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1. This code applied to all persons present at the Ward Committee meeting. 2. The Chair of the meeting is responsible for the good conduct of the meeting. 3. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss matters of interest to the residents of the Ladywood Ward. Non-residents may wish to express their views but may be called upon by the Chair to explain why they wish to do so. 4. The meeting’s format is set out in the agenda. The Chair of the meeting may vary the order of items. 5. The agenda allows for members of the public to raise issues of local concern. These must be presented in writing to the Chair at the start of the meeting. 6. Members of the public or Ward Advisory Board members may ask questions on any item by raising their hand and then they will be invited to speak. 7. Reports can be presented by City Council officers or other invited guests. These presenters are representing their organisations and may be bound by the decisions taken place by those organisations. The purpose of the meeting is to stimulate an informed two-way debate and for the ward to form its view on the subject matter under discussion. 8. In order to ensure sufficient time is allocated to each agenda item members of the public will be reminded of the need to limit their contributions to the subject under discussion. The Chair may question anyone speaking to explain the relevance of the point and to advise them of the repetitive nature of their contribution. 9. The good conduct of the meeting is controlled by the Chair of the meeting. The Chair may ask anyone to stop using unbecoming language or abusing, bullying or intimidating any other person present. Similarly, anyone found to be dominating a meeting by speaking persistently will have this pointed out to them by the Chair. 10. Democracy in meeting requires everyone present to respect the views of others, even when they may disagree with the view expressed. Anyone interrupting a speech/contribution in progress will be required to stop. 11. If the Chair of the meeting feels that a person(s) is persistently disregarding the good conduct of the meeting or if disorder breaks out then the Chair may order the person(s) to leave, suspend the meeting until in his/her opinion the meeting can restart or the close the meeting.

V:\Scrutiny Team\WARDS\Ladywood\2007-2008 LADYWOOD WARD\Reports\CODE OF CONDUCT.doc

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