Journal of Research in Biology
ISSN No: Print: 2231 –6280; Online: 2231- 6299
An International Scientific Research Journal
Original Research
Journal of Research in Biology
The effect of regular home visits on the development indices of low birth weight infants Authors: Raziyeh Peyghambar Doust1, Zeinab Fadaei2 and Habib Allah Sodaei Zunuzagh3
ABSTRACT The main purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of regular home visits on the developmental indices of low birth weight infants. The present study was an on-site clinical investigation. 90 infants ranging between 1500 to 2500g born in Razi Hospital of Marand town having the entrance criteria to the present study were taken into consideration through the available sampling method and then they were divided into two intervention and control groups. The intervention group has received the whole routine cares since the first to fourth week and then they were visited at home for 45 minutes a week. The control group received Institution: the routine cares. The evolutionary indices of both groups were also completed monthly for 1. Department of Midwifery, Marand branch, three months by referring homes. The related data gathering tool was also subjected to the demographic information through registration list and the Persian version of the Low Weight Islamic Azad university, Infant Inventory (LWII) (2 months) that have been completed by the researcher on the birthday, Marand, Iran. first, second and third months of the birth through the interview. SPSS-15 software and the application of the inferential and descriptive statistical tests (K2 and T-tests) were also applied 2. Ph. D Scholar, in order to analyze the related data in this study. The significance level was considered as Department of Nursery, p<0.05. Marand branch, Islamic More than half of these related research units of both groups had experience (61.5%) Azad university, Marand, and control (55.8%) regarding all women in this study; the mean score of the low weight infants Iran. on the first month had not shown any statistical significant difference; but on the second 3. Expert of Health Ministry, months (p=0.04) and the third months (p=0.001), they had shown statistical significant Marand, Iran. difference progressively. The healthcare based on home-visit had influence on the recovery indices of the low weight infants. Hence, nurses and other health monitors of the infants should Corresponding author: apply for the healthcare programs based on home-visit particularly in caring infants.
Raziyeh Peyghambar Doust
Email Id:
Keywords: Low weight infant, Home visit, Evolutionary indices.
Article Citation: Raziyeh Peyghambar Doust, Zeinab Fadaei and Habib Allah Sodaei Zunuzagh The effect of regular home visits on the development indices of low birth weight infants Journal of Research in Biology (2017) 7(5): 2296-2305 Dates: Received: 28 March 2017
Web Address: documents/RA0653.pdf Journal of Research in Biology An International Scientific Research Journal
Accepted: 05 May 2017
Published: 03 July 2017
This article is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution License ( licenses/by/4.0), which gives permission for unrestricted use, non-commercial, distribution and reproduction in all medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2296-2305 | JRB | 2017 | Vol 7 | No 5
Doust et al., 2017 estimation, the degree of the low birth infants were
INTRODUCTION According to the definition of the World Health
reached to 17% (6% in developed countries and 21% in
Organization, the Low Birth Weight infant (LBW) is
developing countries) in all over the world. In Iran, this
new born infants with weights ranging from 1500-2499
degree is estimated about 10% (Karimi et al., 2011).
g (Islami et al., 2012). The most important part of these
The occurrence of the low birth weight in
infants' life are subjected to the health of the uterine.
