JQ Parking Scheme FAQ

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The Jewellery Quarter Controlled Parking Zone: Common Questions Answered Below is a list of common questions and answers about the new Controlled Parking Zone. Where and at what times will the controlled parking scheme operate? The attached plan shows where the new controlled parking scheme will operate. The scheme will allow vehicles displaying either a resident or business permit to park in the designated permit parking bays as indicated on the signs next to the marked bays. The Jewellery Quarter Controlled Parking Zone as indicated on the plan will operate 8am – 6pm, seven days a week and this will be shown on signs at the entry points of the zone. This means that during these times kerb space in the zone will be subject to some form of parking control. There are a number of exceptions where the parking restrictions vary from the operating time of the zone and these will be individually signed. Pay & Display bays and Permit bays will only operate between 8am and 6pm Monday to Saturday. Outside of these times (i.e. Sunday and overnight) they are free and available for anyone to park in and it will not be necessary to display a permit or pay & display ticket. Other exceptions include disabled persons blue badge holder bays, the car club bay and coach bays. Why do I have to pay for a permit? The charge for your permit contributes towards the City Council's costs of operating the scheme, administering the permits and maintaining sign and road markings. How much will I pay for a permit? Residents will pay £195 for a permit. Local employees will pay £245 for a permit. Please note that these charges are subject to periodic review and may change. There is a limit on the number of permits available for residents and local employees. Depending on the take up the numbers available to each may be reviewed. How often are permits issued? Permits last for one year. How do I display my permit? Residents and local employees will have to display a permit, issued by Birmingham City Council, in their vehicle windscreen in a similar way to their tax disc. How many permits can I apply for? Residents can apply for a permit for every vehicle that is registered to them at an address within the scheme area. You will need a permit for each vehicle you intend to park in the designated parking bays. Permits are issued per vehicle and will display the vehicle registration number. The owner of the vehicle must live at the property to which the permit has been issued. Local employees can apply for only one permit each. There is a limit on the total number of permits available for this scheme with the total number of available Resident Permits and Business Permits being equivalent to the number of Permit Bays.

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