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Angels have supernatural, superhuman strength. The Bible says they “excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.� Psalm 103:20

The Year of O ver flow

“D oesn’t God know when enough is enough?”

I still

remember the question Keith Moore, pastor of Faith Life Church in Branson, Mo., raised when teaching how abundance-minded God is. N He talked about the fact that Abraham had too much. He was “extremely rich in livestock and in silver and in gold” (Genesis 13:2, The Amplified Bible).

by Kenneth Copeland

He had so much the local authorities came to him and his nephew Lot and said, “One of you must leave the country. You’ve got so much, the land can’t support you anymore. You’re so big, we can’t handle you. Go to another country and use up all their grass.”

If it has anything to do with life, it ought to be abundant. It’s sin that ought to be scarce! “Didn’t God know when Abraham had enough cattle?” Keith asked. “No. God just kept on increasing him. Why? Why is God like that? Why does He give until your cup overflows instead of just filling your cup? “That’s just the way He is. He’s not wasteful, but at the same time, He’s not the least bit concerned there won’t be enough to go around.” God doesn’t just fill, He fills to overflowing because He desires to! Jesus said, “I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly” ( John 10:10). If it has anything to do with life, it ought to be abundant. It’s sin that ought to be scarce! As we enter the year 2005, we need a vision of the abundance of God and we need to know how to activate the law of abundance in our lives because God has said this is The Year of Overflow. On November 27, 2003, then again on New Year’s Eve 2003, I had a visitation from the Lord. He told me, This is the time you’ve been waiting for, hoping for, believing for. You’ll know Me in ways that up to now you never heard of before. Stay close to Me. Keep yourself in love, obey My every command, stay in My Word continually, keep yourself and your prayer life fresh daily, live by faith. 2004 will be the fullest year of your life and 2005 will be the year of overflow. How much overflow depends on how much you sow toward it in 2004. God is not looking for a people who are content to just get by. He’s not even looking for people who would be happy to just get filled. He’s looking for a people He can fill to overflowing in every aspect of His love—salvation, deliverance, healing, prosperity, restored relationships—so they can overflow into the lives of others. Our God is a God of overflow. This is a time to put the law of abundance to work in our lives, not a time to limit Him. Abundance Defined | Now to see if we are putting any limits on the abundance God desires to release through us, let’s look at the Bible definition of abundance in 2 Corinthians 9:8-11: And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work: (As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor: his righteousness remaineth for ever. Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness;) being enriched in every

thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God. Here, the Apostle Paul addresses the principle of abundance where money is concerned, although God’s abundance includes much, much more than finances. We should be walking in abundance in every area of our lives—enriched in every thing to all bountifulness! We ought to be abundantly saved—so abundantly saved and so far from being a borderline believer that the devil absolutely will flee at the very thought of having anything to do with us. Longevity is part of abundance—we ought to live an abundance of years and those years ought to be abundantly good! Abundance includes spiritual prosperity and prosperity of the mind. Social prosperity is part of abundance. We must pray for our leaders and stand and believe God for righteousness in government. Proverbs 29:2 says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice.” In the eyes of God, abundance includes the ability to use the power of God, walking in the laws of the Spirit to meet every need of life—spiritual, mental, physical, financial and social. And not only should we be abounding individually but we should also be abounding collectively. The Church ought to be walking in abundance where the gifts of the Spirit are concerned. We shouldn’t have a little dab of manifestation here and there—a little healing here and a little miracle over there. It should be shouting time day in and day out all over this world wherever a born-again, Holy Ghost-baptized, tongue-talking, Bible-toting believer is alive and walking around. Everywhere we go, the gifts of the Spirit ought to be in operation all day, every day. That’s abundance of manifestation of the Holy Ghost. All Sufficiency in All Things | This abundance God has planned for us is extensive! He desires for believers to have “all sufficiency in all things.” That means being enriched or being made wealthy in everything—wealthy in our spirits, our bodies, our minds, our finances, our families. No matter what comes along, God has designed it so we have more than enough to take care of everything. Situations that would cause some people to come apart like a $2 watch, shouldn’t even phase us. We have available to us more than F E B R U A R Y

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We ought to be abundantly saved—

so abundantly saved and so far from being a borderline believer that the devil absolutely will flee at the very thought of having anything to do with us!

enough of the Word of God, the Spirit of God and knowledge of the laws of God to overcome any circumstance. We have more than enough of what it takes to kick the devil’s backside until he leaves and doesn’t ever want to come back! That’s God’s definition of abundance. In every situation, in every way, fully blessed, fully prospered, fully enriched in all things. And to what level? Enriched in everything to all bountifulness. Able to give to every good work. Think for a moment about the level of abundance needed to be able to give to every good work. If you had $150,000, you might think you had a lot of money in the bank. But if you were to be generous in all things, you would use that up before you turned around twice. “Well, Brother Copeland, are you telling me if I’ve saved all my life and have $150,000 in the bank, that’s not a significant amount?” I’m telling you even if you had a million dollars in the bank, that’s not abundance. Especially in the light of being generous, giving to every good work. For the believer who will put it to work by giving, a million dollars is a fair amount of seed that would certainly open the door for overflow. The law of abundance working in your life doesn’t depend on what you have—your limited resources. It depends on heaven’s unlimited resources. That’s exactly what Jesus was trying to help the rich, young ruler see in Mark 10:17-22: And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother. And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth. Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me. And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.

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Some people have said Jesus was trying to make this man poor. But look at what we just read. Jesus was doing anything but trying to make him poor. Jesus was calling him out of the business world to be an apostle. He desired for him to understand how to have treasure in heaven, how to make deposits and withdrawals from an unlimited resource—a heavenly account. Jesus was showing him how to move out of dependence on himself and his money. Even the apostles had trouble grasping this. Moments after the young man turned away, Peter said: Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee. And Jesus answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel’s, but he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life (verses 28-30). Notice, having treasure in heaven doesn’t mean you can’t make withdrawals from that heavenly account while here on the earth. It does mean, however, you become a wealthy believer only when you realize two things: that your heavenly account is bigger than your earthly account; and that money is only valuable when it’s used to bless people. Money is to be turned into goods and services to help others. Money is for giving. God uses money as a means of loving people. That understanding was missing in the life of the rich, young ruler. Notice Jesus listed not all of the Ten Commandments, but just the six He knew the man valued: “Thou knowest these commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother. And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth. Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest…” (Mark 10:19-21). At this point, Jesus presented a situation to him that brought to light the commandment he was failing to keep— the love commandment.

Now, He could have just quoted the commandment to him. Jesus could have said, “You are not obeying this commandment: ‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets’” (Matthew 22:37-40). But had He done it that way, the young man probably would have said the same thing, “Oh, I have also kept this from my youth.” So, Jesus proved to him that he did not keep the love commandment by saying: “Go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me. And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions” (Mark 10:21-22). Had this rich, young ruler been abiding in God’s love, selling what he had and giving to the poor would have sounded like an adventure to him instead of disaster. Not only that, had

victory. Believers, champions, overcomers—that’s who we are. We’re vessels of the overflow of His love on the earth. This is our day to see the abundance of God manifest through us in the earth. And it all begins by allowing God, who is Love, to run His full course unhindered, without us putting up any blocks as we obey the love commands. Begin activating the law of abundance in your life today by confessing: I believe with all my heart the words of Jesus in Matthew 22:37-40. Therefore, in obedience to the written Word, releasing my faith in Jesus and all He’s done for me, I say with my mouth: “I love the Lord my God with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind and all of my might. And I love my neighbor as myself.” Jesus has said in John 14:21, “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.” Therefore, I also confess:

Situations that would cause some people to come apart like a $2 watch, shouldn’t even phase us.

he done what Jesus said, Jesus promised him, “You’ll have treasure in heaven.” Isn’t that what he ran to Jesus about in the first place? Remember he was seeking eternal life.

“The Lord my God loves me with all of His heart, all of His soul, all of His mind and all of His might. And Jesus loves me as Himself.”

