Water quality of temporarily open/closed Muttukadu backwater, Tamilnadu, India

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Journal of Research in Biology

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Journal of Research in Biology

Water quality of temporarily open/closed Muttukadu backwater, Tamilnadu, India Authors: Kalpana and Usha Natesan

ABSTRACT: The mouth dynamics of non-permanent open/shut estuaries (TOCEs) assume a key part in their general functioning. In this examination, the impact of the inlet state (closed versus open) on spatial fluctuation of water quality was surveyed in a briefly open/closed Muttukadu Backwater . Samplings were carried out in two periods during closed (May to August) and open phases (January to December and October to December). The water samples were collected from 9 stations during open and total Institution: closure conditions and analyzed for the physico-chemical characteristics. After the Centre for Water Resources, closure of mouth, it is found that increase in salinity and dissolved oxygen decreases in Anna University. the backwater which in turn lead to fish kill. Nutrients in the estuarine system demonstrate high values amid closure condition and get diluted when the mouth is opened. The present outcomes recommend that the high nutrient supply from the upper ranges to the estuary is because of the Industrial outlet, Crab farming and tourism prompting Eutrophication when the sand bar is shut . Since the system is Corresponding author: shallow, it is clear that there is a build up of pollutants in stations 4, 5 and 6 . It is Kalpana observed that after the closure, the fishing activity is greatly affected due to the change in water quality. Keywords: Backwater, Muttukadu, Sandbar formation, Tamil Nadu, Water quality.

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Article Citation: Kalpana and Usha Natesan Water quality of temporarily open/closed Muttukadu backwater, Tamilnadu, India Journal of Research in Biology (2017) 7(1): 2158-2166

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Dates: Received: 05 Dec 2016

http://jresearchbiology.com/ documents/RA0375.pdf

Accepted: 04 Jan 2017

Published: 16 Jan 2017

This article is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by/4.0), which gives permission for unrestricted use, non-commercial, distribution and reproduction in all medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Journal of Research in Biology An International Scientific Research Journal

2158-2166 | JRB | 2017 | Vol 7 | No 1


Kalpana and Natesan, 2017 linked to this distinctive pattern of opening and closing

INTRODUCTION An estuary is where inland waters, which are

of the sand bar at the mouth. In wave dominated systems,

regularly new, blend with saline oceanic water (Hunter

the natural opening (and closing) of the estuary/

1970). The estuary demonstrates interactions from

backwater is a major management issue considering the

various main forces that decide the unique function of its

changes in water salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen,

environment. The volume of fresh, low density water

nutrients levels and sediment accumulation pattern and

entering the estuary, passage of seawater because of the

species composition.

tidal impacts, turbulent blending at the interface between

Estuaries and their adjacent environments are

the two water bodies and the distinction in their dendities

continually subjected to stress by human perturbations

are essential main forces that control the estuarine


procedures (Hodgkin, 1978). The blend of these powers

anthropogenic inputs of nutrients from terrestrial effluent

makes a dynamic and various eco system in estuaries,

to which estuaries are particularly vulnerable due to the

where the water quality can shift generally on various

limited water exchange with large bodies of water (Qu et

time scales.

al., 2003). Moreover, coastal developments and fishing






The behaviour of estuaries that are detached from

demands can change dominant coastal processes, placing

the sea for variable timeframes is subject to beach

additional stress on estuarine ecosystem. The health

behaviour and rainfall, as when the sand bar is available,

status and the biological diversity of the Indian estuarine

it limits tidal flushing and can make flooding, keeping

eco system are breaking down every day through human

run-off from the catchment (Baldock et al., 2004).

activities, transfer of huge amounts of sewage into the

Human and ecological utilization of in-stream water

estuary has radically diminished the population of the

requires to be considered for both the amount and the

fishes. It has likewise caused significant biological

nature of water (Chang, 2008; Masamba and Mazvimavi,

imbalance and brought about vast scale vanishing of

2008). Contaminations entering a river typically result

their flora and fauna. Moreover, entrance of untreated

from many transport pathways including storm water

municipal wastewater and industrial effluents into these

spillover, release from trench and rivers, vadose zone




including overwhelming metal contamination, which

deposition (Ouyang et al. 2006; Nouri et al. 2011; Jha et

gets biomagnified and reaches man through food-chain

al. 2010). These pathways are likewise seasonal-

implications. Opening of estuaries are frequently

dependent. Thusly, seasonal changes in surface water

supported due to its effect on social and financial

quality must be considered while building up a water

resources, for example, property and recreational

quality management program (Ouyang et al. 2006).










