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2007 Campbell County Annual ReporT

Campbell County 500 S. Gillette Ave • 682-7283

Message from the Board Of Commissioners 2007 saw Commissioner Amir Sancher and Commissioner Dan Coolidge join the Board, and Troy Clements began his term as the new County Assessor. We continue to be blessed with extraordinary growth and development in Campbell County. Campbell County once again led the State in sales tax collection for 2007, at over seventeen percent of the state’s total. New subdivision and housing development remained strong through the year. • Coal mines located within the county achieved another record setting year in production. • The new Basin Electric Dry Fork Station electrical generation project broke ground in November. • The Black Hills Corporation WYGEN II facility is nearly complete, with testing underway, and they have begun the permitting process for WYGEN III. These projects add value to our natural resources, create local employment and provide the region with environmentally sound, cost effective electrical power. Campbell County’s assessed valuation for the current fiscal year is at four and one half billion dollars. Our current budget reflects a significant investment in capital construction. • The re-model of the George Amos Memorial Building was completed this summer. • Construction of the Joint Powers Fire Board new Main Fire Station is on schedule and will be completed in early 2008. • The Joint Powers Public Land Board Multi Event Center is well underway, and on schedule to be completed in the Fall of next year. • Construction began on the expansion of the Detention Center and remodeling of the Sheriff’s Office. • The new Crisis Shelter, funded by the County, along with the new Residential Treatment facility will be opened by the Youth Emergency Services (YES) House in early 2008. • The Gillette College Health Science Education Center will open in the first quarter of the new calendar year. Early in 2008 ground will be broken on the new Recreation Center/Sports Facility, a joint project with the School District and City. The new Gillette College Technical Education Center will also begin construction in 2008. This is a jointly funded project between Campbell County, the Northern Wyoming Community College District, State of Wyoming and City of Gillette. Major infrastructure projects in the planning stages include the development of Northern Drive and expansion of the Landfill. As Campbell County grows we are taking the necessary steps to insure we are effectively meeting the needs of our citizens.

Campbell County Commissioners (left to right): Dan Coolidge, Roy Edwards, Craig Mader, Amir Sancher and Chris Knapp,

Further achievements in 2007 are outlined below: • Merging of the Substance Abuse Initiative Committee with the Prevention Advisory Council. • Public/private partnership with area coal producers to improve roadways and mitigate dust on County roads. • Announcement on new Air carriers and increased number of flights through the Campbell County Gillette Airport. • Two million dollar investment in the Capital Replacement Reserve.

Cover photos News-Record photos by Nathan Payne Kole Wrenn peeks over his sister Shayla’s arm while she signs her name on the last beam to be placed to support the roof of the Wyoming Center at Cam-plex. The two are just among hundreds who came to the construction site Saturday to sign their names on the last span to be raised to finish the support structure for the roof of the building, which is scheduled to be finished fall 2008. Page 2

2007 Campbell County Annual Report

Our goals for 2008 include: • Maintaining a consistent and stable State revenue stream to local governments. • Finalizing the Comprehensive Plan and uniform development agreement with the City of Gillette. • Completion of several major capital construction projects: - Main Fire Station - Cam-Plex Multi Event Facility - YES House Crisis Shelter - Gillette College Health Sciences Education Center • Continued investment in the Capital Replacement Reserve Account. We are proud to represent the Citizens of Campbell County, and we look forward to the opportunities 2008 will present. We encourage your participation at our meetings and your opinions on the future vision of the County. Our greatest resource continues to be the people that call

Campbell County home. We express gratitude to our County Employees who work hard to provide quality services to all of you on a daily basis.

Campbell County Airport Board

Kelly Peters-President Penny Schild-Vice President Jerry Dilts-Secretary/Treasurer Will Cunningham Hein Kalke Jay Lundell, Director 686-1042


Building Code Appeals Board Arlyn Magnuson - Chairman Daryl Orbeck–Vice Chairman Larry Long Van Ewing Micky Shober Kevin King, Director 682-1970

Sheriff Bill Pownall Judge Dan Price James B. Kelley Dan Dudley Chief Richard Adriaens William J. Edelman Diane Ford Erin M. Youngs Buddy Morman

CARE Board

Fair Board

Stasi Shippy-Chairman Lynne Chastain Lori Jones Heidi Lowe Craig Mader Michael Surface Matt Sorenson Doris Fassero

Dan Coolidge-Chairman Roy Edwards Chris Knapp Craig Mader Amir Sancher

Corrections Board

Rockpile Museum Board

Kathy Kintz-Chairman Leland Turner-Secretary Fred Harvey-Treasurer Everett Knapp Tommie Butler Terry Girouard, Director 682-5723

Dr. George McMurtrey 682-7275

Parks & Recreation Board

David Robinson-Chairman Sharon Rinker-Vice Chairman . Charlene Camblin Rob Gallob Melissa Cantu Debby Bredahl Betty A. Hough, Coordinator 687-0200

Joe Robidoux-Vice Chairman Chris Knapp Jeff Wagoner Matt Avery Tom Johnson Marilyn Mackey Don Huber, Chief 682-5319

Anne Ochs-Chairman Rod Smith-Vice Chairman Jack Faublon-Treasurer Chuck Land Gregg Blikre Greg Lindblom Dan Barks, General Manager 682-0552

Bill Carson-Chairman Jan White-Vice Chairman Dale Belden-Treasurer Kevin Anders Wade Burr Karen Johnson Patty Myers, Director 687-0009

Public Health Officer

Children’s Joint Powers Fire Board Developmental Services Sam Saunders-Chairman

Ralph Palmer-Chairman Jennifer Peterson-Vice Chairman Alice Bratton -Treasurer Linda Jennings-Secretary Carol Yonkee Earlene Hastings, Director 682-2392

Public Land Board

Library Board

Eugene Routledge–Chairman Sharon Stock-Secretary /Treasurer Wade Burr Patrick Carpenter Larry Steiger Dave McCormick, Director 682-7406

Planning Commission Scott Benson-Chairman Susan McKay-Vice Chairman Donna Robbins Jim Nielson Toni Brown KEVIN KING, Director 682-1970

Public Health Board

Weed and Pest Board

Barbara Underwood-Chairman Nick Bouzis, DDS-Vice Chairman Scott Lindblom Maggi McCreery Susan Hooker. Rhp-Financial Officer Nola Wallace, Director 682-7275

Charles Tweedy-Chairman Leslie Drake-Vice Chairman David A. Shippy-Treasurer/Secretary Ted Edwards Duane Joslyn Allen Mooney, Director 682-4369

Campbell County EXTENSION SERVICE Lindsay Taylor, Director 682-7281

Emergency Management

David King, Coordinator 686-7477

ROAD & BRIDGE Gary Lowry, Director 682-4411

Human Resources Charlotte Terry, Director 687-6355



Susan L. Cahill, Esq., Director 682-0746

Kevin King, Director 685-8061 County Landfill 682-9499 Building and Planning 682-1970


Robert P. Palmer, Director 682-7283

2007 Campbell County Annual Report

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Campbell County 500 S. Gillette Ave, Suite 1600 • 682-7285 The year 2007 for the County Clerk’s office has been extremely busy with the County having significant growth and development. The titling department consists of seven full time employees. This part of the Clerk’s office handles titling of motor vehicles and filing of personal, federal and state tax liens. Motor vehicle titles issued totaled 23,438 in 2007 averaging about 90 titles per day. The Clerk’s office saw an increase in titling new vehicles again this year. The Campbell County Clerk’s office issued 343 marriage licenses in 2007. The County Clerk’s office also issues malt beverage and catering permits for county wide functions.

The recording section (vault) consists of six full time employees. This section deals with oil and gas leases, royalty deeds, warranty and quit claim deeds. Mortgages, oil and gas liens are also filed in this part of the clerk’s office along with overriding royalties, affidavits of heir ship, survivorship and notary public, military discharges and powers of attorney. The land records department has been busy with various business and residential subdivisions. Two employees work in the payroll/ accounts payable section of the Clerk’s office. They handle all areas of payroll from enrollment of new employees to issuing payroll checks and payment of all taxes and benefits associated with

payroll. An average of 364 employees received paychecks from this office. On an average there are approximately 500 accounts payable checks issued per month. We also have one full time employee responsible for the budget process and financials. The Election Department has been currently working on a statewide voter registration which will link Campbell County to all the other counties statewide. The Department is currently gearing up for the 2008 Presidential Election. U.S. Senator and U.S. Representative, along with State Representative and State Senator and two Commissioners seats are among the offices up for the 2008 Election.

The Clerk’s office collected over $799,568 in revenue for 2007 for the recording of various instruments, titles, marriage licenses, and miscellaneous receipts. The County Clerk’s office has finished implementing the computerizing of our grantor and grantee records along with our receiving books. We feel this will be more efficient for the public and for our office. This has saved an enormous amount of time for our employees. The employees in this office take pride in their work and continuance of friendly and efficient public service and excellent public record keeping.

