Corporate INTL Full Service Adviser Guide 2012

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Corporate INTL Full Service Adviser Guide 2012

Full Service Adviser Guide Introduction The worldwide economic crises have been a prime factor in the emergence of full service firms. Companies, especially multinationals, have responded to the tumult through consolidation. As a result, there is a renewed emphasis to deal with fewer law firms – or indeed one specialist one – covering a wider geographical area and a wider set of subject matter / disciplines. Today, even small businesses are likely to operate across borders. No longer are law firms defining themselves as simply ‘London’-, ‘Paris’- or ‘Moscow’-based. International expertise and capability in legal advice has become a prerequisite – and is something that only full service firms can provide. Enterprises have become savvier about their requirements. Whereas previously, corporations only sought advice for deals, there is now a need for support services such as employment advice, property advice, intellectual property and contract law, among other areas. Consequently, there has been an acknowledgement among law firms that they need to be able to handle these additional demands and responsibilities. This has been true

for all law firms, ranging from ones with blue chip clients, to the middle-market and mid-sized firms. For the latter in particular, full service is a necessity as they seek to hire new partners and open new practice areas to cater for changing needs. Legal matters are today fraught with complexities that may cross over practice area boundaries, and so a full service law firm is one that can handle those areas that are mainstays, as well as offering expertise pertaining to more niche areas. On rare occasions where the issue stretches beyond their arena, full service lawyers can recruit the necessary help for clients via networking. One the whole, the sole point-of-contact approach provided by full service law firms is a practical highlight for businesses – as that sole adviser is able to build familiarity with the business(es) in question. Diversification is also a boon for full service firms. With the UK’s housing market in the doldrums in recent years, firms specialising in property law have seen their demand decline. Conversely, bankruptcy law has seen renewed growth because, in a stalling

economy, people are unable to live up to their repayment commitments. Intellectual property has also grown as people seek to protect their rights and content online. For example, in a landmark IP case involving the future of e-commerce and high street stores, eBay won a judgement in the US federal courts, protecting their position as an independent online trading platform. The victory was the culmination of a four-year legal battle with the jewellers Tiffany over who should be held liable for the sale of counterfeit goods on eBay, and came only weeks after similar cases in France went against the online giant. In those cases, eBay was forced to pay some £30 million compensation to LVMH for failing to prevent counterfeit sales of the conglomerate’s luxury goods. The judgement highlights IP as a relatively new service area, but one that will have significant presence for full service firms in the future. As Tiffany and LVMH realised, there are myriad complexities involved in enforcing patents, copyrights and trade secrets across borders, especially in the emerging BRIC economies. Back in April of 2009, the US listed Russia and China as the two worst offenders of IP violation. In recent years, responding to US and WTO pressure,

Chinese authorities have begun a crackdown on piracy. In 2007, Nike received $46,000 against two Chinese shoe manufacturers and a French supermarket – after a Shanghai court ruled in its favour over a copyright infringement case. However, as more businesses become reliant on the Internet, a rise in disputes is inevitable, and many law firms are capitalising on this development by adding specific IP practices to their full service offering. Full service firms are also exploring sectors that were previously niche, but are now expanding, such as environmental law. Once viewed as a potentially lucrative field that never materialised, intense media coverage highlighting environmental issues has brought it to public attention. Last but not least, EU directives and stakeholder pressure are forcing businesses to approach environmental issues proactively, rather than simply complying with regulations. As many countries employ the EU standards themselves, China included, environmental law practice is expected to boom – with full service firms already positioning themselves for the field in the future.



Austria...................................Kerres....................................................................................... 6


Botswana...............................Luke and Associates................................................................ 7 Brazil......................................Basilio Advogados................................................................... 8 Brazil......................................Pinheiro Pedro.......................................................................... 9 Brazil......................................Garcia Keener........................................................................ 10 Bulgaria.................................Sabev & Partners Law Firm.................................................... 11 BVI.........................................Simonette Lewis..................................................................... 12


Canada..................................Steinberg Morton Hope & Israel LLP..................................... 13 Cayman Islands.....................KRyS Global........................................................................... 14 Cyprus...................................L. Papaphilippou & Co LLC................................................... 15


Finland...................................Attorneys at law Ratiolex Ltd.................................................. 16 France...................................Castaldi Mourre & Partners.................................................... 17 France...................................Cab Debay............................................................................. 18


Germany................................Kuhnen & Wacker.................................................................. 19 Greece...................................Gerassimou & Partners.......................................................... 20


Honduras...............................Central Law............................................................................ 21 Honduras...............................Central Law............................................................................ 22


Indonesia...............................Lubis Ganie Surowidjojo........................................................ 23 Italy........................................Castaldi Mourre & Partners.................................................... 24 Italy........................................CBA Studio Legale e Tributario.............................................. 25 Italy........................................Grande Stevens..................................................................... 26


Japan.....................................Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu........................................... 27


Latvia.....................................Rasa & Ešenvalds.................................................................. 28 Lebanon................................Chamsedine........................................................................... 29


Mauritius................................Uteem Chambers................................................................... 30 Mexico...................................Basham, Ringe y Correa........................................................ 31 Mexico...................................Béndiksen Law....................................................................... 32 Mexico...................................Vázquez Aldana, Hernández Gómez & Asociados............... 33


Pakistan.................................Ahmed & Qazi........................................................................ 34 Panama.................................RHD Abogados...................................................................... 35 Paraguay...............................Casseli Law Firm.................................................................... 36 Poland...................................RGW Rocławski Graczyk i Wspólnicy.................................... 37


Qatar......................................Sultan Al-Abdulla & Partners.................................................. 38


Serbia....................................Popovic, Popovic, Samardzija & Popovic.............................. 39 Singapore..............................Aequitas Law LLP.................................................................. 40 Slovakia.................................Brichta.................................................................................... 41 South Africa...........................Adams & Adams.................................................................... 42 Switzerland............................MME Partners......................................................................... 43 Switzerland............................DGE Partners......................................................................... 44 Syria.......................................Oussi Law Firm...................................................................... 45


Tanzania................................Rex Attorneys......................................................................... 46


USA (New York).....................Shustak Frost & Partners, P.C................................................ 47 USA (New Jersey).................Hoffmann & Baron, LLP.......................................................... 48 USA (New York).....................Hill, Betts & Nash LLP............................................................ 49 USA (San Francisco).............Tamara Thompson................................................................. 50


Yemen....................................Law Offices of Sheikh Tariq Abdullah.................................... 51


KERRES | PARTNERS was founded 20 years ago by Dr Christoph Kerres. The firm is a full service law firm and focuses on commercial and business law. One field of practice is private clients, trusts, foundations and family offices.

Dr Christoph Kerres, LLM

The firm also has extensive experience in commercial and corporate law as well as Mergers and Acquisitions. Services in this area range from the establishment of a company to employment matters, trade law, intellectual property and complex corporate restructurings of groups. In structuring cross-border transactions the firm also works together with the investment advisors and accounting firms. Another focus of practice is capital markets and banking law. The firm is proud of having had significant successes over the past several years. Not only has the firm been able to coordinate one of the largest mediation proceedings ever performed in Europe but has also been deeply involved in various widely-reported litigation cases in Austria. Through an international network the firm is able to service clients throughout Europe and beyond.

Dr Christoph Kerres, LLM Partner Tel: +43 1 51660 Schubertring 2 1010 Vienna


Luke & Associates Botswana

Established in 1996, the firm has a broad based practice with a reputation for offering a full range of high quality legal services. The firm provides a diverse range of corporate and commercial legal services required by companies, financial institutions and government bodies. The firm’s major corporate clients are insurance companies, banks and large energy companies. In these fields, Luke & Associates advises on major take-over bids, and drafts agreements and contracts for large companies. Luke and Associates maintains contacts with numerous firms of international repute in several jurisdictions around the world. Due to international experience, the firm has the capacity to service a multi national client base which is enhanced by its close working relationship with colleagues in the USA, Europe, The UK, South East Asia and Africa. Luke & Associates is a leading firm in Botswana. Its expertise encompasses a wide range including banking and finance, corporate and financial services, insurance, estate, litigation and criminal law. The firm has significant experience in reviewing, interpreting and drafting legislation for the leading institutions in Botswana. The firm has also been involved in diverse litigation matters mainly in the High Court and the Court of Appeal including an appeal on the Rules of natural Justice. Mr Luke has also defended several clients in High Profile trials in Botswana.

Edward Luke Senior Partner Tel: +09 (267) 3919345 1st Floor Sable House, Plot 14416 Gaborone West Industrial Estates, Gaborone


Basilio Advogados Brazil

Founded by well-known lawyers in Brazil, coming from the main law offices in the country, Basilio Advogados acts in the corporate field, based on services to great companies from several sectors, such as utilities concessionaires, mining companies, banks, construction companies, shopping malls, as well as individuals. Ana Tereza Basilio: Ana Tereza Basilio

Bachelor of Law from Universidade Cândido Mendes, she has accumulated experience in great law offices of Brazil, among them, Sergio Bermudes’ firm, where she worked during eleven years. She was also a partner of Trench, Rossi e Watanabe Firm (Baker & McKenzie), being responsible, in Brazil, for the civil and commercial litigation area, from July, 2002 to December, 2005. She is a post graduate in North American Law from Wisconsin University, and is a specialist in civil and commercial litigation as well as in arbitration. She taught Civil Law in the Post Graduation Course of the Escola Superior de Advocacia (Lawyer’s Superior School), from 1993 to 2001, and she’s the author of several books about corporate law. From 2004 to 2006, she was the President of the Mediation and Arbitration Chamber of the Brazilian Bar Association, in which she also acted as President of the Lawyer’s Association Committee, from October 2003 to December 2006, Vice-President of the Arbitration Committee, during the same period, besides being elected as Chief Counselor of the Brazilian Bar Association during the three-year periods from 2000 to 2003 and 2003 to 2006. Additionally, she was appointed as member of the Committee to Fight Piracy and Unfair Competition of the Federal Committee of the Brazilian Bar Association during period of July 2005 to December 2006, and of the Special Committee to Fight Piracy and Unfair Competition of the Federal Committee of the Brazilian Lawyers Association, which she is still a member of.