Eutrophication happens when nutrient loads enhance past the assimilative limit of the estuary and support abundant


growth of microalgae (Carpenter et al., 1998). The

Muttukadu (Kovalam) backwater (latitude 12°

information on water quality and pollution sources are

46’N and longitude 80° 18’E) is located at 36 km south

important for implementation of sustainable water -use

of the Chennai, Southeast coast of India. Muttukadu

management strategies (Sarkar et al., 2007; Zhou et al.,

backwater form a complex system of shallow estuarine

2007; Nouri et al., 2008a; Bu et al., 2009; 2010; Soner

network spread over an area of 0.87sq.km. intended for

Kara and Onut, 2010).The water quality of the estuary is

fishing and boating activities. The backwater extends to


Journal of Research in Biology (2017) 7(1): 2158-2166

Kalpana and Natesan, 2017 Table 1. Correlation between physico-chemical parameters of Muttukadu backwaters a. During open condition S. No









Chl a

1 2

Temp Salinity

1.00 0.82






































Chl a









Closed Temp Salinity

Temp 1.00 0.58







Chl a




































Chl a





0.18 0.50



b. During closed condition S. No 1 2



about 15 km in N-S direction with width ranges from

economically backward population of the fishing village.

800m to 1050m and opens into the Bay of Bengal at its

Fishing activities are plentiful and the area is surrounded

eastern end by a narrow opening varying from few

by many aquaculture farms. Fishermen mostly use the

meters to 200m width (Figure 1). The estuary is shallow,

traditional catamaran for fishing and wait for hours

the maximum depth being 2 m in the middle of the

together to catch fish. There are several aquafarms in this

estuary, while in most of the areas; it is 1m or less. The

region growing prawns which are exported due to their

estuary is normally cut off from the sea between March


and September, when a sand bar is formed. In October-

Muttukadu, but also, let off their farm discharges back

December because of immersion by the water from the

into the estuary and cause nutrient enrichment in the

upper reaches, sand bar gets disintegrated and the


association with the ocean is reestablished.

These farms not only draw waters from the

In order to determine the water quality with

It has been recognized three possible pollutants –

respect to the sand bar formation sampling stations were

sewage from the BC, oil spillages from the TTDC boat

selected. Based on the various environmetal stress and

house and industries along the banks of the estuary.

sandbar formation near the mouth, nine sampling stations

Dumping of oil and grease from cleaning of the engines

as follows were identified (Figure 1).

and leakage of kerosene from the boats into the estuary

Station 1 - 1.5km from the mouth near TTDC Boat house

cause the fish having the smell of kerosene. Small-scale

Station 2 - 2 km distance from the mouth

artisanal fishing in this backwater is an

Station 3 - 3km from the mouth near seasonal crab

important source of livelihood for a large section of


Journal of Research in Biology (2017) 7(1): 2158-2166


Kalpana and Natesan, 2017 Station 4 - 4km from the mouth

Correlation between the water quality parameters during

Station 5 - 6km from the mouth near Industrial outlet

opening and closing conditions were computed.

Station 6 and 7 - located in Buckingham Canal Station 8 - 0.5km away from the mouth


Station 9 - Near sea

Physical observations in the field

From all the stations, 1L surface water samples

The sand bar was closed during summer periods

were collected in polyethylene bottles during closed and

of low riverine flow. The water level in the estuary

opened conditions respectively and brought to the

fluctuated with the dynamics of the bar. Estuary stage

laboratory immediately for analysis. Physico-chemical

height increased when the bar was closed and dropped

characteristics of water viz., Temperature, pH, Salinity,

significantly and quickly when the bar opened.

Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Total Nitrogen (TN), Total

Generally, the bar was closed during summer and was

Phosphorus (TP), Silicate (Si) and Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a)

open during northeast monsoon and post monsoon.

were studied to determine the role of sand bar on the

When the inlet is fully opened, Muttukadu backwater is

water quality. Variables such as DO, water temperature,

clear and the colour changes to green after the closure of

salinity and pH were measured in situ with WTW probes

the sand bar. The length of the sandbar is around 5m

(multi-line field kit). Subsamples were separated in

during its full formation. During closure, death of fish

duplicate through Whatman filter paper to determine

and prawn within the estuary close to the sand bar is

chlorophyll-a concentration using Parson et al. (1984)

noticed. Fishermen complained that fishery potential is

and nutrients were resolved after Grasshoff et al. (1993).

very much reduced within the backwaters and fish catch

Figure 1. Study area with sampling stations 2161

Journal of Research in Biology (2017) 7(1): 2158-2166

Kalpana and Natesan, 2017

Figure 2. Variations in water quality in Muttukadu backwater time increases when the sand bar is closed for longer

Physico-chemical parameters

period. Algal growth observed in stations 6 and 7 after

Water quality variations during opening and

the closure indicating eutrophication; may be due to the

closing conditions are shown in Figure 2. Temperature

direct consequence of nutrient addition to backwater due

varies from 18 to 35°C (Figure 2). Surface water

to tourism, aquaculture and indirect consequences such

temperature shows an increase upto 5°C when it is

as sewage disposal, changes in the abundance and

closed may be owing to the intensity of solar radiation

diversity of higher trophic levels (benthic and planktonic

and evaporation. The observed low value of 18°C at

fauna), abundant of toxic algae, and loss of dissolved

station 5 is due to strong land sea breeze and

oxygen in the water which get locked up due to the lack

precipitation. (Das et al., 1997; Karuppasamy and

of flushing activity making it a cess pool.