Campbell County 213 Stocktrail Ave • 682-4369 The major function of Campbell County Weed and Pest is to implement an effective prevention, containment and management program for noxious weeds and pests on all lands within the county. We coordinate weed control efforts between all landowners (including state and federal). We offer technical assistance for pesticide usage, application rates and sprayer calibration. A cost share program is in place to help reduce the cost of managing specific weeds and pests. The Weed and Pest Board is composed of five individuals, each of which are appointed by the county commissioners to represent one of four areas within the county, and a fifth member who represents the City of Gillette. Current board members include: Charles Tweedy, Leslie Drake, Duane Joslyn, Dave Shippy and Ted Edwards. The county was blessed with decent moisture in 2007 and some producers in the NE part of the county produced record hay crops. We did 27 forage certifications this year as compared to only six last year. West Nile Virus (WNV) and mosquito control concern most everyone in the Page 4

county. We received considerably more moisture in 2007 than we did in 2006 and that moisture was conducive to mosquito development. Campbell County had 13 human cases of WNV reported within the county (no reported cases in 2006). Crews that apply larvicide for the Weed and Pest District concentrate their efforts within a five mile

radius of Gillette where the majority of the people reside. Larvicide is available to anyone within the county at a cost shared price. Our crews checked for noxious weeds and sprayed those weeds on 950 miles of county road rights-ofway (1900 lane miles). We also have 764 lane miles of state highways that were treated for noxious weeds by commercial applicators. APHIS

2007 Campbell County Annual Report

(Animal, Plant Health Inspection Service) did a grasshopper survey in the county and only found a few areas with high numbers. Grasshoppers are quite cyclic, and it appears that the increase in grasshopper numbers are on the rise and the cycle is on the up-swing. A special management area was formed on the Cottonwood Creek drainage to control russian knapweed, a bushy branched perennial plant. A helicopter was used to spray approximately 400 acres of this invasive weed. A new herbicide (Milestone) was applied in late fall and the effectiveness of this new chemistry will be monitored during the summer of 2008. If the product proves to be effective there will be many more acres of russian knapweed on the Little Powder River drainage that should be sprayed. Merv Griswold retired from the weed and pest after 23 years of service to Campbell County. He will be missed. We hired Quade Schmelzle, a recent University of Wyoming graduate with

a degree in range management. Quade is very well qualified and will go to work in January 2008. We are also in the process of hiring a person to work very closely with the small acreage landowners and subdivisions. This individual will spend a considerable

amount of time educating our citizens on the importance of controlling invasive and noxious weeds.

Campbell County 500 S. Gillette Ave, Ste. 2500 687-6470

Adult Drug Court allows for corrective action to be taken by interrupting the repetitive cycle through rehabilitation. Drug Court treats the problem, not the symptoms. Drug Court is strictly voluntary and an individual must meet a screening by the Drug Court Board to be accepted into the program. Campbell County Facts For the year 2007

• 1,596 criminal cases filed involving substance abuse (compared to 1,170 in the year 2004) • 421 involved drugs (473 in 2004) • 897 involved driving under the influence (450 in 2004) • 278 involved minors in possession (223 in 2004) • County designated as a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Of






Drug Court the



2007: • 4 are female, 9 are male 79 have successfully completed the program: • 26 females, 53 males

Profile of a “typical” Campbell County Drug Court Client: • Single, white male • Between the age of 18 & 27 • High school education • Employed • First started using drugs/alcohol between ages 15 & 16 • Considers use of drugs/alcohol to be excessive • Multiple DWUI’s and perhaps a possession and/or MIP • Drugs of choice include alcohol, cannabis and stimulants (including methamphetamine) • Never received treatment for drugs or alcohol use Graduations • Campbell County Drug Court graduated the first 3 individuals on February 28, 2003

• 11 more graduated in 2003 • 16 more graduated in 2004 • 13 more graduated in 2005 • Another 17 graduated in 2006 • 19 graduated in 2007 Drug Court Funding Adult Drug Court is funded under a state grant. The Drug Court participant is required to pay for a portion of the cost of the treatment and other housing costs associated with the program. Adult Drug Court personnel are paid through a State Drug Court grant. In addition, many different agencies donate their time and resources to make the Drug Court successful. Taxpayer Benefits Court Without Drug


Drug Court

involvement: 6 months incarceration possible $65 per day for each day of incarceration If full 180 days incarceration @ $65/day = $11,800 ALL TAXPAYER FUNDED With




• Treatment costs less than jail • Less crime to support a habit • Less insurance costs • A working citizen who pays taxes instead of using tax dollars • A healthy parent to care for their own children • Drug Court treats the problem, not the symptoms Source: Wyoming Department of Health

Campbell County 500 S. Gillette Ave, Suite 1700 • 682-7268 Responsibilities in the Treasurer’s office include the licensing of motor vehicles, the collection of sales tax, the collection of property taxes, the distribution of revenues received to the proper entities, the accounting of the revenues and disbursements, the registration of mobile machinery, the movement of mobile homes, and the payment of bonds issued for the hospital, the school, and the county. Shirley Study was re-elected as Campbell County Treasurer in 2006 and continues to employ thirteen full time employees who share the responsibilities of the office. By the end of June 2007, our office collected and distributed $352,624,361 to various governmental entities. The distribution of these funds is dictated by Wyoming Statutes. A voter-approved Capital Facilities Tax was passed May 3, 2005 to raise twenty-two million for a multi-purpose event center at the Cam-plex. The tax increase of one quarter percent went into effect on October 1, 2005. Since the inception of the capital facilities tax through June 30, 2007, we have collected $10,949,551. The veteran’s property tax exemption changed effective

February 23, 2007. This exemption applies to ad valorem taxes assessed on and after January 1, 2007. The eligibility requirements now include more people, including disabled veterans who were not necessarily combat veterans. Other changes include: increasing the exemption from $2,000 to $3,000 of assessed value, removing the maximum lifetime cap, restricting the exemption to the applicant’s principal residence and specifying that an applicant can only qualify for the exemption in one county per tax year. The legislature passed several new license plates this year. We started issuing the Emergency Medical Technician plate effective July 1, 2007. To qualify for an EMT plate we must have a written statement of eligibility on Wyoming Department of Health letterhead and a copy of

their current Emergency Medical Technician certification before our office signs the application. The applicant then sends in the application along with a $30.00 fee to the state. The plates are sent to our office. A new statement of eligibility and their current EMT certification must be presented every year at renewal time. On January 1, 2008, we will start issuing Multi-purpose vehicle plates and University of Wyoming plates. The multipurpose vehicle plate will be issued to all multipurpose vehicles having four or more tires, unladen weight between 300 – 3,000 pounds, permanent saddle or seat mounted at least 24 inches from the ground and a vin. The definition specifically includes off road recreation vehicles, electric vehicles, golf carts when they are not being used to transport persons on

a golf course and any other vehicle that meets the definition. The MPV must be street legal and cannot be operated on interstate highways. It can be operated on other highways but must be operated on the extreme right and display a slow moving vehicle emblem if it is incapable of reaching the maximum highway speed. The University of Wyoming plate is issued through the University of Wyoming. The applications are online at www. wyoalumni.com or can be picked up at the Treasurer’s Office. A fee of $130.00 must be sent along with the application made payable to the University of Wyoming

($100 fee for UW scholarships or student programming and a $30.00 special plate fee). The application will be reviewed by the University and, if approved, forwarded to the Wyoming Department of Transportation. Plates will be issued in consecutive order and forwarded to the County Treasurer’s Office. You do not have to be an alumni to apply for the plate. The Campbell County Treasurer’s office held its annual tax sale on September 25, 2007 in the commissioner’s chambers. It is held late September or early October every year. We had 38 real properties with delinquent taxes this year and 25 people signed up to purchase the taxes. We use a bingo machine for selling the taxes and everyone is assigned a number. The employees of the Campbell County Treasurer’s office will continue to strive to serve their customers with efficient and friendly service throughout the year to come.

2007 Campbell County Annual Report

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Campbell County 1801 S. 4-J Road 682-2392 OUR VISION: To promote the value of every child. What Are Our Mission and Goals? All our services are guided by our Mission Statement: “The mission of the Children’s Developmental Services of Campbell County is to serve the community by providing comprehensive quality early childhood services for children and their families, in caring and compassionate integrated environments, so that all children may achieve their fullest potential as unique individuals in society.”

GOALS • Will nurture each child in developing a positive self-image, knowing he/she is accepted as an individual, while maintaining a sense of belonging. • Provide maximum opportunities to discover, explore and problems solve, in order to make independent choices within a developmentally appropriate and inclusive environment. • In order for families to enhance understanding of child development, opportunities will be given to be involved in CDS-CC programs and greater community. • Embrace a comprehensive vision of health in order to promote a wholesome lifestyle. • Provide a high quality, safe environment to ensure each child’s right to learn. • Honor each child and family’s cultural, linguistic, racial and socioeconomic diversity in order to increase the self-awareness of everyone. The Children’s Developmental Services of Campbell County shall serve the needs of children regardless of race, Page 6

sex, color or national origin. VALUE STATEMENT We believe in maintaining an organization built on integrity, that respects the value of each individual, and promotes personal and professional growth of all who are associated with CDS-CC. The Board of Directors are committed to maintaining and promoting high standards of Early Childhood and Early Intervention services through quality staff in a state of the art early childhood program, and maintaining fiscal

responsibility and integrity through proactive governance. SERVICES PROVIDED: What is Children’s Developmental Services of Campbell County? • We are a non-political subdivision of County Government which provides early intervention/early childhood services for infants and preschool age children with disabilities and their families. Without our services, many families would be at a loss as to where to turn for support and direction. • We screen infants and young children birth thru five for delays in development. • We provide evaluation and planning in partnership with families to design an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) for children demonstrating developmental delays that can assist the child in developing his/her full potential. Services are provided in a trans-disciplinary approach with an emphasis on collaborative consultation utilizing a diverse