Ana Tereza Basilio Partner Tel: +55 (21) 2277 4200 Avenida Presidente Wilson, número 210 – 12º andar Rio de Janeiro, Cep 20030-021


Pedro Pinheiro Law Firm

With over twenty years of experience in litigation and administrative as well as the prevention of litigation, the firm has a team of lawyers fully integrated, which allows providing personalized service and next, aiming to provide efficient solutions in terms of legal and business focused on specific customer. It operates in causes that deal with various themes, such as contract and tort liability, accountability, collection actions, monitoring and enforcement, among others, including the bringing of judicial emergency.


The Firm Lawyers Pedro Pinheiro reflects the qualities that characterise the performance of their professional body: transparency, objectivity and dynamism. It operates on the market since 1985, combining the traditional legal services to a distinguished consultancy in the environmental, regulatory and institutional, with ethics and transparency recognised. Antonio Pedro Fernando Pinheiro

It has lawyers specializing in consumer law issues, the filing of actions, elaboration and defense of resources and monitoring of proceedings before the Special Courts and Civil Justice Policy involving complaint and request for compensation for consumers. In this segment, we highlight the defense also face fines and administrative penalties and monitoring of criminal investigations and civil investigations public, prosecution and defense in civil suits and class actions, as well as acting in private disputes related to family law and successions. Advises in the preparation, review and analysis of contracts, and prepare advice and evaluate risks and contractual responsibilities.

Antonio Pedro Fernando Pinheiro Senior Partner Tel: +55 11 3384-1220 Rua Jaspe, 80 – Aclimação Cep: 01531-060 - São Paulo - SP


Garcia & Keener Advogados Brazil

Garcia & Keener is a medium-size law firm, which, since its foundation in 1959, has dedicated to the practice of law for companies, assisting its clients in the areas of business law, civil law, administrative law, tax law and labour law. In addition to its main office in Rio de Janeiro, the firm maintains branches in S達o Paulo, Campinas and Manaus.

Hugo Mauricio Sigelmann Lawyer Tel: +55 21 2203-2466 Av. Rio Branco, 99 - 13,14,e 15 andares Centro-Rio de Janeiro/RJ-CEP:20040-004


Hélène Anne Lewis is a national of Trinidad and Tobago and English qualified lawyer of more than twenty-five years who has been practising in the BVI for more than twenty years. She is the Founding Partner of SimonetteLewis a boutique law practice that serves as BVI legal advisers to private banks in Europe and Asia as well as to private wealth advisers and high net worth individuals onshore. Mrs Lewis’ practice includes advising on property, trust, probate and corporate matters involving BVI structures. With her Litigation Partner, she has also appeared in several high value trust and civil litigation matters in the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands and the OECS Court of Appeal. She has presented to several conferences on Trust, Compliance and Corporate issues and is a member of the organising committee of one of the trust industry’s most successful conferences – the STEP Caribbean Conference which she has chaired twice in her capacity as Chairman of the BVI Branch of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (“STEP”). She is now a member of the STEP Governing Council and has recently been elected to the STEP Board of Directors.

Hélène Anne Lewis LLB, TEP

After admission to the Bar at Gray’s Inn the former Hélène Anne Simonette returned to Trinidad where she was at various times, State Counsel in the Attorney General’s Chambers, Legal Advisor to the Ombudsman and to the Leader of the Opposition. After having been the Senior Crown Counsel and sometimes Acting Attorney General of the Turks and Caicos Islands, she joined a prominent BVI law firm but established her own practice (SimonetteLewis) in February 2007. In November 2009 launched Magnolia Trustees Limited a full service trust, company formation and management company in the British Virgin Islands. She has served as President of the B.V.I. Bar Association, of which she was previously Secretary for seven years and has also served as Vice President and Treasurer of the OECS Bar Association, a regional association of the Bar Associations of the nine countries which comprise the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States. Mrs. Lewis is also admitted to practice in St. Kitts & Nevis.

Hélène Anne Lewis LLB, TEP Partner Tel: +284-494-4367 Magnolia Chambers, Harbour House, Waterfront Drive P.O.Box 431, Road Town, Tortola, VG1110


British Virgin Islands


Sabev and Partners Law Firm Bulgaria

Established in 1998, Sabev & Partners has developed a business oriented practice, focused on continuous and comprehensive legal service to corporate clients, both local and international. Key practice areas include:

Boryana Boteva

Corporate and Commercial: establishment of commercial companies, local subsidiaries, branches and representative offices of foreign entities; corporate governance procedures and documents, winding up, restructuring and insolvency issues and procedures; commercial contracts; bank or private financing agreements and security packages (including different types of security such as mortgages, special pledges or financial collaterals); full legal service in relation to mergers, acquisition or divestment transactions; Public Companies and Securities: advice on issues related to the legal status of public companies, public offering, trading and pledging of securities, licensing of investment companies and brokers, corporate bond emissions; Intellectual Property: representation of clients in proceedings before the Bulgarian Patent Office, WIPO and OHIM for the registration of intellectual property rights; representation of clients in court and arbitration proceedings in relation to the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights;

Boryana Boteva Partner - Corporate and Commercial, Public Procurements Tel: +3592 9800-412/413 Assen Alexiev Partner IP, Competition, Litigation/ Arbitration Tel: +3592 9800-412/413 Iskra Neycheva Senior Associate Public - Companies and Securities Tel: +3592 9800-412/413 42 Parchevich Street floor 2, 1000 Sofia


Competition: advice and representation of clients before the Commission for Protection of the Competition in proceedings related to merger control, dominant position, unfair competition; and representation before the Supreme Administrative Court in further appeal proceedings. Public Procurements: advice both to bidders in procurement procedures (including legal representation in appeal procedures) and to contracting authorities (including commercial companies) on structuring of public procurement procedures and preparation of tender documents. Litigation/Arbitration: representation of clients in court and arbitration proceedings in cases related to commercial contracts, debts collection, bankruptcy, intellectual property, protection of the competition, administrative proceedings.

Steinberg Morton Hope & Israel LLP

Our Litigation Group provides legal counsel and representation on various litigation matters, including corporate and commercial disputes, wrongful dismissal litigation, family law litigation, personal injury litigation, health discipline matters, construction litigation, criminal defence and estate litigation. We have extensive experience with both mediation and court based resolutions. Family Law matters are handled with economy and discretion, generally resulting in negotiated settlements. If early settlement is not possible, our experienced lawyers provide strong representation at all levels of court.


Steinberg Morton Hope & Israel LLP offers its diverse clientele a broad range of legal services. We are proud to include on our client list both individuals and commercial clients, ranging from small businesses to multi-national corporations. Our Corporate and Commercial Group and our Real Estate Group bring the judgment and experience of many years to a full range of real estate and commercial transactions, from the smallest to the largest. Irwin Steinberg

Our Intellectual Property Group will assist you with your trademark and branding strategies, secure your trademarks, and ensure that your marks are not being diluted or infringed upon. We represent numerous trade mark and brand portfolios in Canada, the United States and overseas.

James Morton

Antonin I. Pribetic

Our Health Law Group has over 30 years of experience acting for and on behalf of many of Ontario’s independent pharmacies and pharmacists. We will bring to bear our depth of experience on your concerns and problems in order to maximize your investment and minimize your exposure. Our firm also has extensive experience in the areas of Wills, Estate Planning and Estates Administration. Steinberg Morton Hope & Israel LLP provides its clients with unparalleled legal representation, characterized by dedication and focus in order to ensure that our clients are well served at every stage of a transaction or a dispute.

Irwin Steinberg Head of Corporate and Commercial Group Tel: +1 416-225-2777 James Morton Head of Litigation Group Tel: +1 416-225-2777 Antonin I. Pribetic Litigation Counsel Tel: +1 416-225-2777 5255 Yonge Street, Suite 1100 Toronto, ON, M2N 6P4


KRyS Global Cayman Islands

Kenneth M. Krys

Alison Cockle

KRyS Global is a professional services firm committed to resolving complex cross-border issues in the areas of Corporate Recovery, Insolvency, Forensic Accounting and Business Advisory Services. We have over 60 professionals who work from offices in five jurisdictions – the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, Bahamas, Bermuda and Guernsey. Each office has a team of independent, dedicated and experienced professionals with practical expertise, global experience and the ability to provide objective, sound advice. Our Clients face issues that represent some of the larger, more complex cross-border assignments. Two of our more notable cross-border engagements are:

Margot MacInnis

Penny Cassell

SPhinX Group of Companies – A hedge fund group that suffered losses in excess of $263 million. The first Chapter 15 application opposed under the United States Bankruptcy Code. First major liquidation in Cayman dealing with segregated portfolio companies. Litigation to recover losses is ongoing in New York against 40 defendants; Fairfield Sentry Limited – Largest “feeder fund” invested in Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. Successful Chapter 15 recognition despite opposition, We are involved in creative cross-border litigation strategies to aid in the recovery of our Clients’ investments.

Kenneth M. Krys Founder and Chief Executive Officer Alison Cockle Chief Financial Officer Margot MacInnis Managing Director-Cayman Penny Cassell Director-Cayman 2nd Floor, Building 6, 23 Lime Tree Bay Avenue P.O. Box 31237, Grand Cayman, KY11205


Two new service offerings that KRyS Global has launched this year are Ferret Technology services – a line of technology based solutions in the areas of fraud investigation and asset recovery. This exclusive service provides data mining and analytics, computer forensics, electronic discovery and hosted litigation software solutions to clients. KRyS Global can also provide Voluntary Liquidation Services. Our professionals are licensed insolvency practitioners, who use their industry knowledge and experience to obtain the maximum benefit for all parties. We find using an independent voluntary liquidator such as KRyS Global, ensures closure and finality of any future claims against the entity and its directors, in a quick and cost efficient manner. KRyS Global has offices in Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, Bahamas, Bermuda and Guernsey.

