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Don’t Skip First Base by Kenneth Copeland I’ll never forget attending my first real, live Major League baseball game. Man, what a thrill! | Like most other guys my age, I grew up listening to big league games on the radio and reading about them in the newspaper. And like a lot of my buddies back then, I dreamed about actually being there in the stands. (Our ultimate dream was to see the New York Yankees play.) Of course, down in our little corner of West Texas, there weren’t a lot of opportunities to see Major League baseball games, much less a game featuring Joe DiMaggio’s Yankees. | Eventually my day came, though. And was I ever excited to be there—seeing, smelling and feeling the whole, big ballpark experience! | And you know what? They played baseball by the rules. Everything happened pretty much as I expected. When a batter connected with a pitch, he headed straight for first base. He certainly didn’t take off running toward the pitcher’s mound and on to second base. If he had, they would have laughed him off the field. People would have shaken their heads and said, “That fool has lost his mind! That’s a big-league ballplayer, too. What ever happened to first base?”


put the laws of abundance into operation. Of course, it sounds silly to even suggest a professional ballplayer would skip first base. He would get no positive results—for himself or for his team. He could run hard. He could run with a lot of style. But he’d get called “out” just the same. The rules are the same whether it’s the major leagues or a local high school team. The same is true for you and me where the spiritual laws of abundance are concerned. We can’t skip first base and expect to get results—though many people try! So what is first base, Brother Copeland? you may be wondering. In the Word, it’s what Jesus called “the first and greatest commandment.” Love Is the Foundation | In Matthew 22:36, a Pharisee lawyer asked Jesus a seemingly tricky question: “Master, which is the great commandment in the law?” Of course, Jesus wasn’t tripped up at all. He was ready with an answer. “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets” (Matthew 22:37-40). Here Jesus identifies “first base” for every believer—the Law of Love. Love of God and love of others. That’s why in Romans 13 Paul tells us, “If there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law” (verses 9-10). Love is the fulfillment of the law. Over in 1 John 2:10 we also learn that pursuing love is the key to walking in the light and life of God: “He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him.” Notice that walking in love keeps you from having any “occasion of stumbling.” Far too many folks in the Body of Christ are stumbling around in darkness simply because they’re connected to darkness through fear and disobedience to the love command. Fear Is a Connector


The sad fact is, many of God’s

people operate in fear and even raise their children under the dominant influence of the law of fear. Fear is a connector. It connects people to negative results and outcomes. Along these lines, the Holy Ghost dropped a phrase into my spirit a while back. It really jerked my lights on when He gave it to me so I want to pass it along to you, word-for-word. He said, The fear of death connects you to the death you fear. Of course, in His Word, God, who is Love, has given us the key to breaking free of the slavery of the law of fear. I strongly recommend studying, memorizing and meditating on Hebrews 2:14-15. There we learn that Jesus took on human flesh so “that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.” Notice, it is fear that made you subject to bondage. Fear of death (or, in other words, the fear of loss). Fear is a spiritual connector. Fear connects you to things… And so does love. Stir Up Your Pure Mind | Right now you may be thinking, Oh yeah, right…love. Everyone knows that, Brother Copeland. I’m sure you do. Anyone who’s been born again more than two weeks has heard about the importance of love. The smallest children in Sunday school memorize “God is love,” and “Love one another.” We’ve all heard it many, many, many times. We have knowledge of this principle. So, it’s not the knowing about it that is the problem. The problem is we’re not stirred up in our minds about what we already know. This is what Peter was getting at when he wrote: “Beloved, I now write unto you [to] stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance” (2 Peter 3:1). Think about what it means for us to stir up our pure minds until we not only know something, but we also purpose to keep it before us until we remember it all the time. For most of us, the spiritual Law of Love may be in our minds. It’s just not on our minds very much. It sure hasn’t been on the mind of the Church to any great degree. We’ve had ourselves on our minds instead. And when you have nothing but yourself on your mind, you are headed for disaster.


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That’s why we have to stir ourselves up where love is concerned. So, no matter what you’ve had on your mind lately, I want to challenge you to stir up the “pure” part of your mind. Remember how Paul said to Timothy: “Stir up the gift of God which is in you” (2 Timothy 1:6, New King James Version)? In a similar way we need to make sure we’re stirred up about love—the love of God, our love for God, and our love for the folks He gave His Son to redeem. This is first base. It’s the bottom line for every believer. A failure to understand this is why we haven’t operated in the degree of power and victory Jesus purchased for us. It’s why we haven’t seen the law of abundance working fully and freely in the Body of Christ. Sure, we’ve seen some results here and there. But the reality is that too many of God’s people are dying. Too many are sick. Too many are broke and in debt. Too many families are falling apart. It’s time to change that. Look again at what Peter wrote: “I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: Jesus said all of that ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before the law and the by the holy prophets, and of the prophets hang upon commandment of [the Lord a single, two-part and Saviour to us the apostles]” commandment—to (2 Peter 3:1-2). This is what we have to do. We love God with must touch first base by total everything you’ve commitment to obeying the got and love your commandment of love. neighbor while How? A good start would be to make you’re at it. this Word-based declaration over and over and over: “I love the Lord my God with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind and strength, and my neighbor as myself.” Before long, you’ll find yourself acting on it and the spiritual law of love will begin working in your life! We are continually putting certain spiritual laws into motion. Those laws produce specific results. We can’t change that fact. But we can change which laws we put into motion. However, once they’re activated, they will bring to pass the results they were created to produce. Only the blood of Jesus, the Word of God, and the sowing of new, good seed can change the outcome of “bad seed” sown. “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7). That is unchangeable kingdom law. When you become love-minded (as opposed to selfminded, or fear-of-loss-minded) you begin to put the laws of abundance into operation. Fear begins to leave. Why? Because

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there’s no more room for it! You’re no longer connected to the forces that stop the burden-removing anointing. Perfected love casts out fear. Faith Hangs on the Law of Love | In Galatians 5:6 we learn that “faith worketh by love.” This explains why so many folks who claim to be faith people see so little in the way of miracles or breakthroughs. Using your faith without operating in love simply won’t work. It’s as if you’re sitting in your car, engine running with everything functioning properly. The oil pressure is good. The fuel tank is full of gas. Then you put your foot on the accelerator and the engine races but the car doesn’t move. You might say, “Something’s not working here! What is wrong with my car? When I put my foot on this pedal, the car is supposed to move!” So you call your mechanic. He comes over and says, “Let’s see what the problem is here. Put it in gear and press on the gas.” “Put it in what?” “Put it in gear! You know. Pull the lever down to the letter D there, which stands for Drive.” I’ve used an absurd example here to make an important point. You can have part of the law working, but not the rest of it. You have power available—and you have gears turning. Those gears are ready, but they have to be engaged or you’re not going to get any power to the rear wheels, which means the vehicle won’t move. In the same way, faith is present in your spirit. It came in the moment you were born again. And Romans 10:17 tells us, “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” However, you can be standing on a promise of God from His Word, but without love, your faith is not engaged. Faith works by love. That’s why unforgiveness causes faith to seem feeble and ineffective. Now we can understand why Jesus said all of the law and the prophets hang upon a single, two-part commandment—to love God with everything you’ve got and love your neighbor while you’re at it. Faith is hanging on that love commandment because faith is released and functions under the law of faith (Romans 3:27). The law of faith hangs, or is totally dependent, on the law of love. Yes, faith works…but not without love. The shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, the preparation of the gospel of peace—every weapon and spiritual asset at your disposal—all hang on that first and greatest commandment. Love. That’s first base. It’s your foundation for success and victory. Don’t skip it! V ICTOR Y

WA N T E D : H o l y G h o s t S p i e s Ever fancied being a spy like James Bond, John Steed and Emma Peel, Jim Phelps or Sydney Bristow? By day you’re a mild-mannered businessman or woman, housewife, janitor or student, faithfully doing your job and taking care of your family. At night you become a secret agent smuggling Bibles into China, preaching the gospel in secret, underground church meetings and completing impossible missions of the God kind. In a way, that’s exactly what you’re doing. By partnering with Kenneth Copeland Ministries, you’re helping broadcast by satellite into places where it’s illegal to say the Name of Jesus.