Activating the Law of Abundance | Now 1 John 3:23 tells us: “And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.” We are to: (a) believe on the Name of His Son Jesus the Anointed, and (b) love one another as He gave commandment. How did He give commandment? Luke 10:27 tells us. “Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.” When the Spirit of Love begins speaking to you about giving, any kind of giving—of yourself, your goods, your money—don’t hesitate or back away. Rebuke fear and repent on the spot. Tell your heavenly Father how much you love Him and leap forward with great joy. Fun and adventure with Jesus are at hand. The only thing that can keep us from the adventure in Him that we were created for is fear. And Jesus has delivered us from fear of death, and from every other fear that springs from fear of death (Hebrews 2:15). Faith uncontaminated by fear is our

Don’t just confess this once or twice a day. Do something that reminds you to confess it throughout the day. For instance, you could determine to confess this every time you open a door: say it when you touch the shower knob, when you grab the handle on your car, when you open the front door, etc. Or, you could tie your confession to the on-and-off switch on your TV remote! You may not ever get the thing turned on—instead you’ll turn on something that’s far greater than the evening news! You’ll begin to create the evening news! Consistently do this and you’ll see an increase in your joy, abundance in your health, overflow in your finances, blessings in marriage, your relationships on the job and in your church! Your confidence in hearing the voice of God will increase as the voice of Love guides you through the challenging days ahead. No matter what is happening in the world around you, you’ll be able to go through unmoved, fearless and confident in God’s love. You will shine as a beacon of love to a desperate world looking for the answers only Love can bring. You’ll be the abundant believer, walking in the overflow of God! V ICTOR Y


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February 10-13 Words of Life Fellowship Church 20051 N.E. 16th Ave. North Miami Beach, FL 33179 (305) 653-8155

February 17-20 Living Word Christian Center 9201 75th Ave. N. Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 (763) 315-7000

March 10 2005 Women’s Convention World Changers Church International 2500 Burdett Road College Park, GA 30349 (770) 210-5700

Get Away to Receive

March 13-14 25th Anniversary Celebration Calvary Christian 2665 Del Paso Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95851 (916) 929-1383

at These 2005 Meetings

May 14-15

Singapore Victory Campaign*

Great Lakes Prosperity Convention August 22-27

20th Anniversary Living Faith Christian Center 2323 Route 73 Pennsauken, NJ 08110 (856) 661-8110

Singapore Indoor Stadium

U.S. Cellular Arena | 400 W. Kilbourn Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53203

June 17

February 24-26

Branson Victory Campaign March 17-19

Faith Life Church 3220 Falls Parkway | Branson, MO 65616 www.moorelife.org | (417) 334-9233

West Coast Prosperity Convention July 4-9

Anaheim Convention Center 800 W. Katella Ave. | Anaheim, CA 92802

Southwest Prosperity Convention August 1-6

Fort Worth Convention Center 1201 Houston St. | Fort Worth, TX 76102 Singles Celebration*

Annual Word of Faith Conference Word of Faith International Christian Center 20000 W. Nine Mile Road Southfield, MI 48075-5597 (248) 353-3476

Days of Refreshing September 18-24

Eagle Mountain International Church Kenneth Copeland Ministries Headquarters 14355 Morris-Dido Road | Newark, TX 76071 (not a mailing address) (800) 600-7395

June 27 National Pentecostal Church of God Convention* (417) 825-0177

Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign November 17-19

Healing School Intercessory prayer

Hylton Memorial Chapel 14640 Potomac Mills Road Woodbridge, VA 22192 (703) 590-0076

Powerful speakers Fresh, prophetic ministry Faith-charged atmosphere and one Word from God… that will change your life forever!

*Watch our Web site for more information to come!

Brighton Victory Campaign

Belfast Victory Campaign

Brighton Centre | King’s Road Brighton, England

Waterfront Hall | Lanyon Place Belfast, Northern Ireland

Frankfurt Victory Campaign

Ukraine Victory Campaign

Jahrhunderthalle | Hoechst Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Ledovi Dvorets | Bolshestskay St. #1 Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

April 7-9

April 14-16

April 21-23

April 28-30

September 2-4 Thunder Over Texas Motorcycle Rally www.thunderovertexas.com Texas Motor Speedway Jerry Savelle Ministries International P.O. Box 748 Crowley, TX 76036 (817) 297-3155

October 2 Grace Fellowship P.O. Box 55236 Tulsa, OK 74155 (918) 252-1611

October 27-31 Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks Billye Brim Ministries P.O. Box 40 Branson, MO 65615 (417) 336-4877 www.billyebrim.org

November 6-7 2005— G et I nto the O ver flow! Meetings are subject to change without notice. For updated information, please log on to www.kcm.org or call the KCM office nearest you. Partners and Friends within the United States call (800) 600-7395. Partners and Friends within Canada call (604) 572-4242.

Living Word Bible Church 3520 E. Brown Road Mesa, AZ 85213 (480) 964-4463



Kenneth Copeland


Gloria Copeland







Tune in to the BVOV broadcast Monday through Friday and on Sunday each week at

Keith Butler

www.kcm.org/media. SUNDAY BROADCAST 6 Sun


Kenneth Copeland The Law of Abundance Works by Love God wants you to live in abundance! Today discover how to walk in that abundance as you live and grow in love.



Kenneth Copeland Putting the Law of Abundance Into Motion What you sow, you reap. Discover how to use this spiritual principle to get the law of abundance moving in your life…leaving no room for poverty or debt!

10 Thu

11 Fri

Overflow and Judgment: The Fullness of Time


Gloria Copeland Living Strong in God’s Plan God has a plan for you—a long, strong life. Join Gloria and find out how to live longer and stronger than you ever imagined!

9 Wed

Join Kenneth Copeland with special guest Keith Butler as they discuss these last days…and learn how you can receive God’s best at all times!

Gloria Copeland Deuteronomy—A Long-Life Book Feeling worn out? Beaten down? Open the book of Deuteronomy and you’ll find secrets to living a long, fruitful, healthy life.


8 Tue





Choosing the Right Harvest in Days of Overflow

Earth buckles under the weight of sin’s crop, side by side with the harvest of Love’s abundance. Kenneth Copeland begins a three-week study on living in the days of overflow. 21





How to Reap Instant, Massive Harvests of Joy

Believers are living a miracle year. Join Kenneth Copeland for week two of his series on overflow and learn how to reap instant harvests on your seeds of love and compassion. 28





The Believer Abounding in Love’s Overflow

Sin’s crop of sorrow will turn millions to God’s love. Kenneth Copeland concludes his series on how to manifest God’s overflow during the world’s darkest days.

Watch the BVOV broadcast again and again! Order your cassette or video copies of the BVOV broadcast now by using the form in the center of this magazine. cassette Daily broadcast (one week) CDN$10 Sunday broadcast CDN$5

video Daily broadcast (one week) CDN$21 Sunday broadcast CDN$15

BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY VOLUME 33 NUMBER 2 February 2005 BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY is published monthly by Eagle Mountain International Church Inc./Kenneth Copeland Ministries Inc., a nonprofit corporation, Fort Worth, Texas. ©2005 Kenneth Copeland Ministries Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY and the logo on the back page are registered trademarks of Eagle Mountain International Church Inc./Kenneth Copeland Ministries Inc., in the United States and international countries where BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY circulates. Printing and distribution costs are paid for by donations from KCM Partners and Friends. Printed in the United States of America. For a free subscription write to Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001 or sign up online at www.kcm.org. Because all BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY issues are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. Marketing Manager/Kelly Weekly Managing Editor/Kim Culp Editors/Penny Hagerman Deborah Ide Barbara Morley Writers/Karen Adlong Rick Bunkofske Christopher Maselli Don Turner Editorial Assistants/Eileen Hooley Melissa Johnson Proofers/John Caccomo Jean De Long Michelle Harris Melissa Trammell Shad Turner Senior Designer/ Michael Augustat Advertising Coordinator/Clara Sorensen Account Executive/Jan Fraser Type Coordinator/Joyce Glasgow

“…Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.” (Matthew 8:17)

by Gloria Copeland


hen Jesus bore away our sins, He also bore away our diseases. The Cross pronounced a complete cure for the ills of mankind. The Church of Jesus Christ has been made just as free from sickness as it has been made free from sin. A Christian may continue to sin after he has been born again, but he does not have to. Sin shall no longer lord it over him unless he allows it (Romans 6:14). A Christian may continue to be sick after he has been born again, but he does not have to. He has been redeemed from sickness. The price has been paid for his healing. Sickness can no longer exert dominion over him unless he allows it. Most believers have only known a part of their redemption. Their faith will operate to the degree of their knowledge of God’s Word. They would have begun to live in divine health long ago if they had realized that healing belonged to them.