Eastern Azerbaijan province was taken place since 1993
The birth weight is the only parameter that directly
to 2001 ranging from 2.3% to 3.34% that it is a very
influencing and relating to the health and nutrition of
discussable case for its increase in this regard. In
Marand town, the occurrence of the low weight birth is
determinant factor related to the cognitive performance
going up according to the same town medical statistic
of the childhood and adulthood. Many of these low birth
center and this degree has reached to about 5.29%. In
weight infants have been exposed to the interruption or
their analysis they have determined and specified
delay of the uterine growth (Gardner et al., 2003). In
various factors regarding to the children evolutionary
these infants, learning problems, deficiency at speech,
retard. For example, the marriage within the close
neurological and behavioural problems could be seen
relatives in a family, mother age, twin delivery and the
potentially (Wyk et al., 2012). Also, these infants
existence of some diseases like diabetics, hypertension,
showed the worst consequences in long-term. The low
pregnancy infection, taking drugs and toxins during
cognitive evolution could cause to the reduction of the
pregnancy (Dorre et al., 2011) and more important is
Intelligence Quotient and weak neurological and mental
the low birth. The neuro development is potentially seen
among these infants (Balakrishnan et al., 2011). Today
infants. The evolution or completion of the big motor
by the progression of the technology, the rate of the
action is very low among these infants. The sensual,
behavioural and the deficiency of attention and hyper-
considerably reduced and these infants took for short
activity can also seen among these infants that these will
time in bed. The birth of a low weight infant not only
efficiently influence on the future of these children at
influences on the infant's health but also it impacts the
school ages (Kynø et al., 2012). According to studies,
family members' spiritual issues terribly so that the
about 16% of these children have evolutionary retard
parents of these infants are very worried and concerned
requiring to be specified and determined for making the
all about the future of their infants for they are retarded
intervention approaches over them (Newacheck et al.,
in this case. Fortunately, due to the priority of the health
1998) and about 30-35% children being specified for
services and therapeutical approaches, this process has
having this retard at first three months of life should be
been paid attention for many years by all the related
referred to the intervention approaches and only 13% of
officials (Davis et al., 2003). One of the most important
these children receive healthcare services at the first
approaches regarding the children health issues was
year of the life. For the reason, the American academy
subjected to follow-up of children and by using the best
of pediatrics suggested an evolution issue for all health
health measurement tool in this regard. Home visits are
problems in children (McCrae et al., 2012). The growth
a pre-determined program in order to investigate the
of a child is a dynamic process including gross motor,
mother and infant health case for increasing the ability
fine motor, relationship, language, cognitive and
of taking cares of the child and maternal issues
behavioural issues. Based on the health organizationâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;s
(Peighambardoost et al., 2015).
Journal of Research in Biology (2017) 7(5): 2296-2305
Doust et al., 2017 Many health cares can be started before the
evolution among these low birth infants (Gaiva et al.,
delivery to the end of the delivery process for all
2014). Since the home-visit program is scarcely carried
mothers. The home-visit was considered as the most
out in Iran, the mortality and morbidity of these low
essential strategy for the postpartum services in order to
birth infants have been strongly emphasized in this
evaluate the relationships between mother and infant
regard (Saad and Fraser, 2010); for the reason, the main
(Shaw et al., 2006). During the first weeks of the life,
purpose of the present study is to determine the
the contact of the healthcare service should be carried
influence of the home-visit on the low birth infant
out in order to specify the relationships between mother
and infant and this should be also continued until the end of the lactation time successfully. In these
programs, the home-visit is considered as the most
The present study is a clinical re-testing type.
advanced course for all developed countries; these
The ethical clearance certificate of the study is 1391-5-4
programs can reduce the degree of mortality and
-4217; obtained from the Tabriz Medical Sciences
morbidity of all infants recovering the interaction
University. The related population of the low birth
between the mother and infant in this regard. The
infants are subjected are confined to the Marand Town
studies carried out on the world regarding the healthcare
and its sub urban areas being born in Razi Hospital of
approaches are very little unfortunately. Some of these
Marand Town having 1500-2500 g weight. After the
interventions are started after releasing from the hospital
permission of the mothers, people tending to participate
and other cases can be also taken place during
voluntarily in this test have been taken up the samples
transformation into the hospital and the next ones are
for this study. According to an accidental process, 45
related to the end of the delivery process. For example,
infants have been established in the test group (home-
the infant behavioural evaluation could be considered as
visit) and 45 other infants were established in the
one of those interventions that can be directly
observation group (receiving after-postpartum health
influenced on the infant stimulation for a long time
cares from the medical centers). The number of samples
positively. Also, this could led to recover the behaviour
are established based on the preliminary study
and recognition of infants in six months (Tofail et al.,
conducted (β=0.8 and ι=0.95) that the total number has
2012; Robson, 1997). In the study done by Orton et al.
reached to 90 samples in this study. In order to
(2009) the healthcare programs after release are
determine the first one of the test or observation group,
allocated to low birth infants, mother-child interactions,
two different cases are taken up with different colours.
the motor-cognitive evolution and social-mental skills
A mother taking up a colour is established in test group
(Shulman, 2016). The other healthcare programs include
and the next mother is established in another group
seven educational sessions for these mothers before
being different with another colour. Then, the related
releasing of the hospital along with four home-visit
samples are established among the groups. All mothers
programs because of having the highest potential
are given the related explanations before sampling that
influence on the mother-child interactions and the low
they will receive the necessary home-visit when they
birth infants' evolution in this regard (Wang et al.,
establish in one of these related groups. The
2014). However there are also other studies regarding
intervention includes the given health cares after
the influence of the intervention programs including the
postpartum that it is established based on the healthcare
big motor actions, cognitive, behavioural and social
lines during 3-5, 14-15, 21-28 and 30-40 days. Then, the
Journal of Research in Biology (2017) 7(5): 2296-2305
Doust et al., 2017 researcher of the test group carried out the prepared
background and the infant should live with his or her
educational program over these low birth infants at
mother; the infant should not have any disease
home as the main intervention program. All these health
background not being twins and the mother has to be
cares are registered in the related lists. Before referring
able to read and write in this case. The exile criteria of
to homes, mothers are called being aware of the given
the study included the change of address, mother or
healthcare programs in this case. If the mother is not at
infant's disease and the reluctance of participating in the
home, she will be followed-up for three days frequently.