We receive letters saying, “Thank God for the Internet,” or, “We’re watching your program in the middle of the night when nobody knows.” Our broadcasts, books, magazines and recordings not only minister to people in the free world, but also reach into closed countries and places that are dangerous and intriguing. We’re excited about the impact we’re having as we proclaim “Jesus Is Lord!” from the top of the world to the bottom, and all the way around! And we couldn’t do all we do without—our “secret agents”—our Partners!




If you’d like to become a Partner with Kenneth Copeland Ministries or would like to find out more about partnership, check the box on the enclosed response form, call 1-877-480-3388. We’ll send you a Partnership Package posthaste....This mission—should you choose to accept it—could cause blessings to overflow into your life!

DancingWithFaith by Melanie Hemry


he sun rose hot and fat over South Africa as Martin Lilly rode his bicycle to work at a pottery factory near Cape Town. Elizabeth waved goodbye from the doorway of the flat where they lived in the noisy business center of a fishing village. Turning back to the steaming kitchen, a blast of heat seared her face as she opened the oven and pulled out a freshly baked cake she would sell to a nearby bakery. Wiping the perspiration from her face with a damp towel, Elizabeth sank into a chair and closed her eyes. Did God forget me? This wasn’t the life she’d dreamed about. Not that God hadn’t given her a wonderful husband—Martin was a dream. All either of them had ever wanted to do was serve the Lord, yet here they were just trying to scratch out a living and survive. Elizabeth thought back to the persecution she’d endured after being baptized in water at the age of 13. She’d been raised in a small village far from Cape Town in a church with great influence in South Africa. Her mother had been in the forefront of the renewal movement and obeyed the Lord by being baptized in water and in the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth had followed her mother’s example, knowing full well what those actions would mean. Their family was excommunicated from the church. Thanks to the local newspaper, their “betrayal” became public knowledge. Persecution followed Elizabeth through school. Among other things, she was unable to hold any leadership position.

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Night after night, Elizabeth heard the same words.

I want to bless you with a big house on a hill. Though difficult, Elizabeth understood that kind of persecution had a purpose. She drew close to the Lord and experienced a sweet fellowship with Him. But Elizabeth could find no purpose or special sense of God’s presence in the grueling poverty she and Martin suffered. Was God trying to teach them something? That afternoon when Martin stepped into the flat, Elizabeth took one look at his face and knew something was desperately wrong. Martin was out of a job. They’d been holding things together by a thread; now everything unraveled. Unable to pay rent, Elizabeth and Martin packed their meager belongings. They had no place to go. Mindset Matters | “We were squatters of sorts,” Elizabeth recalled. “For eight long months we moved from the home of one friend to another. We were embarrassed and ashamed of our plight. “We’d become so disillusioned with God that we’d almost given up. But I missed the close fellowship with the Lord. So I pulled out my Bible and tried to understand why God wanted us to live in poverty. I then thought back to the times when my mother had pulled me out of school so we could attend meetings when the Copelands were in South Africa. Somehow that seemed long ago and far away. I dug out old copies of the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazines and scraped together money from my baking to order tapes. “Through those teachings I realized that while Martin and I loved God, we did not know how to use our authority in Christ. I listened repeatedly to Gloria teach that God wants the best for us. It flew in the face of what we’d been taught—that God brings bad circumstances to teach us lessons. I realized we did not have the faith or mindset for prosperity.” As Elizabeth submerged herself in the Word of God, Martin joined her. Soon they were speaking words of faith and believing God for a home of their own. In 1994, Martin got a job running a distribution center for a tire company, and they rented another flat. In 1996, their son, Mishyél, was born. That same year, Martin and Elizabeth found a small

pink house—Elizabeth’s favorite color—with a tiny backyard and garden. To them, it looked like paradise, and they signed the documents to buy it. Just as the sale of the house went through, a Japanese business bought out the tire company and closed the distribution center. Martin was out of work, but this time was different. They knew it wasn’t God’s will for them to live in poverty. In the face of mounting debts, they stood firm in united faith believing for God to bless them. They agreed with and confessed His Word daily. And God provided! Three months later, Martin helped a friend establish his computer company. Martin and Elizabeth looked around their little house and knew they were home to stay. A House on a Hill | September 2000, Elizabeth was pregnant with their daughter, Zoë, when she began waking each night in the dark hours before dawn. Sitting in the moonlight she heard the Lord speak. I want to bless you with a big house on a hill. The light from a harvest moon spilled over Elizabeth’s little garden as she felt the child stir within her. “Oh no, Lord!” she whispered. “I love my little house!” Night after night, Elizabeth heard the same words. I want to bless you with a big house on a hill. One night Elizabeth looked down at the Bible in her lap and realized that it had fallen open to Gloria’s favorite house scripture, Deuteronomy 6:10-11. So it shall be, when the Lord your God brings you into the land of which He swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give you large and beautiful cities which you did not build, houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, hewn-out wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant—when you have eaten and are full—then beware, lest you forget the Lord who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage (New King James Version). The Lord really wants to give me a big house! Elizabeth realized with amazement. “Lord, thank You for my big


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house on a hill,” she prayed as morning dawned over the mountains. “About that time, I met a dear Christian woman who lived in a lovely home with an indoor pool,” Elizabeth remembered. “She asked me to give her aqua exercise Elizabeth and Martin Lilly classes. As the weeks passed, and their two children. we also spent time praying together and became very close. “I watched as she and her husband had their house renovated. They installed beechwood cabinets in the kitchen, heated tile floors and black granite countertops. I so enjoyed seeing the house being transformed. One day as I walked through the kitchen I heard the Lord say the most amazing thing to me. He said, This house is for you, My girl. “Soon after that, my friend’s husband accepted a job offer in England. They were pressed to move quickly and asked us to live in the house free of charge. They said they would likely never live in South Africa again, and we could do whatever we wanted to the house.” The sprawling pink house sat on a hill. In addition to the indoor pool, it offered five bedrooms, five bathrooms, an office, a laundry room and an extra kitchen. Outside there was a lovely garden with a jungle gym for the children—all protected behind an electric gate. As Elizabeth packed to move she asked, “Lord, that scripture promises houses filled with good things. Where are our things?” God had not forgotten. In December 2000, when Martin and Elizabeth walked into their new home, they discovered their friends had left behind the refrigerator, freezer, dishwasher, microwave and pool furniture. Winds of Adversity Stilled | By July 2003, Elizabeth was excited about being able to run the Christian Dance Fellowship and take her exams to teach dance. However, she was dismayed to learn South Africa wouldn’t have a representative at the International Christian Dance Fellowship Conference in Dallas, Texas, later that month. “I believed I was supposed to go represent my country,” Elizabeth recalled. “I had no money for the ticket, but, by faith, I arranged child care, packed my bags and made a provisional airline booking.”

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The day Elizabeth was scheduled to leave, Martin’s brother phoned. “I’ll buy Elizabeth’s ticket to Dallas,” he said. That evening, Elizabeth hugged her family goodbye and boarded a plane for America. In Dallas, a conference representative met her at the airport and took her to church to meet her host family. Elizabeth didn’t know what she’d expected, but it wasn’t the brooding sky and violent winds that whipped so hard she could barely stand. And she certainly hadn’t expected to discover upon arriving at the home where she was to stay that her airline ticket and passport were missing! Immediately, she and her host family prayed for her documents to be returned. Monday morning she contacted the South African Embassy. The next day she received a call from the embassy telling her that a woman had found her passport, but not the ticket, near the church where she’d met her host family. On Wednesday morning the airline notified her she’d have to buy another ticket to get home—Elizabeth did not have the money. She went to God in prayer. She worshiped Him and prayed in the spirit. The Lord said, Talk to the woman who found your passport. Get the exact location and go there. Elizabeth obeyed and went to the location. With the wind whipping and tearing at her, she searched for her ticket. Scanning the area, she saw a piece of paper on the sidewalk flapping in the wind. That’s strange, she thought. There’s nothing holding that paper in place! She ran to pick it up. It was her boarding pass. Five days in a windstorm and it hadn’t blown away! That evening Elizabeth Lilly stood in the spotlight before an audience of 700 people. Taking a deep breath, she told them of her journey from South Africa. She told them of her lost passport and airline ticket. She told them about the God who held them against violent winds. The audience stood, shouted and wept. As the houselights lowered, Elizabeth Lilly danced. She danced with thanksgiving for being led out of poverty and into prosperity. She danced in gratitude for the cozy pink house and the big house on the hill. She danced with a grateful heart for the man she had married and the children she’d borne. But more than anything, Elizabeth danced with faith as she danced for the One she loved the most! V ICTOR Y

