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“We are in a ‘tsunami’ of love....The flood of His power is flowing.” —Kenneth Copeland

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glory storm t h e

is Here!

THE YEAR 2006 IS ONE MANY OF US IN THE BODY OF CHRIST HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR WARD TO FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS. Not only have we been expecting it, but the prophets of old also saw this day and longed for it. The reason for that? Because we are going to see the fullness of those things that were in the hear t of Jesus when He said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly ” ( John 10:10). The Amplified Bible gives us an even clearer picture of what Jesus said: “I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).”






The image I have of this is of a young boy in the bayou country near the Mississippi River. He’s paddling through the swamps and shallow bayous of Louisiana in a little flat-bottomed pirogue (pronounced “pea-row”) boat common to the area. He gives the paddle a lick, and the boat goes a short distance, then stops. He gives it another lick, and makes a little more progress. One deliberate stroke after another, he makes his way through those swamps. Now, if with one of those strokes he were to paddle that little boat out into the current of the Mississippi River things would suddenly change. He wouldn’t even need his paddle! He would be caught up in the flow of the current of that huge river. That’s exactly where the Body of Christ is in 2006—at least those of us who have purposed to be solidly committed to the love command. We’ve turned the bend and

We were to repent and cut ourselves off from the harvest of seeds of unrighteousness, sow the seeds of love, righteousness and obedience and believe God for His supernatural harvest on all we sowed. In 2005 we experienced the year of overflow, which is simply fullness that doesn’t stop. Due season had come: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:7-10). We had entered the time prophesied by Amos: “Behold,


current of over f low. hit the current of overflow. And this thing is not going to stop until we see the overflow of God’s presence in its fullness. NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE IT There have not been words to describe this. In February 2003, before he went to be with the Lord later that year, the Lord allowed Brother Kenneth E. Hagin to see into our future. The Lord showed him 2003, 2004 and 2005. Then, as He gave him a vision of 2006, all he could say was: “Now what about 2006? There is no way to tell it! Oh Lord, oh my! How do you describe it? And that’s just the beginning. Yeah, when I say ‘beginning,’ I’m talking about what happens just at the beginning of the year! “And it’ll grow in intensity...it will be a glorious year. It will be a year of heaven on earth! But the end will be [even] more glorious than the beginning.” That same year, starting in November and up through New Year’s Eve, I had a visitation of the Lord in which He talked to me about 2004 and 2005. As the year 2004 approached, the Word of the Lord came to tell us 2004 would be the year of fullness—time to judge every seed we had sown, knowing all seeds were coming to harvest.

the days come, saith the Lord, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed” (Amos 9:13). Now, that was supernatural harvest. That was due season, and that was 2005. What we saw in 2005 were the very first manifestations of some major, major changes in the world. I’m not talking about just the blessing of God. I am talking about breakthrough that has to do with God’s properties—breakthrough of the reservoirs of God’s goods that have been dammed up by Satan. Release of the things he has stolen through his schemes and threats—things he conned people into yielding to him by giving up their authority. The cracks are already in the dams that are holding back God’s goods, God’s money, God’s properties. Those who listen can become wealthy beyond their wildest imagination. In the spring of 2005, I heard Bishop Keith Butler say by the Spirit that 2006 is the year of total fulfillment. And that word literally exploded in my heart. It has been ringing in my spiritual ears ever since. The year 2006 is the year of more overflow—the year of complete fulfillment, the year of the glory. What we have seen in 2005 is not going to stop. J A N U A R Y

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GOD’S goods, GOD’S money, GOD’S properties. THOSE WHO LISTEN can BECOME WEALTHY BEYOND THEIR WILDEST IMAGINATION. THE RISING TIDE OF GOD’S GLORY Not long after that, the word of the Lord came to me saying, Do you remember what you preached almost all of 1983—that the glory was coming in great manifestation? “Oh yes, I do,” I said. Well, He said, it’s happening now and will continue to rise the rest of this year and all of next. The statement He made to me in January 1983 came running back into my memory: The glory has been manifested as the cloud. It has been manifested as the rain. It has been seen as lightning and also wind. But there’s no place in the Word where it has come as all four at once. That would be a “glory storm.” During the exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt, the glory of God manifest as fire by night and a cloud by day. When the prophet Ezekiel saw the Lord, he described Him as a fire from the loins up and a fire from the loins down. That’s the glory of God. But then the glory is also manifest as material and financial abundance that is beyond anything any man can ask or think. The Bible talks about the glory manifesting as rain, manifesting as wind, manifesting as thunder or sound, manifesting as cloud, manifesting as great wealth—gold and silver. But the Bible never talks about it happening all at one time until it talks about the age you and I are in right now. We’re going to see a Holy Ghost storm! A glory storm! It’s coming, He said. It’s coming. The glory’s coming, the storm’s coming. He kept saying that to me and through me for more than a year. And now it’s here! The last half of 2005 was glorious. But that is just the beginning. The tide of God’s glory is rising. The Lord said the glory was coming in great manifestation the last half of 2005 and all of 2006.

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A WAR OVER SEED Does that mean the only storm we will see in 2006 is the glory storm? No, until Jesus comes for His Church, we will continue to see results of all seed sown—both the good and the bad. In fact, the war in the spirit realm we saw in 2005 was a war over the seed. Satan was trying to stop the harvest of all seed. That’s because the harvest of good seed draws men to God. And when men see the harvest of the seeds of unrighteousness for what it really is, that too drives them to Him. Satan was trying to keep men from realizing everything in their lives is the result of the seed they have sown. He does not want men to cut off the harvest of the bad seed through repentance and begin sowing to a different future by planting seeds of righteousness and faith. But though he tried his hardest, Satan could not stop the harvest. God had dispatched angels to see that harvest came to pass in 2005. Satan has always tried to steal the seed of God’s Word and keep the harvest of God’s expanding kingdom from coming to pass. He tried it one day after Jesus had taught the disciples how faith and God’s kingdom grows like a seed and how the fruit of both the good seed and bad seed must be allowed to grow side by side until harvest time (Mark 4; Matthew 13:24-30). In the evening after teaching, Jesus commanded His disciples to get in a boat and cross to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. As they did, a very unusual thing happened: “There arose a great storm of wind” (Mark 4:37). The unusual thing was not a storm, but the nature of that storm. This storm was not the product of a change in weather conditions, or anything these professional sailors and fishermen could recognize. In the margin notes of some Bibles and other translations, that verse is translated: “There arose a great storm of wind out of nowhere.” It

scared the living daylights out of these men who were used to all types of weather conditions. They feared for their lives, and Jesus was asleep in the boat. Now, watch what happened. Jesus had sown a seed: “Let’s go to the other side.” That seed was the key to a kingdom victory that was about to take place. And Jesus was not going to be robbed of it: “He was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm” (verses 38-39). They went f rom a great storm out of nowhere to a great calm. There was not anything common about the entire experience. “And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?” (verse 40). This thing was strong enough to absolutely suck the faith out of these men who lived on that lake. They couldn’t think. They could not hear anything He said. They were f rozen with fear. Their only response was, “What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” (verse 41).