L. Papaphilippou & Co LLC. Cyprus

L. PAPAPHILIPPOU & CO. (LP & Co.) offers legal services to businesses, individuals, public organisations and governments. The firm has a strong litigation team, also handling all forms of commercial dispute resolution, and has considerable experiences in arbitrations. A number of professional contacts in North America, Europe, the Middle East and the Far East are at the firm’s disposal, and its partners are committed to providing a range of legal services to its clients, who are active in diverse areas of international business. MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS LP & Co. is one of the leading firms in M&A advisory based in Cyprus. The firm’s partners have handled M&A transactions for private, public and listed companies, and have been involved in the acquisitions of banking and insurance institutions in Cyprus. BANKING & FINANCE Working for leading local and international commercial banks and financial institutions over the years, LP & Co. has acquired specialised market knowledge in this competitive and demanding area of the law. Accordingly, the firm’s partners are highly experienced in dealing with a range of issues including, though not limited to: • • • • • • • • • •

Drafting all types of financial, banking and security agreements. Advising on money laundering legislation. Disputes and litigation between Banks/Financial Institutions and customers. Syndicated lending. International banking and documentary credits. Custodianship. Disclosure issues arising from the Bankers’ Books Evidence Act. Fraud and tracing claims. Repossession disputes. Mareva injunctions.

Leandros Papaphilippou Tel: +357 22 67 41 41 Senior and Managing Partner 17, Ifigenias Street 2007 Strovolos, Nicosia


Attorneys at law Ratiolex Ltd. Finland Timo Ylikantola

Markku Tolvi

Ratiolex is one of the leading dispute resolution law firms in Finland. Ratiolex offers a full range of dispute resolution services for all businesses and industries covering inter alia all aspects of domestic litigation as well as domestic and international arbitration, both ad hoc and institutional. Ratiolex focuses on high-end domestic and international dispute resolution services. Ratiolex has represented its corporate clients successfully in dispute resolution assignments before courts and arbitral tribunals and different domestic and international contractual and corporate arrangements. “Our strategy has been to offer convenient, rapid, sound and secure as well as cost-effective dispute resolution services to our clients. The firm’s annual growth and our genuine interest towards our profession, a dose of healthy ambition and a constant urge to better ourselves can be observed in the success and satisfaction of our many Finnish and foreign clients in the complex dispute resolution cases both in Finland and abroad,” explained Timo Ylikantola, partner at Ratiolex. He continued: “During the last few years we have had a large caseload of disputes and we have represented clients in commercial disputes in several industries and fields of business, such as automotive, distribution and foreign trade, franchising, IT, infrastructure and construction, media and entertainment, M&A, real estate, sale of goods as well as transportation, logistics and freight forwarding.” Ratiolex’s clientele has consisted mainly of domestic SMEs, growing and internationalising companies and international corporations. Recently Ratiolex has served a number of high profile clients such as Finland’s leading building services consulting company, one of the leading international freight forwarding and logistics companies and one of the leading international chemical industry companies. In July 2012 Ratiolex was ranked the most successful law office in Finland based on analysis of financial statements.

Timo Ylikantola Partner Tel: +358 400 705854 Markku Tolvi Partner Tel: +358 50 5114030 Vuorikatu 16 A, 7th floor FI-00100 Helsinki


Castaldi Mourre & Partners

Enrico Castaldi founded Castaldi Mourre & Partners in 1996. He is a member of The London Law Society and he has a well-established practice in France and Italy in the field of international investments, industrial and commercial partnership agreements, mergers, acquisitions and reorganisation of companies. He is a member of several boards of directors and shareholders’ committees. Mr Castaldi works across the firm’s two offices in Paris and Italy, as he is an advocate of both Paris and Milan.


The Paris branch of Castaldi Mourre & Partners operates an arbitration and international litigation practice as well as a corporate and M & A based practice. Across all practices, the firm hires the services of a number of professional consultants from a variety of industries. This pool of consultants can include financial experts, architects and other professionals, which the firm deems necessary to assist with specific cases. Enrico Castaldi

Alexis Mourre specialises in international arbitration and international litigation. He has served as counsel to party, co-arbitrator, sole arbitrator or expert in more than 80 international arbitral procedures, both ad hoc and before the most prominent arbitral institutions. He is vice president of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, vice chair of the IBA arbitration committee, a member Counsel of the International Business Law Institute of the International Chamber of Commerce.

Alexis Mourre

Gaspare Dori

French and Italian lawyer, Gaspare Dori co-heads the firm’s M&A practice. He also practices corporate and commercial law. During the last fifteen years, he has been providing legal advice to a wide range of clients, mostly large firms. Between June 1999 and February 2008, Gaspare headed the French-Italian Group of Clifford Chance in Paris. Each member of the firm has strong connections to the international business community and thoroughly understands the politics involved with working in this broad sector. Castaldi Mourre & Partners remains committed to providing the highest quality of legal services to its clients.

Enrico Castaldi Senior Partner Alexis Mourre Senior Partner Gaspare Dori Co Head of M&A 73, boulevard Haussmann 75008 Paris


Cabinet Debay France

Cabinet Debay is a medium-sized Paris-suburb- based firm of IP (patent and trademark) experts. The firm founded in 1984, has a long and successful history of offering clear and practical advice and guidance to numerous clients on IP searching, clearance and registration in the FRANCE, at the European IP Offices, at WIPO and worldwide through a network of foreign law firms. Yves Debay

Damien Debay

To ensure its clients obtain strong and enforceable IP rights at the lowest cost and to keep them away from needless and expensive litigation whenever possible are two main aims of the firm. All of the practising IP attorneys are qualified. The firm can efficiently help to determine full IP strategies for clients, including worldwide IP protection utilising both the European IP offices, EPO or OHIM, as well as international protection. “The network helps the firm to cultivate strong relation ships with other IP lawyers across the globe.” It can also offer clear and practical advice in other IP related matters such as licensing, infringement, passing-off, IP watching and enforcement generally. Our firm is adaptable, utilises the latest available technology and can advise on matters such as copyright, domain name protection.

Yves Debay French Industrial Property Attorney, (patent and trademarks) Tel: +33 (0)1 39 18 46 24 Damien Debay French Industrial Property Attorney (patent) CEIPI Tel: +33 (0)1 39 18 46 24 126 Élysée 2 78170 La Celle St Cloud


Founder Yves Debay said: “Our firm may also provide assistance and advice with all activities concerning industrial property and in particular patent rights, namely writing specifications, filing and prosecution of patent applications to obtain registration of French or European patents, prior art search, opposition, filing of models, software protection, protection of integrated circuits, drafting of intellectual property agreements, assistance in case of disputes, legal proceedings for infringement or unfair competition, audits of patents and trademarks and audits of intellectual property agreements, due diligence.”

Kuhnen & Wacker Intellectual Property Firm

We are a diverse group of 82 people, 17 of whom are specialised patent attorneys and attorneys at law. These attorneys are supported by 7 expert patent engineers and specialists, as well as by a highly qualified and multilingual administrative team. As such, we are known for successfully handling many complex cases. KUHNEN & WACKER has earned a worldwide reputation for its IP work and sophisticated litigation matters. The firm’s long record of success involves the “Epilady” litigation as well as more recent litigation relating to cardiac stents, ink cartridges for printers and in the automotive field. We add value for our clients in many areas, such as licensing, portfolio analysis and management, arbitration and mediation, antitrust issues, due diligence, competitive benchmarking, and in intermediary platforms. Some components of this added value arise from our internal teamwork, external networking, internal technical and IT staff, and frequent seminar presentations in Japan, the U.S.A., China and Europe.” In order to document the high quality standards that the firm has upheld for years, KUHNEN & WACKER obtained the official ISO 9001:2008 certification. Continuity, Quality and Strategy have been and still are the three pillars and principles of our nationally and internationally highly regarded law firm. Based on these principles, KUHNEN & WACKER offers high quality proactive services, at competitive rates.

Paul-Alexander Wacker

Rainer A. Kuhnen

Detlef von Ahsen

Dr. Christian Thomas


KUHNEN & WACKER is a full service intellectual property (IP) law firm which was established more than 35 years ago in Freising close to the Munich airport. The firm represents SMEs as well as major corporate and global technical innovators. It has a fine blend of senior attorneys with sophisticated experience, and younger proactive attorneys who can, if needed, rely on the expertise of their more senior colleagues and may complete various interdisciplinary teams.

Paul-Alexander Wacker Senior Founding Partner Tel: +49 8161 608 303 Rainer A. Kuhnen Senior Founding Partner Tel: +49 8161 608 302 Detlef von Ahsen Patent Attorney Tel: +49 8161 608 311 Dr. Christian Thomas Partner, Attorney-at-Law Tel: +49 8161 608 333 Prinz-Ludwig-Str. 40 A 85354 Freising / Munich


Gerassimou & Partners Greece

Gerassimou & Partners Law Office is situated in the heart of the shipping industry, Piraeus. We are deicated to providing a specialized responsive, personalized and cost effective range of services to our clients in Greece and abroad. Close business relationships have been developed with a large number of the world’s leading law firms and other professionals in the international transport, corporate, commercial and insurance business. Nicholas G. Gerassimou

Basil T. Vardakoulas

Andreas V. Floros

Zoe N. Zouganeli

Nicholas G. Gerassimou Senior Partner Tel: +30 210 42 85 659 Basil T. Vardakoulas Partner Tel: +30 210 42 85 659 Andreas V. Floros Partner Tel: +30 210 42 85 659 Zoe N. Zouganeli Partner Tel: +30 210 42 85 659 14 Mavrokordatou Street 185 38, Piraeus


Gerassimou & Partners Law Office invests significant resources to research, bibliographies, and analysis of new lwas, regulations and international conventions which affect the business environment.

CENTRAL LAW Honduras - Medina, Rosenthal & Asociados (1989) has consolidated into one of Honduras’s best law firms in corporate and business legal counselling according to Chambers & Partners and IFLR international rankings. The firm has grown both locally and internationally, conforming CENTRAL LAW along with other prominent law firms in South America and has expanded its geographic influence and jurisdictional reach, through its 11 offices within the region. This structure provides the firm a significant competitive advantage transcending such advantage into added value for its clients. In Honduras the firm has offices in San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa and it is formed by a team of 20 bilingual members including partners, senior and junior associates and administrative staff. The firm offers the highest quality legal services backed by more than 20 years experience. The firm covers, among others, the following areas: arbitration and litigation, antitrust and international trade, banking and finance, constitutional and administrative law, commercial law, consumer law, contracts, corporate law, environmental law, energy, environment, natural resources & infrastructure, foreign investment, free zones, immigration law, intellectual property, insurances, labor and social security law, public- private partnerships, real estate and tourism, tax law and telecommunications. The firm serves domestic and foreign companies and banks; some of which have been clients since the firm´s beginnings. In the last year the firm has increased its pro bono program after becoming the first Honduran law firm to sign the Pro Bono Declaration of the Americas, an initiative of the Cyrus Vance Center. Its clients are pleased with their experiences at the law firm and the lawyers are grateful to them for their continued trust. People and companies doing business in Honduras and Central America contact the firm for providing best legal advice and competitive fees.