Home? “These scriptures will produce a harvest of blessing in your life. God will give you a home f illed with the love of God, and precious treasures.” —Gloria Copeland

Believing for a

Proverbs 24:3-4 D Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

Deuteronomy 6:10-11 D And it shall be, when the Lord thy God shall have brought thee into the land which he sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give thee great and goodly cities, which thou buildest not, and houses full of all good things, which thou filledst not, and wells digged, which thou diggedst not, vineyards and olive trees, which thou plantedst not; when thou shalt have eaten and be full. Proverbs 9:1 D Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars. Proverbs 12:7 D The wicked are overthrown, and are not: but the house of the righteous shall stand. Proverbs 15:6, The Amplified Bible D In the house of the [uncompromisingly] righteous is great [priceless] treasure, but with the income of the wicked is trouble and vexation. Isaiah 32:17-18, The Amplified Bible D And the effect of righteousness will be peace [internal and external], and the result of righteousness will be quietness and confident trust forever. My people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, in safe dwellings, and in quiet resting places.

Psalm 66:12, New International Version D You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance. Psalm 16:5-6 D The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage. Acts 17:26 D And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation.





Gloria Copeland believed God’s Word and received the home of her dreams. You can too! Request her FREE House Scriptures Brochure today and begin standing on these faith-filled promises. House Scriptures Brochure | FREE | #B050414 | shop.kcmcanada.ca

We’re Here for You!

People all around the world—in even the most remote places—are hearing Kenneth and Gloria Copeland proclaim “Jesus Is Lord!” on every available voice. Worldwide Television Broadcast | The Believer’s Voice of Victory television program is meeting the needs of people and changing lives as it airs daily and Sundays for 2,412 hours each week worldwide, reaching a potential audience of more than 633 million people! Faith-Filled Magazines | More than 550,000 faith-filled, Word-based Believer’s Voice of Victory magazines are mailed each month. A constant source of encouragement to our Partners and Friends, we publish, print and mail FREE magazines to 135 countries on five continents. SHOUT! The Voice of Victory for Kids magazine is sent to more than 150,000 children. This magazine is designed to help train up Superkids who know their covenant rights and will make a difference in the kingdom of God and the world! If your family isn’t receiving these magazines and you would like to, simply fill out and mail in the subscription card provided in this issue to receive your FREE subscription! Internet | Reaching you—right where you are! The KCM Internet outreach has progressively grown! By incorporating the latest technology, we’re better able to meet your needs. Our daily and Sunday Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcasts,

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MP3 audio teaching files, live “Internet Radio,” study center and on-demand capabilities are all available on our Web site. You’ll be able to email us your prayer requests, find ministry updates and meeting information, as well as daily devotionals, prophecies and much, much more when you visit www.kcm.org! Check it out today!

Focused on ministering to our Partners and Friends KCM International Offices Are Reaching Out! | KCM Australia ministers not only in Australia, but also in Asia and the Pacific Rim. In China we are helping to supply more of the Word to hungry Christians in the underground church by printing and distributing books in the Chinese language. You can call us on (07) 3343 777 or 1300 730 343 from within Australia, on +617 3343 United States: www.kcm.org 7777 from outside Australia or on 0800 903 Canada: www.kcmcanada.ca 100 from New Zealand. To fax us from inside Europe: www.kcm.org.uk Australia use (07) 3343 8777 and from outside

Australia use +615 3343 8777. Or you may write to us at Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Locked Bag 2600, Mansfield Delivery Centre, Qld 4122, Australia. KCM Canada is growing in every area. Construction is underway on our new ministry center, which will include warehouse and office space to better serve the Partners and Friends in Canada. You can call us at (604) 572-4242 or toll free at (877) 480-3388 or write us at Kenneth Copeland Ministries, PO Box 378, Surrey, BC. KCM Europe with more than 5,000 Partners and 13,000 Friends is committed to taking the uncompromised Word of God throughout England and into neighboring nations. The BVOV magazine is currently mailed to Partners and Friends in more than 50 European countries. And approximately 600 German-speaking people across Europe are receiving a special bimonthly edition of the BVOV magazine in the German language! You can write to us at Kenneth Copeland Ministries, PO Box 15, Bath BA1 3XN, United Kingdom; phone us at 01225 448374 (UK) or +44 1225 448374 (Outside the UK) or email us at partners@kcm.org.uk. KCM South Africa is ministering throughout the continent of Africa. The light of Jesus is brightly shining into what has been called “The Dark Continent”—even in the most remote places, people are responding! You can contact us by phone at +27 11 699 7700 or 0860 10 33 56 (RSA only); by fax at +27 11 792 6390 or email at Partners@kcmza.org. KCM Ukraine has been translating books written by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland into the Russian language. More than half a million books in Russian were given to churches and sent out through the mail. People are open to the Word of God in the Ukraine and many have been saved through the BVOV broadcast. We’re excited about all God is doing through our KCM international offices! You can contact the office nearest you for additional information! Kenneth Copeland Ministries is not only proclaiming the good news through media, but we’re also building and sustaining relationships with Partners around the world. We’re helping them grow from “the milk to the meat” of God’s Word.

Life-Changing Products KCM’s faith-filled books, teaching tapes, CDs, videos and DVDs aren’t just products—they’re powerful ministry tools. People are encouraged, strengthened and helped—every day! Request our FREE 2005 KCM Product Catalog of more than 600 products on 40 full-color pages. Order now and learn more about the many products KCM offers. To order in Canada, call toll-free 1-877-480-3388. To place an order by mail, please use the enclosed response form. Order online at http://shop.kcmcanada.ca.

2005 KCM Product Catalog




Worldwide Holy Ghost Meetings | KCM meetings are truly Holy Ghost get-togethers filled with ministry, miracles and more! Thousands of people around the world gather for times of refreshing, fellowship and revelation. People are set free from torment as they learn to walk in love and focus on God’s promises, rather than the world’s chaos. They are saturated in the Word and refreshed by the presence of God during the meetings. Many testify of healing in their bodies, miracles in their finances and restoration of relationships! Check our Web site for the most current meeting information and make plans to attend a KCM meeting today! Building Relationships | Although Kenneth and Gloria Copeland preach to hundreds of thousands of people, their message and love for their Partners and Friends remains personal. The KCM Relationship Team is here to build better, stronger relationships with our Partners and Friends. So we’re here for you when you need prayer, to rejoice with you about the victories in your life, to answer questions you may have, to receive product requests and to correspond with you by mail. The relationship team is working together with a single purpose in mind—to minister to you in a personal way! Praying for Partners | We’re here for you when you need someone to agree with you in prayer. Our prayer ministers stand ready to pray for you according to the Word. And not only are we here when you call us, we also call you—to keep in touch and to pray for you! The prayer calls we answer and the calls we place at KCM have a common purpose—to minister to you, our Partners and Friends. Touching Lives Through Products and Mail | Brother Copeland prays for his Partners every day. And each month he seeks the Lord about what to share in the Partner Letter he personally writes. These Partner Letters are dear to Brother Copeland’s heart because his Partners are dear to his heart! And responding to letters, product orders and emails is the call and anointing of our mail processing, production and distribution center teams. You, our Partner, are the reason for every process in place, every product produced, every letter written!

Set Free and Ministering to Others!

We just wanted to thank you for all your years of faithfully sowing God’s Word and for the integrity of your ministry. I was set free from cigarette addiction over 20 years ago while listening to Kenneth Copeland on t h e r ad i o. M y husband was filled with the Holy Ghost and delivered from alcohol addic tion by praying the prayer for the Baptism in the Holy Ghost in your Welcome to the Family booklet. Your ministr y has been a blessing to many. My husband and I are now associate pastors at our church. Thank you again. Walter and Jane Turner | Chiefland, Florida

God Can Handle It!