You have been redeemed from fear, mental anxiety, depression or anything that keeps your mind from enjoying peace. You don’t have to rely on a tranquilizer.

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As you accept the fact that as surely as Jesus bore your sins, He also bore away your disease, weakness and pain, your days of sickness will be over. The light of the Word of God will destroy Satan’s grip in your life in the area of physical suffering. The truth makes you free from his dominion when you realize that your healing has already been purchased by the sacrifice of Jesus. “Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:4-5). All of Isaiah 53 is about the substitution of Jesus for man. It says, “Surely he hath borne our griefs.” Young’s Analytical Concordance says choli, translated griefs, means “sickness, weakness and pain.” Surely He has borne your sickness, weakness and pain! Jesus bore sin and sickness in order for you to go free. Verse 6 tells us, “The Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” Verse 10: “Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief….” (According to Dr. Young, the word grief means to “make sick” and should be translated, “He has made Him sick.”)

It could not be God’s will for you to be sick with the sickness that Jesus suffered for you. Because God loved the world, He engineered the substitution of His only begotten Son to redeem man from the curse of Satan. Galatians 3:13 says, “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree.” Jesus was willing to take the curse in His own spirit, soul and body so that you would not have to continue under Satan’s dominion. There was no sickness before man became one with Satan. Sin is the root from which sickness came. As sin is the manifestation of spiritual death in the heart of man, sickness is the manifestation of spiritual death in the body of man. Not only did Jesus pay the price for the new birth of your spirit and the healing of your body, He also bore the chastisement of your peace. Satan has no right to torment you mentally. You have been redeemed from fear, mental anxiety, depression or anything that keeps your mind from enjoying peace. You don’t have to rely on a tranquilizer. Jesus has already paid the price for you to be whole in your mind and enjoy peace. So don’t allow Satan to steal your peace. Total Redemption | Jesus came to destroy all the works of the devil (1 John 3:8). He did not destroy sin only to leave

and disease to go from you. Refuse to allow them in your body. Command them to depart from you—out of your very presence, out of your home and your family. Salvation Covers It All | The English word salvation does not communicate what the original Greek word sozo really means. Salvation is not just the new birth of your spirit. It is also peace for your mind and healing for your body. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words says salvation denotes “deliverance, preservation; material and temporal deliverance from danger and apprehension.” Mark 16:15-16 says, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” The gospel is the good news of what Jesus did in His substitutionary sacrifice at the cross. “By whose stripes ye were healed” is not a promise. It is a fact. It has already taken place. Jesus bore sickness away from you, and by His stripes you were healed. There is no sin so great that Jesus’ sacrifice at Calvary will not cancel it and wipe it away—as though sin had never been. The power of God cleanses and changes one who partakes of the gift of salvation until there is no trace of the old man or his sins. When you are born again, you

Most believers have only known a part of their redemption. Their faith will operate to the degree of their knowledge of God’s Word. sickness in dominion. Partial redemption from Satan’s power would not have pleased God nor would it have fulfilled His plan for His family. He redeemed the whole man—righteousness for his nature, peace for his mind and healing for his body. Redemption left nothing in force that came upon man because of sin. Jesus completely destroyed the works of the devil in the lives of men. First Corinthians 6:20 says, “For ye are bought with a price.” A great price! “Therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” There should not be any sickness in the Body of Christ. When one who is sick comes into our midst, the healing power of God should flow so that he receives healing. In the book of Leviticus, Israel used a scapegoat. The priest laid hands on a real goat, put the sins of the people on him and sent him to the wilderness—totally away from the people. That’s what Jesus did with your sickness and disease! He bore them away from you! So stand up in the Name of Jesus and command sickness

become a new man, a new creature. Your new spirit is created in the righteousness of God. There is no disease so devastating to the human body that the same sacrifice at Calvary will not cancel it and wipe it away—and heal that body as though sickness had never been! The gospel is the good news of what Jesus did for every person in His substitutionary sacrifice at the cross. He bore your sins, so you do not have to bear them. Now you can be forgiven! He did that for every sinner. He bore your diseases, so you do not have to bear them. You can be healed now! He did that for every sick man! He bore your pains. He did that for every sufferer. That is what the gospel is—good news of what Jesus did for all. Jesus commanded that this good news be preached to every creature because everyone who hears it and believes it will be saved and healed now. As the Body of Christ, we do not have to tolerate sickness any longer. Jesus paid the price for our redemption from all the curse of the law. Let’s receive our freedom now! V ICTOR Y


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by Melanie Hemry


d Zell crossed the street to ask for help. It was 1972. His father, knowing his son had an artistic flair, had asked him to letter his new company truck. But after several attempts, Ed knew he needed help. So he approached Art, the owner of a small sign company located across the street from where he worked. The older gentleman took Ed under his wing and taught him the sign business. Ed was gifted at it and loved it! He even kept the business going when Art had a stroke. And later when Art died, Ed and his wife, Judy, purchased his modest inventory from his widow. Little did he know how God would use that experience in His plan for Ed and his family to receive the fullness of God’s best for their lives. In 1983, a little more than 10 years later, Ed Zell would cross another street. This one in the small Ohio town of Bellefontaine. He needed help again, but this time the answer was not so easy coming. Tormenting thoughts kept rolling over in Ed’s mind much like the rolling hills he had passed driving into town. This can’t be happening, he thought. The darkness that had settled over his soul completely blotted out the beauty of the sun’s rays reflecting off the new-fallen snow of a per fect winter ’s day.

The big man with the big heart had little hope as he grappled with the fact that he and Judy

owed a staggering $1 million. He pulled into a parking space and got out of his truck. Adjusting his cap, Ed darted across the street to avoid a friend walking toward him. As a well-respected state highway patrolman, Ed Zell knew most everyone. He also knew there were few, if any, secrets in the small town. Ed and his wife Judy were facing imminent bankruptcy. He felt certain the news was already making its way through the grapevine. Did the whole town know the Zells had their backs against the wall and could possibly be stripped of everything they’d ever owned? Ed hung his head. This time there was no sign to paint, no excited expression of a newfound talent. Instead, there was only the looming fear that a badge of shame and failure would replace the badge of honor and courage that had marked his career. Would an attorney have the advice he needed? The big man with the big heart had little hope as he grappled with the fact that he and Judy owed a staggering $1 million. Hoping Against Hope | That dark day was the furthest thing from his mind just a few years earlier. In the early ’80s housing prices were down. The well-liked, industrious couple began buying and renovating properties even though interest rates were up to 22 percent. Their future seemed bright. Life was good. Then the recession hit. Many local businesses closed or experienced cutbacks and residents moved out of the area in search of jobs. As a result, the Zells couldn’t keep their properties occupied— which meant they couldn’t pay the mortgages. The debt began mounting at a terrifying rate. So they sought legal counsel. “Your only hope is bankruptcy,” their attorney said. Bankruptcy wouldn’t be so bad, he assured them. They would be able to keep their home and Ed’s truck. In the end, all debts would be discharged and