2007 Campbell County Annual Report

group of professionals including regular education teachers, special education teachers, physical and occupational therapists, speech/ language pathologists, and the family. • We refer to other specialists and agencies as may be necessary to meet the unique needs of individual children and families. • We consult with families to help them meet the challenge of raising a young child with a developmental disability. • We are the only agency licensed by the State of Wyoming to provide these services in our Region, which consists of Campbell County. • We provide quality child care for children 2 1/2 to school age, of working parents, with priority given to single low income families and children with developmental delays. We are NAEYC accredited and are a Wyoming licensed child care facility. The child care component provides an inclusive environment for disabled and nondisabled children to participate in regular classrooms with adaptations made for disabilities when needed. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that children shall participate in activities with an age appropriate peer group. • CDS-CC uses “Creative Curriculum” to ensure a high quality experience for young children. Creative Curriculum is research based which follows developmentally appropriate practices and NAEYC recommendations. The key building blocks for this curriculum focus on; how children develop and learn; the teacher’s role; what children learn; the family’s role; the learning environment. A set of 50 goals and objectives guide the children, teachers and families as each child actively explores and learns at their own d e v e lop m e n t a l level. • We provide Early Head Start services for pregnant women, children birth to age three and

their families, in home based and interactional settings. • We offer parenting classes throughout the year including: Parenting With Love and Logic, Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP), and Common Sense Parenting. Three major service components: **Early intervention for children birth to school age with developmental disabilities. **Early education/child care for children 2 1/2 to school age. **Early Head Start for pregnant women, infants and toddlers. Who Uses the Services? • This past year over 775 children were referred to Children’s Developmental Services’ screening and evaluation program. On the average, one out of four of these children are identified as developmentally delayed and in need of early intervention and related services. 218 children and families are currently participating in the early intervention component of the program. Services for children with disabilities has increased 99% since 2000. This past year, Children’s Developmental Services of Campbell County has continued a screening campaign “One before Two” in conjunction with Child Development Services of Wyoming. The focus of the program is to encourage all families to have their child screened before the age of two. • Early Head Start provides weekly home visits and twice monthly family interaction activities to 36 families who meet eligibility guidelines. Currently there is a waiting list of 20 families. This past year, Early

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Campbell County 1801 S. 4-J Road 682-2392 Continued from page 6

enables the participating families to enjoy an unhurried meal together before beginning class-time. • 8-10% of children and families are placed by Department of Family Services or court ordered for abuse, neglect, prevention, or drug endangered. • 20-25% of children and families receive income assistance from Department of Family Services

Head Start offered 1584 home visits and 72 family socialization activities to 58 pregnant women, children age birth to three and their families. • The Child Care component is serving 60 children age 2 1/2 to kindergarten age with a waiting list of 468 age eligible children and 139 children too young to receive child care services. • All of our early intervention` and Early Head Start services are provided free of charge to any child who qualifies for these services. A sliding fee scale is established for child care services. • Parenting classes were provided 35 weeks of last year to a total of 139 individuals. The CDS-CC Foundation is presently providing funding for a meal before parenting classes. This

Children’s Developmental Services of Campbell County has been serving families for over thirty eight years and operates a variety of programs accessing local, state and federal funds for the benefit of children and families. It is the belief of this agency that when resources can be combined, yet allocated appropriately, it is a more cost efficient and people efficient way of doing business. The Children’s Developmental Services of Campbell County fulfills the function of being able to provide an array of services through one provider, in one building, utilizing a team of professionals and specialists. This is collaboration in its truest sense. Each component of services is not the sole support of all operational costs. Children’s Developmental Services of Campbell County operates on sound budget principles, including equitable

allocations to all funding sources. Science has produced a compelling body of evidence that children who receive early intervention during a time when 90% of brain development occurs, have a significantly higher rate of success in school. Services provided to children with delays during the preschool years greatly reduces, if not eliminates, ongoing problems that would need to be addressed at greater cost in public school. Cost benefits of quality Early Education/Child Care/Intervention

Programs: Projections have been made that quality early childhood child care programs demonstrate substantial costsavings. According to the High Scope Perry Pre-School Project (Shore, R. (1997). Rethinking the Brain: New Insights into Early Development. New York: Families and Work Institute.) for every dollar invested in the program they had yielded savings of $7.16 in costs that might have been incurred if the program had not existed. The program’s savings to taxpayers (in constant 1992 dollars discounted annually to 3%) is estimated to be $88,433 per child from the following sources: • Savings in schooling, due primarily to reduced need for special education services. • Higher taxes paid by preschool participants because they had higher earnings once they entered the workforce. • Savings in welfare assistance and other social service programs. • Savings of the criminal justice system and to potential victims of crimes. Other impacts of the study indicate: • Report monthly earnings of $2,000 or more. • Own their own homes. • Own second cars.

Campbell County 500 S. Gillette Ave, Ste. 1100 • 686-7477 All disasters are local, and every one of us should be prepared on an individual basis to do what we can to avoid becoming a member of the “victim pool.” Those are basic principles of the world of emergency management and homeland security. Campbell County Emergency Management works as a facilitator between the public and private sectors, providing training, planning and coordination services, and during 2007 the seeds of several programs which were planted in previous years seemed to sprout and take root. Several public training opportunities are planned for 2008, including reviving the Community Emergency Response Team training program. And, if

you like to mark your calendar for the annual weather spotters’ class, is set for May 1, 2008. In December, the Campbell County Commissioners, Town of Wright and City of Gillette all signed off on a new ‘Joint Response Framework,’ replacing the Joint Emergency Operating Plan which had been in place since 2002. The 80 page document is the basis for local emergency planning and will be joined early in 2008 by annexes defining how we will respond to and support local emergency efforts. During 2007, local agencies began making more use of the county-owned WebEOC™ computer program, which utilizes the internet to provide a ‘virtual’

emergency operation center for agencies during emergencies and disasters. During the year, WebEOC™ was migrated onto a server in the IT department at the courthouse, and it was utilized successfully during winter storms and blizzards and severe summer weather and tornadoes. Training was conducted for several agencies on how to access and use WebEOC™, and additional upgrades are expected in the first quarter of 2008 which will add features and usability of the system. While the program is a ‘closed’ system, meaning you have to have an authorized account to be able to log into it, our local radio stations have been able to access a special media section and receive nearly

instantaneous information from WebEOC™ which agencies may need released to the public. Campbell County Emergency Management worked with our local radio stations during 2007 to try and close a gap in our ability to quickly inform and warn the public. CCEMA purchased two pagers which were issued to the radio stations and CCEMA pays the monthly service fee to allow us to dial one number and reach officials of the stations after hours, on weekends and holidays to alert them to situations where they may be needed to pass along important information and warnings. Additionally, working with all local radio stations (including our two which are locally church-based) emergency

management can now activate the local Emergency Alert System (EAS). In essence, this allows emergency management to take over the airwaves of the local stations to broadcast the warning or emergency message, and then release the stations to normal operation. The same system provides audio for the EAS interrupt on the Bresnan Cable TV channels. Emergency Management was left out of the 2007 phone book, but is once again listed in the white pages for 2008. If you’re looking for the office, we’re now located within the Commissioner’s Office, Suite 1100 at the Courthouse.

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2007 Campbell County Annual Report

Campbell County 500 S. Gillette Ave, Ste. 2500 • 687-6470 The department of Campbell County Information Technology Services (ITS) consists of 12 employees. Administrative tasks are performed by the department manager and administrative assistant while the remainder of the staff is divided into four divisions: Programming Support, User Support, Network Support and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The office provides technical hardware and software support for over 400 computer users located in 23 different departments. These departments are located in 19 different physical locations, which includes the town of Wright. Coleen Winterholler, the administrative assistant, attended training with other staff members to implement an asset tracking database this year. This system will utilize bar code scanning in order to more accurately track assets. Once the system is totally operational, it will streamline the inventory process and save countless hours when performing inventory audits. She also continues to work on the phase-in of the Microsoft Office suite, which should be complete next year. The Programming department is staffed by three iSeries programmers, Bob Overman, Rocky Marquiss, and Nicki Lindahl, as well as one web development programmer, Justin Penning. They were kept busy throughout the year with a number of requests to create or modify programs and services used for County business. Bob continued to provide program maintenance and modification on the dynamic and ever changing Motor Vehicle system. Among the many projects he has worked on, the following are of note; he modified programs to allow for the issuance of specialized plates for Emergency Medical Technicians, he continues to work on programs that will implement the new State approved body codes to be used on motor vehicles, and he is working on programs that will issue multi-purpose vehicle plates as well as University of Wyoming specialty plates. Additional information on the University of Wyoming distinctive plates can be obtained via the Internet at http://www.uwyo.edu/news/ showrelease.asp?ID=18961 . He was also part of a joint effort between the Programming and Network divisions to enable the Treasurer’s Office to accept debit and credit cards. Bob worked with the Treasurer’s Office to define what type of payments they would be collecting through the Point & Pay application, while the Network division ensured that the card swipe units interfaced correctly with the computer system. Rocky kept very busy this year with several programming projects, and he provided assistance on other projects as well. A large portion of his time this year was spent working