Last night during the storm in Amarillo, the tornado sirens went off. I took my kids into the hall with some pillows and books and told them to stay there while we watched the news. I came back to check on them and asked if they were OK. Corey said, “Mom, why wouldn’t we be OK? Remember how that preacher lady w a s p re a c h i n g and the tornado c ame and tore off the roof and she wasn’t even h u r t ? W h a t ’s there to be afraid of? God will protect us, too.” Then Katie said, “That was Gloria Copeland and all she did was speak to the storm.” “Besides, God says not to fear,” Corey responded, “He can handle it.” They are getting it! We’re training up a generation to live by faith!! Kim Webb | Amarillo, Texas

GoodN EWS I will see the goodness “

of the

Forever Ruined for the Ordinary

In 2003, I read an article in BVOV entitled: “Grandmother Rescues Orphans in Africa,” about Child Care International and their work in the war-torn area of Kitgum, Uganda. To say that I was touched and moved by the article is an understatement. After reading the article, I knew I still had some fear of physical danger. The issue was not whether I was brave or not, but whether I trusted my God to honor His Word in any situation I might face. Over the course of the next few days, every time I sat to read the Word, I would see that article lying there. As I prayed, I knew I wanted to face that trace of fear in my heart and see my God and His Word proven true. I yielded and gave it to Him and the Holy Spirit said, I know the end from the beginning and to get to the destiny I have for you, you must pass through Kitgum. I agreed to go without knowing how I would get there or what I was to do when I arrived! As a result of my experience in Kitgum, I have been changed and forever ruined for the ordinary! I thank God for the article in BVOV and that He used it to challenge me to confront my hidden fear. I thank God for His grace in teaching me how to walk each step by faith in His Word. Thank you, KCM, for continuing to impact that area through your partnership with Child Care International and for being used by God to proclaim His Word with uncompromising boldness.

I thank GOD for His grace in teaching me.

J.C. | Arkansas

Blessed Beyond Measure Thank you so much, Gloria, for writing this book on the goodness of God. It is a statement that is so needed in our culture. I’m asking God to bless you for sharing this insight with the Body of Christ, and anyone else who has ears to hear. You will not understand fully what a blessing you and Ken have been over the years perhaps until you go to heaven. My husband went to dental school at ORU from 1978-1982—he was I just in the charter class, so we too wanted to have roots at ORU. We moved away from Tulsa for about 10 say years, then God brought us back here and we were thrilled. We have followed your ministry all these years. Your understanding of God’s nature and what He wants to do in the earth is awesome! I just wanted to say thank you for sharing yourselves and your wisdom. I will be eternally grateful!

thank you.

Sarah Eiler | Tulsa, Oklahoma


Lord in the land of the living.”

Psalm 27:13, New International Version

s Others to the Lord

Teen Loads Up and Lead



International News

Webcast Transforms the Wishy-Washy I want to take this opportunity to tell you what a difference—no, what a jump-start your ministry has been to my faith. I’ve been a born-again Christian for 30 years—since I was a 13-year-old boy. But never have I seen the truth like I’ve seen it in the last few days of watching your webcasts. I went from wishy-washy to on-fire! I want all that God has for me. I want to go where He wants me to go and do what He wants me to do. That is a pretty stark contrast from where I used to be. I continue to watch and tell others about your ministry. P.D. | Canada

Hope for HIV

G.M. | Canada

In Consistency Lies the Power I spoke with a KCM prayer partner last spring and we prayed for my daughter, then 16 months old, to receive healing. She had a small growth on the back of her left ear. It almost doubled in size within a few months. We scheduled surgery to have it removed about four weeks after my phone call to KCM. I had been confessing total restoration and the healing scriptures from one of Gloria’s books every day. By the time of the pre-operation visit, the growth was about half the size it had been four weeks before. With the doctor’s agreement, we postponed the surgery. However, I quit consistently confessing healing over her. Two to three months later the growth was back to the presurgery size! I repented and immediately and consistently began speaking healing over her. By her second birthday the growth was almost gone and at 25 months her ear is totally restored. Her pediatrician confirmed the growth was completely gone. Praise God! Thank you for teaching us how to believe for total healing. Your ministry has done more for me than I could ever express. K.L. | South Carolina

I don’t know how I can thank you for helping me through difficult times. Before I knew you I was very lost, not knowing where I am going to. The prayer which you sent me in your October issue took me two days to memorize and it is very encouraging. In the year 2003 I went to health care to fetch my blood results, as I took blood for HIV. To my disappointment, I was told that I have the virus. I was very down and lost hope in every aspect of life. I lost hope in school and everything and my CD4 count was very low—it was 263. At that time I did not know anything about God. But one day a friend had your magazine. I just saw an attractive cover and wanted to see what is inside. To my surprise, it was church things. Then I started reading it and got caught up with it for almost three hours. The following day I took your address and wrote to you and since then I started to see that God does really exist. I started praying automatically. I started feeling strong every day. I went back to school this year. I went for another CD4 count and it has tremendously risen up to 365. A.M. | Australia

Get a

fresh harvest


A. Often we spend our time waiting for God to do something. But sometimes, we need only to commit to live a life of love in order to see our prayers answered! In Kenneth Copeland’s powerful NEW teaching—From Fullness to Overflow—you’ll learn you have the ability to love like Jesus. Plus, you’ll discover how the amount of fullness and overflow you experience depends on how much you develop in the power of His love that’s within you. You’ll discover that becoming rooted and grounded in love is key to strengthening your faith, receiving the things you’re believing God for, operating in the gifts of the Spirit and much more. Get ready to go From Fullness to Overflow as you listen to this powerful teaching that’s available in DVD, video, CD or cassette! From Fullness to Overflow 2-DVD set | CDN $29 #B050404 3-video series | CDN $45 #B050403 5-CD series | CDN $25 #B050402 5-tape series | CDN $25 #B050401

To order in Canada call toll free 1-877-480-3388 from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (PST), Monday to Friday. To place an order by mail, please use the address on the last page of this magazine. Order online at shop.kcmcanada.ca

from the Word this spring! C. Understanding, believing and receiving God’s goodness is the very foundation of our faith. In Blessed Beyond Measure, Gloria Copeland reveals the wonderful goodness of our loving Father. Learn how everything God has provided—salvation, healing, deliverance, peace, and every other blessing promised in His Word—comes from His true nature of goodness, and is available to you today! Blessed Beyond Measure

hardback • 5 ½ x 8 ½ • 192 pages | CDN $18 #B050415



B. God’s Word says you can live a long, healthy life. If there’s something in your body that’s not functioning properly, God desires to make you whole. In this special package, you can receive Gloria Copeland’s powerful teaching—Be Made Whole—in DVD, video, CD or tape. In it, she not only explains why walking in love is important to your health, she also leads you through the Scriptures so you can discover how to receive your healing and walk in wholeness. As a special bonus, you’ll also receive Gloria’s book, God’s Will for Your Healing. If you’re not already convinced of it, you’ll see once and for all that it’s always God’s will for you to be healed! You can Be Made Whole today! Get grounded in God’s healing promises, speak them out in faith and expect to live a life of health and power. Be Made Whole Package with FREE God’s Will for Your Healing book 3-DVD series | CDN $35 #B050408 3-video series | CDN $45 #B050407 3-message series on 6 CDs | CDN $15 #B050406 3-message series on 6 tapes | CDN $15 #B050405

D. Let your kids see God’s Word put into practice as Wichita Slim (Kenneth Copeland), Bill Gunter (Willie George) and the Dry Gulch gang join together in these faith-filled, full-length Western adventures! In this movie pack, you’ll receive:


The Gunslinger

In a story about forgiveness, an exgunslinger loses his memory...and only has the power of the Word to help him get it back.

Covenant Rider

In this drama where God’s mercy is mixed with the weight of the law, the marshals are hot on the trail of a kidnapped boy.