Jesús Humberto Medina-Alva



Ricardo Padilla

Jesús Humberto Medina-Alva Partner – Head of the Banking, Corporate and Foreign Investment Dpt. Tel: +504 2550-2155 Ricardo Padilla Senior Associate – Coordinator of the Litigation and Labor Dpt. Tel: +504 2550-2800 1era Calle, 9 y 10 avenidas Noroeste, Segundo Nivel Edificio Nova Prisa Suite 26, San Pedro Sula


CENTRAL LAW Honduras Honduras

Claribel Medina

Guadalupe Martinez Casas

Claribel Medina Senior Associate – Coordinator of the Arbitration & Litigation and IP Dpt. Tel: +504 2235 7473 Guadalupe Martinez Casas International Business Development – CSR and Pro Bono coordinator Tel: +504 2235-7473 Calle Principal Colonia Miramontes, Segundo Nivel Edificio Apart-Hotel Continental Suite 28, Tegucigalpa


CENTRAL LAW Honduras - Medina, Rosenthal & Asociados (1989) has consolidated into one of Honduras’s best law firms in corporate and business legal counselling according to Chambers & Partners and IFLR international rankings. The firm has grown both locally and internationally, conforming CENTRAL LAW along with other prominent law firms in South America and has expanded its geographic influence and jurisdictional reach, through its 11 offices within the region. This structure provides the firm a significant competitive advantage transcending such advantage into added value for its clients. In Honduras the firm has offices in San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa and it is formed by a team of 20 bilingual members including partners, senior and junior associates and administrative staff. The firm offers the highest quality legal services backed by more than 20 years experience. The firm covers, among others, the following areas: arbitration and litigation, antitrust and international trade, banking and finance, constitutional and administrative law, commercial law, consumer law, contracts, corporate law, environmental law, energy, environment, natural resources & infrastructure, foreign investment, free zones, immigration law, intellectual property, insurances, labor and social security law, public- private partnerships, real estate and tourism, tax law and telecommunications. The firm serves domestic and foreign companies and banks; some of which have been clients since the firm´s beginnings. In the last year the firm has increased its pro bono program after becoming the first Honduran law firm to sign the Pro Bono Declaration of the Americas, an initiative of the Cyrus Vance Center. Its clients are pleased with their experiences at the law firm and the lawyers are grateful to them for their continued trust. People and companies doing business in Honduras and Central America contact the firm for providing best legal advice and competitive fees.

In the course of Lubis Ganie Surowidjojo’s (LGS) more than 27 years of service, we have secured our position as the premier Indonesian corporate transaction and commercial litigation law firm. This combination of commercial law experience and litigation uniquely positions LGS to deal with the full range of commercial issues faced by our clients. We have over a hundred lawyers and experience representing a diverse range of clients, including domestic and multinational corporations, public and private companies, Government instrumentalities and State Owned Enterprises. We work closely with our clients to understand their problems, determine their needs, and arrive at practical solutions that are both cost-effective and viable over the long term. We have experience in all aspects, and their interaction, of the full range of corporate transactions and operational matters. We strive on addressing the challenges faced by our clients and approaches them with a pragmatic view that is driven by a deep understanding of their business needs and of the surrounding practicalities of the legal and business landscape that they operate in. Representative Clients - Adaro Indonesia; American Bureau of Shipping; Astra International; Astratel Nusantara; Bank Mandiri; Charoen Pokphand Indonesia; DBS Bank Ltd; Goldman Sachs; Government of the Republic of Indonesia; Hitachi; Hutchison (Hong Kong); Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund; Japan Tobacco International Indonesia; Krakatau Steel; Liga Primer Indonesia (LPI); Medco Energi International; Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia; Mitsui & Co., Ltd; Mitsui Banking Corporation; Pamapersada Nusantara; Sampoerna Strategic; Sime Darby (Malaysia); Simpson, Spence & Young (SSY); Standard Chartered Bank; Sumitomo; Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited; and Unilever Indonesia. ISO -LGS has obtained Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance certifications of ISO 9001:2008 for Quality Management systems and ISO 14001:2004 for Environmental Management systems to ensure that all aspects of the firm’s operations and the quality of services are on par with the most well managed companies and organizations in the world.

Timbul Thomas Lubis

Mohamed Idwan Ganie

Arief Tarunakarya Surowidjojo

Abdul Haris Muhammad Rum


Lubis Ganie Surowidjojo

Timbul Thomas Lubis Founding Partner Tel: +62 21 831-5005 Mohamed Idwan Ganie Managing Partner Tel: +62 21 831-5005 Arief Tarunakarya Surowidjojo Founding Partner Tel: +62 21 831-5005 Abdul Haris Muhammad Rum Partner Tel: +62 21 831-5005 Menara Imperium 30th Floor Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said Kav. 1 Kuningan


Castaldi Mourre & Partners Italy Enrico Castaldi

Marco Bianchi

Steven Sprague

Nicola Romano

Castaldi Mourre & Partners has a long standing experience in assisting foreign investors in France. With over a hundred Franco-Italian investment operations, the firm in particular has a deep knowledge not only of the legal context of such operations but also of the economic, social and cultural context of Franco-Italian relations. Castaldi Mourre & Partners’ Italian professionals successfully advise clients in regards to their cross border activities. The multi-lingual staff has assisted clients who have desired to operate in French speaking countries or any country that the firm has been active in, including locations such as China and Russia. Enrico Castaldi founded Castaldi Mourre & Partners in 1996. He is a member of The London Law Society and he has a well-established practice in France and Italy in the field of international investments, industrial and commercial partnership agreements, mergers, acquisitions and reorganisation of companies. He is a member of several boards of directors and shareholders’ committees. Mr Castaldi works across the firm’s two offices in Paris and Italy, as he is an advocate of both Paris and Milan. Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England and Wales, Steven Sprague is a well-known international specialist in the field of energy and natural resources. He regularly acts as counsel in projects relating to electricity, petrol, gas and other precious materials. As a former Deputy Head of Office de Denton Hall in Moscow, he has developed a profound knowledge of Russia and the countries of the ex-Soviet Union. Besides energy, he has considerable experience in international joint ventures and M&A.

Enrico Castaldi Senior Partner Steven Sprague Partner Marco Bianchi Partner Nicola Romano Partner Via Savona 19/A. 20144 Milano


Marco Bianchi is an Italian lawyer who has, over time, developed significant experience of contract law and the legal aspects of the internationalisation of businesses. He has drafted and negotiated contracts of many different types including: joint venture agreements; share purchase agreements; technology licences; agency agreements; outsourcing agreements; and research and development agreements.

CBA Studio Legale e Tributario Italy

CBA Studio Legale e Tributario was formed following the merger between Camozzi Bonissoni Varrenti & Associati and Studio Associato LCA – Avvocati e Commercialisti d’Impresa, two important firms boasting consolidated experience in the provision of consulting services to both Italian and foreign companies investing and operating in Italy. CBA works in furtherance of the professionalism and expertise gained during the 1980s by the two original firms.

Luca Ferrari

With 32 partners and more than 180 professionals operating in offices in Milan, Rome, Padua, Venice and Munich, CBA provides its clients with high-value services through a partner-led approach. We offer solutions that are tailor made to satisfy the demands of an increasingly complex market in search of integrated, flexible services. CBA consolidates the international identity of the founding firms, relying on close-knit relations with a wide range of foreign firms and international networks while retaining its independence as an Italian firm. CBA tailors its services and organization to meet the market’s demands, acting exclusively in the interests of each and every one of its clients and providing integrated legal, regulatory and tax solutions. Our partners take the lead in working side-by-side with professionals, adopting a hands-on approach to deliver optimum results. Additionally, a number of CBA professionals boast significant academic experience and hold teaching and publishing positions in top Italian universities at both under-graduate and post-graduate levels. In-house training programs ensure that professionals are kept constantly up to date on legal and tax issues to guarantee a prompt, effective response to client requests. CBA also organizes in-house training programs on topical legal and tax matters of interest to clients, calling on academic, economic and institutional figures to lend their expertise. Luca Ferrari Partner Tel: +39.049.8775811 Galleria San Carlo 6 - 20122 Milan


GRANDE STEVENS Studio legale Italy

GRANDE STEVENS Studio legale, was founded in the Fifties by Franzo Grande Stevens, who lectured at the University of Turin, became a member of the Turin Bar Council, President of the Attorneys’ Pension Fund Board and President of the Italian National Bar Council in Rome and enriched the firm with professionals specialising in the practice of commercial law. Michele Briamonte

GRANDE STEVENS Studio legale is now a boutique business law firm with offices in Turin, Milan and Rome providing legal assistance, both transactional and in litigation proceedings, in the areas of civil, commercial and corporate law for over fifty years. GRANDE STEVENS Studio legale offers its assistance to local and foreign clients. The clientele varies from individuals to small and medium sized enterprises, corporations, company groups, listed companies, financial institutions and multinationals. We are renowned for independence, commitment to our Clients needs, quality, always maintaining the maximum of confidentiality. It is the Firm’s goal to offer highly specialized and technical assistance and individualized answers and solutions to clients’ needs. It is our common practice to build concentrated teams of selected lawyers, taking into account the specific necessary competences, so as to provide the required legal assistance with promptness and effectiveness. The Partners follow each matter directly and personally.

Michele Briamonte Managing Partner Tel: +39 011 4391 411 Mr Paolo Barozzi Managing Partner Tel: +39 02 36 00 92 00 Mr Daniele Cericola Partner Tel: +39 011 439 14 11 Mr Diego Saluzzo Salary Partner Tel: +39 011 439 14 11 Via del Carmine, 2 10122 Torino


We cooperate, on an independent basis, with large firms, boutiques and individual professionals in various regions of the world selected on a issue-by-issue basis among those considered to be the most appropriate to the matters being undertaken. Our areas of speciality are: Corporate Law, M&A, Joint Ventures, Reorganisation, Banking Law, Financial Law, Capital Markets, Insurance Law, Commercial Law, Sales and Distribution Law, Civil Law, No-Profit Institutions, Litigation and Arbitration (including international), ADR, Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Debt Restructuring, Intellectual and Industrial Property Law, Real Estate, Antitrust, Labour and Employment Law, Sports Law, Energy Law, White Collar Crimes.

Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu, having offices in Tokyo and New York, is widely known as a leading law firm in Japan, and a foremost provider of international and commercial legal services. The firm represents domestic and foreign companies and organizations involved in every major industry sector and in every legal service area in Japan. The firm has structured and negotiated many of Japan’s largest and most significant corporate and finance transactions, and has extensive litigation strength spanning key commercial areas, including intellectual property and taxation. The firm comprises around 340 lawyers (including 11 foreign attorneys) capable of providing its clients with practical solutions to meet their business needs.


Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu

Shunpei Tanaka

With one of the largest legal teams in the country, the firm brings a wealth of practical knowledge focused on a singular purpose of providing the high quality of legal expertise to develop the optimum solution for any business problem or goal that its clients may have. The firm, with its knowledge and experience across a full range of practice areas, is always prepared to meet the legal needs of its clients in any industry.

Shunpei Tanaka Partner attorney at law Tel: +81-3-3511-6135 Kioicho Building, 3-12, Kioicho Chiyoda-ku


The Law Office Rasa & Esenvalds Latvia

The Law Office Rasa & Esenvalds was established in 2010 by joint efforts of two talented and determined lawyers of the rising generation. Armands Rasa and Janis Esenvalds have gained ample professional experience from their employment with the leading law offices in Latvia. Services: Armands Rasa

Janis Esenvalds

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Litigation; Legal assistance in the field of commercial law; Legal assistance of business restructuring processes; Legal assistance of insolvency, legal protection process, extrajudicial legal protection process; Legal assistance of right in personam; Legal assistance of right in rem; Legal assistance of labor law-related matters; Other types of legal assistance; EU Residential permits in case of investments.

Operation of the Law Office Rasa & Esenvalds is based on personal approach to each customer and thorough investigation of the existing situation. Our experience shows that even minor details, such as an incorrectly formulated sentence in the statement of claim, may be of decisive importance in legal proceedings; therefore thorough investigation of all circumstances of the matter and case study are crucial at the pre-trial stage. Perfect performance of any task right away is the axiom in our offices. If you select the Law Office Rasa & Esenvalds you can be sure to benefit from selfless commitment and legal attendance appropriate to your needs. An additional bonus you can count on is a dose of sparkling youthful energy inseparable from our offices.

Armands Rasa Attorney-at-Law, Partner Tel: +371 67280697 Janis Esenvalds Attorney-at-Law, Partner Tel: +371 67280697 Kr.Valdemara street 33-35 Riga, LV-1010


Chamseddine & Associates Lebanon

Chamseddine & Associates is a leading law firm in Lebanon and the MENA region. Established in the early 80s, it rapidly grew to become one of the most reputable legal firms in Lebanon and the region. In a time where the single lawyer multi-practice office was the trend, the vision of the founding members to start the first specialized legal firm was the driving forces behind the development and growth of Chamseddine & Associates Law Firm to become along with the most prestigious firms not only in Lebanon but also in the region. Diversity of work and our clients’ trust and appreciation have promoted us to improve and expand until giving the best service to our clients. Professional standards, training levels and practicing methods are genuine aspects which have made quality work and consistent service a rare phenomenon among legal service providers in Lebanon and the region. We are always eager to provide the best service to our clients. Our team members have an extensive experience with international agencies and governmental institutions that they have acquired before and during their work with the firm. In addition to the Lebanese and International law, our members are highly qualified in the Sharia (Islamic) Law, which is applied in commercial matters and many other legal matters in most neighboring countries especially in the GCC countries where we have developed good connections to assist the performance of cross-border matters.

Houssam Chamseddine Senior Partner Tel: +961 1 340576 Hamra Street Awad Bldg Beirut


Uteem Chambers Mauritius

UTEEM CHAMBERS is a leading law firm in Mauritius which provides high quality, efficient and pragmatic legal advice and solution in a timely manner to serve the clients’ needs.

Muhammad R Uteem

The head of Uteem Chambers, Muhammad Reza Uteem, has over the past 15 years been advising international clients on complex legal issues arising in the fields of banking and finance, securities law, corporate law, collective investment scheme, private equity funds, cross border insolvency, international tax and trusts laws and dispute resolution as well as in all aspects of offshore business activities. Most of the Uteem Chambers’ practice involves providing legal advice to world’s leading international financial institutions, multilateral development banks, inter-governmental organizations and professional advisers including leading international law and accountancy firms. Uteem Chambers has a portfolio of high net worth individuals who require international tax planning and estate planning. It undertakes international litigation including international bankruptcy, enforcement of international creditor’s claim and anti-money laundering. It also advises on various employment laws related issues to leading corporations on regular basis. It advises overseas governmental agencies and has been involved in legislative drafting in Mauritius. Our recent assignments including advising a global bank in the financing of an acquisition of an Indian telecommunication company worth over $3.5 billion. The Chambers also acted for senior lenders in aircraft leasing transactions including Islamic leasing. The Chambers was involved in the setting up of several multi million private equity funds for investment into India, China and Africa mainly in the infrastructure and telecoms sectors. The Chambers consist of a team of 9 highly qualified legal professionals including lawyers qualified in Mauritius, England, Malaysia and Bangladesh. All the members of Uteem Chambers work as a close-knit team and actively collaborate on advice and cases as needed. The members of Uteem Chambers are also fluent in several languages including English, French, Chinese, Malay, Hindi, Urdu and Bengali.

Muhammad R Uteem Head of Chambers Tel: +230 211 7700 4th Floor, Les Jamalacs, Vieux Conseil St Port Louis


Basham, Ringe y Correa

The firm´s large group of lawyers and support staff are committed to maintaining the highest professional and ethical standards. Constantly exposed to the international legal system, many of Basham, Ringe y Correa´s lawyers and other professionals have completed graduated studies at foreign universities and have worked at companies and law firms abroad. Basham´s preventive and strategic consulting in all types of law allows the firm to offer its client effective, complete and timely solutions to their concerns. The firm´s in depth knowledge and insight into international as well as the domestic market including economic trends, and current affairs give the firm a solid base and perspective in order to offer fully-integrated and tailored solutions to every client. It is because these qualities and values, that its clients have continued to entrust their legal affairs to Basham, Ringe y Correa for many years. The firm has regulatory and practical expertise in all areas of modern practice and advises clients in investment, joint ventures, domestic and international tax planning, in-bond manufacturing, tax, mergers and acquisitions, trust, insurance, business organizations, international trade, NAFTA and WTO matters, anti-dumping duties, intellectual property, administrative law, biddings, privatizations, government regulations, immigration, labour, social security, consumer protection, environmental law health, energy, telecommunications, transportation, aviation, railroads, maritime law, tourism, litigation, arbitration, criminal law and testamentary, real estate and agrarian matters. The firm also has specialized litigation departments for civil, commercial, criminal, tax and administrative law as well as in commercial arbitration and constitutional proceedings (amparo).


Basham, Ringe y Correa is one of the leading full-service law firms in Latin America, Established in Mexico in 1912, Basham draws upon a century of experience assisting its clients in conducting business throughout México and abroad. The firm´s clients include prominent international corporations, many of them on the Fortune 500 List, medium-sized companies, financial institutions and individuals. Daniel Del Río

Luis Ortiz

Juan José López-de-Silanes

Martín Michaus

Daniel Del Río Partner Tel: +52 (55) 5261-0432 Luis Ortiz Partner Tel: +52 (55) 5261-0420 Juan José López-de-Silanes Managing Partner Tel: +52 (55) 52610540 Martín Michaus Managing Partner Tel: +52 (55) 5261-0453 Paseo de los Tamarindos No. 400-A, Piso 9 Col. Bosques de las Lomas, 05120, México, D.F.


Béndiksen Law Mexico

We are a multidisciplinary law firm formed by a prestigious group of experienced professionals working together for nearly 20 years. Excellence in client service is our main focus. We strive to deliver to our clients high-caliber services, aimed at finding solutions rather than raising issues, to address their needs. Jaime González-Béndiksen

Services include: banking, intellectual property, environmental, labour, civil and commercial litigation, mergers & acquisitions, corporate-general, public attestors, energy and mining,real estate, foreign trade, tax (all areas), government relations, and wealth management. Code of conduct Our Firm takes pride in the reputation of our lawyers for competency and integrity. The Firm maintains the highest standards of ethical conduct, refraining from all conduct which is illegal or morally reprehensible. We will not engage in bribery, corrupt payments, conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation or engage in any other illegal conduct that may be prejudicial to our clients, to the administration of justice or to society. We will not engage in or condone sexual harassment or discrimination of any kind.

Jaime González-Béndiksen Founding Partner Tel: +(52) (656) 648-6500 David Santoyo-Amador Founding Partner Tel: +52 (222) 403-1010 Boulevard Tomas Fernández No. 7930 Suite 302


Vázquez Aldana, Hernández Gómez & Asociados Mexico

Vázquez Aldana, Hernández Gómez & Asociados (VAHG) operates in Mexico City and Guadalajara, Mexico, being the largest Mexican member firm in Consulegis, EEIG; servicing clients across the Mexican Territory. VAHG has consolidated more than 50 years of legal practice. VAHG is formed as a result of the prestige, experience, reputation, business approach, high ethical values and professional standards, responsiveness, accountability and trust of its Partners. VAHG is now recognized as a leading legal firm in M&A, Contract Law, Banking and Securities Law, Real Estate Law as well as corporate transactions in general, including Notary Public and Commercial Notary Public services, within its geographic area in Mexico.

Fernando Hernández

As a result of its non-stop search for high added value, VAHG is proud of having the trust of worldwide known Mexican and multinational companies as a result of the adoption of its business model. VAHG represents an invaluable sum of prestige and reputation with strengths and capabilities to conduct international transactions, operating under the highest standards of services and quality, together with a singular personal approach, developing a unique strategic competitive factor and high appreciation of its clients. VAHG is capable of covering full services including corporate law, mergers & acquisitions; banking and securities law, project finance, public attesting, as well as real estate, and infrastructure, joint ventures, commercial law and contracts, foreign investment, intellectual property law, due diligence, Notary Public law, and Public Commercial Notary Public law, civil and commercial litigation, tax and administrative litigation, labor litigation and consulting among others. We believe that prestige is the result of the consistency of a professional practice enriched with ethical values.

