

currently The casino is deserted place

concrete Barrels separating between the Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot

concrete Barrel which Israel used to close the streets completely during the first intifada

Dome of the Rock, one of the most important holy places for Muslims, which appear in the fifties of the last century , older than thousand years ago

Dome of the Rock after various renovations and new livery of golden dome layer

Alhambra theater and cinema, one of the oldest and most important Palestinian cinema before the catastrophe of Nakba , a large group of Arab artists have to sing in the cinema, such as Umm Kulthum and Mohammed Abdel Wahab

The old building was renovated restructured and converted into a center for Scientology in occupied Palestine, Scientology is a philosophical theory of religious, some countries consider it as a religion

During the Israeli wars on Gaza were destroyed large parts of city

During the First World War were destroyed part of Gaza City during the battles between the British and the Ottomans

Haifa City in the night , before the Nakba war

Haifa city , in the night - now

Haifa train station, the main railway stations in the Palestinian railways , station detonated in the Nakba war

Currently the station has been converted into a museum of the trains and provide different tourist services

Lod Airport, the main airport before the Palestinian Nakba, was established in the city of Lod in thirties of last century , occupied by Israeli army in Nakba war

Ben Gurion Airport is currently (relative to David Bengurion first Prime Minister of Israel), the most important and largest airports in Israel - occupied Palestine

Ras Al Naqoura Tunnel, Osmani tunnel carved in the rock , railway going through that Tunnel which link between Haifa and Beirut

After the the war of Nakba , railway was stopped and close the tunnel

Historical monastery and one of the most important holy places for Christians, located in the Palestinian city of Jericho in the Jordan Valley

The Hanging Templeis a temple built into a cliff near Mount Heng in Datong City, Shanxi province, China

ponds Created on the orders of Sultan Suleiman, located to the south of Bethlehem, these ponds were considered the main water source for Jerusalem and Bethlehem

Suleiman›s pools was drying ,pools considered a tourist & historical destination , the water does not exploit

The Berlin Wall (German: Berliner Mauer) was a barrier that divided Berlin from sixties to nineties of the last century , constructed by the German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany) , that completely cut off (by land) West Berlin from surrounding East Germany and from East Berlin until it was opened in nineties .The barrier included guard .towers placed along large concrete walls

The Israeli West Bank barrier (or wall ) is a separation barrier built by Israel in the West Bank or along the Armistice Line (ÂŤGreen LineÂť). Upon completion, its total length will be approximately seven hundred kilometres and include on the western side approximately Nine percent of the West Bank and twenty thousands Palestinians

The Israeli West Bank barrier (or wall ) is a separation barrier built by Israel in the West Bank or along the Armistice Line (ÂŤGreen LineÂť). Upon completion, its total length will be approximately seven hundred kilometres and include on the western side approximately Nine percent of the West Bank and twenty thousands Palestinians

The Ceuta border fence is a border barrier between Morocco and Spain at Ceuta, a city in the North African coast. Constructed by Spain, its purpose is to stop illegal immigration and smuggling. Morocco objected to the construction of the barrier since it does not recognize Spanish sovereignty in Ceuta

Majamaa Bridge, an old Ottoman bridge over the Yarmouk River, which is part of the Palestinian railway network

The bridge was blown up during the Nakba war, bridge remains intact until these days

Palestine Railway , the railway was passing in Battir before the Nakbat

today , Israeli railway pass in Battir on the same old rail

Abraham Oak , a historical tree , age of the tree estimated around Five thousand years old, located in Hebron city in .Palestine

Sycamore tree in Jericho, a sacred tree for Christian , age of the tree estimated around Two Thousands years old

Kingdom of Hejaz was founded after great Arab revolution , Mecca was the capital city of Kingdom lasted for ten years until its collapse after the control of Abdul Aziz Al Saud on Najd and the Hijaz

Palestine, Arab country occupied, under Israeli occupation since fourteenth of last century

Absalom tomb, in ancient shrine in the Kidron Valley goes back more than two thousands year

currently , Kidron Valley one of the most important archaeological sites in the Jerusalem region

Villa Munib al-Masri in Nablus

Villa Rotunda, designed by architect Bladio in Veneto in Italy in sixteenth century

British Army dominate the Church of the Nativity

The Israeli siege of the Church of the Nativity

Abbas›s Dome , it›s the tomb of the «Baab» ,the founder of the Baha›i Faith in Haifa

currently ,the Bahai gardens Considered one of the most important centers of attractions

Bahai Gardens, the building houses the global archive of the Baha›i religion

Historical Grecian temple in Athens, turning the temple into a church and then a mosque, considered one of the most important Landmarks of Greece

News about the Declaration of the State of Israel in Palestine Post newspaper

News about the Declaration of the State of Palestine observer state

News about the first elections in Palestine after the Oslo agreement in the newspaper

The second elections in Palestine in after the second Intifada in the newspaper

Cairo city, planning and urban overcrowding, lack of public squares and parks

Barcelona, systematic planning appear, there is intrested in public spaces and parks

Trojan , legend speaks about a giant wooden horse used in the storming of the ancient Troy Kingdom

Jenin refugee camp Horse , Made from the remains of cars and ambulances were destroyed during the invasion of Jenin

Statue of Christ in Lebanon

Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil

Conventional water tank, we can see a lot of these tank in our cities and villages in palestine