with the Assessor’s Office. He developed a procedure to automate data transfers from the State owned Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) server to the County’s financial server for tax purposes. This allows the Assessor’s and Treasurer’s Offices to send out accurate assessment schedules and property tax notices. He was also assigned the lead role in the project to begin printing laser payroll and accounts payable checks; this project is nearly complete. When not working on programming issues, he worked diligently with other staff to research and deploy the electronic agenda package for the Commissioner’s Office. Nicki completed a much anticipated Land Records program for the Clerk’s Office. This package is a computerized form of the recording books in the vault. It electronically records and stores information about property in Campbell County such as owners, legal descriptions, type of document recorded, and recording date. It also includes a public inquiry application which allows for faster and easier access to recorded information for the general public. She was assigned the lead role to work with the State to ensure that the County’s voter registration data was successfully converted to the new State voter registration system. As part of this project, she attended training in Casper on the new elections software and continues to act as the technical liaison for the County. Justin created web pages for a number of County departments, including Public Works, the County Attorney’s Office, and the Assessor’s Office. This basically completes the County website and the project will now enter the maintenance phase. The Campbell County website can be found online at http:// www.ccgov.net. He continues work on the County Intranet and hopes to unveil a total solution in late 2008. In addition to web based projects, he has been involved with other ITS staff to create training videos. He has also volunteered to assist the GIS department with data entry as well as helping maintain and update GIS databases. The User Support division is staffed by Beth Kirsch, Vicki Burden and Rhonda Larmer. They are responsible for front line technical support for the 400+ computer users in the County. In addition, each technician has been assigned to a lead role with a particular piece of software. Beth is our primary technician for JD Edwards, the County’s financial software package. She has been instrumental this year with a number of projects to streamline work processes and increase the productivity of County employees. In addition to the monthly ‘new user’ training sessions she has established, she has also purchased software that will

allow her to create training demonstrations. These demonstrations can be viewed online as animated tutorials, or they can be studied in an electronic manual. She is also working to configure a software module that will allow the County’s financial package to integrate with Microsoft Excel. When complete, each department will be able to submit their budget requests in an Excel spreadsheet; these can then be uploaded into the main budget package. This will decrease the time necessary to compile the budget package and eliminate the potential for data entry errors. Beth was also involved in projects to begin printing payroll and accounts payable checks through laser printers. This process is much faster than the previous method, and since it eliminates the need to use pre-printed check stock, it saves the County money as well. While not providing first level support to County computer users, Vicki has been working on an Agenda Management package. This web based software, when complete, will allow the Board of Commissioners to conduct meetings in a paperless environment. All documents that are necessary for a meeting, such as letters, contracts, and maps, will be scanned and stored electronically. This will decrease the amount of paper being used and reduce the time necessary to put an agenda together. Once the documents are in electronic format, they can be easily shared, and the software involved will make them searchable by keyword. By typing in a search criteria and pushing a button, documents relevant to the search will be retrieved in seconds, compared to the hours it would take to retrieve them manually. Rhonda is our departmental liaison when working with the District Court Judge’s Office as well as Crook and Weston counties. She is primarily responsible for maintaining the Fully Automated Courts Transaction System (FACTS) and serves on its steering committee. This past year, she worked diligently with Public Health to research, test, and ultimately purchase a new prescription drug reference program. She is also involved in a team project to create training videos. This library of videos will cover a number of different subjects and can be used by new employees as an introduction to County systems, or by veteran employees as a refresher. The Network Support department is staffed by Steve Danaher and Dustin Cooper. Some of their primary responsibilities include project planning and development, providing voice and data communications, and installation of all network hardware. In addition, they provide technical support on a number of secondary systems. Steve has completed and/or is working on several projects this year. Most notably, he

oversaw the move of the Public Defender’s Office back into the newly remodeled George Amos building. He also spearheaded the Sheriff’s Office expansion project. This is an ongoing, multi-stage project. The first critical stage was to ensure that voice and data communications would not be interrupted when the Sheriff’s Office staff moved from their building to the old Public Health building; this was completed almost flawlessly. He was able to upgrade several servers this year to provide faster and more reliable access to data and services and he is currently working on a project to archive infrequently accessed, but still viable data. Dustin has been very busy keeping up with new technologies and implementing them within the County. At the beginning of the year, he installed and configured the new WebEOC server. This server connects various agencies together such as the school district, County and City offices, and the media. Its function is to provide a central place for communications among agencies in a time of emergency. The server was installed just in time for the blizzard that closed down many Gillette businesses last winter and it worked very well. He also installed a new City Watch server. This server is mainly used by the local coal mines to alert nearby residents of potential hazards. However, it can also be used in emergency situations to alert residents of hazards in their area. He also assisted the GIS department with several tasks that resulted in the ability of GIS to provide the public with a dynamic map, rather than a static copy. The GIS department consists of a single staff member, Cathy Raney. She is tasked with providing support and acting as liaison between vendors and County agencies. Among the projects completed this year, Cathy has implemented a training program to assist new and seasoned users with any questions they may have regarding the use of GIS software. She was also involved in a project that used Global Positioning System (GPS) data collection techniques to inventory the County maintained bridges, culverts, cattle guards, and road signs. The data that was collected can now be used to schedule maintenance, and record costs for County road assets. It will also serve as an aid in future budget planning for the Road and Bridge Department. Additional inventory and data collection projects are currently underway for other departments such as Parks and Recreation, Emergency Management, and Planning and Zoning. She has also been working on a project to provide mapping information to the public. As a result of these efforts, one GIS kiosk has been placed at the Campbell County Public Library and two now reside in the Assessor’s Office.

2007 Campbell County Annual Report

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Campbell County 24 Hr Non-emergency 682-7271 Emergency 911 The Campbell County Sheriff’s Office initiated a great deal of change during 2007. Not only did the Sheriff’s Office provide its regular law enforcement services to the citizens of Campbell County, the Office was also actively involved in several major projects, including: expansion and remodel of the Sheriff Office facilities and detention center; upgrade and replacement of microwave radio equipment; and purchase and upgrade of communications, dispatch and 9-1-1 equipment. Additionally, the Campbell County Sheriff’s Office saw many long-term employees retire resulting in several promotions within the department. Expansion and Remodel Project: The Campbell County Detention Center and adjoining facilities were built in 1985. Over the years the facility has been expanded as needed for inmate population growth. The latest expansion and remodel project broke ground on June 10, 2007, and is approximately 20% complete. The project is being partially funded with $12,108,540.00 in state grant monies. The current building expansion and remodel will include a new housing pod designed to provide an additional 144 beds for the adult inmate population, will add space and update portions of the kitchen and laundry areas, and will provide additional storage space. It will also update the patrol, investigations, administration and records areas as well as provide an enlarged dispatch center and will modernize the facility’s technology and infrastructure. The project also provides separate office and morgue space for the Coroner. A significant change to the detention center will be the addition of a separate co-located juvenile detention facility. In the early 1970’s, Congress enacted the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act to address the conditions Page 10

of confinement of juveniles. One of the core protection requirements of the JJDP Act is sight and sound separation of juveniles from incarcerated adults. The Act defines sight contact as clear visual contact

between incarcerated adults and juveniles within close proximity to each other. Sound contact is defined as direct oral communication between incarcerated adults and juvenile offenders. The Act also states that juveniles may never be sentenced to an adult jail or lock-up. Like most Wyoming counties, Campbell County has never been in compliance with the JJDP Act. Upon completion, the new facility will have the capacity to hold sixteen juvenile offenders with separate booking, nursing, multi-purpose, observation, recreation and holding areas. The facility will be constructed in a way that will eliminate even accidental or incidental sight, sound or physical contact

2007 Campbell County Annual Report

between juvenile detainees and adult inmates. The juvenile facility will eliminate violations of the JJDP Act. The Sheriff’s Office has been faced with may logistical challenges during the

construction process. The dispatch center was temporarily relocated within the existing facility and patrol, investigations, administration, and records were relocated to the old public health building. Additionally, the detention center was forced to find an alternative location to prepare inmate meals during the construction. The Sheriff leased kitchen space from the Countryside Cafe where meals will be prepared and then transported to the detention center. Upgrade and Replacement of Microwave Radio Equipment: During the latter part of 2006, the Campbell County

Sheriff’s Office applied for and received Homeland Security Grant monies to replace and update microwave radio equipment. The project was completed in December of 2007. The microwave connections provide wireless connectivity between radio transmission towers and are essential to the communications network. The new equipment is also compatible with WyoLink. WyoLink is a statewide, public-safety, interoperable radio communications system overseen by the Wyoming Public Safety Communications Commission. The goal of WyoLink is for emergency service providers to be able to communicate through radio communications across disciplines and jurisdictions, when needed during an emergency. The new microwave equipment not only updates local services but also gives the Sheriff’s Office the ability to join the WyoLink system upon its implementation. Dispatch Center and Communication Projects: Upon completion of the expanded facilities, the Communication Division will occupy a new expanded physical space and will also be equipped with state-of-theart radio and 9-1-1 dispatch equipment. In 2007, the Sheriff’s Office purchased a new radio console system with WyoLink connectivity plus selected a provider for the next generation of enhanced 9-1-1

dispatch equipment. The new equipment replaces equipment that has been in service since approximately 1995. The new radio and 9-1-1 equipment will be identical to equipment purchased by the City of Gillette. The Sheriff’s Office equipment will be networked with the City’s so that if one dispatch center has to be evacuated or the equipment is destroyed the other dispatch center is capable of taking over the call. This new capability will provide better service to all citizens of Campbell County. Promotions: During 2007, the Sheriff Office experienced several changes in leadership through promotional opportunities due to the retirement of many longterm employees. The following promotions took place in 2007: Terry Cheairs - Promoted to Detention Lieutenant 7/1/07 Tom O’Neal - Promoted to Administrative Detention Sergeant 7/1/07 Teresa Dearcorn -Promoted to Detention Sergeant 7/29/07 Carl Dick - Promoted to Detention Corporal 7/29/07 Chris Just - Promoted to Detention Corporal 7/29/07 Deb Krueger - Promoted to Detention Sergeant 7/29/07 Paul Pownall - Promoted to Corporal 12/30/07 Gary Sams - Promoted to Corporal 12/30/07 Jeff Rech - Promoted to Detention Corporal 7/29/07