study. They applied many various tools for evaluating
the evolution that one of these most suitable tools is
participating in the study, she will be eliminated from
LWII questionnaire. In many studies, the validity
(91%), sensitivity (90%) and the exclusiveness of the
(intervention) is achieved for a week (every session 30-
test (81-91%) have been confirmed in this case. This
45min) and continues for consecutive four weeks.
test includes 19 questionnaires in 60 months to two
During the sessions, all necessary notes are trained
years old being completed by parents. Every question
according to the related manual. The educational
has two conditions for selection. First, this should be
context is subjected to the low birth infant traits,
easily observable and being reported by the same
keeping the infant's body temperature and how to
parents. Secondly, this question should be taken at home
control the infant and other warning signs of diseases,
without following any other cultural issue. Every
yellow symptoms of the infant, how to feed the infant
questionnaire includes 30 questions divided into
and other problems regarding to the mother chest, cloths
different sections such as five communicative, gross
of the infant and the location of keeping the infant and
taking bath of the infant; these are the main ways for
behaviours. For every question, there three options were
training mothers to keep their low birth infants. In the
given: Yes (when the child is able to achieve a task), not
beginning of the sessions, the former studies have been
yet (when the child is not able to achieve a task) and
reviewed potentially. After ending up the home-visit
sometime (when the child has got some abilities for
programs, the following-up indices of the infants'
achieving the related task). After completing the
evolution are carried out to the end of the three months
questionnaire, the researcher compares the obtained
numbers with cut-off point. The response ‘Yes’ is
questionnaire for completing all mother tasks. During
considered as 10 scores and ‘Not yet’ is ‘5’ and ‘No’ as
the completion of the study, these mothers could make a
‘0’ in this study. The total score for every five cases is
call with the researcher for evaluating the unpredicted
evaluated compared with another one and when the
requirements asking their own questions in this regard.
score of the infant is little than the defined limitation,
Every month, the evolution indices are registered by a
the infant would be establish in the same evolution-
trained and skillful coworker for preventing any
evaluation restriction. This questionnaire has got a
elimination of the related mothers from the study. There
general section for obtaining all parents' comments (Mu
were no interventions in the observation group and only
et al., 2008). The data gathering tool is subjected to a
the evolution indices are registered and recorded such as
list including the demographical information and LWII
the test group until three months; the entrance criteria of
questionnaire (Persian version of two months) being
the study are subjected to infants having 1500-2500 g
achieved by the verbal interview after postpartum and
weight without any “The Neonatal Intensive Care“
this is completed at every three months. The LWII
when of
Journal of Research in Biology (2017) 7(5): 2296-2305
Doust et al., 2017 Table 1. Relative and absolute distribution of the low weight infants' demographical traits among both control and observation groups Distribution of demographical features Age of pregnancy
Observation Number Percentage %
Control Percentage %
34-37weeks Higher 37weeks
20 15
51.3 38.5
23 16
53.5 37.2
Mean deviation
36.67 1.84
36.72 1.75
Smoking habit of the father
No Total
29 39
25 43
58.1 100
Age of mother
24-32 32-40 Total
16 8 39
41.0 20.5 100
15 3 43
34.9 7.0 100
Deviation 20-30 30-40 40-51 Total Mean Deviation
6.20 19 15 5 39 32.46 6.89
Age of father
Mother’s education
Father’s education
Mother’s job
Father’s job
Result of Ksquare test with Fischer P=0.89
23.88 48.7 38.5 12.8 100
5.64 28 14 1 43 30.05 4.67
65.1 32.6 2.3 100
Illiterate Primary Guidance school
5 1 4
12.8 2.6 10.3
4 5 12
9.3 11.6 27.9