Fernando Hernández Partner Tel: +55 52 33 38171731 Juan Ruiz de Alarcón #320 Col. Arcos Sur, Guadalajara, Jalisco


Ahmed & Qazi Pakistan

Ahmed & Qazi is a leading commercial law firm in Pakistan, with a full time staff of 47 with 23 lawyers and law associates who make it possible for us to offer prompt legal services suited to a broad range of commercial and corporate clients.

Ishaq Shah

With our prime focus being on corporate laws and commercial litigation, over time, we have offered legal services in a whole range of fields such as company laws, mergers and acquisitions, banking and finance, mortgage finance, shipping laws, infrastructure project finance, securitization, transactions based on Islamic modes of finance, laws relating to the field of oil and gas, power generation, telecommunication and insurance. In addition, members of our firm have handled litigation and transactions involving conflict of laws, construction and engineering contracts, maritime laws, information technology laws, intellectual property laws, civil and commercial contracts, and laws relating to real estate. We have also represented clients in arbitration and other alternate dispute resolution modes. Our lawyers have also handled family laws, divorce and custody matters. As for offering services to banks and other financial institutions, Ahmed and Qazi is now the leading firm, handling more than half of all the legal services that almost all of the top fifteen banks in Pakistan need every year. These services range from offering thousands of opinions to drafting agreements and security creating documents for extending finance facilities. Our firm also enjoys the leading position in representing financial institutions in courts for recovering their loans, handling almost half of all suits for recovery of money that are being filed by banks before the High Court of Sindh at Karachi. In the field of commercial transactions also, we have drafted basic documents, and our firm has been transaction lawyer, for some of the most innovative transactions in Pakistan, including securitizations, commercial paper, sukuk, asset financing, derivatives and infrastructure project finance. Just to give one instance, of a total of eight securitization transactions that have been duly approved todate by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, our firm has been transaction lawyer in seven of them.

Ishaq Shah Head of Corporate Tel: +9221-111-000-073 403 & 404, Clifton Centre Clifton, Karachi


RHD Lawyers

Our law firm was founded in Panama City in 2011. We offer our professional services to local and foreign clients of all sizes and trade names. Our portfolio of clients includes individuals and entrepreneurs to large global companies. We specialize in various areas of the Law, with recognized experience in Intellectual Property. Our areas of speciality are: Commercial law, Corporate Law, Mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property, managing patent and trademark portfolios for domestic and multinational corporations, counseling clients on international filing strategies, negotiating co-existence agreements and effective enforcement programs to defend intellectual property rights, and preventing infringements, Administrative Law, trusts and private interest foundations, Real Estate, Banking, Public Bids and Public Contracts, Civil and Intellectual Property litigation, insurance and reinsurance.


RHD LAWYERS is a boutique business law firm with the resources, skills and depth of expertise to address our clients’ most substantial and complex needs in a focused and efficient manner.

Rebeca Herrera Dutari

Our portfolio of clients includes individuals and entrepreneurs to large global companies. We offer alternatives to the manner that traditional law firms service clients’ businesses. Our clients trust our work because: We are proven, accomplished business litigators with extensive Big Law firm experience; We always recommend a customized alternative fee (a fixed fee, or capped billables) which is under our client’s control; We use decision trees, early case and after-action assessments, project management, monthly summaries and other tools so that litigation is managed with business discipline. If we haven’t made our client’s job easier, we haven’t done our job well; We have Courage and Passion. We do what is necessary to win. Period. We also have great passion for what we do. For us, it’s far more than just a job; We are creative. We provide effective solutions to legal matters, even the most challenging ones. We generate confidence so that our clients can focus on their business with ease. Our mission is our client’s success. Rebeca Herrera Dutari Founding Partner Tel: +507 394-0278 Obarrio 60 Building, 6th Floor Suite 6G, Abel Bravo Avenue


Casseli Law Firm Paraguay

Casseli Law Firm is specialised in all areas of IP, including trademarks (registrations and renewals), patents, industrial model designs and all other matters that can be considered within this particular area. However, we do not limit ourselves to IP matters only, as we have expert lawyers in Labour and Corporate Law, as well as Tax Law, who provide their services to our many local and international clients. Caroline Casseli

We distinguish ourselves from any law firm in our country regarding IP due to the fact that we deliver the same services as a large firm but with more competitive costs and the same strategy: efficiency, excellence and promptness. We consider ourselves direct competitors to any law firm in our country and have gained a portion of the market, both locally and internationally, in a record time, demonstrating that customers look not only for competitive costs, but also for excellent services, which can satisfy their needs in a short period of time and in various languages. The main strength of our IP team is based on the fact that all clients are important, no matter if one client gives us one trademark to file once a year, or another gives us IP matters everyday. We believe that each client is special and have different needs; moreover, we consider that team work is crucial in order to offer the services requested by our clients. We differ from our competitors by offering a bespoke service, and being directly in contact with the client. We consider that no client is typical, having their own unique requirements and requests. We provide advisory services to a diverse client base, including local factories, banks and services providers, as well as international clients such as law firms, global corporations and celebrities.

Caroline Casseli CEO & Owner Tel: +595 21 455 053 Edificio Christian Sabe, Alberdi 320 esq. Palma Oficinas 206 & 214 - 2ndo Piso


RGW Rocławski Graczyk i Wspólnicy Adwokacka Sp. k. Poland

Since 2007, the Law Office RGW has been building a stable and recognisable brand in the market of legal and tax consultancy. RGW succeeded in widening its circle of clients by entities who in addition to traditional corporate consultancy, can be provided with proceedings consultancy in respect of penal and economic proceedings. The firm’s provision of comprehensive legal consultancy is possible thanks to the adopted policy of cooperation and civil and commercial penal departments. These complement each other and help develop a consistent program of claiming for damages resulting from different acts of law, such as unfair competition. This consistent program is constantly developed to address the needs of any given client. It also contains solutions relating to proceedings before the relevant authorities of the EU.

Piotr R. Graczyk

In 2012, the Law Office RGW was also joined by RGW Finance, combining the RGW Group. RGW Finance became a tax consultancy platform to clients of the RGW and the fact was greeted with appreciation by Clients of RGW Group. Piotr R. Graczyk is a general founder partner in the Law Office RGW. He has a longstanding experience in legal consultancy for corporate Clients. The professional experience of Mr Graczyk is focussed mainly on issues connected with broadly understood economic law, primarily including economic criminal law. Mr Graczyk represents highly specialised companies in penal proceedings involving combat against unfair competition. Mr Graczyk provides legal aid at the stage of preparatory and court proceedings to companies harmed by white collar crimes. In 2012, the Law Office RGW was also joined by RGW Finance, combining the RGW Group. RGW Finance became a tax consultancy platform to clients of the RGW and the fact was greeted with appreciation by Clients of RGW Group.

Piotr R. Graczyk Advocate Tel: +48 22 883 62 50 Mochnackiego street 4 02-042 Warsaw


Sultan Al-Abdulla & Partners Qatar

Sultan Al-Abdulla & Partners is an established legal practice, specialising in corporate and commercial transactional work and complex business litigation. Founded in 1999 by Sultan Al-Abdulla, an experienced Qatari lawyer, the firm draws its strength from the diversity of experience and perspective offered by a multinational team of experienced attorneys. Sultan M. Al-Abdulla

Salman Mahmood

The Firm’s list of longstanding clients features international corporations with firm commitment to the Qatari market, and local institutional clients as well as leading business houses. Our practice areas are constantly evolving and growing in line with developments in law, business and technology. Our clients can benefit from a practice that ensures a coordinated and cost-effective management of all aspects of their transactions. Our focused practice areas are:

Rajini Harikrishnan

Nadia Lagha

Sultan M. Al-Abdulla Managing Partner Tel: +974 44 42 0660 Salman Mahmood Partner Tel: +974 44 42 0660 Rajini Harikrishnan Associate Tel: +974 44 42 0660 Nadia Lagha Associate Tel: +974 44 42 0660 Al - Reem Tower, 8th Floor Omar Al-Mukhtar Street, West Bay, P.O. Box 20464


• • • • • • • • • •

Banking & Finance Corporate & Commercial Law Employment and Labour Energy Engineering & Construction Free Zones Intellectual Property Litigation & Dispute Resolution Sports & Events Telecommunications & IT


Popovic, Popovic, Samardzija & Popovic is one of the oldest working law firms in Serbia. Established in 1933 by Miodrag P. Popovic (1907-1987) the family practice has continued to provide the highest level of service to our clients ever since. Through revolutions, counterrevolutions, wars, the dissolution of Yugoslavia, and most recently the transition to a market economy the firm has been steadfast in its service. Over the past twenty years we have expanded our services through close cooperation with a network of carefully chosen associates in the region, especially among the newly-formed ex-Yugoslav states. Our practice includes, among other fields, Industrial Property Protection, Litigation, Arbitration and Transfer of Technology and we provide a full range of industrial property protection services. Popovic, Popovic, Samardzija & Popovic law firm offers a full range of industrial property protection including patents, trademarks, customs and market anti-counterfeiting protection, and domain protection. We provide a full range of industrial property protection services for the following countries: Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Slovenia. We can also rely on our network of close associates, the quality of whose work we can answer to provide you service for you industrial property needs in: Croatia,Kosovo,Bosnia and Albania Professionals at the firm are currently members of the following international associations: International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition (IACC),Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA),International Trademark Association (INTA),Federation International des Conseillers en Propriete Industrielles (FICPI),American Bar Association (ABA),International Bar Association (IBA),European Patent Office (EPO),and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Srdja M. Popovic Partner Tel: +381 11 3239-442 Petar A. Samardzija Partner Tel: +381 11 3239-442 Katarina B. Kostic Associate Tel: +381 11 3239-442 Lidija B. Djeric Associate Tel: +381 11 3239-442 Takovska 19 – 11120 Belgrade 35, Serbia


Aequitas Law LLP Singapore

Aequitas Law Llp is a niche law practice founded on 1 July 2008, with a mission to excel in the following practice areas: dispute resolution, conveyancing and real estate corporate and commercial, family and matrimonial, intellectual property, management corporation strata titles, wills and probate.