FACTS AT A GLANCE Animal Control Calls for Service


Busiest Day of Week


Busiest Subdivision


Driving with Suspended License




Minor in Possession of Alcohol


Speeding Tickets


Total Citations Issues


Total Responses to Calls for Service


Town of Wright Calls for Service


(Stats through 11/30/2007)

Campbell County 500 S. Gillette Ave • 687-6355 The Mission of the Campbell County Human Resources and Risk Management Department is to support County departments, boards and agencies in the recruitment, retention and protection of Campbell County resources and assets–the most valuable of which is our employees. The department serves as a resource for all boards, agencies, departments and employees in Campbell County. They coordinate and administer all employee benefit plans, the employee classification and compensation program and the performance appraisal program. Campbell County continued to strive to retain and recruit qualified employees in a very competitive job market during 2007. Although employee turnover decreased from 14.2% in fiscal 2004/2005 to 13.4% in fiscal 2005/2006 it did increase again in fiscal 2006/2007 to 15.4%. Based on current trends, we will be looking at a turnover

rate for fiscal 2007/2008 as high as 15.15%. Therefore, a primary goal of the department continues to be maintaining a competitive compensation system, while striving to contain the cost of a comprehensive benefit plan. In support of this goal, the compensation plan was modified by increasing the range of merit raises to allow each

department greater flexibility in rewarding outstanding employee performance while requiring accountability through budgetary constraints. The Meltdown Program implemented by the Wellness Committee was a huge success. Nutritional education, exercise programs, the support and encouragement of team members as well as a little health competition helped make this 20-week p r o g r a m successful. 189 employees lost more than 2,000 pounds. Water bottles on the desks of many employees reflect lifelong b e h a v i o r changes started during this Soul to Soul, the winning team in the Meltdown competition, program. Ten lost an incredible 289 pounds or 14.71% of their body weight! teams have

already signed up for Meltdown 2 scheduled to begin in January of 2008. Employee education and development was emphasized with the implementation of a Supervisor Training Program. Classes in leadership, communication skills, dealing with conflict, coaching, mentoring, teambuilding, and stress management are included in this training program. The importance of safety and the prevention of accidents continues to be stressed through educational programs, workplace monitoring and post

accident/incident investigation. The department sponsors and coordinates the Annual County Blood Drive. Many County employees generously give blood every October for United Blood Services of South Dakota in support of the regional blood banks. This year we collected 49 units of blood. The Annual Campbell County Food Drive provides food for the Council of Community Services and the Soup Kitchen. In 2007 our remarkable County employees set a new record, donating an amazing 8,844 pounds of food.

Loaded down with food for delivery to the Council of Community Services.

Campbell County 900 West 2nd Street • 682-5723 The past year saw the changing of the guard at the Campbell County Rockpile Museum with 4 of the 5 staff members being newly hired from January through October. Gaps between old staff members leaving and new hires beginning meant that the Museum was often under-staffed for months at a time. As a result of the staff shortage the Museum did not institute its summer hours schedule this year. Nevertheless The Rockpile Museum had a very good attendance this year with a 2% increase in visitation. Besides the many local visitors and school children, there were people from 46 states and 13 foreign countries, who enjoyed the museum’s exhibits and programs. Temporary exhibits from the University of Wyoming’s American Heritage Center graced the museum’s

walls throughout much of the year and provided new and interesting topics for our regular visitors’ enjoyment. Visiting speakers captivated audiences with talks on Devil’s Tower and prehistoric settlement of the Americas. The museum staff again offered its 1890’s school and Civil War Day programs with great success. The school program for the county’s third grade classes was in April and May and was completely booked. Next year we will offer the program an additional month to accommodate more teachers and their classes. The interest in the Civil War Day program for sixth graders was equally successful, and because of limited space at the Museum will be moved to Camplex next year to meet the needs of the area schools. Special events which drew crowds to the museum included the Appraisal

Day, the 12th Annual Native American Artifact Show, the Pumpkin Buttes Field Trip, and the Christmas Open House. During the past year, the museum experimented with partnerships with local organizations, which brought new visitors to the museum. The Guitar Guild and the Community Theater Group held performances at the museum. Additionally the Museum hosted meetings for the Gold Prospectors Club, the Red Hats, and the Governor’s Reception. The turnout for these events was very rewarding, and the museum will continue to develop local partnerships of interest to the community. A museum is unique among educational institutions in that it collects and preserves the objects and ephemera of the past for future generations. This important mission is generally time

consuming and not seen by the public. The Rockpile Museum actively and diligently seeks to fulfil its collection mission. During the past year 39 donors contributed 266 new items to the Museum’s collection. Each was catalogued, numbered, photographed and properly displayed/stored. In addition to records for the new objects a great number of previously donated artifacts have had their records upgraded and approximately 1735 photographs or scan were added to the collections database. A number of new permanent exhibits were started during the year and will be completed in the coming year. These exhibits, as well as, planned temporary exhibits and special events will provide many educational and entertaining activities for visitors in the coming year.

2007 Campbell County Annual Report

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Campbell County 500 S. Gillette Ave • 682-7266 As my first year in office comes to a close, I have to reflect back on how smoothly things have gone. I owe my staff a big thank you for all the hard work and dedication they have put forth, and continue to do! For if it weren’t for them, this task would be an impossible nightmare. There continues to be a wealth of growth in our county, both population and construction wise. Although, if you look at the realtors MLS sheet it would lead you to believe that things may be slowing down slightly from the trend we have followed the past few years–not a significant enough change to alter the market values we have been accustomed to, however. Buyers are still paying top dollar for new and existing construction. Mineral production continues to be our leading contender in our ever rising assessed valuation, with coal sitting atop the leader board, followed by gas

and oil. Once again, we are very blessed as a county to posses such resources that gives us the flexibility to build and reap the benefits of such fine facilities. 2007 was our highest assessed valuation ever, putting us at number

1 in the State of Wyoming for total assessed valuation. We saw a 6 percent increase in valuation from 2006 to 2007. At this time, I do not foresee that much of an increase coming for 2008, but it’s early, and we don’t have all of

our numbers to back that prediction just yet. As always, my staff and I look forward to working with, and serving the taxpayers of Campbell County.

Campbell County 600 W. Boxelder • 687-6179 The year 2007 began very quickly for the Campbell County Coroner’s Office starting with 13 death investigations for the month of January, continuing to end with a total of 121 calls at the end of December. These investigations included cases dealing with assisting other agencies for help in notification of next of kin, cases that were declined by this office and cases that were deferred to other counties after investigation indicated so. The total investigated and reported cases ended the year at 112, up 16% from the previous year 2006. As in previous years, I have broken down some of the statistics that have been of interest throughout the years and noted some of the changes each year brings. Statistics include age, manner of death, gender, seatbelt/helmet use, alcohol and drug involvement. 2007 ended with the following charts at left. As always, I would like to thank all of the very valuable people who assist the Coroner’s Office in the performance of our duties. Many people and organizations work together to help make this office successful in our commitment to the citizens of Campbell County. I greatly appreciate their assistance and time. I would like to thank my deputies Rita Mashak and Lee Centner for their help. My thanks to all the personnel with the Campbell County Sheriffs Department, Gillette Police Department, the Campbell County Fire Department, Campbell County Memorial Hospital staff and EMS personnel. Dr. Woodward, Campbell County doctors and assistants, Wyoming Highway Patrol, Wyoming Crime Lab Personnel, Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigations, Dr. Pat Alien and Dr. Stephen Cina of Forensic Pathology Consultants of Loveland, Colorado, Dr. Habbe from Rapid City Regional Hospital in Rapid City, South Dakota and the Walker Funeral Home and Stevenson Funeral Home of Gillette, WY. Without the assistance from all involved, we wouldn’t be able to provide the service to our citizens. Page 12

2007 Campbell County Annual Report

Other statistics include:

Avg age of deaths - 58.8 yrs old, up .1 from ‘06 In 2006 males 61%, females 39% Traffic deaths down 38% from 2006 Suicide 2006 - 6 males, 1 female, total avg age 37.1 yr. 2007 - 4 males, 1 female, total avg age 32.6 yr Homicides - up 100% from ‘06 SIDS - down 50% Accidental - 2 drug, 3 ATV, 2 falls, 1 alcohol toxicity Alcohol related traffic fatalities 4 auto, 1 motorcycle Alcohol related deaths - 10 natural, 2 ATV, 4 auto, 2 accidental, 1 motorcycle Drug related deaths - 4 natural, 1 motorcycle, 1 suicide, 3 accidental, 2 auto Drug and alcohol related - 1 motorcycle, 2 auto, 3 natural Frequency by the time of the day called: 0001-0800 - 27% 0801-1600 - 38% 1601-2400-35% Calls by days of the week Monday - 12.5%, Tuesday - 11.6%, Wednesday -16%, Thursday - 16%, Friday -14.2%, Saturday-15.1%, Sunday- 14.2%. Seat Belt use in traffic deaths 4/11 belted 7/11 unbelted 1 motorcycle - helmeted 1 motorcycle no helmet 3 ATV no helmet

45 Females 40.1%

67 Males 59.8%

Age - 2 months to 100 years old 6%

0-20: (6) change from '06 21-40: (21) up 75%



41-60: (34) up 17% 61-80: (34) up 100%



81-100: (26) no change

Manner of Death Natural: (83) up 31% Accidential: (11) up 175% Traffice Deaths: (11) dn 38% Suicides: (5) dn 28% Homicdies: (1) no change Sids: (1) dn 50% Undetermined (0)