When they arrived on the other side, they found out the true source of the storm. As soon as Jesus disembarked on the shores of the country of the Gadarenes, “immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit, who had his dwelling among the tombs; and no man could bind him, no, not with chains: because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces: neither could any man tame him. And always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones” (Mark 5:2-5). RECOGNIZE THE DEVIL’S METHODS To fully understand what was going on with this man and region, and with some of the events we are seeing in our day, we need to take a little time to understand something of the devil’s method of operation. What we see here is an operation of the spiritual assignments described in Ephesians 6:12: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.” Our

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We are in the middle of a Holy Ghost “storm” of His lightning and His winds of salvation and healing. The flood of His power is flowing.

government and regions that have set themselves above problem is not people, but the spirits of wickedness—the God and invited Him to leave. That is the reason we fallen angels kicked out of heaven and operating in the are told to put on the whole armor of God in Ephesians earth according to a demonic hierarchy. 6:11-12—so we “may be able to stand against the wiles of Some of those fallen angels have regional, or territothe devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood.” rial, assignments. In the book of Daniel we find that When Jesus commanded the unclean spirit—a ruler of the answer to Daniel’s prayer was blocked by a wicked the darkness of this world—out of the Gadarean man, the spirit in heavenly places referred to as the prince of the spirit commanded Jesus to let him kingdom of Persia (Daniel 10:13). It alone. Then Jesus demanded his name was his assignment through the head Salvation Prayer or authority. The spirit answered: “My of state, through the politicians and If you do not know name is Legion: for we are many” through people of money, to control (Mark 5:9). His authority was many. the commerce, the trade and most A Roman legion was 6,826 men. This of that part of the known world. In as your ruler of darkness had authority over Daniel’s day, the nation of Israel was & 6,826 principalities and powers. Now under that control. simply pray the following prayer in we can understand what was happenOther demonic spirits have estabfaith, and Jesus will be your Lord! lished direct influence through politiing here on this coastline. Through Heavenly Father, I come to You in this man, this ruler of the darkness of cal leaders. Satan himself was controlthe Name of Jesus. Your Word says, “Whosoever shall call on the name this world had taken rule and authorling Tyrus, through a man called the of the Lord shall be saved” and “If prince of Tyrus. Ezekiel was instructed ity over the commerce, over the peothou shalt confess with thy mouth to address him in Ezekiel 28. But then ple of business. He had taken rule the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in he was also commanded to speak to over that whole coastal area through thine hear t that God hath raised the king of Tyrus. In telling Ezekiel this man who had given him authorhim from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Acts 2:21; Romans 10:9). what to say to him, the Lord had him ity in his life. You said my salvation would be directly address Satan: “ Thou hast The people seeing the man now the result of Your Holy Spirit givbeen in Eden the garden of God; every sitting clothed and in his right mind, ing me new bir th by coming to precious stone was thy covering…the and hearing of the herd of 2,000 pigs live in me (John 3:5-6, 15-16; Romans 8:9-11) and that if I would ask, You workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy that ran into the sea when that legion would fill me with Your Spirit and pipes was prepared in thee in the day of demons entered them, asked Jesus give me the ability to speak with that thou wast created” (verses 13). to leave. Why? They were still under other tongues (Luke 11:13; Acts 2:4). Satan took that position in Tyrus. the influence of the fear Satan had I take You at Your Word. I confess He had found an open door into this used to control that region. But Jesus that Jesus is Lord. And I believe in my hear t that You raised Him from the prince and convinced him that he was left the man who had been delivered dead. Thank You for coming into my God, then used him to control people, with an assignment: “Go home to heart, for giving me Your Holy Spirit as and land, and monies and commerce. thy friends, and tell them how great You have promised, and for being Lord We have to understand the devil’s things the Lord hath done for thee, over my life. Amen. If you have just prayed this prayer, way of operating if we are going to and hath had compassion on thee. please contact us and let us know of understand the subhuman actions of And he departed, and began to pubyour decision. We have a free Salvation individuals, strategies of terror, violish in Decapolis how great things Package we would like to send you to Jesus had done for him: and all men lence of weather and vulnerability help you begin your new life in Jesus! did marvel” (Mark 5:19-20). of institutions and whole systems of Simply call and ask for offer #50801 at


Savior Lord,


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You see, the story was not about that storm the devil stirred up to try to get Jesus’ disciples to turn back. The story was about the message of love that came to set that whole region free and take it for the kingdom of God! Love—compassion—casts out fear. That is the kind of storm you and I are part of. Telling all men about the compassion of the Lord is our assignment. As we are filled with His love and dressed in His armor, no rulers of darkness can hold us back. STAY IN THE EYE OF THE GLORY STORM Don’t get distracted by the devil’s storms. If we are obeying the Lord’s command to get to the other side, and we are resting in His promise, He will be with us to insure that we make it. We will stay in the eye of the glory storm as long as we keep the love command foremost in our every thought and action. And we can accomplish the will of the Lord. Creation is crying out for the sons of God to be revealed. People tormented by the manifestation of the devil’s overflow—the harvest on seeds of sin and unrighteousness—are crying out for the overflow of the glory. On Sept. 18, 2005, I was flying at 41,000 feet, on my way to preach in New York City. It had been four years and seven days since the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, less than a year since the earth buckled and sent a tsunami of destruction throughout the Indian Ocean rim, and only 21 days since Hurricane Katrina made landfall on the Gulf Coast. Once again the Word of the Lord came to me saying, It’s time for the glory! I can’t tell you how good His words sounded to the ears of my spirit. There is so much disaster, so much heartache and pain in the world. The world is convulsing. And it is not from God’s punishment. It is from the harvest of the world’s own darkness. In this season, all seeds sown, good or bad, are coming to full harvest. Sin and darkness have become so heavy, the earth and its atmosphere can’t contain it any longer. When that happens, something breaks. Romans 8:22 says, “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.” That’s the reason it is so vitally important that every believer keep the bad seed out and continue to sow seeds of love and faith. Keeping the Law of Jesus and being

a good steward of that love commandment is the most important thing in life. Especially when judgment and so much death and destruction are all around us. We don’t have to wait for the glory. We walk in it. We walk in the light. We walk in the secret place of the Most High God. That’s what walking in love is all about. Love is God. The glory of the Lord has been growing in intensity all this time. The stronger we, the Body of Christ, become in faith, hope and love, the brighter the glory is manifest. Remember, the glory of God is not coming to earth. The glory is already in the earth. He’s here! It’s time for 2 Corinthians 4:1-7 to explode on the scene of all this darkness: Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; but have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. We’re there! It’s happening now! Don’t get caught up in the reports of disaster. Get caught up in the glor y. Begin to praise like never before. We are in a “tsunami” of love. We are in the middle of a Holy Ghost “storm” of His lightning and His winds of salvation and healing. The flood of His power is flowing. Get in it. Take the joy of the Lord to someone. Go feed somebody and love them into knowing Jesus. Pray and be led of the Holy Spirit. Obey. Do something by faith. It is our job to snatch people out of judgment and into the glory. VICTORY J A N U A R Y

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2005 Meetings Overflow Into


Expectation is r unning high for the 2006 Kenneth Copeland Ministr ies meetings season . Revelation, healing testimon i e s a n d fi n a n c e s a b o u n d e d o n e ve r y h a n d d u r i n g the 2005 Prosper ity Overflow Conventions. Altar s at the West Coast, Southwest and Great Lakes conventions were filled repeatedly with men and women, boys and gir ls, receiving salvation, the Baptism in the Holy Spir it, responding to words of knowledge and rededicating their lives to Chr ist. Each meeting seemed to reach new levels of anointing. As if to prove the point, Healing School, on the last day of the Great Lakes meeting, erupted with 55 minutes of what Gloria said was probably the greatest number of testimonies in its history. The 2005 conventions followed the format and purpose God gave Brother Copeland for the weeklong meetings nearly 30 years ago—total immersion in God’s Word. In his messages, Brother Copeland taught how to get into and stay in the overflow of God’s prosperity in every area of life: spirit, soul, body, finances and relationships. He gave practical instruction on how to meditate the Word, how to practice the presence of God, how to bless in secret and how to express the Godkind of love to others. “Take your mind off the things you have been using to drive yourself, and begin developing your trust in the Love that never fails,” he said. Gloria Copeland encouraged believers to connect with God’s master plan. “God has a plan,” she said. “Step out into it. Get over into the faith gear and get into believing the Word of God and what He has put in your heart.” She challenged attendees to trust in God’s goodness, develop faith in His Word, refuse to quit and determine to accomplish all God has called them to do. “God will never give you something you can do in your own strength,” she said. “He wants you involved in exploits!” Jerry Savelle ministered on how to recognize and overcome Satan’s hindrances to breakthrough and overflow. “Satan will fight breakthrough with everything at his disposal. He knows a major breakthrough will open the door to more breakthroughs and cause overflow on a consistent basis,” Brother Jerry explained. “But what Satan’s got is not nearly enough to stop you, if you will not give up.” Jesse Duplantis defined overflow as the abundance-producing power of expecting great things. He challenged believers to be willing to be vessels of overflow.