Diploma Higher Diploma Total Illiterate Primary Guidance school Diploma Higher Diploma
20 8 39 1 16 11 3 7
51.3 20.5 100 2.6 41.0 28.2 7.7 17.9
17 5 43 1 23 12 1 6
39.5 11.6 100 2.3 53.5 27.9 2.3 14
Total Housewife Working Total Employer Free Other Unemployment Total
29 36 3 39 10 16 10 3 39
100 92.3 7.7 100 25.6 41 25.6 7.7 100
43 42 1 73 3 25 15 1 43
100 97.7 2.3 100 4.7 58.1 37.9 2.3 100
questionnaire is confirmed by ten professors of Tabriz
were carried out for confirming the reliability of the
medical sciences faculty. Unfortunately, No studies
questionnaire in Iran. During the sampling process, five
Journal of Research in Biology (2017) 7(5): 2296-2305
Doust et al., 2017 Table 2. Statistical analysis of the samples for the progressive three months after birth of the infants Group-score of the evolution fields Communication
1st month 2nd month 3rd month
Gross motor
1st month 2nd month 3rd month
Fine motor
1st month 2nd month 3rd month
Problem solving
1st month 2nd month 3rd month
1st month 2nd month 3rd month
Total score of infant's evolution
1st month 2nd month 3rd month
Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean Deviation Mean Deviation
Result of t-independent test
42.69 14.04 53.08 9.97 58.46 3.99 43.72 14.13 52.95 9.29 57.56 5.11 47.82 10.62 54.61 9.48 57.56 7.79 36.92 17.23 54.48 9.37 58.33 4.34 45.00 12.67 58.33 4.18 58.97 3.66 216.153 52.13 255.81 40.22 290.89 16.85
41.74 18.22 49.53 10.62 53.95 8.35 43.60 15.24 50.93 10.81 53.11 8.48 50.58 13.33 53.83 9.50 56.16 5.65 40.69 19.38 48.95 13.99 53.48 10.99 45.81 14.67 52.55 9.65 56.27 5.98 222.44 65.25 273.46 35.06 275.00 24.08
P=0.79 P=0.12 P=0.02 P=0.97 P=0.37 P=0.04 P=0.31 P=0.71 P=0.35 P=0.35 P=0.04 P=0.01 P=0.79 P<0.001 P=0.02 P=0.63
samples of the test group and three cases of the
is used in order to analyze the statistical data in this
observation group are ignored from the study due to the
study and the degrees are considered significantly at
change of their location address. K-square statistical
tests and U-Mann Whitney and Wilcox On tests are also
applied in order to analyze the related data in this study.
The mean weight of intervention group is
T-independent test is also applied in order to compare
ranging between 2313.08 Âą 223.12 and control group is
the growth indices during three months between two
obtained between 230.84 Âą 247.61. The gender of half
related groups; otherwise, the non-parametric tests such
of the research units regarding to both groups
as Wilcox On are applied in this regard. SPSS Ver.13.5
(observation 61.5%) and control (55.8%) female. The
Journal of Research in Biology (2017) 7(5): 2296-2305
Doust et al., 2017 age of pregnancy of half of the groups (observation
of the evolution regarding to the communication field is
51.3%) and (control 53.5%) are taking place between 34
(p=0.79), gross and fine actions (p=0.97), problem
-37 weeks and the mean age of pregnancy in
solving (p=0.31), personal-social (p=0.35) and total
intervention group is 36.72±1.75 and control group
score of the evolution has reached to p=0.97 in this
36.67 ± 1.84. T tests and K-2 tests showed that there is
study. The low birth infants did not show any significant
no significant difference between the birth weight, age
difference in first month according to LWII form. The
of pregnancy, gender and group; for the reason, both
results of t-independent test showed that the mean score
groups are homogenous regarding to the same factors.
of the evolution regarding to the communication is
Type of dwelling of one-third units of the study is
p=0.12, gross and fine actions are p=0.37 that these low
43.6% for control and 46.5% for the observation group
birth infants did not show any significant difference in
living into their own personal homes. The location of
the second months according to LWII form but the
one-third of the units is 89.7% for observation and
mean score regarding the problem-solving is p=0.04,
74.42% for control group; the degree of the families'
personal-social p<0.0001 and total score of the infants
income is 41.0% for the observation group and 37.2%
evolution has reached p=0.04 in the second month based
for control group as insufficient for these related groups.