Cam-plex 1635 Reata Drive • 682-0552 Ticket Office • 682-8802 “To enrich the quality of life in our community” is the mission statement for CAMPLEX. With nearly 280,000 visitors in 2007 attending 400 various events, the quality of life has been enhanced for our citizens and with $16,000,000 infused in the local economy as a result of CAM-PLEX events, local businesses are enhanced as well. Construction of the Wyoming Center at CAMPLEX continues on schedule and within budget. A total of 915 names were penned by the community to the last structural beam before it was set in mid-November. Completion for the 123,000 sq. ft. multipurpose building will occur next fall, with a grand opening to be scheduled in September, 2008. A web cam is available to view the construction progress on our web site: www.cam-plex.com. The CAM-PLEX Heritage Center continued its commitment in providing the community with high quality entertainment. The ‘Theater Series’ brought in Broadway shows such as ‘Pirates of Penzance’, ‘Legends of Rock N Roll’, and the ‘Complete Works of Shakespeare’ (Abridged). Our ‘Arts in Education Family Series’ promoted entire family entertainment through ‘David Taylor Dance’, ‘Benny Kim’, ‘Hansel and Gretel’, ‘Drum Brothers’, ‘If You Give A Mouse A Cookie’, ‘The Skinny Lie’, ‘Kanata Native Dance Theatre’, ‘Sofrito’, ‘Tweaksters’, ‘MarieAndree Ostiguy’, and Katie Couricís ‘The Brand New Kid’. Special Event highlights included Diamond Rio, performing in partnership with Rio Tinto; Bar J Wranglers; American Idol finalist - Josh

Gracin; The Performing Arts Workshop; country music legend Ray Price; and the New Christy Minstrels This year our gallery featured the Advocacy for Visual Arts, Campbell County School District art featuring all grade levels, Local Color Artists, Mel Gerhold, Karen Barton, and the annual charity Christmas wreath display. The Annual CAM-PLEX

Winter W e s t e r n continues to be a favorite winter event each February. The Coors PRCA Rodeo, Town and County Trade Show, Free Stage shows, Team Roping, Barrel Racing, Stock Dog Trials, Petting Zoo and a favorite for the kids–Fun On the Go with a Mega Carnival, brings in large crowds of all ages each year. In its third year, the Rotary Wine and Microbrew Festival is a spring time favorite but was cancelled in 2007 due to a blizzard. A percentage of the ticket sales go to the local Rotary clubs to benefit local charities. The 2008 event is scheduled for March 28. The 2007 summer was busy with RV rallies, conventions, wedding receptions, ropings, trainings and reunions. In

July the American Dairy Goat National Show was held in Central and East Pavilions with 2,300 goats in attendance. Professional handlers from all over the country came in hopes of winning top honors. The American Society of Mining and Reclamation held their 24th Annual Conference at CAM-PLEX June 2-7. Approximately 320 ASMR members attended seminars, tours, banquets and their industry trade show held in Energy Hall and the Heritage Center. CAM-PLEX hosted the Newmar Kountry Klub International RV Rally June 23-30. There were 763 rigs in the CAM-PLEX

In September the North American Dog Agility Championships came to CAM-PLEX. Dog and handler teams for this year’s event came from 24 states and 2 Canadian provinces with 36 different breeds including mixed breeds. There were over 5,000 agility runs over 5 days of competition. The largest indoor garage sales in Wyoming are hosted by CAM-PLEX in April and

October. Local bargain hunters flocked to Central Pavilion to find their treasures among the booths. Everyone wins here.

Campgrounds and approximately 1,600 Newmar members attended daily meal functions, tours, seminars, a trade show and nightly entertainment. R o a t r e k International Chapter RV Rally was held in August. They were impressed with the facility as they were able to have their seminars, entertainment and meals using Energy Hall and the Heritage Center Theatre.

Our community continues to keep CAM-PLEX a busy place. Energy Hall is the setting for many banquets, school

events, meetings, conferences, receptions and trainings. Central Pavilion is kept busy with trade shows, craft fairs, gun shows, auctions, and car shows. East Pavilion and Barn #3 are fully booked with riders as well as team ropings, rodeos, and barrel racing events. Morningside Park continues to be the site of the demolition derby, fair activities and even a chariot race in 2007! A complete schedule of events in our existing facilities is always available on the CAMPLEX web site as well. The Campbell County Fair, produced by the Fair Board, utilized all the buildings at CAM-PLEX in early August and was better than ever with added events and a carnival. Looking to the future, 2008 will bring the Escapees 30th Anniversary Celebration RV Rally in June, the BMW Motorcycle International Rally in July and the most popular event in August with the Pyrotechnics Guild International Fireworks Convention. Public display of the magnificent fireworks will be open to everyone for a full week. This is a ‘must see’ event! The North American Dog Agility Championships will return to CAM-PLEX once again in September, as well as the usual array of more than 400 local events. The future is bright in Campbell County and CAM-PLEX staff are proud of the part they play in enriching the lives of those we serve.

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Campbell County 1000 Douglas Hwy • 682-7406 - Admin • Gym 682-8527 Pool 682-5470 •S. Gym 686-9160 - Wright 464-0198 Our mission is to provide a variety of safe, modern and affordable Parks and Recreation facilities and activities that will enhance the quality of life by promoting good health and well being for all citizens and visitors in Campbell County. Recreation Campbell County has continued to grow in population which has led to an increase in visits at the Recreation Center and Pool. The facility saw an increase of 9,144 people visit the Recreation Center and/or Pool November 30, 2006 to November 30, 2007 for a total of 129,124 total visits. Usages are recorded in six areas, the cardio room, weight rooms, gymnasium, pool, racquetball/ squash courts and tanning. Total usage of these areas for the same time period are 177,391. The breakdown of those usages are as follows: Gymnasium 50,786, Pool 48,064, Cardio Room 33,922, Weight Rooms 38,444, Racquetball/Squash Courts 3,986, and the Tanning Bed 2,189. Fitness classes are booming with many new participants trying a variety of classes to keep a balance in their exercise routines. Participants are encouraged to cross train with cardio classes and weight training. Personal training is offered by appointment only and has been used for one on one fitness and exercise advice for those that choose to take advantage of the program. The “Feet Don’t Fail Me Now” road race series draws runners and walkers of all levels and ability to participate in a great community activity encouraging a healthy lifestyle. Other road races include the Razor City Splash and Dash Triathlon, the 1st Annual Kid’s Triathlon and the annual Turkey Trot and the Runner’s Resolution Race. The 2007 Corporate Page 14

Games included nearly 400 participants from local community businesses. The events kick off with a Dart BBQ at the Ice Arena the last two weeks of June. The events then move on to the following competitions: Water Volleyball, Frisbee Golf, Bowling, Horseshoes, Billiards, Kickball and Water Relays. Any business is encouraged to come out and participate at a recreational level outside of the stressful work environment. The Annual Fourth of July Celebration provided the community with free events throughout the day on into the evening fireworks display. Events included; the early morning firemen pancake feed, Firecracker 5 mile road race, Parade, Mud Volleyball, Chalk it Up, Tug of War, Free Hot Dog Feed (6,000 hot dogs and chips served), Strong Man/ Woman Challenge, Firemen Water fights, Water games for kids and a Mini Hot Dog eating contest. The fireworks display is accompanied by music broadcast on Koal 103.9. Other Special Events offered throughout the year by the Recreation Center include the

Easter Egg Hunt, Fly Fishing class, Hip Hop Dance class, Dog Obedience class, Dodge Ball Tournament, Bench Press

2007 Campbell County Annual Report

Challenge, Jingle Bell Hike to Santa and the Secret Santa Program.

Adult Programs 2007 was another great year for the adult programs. All leagues and classes saw growth with softball increasing the most. We had 110 softball teams in the league, a 30 team increase from 2006 and a 45 team increase from 2005. Basketball stayed steady at 45 teams in 2007. Adult volleyball also saw a good showing at the courts with a total of 94 teams for the spring and fall seasons, which is a 19 team advantage over last year. Wallyball increased by a couple teams to 8. Other tournaments and competitions offered in 2007 was a Dodgeball Tournament that brought in 10 teams and a bench press competition that brought in 9 participants, with the winner pressing 425 lbs. The karate program had another great year with a total of 335 participants. We also introduced Hip Hop Dance to the public this year and it definitely was a hit, with a grand total of 107 dancers. As a whole the adult programs brought in 257 teams in 2007. Youth Programs As Gillette continues to grow, so does the youth programs for Campbell County Parks and Recreation Department. With Soccer, Youth Basketball, Bantam Basketball, and Kids Camp being very popular with participants, the programs saw

great growth in 2007. Soccer, which is two sessions (Fall and Spring), had 1,300 participants. This is up 82 from last year. Youth Basketball, grades 4-6 grades, continued to be strong in Gillette with a total of 421 (up 70 players from last year) ball players. 1st – 3rd grade Bantam Basketball Program had 325 future basketball stars participating in the program. The summer was a big hit with Kid’s Camp with a total of 515 campers, up 121 from last year. Other programs that are going strong are Girls Softball (153 participants), Kids Night Out (172 kids), Lil Slugger Baseball (117 sluggers) and Youth Hikes with 25 hikers. Intramural Programs The intramural programs at the Recreation Center continued to offer youth of many ages an opportunity to participate in recreational sports and fun activities in 2007. Many of the programs experienced

an increase in participants; such as Junior High Boys Basketball, Junior High Girls Basketball and Junior High Tennis and Soccer.