Fulf illment

in 2006

“Overflow is spillage,” he said. fallen, failing, demonic world system and speak only “If you can contain what God what accurately represents the One who sent them. wants you to have, it’s not over“God is trying to acquaint us with who we are in His flow.” eyes,” Pastor Winston said, “so He can acquaint the Creflo Dollar shared eight steps world with who He is.” to the destination of prosperInternational outreach was evident on many fronts ity overflow. Being in a posiduring the 2005 meetings. Victory Campaigns in tion to receive overflow means Singapore, England, Germany, Ireland and Ukraine were honoring God’s Word above any held earlier in the year. Many of those in attendance had other word, pressure or value: been ministered to by KCM primarily through interna“Anytime you allow His Word to tional Believer’s Voice of Victory telereceive greater honor or weight than casts and materials provided through the “You can’t listen any other, you have set yourself up for KCM International offices for Europe to the Word like Him to honor you.” and Asia. we have this week International viewership of the statewithout having high, Great Lakes Convention | Joining side meetings was also very strong. high faith,” Gloria the regular convention team at the Great More than 50 nations were represented said before her Lakes convention were Keith Butler, in the Southwest convention Internet Saturday morning pastor of Word of Faith International audience. Partners and Friends from Healing School. Christian Center Church in Detroit; more than 24 nations were in attendance “Whatever you have Keith Moore, pastor of Faith Life Church at the Fort Worth meeting. laid hold of this in Branson, Mo.; and Bill Winston, Representative of the high levels of week you can have.” pastor of Living Word Christian Center anointing experienced in each of the in Chicago. Prosperity Overflow Conventions were To excel like the tribe of Judah in the comments Gloria and Brother Copeland area of reaping, was Keith Moore’s message. This tribe made on the final day of the Great Lakes Prosperity took much more than what was promised them, then Overflow Convention. gave the land to the children of Simeon, who failed to “You can’t listen to the Word like we have this week take the land they were promised. “Somebody in the without having high, high faith,” Gloria said before Body today has to believe for too much, to make up her Saturday morning Healing School. “Whatever you for the great majority of believers who won’t,” Brother have laid hold of this week you can have.” Moore exhorted. In a prayer during the concluding service that eveKeith Butler talked about bringing overflow to our ning, Brother Copeland said, “Father, we give You nations. God’s people must pray for leaders according praise. This has more than fulfilled what You said to 1 Timothy 2:1-4 and make sure the righteous not when You told Gloria and me to call these conventions only have authority but are in authority according to Prosperity Overflow Conventions this summer. This Proverbs 29:2. It does matter who is in charge when it has certainly been so. And we are overflowing because comes to God’s blessing on a nation, he said. of it right now.” Bill Winston spoke to the Body of Christ as ambasTo the audience, he announced: sadors of the kingdom of heaven. Believers must “This is overflow. What are we going to call the next renew their minds which have been programmed by a one? Perhaps absolute, total fulfillment, praise God!” Don’t you miss it! Make plans now to attend the 2006 meetings. VICTORY J A N U A R Y

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March 2-4

August 21-26

Victory Campaign

Believers’ Convention

Faith Life Church | 3220 Falls Parkway Branson, MO 65616

U.S. Cellular Arena | 400 W. Kilbourn Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53203



July 3-8

October 5-7

Believers’ Convention

Victory Campaign

Anaheim Convention Center 800 West Katella Ave. Anaheim, CA 92802

Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre Gold Coast Highway, Broadbeach Queensland, Australia



July 31-August 5

November 9-11

Believers’ Convention Fort Worth Convention Center 1201 Houston St. Fort Worth, TX 76102

Victory Campaign Hylton Memorial Chapel 14640 Potomac Mills Road Woodbridge, VA 22192

April 25-29 Azusa Street Centennial Los Angeles, Calif. www.azusastreet100.net

September 1-3 Thunder Over Texas Jerry Savelle Ministries International Texas Motor Speedway 3601 Hwy. 114 | Justin, TX (817) 297-3155 www.thunderovertexas.com

September 17-22 Days of Refreshing Eagle Mountain International Church Kenneth Copeland Ministries Headquarters 14355 Morris-Dido Road Newark, TX 76071 (not a mailing address) (800) 600-7395

It’s Your Year of Total Fulfillment! I believe one of the most important things God has called us to do is to meet together. Back in 1968, God told me, I want you to conduct meetings where people can totally immerse in the Wor d of God. He showed me exactly how to conduct them and that there were believers out ther e—believers like you—who had a strong hunger to lock into His Word. Today, as you join in the corporate anointing at these meetings, the intense exposur e to the Wor d of God will renew your mind so you will become prosperousminded, healed and well.

—Kenneth Copeland

IS here!

Get Totally Immersed at Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ 2006 Meetings Are You Ready...

to join your faith with thousands of believers? to hear a message that will turn your life around? to experience total immersion in the Word? It’s closer than you think…

Unable to attend? October 25-30 Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks Billye Brim Ministries P.O. Box 40 | Branson, MO 65615 (417) 336-4877 www.billyebrim.org

Then join us via live

video or audio broadcast at getimmersed.org! Meetings are subject to change without notice. For updated information, please log on to getimmersed.org or call the KCM office nearest you. Partners and Friends within the United States call (800) 600-7395. Partners and Friends within Canada call (877) 480-3388. One Word From God Can Change Your Life Forever! Be a voice of victory...Bring a friend!







Was that Me, Lord, or

Wa s t h a t Yo u ? I

h av e a s k e d b e l i e v e r s a l l o v e r t h e w o r l d

t his question: “When you think God m ay b e d i re c t i n g yo u , d o yo u s ay, ‘Wa s t h a t m e , L ord, or was that You?’ ” I believe t h i s u n c e r t a i n t y t o b e t h e m a j o r d r aw b a c k t o o u r following God through o u r s p i r i t , d i re c t e d by t h e H o ly S p i r i t .

Most serious Christians would do anything God told them to if they knew for sure they were being directed by God—if they heard Him with their natural ears or saw Him with their natural eyes. But most of the time God does not deal with us that way. He sent His Spirit to live in our spirit to constantly teach, enlighten and guide us. We must learn how to hear God in our spirit. As we spend time daily praying in the spirit, it becomes easier for us to hear the direction of the Holy Spirit as He reveals His will to our spirit.


“So now we serve not under [obedience to] the old code of written regulations, but [under obedience to the promptings] of the Spirit in newness [of life]” (Romans 7:6, The Amplif ied Bible). We are no longer bound to obey written regulations, but we are still to

serve by obeying the promptings of our reborn spirit, which is controlled by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit communicates with our spirit. He dwells in our spirit. I believe this is an area of confusion when we are learning to walk in the spirit. As the Lord was clarifying this to me, He made me realize that most of the time I would hear my own spirit speaking to my soul, which is my mind, my will and my emotions. The audible voice of the Lord is rare in most of our lives. Almost every leading we will receive in everyday life will be a prompting, an impression, a thought, an inward witness, a leading or an unction from our spirit. The reason it sounds like us is because it is ourselves that we hear. The Holy Spirit communicates with our spirit, and our spirit prompts, or enlightens, our mind. “But the person who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him” (1 Corinthians 6:17, The Amplif ied Bible). The key word united in Greek means “to glue or cement together.” Jesus said, “If




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attention AND YOUR obedience.

a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him” ( John 14:23). This describes being joined, or united, to the Lord. When we start our day by praying the will of God by the Holy Spirit, many times we will have already prayed concerning the problems we will face during the day. We will perceive an interpretation, a prompting, an impression, a word or a sentence that will enlighten us and give us the answer to the situation. It will be so natural to us that we might not even realize it is the Holy Spirit leading and revealing Himself to us. Things that would have been stumbling blocks to us before will now be handled with ease by hearing and obeying the will of God as the Holy Spirit leads us.