Tat Lim

Our clients include multinational corporations, listed companies, banks, property developers, real estate consultancies, technology and building construction companies and small and medium enterprises. We take pride in offering effective, practical and creative legal solutions and constantly challenge outselves to deliver legal representations which exceed clients’ expectations. Our litigation practice comprises a highly experienced team of trial lawyers who represent clients across a wide range of industries and commercial interests. A key focus of our litigation practice lies in providing corporations with strategic advice and representation in matters relating to breach of contracts, shareholder claims, breach of fiduciary duty, and banking litigation involving secured /unsecured enforcement and recovery, multi-party creditor disputes, asset recovery and tracing, and involving trade instruments such as guarantees, bonds and letters of credit. At Aequitas Law Llp, our lawyers will pursue your objectives forcefully and effectively, whether it is negotiating an early settlement out of court or aggressive representation in the Singapore Law Courts. We do everything we can to help you achieve the best commercial outcome, minimising costs and disruption to your business.

Tat Lim Managing Partner Tel: +65 6535 0331 One Raffles Place #43-01, Singapore 048616


Brichta & Partners

We have provided advisory services in the field of civil and commercial law above all to large and medium-sized companies. In the field of intellectual property, unfair competition and financial law, our clients are mainly large international companies.


The Law Office BRICHTA & PARTNERS was founded by the founding partner JUDr. Július Brichta in 1990. The partners of the office are members of several prestigious international organizations, including IBA, AIPPI, INTA, as well as several international chambers of commerce in Slovakia.

JUDr. Tatiana Brichtová

JUDr. Július Brichta

Mgr. Peter Kružliak

Mgr. Halina Ležovičová

The Law Office BRICHTA & PARTNERS is one of the longest operating law offices in the field of intellectual property in the Slovak Republic and the significant part of intellectual property agenda comprises provision of legal services related to trademarks, utility models and patents.We represent the clients in cases of unfair competition, domain disputes, copyright and industrial property rights infringements. In the registration proceedings we represent our clients before Industrial Property Office of the Slovak republic, Office for the Harmonization of the Internal Market, World Intellectual Property Organization and European Patent Office. Due to our membership in specialized international organizations and contacts, we can arrange registration proceedings laterally anywhere around the globe. We represent major world IP rights owners in the area of fight against counterfeits in Slovak Republic. The substantial part of our legal advisory services comprises commercial law and complex companies care. Within this field, we perform due diligence and prepare and review all types of commercial contracts, business terms and conditions and documents of corporate law (company law). Corporate law comprises key part of our services. We specialize in the sale of business shares and shares, competitions at national and European level, bankruptcy, restructuring, banking and financial transactions. We gained extensive experience within the field of mergers, acquisitions and sales of business shares by providing of services to a number of Slovak and international companies.

JUDr. Tatiana Brichtová Senior Partner Tel: +421/2/52 92 33 49 JUDr. Július Brichta Senior Partner Tel: +421/2/52 92 33 49 Mgr. Peter Kružliak Attorney Tel: +421/2/52 92 33 49 Mgr. Halina Ležovičová Attorney Tel: +421/2/52 92 33 49 Grösslingova 6-8 811 09 Bratislava


Adams & Adams South Africa

Alexis Apostolidis

Mr Apostolidis holds a Bachelor of Science (chemistry and law) and a Bachelor of Laws (cum laude) from the University of the Witwatersrand (WITS) and is an attorney of the High Court of South Africa as well as a patent attorney. He also holds a Post Graduate Diploma in EU Competition Law (with merit) from King’s College, University of London. He is well experienced in all aspects of patent law and lectured final year law students at WITS on patent law generally and was also the patent attorney’s practice examiner and lecturer for candidate patent attorneys over a number of years. Alexis’ primary focus is on patent litigation and opinion work and has been cited in peer review publications such as IAM’s 250 “The World’s Leading Patent Litigators” as well as IAM’s 1000, “the World’s Leading Patent Practitioners”. Alexis is well known for his strategic and pragmatic approach to litigation, predominantly in the life sciences sector, including the pharmaceuticals sector, although he litigates in other sectors ranging from the agricultural sector to the consumer goods sector. He has also been responsible for the drafting and prosecution (internationally) of patent applications in complex technology sectors such as the petrochemical, thin film semi conductor and pharmaceutical sectors. As Head of the Competition Law Group, Alexis combines his expertise in the field of patent law with competition law and is recognised as the leading specialist in South Africa and Africa when it comes to the interface between competition law and intellectual property. Alexis has advised clients on competition law related aspects of patent litigation from the enforcement of patent rights to patent litigation settlements and has advised on the competition law effects of certain commercial strategic practices concerning complex technologies and the corresponding intellectual property.

Alexis Apostolidis Partner, Head of Competition Law Group Tel: +27 (0) 12 432 6000 Lynnwood Bridge, 4 Daventry Street Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria, Gauteng


MME Partners

The firm has many years of broad practical experience. We counsel national and international companies as employers in the industrial, commercial or services sectors. We also advise executive employees on all queries concerning employment and immigration law. We draft and review employment contracts (including employee regulations, bonus plans, expense regulations etc.). We represent our clients in employment law disputes and assist them in reorganizations and outsourcing projects. We advise employers and employees in connection with the termination of employment contracts (leave of absence, conclusion of termination agreements, mass dismissals etc.). Attorneys of our Employment and Immigration law team:

Michèle Stutz

Alexandra Geiger-Steiner

Michèle Landtwing

Martina Wirz


MME Partners is a Swiss business law firm and one of its core competencies is employment and immigration law. As a member of Primerus, an established network of diligently selected law firms and experts in all major markets worldwide, we handle not only local cases but also cross-border employment and immigration law issues effectively.

Our partner Michèle Stutz, LL.M., is a Certified Specialist SBA Employment Law and regularly deals with employment and immigration law matters. She focuses on litigation and has profound experience in the areas of company and commercial law. Her team consists of the following associates who are all specialized in employment and immigration law: Alexandra Geiger-Steiner, lic.iur., has over two years of employment and immigration law experience. She advises both employees and employers on employment and immigration law matters regularly and represents them in court. Michèle Landtwing, lic.iur., is also a public notary. In addition to employment law, her primary areas of specialization are business and corporate law, litigation and international arbitration, mergers and acquisitions as well as notarial services. Martina Wirz, lic.iur., has served as court clerk and deputy judge and as such gained broad experience in employment law. She focuses on litigation and advises clients in commercial law matters.

Michèle Stutz Partner, lic. iur., LL.M., Certified Specialist SBA Employment Law Alexandra Geiger-Steiner lic. iur. Michèle Landtwing lic. iur. Martina Wirz lic. iur. Kreuzstrasse 42 8008 Zurich


DGE Attorneys at law Switzerland

DGE Attorneys at law was founded in January 2011 by Didier de Montmollin, André Gruber, Philippe Eigenheer and Niels Schindler on the basis of a common goal: to create a firm where each client would feel that his legal and commercial queries are being addressed by dedicated, responsive and dynamic attorneys.

Didier de Montmollin

André Gruber

DGE Attorneys at law thrives on three principles: knowledge, proactiveness and cost-efficiency, and aims to deliver high-quality and solution-driven advice and to build long-standing relationships with their clients. DGE Attorneys at law is a full service commercial law firm focusing on the following areas of practice: • • • • • • • •

Corporate transactions, Mergers and Acquisitions, Joint-ventures, Restructurings Banking law, Financial regulations, Anti money-laundering, Mutual funds, Structured products Local and international litigation and arbitration, International judicial assistance, White-collar crime Employment law, Data protection Immigration Real estate Private clients, Trusts & Estates, Family law and succession planning Insurance

The firm was named Up and Coming Law Firm of the year 2011 for Switzerland by CorporateINTL and has received numerous industry accolades since inception. Partners André Gruber and Didier de Montmollin were also recognized by the major Swiss economic magazine Bilan as two of the 300 most influential leaders in Switzerland in its 2012 edition.

Didier de Montmollin Partner didier.demontmollin@ André Gruber Partner DGE Attorneys at law, Rue Bartholoni 6 PO Box 5210, CH-1211 Geneva 11


Oussi Law Firm Syria

Oussi Law Firm offers a full range of legal services and it is associ-ated with a comprehensive network of distinguished experts and consultants in the field of business management, economic feasibil¬ity studies. The firm’s activities are conducted by several professional reputed lawyers dedicated to serve their clients the very best of legal services and to gain their trust and confidence. Moreover, reliable contacts are maintained with other firms in Syria, Middle East, Europe and the US.

Gabriel Oussi

There are six lawyers working in the firm; each one is specialising in his own field, in addition to other expert colleagues ready to assist whenever there is a need. The firm was established in 1968 and is covering the following activi¬ties: administrative law, civil law, criminal law, contract law, financing law, international law, trademark law, counterfeiting & infringement law, unfair competition law, franchising law, labor law, tax law, banking law, construction law, insurance law, and business consultancies. Oussi law firm is a member of The Syrian Bar of lawyers, Internation¬al Association of Lawyers UIA, International Trademark Association INTA, Association of European Lawyers AEA, The International Crimi¬nal Defense Council ICDC, The Arabic Society for the Protection of Industrial Property ASPIP, And the Arab Arbitration Chamber for Eng. & Const. Contracts. Due to the membership of INTA & AEA some of main activi¬ties of Gabriel Oussi, managing partner at the firm, are connected to trademark protection, franchising and unfair competition law which forms a big part of his work and is the main strength of the law firm in addition to other activities. Due to the fact Oussi Law Firm is well equipped with up-to-date communication system it has good contacts with clients and legal associations. The firm is able to rapidly answer their demands Gabriel Oussi Managing Partner Tel: +963 11 3350 0090 Salhiye Shouhada, PO Box 2506, Damascus


Rex Attorneys Tanzania

Rex Attorneys is a firm of dedicated lawyers enjoying noticeable and prominent presence in the private legal practice industry in Tanzania, with a history dating back to 1991 when Ms. Maajar, a founder of the firm, established a sole practice. The current portfolio as Rex was established in 2006, following the merger of two law firms, namely Maajar, Rwechungura, Nguluma & Makani Advocates (MRN&M) and Epitome Advocates (EPITOME). Alex Nguluma

Mr. Nguluma noted: “Moreover, REX has consolidated its expertise by associating with Lex Africa, a network of top law firms across English-speaking Africa, and by being part of the World Services Group, a network of top law firms and related services represented in more 200 countries in the world.” Tax law in Tanzania is an important area of the law of the land as well as the general economy of the country. Four pieces of tax legislation are significant in this regard, including the Income Tax Act, 2004; the Value Added Tax Act, 1997; the East African Community Customs Management Act, 2006; as well as Stamp Duty Act, Act No 20 of 1972. Mr. Nguluma added that there have not been major amendments/ developments to the tax legislation during the past five years. “However,” he said, “the main tax difficulties are the time it takes for the tax authority to deal with tax complaints, as well as abrupt tax collection measures when dispute resolution mechanisms are not yet exhausted. The best way we can help is through dialogue with the tax authority to resolve tax disputes by way of mediation failure, of which we can lodge appeals before the Tax Revenue Appeals Board, Tax Revenue Appeals Tribunal and The Court of Appeal.” The firm also regularly advises clients in regards to tax compliance. There are, however, incidences in Tanzania involving disputes between clients as tax payers and the tax authority. “In this area,” said Mr. Nguluma, “we have attended to a large number of Tax Appeals ranging between US$ 150,000 and US$ 1,000,000.”