The Treasure of Eagle Mountain This story of love and forgiveness has the two marshals helping a young man search for hidden treasure. Plus, as a bonus, you’ll get Behind

the Scenes: The Treasure of Eagle Mountain, an insider’s look into what happens on the other side of the camera. It’s a Western adventure for the whole family. Don’t miss it! The Faith Adventures of Wichita Slim 3-DVD series | CDN $35 #B050418 s ovie All m ended m m reco ages 7 for up. and



E. You can have a powerful and effective prayer life! In this eye-opening video, Kenneth Copeland not only shares personal examples of how he and Gloria pray, but he then digs into Scripture and reveals the different types of prayer and how you can pray for your family and know your prayers will be answered! Your Right to Believe is a God-given right…put it to work for you today! Your Right to Believe single DVD | CDN $29 #B050417 single video | CDN $21 #B050416 F. An apple seed, when planted in the ground, watered and nurtured, will grow into a fruit-bearing tree. So, too, the Word of God when planted in your heart, will grow, spring up and bear fruit in your life. In Sower Sows the Word, Kenneth Copeland teaches from Mark 4 and shows you how to sow the Word into your heart…and keep Satan from ever being able to steal it. Begin sowing the Word today so you can see a tremendous harvest in your life! Sower Sows the Word 4-CD series | CDN $20 #B050410 4-tape series | CDN $20 #B050409 To order in Canada call toll free 1-877-480-3388. To place an order by mail, please use the address located on the last page of this magazine. Order online at shop.kcmcanada.ca

G. Do you hold on to things that you should let go of? Do you constantly let financial pressures dictate the decisions you make? Are you tormented by money worries? In this insightful series, Keith Moore gives you the “poverty test” so you can see where you stand in receiving financial blessings from God. Then he and Kenneth Copeland reveal that there is a spirit behind poverty and lack—one you don’t have to put up with any longer! As you listen to this message, you’ll begin to break free from lack! You can go From Running Out to Running Over today!



From Running Out to Running Over 4-CD series | CDN $15 #B050413 3-tape series | CDN $15 #B050412 H. God has provided us with more than enough resources to overcome every attack from Satan—and He’s given us everything we need to do all He’s called us to do. In this powerful series, Kenneth Copeland and Keith Moore will teach you how to apply God’s promises in every area of your life. You’ll discover it isn’t difficult to follow God’s plan, step by step! If you desire the Holy Spirit’s direction in all you do, you’ll love God’s Promise of More Than Enough…it’s for you! The Promise of More Than Enough 8-CD series | CDN $30 #B050420 6-tape series | CDN $30 #B050419 To order in Canada call toll free 1-877-480-3388 from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (PST) Monday to Friday. To place an order by mail, please use the address located on the last page of this magazine. Order online at shop.kcmcanada.ca

by Keith Moore

GoingVertical H

ave you ever been confused about whether

an idea or opportunity was from God? Perhaps in deciding which direction you should take or what you should do, you’ve wondered:

Is this me, or is this God?


A lot of

people are uncertain if what they’re hearing is from God. In fact, it’s a big problem. People desire to know His plan, but they just aren’t sure what God is saying to them. Why is that? Well, primarily it’s because they don’t look to Him and wait on Him long enough for the answer to become clear. We live in a drive-through, microwave, instant-email world, and we often expect God to operate that same way. But He doesn’t operate by instant reply emails. He operates in His own time. You know as well as I do, we can’t dictate to God when or how He is going to answer us. It’s up to us to wait upon Him for the answers we need. It’s up to us to “go vertical,” to seek Him until we hear from Him. In the Old Testament, the prophet Jeremiah understood this. The people asked Jeremiah to seek the Lord for them so they could know God’s will ( Jeremiah 42:2-3). In verse 7 we find it took 10 days for the Word of the Lord to come to him. Jeremiah waited on the Lord 10 days. What would have happened had he stopped seeking God after five days? He wouldn’t have received the answer. Until the Lord gives the answer, we just don’t have it. Separated and Distinguished | Acts 13 helps us understand how to wait upon the Lord. In this chapter, we learn a number of leaders in the church at Antioch were together, and verses 2-3 say: “As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away.” These prophets and teachers were fasting and ministering to the Lord. As they did, a revelation came to them about what God had ordained, or what He had separated. The Lord had already called Barnabas and Saul, but they still didn’t know His will. It hadn’t been separated, or distinguished to them. It wasn’t until they

began worshiping the Lord that the Holy Ghost spoke and God’s will was made clear to them. In going vertical—going to God in worship and waiting on Him—they received revelation and direction. Often this is a missing element in our church services. There’s entirely too much horizontal operation. The minister is looking at the people. The people are looking at each other. And they’re looking to the minister for answers. Though it’s important for the Word to be taught, we need to be going vertical. Always, we need to be looking to God for the answers. And we do this through continual worship. It’s true it takes a little discipline. However, with practice it becomes easy to stay in an attitude of worship even after a minister begins to speak. We can expect the Holy Spirit to speak to us as we worship and honor the Lord. That’s when we can expect the Holy Spirit to show us what is and isn’t right—what to do and not to do. That’s when He’ll separate and distinguish God’s plan for our lives. So right now, why not take a few moments and go vertical? Begin to magnify the Lord. Glorify Him. Exalt Him. Open your heart to Him, and thank Him for His goodness in your life. As you worship the Lord you’ll step into His presence, where there is joy. You’ll experience a greater manifestation of His glory. As you minister to Him, you’ll receive. V ICTOR Y Keith Moore is founder and president of Moore Life Ministries and Faith Life Church in Branson, Mo. For more information or ministry materials write to Moore Life Ministries, P.O. Box 1010, Branson, MO 65615, call (417) 334-9233, or visit www.moorelife.org.


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Seasonof Hope for America

President George W. Bush delivered his acceptance speech on Nov. 3, 2004, following his re-election. He thanked supporters for their prayers and hard work. He said: | The voters turned out in record numbers and delivered an historic victory…. America has spoken, and I’m humbled by the trust and the confidence of my fellow citizens. With that trust comes a duty to serve all Americans, and I will do my best to fulfill that duty every day as your president…. I want to thank you for your prayers…. Many Christians faithfully prayed for President Bush during his first term and then for his re-election. With the election behind us, let us keep in mind that our prayer responsibility hasn’t ended. Every day, our nation, president and other government leaders can benefit from our prayers. President Bush expressed the need for continued prayer by saying: There’s an old saying, “Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers; pray for powers equal to your tasks.” In four historic years, America has been given great tasks, and faced them with strength and courage…. Our nation has defended itself, and served the freedom of all mankind. I’m proud to lead such an amazing country, and I’m proud to lead it forward. 2020| | B V V V | | M AA PR RCI H B O V O L

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Let us pray that President Bush has strength for all things in Christ Who empowers him [he is ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into him; President Bush is self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency] (Philippians 4:13, The Amplified Bible). Let us pray that the president will lead our nation forward as he is led by the Holy Spirit ( John 10:27). Let us also agree in prayer with his declaration that this is a season of hope. Because we have done the hard work, we are entering a season of hope. We’ll continue our economic progress. We’ll reform our outdated tax code. We’ll strengthen Social Security for the next generation. We’ll make public schools all they can be. And we will

There is

no limit

to the greatness of

America! We must exercise our vote at every opportunity and we must pray.

Keep Praying! This is no time to rest or look back. Press in and pray every day for our leaders and our nation.

uphold our deepest values of family and faith. Let us uphold and seize this opportunity to play a part in changing our nation for the better. We can begin setting this country back on course by helping restore America’s heritage of Christian values—our deepest values of family and faith. The president and others in authority need our prayers to make right decisions in this challenging time. Our ability to live peaceful, godly lives as a free nation depends on our obedience to 1 Timothy 2:1-2: “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” President Bush said: With good allies at our side, we will fight this war on terror with every resource of our national power so our children can live in freedom and in peace. The president called for Americans to recognize what we have in common and work together: Reaching these goals will require the broad support of Americans…. We have one country, one Constitution and one future that binds us. And when we come together and work together, there is no limit to the greatness of America. There is no limit to the greatness of America! We must exercise our vote at every opportunity and we must pray: • our nation turns to God and comes together in a spirit of unity; • for God-fearing, righteous people to be appointed as judges; and • for God-fearing, righteous people to be elected to positions of authority. The campaign has ended, and the United States of America goes forward with confidence and faith. I see a great day coming for our country and I am eager for the work ahead. God bless you, and may God bless America. —President George W. Bush Acceptance Speech, 11/3/04 With confidence and great faith, let us pray that America fulfills her God-given destiny! V ICTOR Y

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty (1 Timothy 2:1-2). Heavenly Father, I lift up President Bush and all our leaders. I plead the blood of Jesus over them and declare that they are protected and walk in divine health. Give them wisdom and revelation. Help them to know and carry out Your perfect will in this nation. That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him (Ephesians 1:17). And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:2). Father, give us godly, righteous judges and elected officials. When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn (Proverbs 29:2). Forgive us and heal our land, Lord, as we humble ourselves and pray, and seek Your face, and turn from our wicked ways. Our hope and trust are in You! If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14). Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is (Jeremiah 17:7). The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge… (2 Samuel 22:3). Now Father, help America accomplish the great destiny You have called her to. Let the gospel go forth until every soul on earth knows about Jesus. And before the Lord returns, let us walk in the fullness of being one nation under God. We declare this to be a season of hope for our nation because we know our hope for a great future is in You. Amen! For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11, New King James Version).

