JRameau 08 Architecture Portfolio

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Jonathan Rameau . Architecture Portfolio





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Jonathan Rameau Architecture University of Florida 2008

Midtown Hotel at Bryant Park

Design 7 - In collaboration with Justin Bienvenu

The midtown hotel explores the ideas of urbanity, where a building is superimposed in a dense context with many influencing attributes. The main influencer was Bryant Park that which was directly across from the site. We did not just focus on Bryant Park’s use as a park but understood the park’s history and its direct relation to fashion. This notion of fashion aided in constructing our methodology of how we designed the section. The section was the fundamental element in the building which illustrated the vital areas of habitation. In connection to fashion the idea of the catwalk conveyed a dualistic approach to view where one is focused to be seen but they can see others, plus it showed a linear progression on how one circulates the building.



Process within the New York City Context


Interior Forest in the Atrium

Interior Activity in the Lobby


The Kronos Center for Contemporary Music At Spoleto Design 6

The contemporary music center was about the contrast of private versus public. The center was used as a home for many contemporary musicians and at the same time served as a concert hall to the Charleston community. The logic of the project was delineating how to separate or integrate the residents into the public aspect of the building. The atrium became the unifying element that separated the function with space but connected it through view.

Elevation across Broad St.


Elevation across King St.

Section across King St.


Investigation in Overhead Conditions Design 4

This is my earliest study on the impact of articulating an overhead condition on a building. Instead of thinking of the roof as a surface it became an aperture for directing light into the interior of the project. Corner building was used as a gallery for art, so the idea of how to showcase an object and directing the right amount of light to the art was crucial.


Desert Project Design 4




View of the Laboratory

Exterior circulation for the Living Quarters

The desert project works on the relationship between the buildings with the surrounding element. The desert is a challenging surface that was always shifting and moving. The solution was to elevate the project on top of a modular construct. The modular construct was the armature for holding up a laboratory, a tower and living quarters. The use of the construct gave the freedom for circulation to move in limitless areas in section and plan.


A Narrative of Springness Design 5


The spring project became a visual narrative about the intervention of man and construction in the nature of the spring. The collage of technical drawings with graphic nature was a true representation of the project. The project attempted to construct order through integrating a modular system into the context of the spring. The line between the softness of the natural spring and the hardness of the constructed spring was sometimes blurry and other times very contrasting opposites.


Three Modes of Occupation: 1- Laying down 2- Standing up 3- Sitting down This three modes of occupying space in the spring where architecturalized in the constructed spring.

The Shower/Tub Other than the grid of seating the project recognized other ways to engage in activities the spring. Showering and bathing become points of interest. The shower incorporated three sheets of water to act as a wall that need to be penetrated before moving to the next experience, The tub was the last step in process, and the most personal because it could only be access by one person at a time.


Flight From The Prairie Design 6


Arrival, stay, preparation, and departure were the catalyzing ideas in the prairie project. These were the basic functions of a balloon launching site. The experience of flying balloon was architecturalized as an event from the moment a person drove into the site until they lift off. The functions were constructed in a way to allow visitors to experience the site, but isolated and change the prospection of experience depending on the observer from day visitor, overnight visitor, to a resident employee. Because the balloon site operate as a place of stay as well as place to take flight, the huge area of balloon launching grounds was landscaped in different textural surfaces as a place of interest for inhabitation instead of the ephemeral area to lift off.



Aquarium at Con Ed

Design 7 - in collaboration with Justin Bienvenu


Early Concept of Aquarium’s formal Section

Aquarium’s Final Formal Section

How to be systemic in context of New York density? This was the challenge of bringing your own identity but being able to integrate into the system of New York City. The project is composed of seven towers differencing in function as residential and commercial, some contribute only back to the site and others connect with surrounding features such as the UN. The site sometimes connected functionally to the surroundings and other times the site connected physically such as the connection to Tudor city. Originally this project was the challenge of working on several different elevations of ground, Tudor city, the park, and the city. The aquarium, the major attractor of the project, was the mediator of resolving the issue of ground. The aquarium spread out the full length of the site and was this threshold for entering into the park to view the water. The underbelly of the aquarium was sectionally ungulated to allow for passage from the city to the park. The tanks on the aquarium thought as “vessels of interest� that were cradled by the secondary construction of the aquarium, this type of methodology was implemented in the design of the towers but in a vertical fashion.

Conceptual section

View of the retail district


Looking at the Aqurium’s Entrance

A view of the site’s park with outdoor movie theater


Jonathan Rameau - University of Florida 2008


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