Alex Nguluma Partner Tel: +255 22 211 4291 Rex House, 145 Magore Street, Upanga P.O. Box 7495, Dar es Salaam


Hoffmann & Baron, LLP

Procurement: The attorneys of Hoffmann & Baron, LLP have the depth of knowledge your business demands for patent, copyright and trademark procurement in all fields of technology. Our patent practitioners are registered to practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. We have established strong relationships with firms in many countries and jurisdictions around the globe.


Hoffmann & Baron, LLP is a full-service intellectual property boutique having offices in New Jersey and New York, straddling Manhattan, staffed with attorneys expert in all technologies. The attorneys at Hoffmann & Baron, LLP stay current with changes in the law, providing practical counsel where needed. With passage of the “America Invents Act” (AIA), U.S. patent law and practice have been substantially changed. We additionally provide the following: Ronald J. Baron, Esq.

Litigation: When litigation is necessary, the team of Hoffmann & Baron, LLP is as skilled in the courtroom as it is around the negotiation table. The firm’s success in enforcing and defending intellectual property rights is built on the real-world experience of its attorneys who have the acumen and technical expertise necessary for the most complex litigation.

Daniel A. Scola, Jr., Esq.

Salvatore J. Abbruzzese, Esq.

Counseling: Allowing you to capitalize on your intellectual property portfolio takes a thoughtful, measured approach and a thorough understanding of the legal considerations involved. Hoffmann & Baron, LLP offers expert short-term guidance and long-term strategies. Our due diligence process, portfolio reviews, searches and enforcement of patents, copyrights and trademarks are always in sync with your organization’s business goals. Opinions: When you seek a legal opinion on a particular business issue, whether it involves a new product launch, a business transaction or infringement matter, Hoffmann & Baron’s team is uniquely equipped to research every angle, assess all legal considerations and render sound and solid opinions. Licensing: Implementing your business strategies through licensing programs can maximize revenue streams from your intellectual property. Companies rely on our strategic know-how, negotiation skills and contract expertise to advance licensing opportunities.

Ronald J. Baron, Esq. Partner Tel: +1 516-822-3550 Daniel A. Scola, Jr., Esq. Partner Tel: +1 973-331-1700 Salvatore J. Abbruzzese, Esq. Partner Tel: +1 973-331-1700 6 Campus Drive Parsippany, NJ 07054


Shustak Frost & Partners, P.C. USA

Shustak Frost & Partners, with offices in New York City and California, is a specialty law firm focused in the areas of securities, financial and business law, handling a wide range of disputes in various Federal and State courts and arbitration forums including FINRA (The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority); American Arbitration Association; JAMS; International Chamber of Commerce and others. We routinely handle a broad spectrum of matters, including: Erwin J. Shustak, Esq.

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Erwin J. Shustak, Esq. Managing Partner Tel: +1 619 696 9500 401 West A Street, suite 2330, San Diego California 92101


Securities fraud: Unsuitable investments, selling away, unauthorized trading, sale of unsuitable securities, investment fraud. Financial fraud: Churning annuities, phony loans, mortgage fraud, elder financial abuse, “Ponzi” schemes, scams, embezzlement. Complex securities litigation: Failure to perform due diligence, breach of fiduciary duty, fraud, securities class action cases. Securities & Business Arbitration: Arbitration and mediation for a wide variety of business and commercial disputes before every tribunal in the U.S. and overseas. Complex business litigation: Breach of contract, unfair competition, stock options, partnerships, “business divorces,” shareholder derivative suits, unfair competition. Transitioning: Assisting brokers, investment advisers and financial planners in transitions between brokerage firms, registered investment advisory firms; counseling and arbitrating forgivable note disputes; helping clients navigate around restrictive covenants, the Broker Protocol and more. Brokerage firm defense: Defending firms and registered representatives in disputes with dissatisfied brokers, brokerage firms and their clients. Broker misconduct: Defending brokers, financial planners and registered investment advisers against accusations of misconduct by their clients.

Hill, Betts & Nash was founded in 1898 as a general practice law firm. Headquartered in New York City, with offices in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the firm has developed an internationally recognized reputation for providing expert legal counsel on matters relating to world trade and transportation, commercial and tort litigation, insurance, surety, equipment leasing and financing, bankruptcy, admiralty and aviation law. Our clients include many of the largest and most innovative companies in the transportation, finance, and service industries. Banks, oil companies, insurers, high-tech companies, Fortune 500 manufacturers, real estate partnerships, other law firms, and governments seek our counsel. Over a third of our clients are based abroad or are active in foreign markets. The firm has substantial expertise, and a winning track record, in all areas of corporate, commercial, and insurance litigation in state and federal courts. Attorneys in the firm have years of experience in industry and government, and hold graduate degrees in engineering, naval architecture and other technical fields. In response to the ever-increasing internationalization of commerce, attorneys and members of the support staff are fluent in several foreign languages.


Hill, Betts & Nash LP

Mark M. Jaffe

Gregory W. O’Neill

Christine Falk Reidy

Mark. A. Lowe

The firm has a well-established tradition of excellence and continues to serve clients with the initiative and diligence that have been a hallmark of the firm’s success for over 100 years. Mark M. Jaffe Partner Tel: +212 589-7524 Gregory W. O’Neill Partner Tel: +212 589-7520 Christine Falk Reidy Partner Tel: +212 589-7594 Mark. A. Lowe Senior Counsel Tel: +212 589-7538 One World Financial Center, 200 Liberty Street, 26th Floor New York , New York 10281-1003


Thompson Legal Advisory Services USA Tamara L. Thompson

Tamara Thompson is a California lawyer and English law advisor who works with venture capital, corporate and angel investors, startups as well as larger companies, individuals and law firms. She has a boutique law firm that provides excellent service and high quality advice to clients in a commercially practical, timely and efficient manner. Tamara and her team serve as external counsel to some clients, and work with others as, or as a part of, their in-house legal team. Tamara and her team focus on excelling in the following areas: • • • • • •

Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures Venture Capital & Private Equity Start-Ups and Seed Funding Rounds Entity Formation & Corporate Law SEC Related Compliance & Advice Licensing & Commercial Contracts

Tamara began her legal career at Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison LLP in San Francisco, CA in 1994. She moved to Venture Law Group in Menlo Park, CA in 1997, where she practiced until 1999. In London during 1999 and 2000, Tamara applied her experience to international transactions, focusing on venture capital work and advising multinational clients on US securities law compliance matters and stock exchange compliance and listing requirements while at Mayer Brown & Platt LLP. After her return to the US, Tamara served as general counsel of The Tomorrow Factory, Inc., and then, as general counsel and corporate secretary of Xcert International, Inc., which had offices in the Bay Area, Canada and England. Xcert was acquired by RSA Security, Inc. in February 2001. After the acquisition, Tamara started her own practice. Tamara earned her Bachelor of Science (B.S.) from the University of Southern California (Finance and Business Economics) (1991) and her Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.) from Northwestern University (1994). For more information about Tamara and her team, please go to

Tamara L. Thompson Principal (Managing Partner) Tel: +1 415 495 5224 229 Brannan Street, Suite 18G San Francisco, CA 94107


The Law Offices of Sheikh Tariq Abdullah Yemen

Established in 1927 in Aden, the Law Offices of Sheikh Tariq Abdullah in association with Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah Sons are the oldest law offices in the South Arabian peninsula, uniquely positioned to provide legal advice to international firms on all matters concerning them in Yemen including Shipping, Energy, Projects, Commerce, Finance and International Trade. Investment Projects:With the growth of commercial activity in Yemen and in Aden Free Zone, this is one of the fastest growing areas of the Firms’ practices in which the offices represent international and local clients and in structuring investment projects and joint venture agreements.

Sheikh Tariq Abdullah

Energy:We are recognized as experts in energy related matters. With his extensive experience and thorough understanding of the diverse issues in the energy related industries, we can actively advise companies on their activities in Yemen at every phase from inception through development and production and the growth of their businesses. Shipping:For decades we have advised P&I Clubs, ship owners, and charterers and have acquired a thorough understanding of their requirements, allowing us to anticipate their needs, ensuring that their interests are protected. Commercial:The offices have special expertise in advising on issues crucial to the establishment of a business concern in Yemen , and are specially equipped in giving due diligence advice in respect of agents & distributors. Banking, Finance & Insurance:We represent and advise foreign banks, lending syndicates and insurance companies on all matters of banking and insurance including large scale project finance. Litigation & Arbitration:Our litigators include former Supreme Court judges, giving us an added advantage. The firms’ arbitration practices are focused on guiding foreign clients when in dispute with Yemeni nationals or the government of the Republic of Yemen.

Sheikh Tariq Abdullah Managing Partner Tel: +967 2 260 800 Roger Stokes Shipping Partner Tel: +967 2 260 800 Khalid Abdullah Senior Partner Tel: +967 2 260 800 Mehboob Vadiya Associate Consultant Tel: +967 2 260 800 P.O Box 148, Al Sabeel Street Crater, Aden, Republic of Yemen



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