they would even come out with $17,000 in equity. It didn’t take a Rhodes Scholar to see this was a good deal that offered much-needed relief from pressure almost more than the Zells could bear. Not only the attorney, but their pastor and parents also agreed it seemed to be the only way out. Judy’s response? “No.” Later, Ed would teasingly recall that moment as “the only time I’ve ever considered violence as an option!” Actually it didn’t take him long to realize she was right. Judy had been listening to Kenneth Copeland on the radio and learning about the integrity of God’s Word. She had discovered that if God says it, He’ll do it, and that all the paths of wisdom are peace (Proverbs 3:17). Not having any peace about bankruptcy, there was no way she could agree to it. So Judy and Ed began seeking God’s wisdom. They also began driving 45 minutes to attend a word of faith church, never missing the monthly satellite broadcasts. They drank deeply from the powerful faith-building messages of not only the Copelands, but also Norvell Hayes and Marilyn Hickey. They learned to count it all joy and let patience have its perfect work so they might be entire wanting nothing ( James 1:2-4) and to hold fast their confidence for it has great recompense of reward (Hebrews 10:35). During the month of March that same year, the Lord had personal words of instruction, encouragement and correction for Ed and Judy. He instructed Judy to stop asking Him to send buyers so they could sell the properties and pay off the loans: Don’t tell Me how. Don’t tell Me when. Just return My Word to Me. I watch over My Word to perform it. For Ed, the Lord dropped Isaiah 54:17 so strongly in his spirit that “the words ‘No weapon formed against you shall prosper’ raised up off the page about one inch!”


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Each day, we receive letters from Partners like the Zells, detailing the signs of God ’s love in their lives—freedom from bankruptcy, miracle healings, family restorations and more. And this year— 2005—we’re praying you too will get into the overflow, so...

Get Ready! Partners, we’re praying for you and believing for God ’s best in your lives every day— in every way.

And we know you’re doing the same for us. We believe that, as Par tners, our anointings and ministries join together with yours to reach our communities and our world!

If you’re not yet a Partner with Kenneth Copeland Ministries, or you’d like more information about partnership call (877) 480-3388. We’re believing for the best year yet!

Peace flooded their hearts. Ed and Judy knew God had a plan. No, they didn’t know exactly what that plan was. But they did know their part—returning God’s Word to Him and trusting Him to bring it to pass. And as they did their part, miracles began to take place. First, a primary lien holder who had been unwilling to work with them missed a court hearing and another bank was given that position by the judge. The weapon that had been formed against them by the first lending institution did not prosper! Not only that, they received unexpected favor from the new lien holder. Impressed with the improvements the Zells had made to the properties and their commitment to avoid filing bankruptcy, he asked them to manage the retired school building they had converted into 14 apartments. Ed, Judy and their two children lived rent-free while their home and other properties were being sold. The $1 million debt steadily dwindled. After four months, all properties had been liquidated leaving a debt of $376,000—still an impossible amount for them. But not for their God. Then a second miracle occurred! In an unprecedented decision, the lending institution holding the remaining balance ordered that no deficit judgment would be filed against the Zells. Their debt was totally forgiven! “We walked out free people!” Ed beamed as he recounted the miracle. “We’ve since shared this testimony with heads of banking institutions. They all say the same thing, ‘That’s impossible!’ “And not only did God take care of the debt, He protected us from gossip. Not one person knew about our financial plight except our family and those involved in the proceedings!” All things are possible to those who believe. Don’t tell Me how. Don’t tell Me when. Just return My Word to Me. I watch over My Word to perform it. God Makes a Way | The experience left the Zells with little in the way of material possessions.

The Zells were in the current of God’s will and

His provision was present at every turn. But the lessons they had learned gave them something far more precious. Spiritually—they were rich! Now they knew how to tap into heaven’s resources for things even money can’t buy. There were other opportunities to minister and grow stronger in faith and in revelation about their covenant rights as believers. “All this time, we had been devouring the Word, Brother Copeland’s tapes and the BVOV magazine,” Ed said. “We would invite people to our apartment to watch the broadcast and discuss what we’d learned. Then we would pray.” And there were other opportunities to apply what they were learning. When Judy received a disturbing report from a routine Pap smear, the Zells were prepared. The doctor recommended laser treatments as a precautionary measure. But Judy experienced the presence of the Lord in a powerful way and heard in her spirit the words The Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made you free from the law of sin and death. Once again, she followed her peace and declined the treatments. A few months later, when Judy found her symptoms were from an unsuspected pregnancy, she understood why God’s presence was with her so strongly. The treatments could have killed or injured her unborn child. Judy was excited about the baby. The couple was already financially strapped, had no insurance and their tiny twobedroom apartment barely had enough room for them and their other two children, Jim and Julie. But they were also in the current of God’s will and His provision was present at every turn. Step by step they watched Him take care of the financial challenges of an unexpected pregnancy. They also watched the provision God had made ahead of time for the enemy’s attack on the baby’s life. The Zells knew they were going to have a boy, because God gave Ed a word: I have a work for him in My kingdom. They named their new son Micah, which means like unto the Lord. “When I was carrying him, God gave me a song,” Judy

said. “Repeatedly I sang, ‘You shall tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing by any means shall harm you for My angels are about you, My joy I have placed in you. My joy shall remain in you.’ I didn’t know the song was specifically for Micah until I found him gray and lifeless on his grandparents’ bed one day.” God had seen ahead and made provision for that moment. Judy’s mom had just completed CPR training for infants and happened to be present at the time. “I called Ed then drove to the hospital while Mom gave Micah CPR in the backseat. I knew God was greater to keep Micah than the enemy to take him out.” The family stood shoulder to shoulder in the spirit and spoke life over little Micah. Within two hours of arriving at the hospital, his vital signs had improved so much the doctors couldn’t believe it was the same child. Spinal meningitis was suggested, but in the end, no conclusive diagnosis was given. The doctors wanted to keep Micah for observation. Ed and Judy said, “No thanks.” They were in a hurry to get him out of the hospital to have him dedicated to the Lord at church that day. God Qualifies the Called | With victories over evil reports, financial ruin and health issues under their belts, it was time for the Zells to receive another installment in the blessings of their covenant rights. That installment came in the form of a promise found in Joel 2:25-26. God said: “I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten. And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.” Their heavenly Father desired for them to experience His best in their lives. Again, not knowing how or when, they faithfully lifted God’s Word to Him expecting Him to fulfill it. And so He did, this time by taking something Ed loved to do and blessing it. In 1984, while being delivered from the $1 million


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debt, Ed took a giant step of faith and went into the signmaking business full time. Judy placed a plaque in her husband’s office that said: “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” And qualify them, He did! In 1989, God led the Zells to move from Bellefontaine to Columbus to the perfect location. Their new address…Integrity Drive. God opened doors of favor and by the end of 1990 they hired their first associates. Then as their business grew, they rented additional space at that location. For the Zells, Integrity Drive represented God’s faithfulness to His Word—His integrity. For those who knew the Zells, Integrity Drive seemed a fitting description because of the way this couple honored God’s Word, treated others and handled their business affairs. Integrity Brings Prosperity | Integrity Drive soon became “Restoration Drive” for Ed and Judy as they discovered one definition for integrity is “prosperity.” In 1994 God opened strategic doors that allowed them to do some of the major sign projects in their state. “We don’t take any job lightly. We pray over each job knowing God has given it to us,” Judy said. “When we had the honor to redo the signs for our statehouse, we saw that as an opportunity to make a spiritual difference in the seat of our government. When we did the signage for the attorney general’s facility, we saw that as an opportunity to pray over the laws of our state. When we

Judy placed a plaque in her husband’s office that said: God doesn’t call the qualified,

He qualifies the called. re-signed the Columbus Regional Airport Authority at the Columbus Airport, we declared the promises of God over the gateway to our city.”