We need to learn to instantly obey the voice of our spirit. I don’t think there is any way to cultivate this communion between the Holy Spirit and our spirit, and between our spirit and our mind, except by spending time in prayer and in the Word of God. We read that the Holy Spirit teaches by comparing spiritual things with spiritual. Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit.” Only the Word of God will separate or differentiate between the soul and the spirit. Our soul relies on natural knowledge to form its opinions until natural knowledge is replaced by the supernatural knowledge of God. In Romans 12:2, this process of replacing the thoughts of natural, carnal man with the thoughts of God is called “the renewing of your mind.” You might be asking, “How can I tell the difference and be sure when it is God or just me?” You will have to begin a quest for the things of God. The Scripture lets us know that if we seek God, we will find Him. Spiritual things do not come without serious effort. We are told in Hebrews 11:6 that “without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” We know that we have to approach God in faith—that is, without being able to see proof in the natural realm. We must learn to believe Him without seeing Him. From that verse we also find another key to knowing God: He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.


There is no selfish, easy way to walk with God while

we live in the earth and in a natural body. We will do it God’s way or not at all. His way is for us to serve Him with our whole spirit, soul and body. We have to change our thoughts, opinions and actions to agree with His. God wants us to live the rest of our time in this earth not conforming to the will of man, or to our own will, but conforming to His will. When we put ourselves in a position of obedience, we give God the freedom to overwhelm the natural circumstances of this life with His supernatural power. Remember God’s Word comes to us in two ways: (1) by the written Word, and (2) by the Holy Spirit speaking to our spirit. We begin with the assurance that God’s written Word is our sure word. The Holy Spirit will never lead you contrary to the written Word of God. If you receive a prompting that is in opposition to the written Word, you will know it is not from the Holy Spirit. Simply ask the Holy Spirit to teach you how to follow Him. Give Him control of your life and He will reveal to you the will of God, step by step. He knows how to bring you to maturity. All He requires of you is your attention and your obedience. V ICTOR Y

First time in


Learn to Recognize the Voice of God

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walking light in the


ack in 1980, I began preaching a message I called Walking in the Light. It was an exciting message about the supernatural life God has planned for us as

believers to live . But after preaching it a few times, the Lord led me to set it aside for a while because the timing for it was not quite right.



however, the Holy Spirit has been stirring that message in my heart again and I believe the time for it has come. It’s time for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ to walk in greater light. Ephesians 5:8 clearly admonishes us to do that. It says, “For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light.�









Oh, these are exciting days!


If you look up the Hebrew and Greek roots of the word translated walk in that verse, you’ll find they mean “to make progress, to go or to carry on.” So that scripture is actually telling us to go forward and make progress in the light of God. God never meant for us to get born again, enter life in the Spirit and stop there. He intends us to keep going. He wants us to carry on and move from faith to faith and glory to glory; to make progress on the path that Proverbs 4:18 describes as “like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day” (New American Standard). If you’ve made Jesus the Lord of your life, you’re somewhere on that path. It doesn’t really matter how far along you are. If you’ll just stay on it and keep walking in the light and walking in love, God will take you where you need to go. Entering a Divine Partnership | Actually, the Bible says if you’ll keep walking in the light, God will enable you to fellowship with Him in a working relationship like unto the relationship the apostles enjoyed. The Holy Spirit, through John who was one of them, said so. In 1 John 1, he wrote:

That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full. This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin (verses 3-5, 7). To grasp the full impact of those verses, you have to realize that the kind of fellowship John was writing about wasn’t the casual kind of fellowship people have when they get together for lunch. The Greek word translated fellowship in that passage actually means “to become partners or partakers with someone.” So John was telling us that if we’d pay attention to the message he was about to give us, that message would enable us to enjoy partnership with the Creator.





He was telling us that message would allow us to become partakers in His business and partakers in its profits. What message did John say would help us enter into that divine partnership? It was this: God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If you want to work with God, you need that message. If you want to walk in the fullness of His blessings and bring those blessings to others, you must know that God is light and there’s not even one smidgen of the darkness in Him—not one cell of cancer, not even one little bankruptcy, not one fit of depression is found in Him. If you don’t know that, you won’t be able to pray in faith for people to be healed, prospered and delivered! I can tell you that from experience because there was a time in my life when I thought there might be a little darkness in God. There might be a little sickness or poverty in Him. Back when I was just a little denominational lady, for example, I’d get down on my knees and pray for the money my husband and I badly needed to raise our children. Then this thought would come to me. What about the starving children in India? And I’d say, “I’m sorry God. Just forget about meeting my needs and feed the children in India instead.” I didn’t realize back then that it wouldn’t deplete God to feed all the starving children in India plus my four. I didn’t know that because God is light and in Him there is no darkness that it wasn’t His perfect will for anybody to be poor. I do know that now, however, and here’s why. I just kept walking in the light God was giving me and as I did, He was able to give me more light. As I just kept acting on the light I had and following the path God put before me, He was able to get more truth and revelation to me. He was able to maneuver me where I needed to go. God Can Get the Job Done | In 1967, He maneuvered me into a Kenneth E. Hagin seminar where I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, spoke in tongues and listened to a woman preacher named Sister Clara Grace. That’s quite a feat since just two weeks before I told someone that the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues were of the devil. I also thought that women who preached


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might get into trouble at the judgment seat of Christ. I will never forget that seminar. Sister Grace, a little 75-year-old prophetess, preached during one meeting about the coming of the Lord. She said God was building His end-time army and that some of us at that meeting were going to be some of the chiefs of the clan. One of those future c hief s was a man named Kenneth Copeland who drove to the meeting in a car almost falling apart. Nobody even knew Brother Copeland’s name back then much less mine. No one would have thought to look at us, that we’d ever amount to much in the kingdom of God. But today God has done through us many of the things that were prophesied during that meeting. So He’s proven He can get the job done. What’s more, He’s not finished!

does say unto the church and let your heart hungry be. | Don’t you want to see those things Brother Hagin was prophesying about? Don’t you want God to work miracles, signs and wonders in our time? Sure you do. So do I! And according to Brother Hagin, God will do those things through us if we’ll hunger for them and do what we already know to do. My, that second part is important! A dear friend of Brother Hagin’s and mine told me that just before he went to heaven, someone said to her, “We can’t let Brother Hagin go. There’s a lot he hasn’t told us yet.” When my friend told Brother Hagin what was said, he wheeled around with fire in his eyes and replied, “They haven’t done the things they’ve already heard!” Walk in the Light You Have and Hunger for More

Again and again, he told us that to walk in the light of this Last Days’ glory,

we’d have to give ourselves to the things of God.

I became acutely aware of that recently when the Lord stirred me to go back and look at some of the prophecies from that meeting. Although some of what was prophesied there has already come to pass, other things haven’t yet been fulfilled—and I believe the Church is right on the edge of them now. I believe we’ll move into them as we take the next step on our path of light. Oh, these are exciting days! These are not days of doom and gloom for the Church. These are the days when the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ will rise up in glory. Brother Hagin prophesied during that meeting in 1967 that in these days: …the realm of the unseen shall swallow up the seen. For those who do know shall walk in the realm of the Spirit…. and even some in this day shall be transported by the Spirit like Philip and be found in another place, and some will say, “Why, they were here only 10 minutes ago and now they are found way over there!” The eyes of the spiritually blind shall be opened and enlightened to see. Many shall mock but the Word of the Lord shall come unto thee, and hearing His voice, thou shalt respond. And the gifts of the Spirit in the fullness of their power shall come and they shall be manifest unto thee and through thee. And miracles you shall see, signs and wonders too, for the Lord shall work through you. Do not doubt but rather let your heart receive that which the Spirit

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I’ve decided I don’t want to be one of those who fails to walk in the light I’ve been given. I’m determined to do what proven prophets like Brother Hagin have admonished us to do. Again and again, he told us that to walk in the light of this Last Days’ glory, we’d have to give ourselves to the things of God. We’d have to give ourselves to the Spirit and lay aside things that have held us back—not just sinful things but natural things that keep us from the Word and prayer. He told us to pray in tongues for hours. A prophetic word through Brother Hagin said that this glorious endtime move of God will be “fueled by prayer and fired by the Spirit.” One of the biggest sins of the Church today is prayerlessness. Very few charismatic Christians pray long enough to get in the spirit, to step over into the realm where they can see what God wants to show them and hear what He wants to say to them. But we can change that starting today. We can become those who give ourselves to the things of the Spirit. We can become people of prayer and power. We can walk in the light as God is in the light and move up and on into the things of God! V ICTOR Y Billye Brim is president and founder of Billye Brim Ministries and Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks. For information or ministry materials write to Billye Brim Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Branson, MO 65615, call (417) 336-4877 or visit her Web site at www.billyebrim.org.