During the season the boys and girls get to experience the excitement of traveling to surrounding counties for away games, but play most of their games at the Recreation Center and Bicentennial Park. The Mini-Mite and Mite Hockey Programs were also a continued success with an increase in participants. There were over 50 participants in each 8 week session of the program. The community is fortunate to have many great parents and volunteer coaches that help make this program fun and successful. Summer trips to various places such as, Tie Hack Reservoir, Rushmore Water Slide Park, Cook Lake, Evans Plunge and 1880 Train Ride offered some summertime fun and excitement for youth ages 12-16. When it gets cold outside and winter sets in, so does the High School Coed Basketball Program. Over 200 young men and women played basketball at the recreation center gym

every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. As with all programs, staff continued to stress their main goals in 2007: Positive sportsmanship and attitudes, hard work and dedication, developing fundamentally sound skills and HAVING FUN! Overall, 2007 was a great year for the intramural programs at the Recreation Center! Continued on page 15

Campbell County 1000 Douglas Hwy • 682-7406 - Admin • Gym 682-8527 Pool 682-5470 •S. Gym 686-9160 - Wright 464-0198 Continued from page 14

Aquatics In 2007, the Campbell County Pool offered a variety of special events and activities to promote wellness throughout the community. Some of our most popular activities included lap swim, water aerobics, open swim and swimming lessons. A total of 1,115 children participated in swim lessons and 508 adults joined at least one session of water aerobics. Some more activities offered were lifeguard, water safety instructor and scuba classes. Private rentals and birthday parties have continued to be two favorite activities. Special events such as Dark Summer Nights, Easter Egg Dive, Back to School BBQ and Christmas Break brought in 1,476 attendees. Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend was definitely our busiest season with the ever popular High Plains Thunder Run Water Slide. The 385 foot slide attracted 22,852 visits from individuals of all ages. As a whole the Campbell County Pool had a very successful year with a grand total of 48,064 visits in 2007! Wright Recreation Center The year saw the ever growing mineral industry continue to impact the town of Wright. As the increasing

population grows younger,

the Wright Recreation Center succeeds in bringing many of these new citizens into the facility. The diversity of the Center attracts all age groups and fitness levels. The Wright Recreation Center is referred to, by many, as the “heart” of the community. It is the perfect place for everyone to meet new friends and keep a healthy lifestyle. Through various resources, the community is kept well informed of all

activities and events. Youth programs are a big part of the Wright Recreation Center. Spring Outdoor Soccer is enjoyed by boys and girls in grades 1 - 6. Indoor Soccer and Pre-School Indoor Soccer for ages 3 & 4, are played in January and February. There were 34 soccer players

combined. Outdoor Flag Football, in addition to Indoor Nerf Flag Football had 54 youth participants. Bantam Basketball, played by 1st through 3rd graders, doubled in participation with 44 youth and 4th through 6th grade basketball increased with 57 boys and girls. Twenty girls joined Mini-Volleyball, a program for 3rd through 6th graders. Dance classes continued through May in 2007 for pre-school and grades 1 - 6. Gymnastics was successful through November 2007. BBQ’s, healthy snack socials, and swim parties, were held after the sports programs for the participants and their families. The pool offers Red Cross swim lessons year round for pre-school and youth. Classes were consistently full with a total of 200 students. The Center also offers CPR classes, lifeguard training, first aid classes, lap swimming, open swimming and Water Aerobics. This years pool usage stayed consistent with a total of 9,743. Fitness classes have done well this year. Aerobics, Water Aerobics, Weight Training, Cycling and Yoga are offered year round. Akai Ryu Dojo Karate Classes enrollment is solid with several students earning belts in 2007. Dog Obedience was introduced in 2007 and interest is increasing. Fitness workshops are held several times throughout the year inviting the public to the facility for exercise classes. Dive-In Movies are one of the favorite special events offered throughout the year. Over 164 youth have attended these events. The annual Easter Egg Hunt brings together the whole community and also visiting relatives. A total of 152 youth and adults hiked to Santa this year. Other special events held during the year included the Water Carnival, Chili Dog Tuesday, Pre-school

Halloween Party, Turkey Shoot Free Throw Contest, three bus trips to the Water slide at the Campbell County Pool and one bus trip to the Campbell County Ice Arena in Gillette. Our facility added “Come & Glow” swim and “Wet & Wild” T-Shirt day to the pool special events. Wright Days in August brought 20 participants to the annual 5K Fun Run/Walk and 34 participants to the 3 on 3 Basketball Tourney. The “Skate/Bingo” family nights were successful this year with many adults and youth taking advantage of family fun. The 2007 total for all “Special Events” was over 720, an increase of over 100 from 2006. The skate park continues to be a popular attraction. New playground equipment was purchased and installed in December 2007. The updated version has everyone in Wright excited. Parks Division With the influx of workers and the many projects that are related to the energy industry bringing additional families to the area, the parks saw an estimated 650,000 visitors over the past year. Visitation figures are based upon estimates of

numbers of people who use the parks during the year plus users in events such as youth soccer, tennis, adult softball, baseball, football and other organized activities. Bicentennial Park saw

larger than usual use this past summer with over 136 softball teams in the summer league playing games five nights per week, an increased number of kids in the spring and fall soccer programs adding to the park use and families enjoying the newer playgrounds increasing the day use of the park. Parks are a gathering place for many neighborhood and community events so it is important to provide safe and modern facilities to the residents. Improvements that have been made this past year include new security lighting and ballfield lighting for two softball fields and a reconstructed parking lot that allows for better drainage and added parking spaces along with new entrance landscape improvements for Bicentennial Park. Parks also offer a venue for several recreation events and programs. The Jingle Bell Hike to Santa and the addition of the Festival of Lights at CamPlex Park brought a dramatic increase in park visitation. Both of these events have become annual events to be enjoyed by everyone in the area. The first Festival of Lights had over 20,000 lights in the holiday displays and had one display

that was choreographed to music and broadcast over a FM frequency so those driving by the display could enjoy the music from the comforts of

Continued on page 16 2007 Campbell County Annual Report – Page 15

Campbell County 1000 Douglas Hwy • 682-7406 - Admin • Gym 682-8527 Pool 682-5470 •S. Gym 686-9160 - Wright 464-0198 Continued from page 15

their car. This year’s lighting display had over 40,000 lights and included new displays throughout the park. Each of the picnic shelters was adorned with a display as well as the WPA building. Playgrounds are at the heart of a park, from the great memories as adults of playing with friends on the playground to the new friendships that are made and the adventures that are to come for children. Playground safety is an important aspect of the parks division and they strive to keep the structures and play equipment in good condition and upgraded to meet the most current safety specifications and standards. Two new playgrounds were installed to replace old and outdated structures in Means Park and also at the Wright Recreation Center. Each year, the playgrounds are audited and recommendations are made for upgrades or replacement. With drought continuing to cause problems for the trees and turf areas, park crews took further steps to keep young trees alive and also help with maintaining the Arboretum. An irrigation system was installed to supply supplemental water to the nursery trees and to the Arboretum. An additional water line was also installed to help maintain tree health to the shelterbelt area on the east boundary of the park. Water shortages and the amounts of

water needed to maintain turf grass will continue to be in the forefront but park staff are working with new technology to be installed this winter to assist with sprinkler monitoring, water flow measurement and weather monitoring to help combat water waste. The Rockpile Community Hall received a kitchen remodel that has greatly enhanced the use and look of the building. The kitchen is used daily by the Council of Community Services for the Soup Kitchen and has been in need of an upgrade for several years. The project included new wall covering, windows, cabinets and shelving, electrical upgrades, lighting, fire suppression equipment for the range, floor covering and new plumbing fixtures. The Community Hall continues to be a popular building for community meetings, wedding receptions, square dancing, parties and recreation classes. The Campbell County Ice Arena continues to be a popular spot for winter recreation and activity. The arena offers weekly public skating sessions along with the opportunity for Learn to Skate lessons, organized ice hockey instruction and games for smaller kids. Organized ice hockey programs for teens and adults and figure skating lessons and programs for all ages are also available offering

everyone an opportunity to participate and be active. The ice sheet is maintained for six months of the year and a dry floor is available for activities such as roller hockey, youth soccer, baseball and softball practice, company picnics and auctions. Bell Nob Golf Course Wow, what a year. Bell Nob Golf experienced many changes this past year with the completion of the first phase of the bunker project, water restrictions and disease issues not previously seen in this part of the country. The first phase of the bunker project was completed in mid May. The green side bunkers were rebuilt and the sand was changed to improve playing quality and place a higher degree on shot making. The second phase started this fall and will finish up next spring. This will have a more visual impact on the golf course with the removal of mounds, and bunkers and tees being added to give the golf course more strategic value. Early in the year staff saw “TakeAll Patch” on the greens for the first time ever. This is a disease usually found in the Midwest in areas of high humidity and heavy rain fall. With the large amount of rain in April and then the hot temperatures staff thinks this is what triggered the disease. After a couple of fungicide applications and a

return to hot dry weather the course conditions returned to the high quality staff are used to providing players. The City of Gillette is outgrowing its ability to provide water, and Bell Nob was asked to cut water consumption this summer by 15 percent. With the new irrigation system installed several years ago and some changes to maintenance practices, staff were able to achieve this goal without sacrificing playing conditions. Bell Nob continues to look for more ways to further cut water use as this is a trend nation wide for golf courses. Some of the new things for next year include GPS systems on the new golf car fleet, the final phase of the bunker project and the construction of large water holding facility to help ease the use of city water during the summer. A new fleet of golf cars will be delivered in April and will have GPS systems to help golfers with their rounds. Distance to bunkers off of the tee, yardage to the pin and ability to keep golf cars out of restricted areas are just some of the features that will be on the cars. As always the staff at Bell Nob continues to strive to improve each players golfing experience.