14 |




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That same year with their business prospering, the Zells sensed it was time to purchase a home. For 10 years they had lived in rent houses. Their search took them to a Cape Cod style home nestled on 73½ acres complete with a playhouse for the kids, a horse stable and riding trails through the woods…it seemed too good to be true. It didn’t seem possible that such an estate would be within their means. But that had never stopped God before. He kept His promise to restore the years the locust has eaten. The house and property were over and above what they could ask or think, at a price they could afford! December 10, 1994, the Zells moved into their new home. Without delay, up went the Christmas tree, on went the twinkling lights. As the kids tore through boxes of ornaments, Ed pulled Judy close to his side. Hearts overflowing with gratitude, they praised the God they serve—the God of restoration. Their business continued to prosper. And when they needed a larger facility, in 1995, the Zells moved their business to Venture Place—a place of adventures in God. “Kenneth and Gloria Copeland taught us how to live a lifestyle of faith,” Ed said. “We’ve followed them as they’ve followed Christ, and God has blessed us. The anointing makes all the difference.” “Sometimes the Lord will have us sow a special seed,” Judy added. “For instance, in 1999 our business had grown but finances were still tight. I was strongly impressed to sow a $1,000 seed into KCM. When I sent it, I requested prayer for ‘increased sales with our largest customer.’” And God honored their obedience by blessing them with increase in their international account, just as Judy requested. Customers, employees and vendors alike recognize there is something different about this couple. Their love for God is apparent. Their faith—contagious. Always they are reaching out, touching and changing the lives of others. With every sign they place, Ed and Judy think about God’s goodness in their lives. They remember how He’s delivered them, the times He’s healed them, the ways He’s prospered them, and they count it all simply as… Signs of His love! VICTORY

We’re coming to

with a word for you!

Brighton Victory Campaign April 7-9 Brighton Centre King’s Road | Brighton, England

Frankfurt Victory Campaign April 14-16 Jahrhunderthalle Hoechst | Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Belfast Victory Campaign April 21-23 Waterfront Hall Lanyon Place | Belfast, Northern Ireland

Ukraine Victory Campaign April 28-30 Ledovi Dvorets Bolshestskay St. #1 | Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

2005–Get Into the Overflow! Meetings are subject to change without notice. For updated information, please log on to www.kcm.org.uk or call the KCM office nearest you.

by Kenneth Copeland & David Barton

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Difference in your Nation! “


exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings,















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Bible, He has given us the principles of how government is to o p e rate.


The Bible says—first of all—to pray for leaders and all in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty (1 Timothy 2:1-2). This is the only time in Scripture that God says, Pray this f irst of all, so it’s at the top of His list.

way He will. When we pray for those in authority, it paves the way for God to move in a situation. Kenneth Copeland | God holds us responsible for the kind of government we have. It doesn’t depend on the activity of government leaders as much as it does on the activity of its believing citizens. God moves on people. People pray and make declarations with their faith. Their faith then moves God to move on people. It ’s a spirituall y per petuated process that changes things. One spark of faith f rom one person can start something so significant that it will eventually be felt all around the world.

Kenneth Copeland | Several years ago I learned why that is essential. At the time, I was praying about other important issues in my life, including my health. I thought I was praying according to the Word, but I was getting nowhere fast. Then God brought this scripture to my attention and I realized my prayer life was out of order. First, it says to make supplications and petitions— formal requests—for those in government. Next it David Barton | You’re exactly right, Kenneth. For mentions intercession, which is prayer for those who instance, when the Berlin Wall came down, it changed the don’t know God. Then it instructs us to give thanks. political dynamics of 20 nations across Eastern Europe. So I began to do just that. And I discovered that praying for my political leaders by name dispelled the Kenneth Copeland | One spark with God in it strife I had toward them. It also got my mind off me becomes the right kind of bonfire. James 3:5 says, and my problems. Before long I realized I had made “ The tongue is a little member, and it can boast the divine connection I needed to be healed. of great things. See how much wood or how great a Healing, finances, peace, etc., are all tied G o d r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t t o i n v o l v e H i m s e l f i n a l e a d e r ’s w i l l directly to being obedibecause H is people are under that person’s author it y. ent to the Word. Praying for those in authority should top our daily prayer lists because God said it should. It affects forest a tiny spark can set ablaze!” ( The Amplif ied Bible). everything in this natural life. The tongue is the kindling that sets the whole natural world in motion. Making a difference in any situation David Barton | If we pray, there are many ways begins with putting God’s Word in your mouth and God can work in our nation—no matter what kind of praying. No matter where you are, under what kind of leaders or government we have, no matter what nation government, prayer changes things. we live in. For one thing, we can pray for God to send The Berlin Wall came down because a group of people our leaders wise counselors to help them make wise prayed, believed and stood on the Word. They went decisions (Proverbs 15:22). out there every day and spoke to that wall. They got hold of the revelation of the authority of the believer, Kenneth Copeland | God will not override the began acting on it and it changed their nation. will of a person—with the exception of the person in charge, the king, the president, etc. God reserves the David Barton | The wall came down as a result of right to involve Himself in a leader’s will because His Christians believing God’s Word about civil governpeople are under that person’s authority. ment and exercising their spiritual authority. Regardless of what kind of government you have, David Barton | Proverbs 21:1 says the heart of the speak God’s Word over it and pray. It will bring down king is in the hand of the Lord, to turn whichever walls—spiritual and physical.


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Kenneth Copeland | We all need to keep 1 John 5:4 in front of our thinking: “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” There is nothing in this wor ld that faith won’t overcome! Now if you live in a country where you have the right to vote, you have a responsibility to do that. Your faith and your vote will change things. David Barton | In elected governments, such as the United States, it’s not enough just to pray. Faith without works is dead. God has given us the mandate to pray and He’s also given us the ability to do something—vote. If we have the opportunity to elect righteous people, we must do that rather than allow wicked leaders to be elected and pray that God will make them right. If righteous people aren’t elected, then liberty is threatened. Why? Because 2 Corinthians 3:17 tells us “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” You’ll find that the Spirit of the Lord is in f ree nations where there is liberty. Decisions and laws are then made based on biblical principles. Liberty often comes through law. Think about the fact that when we live by God’s laws, we experience liberty. We’re f ree—we’re not in bondage. Liberty is a spiritual principle that also works itself out politically. In Matthew 22:21, Jesus talked about civil government. He said, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.” In other words, He expects us to perform our civic responsibilities as well as our spiritual responsibilities. Kenneth Copeland | Here’s the bottom line: The same fundamental 18 |




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principles will work wherever you are, no matter what kind of government is in charge, whether you have the right to vote or not. If you don’t have the right to vote, pray until you do—and don’t ever vote without praying. If you do have the right to vote, you should continually pray to maintain that right.

David Bar ton | That reminds me of Zechariah 1 0 : 1 w h e re we ’re i n s t r u c t e d t o p r ay f o r r a i n i n times of r ain. In other words, we should al way s be thanking God for the rain (for Salvation Prayer what we do have) so we won’t have a drought. If you do not know It doesn’t matter what nation you’re in, or whether you’re in the as your minority or the majority. God said, “If my people, which are called by & my name, shall humble themselves, simply pray the following prayer in and pray, and seek my face, and turn faith, and Jesus will be your Lord! f rom their wicked ways; then will I Heavenly Father, I come to You hear f rom heaven, and will forgive in the Name of Jesus. Your Word says, “Whosoever shall call on the name of their sin, and will heal their land” the Lord shall be saved” and “If thou (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Jesus Savior Lord,

shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Acts 2:21; Romans 10:9). You said my salvation would be the result of Your Holy Spirit giving me new birth by coming to live in me (John 3:5-6, 15-16; Romans 8:911) and that if I would ask, You would fill me with Your Spirit and give me the ability to speak with other tongues (Luke 11:13; Acts 2:4). I take You at Your Word. I confess that Jesus is Lord. And I believe in my heart that You raised Him from the dead. Thank You for coming into my heart, for giving me Your Holy Spirit as You have promised, and for being Lord over my life. Amen. If you have just prayed this prayer, please contact us and let us know of your decision. We have a free Salvation Package that we would like to send you to help you begin your new life in Jesus! Simply write and ask for offer #60801, mail your request to the address on the back page of the magazine or call (877) 480-3388.