Kenneth Copeland

Gloria Copeland



John Copeland


Kenneth Copeland Love’s Divine Order Find out what it means to have a divine order to love and how that order should affect the way you live.


Kenneth Copeland The Key to Protecting Your Spiritual System Understand why it’s vitally important to protect your spiritual system from unbelief and unforgiveness. Your heavenly Father will keep working with you if you’ll maintain a forgiving attitude.


Kenneth Copeland Love-Inside Minded Learn to be love-inside minded and you will not be moved by your emotions or your circumstances. You’ll be moved only by the truth that God loves you just as much as He does Jesus and that love is in you.



Kenneth Copeland The Power of Love Changes Everything Discover how every time you reach out with the love of God, God is responsible for the results. And, as His love grows inside you, it will flush out the junk.


Leroy Thompson

Dr. Don Colbert


Mary Colbert

Al Lindner


3 Tue

4 Wed

5 Thu

6 Fri

Victory Now!

Kenneth Copeland and Leroy Thompson get together for a week of faith-building broadcasts that will show you how to walk in victory—NOW! 9





More Victory!

Kenneth Copeland and Leroy Thompson are back for another week. Learn more about how to walk out the victor y Jesus has already won for you! 16





From Healing to Wellness

Kenneth Copeland is joined by Dr. Don and Mary Colbert. Dr. Colbert bases his approach to healing on God’s Word, nutrition, exercise and common sense. He works with patients to identify the source of their problem and to develop a strategy for complete healing—spirit, mind and body. 23

Kenneth Copeland Living Free From Failure To walk free from fear is to walk in a fail-safe environment because fear is at the root of all failure. Prepare to experience a life free from failure.






More Wisdom From Dr. Colbert

Kenneth Copeland is back with Dr. Don and Mary Colbert. Learn more about the wisdom Dr. Colbert uses to practice medicine God’s way, and don’t miss his explanation of the “Seven Pillars of Health”—the foundation of health and wellness. 30





First Light on the Water

Kenneth and John Copeland are joined by Al Lindner, world-renowned leader in sport fishing. Al and his brother were co-founders of Lindy Tackle and In-Fisherman, Inc. Find out how God changed the course and current of his life.

Watch the BVOV broadcast again and again! Tune in to the BVOV broadcast Monday through Friday and on Sunday each week at www.kcm.org.

Order your audio or video copies of the BVOV broadcast now by using the form in the center of this magazine. tape or CD Daily broadcast (one week) $10 Sunday broadcast $4

video or DVD Daily broadcast (one week) $15 Sunday broadcast $10

BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY VOLUME 34 NUMBER 1 January 2006 BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY is published monthly by Eagle Mountain International Church Inc./Kenneth Copeland Ministries Inc., a nonprofit corporation, Fort Worth, Texas. © 2006 Kenneth Copeland Ministries Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY and the logo on the back page are registered trademarks of Eagle Mountain International Church Inc./Kenneth Copeland Ministries Inc., in the United States and international countries where BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY circulates. Printing and distribution costs are paid for by donations from KCM Partners and Friends. Printed in the United States of America. For a free subscription write to Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001 or sign up online at www.kcm.org. Because all BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY issues are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. Partner Development Manager/Kelly Weekly Publishing Manager/Glenda Bunkofske Partner Development Assistant Manager/Julie King Managing Editor/Kim Culp Editors/Deborah Ide Barbara Morley Writers/Karen Adlong Darlene Breed Rick Bunkofske Gina Lynnes Christopher Maselli Don Turner Editorial Assistants/Eileen Hooley Melissa Johnson Proofreaders/John Caccomo Jean De Long Michelle Harris Senior Designer/Michael Augustat Production Coordinator/Lynette Lundy Type Coordinator/Joyce Glasgow

Spiritual Heritage


Setting Stage the

According to Scripture, what is the true sign of the

Baptism in the Holy Spirit?

In 1900, this was the question Charles F. Parham

asked of students at his Bethel Bible School in Topeka, Kan.

Even though it was not something that was

being experienced at the time, all students came

to the same conclusion: Speaking in tongues is the evidence of being baptized in the Holy Ghost.

As a result of their findings, student Agnes

Ozman asked Brother Parham to pray for her to

receive this baptism at a New Year’s Eve ser v-

Editor’s Note:

April 2006 will mark the centennial of the Azusa Street revival. Be sure to watch for additional Spiritual Heritage articles in the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine about the events leading up to this revival and the people who participated in this tremendous move of the Spirit of God.

ice. She then spoke and wrote only in Chinese

for three days. She became noted as the first “Pentecostal” of the 20th century. Other students received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit in the

meetings and were said to have spoken 21 languages they hadn’t learned. Reporters and those skilled in languages came to witness and confirm the remarkable phenomena.

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

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(Acts 2:1-2, 4)

Rev. Parham is credited with advancing the doctrine that tongues is the Bible sign of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. He is often called founder of the Pentecostal movement in the United States. His contribution began setting the stage for a great outpouring of the Spirit of God. And in 1905, following a series of revivals, he started another Bible school in Houston, Texas. One of his students was William J. Seymour, a man who would later figure prominently in the Azusa Street revival. Pentecostal Fire in Wales

In 1903, revival was on the minds and in the prayers of the people of Wales as well. Among them was Evan Roberts, a young student preacher who was believing for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. In October 1904, after seeing a vision of an arm reaching into Wales, he began a series of prayer meetings which grew into a mighty revival. There was no set order of services or one person conducting them. The Holy Spirit was leading. People claimed to be baptized in the Spirit as they prayed, shouted, danced, laughed, fell under the power, cried and spoke in tongues. Was this God or just hysteria? Overflow meetings often lasted all night. Bars and movie theaters closed and stores ran out of Bibles. As rough coal miners got saved, work horses had to be retrained with commands that didn’t include cursing. Newspapers spread the word of miracles and thousands of conversions. Seekers came f rom all over the world, including Baptist Pastor Joseph Smale of Los Angeles. His experience in Wales set him on a prayer quest for revival at home. His prayer meetings were marked by the same freedom he had witnessed in Wales. After four months of intercession for revival, Smale started the First New Testament Church. Another Californian, Frank Bartleman, wrote to Evan Roberts asking how to bring revival to America. Many people in the United States were crying out for a fresh move of God. Years of prayer, repentance and hunger for God laid the foundation for a fresh move of the Holy Spirit which culminated at the Azusa Street meetings. The keys to revival are still the same today, and we have a vital role to play. Let’s pray for revival as never before and be prepared for the next move of God. He is about to do mighty things as His Spirit again sweeps the whole earth! V ICTOR Y

Tuesday-Friday, April 25-28 Los Angeles Convention Center Four days of ministry opportunities: • Praise and worship • Workshops • Bible study • Historical site tours • Many more activities around the city!

Saturday, April 29

| Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum

Two Great Gatherings! International Centennial Assembly (1-5 p.m.) This assembly will open with a dramatic procession of spiritfilled believers from around the world, carrying their flags and dressed in their national attire. Following that, the assembly will focus on three For more information, log on to areas: remembering

www.azusastreet100.net the rich history of the or call (213) 989-4520. Pentecostal Movement, lifting up the present move of the Spirit and looking to the future of the Movement with an emphasis on prayer for personal and corporate revival and renewal. International Youth Convocation (7-10


Young people will be forever changed as they are challenged to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. A specific call will be made for those willing to commit themselves as living sacrifices to the cause of the gospel. Then a massive anointing service will launch this army of young warriors into the next century of Pentecostal witness.