Kuwait Towers , the most important landmarks in Kuwait , was built in seventies of last century to be water tanks, now turned into a center for tourism services

Bala›ama Tunnel , Canaanite water tunnel back to four thousands year, located in Jenin city

Ubaidia Tunnel , a Roman water tunnel goes back to two thousands year , located in Ubaydi in Bethlahem

Palestinian Airlines Company after the Oslo Accords, located in Gaza

Palestinian Airlines Company before the Nakba, located in Lod Airport

The proclamation of the State of Israel in Tel Aviv in occupied Palestine

The proclamation of the State of Palestine in Algeria

Rhodes Agreement , the truce agreement signed in Rhodes Island in Greece between the Arabs and Israel after the occupation of Palestine

Oslo agreement , signed at the White House in America between the PLO and Israel to establish a state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip

Jaffa Municipality Building, the Municipality for one of the oldest and most important cities of historic Palestine, Jaffa Municipality was one of the largest municipalities before Nakba

Jaffa Municipality building Has been removed after merging Jaffa Municipality and Tel Aviv Municipality , Currently the main columns of the front facade remained only

Municipality of Gaza City building, one of the oldest and most important buildings in Gaza City

The building displays the Israeli bombardment during the War and was .destroyed

French sculptor Frederic Bartholdi in nineteenth century Offers a miniature model for the Statue of Liberty to the Khedive Ismail to be placed at the entrance of the Suez Canal, Egyption design was for peasant woman , but the idea was rejected for lack of sufficient funds in the state treasury after digging the canal

The design was changed by the French government and Presented as a gift to the United States on the anniversary of years of independence, New design 100 of statue for a woman carrying a book and torch symbolizes freedom. This statue considered the most important landmarks of New York and America

Haiye Ben Yaqdhan , a fictional character in Andalusian literature , talking about the boy growing up and husbandry by animals in the forest, the novel of the Andalusian Ibn Tufayl in twelfth century

Tarzan, the fictional character from the American novel for Edgar Rice in twentieth century about a boy living in the jungle and animal husbandry

The cave Houses in Hebron,where the poor live, does not have any necessary elements for life

The cave house in America, the home built inside a cave, equipped with all the necessary equipment for the life

Jenin Grand Mosque, was constructed seventeenth century by order of Fatima Khatun Sham governor›s Wife , it demolished during the French campaign on the Levant

the mosque Renovated several times & enlarged, and is considered the oldest traces of Jenin City

Image of the former headquarters of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat appeared headquarters during the second intifada

A recent photo of the headquarters of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, appears headquarters after reconstruction and new design process

Cairo Tower, is one of the most important landmarks of Cairo & one of the most important centers of tourist attractions in the Egyptian capital

Palestine trade Tower, It›s a commercial tower and the highest building in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, located in the city of Ramallah

Pyramids and Sphinx, one of the Seven Wonders, built by the pharaohs thousands of years ago in Egypt as a tombs of kings and rulers

Pyramids Casino, located in Las Vegas city in the United States, It›s the most famous and the most important casinos and nightclubs in America

Petra is a Arabic historical city located in the Kingdom of Jordan , It›s one of the important tourist destination in Jordan

Madain Saleh, is the archaeological Area located in Saudi Arabia, It›s a tombs carved into the rock dating going back thousands of years

Nasser al-Sabah Mosque, the most famous mosques in Kuwait city , characterized by uncanny architectural style resemblance Pyramid

Pyramid of Saqqara, is the first and oldest pyramid in history, located in Saqqara in Egypt

Shibam city in Hadramawt ,one of the oldest cities in Yemen ,which characterized by traditional architecture style used mud as a building materials, called Manhattan of desert

Manhattan, New York Center and one of the most important area in the world ,considered as the World Trade and economy Center

historical Pharaonic temple , one of the Amun›s temples in Aswan in southern Egypt, dates back to the Ptolemaic period, Ptolemy the sixth in the periodS of BC

After the establishment of the Aswan Dam in the sixties of the last century, it was a full immersion in the region of Lake Nasser, Egypt dedicate the temple to Spain for its role in Conservation the Pharaonic temples from drowning. currently Temple in Madrid in Spain

After the establishment of the Aswan Dam in the sixties of the last century, Temple were donated to New York Mitrobolian museum , in recognition of the efforts of the United States to Conservation the monuments of Nubia

Pharaonic temple held in the town of Old Dndor in Nubia in southern Egypt, the temple held for the god Isis in the Roman period in the reign of Tsar Augustine, then turned into a Coptic church before being abandoned

Viceroy Palace in the Aladdin animation movie, one of the most famous movie in the Disney Company

Taj Mahal, is the tomb of Mumtaz Mahal the wife of king Shah Jan in the country of India, going back to the seventeenth century

Manhattan, New York Center and one of the most important area in the world , considered as the World Trade and economy Center

Dubai, the most important city in the Middle East now, characterized by modern urban character

Lebanese Parliament during the civil war in Lebanon, which lasted fifteen years

Lebanese parliament after the ÂŤTaeafÂť agreement and end the civil war

Water Aqueducts lines in Solomon›s Pools in Palestine, these pools were feed the city of Jerusalem necessary water for more than three Centuries

Water Aqueducts lines in Palmyra «Syria», where the water was transported by a network of rocky pipes for transporting water from springs to the cities and population centers


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