Kenneth Copeland | Prayer is the difference between success and failure for ever y nation. No matter where you live, begin every day by p r ay i n g f o r t h o s e i n a u t h o rity. Also, if you have the right to vote, don’t miss any opportunity to do so. This is the key to making a d i f f e re n c e i n o u r n a t i on s — e ac h of us doing our part in obedience to God. Every nation’s finest hour is seen when the people get involved. V ICTOR Y David Barton, nationally known author and public speaker, is the founder and president of WallBuilders, a pro-family organization which seeks to educate grassroots society to rebuild America’s constitutional, moral and religious foundations. For more information go to www.wallbuilders.com, call (817) 441-6044 or write to WallBuilders, P. O. Box 397, Aledo, TX 76008-0397.

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One-Year Bible

Much, Much More! Kenneth Copeland Ministries Reaching More People...In More Places…Together—With You!

“ The Jack Held but the Holy Spirit Fell” The first night I met my husband the Lord showed me the man he would become. And on Tuesday, July 13, 2004, this is the man who came home to me. For two months you had been standing with me for his deliverance from alcohol and marijuana addiction. You sent me a package of books and booklets which renewed my strength and enabled me to continue to stand for him. When he came home that Tuesday night, he told me how he had been working underneath a car, when he saw the jack start to move. He knew he couldn’t slide out in time and he called out, “Lord I know You can hold that jack, but if You take me home now, let Your will be done.” The jack held but the Holy Spirit fell on him and he was taken into the Spirit for almost an hour! God healed him of his past, his addictions and his pain, and showed him His plans for us. We spent the whole night worshiping the Lord together. Needless to say, our lives have been changed. Thank you for your support and anointed ministry. Please keep teaching the pure Word of God. Jesus is the answer and He is Lord. M.A.Y. Pennsylvania

GoodNewsG “The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them Tornado Pulls Up—Passes Over When I heard on the radio that my hometown had been destroyed by two tornadoes, the devil tried to fill me with fear. But I vowed not to give in. I am incarcerated and have limited means of contacting the “outside” and when I couldn’t reach my family, I really had to stand strong. The next morning I got through to my sister and learned a tornado was headed for her home. But when it was just a block away, it pulled up into the sky, passed over my sister’s and touched down again on the other side. Her property was untouched. An estimated 230 buildings were damaged or destroyed but my sister’s home didn’t even get a broken window. God protected my family once again! Thank you Ken and Gloria for teaching about fear. C.N. | Indiana Prison Facility

Psalm 91 at Work in Iraq My son Joseph is serving as a medic in the U.S. Army in Iraq. One day a 107-mm mortar shell landed 3 feet from the medical care center where he works, and just 20 feet from where he was seated at the time and it didn’t explode! The base has sustained increased bomb attacks but God has protected Joseph and all those around him. This year so far, 22 rockets and 35 mortars have landed within 100 meters of the clinic. Praise and glory be to God! Thank you for building faith through your ministry outreach and prayerfully supporting our military. Blessings to you. Robyn Reynolds | Blacksburg, Virginia

Prayer Covered…Bomb Disarmed I requested prayer for our son who was stationed in Iraq. He called and told us that one of their jobs is to maintain the large containers water is stored in. He went on to say they were sleeping in tents nearby and discovered a bomb within 20 feet of both the front door of their tent and one particular container they were maintaining. The Air Force Bomb Squad was called in, they disarmed the bomb and no one was hurt. I asked him if he realized this was a direct answer to our prayers for his protection. He said he certainly did and asked us not to stop praying. We praise the Lord for His faithfulness and for showing this young man that He is the Lord and His love never ends. Update: After experiencing God’s protection during this attack and others, our son has since been rotated back to his base in Germany. Thank you for your prayers. Ginny and Bob Noote | New Orleans, Louisiana


International News

that fear him, and delivereth them.” There’s Healing in Our Covenant!

Psalm 34:7

The Spirit of God directed me to study my covenant with Him, so I got out Brother Kenneth’s tape series Our Blood Covenant. Listening on my way to work nine days later, it really got into my spirit. That day a co-worker activated a hydraulic conveyor that pinned my left hand between the conveyor and 2500 pounds of aluminum. As I looked at my fingers, the Spirit of God reminded me about my covenant rights. With my hand in the air I confessed, “I have a blood covenant with God Almighty, through the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. And according to my covenant rights in Psalm 91, Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24, I have healing and protection to my account.” I refused to give in to the pain and deformation of my left pinky. By the time I reached the hospital, most of the pain had subsided, the swelling had stopped and the discoloration had begun to reverse. I returned to work the next day with only slight discomfort and was able to fully use my hand. Had I not listened to that tape on my way to work, I may have given in to what I was seeing and feeling instead of the truth. Thanks, Brother Kenneth and KCM.

I was able to

fully use my hand.

D.S. | South Carolina

ed Out by Faith Poverty Knock ted prayer for a financial need

es I called and requ mphlets on faith, I read pa y m up ild bu tience. I of $430. To k Faith and Pa oo ib in m e th prosperity and and The Laws ns Prison Doors pe O h it es. Every time Fa to d listene osperity scriptur pr on ed at it ed dIm it to go. of Prosperity an mediately told im I ng e, m ca t gh to bind the stro a fearful thou e Lord told me th , ey y on m m — e 00 th ed e $5 The day I need called to give m dy la a d, di I r ot te fo Shortly af vil and put my man of poverty. ocked out the de kn I . e. m ti on t gh ng on prosperity need was met ri s and for teachi er ay pr ur yo r you fo on him! Thank H.B. | Georgia

Baby Blessing I wrote to you last year asking you to stand in agreement with my husband and me as we were praying and believing for a baby. We had been married six years and had suffered three miscarriages. We now have a healthy 5-month-old son, Joshua. All glory to God. We join you in proclaiming Jesus is Lord. Thank you for praying for us. P.A. | Bahrain

Dig In…Stand Firm… Declare and Receive! Over the past four and one half years KCM has dramatically impacted my life. Kenneth and Gloria’s teachings (and others with KCM) have led me to a new relationship with our living Lord! My sister gave me a KCM tape in 1999 that opened my ears and my eyes! I have learned so much and the application to life today has been wonderful. I am hugely grateful for the prayer support of the UK staff. I now know how to “dig” in the Word, stand on the promises, declare the Word and receive healing. And my beliefs about provision and money management have been changed. Last June when Terri Pearsons visited Bath City Church, my sister, father and I went and were very blessed. Thank you for all your work and commitment and for the whole team—all around the world. R.M. | United Kingdom

Born Again—Again Since partnering with KCM and receiving the benefit of prayer, I’ve seen powerful positive changes in myself and my family members. For example, my wife was ready to leave me. I was very miserable but now she says I’m a new person. It’s like being born again all over again—we are rejoicing in the Lord. B.C. | Canada

by Kenneth Copeland


od really desires to answer your prayers!

In fact, He’s as ready and willing to answer your requests as He was to answer Jesus’ during His earthly ministry. He’s even given specific instructions in Scripture about how to pray and get results, and…how not to pray. Jesus said in Matthew 6:7: “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.” A repetitious prayer of empty words won’t bring results. Nor will a beautifully fashioned prayer get the ear of God. What kind of prayer does God answer? A prayer prayed in faith. Praying in faith simply means you have confidence that God is willing to use His power to answer your prayer. N Expecting results is the key to success in prayer. “I’m just hoping and praying” won’t get you anywhere. If you are just hoping to get results, you’ll never receive from God. You need to realize that “hoping to get” isn’t the same as “believing you receive.” The promises of God will, however, bring you hope in hopeless situations. But hope has no substance in itself. Faith has substance! Hebrews 11:1 says: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Faith brings the things hoped for into reality and gives them substance. Faith is always now. Hope is always in the future.