“These things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate...Jesus Christ.” –1 John 2:1




Between You and Sin

entered public ministry with his wife, Mr. One of my heroes of faith is Smith Wigglesworth, Wigglesworth was scared out of his wits just an early 20th-century healing evangelist from to stand on a platform and say his name. When England. Q Mr. Wigglesworth was perhaps he read Scripture out loud, he would stutter one of the boldest men of faith ever to walk and stumble through the reading. Afterward this earth. But he wasn’t always that way. Q he would say, “If anyone has anything to say, Because he was raised in a poor family and let them say it now—I’m done.” Then he forced to work hard-labor jobs from the time would walk off the platform and sit down. His he was 6 years old, Mr. Wigglesworth had no wife usually ended up doing the preaching. Q formal education and didn’t learn to read until Well, Mrs. Wigglesworth passed away and he was an adult. Q He became a plumber left her husband after having done all she by trade—a successful one. But when he knew to do to get him to yield to the call married a woman who was called to preach, of God on his life. But he just Mr. Wigglesworth soon came face When you and would not give in to it—at least to face with the call of God that I remember not while she was around to do was on his life as well—a calling he Jesus, through the preaching. So before she did everything he could to avoid. the bread died, she made an agreement Q You see, Smith Wigglesworth and the cup, with the Lord that she would was extremely introverted, and we build go on to heaven in order to get very embarrassed at his lack of a wall of righteousness. Smith to do His will. education. Q When he first

by Kenneth Copeland

However, on the day his wife died, Mr. Wigglesworth ground where the devil’s attacks of guilt and condemnation prayed for her to be raised from the dead...and she was! against us are concerned. “You’re not leaving me!” he told her when she came back Or maybe we haven’t sinned, but we just need help to life. “What will I do?” in standing our ground where the temptation to sin “Smith, you are going to preach the gospel of Jesus is concerned. Christ!” she said. “I’m leaving—now do the will of God!” In either case, each and every day you and I can build Then she laid her head down on the pillow and left. a wall that will help keep us from being overcome by the Once she was gone, Mr. Wigglesworth repented and world’s darkness. It’s a wall that will turn away sin, guilt repented and repented and repented, and finally accepted and condemnation. It’s a wall of righteousness that will his call. But that was only the beginning. The real change reinforce our confidence and boldness in God. in Smith Wigglesworth did not come until he started How do we build this wall? By faith, and by the Word getting up every day at 4 a.m. to take Communion. of God. Like clockwork, he would begin each day by remembering What do we build it with? The bread and the cup. his covenant with Almighty God by taking the bread and the cup. Every day he lived under the influence of that A Wall of Remembrance | In early 1998, the Spirit of covenant. And every day he became God convicted me about not taking Salvation Prayer more and more bold—until finally, he Communion as often as I should. became one of the boldest men of God Certainly, I knew the benefits of If you do not know in history. taking Communion on a regular basis, and for specific situations I faced from as your A Wall of Righteousness | Like Mr. time to time, but the Lord was telling & Wigglesworth, as you and I continue me I needed to do it more often. simply pray the following prayer in to walk out our salvation on this earth, At about that time, the Lord also faith, and Jesus will be your Lord! there are times when we mess up and used a friend of mine to stir inside Heavenly Father, I come to You sin. Even as mature believers we step me this principle of building a mighty in the Name of Jesus. Your Word says, outside of God’s will for our lives. wall between sin and believers who “Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” and “If thou When we do, our natural tendency is have been made the righteousness shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord to run from God in shame. We have a of God (2 Corinthians 5:21). It was Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart tendency to hide from Him like Adam a principle I had practiced over the that God hath raised him from the dead, and Eve did when they first sinned. years, but I needed fresh revelation. thou shalt be saved” (Acts 2:21; Romans 10:9). You said my salvation would be Instead of hiding, though, I would The Apostle Paul, who had received the result of Your Holy Spirit giving me like to encourage you to run as fast as great revelation concerning the Lord’s new birth by coming to live in me (John you can into the arms of God. We can Supper, wrote in 1 Corinthians 11:23-26: 3:5-6, 15-16; Romans 8:9-11) and that if I would ask, You would fill me with do that because we have an advocate Your Spirit and give me the ability to with the Father (1 John 2:1). We The Lord Jesus the same night in speak with other tongues (Luke 11:13; have “One Who will intercede for which he was betrayed took bread: Acts 2:4). us,” The Amplif ied Bible says. That And when he had given thanks, he I take You at Your Word. I confess that Jesus is Lord. And I believe in advocate is Jesus. brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my heart that You raised Him from the But simply knowing that Jesus is my body, which is broken for you: dead. Thank You for coming into my our personal advocate is one thing. this do in remembrance of me. After heart, for giving me Your Holy Spirit as Tapping into His ministry as advocate the same manner also he took the You have promised, and for being Lord over my life. Amen. is another. cup, when he had supped, saying, If you have just prayed this That’s why I would like to show you This cup is the new testament in prayer, please contact us and let us a practical way we can bring Jesus—our my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye know of your decision. We have a free Salvation Package that we would heavenly lawyer—into our conscious, drink it, in remembrance of me. like to send you to help you begin everyday-life situations where, even For as often as ye eat this bread, your new life in Jesus! To order, call if we’ve sinned and repented by faith, and drink this cup, ye do show the 1-877-480-3388 and ask for Offer we can use some help in standing our Lord’s death till he come. #60801. You may also order online

Jesus Savior Lord,

at http://shop.kcmcanada.ca


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Each and every day you and I can

build a wall that will

help keep us from being overcome by the world’s darkness. It’s a wall that

As you and I come to the Communion table and take the bread and the cup, we are representing, signifying and proclaiming the fact of Jesus’ death (verse 26, The Amplif ied Bible). Why is that so important? Well, Jesus said Himself, in verse 25, “This cup is the new covenant [ratified and established] in My blood” (The Amplif ied Bible). Jesus’ blood—His death—ratified our covenant with God. God honors that blood. In fact, when you and I sin, that blood is in the way. The blood of His Son is between Him and our sins. But now, let’s step back for a moment and take a look at that bloodline that encircles us. Using the television as an example of something that can allow the world’s darkness to enter our lives, let’s say I sat down and watched a program I knew I should not have watched. By doing so, I opened my mind and heart to ungodly images and words. I was convicted by the Spirit of God not to watch the show, yet I did anyway. So I went to God and confessed that what I did was wrong, and I repented for having disregarded the Holy Spirit’s warning. But let’s say this has been a recurring issue in my life. To settle it once and for all, I get a Communion cup and some bread and set them on a table in front of the TV set. First, I judge myself—I don’t condemn myself—dead to sin (1 Corinthians 11:31-32; Romans 6:11). Galatians 2:20 says, “I am crucified with [the Anointed One, Jesus]: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but [the Anointed One, and His Anointing] liveth in me.” After I judge myself dead to sin, I take the bread and the cup—the body of Jesus broken for me, which established a covenant before God’s throne of grace...the blood of Jesus shed for me to eradicate, remit and remove all my sin—and I take those elements into my body. Now watch this. I then purposely set those elements on the table between me and the television. Why? Because it helps me to visualize what actually exists in the spiritual realm. A ratified blood covenant is between me and sin. So there’s a wall between the TV and me. The blood

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will turn away sin, guilt and condemnation.