Centennial Office


P.O. Box 26157 | Los Angeles, CA 90026 (213) 989-4520


join a Heavenly invasion 2006 is the year of the glory—the year of heaven on earth. In fact, heaven is already here. It’s in you now. In Signs and Wonders, Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim discuss what to expect in the days ahead and

“We’re about to come into a time of great power. I don’t even know if you can stand to look in the mirror—it might hurt your eyes!”—Billye Brim

how to be a vessel ready for the release of a storm of God’s glory. Looking at 2006 in light of the prophecies of Kenneth E. Hagin, and other prophets of our day, Gloria and Billye review modern-day scientific discoveries that parallel Scripture and prophecy that confirm how close the heavenly and earthly realms really are. You’ll learn:


How the glorious Church will look in the days before the Rapture


What role being vessels for God’s glory plays in the end-time harvest


Where to find that unshakable place when everything around you is being shaken


Why it is vital to take back what the devil has stolen from believers

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Olivia and Margaux Noble

Drizzling rain met Karen Noble as she dashed from her car to the grocery store to pick up a few things while her husband, Jim, watched 4-year-old Margaux and 2-week-old Olivia.


Inside the

store, Karen hurried down the aisles trying to keep her mind on her grocery list…and off the nagging

concern about Olivia that had shadowed her all day. Looking up, she saw the smiling face of a friend.


“Hi Karen!” she chirped. “How are things going?”


Karen hesitated, then sighed. “I don’t want

to worry,” she confided, “but I think something’s wrong with Olivia.”

the woman asked.



“Why? What happened?”

“She slept all night,” Karen answered, suddenly feeling embarrassed at her con-

cern. Most mothers rejoiced when their babies slept through an occasional night. So what made her so

uneasy? The four miscarriages between Margaux and Olivia had probably just made her unusually protective. “I’m sure it’s nothing,” she continued, “but I’m glad Olivia has a well-baby checkup this afternoon.”


Rain fell in sheets as the doctor examined Olivia later that afternoon. She had her sister’s

dark eyes and complexion and looked like she too would be a beauty. But while Margaux had unbridled energy, Olivia seemed limp and lethargic. The doctor turned to Karen and said, “This baby is not well.”


our lives were being transformed. “OUR MINDS WERE BEING RENEWED AND


Despite her own concern, Karen desperately wanted to hear that nothing was wrong with her daughter. Her heart hammered as the doctor continued his examination of Olivia. Moments later Olivia’s tiny body shuddered with a seizure. Olivia was rushed to a nearby hospital and admitted to the pediatric ward. When her brain scan came back normal, Jim and Karen Noble relaxed for the first time since early afternoon. Still they both hovered near her bed. At 2 a.m., Olivia nursed hungrily. Shortly after Karen put her back to bed, the electronic alarms sounded. Olivia Noble had stopped breathing.


“Olivia was resuscitated, intubated and transferred to the pediatric intensive care unit of the children’s hospital,” Jim Noble recalls. “Early the next morning a doctor told us she had encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) and that t virus had spread to every organ of her body. They didn’t offer us much hope. We’d both been raised in denominational churches and were members of one. Nothing in our lives had prepared us for this moment.” Karen Noble knew they had to find someone who knew how to pray. The only person she knew was her grandmother. She had confidence that her grandmother could pray and get results if she were having a lucid day. Karen called from the hospital and realized immediately her grandmother was not lucid. She was our only hope! Karen’s body shook with helplessness when she realized they didn’t know a single person who could touch God for a miracle. Then suddenly, a great calm rested on Karen. The shaking stopped. She turned to Jim and said, “God just told me that everything would be OK.” A while later the doctor appeared again. “She’s stable,” he began. “It looks like we were wrong. The virus isn’t in every organ. She’s starting to improve.”

Olivia’s tiny body was wrapped in wires and tubes when Jim and Karen were finally allowed to see her.

Karen remembered how active she’d been in the womb and ached for Olivia to kick her again—hard. Days

passed as Jim and Karen kept vigil over their daughter. The doctors did more tests. The results were grim. “The encephalitis has damaged a major part of Olivia’s brain,” the doctor explained. “She has extensive brain damage.” Karen thought of the peaceful calm that had descended over her. “No, that’s not true. We’re not going to believe that,” she answered. One staff member was stunned when she learned Jim and Karen were planning to take Olivia home. “Most people would opt to put a baby like this…somewhere else.” They think we should institutionalize her, Karen realized. “I would never do that,” she responded, holding Olivia close. Twenty-one days after Olivia Noble had been rushed to the children’s hospital, her parents drove her home. It was not a peaceful experience.


“She cried every minute she was awake, and she didn’t sleep long,” Karen remembers. “ With every sensory change, even very subtle changes in room temperature, she screamed. I walked the floor with her day and night and finally asked God if this was His definition of her being OK. “I had heard all my life that things happen for a reason and that God won’t put anything on you that you can’t bear. What I couldn’t understand was how I could ever trust God if He’d done this to Olivia. I was really wrestling with this when in my mind’s eye I saw Jesus weeping. I

thought: If God has done this, why would Jesus be crying about it? It didn’t add up.

“Meanwhile, in our efforts to help Olivia, we worked with every kind of therapist. Even though she didn’t respond to anything we did, I decided that I would treat her just like I treated Margaux. If I read a bedtime story to Margaux, I read a bedtime story to Olivia.” When Olivia was 11 months old, Jim and Karen decided to take her to a different pediatric neurologist for a second opinion. After examining her the doctor said, “Her brain isn’t growing with her body. She’ll never walk or talk. The most you can hope for is that she’ll learn to J A N U A R Y

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smile or laugh. She’ll be an infant forever.” Back inside the Suburban, Karen kicked the dash and shouted, “No! No! No!” “We’d done everything we knew to do and were at the end of our rope,” Jim explains. “We didn’t know where to turn or what to do. That’s when things began appearing in our mailbox—things that hadn’t been sent through the mail. There were tapes and books by people named Kenneth Copeland, Charles Capps and Kenneth Hagin. One day there was a note that said, ‘Here’s my name and number if you want to call me.’ Karen dialed the woman’s number.”


The woman opened the Bible and showed Karen the blessings and curses mentioned in Deuteronomy and explained that Jesus bore those curses. She read healing scriptures to Karen. It all seemed new and strange to the Nobles, but Jim remembered that his own grandfather, a Pentecostal preacher, had been miraculously healed at age 16 in 1905. They got hungry for the Word of God. A busy owner of two restaurants, Jim listened to tapes as he drove to and from work. One day he rushed into the house and said, “Karen, this stuff is real!” “We only got three channels with poor reception on our TV,” Jim says. “When we found out that Kenneth Copeland was on a local channel, I took a cattle prod out of the barn and lashed an antenna to it. I stood outside turning the pole and yelling, ‘Karen, can you see Kenneth yet?’ We taped the broadcast every day, even if the reception was bad.” April 6, 1994, Jim and Karen learned that Charles Capps would be speaking at a church in Winston-Salem, N.C. They attended, and that night Charles Capps laid hands on Olivia while Jim and Karen released their faith for their daughter’s healing. They noticed a major change: A calm descended over Olivia. The screaming stopped. There was such a spirit of praise at St. Peter’s World Outreach Center that eventually the Nobles left their church in High Point and drove to Winston-Salem for services. “That’s an all-black church!” people warned. “We didn’t care what color anyone was,” Karen remembers. “God showed up, and that’s what we were after. Not only did they love our children, but the women in the church took me into their hearts and taught me to praise my way out of fear and oppression. Soon we were baptized