God’s Word Is the Answer | The number one rule in praying for results is this: Base your prayer on God’s Word. Why? Because God’s Word is reliable. You can trust Him to fulfill His Word. Would you trust your best friend—a friend who had never let you down—to do what he promised to do? Would you believe and expect him to keep his word? Of course you would. Having faith in God to keep His Word operates the same way. His Word is truth ( John 17:17). It’s the integrity of God Himself. You can trust God to do what He says. Let’s use the prayer for salvation as an example of how to base prayer on God’s Word. In order to be born again, you must first know what God’s Word says about how to be saved. Romans 10:9-10 says, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” This scripture is the basis of your prayer for salvation. Look at the requirements. It says: You must confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him f rom the dead. God’s Word promises that when you fulfill these two prerequisites, “Thou shalt be saved.” You receive it by faith. When you prayed the prayer of salvation, you may or may not have felt differently. Either way, your feelings had nothing to do with it. God promised, “Thou shalt be saved.” The Word of God engineered your prayer and you exercised faith in His Word. What happened? By the authority of God’s Word you were saved! When you pray in line with the Word, you automatically have prayed in line with God’s will. First John 5:14-15 says, “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.” God’s Word is His will. The Father heard your prayer for salvation, based on His Word. After you have prayed and received salvation by faith, the next step is simply to thank God for it. Thank Him that according to 2 Corinthians 5:17, “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” The man you once were died the death of the Cross and was raised to new life by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 6:4).

You prayed according to the Word of God, therefore you were saved—you became a new creature. Applying Faith in Prayer | The Word of God not only contains the answer for salvation, but for every problem that confronts you. Begin a prayer based on God’s Word, and you’re starting with the answer! The next step in praying effectively is found in Mark 11:24. Jesus said, “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” This places a qualification on your prayer. You must believe you receive when you pray.

Prayer that gets Results!

Your prayers, and the prayers of people just like you, affect events all around the world every day. Prayer is more important than ever in these end times. Now, this powerful series by Kenneth Copeland will help you learn to pray more effectively for your family, your job, your marriage and your world. Yo u r p raye r s m a k e a d i f fe re n ce. D i s cove r t h e Seven Steps to Prayer That Bring Results today!

Seven Steps to Prayer That Bring Results 4-tape series $20 #B050208 | 4-CD series $20 #B050209 To order in the United States call toll free (877) 480-3388. Charge card orders only please. All major charge cards accepted. To place an order by mail, please use the address on the last page of this magazine. Order online at http://shop.kcmcanada.ca

Don’t wait until the manifestation comes to believe you receive. Now at first, this may seem difficult to do. But as you get to know God by spending time with Him in prayer and in His Word, you’ll become convinced His Word is true and reliable. Numbers 23:19 says: “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” You can trust God’s integrity. When you pray according to His Word, all you have to do is apply your faith. And ever y believer is dealt the measure of faith (Romans 12:3). But in order to develop your faith, you must spend time in the Word. Romans 10:17 tells us: “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (New King James Version). Your faith is powerful! It ’s based on eternal truth (God’s Word) and is more dependable than the evidence of your physical senses. According to 2 Corinthians 4:18, we are not to look at things which are seen, but at things which are not seen. The things which are visible are temporal, or changeable. The things which are invisible are eternal—they never change. So when you’ve prayed in faith according to God’s Word, it’s important to keep your heart fixed on that Word. Don’t focus your attention on what you can see in the natural realm—what you perceive through your five physical senses. Believe you receive the moment you pray. Talk and act like you have the answer. Don’t talk the problem! Speaking the Word and acting on it puts faith into motion. You cannot expect results without the operation of faith. When you apply your faith accurately, according to God’s Word, you will get results. You will experience Hebrews 4:16 for yourself. “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” It does not say, “Come and hope to get.” It says, “Come obtain!” “Verily I say unto you,” Jesus said, “If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done. And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive” (Matthew 21:21-22). Believe God’s Word in your heart and pray in line with His Word. Then…expect results! V ICTOR Y

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God delights in your prosperity! In this life-changing book by Kenneth Copeland, you’ll discover how to overcome debts and become a faithful, diligent giver. Find out why so few believers enjoy God’s financial blessings, how “thinking small” cheats you out of your God-given inheritance and more. Discover The Laws of Prosperity today!

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Angels Free


don’t think it’s any exaggeration to say that every one of us

is facing some kind of problem today. Some kind of trouble we can’t escape without the help of God. For one person, that trouble may be a disease that medical science can’t cure. For another, it may be financial problems or a family crisis. But no matter what kind of wall the devil has backed you up

against, you can count on one thing: God has promised to deliver you. That’s right. The Word says, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all” (Psalm 34:19). How I love the word all in the Bible! How does God carr y out that deliverance? One way He does it is through angels. You may not have given angels much thought, but you should! In the dangerous days in which we live, their activities are crucial to your safety. And you need to by Gloria Copeland

understand how they operate.

Your words either turn your angels loose to work for you or force them to sit helplessly by while the devil harasses you.

Psalm 91:9-11 tells us that, “Because you have made the Lord your refuge, and the Most High your dwelling place, there shall no evil befall you, nor any plague or calamity come near your tent. For He will give His angels [especial] charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways [of obedience

and service]” (The Amplif ied Bible). God gives His angels charge over you. He charges them to protect you...to keep you...to minister to you. As Hebrews 1:14 says, “Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service [of God for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation?” ( The Amplif ied Bible). If you are an heir of salvation, angels are sent out in service to you. And their ministry can literally be a lifesaver. It certainly was for Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. The Bible tells us they were hauled before the king because they refused to bow down before his golden image—and they were sentenced to die in a fiery furnace. W hen the king warned them of the deadly consequences of their actions, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego said: “O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up” (Daniel 3:16-18). I’ve noticed something about every instance where angels supernaturally delivered God’s people. They were faithful people. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego said, “Even if it costs us our lives, we will not bow down.” The king was so enraged he ordered the furnace heated seven times hotter than normal. The fire was so hot it killed the soldiers who threw Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego into it. But the Bible says, “And to God the Lord belongs

escape f rom death [setting us f ree]” (Psalm 68:20, The Amplif ied Bible). God provided that escape for these three faithful servants. When Nebuchadnezzar looked into the furnace, he jumped up and asked his counselors: Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire? I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they are not hurt! And the form of the fourth is like a son of the gods! Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace and said, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, you servants of the Most High God, [Nebuchadnezzar started speaking respectfully all of a sudden] come out and come here. [They] came out from the midst of the fire. And the satraps, the deputies, the governors, and the king’s counselors gathered around together and saw these men—that the f ire had no power upon their bodies, nor was the hair of their head singed; neither were their garments scorched or changed in color or condition, nor had even the smell of smoke clung to them (Daniel 3:24-27, The Amplif ied Bible). I’m telling you, these three men didn’t just escape the furnace alive; they came out without a hair on their head singed. They didn’t even smell like smoke. W hen Nebuchadnezzar saw what had happened, he said, “Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants that trusted in him” (verse 28). Even Nebuchadnezzar realized that because these men had trusted God, He had sent an angel to protect them. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego’s experience wasn’t an isolated incident either. God did the same for Daniel. You probably remember the story. The king had been trapped by wicked men into sentencing Daniel to F E B R U A R Y

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When you’re dealing with angels,

natu ra l h i n d ra n ce s a re n o th i n g. death. Daniel’s only crime was prayer, and the night he was thrown into the lions’ den, the king was grieved. Then the king went to his palace, and passed the night fasting: neither were instruments of music brought before him: and his sleep went from him. Then the king arose very early in the morning, and went in haste unto the den of lions. And when he came to the den, he cried with a lamentable voice unto Daniel: O Daniel, servant of the living God, is thy God, whom thou servest continually, able to deliver thee from the lions? Then said Daniel unto the king, O king, live for ever. My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt me (Daniel 6:18-22). Some Bibles include a picture illustrating that story. It shows Daniel asleep and the lions asleep at his feet. I like that! It reminds me that Daniel slept better in the lions’ den than the king did at the palace. Daniel was at peace because an angel of God protected him. The prophet Elisha experienced the same kind of