on LWII list so that the mean score of the problem-
The birth rates of these units are 48.7% for observation
solving, personal-social fields and infants evolution
and 52.5% for the control group; the number of the
regarding the communication field is higher than the
family is 48.7% for observation and 52.5% for control
observation group in the second month on compared to
group. The core problem observed is smoking in the
the control group. The results of t-independent test
observation group (74.4%) and for the control group
showed that the mean score of the evolution regarding
(58.1%). The obtained results of the study from the
the communication is p=0.49, gross and fine actions are
demographical data of the under-study units showed
p=0.04 that these low birth infants did not show any
that there observed no significant statistical difference
significant difference in the second months according to
between the personal traits and the variables of the
LWII form but the mean score regarding the problem-
dwelling location, age of pregnancy, gender and weight
solving is p=0.01, personal-social is p<0.0001 and the
of infant, race, rate of birth, parents' education, age of
total score of the infants evolution has reached to
mother and father, parents' job, degree of family
p=0.35 in the second month based on LWII list so that
monthly income, smoking of father and mother,
the mean score of the problem-solving, personal-social
addiction of parents, type of dwelling, number of
family, weight, height, chest and head sizes in both
communication field are higher than the observation
control and observation groups. In other words, both
group in the third month on compared to the control
groups are homogenous regarding to these features
(Table 1). The results of ‘t’ independent tests showed that there is no significant difference between the birth
weight, age of pregnancy, gender and group; for the
The results of t-independent statistical test
reason, both groups are homogenous regarding to the
showed that the mean score of the evolution regarding
same factors. In other words, both groups are
to the communication, gross and fine actions, problem-
homogenous regarding to the features (Table 1). The
solving and personal-social fields of the low birth
results of t-independent test showed that the mean score
infants did not show any significant statistical difference
Journal of Research in Biology (2017) 7(5): 2296-2305
Doust et al., 2017 at the first month. In a study led by Nina et al. (2012),
this study. Also, the mean score regarding to the fine
there carried out the cognitive aspects, gross motor and
motor actions of the observation group is higher that it
infants' behavioural consequences in 36 months after
is not significant statistically. In the study of Poets and
birth that the intervention could not influence on the
Southall (1991) the supportive intervention programs
above-mentioned aspects using LWII list along with
were carried out after postpartum as home-visit for two
other related questionnaires in this field. The researcher
to four sessions. In these visits, there have been given
of the study concluded that the probability of the lack of
some information regarding to the kangaroo care,
the intervention influence regarding to the low birth
massage, taking bath the infant as written to all mothers
infants is subjected to the following features:
and the intervention could also increase the mean scores
Being near to the term
of LWII in the intervention group during 24 months
The problems of infants such as low weight
after postpartum (Alur et al., 2000). Edraki et al. (2013)
Higher pregnancy age
in a study at Iran, the home-visit processes were carried
Brain hemorrhage (Kynø et al., 2012)
out in order to reduce the infants' hospital bed in six
In the present study, the weight of all births are
months after delivery. They suggested that the home-
ranging between 1500-2500 g and none of these infants
visit process should be established as one of the most
had special problems in the hospital bed at the first day
crucial programs for the health plans for reducing the
of the delivery.
infants' hospital bed (Saad and Fraser, 2010). Due to the
The results of t-independent statistical test
significance of the total scores of the low birth infants in
showed that the mean score of the evolution regarding
the second and third months, there obtained no results
to the communication, gross and fine actions, problem-
regarding to reject the completion of the home-visit
solving and personal-social fields of the low birth
programs and it can be stated with 95% confidence that
infants did not show any significant statistical difference
the completion of the home-visit programs can recover
at the second month. However, the mean score
and increase the indices of the low weight infants
regarding to the problem solving and personal-social
evolution process potentially. In this study, the changes
fields showed significant difference. In a study led by
have been considered only for the completion of the
Karimi et al. (2011), there carried out the low birth
home-visit process regarding to the low weight birth of
infants' indices and the normal weight ones using LWII
infants and their evolution issues after second month of
questionnaire. They concluded that the low weight birth
the postpartum delivery. For this reason, it is better to
is one of the most risky factors of the evolution retard
carry out some important approaches for increasing the
(Karimi et al., 2011). In the present study, the
importance of the healthcare issues regarding the low
intervention could influence on the increase of infants'
weight infants after the postpartum process. When some
evolution score positively. In the comparison of the
family members prevent the intervention programs,
evolution indices of the both related groups, three
these will never have the best consequences regarding to
months after the completion of the program, the results
the low weight infants making some other problems in
of t-independent test showed that the mean score
this regard; thus, it is suggested for all family members
regarding to the fine actions did not show any
to co-operate with the healthcare centers in order to
increase the health of the low weight infants.
communication, gross motor, problem solving and personal-social fields showed significant difference in 2303
Journal of Research in Biology (2017) 7(5): 2296-2305
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