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in the Holy Spirit and on Thursdays were driving back to church to attend healing school. “Our minds were being renewed and our lives trans-

formed. Instead of just seeking healing, we began to seek God in every area of our lives. We used our restaurants to feed the hungry and became Partners with KCM. In 1995 we attended our first Southwest Believers’ Convention. We learned to apply the Word of God to any situation we faced.” Olivia was 2 years old when Karen read her one of Margaux’s favorite bedtime stories, Goodnight Moon. When she finished the book, she noticed tears streaming down Olivia’s face. She wants to hear it again! “Olivia, do you want me to read the story again?” The tears disappeared. Karen opened the book, “In the great green room there was a telephone, and a red balloon and a picture of a cow jumping over the moon….” For the first time, Olivia connected with them. “We put Olivia into an early intervention program,” Karen explains. “When she was 3 years old she was connected to a computer that had head switches and a mouse on the headrest. She eventually learned to spell, type, read books and play games on the computer.” By 1996, instead of just attending healing school, Jim Noble, grandson of a Pentecostal preacher, was teaching healing school. In 1997 their son, James, was born, and Jim began traveling and preaching with Tommy Tyson. The following year, Jim and Karen started a radio and Internet ministry. Today Olivia is 12 years old and attends sixth grade. Although she reads at a third grade level, she is doing advanced English and understands math. She is very bright, has a keen sense of humor and is a happy child. Like any young girl, she enjoys sleepovers with friends. And for years now she has gone to sleep each night to the sound of healing scriptures. Although Olivia has yet to take her first step, Jim and Karen have watched God relight her mind. Their miracle has been a slow jog rather than a quick sprint. It’s as though the Master Craftsman is rebuilding her brain one synapse at a time. The healing began deep inside and is slowly working its way along the nerve paths of her body. Rather than being discouraged by the slow process, the Nobles rejoice in every moment along the way—the sparkle in Olivia’s eyes, her laughter, her bright mind and kind, loving heart. Together they savor every second of her success. Theirs is a good life—where every day is a miracle. V ICTOR Y

In this year of the glory storm…



Get in it. Take the joy of the Lord to someone. Go feed somebody and love them into knowing Jesus. Pray and be led of the Holy Spirit. Obey. Do something by faith. It is our job to snatch people out of judgment and into the glory. —Kenneth Copeland

The Lord has promised that 2006 will be the year of total fulfillment of His glory! We believe it! We expect it! We’re ready for it! We are not going to resist the storm—we’re going to get right in the middle of it! Partners, your faithfulness in 2005 was above and beyond anything we could have imagined. You asked the Lord for direction about your responsibility in our partnership, and in the face of unprecedented world challenges, you heard Him and you obeyed. And countless lives received the benefits! This year we expect this ministry’s mission to be totally fulfilled, and it will take each one of us manifesting the Lord’s glory for the world to understand and take hold of all He has provided! What is your part? Simply stay in the middle of the glory storm. Then obey Him by sharing the benefits of partnership with others. Share with them your love for God and stand of faith. Tell them about the BVOV broadcast, or bring them to a KCM meeting. Keep them encouraged by sharing faith-building teachings and testimonies. Share in whatever way the Lord directs you!


1-877-480-3388 or visit www.kcm.org.



God has great things in store for you!


Shalom Provides Protection While reading Gloria’s book Blessed Beyond Measure, one passage stood out to me. Gloria shared that New Covenant believers are heirs to salvation, or shalom. In Hebrew, shalom is translated as “completeness, wholeness, peace, health, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfect-ness, fullness, rest, harmony, absence of agitation or discord, to be complete, perfect and full.” She went on to explain that the Greek word soteria denotes “deliverance, preservation, material and temporal deliverance from danger and apprehension, pardon, protection, liberty, health, restoration, soundness and wholeness.” I began meditating on these passages, speaking them aloud several times a day and claiming them for my family. The power of God’s shalom was evidenced when my son was at work a few days ago and three armed, masked robbers entered the store. With guns pointed, everyone was ordered to the floor. The gunmen took the money, but no one was injured. Praise God for His protection, safety and deliverance from danger! C.M.





PSALM 27:1

Partners Refuse to Quit—And Win!

In 1996 my husband, Steve, had a word from the Lord telling him we would have a warm house, be out of debt and have $50,000 in the bank. We stood on that promise and never doubted it would come to pass, even though we were $119,000 in debt at the time. On July 2, 2001, we confidently sowed a seed at the West Coast Believers’ Convention for the sale of our campground, fully expecting that when we returned home from the convention it would be sold. When it still hadn’t sold in 2003, Steve got mad at the devil and taped the canceled check to our or dug up our seed. computer monitor. Every time the devil said The campground won’t sell, we laid hands on the check and believed it was sold. We never gave up or dug up our seed, and finally our campground sold in March 2005. Today we are completely debt free. We have a house that is warm in winter, cool in summer and totally paid for. We also have more than $50,000 in the bank, and a new car paid in full! God is faithful to keep His promise if we don’t quit! We have been Partners with KCM since 1998, and we are learning so much about sowing and reaping. We started out our partnership by giving $10 a month. This year the Lord has blessed us so much that we were able to join the Elite CX Team. Hallelujah! Finances are just a small part of the overflow we are experiencing in 2005. We are reaping enormous harvests in every area of our lives. Beryl Hill | Montana

never gave up We

Partner Sails Through Adversity

Shortly after I was born again in 1975, my family was introduced to KCM. I had never heard the Word preached under such an anointing or with such authority. I began listening to KCM tapes as I got ready for school and also devoured your books. I became rooted and grounded in the Word early. Later, when I faced real spiritual battles and personal struggles, the foundation I received from KCM brought me successfully through storms that would have otherwise shipwrecked my faith. Thanks, KCM, for helping me build that foundation! Torey Goodson | Fenton, Mo.

Gazette To Appease My Mother, I Called for Prayer

One week before Christmas 2004, I lost my job. My mother told me to call you for prayer—that you all knew how to pray. I wanted peace, comfort, reassurance and encouragement, but I did not want to call. My parents were Partners with you, I wasn’t. To appease my mother, I called. This I’ve been dainty, small voice answered, “Good watching BVOV morning. KCM; how can I help you?” on demand Her voice and her attitude were so every day pleasant and comforting that I just spilled my heart out to her. When she began to pray for me it was like she really knew me, understood and cared! I felt a warmth—a sweet peace—come over me. My nerves settled down and I felt safe, like it really was going to be all right. Then she told me she was going to send me a CD on trusting God. I received that 4-CD set on Christmas Eve! I never expected such a gift from a ministry I had never supported! Since then I’ve been watching BVOV on demand every day, literally for hours. I’ve learned so much! I have been so encouraged. My life has been changed by the teaching and preaching from you these last few weeks. I know God is my source and I know somehow, some way, God will help me. N.S. | Texas

We Believed and My Grandbaby Received!

Back in September 2004 my 2½-month-old grandchild was diagnosed with a hole in her heart. I called and requested prayer for her and believed with the lady on the prayer line for 100 percent healing. A few days before Christmas my daughter took the baby back to Texas Children’s Hospital for further tests and screenings, only for the doctor to find no hole, no problem, no surgery required! His words to my daughter—“Take this baby home. She is healthy and doing fine.” To God be the glory! We believe in miracles and they just keep on coming. Thank you, KCM, for standing strong on the front lines of the battle. We will continue to pray for you as well. D.R. | Texas

NEW Healing DVD Brings Healing

Whilst our church attended the Brighton Victor y Campaign, on Wednesday afternoon I injured my lower back which made it extremely difficult to walk. I attended Thursday evening but was in great pain. I was determined to attend the Partner meeting on Friday morning, but again had extreme pain. That evening, being unable to physically move, while the rest of the church went to the meeting, I stayed at home. After time in prayer the Lord instructed me to watch Gloria’s new healing DVD which we had purchased from your bookstore. After watching and participating in the prayer at the end, my back was completely healed! Gloria said to do something we could not do before. In my case it was to walk up steep banks—praise God I could do it! The following morning we took a six-hour journey back home, completely pain FREE! Pastor Steven J. Icke | England

The Name of Jesus Averts Calamity

Last year I went on a ski trip—a five-hour drive each way. I took along Kenneth’s series on Jesus—Name Above Every Name. I listened to it all the way there and while I skied that day. The next morning I got up at 3 a.m. to drive home for Sunday morning service. Once again I had that series playing. It was snowing very heavily as I drove down the mountain. I was caught up in the message, driving at a comfortable pace for the conditions and soaking up the Word. Suddenly my truck went into a four-wheel slide heading for the edge of the road that drops down the bank. Without thinking, without fear, without hesitation, the words “In the Name of Jesus” repeatedly came out my mouth with faith and power, as the truck regained traction and somehow, seemingly against natural movements, got straightened out. Glory to God and praise Him for His Word, His angels and His men and women of God who preach the Word of God without compromise. M.S. | Canada


people of






don’t just happen

It is not easy to walk by faith. If it were easy, more people would be doing it. However for anyone who is willing to pay the price, walking by faith is

doable—and well wor th the price.