Perumal, 2000; Govindasamy et al., 2000; Senthilkumar et

Journal of Research in Biology (2017) 7(1): 2158-2166






2003). 2162

Kalpana and Natesan, 2017 Temperature and salinity shows a positive correlation

nitrogen which is the sum of concentrations of

irrespective of the sand bar formation. pH of the estuary

nitrate, nitrite and ammonia. Total nitrogen value vary

ranged from 7.2 to 8.1 when the sand bar is open and

from 3 to 30.1Âľmol/L. Total nitrogen is high when the

closed (Figure 2). All nine stations are tidally influenced

mouth is closed compared to open conditions (Figure 2).

based on a combination of observed salinity values and

The highest TN concentration is noticed at station 4,5

qualitative field observations. The lowest salinity (28 and

and 6 is due to the discharge of sewage and industrial

24ppt) was recorded in stations 4 and 5 which is located

effluent having nitrates. Total nitrogen shows a negative

in the upstream of the estuary where the tidal action is

correlation with total phosphate when the sandbar is

minimal. Statistical analysis revealed highly significant

closed (Table1). Total nitrogen shows a positive

positive correlation (Table 1) of salinity with temperature

correlation with total phosphate when the sand bar is

throughout the year. High atmospheric temperature

open. Total nitrogen shows a negative correlation with

particularly during March - May leads to increase the

total phosphate when the sandbar is closed. Overall the

rate of evaporation, which in turn increase the salinity

chlorophyll-a shows a positive correlation with total

values in Backwater when the sand bar is closed. Heavy

nitrogen throughout the year indicating that it is marine

clouds reduce the solar radiation decreasing the

environment and the backwater is influenced by the tidal

temperature and rate of evaporation during monsoon.


Dissolved oxygen is an important water quality

In summer when sandbar is closed high

parameter. The minimum value of 2.8mg/L was observed

phosphate concentration ranging from 5.1 to 10.4Âľmol/L

when sand bar is closed to station1,6 and 7 is due to

is seen in all stations except for station 9. The

heavy pollution resulting from boating and sewage

consistently of high concentrations at station 6 ad 7



confirms the poor water quality due to the discharge of

concentrations when sandbar is closed, may be due to the

domestic and/or urban wastewater. High concentration in

combined effect of primary production and oxidation of

station 5 is due episodic occurrence of industrial

organic matter as seen by strong negative correlation

discharge. Phosphate shows a positive correlation with

with chlorophyll a. It is also seen that after the closure of

nitrate when sand bar is open or closed. Phosphate shows

the mouth, there is marked increase in fish death due to

a positive correlation with chlorophyll-a when sand bar

the reduction in DO. On the other hand, when the

is closed. When Total Phosphate concentration increases,

sandbar is open, comparatively higher DO of 8.1mg/L

dissolved oxygen levels significantly decrease in all the

concentration is observed by the reduction in pollution

stations. Total Phosphate exhibits negative correlation

load caused by flushing of sea. In the present

with salinity and DO when sandbar is open. During

investigation, higher values of dissolved oxygen were

closure, high total phosphate (10.4Âľmol/L) concentration

recorded during monsoon season and positive correlation

is observed close to the mouth (station 8) compared to

of DO with temperature and salinity when the sandbar is

the inner stations may be of desorption of phosphate

open (Table 1) which might be due to the cumulative

taking place from the sediments.





effect of higher wind velocity coupled with heavy rainfall



the et

resultant al.,


freshwater Rajasegar,


closed than its open state (Figure 2). The recorded low


values when sand bar is closed could also be attributed to

Saravanakumar et al., 2008). Total 2163


Silicate concentration is low when sand bar is

uptake of silicate by phytoplankton for their biological of



activity (Sujatha Mishra et al., 1993; Ramakrishnan et Journal of Research in Biology (2017) 7(1): 2158-2166

Kalpana and Natesan, 2017 al., 1999). The silicate concentration was high during the

The sand bar traps water in the estuary or allows

monsoon in all stations due to heavy inflow of freshwater

interaction with the ocean. The sand bar physically

derived from land drainage carrying silicate leached out

regulates the estuarine water level and mixing within the

from rocks. Chlorophyll-a is the pigment that allows

water column. The present study has throw light on the

plants, including algae, to convert sunlight into organic

role of sand bar and its impact on the water quality of

compounds through photosynthesis. When the bar is

Muttukadu Estuary. This will help to protect the

open at the mouth of the estuary, chlorophyll a

environment and ecology of the estuary and its effective

concentrations are generally low at the surface ranging


from 0.5 to 1.8mg/m3 . When the bar is closed, the surface chlorophyll a concentrations are predominantly


high in all stations especially in station 6 and 7 on the Buckingham canal. Relatively higher chl-a values

This research is supported by the ‘‘UGCMeritorious Science Fellowship".

observed during June could be due to the phytoplankton productivity in summer. When the sandbar is closed chlorophyll-a shows a significant positive correlation with phosphate and inorganic nitrogenous nutrient compounds which is necessary for phytoplankton to grow. The higher values of chlorophyll 'a' during summers indicates high primary production giving rise to phytoplankton bloom, more evidently noted in the month of June.

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