I’ve noticed something about every instance where angels supernaturally delivered God’s people. They were faithful people. protection. Second Kings 6 tells of a time when he and his servant were surrounded by the Syrian army. His servant panicked. “Alas, my master! how shall we do?” the

servant cried (verse 15). Elisha looked out at the horses and chariots of that great, hostile army and said, “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them” (verse 16). He didn’t pray, “Lord, help us! Protect us! Keep us!” He was so steadfast in God’s deliverance and protection that he simply said, “I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and

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he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha” (verse 17). Elisha could see in the spirit. He saw not only the enemy army, but horses and chariots of fire and angels encompassed about him. There were more angels than there were natural soldiers. Those angels were ready to bring the deliverance Elisha needed. We can see angels at work in the New Testament too. In Acts 12, for example, we see Peter in prison. James had been killed and Herod was planning to kill Peter the next day. “And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands” (verse 7). Notice that Peter was a man of faith. If you thought they were going to cut your head off the next morning, I doubt you would be sleeping so soundly that an angel would have to hit you to wake you up. The angel told Peter to get his shoes on and follow him. “When they were past the first and the second ward, they came unto the iron gate that leadeth unto the city; which opened to them of his own accord” (Acts 12:10). When you’re dealing with angels, natural hindrances are nothing. The chains just fell off Peter. When they reached the outer gate, it opened of its own accord. After the angel left him, Peter hurried to a prayer meeting and the believers there were so shocked to see him, they failed to open the gate and let him in. It was easier for Peter to get out of prison than to get into the prayer meeting! Another thing about angels is they have supernatural, superhuman strength. The Word says they “excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word” (Psalm 103:20). That last phrase gives you a clue about what causes the angels to work. They hearken to the voice of God’s Word. And they hear the voice of His Word concerning




I t ’s t i m e t o

Live Long— Live Strong! H

“In our day, people think living to 70 or 80 is doing well. But I think the least we could do is believe for 120!” —Gloria Copeland


your welfare from your mouth. When you speak out God’s Word of deliverance, the angels assigned to you go to work to bring that Word to pass. The Bible gives us clear instructions about how to deal with angels. It says: “Provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him. But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice [the angel’s voice], and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries. For mine Angel shall go before thee” (Exodus 23:21-23). Provoke him not. How do you provoke your angel? By speaking things that are contrary to the Word of God. By saying things like, “They’re going to kill me... I’m afraid...I’m sick....” When you speak your defeat instead of your victory, the angels assigned to you don’t have the right to say, “That poor, dumb man, I’ll just bless him anyway. I’ll protect him even though he’s not trusting God.” No, they can’t do that. Their hands are tied by your words of unbelief. They are bound. They have been charged to hearken to God ’s Word— words of faith (Psalm 103:20). Your words either turn your angels loose to work for you or force them to sit helplessly by while the devil harasses you. If you haven’t been getting the action you want in your finances, your health or any other area, the first place to look is right in your own mouth. Don’t blame it on your wife. Don’t blame your husband or your pastor. Look at your own words. There is no shortage of angel power. There are plenty of them. Trillions. If there’s a shortage in your life at all, it’s a shortage of Word power. Solve that shortage by putting God’s promises of deliverance in your heart and in your mouth. Continually give the angels the Word they need to protect you. When you’re tempted to discuss how bad your situation is—stop. Remember your great salvation. Remember the angels. Remember what God’s Word says about your situation. Open your mouth and set your angels free to minister for

God created you to live a long, healthy life—and He wants you to enjoy it! In this encouraging message, Gloria Copeland lays out truths from God ’s Word and shares real-life, entertaining stories of people who lived 100 years and longer. Long life is possible to anyone who believes!

Live Long—Live Strong

25 #B050206 6-CD series $25 #B050207 6-tape series $

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The 2005 Branson Victory Campaign

a time to



Expect the

hen most people think of Branson, Mo., they think of a great family vacation spot, Southern gospel music, Silver Dollar City, museums and more. Nestled in the heart of the Ozark Mountains, Branson is one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world. The mountain-fed lakes, stately trees and well-preserved wilderness make it the perfect setting. It’s also home to more than 40 live theaters, 12 championship golf courses, hundreds of restaurants and three theme parks. In reality, Branson is all that—and much more. A Spiritual Heritage | “This city is special,” said Gloria Copeland. In fact, over the years a number of prophecies have been given about Branson being a powerful spiritual area. “Corrie ten Boom was flying over Branson and the Lord talked to her about it being a place of revival. And it is. “There is a tremendous godly influence in the city of Branson,” Gloria added. “Many of the people who have influence in the town are believers—strong believers.” How It Began | “Gloria and I first went to Branson a number of years ago when there was only one highway through town,” said Kenneth Copeland. “We fell in love with it.” At that time, Brother Copeland felt the Lord directing him to have a meeting there. He thought it would happen immediately, but it didn’t. However, in 2003, Kenneth Copeland Ministries finally held its first Victory Campaign in Branson. Pastors Keith and Phyllis Moore and their church, Faith Life Church, hosted the meeting in a converted theater. A Shining Meeting | “There was a strong, Spirit-charged atmosphere in that meeting,” said Tricia Clem, KCM’s event specialist for the 2003 meeting. “You could tell there had been a lot of prayer prior to the meeting. There seems to be a hunger in the people who attend the Branson Victory Campaign that pulls a message of revelation out of Kenneth and Gloria.” The services were often jampacked with more than 2500 attendees and always jampacked with faith! Several prophecies were given concerning the war, the enemy and the future. Brother Copeland taught believers to rest in their destiny of a fear-free life. Gloria Copeland ministered out of Psalm 91, concentrating on God’s circle of protection for the believer. Then in Saturday’s Healing School, Gloria Copeland

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laid hands on those who came forward for healing. People—attending from all over the United States— reported healing of eye infections, back spasms, herniated discs and more! “This is a place where the Son Himself is shining, praise God!” said Brother Copeland in the 2003 meeting—and indeed it was. Lives Forever Changed | A favorite testimony from the 2004 Branson meeting actually began in 2003 at the first Branson meeting. One evening service was so packed that people were turned away. A father and his two sons had driven straight through for a very long distance to attend the meetings and couldn’t find a seat. But God knew how important it was for this family to be in the 2003 meeting. At the last minute, KCM staff members were able to seat them on the front row. At the 2004 meeting, these same men found the staff members who had helped them and shared their testimony. In 2003, the father was backslidden and one of the brothers was having marriage trouble. Brother Copeland gave a word during that service that each of them took directly to heart. As a result of attending the meeting, the father rededicated his life to the Lord. And when the brother returned home, his marriage was restored. In 2004, these men brought their wives…who had been praying for them to get in that service the year before. That’s what God does—answers prayers, provides, saves, heals, restores! The Best Is Yet to Come | Brother Copeland declared 2004 as “The Year of Fullness” and believers from around the world have reported that their lives were filled with healing, prosperity and vision. Now he has prophesied, “2005 is The Year of Overflow!” The seeds planted in 2004 will bring a harvest of overflow in 2005. And that’s just one more reason why this year’s meeting in Branson, Mo., is sure to be more powerful than ever. “I can’t emphasize enough the importance of being in these meetings with other like-minded believers,” Tricia said. “God moves in such a powerful, tangible way. Branson, I expect, will be a kickoff time in the Spirit. I believe we can truly expect the unexpected!” Join us in Branson, March 17-19, and expect to experience an overflow of God’s goodness and anointing in your life! V ICTOR Y


V I C T O R Y C A M PA I G N Faith Life Church, Branson, MO

M a rc h 17-19 Come Receive a Word That Will Change Your Life Forever...

Meetings are subject to change without notice. For updated information, please log on to our Web site or call the KCM office nearest you. Partners and Friends within the United States call (800) 600-7395. Partners and Friends within Canada call (604) 572-4242.

Join Gloria Copeland for Healing School Saturday, March 19 at 9 a.m.

Faith Life Church • 3220 Falls Parkway • Branson, MO 65616 • (417) 334-9233 • www.moorelife.org

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