Walking by faith means believing

what God has said in His Word, and acting on it before you see any evidence of that promise coming to pass. You must also believe the Word enough to make

your words agree with what it says (Romans 10:8). Know what God says about your situation and say what God says.


Romans 10:17 says faith comes by

hearing and hearing by the Word of God. The Word is required for you to have faith and to grow in faith.


All these years our faith has continued to grow

because Ken and I have continued in the Word.


Hebrews 11:6 says God

“is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” The Hebrew word for seek also means “research.” That is the best word I know to describe what it takes to walk with God, to walk in faith, and to walk in the blessing and the will of God.

Today, y ou are a picture of w hat y ou spoke from y our hear t in the pa st. “Be not slothful , bu t follower s of them who through

faith and patience inherit the promises.”

Hebrew s 6:12

Spending time in the Word is essential to the walk of faith. You must renew your mind with God’s Word and allow it to take over your thoughts, your actions, your words and your life. No matter how busy you may be, if you are going to walk by faith you must make time for the Word. Rearrange your schedule, perhaps even change jobs—do whatever is necessary to get time in the Word. By diligently researching His Word, you’ll get to know God. You’ll find you can trust Him to meet all your needs. Psalm 34:10 says, “they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.” Stay in the Word and your faith will grow exceedingly, and you’ll be able to believe God for anything you find in His Word. In Consistency Lies the Power Years ago when Ken was at ORU, I was at home listening to Kenneth Hagin’s tapes. Of course he was preaching Mark 11:23: “For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.” That word things stood out to me and I realized every word we say matters, not just when we pray or just in church! The Lord said to me, In consistency lies the power. What you say after you say “amen” makes a difference. If you believe you are healed but still symptoms linger, don’t say, “It didn’t work.” That’s all it would take for you to lose what you received in prayer. If someone asks, “How are you?” what are you going to say? Are you sick or are you healed? You have to settle it. You can’t be both at the same time. Whatever you have established that you are in prayer, that’s what you are…even before you see it. Continue saying words of faith that agree with God’s Word. Continue saying words that agree with

what you believe you have received. Remember, those things you continually say are the things that will come to pass—in consistency lies the power. What you continually say is what you really believe in your heart. Baby Steps of Faith and Patience When Ken and I first started learning to walk by faith, we had to make a lot of adjustments. All our lives we had heard and spoken negative words. We had to learn to hold fast to the confession of our faith like Hebrews 10:23 says. In the face of debt, losses and every kind of need, we began changing our words to agree with what we desired. That first year we could have quit a million times, our progress was so slow. It was like digging in hard ground. Retraining our words took patience. Hebrews 10:35-36 tells us what to do when we feel like giving up. It says, “Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.” Don’t cast away your confidence or faith in the Word of God. Pay attention to your words. If you catch yourself talking unbelief—which is the opposite of what you are believing for—repent and ask God to forgive you. Break the power of those words in your life and get back on track. Say exactly what you believe, not how it is in the natural. Keeping your words in agreement with God’s Word will change this natural realm. Fill Your Heart With the Word What a person says is the result of what is in his or her heart. Jesus taught us that our future is stored up in our hearts. He said, “For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil J A N U A R Y

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the Hebrew word for

seek also means “research.”

That is the best word I know to describe what it takes to

walk with God, to walk in faith, and to walk in the blessing and will of God. man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him” (Matthew 12:34-35, New International Version). Only you can fill up your heart. You fill up your heart with good things by acting on Proverbs 4: “My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh” (verses 20-22). Becoming a strong believer and walking in faith won’t just drop out of the sky and land on you. People of faith are not automatically created. They don’t just happen overnight. They grow according to how much Word they put in their eyes and ears. People of faith allow the Word to get down into their hearts, and come back out their mouths. By continually speaking words of faith, they begin seeing victory. The Word of God takes on the supernatural force of faith and that is what changes circumstances in their lives. Proverbs 4 gives the secret to a powerful and victorious life. Whatever is in your heart in abundance will overflow out your mouth, and what comes out of your mouth is what you will bring to yourself. You can bring healing or sickness, abundance or poverty— you will bring forth whatever you have planted in your heart. Today, you are a picture of what you spoke from your heart in the past. To have a good life, fill your heart with good—the Word of God. Proverbs 3:1 says, “My son, forget not my law or teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments” (The Amplif ied Bible). You do that by keeping those commandments in your eyes and ears every day. The Word you deposited in your heart in the past isn’t sufficient for today. It is not what you remember or even agree with, but what you actually do that

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brings results. So take the Word into your eyes and ears daily. Get it into your heart. Speak the Word back out of your mouth. And receive it. Take It…by Faith! J said in Mark 11:24: “Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” That word receive is an action word. In Greek it means “to take.” Faith is a taker. To pray a prayer of faith, you have to take something. When you pray, base your petition on a Bible promise. Ask for it, then believe you receive. When you pray, by faith take it. That means when you leave the place of prayer, you leave with whatever you asked for—you took it. From the time you take it you have to keep it, until it is a finished work. Take possession of it with words like “Thank You, Lord, I’m taking this better job” or “I have received my healing!” If the devil whispers, You won’t ever have that, inform him, “Devil, it’s too late. I’ve already taken it! It’s mine!” God promises good things in His Word. But if you don’t ever take them in prayer, you aren’t giving Him anything to work with. If you keep saying, “Lord, I need this,” you’re still asking. To walk by faith, you have to take it at some time or other. Believe you received what you asked for when you prayed. That is the bottom line of faith. Hold On to the Word! That is how Kenneth and I have received everything we have. We believed God’s Word, asked for it and took it. It was never easy, but it was worth it. Don’t let the devil, people or circumstances talk you out of what you are believing for. Even if you have to stand a long time before you see it—don’t quit! When you quit, you let it go.

A steady diet of the Word of God will keep your faith going strong. But without feeding continually on the Word, your faith will become feeble. What you believed for will no longer be a reality to you. Find Scripture to back up what you prayed. If you’ll hold on to it, the answer will manifest. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Your faith in God and His Word will take what you have hoped and believed for out of the spirit realm and bring substance in this physical world. Where would I be if I hadn’t used my faith and s the time it took in the Word to make chang

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I’d still be down in the dumps. Today my life is the best it’s ever been. But I’m also spending more time in the Word than I ever have in my life. When you do that over a period of time, your life gets better and better. The Bible calls it “days of heaven upon the earth” (Deuteronomy 11:21). Are you willing to pay the price to walk by faith and live in that kind of victory? Or will you live like the world, talk like the world and be defeated like the world? I love living on the Word of God and being free. That’s what I recommend you do too. It’s your choice. You can be a person of faith. It won’t just happen, but you can do it! And you can begin today. V ICTOR Y

There’s more! This powerful teaching, as well as other inspiring messages that came out of The Copeland Girls Ladies’ Conference at Eagle Mountain International Church, is now available on CD!

The series features Gloria Copeland, Marty Copeland, Kellie Copeland and Terri Copeland Pearsons as they share intimately about how to live as women of faith. Perfect for any woman, married or single, enjoy it today!

The Copeland Girls Ladies’ Conference 4-CD series | CDN$15 #B060102

To order in Canada call toll free (877) 480-3388 7 a.m.-4:30 p.m. PT Monday-Friday. Charge card orders only please. All major charge cards accepted. To place an order by mail, please use the address on the last page.


Victor y Campaign

Join Gloria Copeland for Healing School Saturday, March 4 at 9:30 a.m.

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TO T A L F U L F I L L M E N T !

Faith Life Church | 3220 Falls Parkway | Branson, MO 65616 | (417) 334-9233 | www.moorelife.org

Meetings are subject to change without notice. For updated information, please log on to getimmersed.org or call the KCM office nearest you. Partners and Friends within the United States call (800) 600-7395. | Partners and Friends within Canada call (877) 480-3388. 1

Kenneth Copeland Ministries PO Box 3111 STN LCD 1 Langley BC V3A 4R3


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