covenant of God, in the person of Jesus, has stepped in between me and the TV, which represents sin—the sin I’ve been delivered and cleansed from. That means if I were to choose to sin again, I would have to cross that line. I would have to cross the bloodline. It also means, now that I’ve repented, the TV program is no longer between God and me. Sin cannot remain between us. Sin—and all its guilt and condemnation—can no longer lord it over me. A wall has been built. I’m on God’s side and He’s on mine—together, we’re against the sin. A Wall of Power | The Communion table can be a powerful force in our lives. It’s what made the difference in the life of Smith Wigglesworth. Mr. Wigglesworth was not bold because he tried to be bold. His boldness came from the fact that his identity was no longer that of a poor, uneducated boy from northern England. His identity was hidden in the Anointed One, Jesus, and in His Anointing. Once Mr. Wigglesworth began building a wall with the bread and the cup, he never gave another thought to himself. He only thought about Jesus. His covenant with God was constantly on his mind, influencing everything he said and did. You don’t just show up at a funeral, as Mr. Wigglesworth once did, and drag a dead body out of its casket and command it to walk—and it come to life and walk— without having taken Communion that morning. In fact, you’d better have that bread and cup with you all day if you desire to operate in that kind of boldness! Jesus said, “Every time you do this, you remember Me.” When you and I remember Jesus, through the bread and the cup, we build a wall of righteousness. We build a wall of Jesus’ righteousness that stands between us and sin. It determines what we say and do. It determines the amount of power in our lives. If you desire to see God move mightily through you this year, take Communion frequently, and build yourself a wall. Develop a greater sense of honor for the blood and body of Jesus. Take the bread and the cup...and remember Jesus. V ICTOR Y

May 14-15 20th Anniversary Celebration Living Faith Christian Center 2323 Route 73 Pennsauken, NJ 08110 (856) 661-8110

Get Into the

June 17

Join Kenneth and Gloria at these 2005 meetings…

West Coast Prosperity Convention

Great Lakes Prosperity Convention

Anaheim Convention Center 800 W. Katella Ave. | Anaheim, CA 92802 (714) 765-8950

US Cellular Arena | 400 W. Kilbourn Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53203 (414) 908-6000

July 4-9

August 22-27

September 18-24

August 1-6

Fort Worth Convention Center 1201 Houston St. | Fort Worth, TX 76102 (817) 570-2222 | Singles Celebration*

Eagle Mountain International Church Kenneth Copeland Ministries Headquarters 14355 Morris-Dido Road | Newark, TX 76071 (not a mailing address) (817) 252-2868

Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign November 17-19 Hylton Memorial Chapel 14640 Potomac Mills Road Woodbridge, VA 22192 (703) 590-0076

June 27 National Pentecostal Church of God Convention (417) 825-0177

Days of Refreshing Southwest Prosperity Convention

Annual Word of Faith Conference Word of Faith International Christian Center 20000 W. Nine Mile Road Southfield, MI 48075-5597 (248) 353-3476

Healing School Intercessory prayer Powerful speakers

Fresh, prophetic ministry Faith-charged atmosphere

and one Word from God… that will change your life forever!*

September 2-4 Thunder Over Texas Motorcycle Rally Texas Motor Speedway Jerry Savelle Ministries International P.O. Box 748 Crowley, TX 76036 (817) 297-3155 www.thunderovertexas.com

September 11 Annual Chicago Faith Conference Living Word Christian Center 7306 W. Madison Forest Park, IL 60130 (708) 697-5000

October 2 Grace Fellowship P.O. Box 55236 Tulsa, OK 74155 (918) 252-1611

October 26-31

Brighton Victory Campaign* Belfast Victory Campaign* April 7-9

April 21-23

Brighton Centre | King’s Road Brighton, England

Waterfront Hall | Lanyon Place Belfast, Northern Ireland

Frankfurt Victory Campaign*

Ukraine Victory Campaign*

Jahrhunderthalle | Hoechst Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Ledovi Dvorets | Bolshestskay St. #1 Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

April 14-16

April 28-30

2005—Your Year of Overflow!

*Watch our Web site for more information to come!

Meetings are subject to change without notice. For updated information, please log on to www.kcm.org or call the KCM office nearest you. Partners and Friends within Canada call (604) 572-4242.

Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks Billye Brim Ministries P.O. Box 40 Branson, MO 65615 (417) 336-4877 www.billyebrim.com

November 6-7 Living Word Bible Church 3520 E. Brown Road Mesa, AZ 85213 (480) 964-4463

by Gloria Copeland

Category4 I Becoming a

B e l i eve r

’ve been noticing how many personality or

temperament tests there are these days. It seems as if there is a self-test you can take for just about everything.

, It would not be unusual to hear someone who had taken one of those

tests say, “The test results showed I am an artisan.” Another person might respond, “Oh, the test determined I’m a guardian.”


Whatever these labels mean, there seems to be

no shortage of them. People love to take those tests so they can discover what “category” they fit into.


Well, did you know there’s a test like that in the New Testament—

one you can take to see what category you fall into?


In a very familiar passage of

Scripture, Jesus used a parable to show us four types of people who hear God’s Word. In the fourth category you’ll find a special type of person—one who bears fruit one hundredfold and receives one-hundredfold returns on the seed he sows.


If you’re not a

Category 4 believer, I have good news for you. You can choose to be in that category if you want. You’re not stuck where you are.

When the devils in the kingdom of darkness see you coming, they’ll board up their houses and head for higher ground because…there’s a Category 4 believer headed their way!

A Hurricane of Spiritual Power | When you hear the term “Category 4,” you may instantly think hurricane—especially if you live near a seacoast. You probably know that a Category 4 storm is extremely powerful and can be very destructive. But even greater than the power of a Category 4 storm to destroy is the power of a Category 4 believer to create. A believer who falls into that fourth category carries around the awesome power to bring the kingdom of God into manifestation. So, let’s take the test. By now I’m sure you’ve figured out that I’m referring to the parable of the sower found in Mark 4. It’s a passage I’ve read and studied countless times over the years. In fact, I’ve written so many notes in my Bible around those verses I can barely see the original scriptures. In this passage, four types of soil are used to represent four kinds of hearts. The condition of a person’s heart determines how productive the Word of God will be in his or her life—it determines what kind of harvest that person will receive. The first soil mentioned represents a hard, pavementlike heart. As Jesus explained to His disciples: “The ones along the path are those who have the Word sown [in their hearts], but when they hear, Satan comes at once and [by force] takes away the message which is sown in them” (Mark 4:15, The Amplified Bible). Dealing With Life’s Storms | These people, according to Luke’s account, didn’t even get saved. They were there to hear the message, but didn’t believe. They probably didn’t even consider believing. Satan may have told them that they weren’t good enough, or perhaps that it would cost them too much. Maybe he inspired someone to declare that salvation wasn’t real or that it was too good to be true. The end result? He was able to steal the seed of the Word they heard. Of course, without seed, there can be no harvest. The second type of soil represents the person with a “stony ground” heart. They receive the Word with gladness for a time, but when persecution comes, they become offended and wither away. Again, Jesus explains: And in the same way the ones sown upon stony ground are those who, when they hear the Word, at once receive and accept and welcome it with joy; and they have no real root in themselves, and so they endure for

a little while; then when trouble or persecution arises on account of the Word, they immediately are offended (become displeased, indignant, resentful) and they stumble and fall away (Mark 4:16-17, The Amplified Bible). These poor folks had no root. Think of what a root does for a plant. It nourishes, feeds and anchors it during a storm. These people had none of these benefits to see them through the storms of life. As soon as it appeared to them that the Word wasn’t working, they shrugged their shoulders and turned away. Again, no harvest. No fruit. In order to send down spiritual roots in your life, you must get totally serious about God. As you spend time in, believe, act on, and speak the Word, roots grow strong and deep. Every Category 4 believer has gone through seasons when it looked as if the Word wasn’t working. But the difference between them and the ones with no root is their refusal to quit. People who see the kingdom of God manifest in their lives are those who keep speaking the Word and walking it out, no matter what it looks like to their natural senses. That’s why Paul encourages us to be: “Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith” (Colossians 2:7). You’ll notice, too, that those with no root are easily offended. Offense is one of the most crippling things the devil has ever come up with. You can be sure he will give you plenty of opportunities to become offended—offended at your neighbor who scoffs at the Word, or your preacher who “steps on your toes” when he teaches the Word or, most destructive of all—offended at God. The devil will whisper in your ear that God is playing favorites by blessing others and not you. He’ll bring heartache into your life and then try to convince you it was God’s doing. Let me tell you, God is always good. Don’t let the devil make you offended at God—He’s never the problem! If things don’t seem to be working for you, the problem lies with you, not with God. If you want to receive a harvest, don’t allow your heart to be like the stony soil or the soil along the path. Don’t allow the seed of God’s Word that’s sown in your heart to be stolen. Now, in the third category are the hearts of those who allow thorns—the cares of this world and the deceitfulness


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yo u r n e e d s met , H E ’ LL TA LK T O A B O U T the kingdom O F


G O D.

of riches—to choke the Word. “And the ones sown among the thorns are others who hear the Word; then the cares and anxieties of the world and distractions of the age, and the pleasure and delight and false glamour and deceitfulness of riches, and the craving and passionate desire for other things creep in and choke and suffocate the Word, and it becomes fruitless” (Mark 4:18-19, The Amplified Bible). The distractions of this age, as The Amplified Bible puts it, keep them from ever seeking first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). As a result, they remain “fruitless.”

“Good News” in Category 4 | Thank God for the fourth category! There we find those who not only hear the Word but receive it. These believers bear fruit—some 30, some 60 and some a hundredfold! Jesus shared this parable in order to show us something vitally important about the kingdom of God. When the disciples asked Him about it, He said, “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God” (Mark 4:11). The purpose of this parable was to tell the disciples and us what it takes to get the kingdom of God from the spiritual into the natural realm. Jesus even said that if they didn’t understand this principle, they wouldn’t understand anything! At this point you may be wondering, Isn’t the kingdom of God just an abstract theological concept? Far from it! In Mark 1:14 we read: “Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God.” Keep in mind that gospel means “good news.” What Jesus preached about the kingdom of God was good news! “The kingdom” was the centerpiece of Jesus’ preaching. Everywhere He went He proclaimed it and used parables to illustrate it. He told people “the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21). When someone received a miracle, He told them “the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you” (Luke 10:11). Jesus preached the kingdom and instructed His disciples to do the same. 28 |




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It would be accurate to say that the kingdom of God was Jesus’ sermon. And if we’re going to walk in everything Jesus has provided for us, we’re going to have to understand it. It is our key to getting the good things that have been given to us in the spiritual realm to manifest here in the natural realm. Good things such as healing, provision, miracles, etc., are needed now in this life where we can enjoy them and put them to use in carrying out God’s plans and purposes. What Kingdom? | The kingdom of God is not some wispy, misty “thing” way off in heaven somewhere. God’s kingdom is manifest when, by faith and the anointing, His will becomes substance right here on earth. When it does, it is something you can touch, see, use and enjoy for the glory of God. A kingdom is simply an area over which a king has dominion. That becomes evident if you just split the word into its two parts. A king is “one with the right and authority to rule.” The dom part of the word is the root of the words “dominion,” “domain” and “dominate.” It refers to the area over which the king’s will extends. Now when most Christians hear the phrase “kingdom of God,” they think it refers to the territory of heaven. They believe we’ll have to wait until we get to heaven to experience it. But if that were the case, why did Jesus instruct us to pray: “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10)? Here, Jesus actually defines the kingdom as God’s will, or rule, being manifest on earth! Now the kingdom of God and the devil’s kingdom (Colossians 1:13 calls it “the domain of darkness,” New American Standard) are both operating on this earth. And when rival kingdoms occupy the same space, you can be sure they are going to collide. But you need to know, God’s kingdom always triumphs! Light always overcomes darkness. Bringing Heaven Down | That brings us back to Mark 4 and the four categories of harvesters. As we’ve seen, it

is here Jesus reveals the mystery (or as one translation says “secret”) of how to bring the kingdom of God into manifestation in our lives right now. The instructions in Mark 4 tell us how to get the kingdom of God f rom the spiritual realm to the physical realm. A believer who receives a 30, 60, onehundredfold harvest must have a heart that is good soil for God’s Word. A “Category 4” believer must know how to operate in the kingdom of God. If you want to be a Category 4 believer, start by making sure you’re not in categories 1, 2 or 3! Be sure you’re sowing God’s Word in your heart consistently. Then guard your heart with all diligence (Proverbs 4:23). Don’t allow Satan to steal the Word. Refuse to let persecution or affliction make the soil of your heart stony. Don’t permit thorns, such as the cares of this world or the lusts of other things, to choke the Word from your heart.

manifest in the earth? In Matthew 6, Jesus once again links the meeting of our needs to the kingdom. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (verse 33). When you talk to Jesus about getting your needs met, He’ll talk to you about the kingdom of God. Why? Because the kingdom is manifest when spiritual provision becomes natural provision—whether it’s in the form of healing, deliverance or finances. Yes, I said finances. I often hear people criticizing what they call “the prosperity message.” They say they’re concerned about “balance.” Well, I can’t be sure what they’ve heard but I do know this: The true prosperity message cannot be “unbalanced” because it’s based on Matthew 6:33! Seek first the kingdom of God—His rule, His reign, His will—and “all these things” shall be added to you. If you’re seeking things rather than God, you’re not pursuing true, Bible

A “Category 4” believer knows how to operate in the kingdom of God.

Once you’ve done that, it’s important to simply let the seed (the Word) and the soil (your heart) do what comes naturally to seed and soil when they get together. Jesus makes this clear just a few verses down: The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground, and should sleep by night and rise by day, and the seed should sprout and grow, he himself does not know how. For the earth yields crops by itself: first the blade, then the head, after that the full grain in the head. But when the grain ripens, immediately he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come (Mark 4:26-29, New King James Version). Your heart knows what to do with the seed planted in it, just as natural soil knows what to do with seed. It never even occurs to an experienced farmer to wonder whether or not the seed he has planted will grow. If the seed is good (and we know the Word of God is incorruptible seed), it will grow (make things happen)— even while he sleeps. You too can rest, knowing that if you’ve done your part to put the good seed of God’s Word into a good-soil heart, God will give the increase. The season will come when it’s time to “put in the sickle.” Your kingdom harvest will manifest! Storming Satan’s Kingdom | What is it you lack today? What of heaven’s vast resources do you need to see

prosperity. You’ve fallen prey to what Jesus described in Category 3—the deceitfulness of riches. But if you keep God, His Word, and His will first in your life, you can have confidence that everything you need to live abundantly will be yours. When you use God’s Word as your standard, you don’t have to wonder about what His will is. I know what God’s will is for me concerning healing. I know what His will is where abundance and increase are concerned. You don’t have to wonder either. His Word is clear. God’s will for you is wholeness, soundness and sufficiency in every area of your life. You are to be the head and not the tail, the lender rather than the borrower. You are to be blessed coming in and going out, blessed in your body and in your storehouse. (See Deuteronomy 28:1-13.) If there are areas of your life where His wonderful promises don’t seem to be manifesting, “seek His kingdom” by using the Word and your faith to bring those things into the natural realm. Remember, light overcomes darkness. When the kingdom of God collides with the enemy’s kingdom, the enemy always loses. As you begin allowing yourself to be used to extend God’s dominion and will—in you and around you—you’ll begin bearing fruit and reaping abundant harvests. When the devils in the kingdom of darkness see you coming, they’ll board up their houses and head for higher ground because… There’s a Category 4 believer headed their way! V ICTOR Y A P R I L

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The Same Convention by a Different Name‌Can Still Change Your Life Forever!

July 4-9, 2005

Embrace the Message

Anaheim, Calif.

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live broadcast Kenneth Copeland

Gloria Copeland

Jerry Savelle

Jesse Duplantis

Join Gloria Copeland for Healing School Saturday, July 9, at 9:30 a.m.

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HOST HOTEL Anaheim Marriott | $103 single/double | Please mention Kenneth Copeland Ministries when making your reservation. Reserve by 06/08/05. www.anaheimmarriot.com | 700 W. Convention Way, Anaheim, CA 92802-3483 | (714) 750-8000 phone | (714) 750-9100 fax

Anaheim Hilton | $114 single/double | Please ask for rate code WCB when making your reservation. Reserve by 06/1/05. www.anaheimhilton.com | 777 Convention Way, Anaheim, CA 92802 | (714) 750-4321 phone | (714) 740-4460 fax Radisson Hotel Maingate | $79 single/double | Please mention Kenneth Copeland Ministries when making your reservation. Reserve by 06/11/05. www.radisson.com/anaheimca_maingate | 1850 South Harbor Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92802 | (714) 750-2801 phone | (714) 971-4754 fax Anaheim Convention Center | 800 W. Katella Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802 | (714) 765-8950

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