Campbell County 1704 4-J Road • 682-4411 As 2007 comes to a close we look back at the accomplishments of Road & Bridge. We continue to strive to make the county roads the best in the state. With the ever growing population, that is an accomplishment in itself. The crusher was busy starting the year at our Hakert Pit in Johnson County. They crushed 62,608 tons of gravel. The first part of May, the crusher was moved to the Edwards Pit in southern Campbell County. They crushed 32,468 tons of scoria and 14,362 tons scoria chips. As the year closes the crusher will be in the yard for some much needed repairs. Our end dumps and belly dumps were kept busy hauling scoria chips Page 16

to the yard, scoria, gravel, rotomill gravel mix to county roads, for a cost of $882,239.81. They also hauled rotomill from various state highway projects to the yard and some of our outlying pits to mix with our gravel that will be used on the roads to help with our dust problem. Dust control still is a very important aspect of Road & Bridge. We continue to use mag water, and the rotomill gravel mix. There was a time when dust control was done in the spring, but now it’s a year round job. Moisture or lack there of is a big factor. Speed on the gravel roads also adds to our dust woes. The end of March, we were ‘blessed’

2007 Campbell County Annual Report

with a spring blizzard. It is amazing how all the guys work together and get the snow moved. Everyone gets involved when we have a storm such as this one. For some of the county residents, it seems like an eternity before they are plowed out, but please remember that we will get to you just as soon as we can. The county roads are our number 1 priority. May 5th, we received large amounts of rain in a short amount of time. We had roads where culverts were washed out, water running over roads and portions of roads washed away. The cost for this dandy storm was $59,217.42. The end of October and first part of

November we worked on the drainage on Southern Drive. Weed spraying around the delineators was tried this season versus weed eating. We are hoping that this will be a cost effective measure. We spent the summer mowing along county roads at a cost of $82,122.06. The busier paved roads required more than one or two passes. Even though there have been changes in the shop, everything continues to run smoothly. Whenever the need arises, the guys are always willing and able to go. They work in the extreme cold and heat, and never complain. We are looking forward to the challenges in 2008.

Campbell County 2301 S. 4-J Road • 682-7275 The 2006 - 2007 fiscal year was eventful as we spent our first year in the new Health Department building at 2301 South 4 J Road. It has been so nice to have room to set up the specific clinics in specific sites and not have to move and change things for each clinic or move staff out of offices to use the space for clinics. Staff also appreciates the room they now have to do their work. The building on Juniper was a good building with good traffic flow except it was built in 1982 and the community, the programs and the staff grew over the years and the building did not. Now it serves other purposes for the county. The Campbell County Health Department, Division of Public Health Nursing Service provides direct services in the areas of Communicable disease, prevention and health promotion: maternal and Family health: preadmission screen for nursing home placement (LT101): home health care for all ages. It is also the local provider for many Wyoming Department of Health programs. Most services are provided free or at a reduced rate. Some of the services are funded by grants or contracts. All funds received are deposited to the County Treasurer toward the annual budget. The services provided are as follows:

Adult Health: Nursing care of the chronic and /or stable adult in the home, office or clinic setting. This includes the various adult clinics, home or office visits under physician order and special grant and contract programs. Personal care by the Home Health Aide may be included in the plan as well as nursing care. Staff provided 2,358 home visits and 346 other setting visits in Fiscal Year 2006-2007.

Maternal / Child and Family: Services to the mother before, during and after pregnancy, care of the infant up to twenty four months, the child and support to the parents. This

program includes home and office visits for the infant and parents, referral to appropriate state and local agencies. It also includes the Best Beginnings and presumptive eligibility programs, providing services as the nurse to the Children’s Developmental Center, the Nurse Family Partnership Program, Welcome Home visits, Children’s Special Health Program and numerous other services, including the local administration of genetic clinic. We now have the genetic team from Denver Children’s Hospital seeing children/families scheduled in our facility. There were 1,431 home visits and 1,075 in other settings made in Fiscal Year 2006-2007.

Communicable Diseases: Services for the prevention of diseases and promotion of health. This program includes all immunization clinics, including infant, child and adult immunizations, flu and pneumonia clinics, world travel immunization and any special immunization clinics. It also includes the throat culture program, HIV testing and counseling, communicable disease follow-up and referral. During the spring of this year the agency was involved in an extensive disease outbreak follow-up and communicating with Wyoming Health Department and another state health department. During Fiscal Year 2006-2007, 1,413 throat cultures were sent to state lab, 124 people obtained HIV testing and counseling, 10,098 individuals received 13,826 immunizations, including 6,426 flu immunizations. World travel immunizations were administered to eighty individuals and six hundred thirty-five tuberculosis skin tests were administered. Twenty-one home visits and seventy-seven other visits were made relating to communicable disease.

Home Health: This program provides skilled nursing and personal care to the individual in the home

setting under physician or Nurse Practitioner order. 635 home visits were made. An additional 252 visits were made to provide skilled nursing care in the office setting. Public Health is no longer certified by Medicare and Medicaid as a home health agency, but is a licensed home health a g e n c y through the Wyoming Department of Health. It is required to meet the same standards of practice and procedures as the Medicare and Medicaid certified agencies.

with the Campbell County Memorial Hospital staff, the

Long Term 101:

Miscellaneous Programs:

This is preadmission review for the long-term care facility and the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Medicaid functional assessment for eligibility. One hundred thirtyfour home visits and one hundred fifty six visits in other settings were made this year.

This includes all community activities not directly associated with specific programs or case load individuals. General education programs regarding services provided by Public Health, disease or health promotion education programs, participation in meetings and other community groups and activities, telephone calls, information

Clinics and Classes: Adult Health had 1,356 participants, Communicable diseases had 11,354 participants, Maternal and Child Health had 56 participants and office dropin had 3,048 participants. This reflects the total participants in each program.

Counter-terrorism Hazards Response:



This program was added in January 2003: prior to that time all terrorism related education and activities were included in the miscellaneous programs. Staff also attended education programs and participated in committees related to terrorism and hazards. In July, 2004, a Public Health Preparedness and Response Coordinator was hired through a Homeland Security Grant. The grant continues to fund this position. Pandemic Flu educational meetings were held in the community in cooperation

Emergency Manager and other community responders. The Coordinator also assists the county Emergency Manager.

and referral to other agencies and other activities and services as needed. Continuing education for the staff, quality assurance and staff orientation activities are also part of this program. Community Service time spent in these activities was nine thousand six hundred fifty nine hours.

Women, Infants and Children (WIC): This program in contracted with the Wyoming Department of Health to provide nutrition counseling and supplemental food packages to eligible clients. Pregnant, breast feeding or

postpartum mothers, infants and children up to age five who met nutritional, health and financial criteria are eligible for these services. The Campbell County active enrollment as of 12/07 is 875 individuals. The program is staffed by a supervising nutritionist who is also a registered dietitian, a part-time nurse and an office manager. They are pleased to have their own suite in the lower level of the building that provides them an area for a waiting room, clinic and teaching rooms as well as office area. This is so much better for both the clients and the staff. The agency is governed by the Campbell County Board of Health appointed by the County Commissioners. The nursing policies of the agency are reviewed and approved by the Professional Advisory Committee, including the County Health Officer and in accordance with the policies and standards of the State Nursing Service and requirements of the various contracts, grants and accreditations.

2007 Campbell County Annual Report

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Campbell County 500 S. Gillette Ave, Suite B600 682-0746 During the course of 2007, the Juvenile Probation Office handled a total of 480 open cases, 315 of which were newly filed during the year. This represents a 48% increase in new cases over the last five years. The breakdown between the Juvenile, Circuit and Municipal Courts is as follows:

worksites • Monitoring of academic progress, school attendance and discipline referrals • Random drug/alcohol testing • Searches of home and/or vehicles • Mental Health Evaluation and/or Counseling • Substance Abuse Treatment All Open Cases • S T A R S Court Total Males Females Program Juveniles • C om mu n it y District Court 211 157 54 Service Circuit Court 49 30 19 • Employment Courtesy Supervision 3 3 0 and Payment of Out of County 4 2 2 Restitution Municipal Court 213 146 67 • Assigned Total Open Cases 480 338 142 Curfew New Cases Filed • House Arrest Electronic Court Total Males Females and/or Juveniles Monitoring District Court 95 61 34 • Restriction on Circuit Court 28 15 13 associates Courtesy Supervision 0 0 0 In cases Out of County 1 1 0 proceeding through Juvenile Court, the Municipal Court 191 134 57 juvenile’s parents/ Total Open Cases 315 211 104 guardians are also Juvenile Probation assigned a variety of terms and Supervision: conditions which may include The goal of supervised providing supervision for their juvenile probation is three-fold: child, cooperation with the (1) Protection of public safety; Juvenile Probation Officer and (2) Holding juvenile offenders participation in a variety of accountable for the harm they treatment modalities. cause to individual victims and Intensive Supervision Juvenile the community generally; and Probation (ISP): (3) improving the juvenile’s Provides “stepped up” capacities and skills to live as supervision, by Probation a productive citizen. Officer Andreah Leu, for those A youth referred for juveniles who have not proven supervised probation will be successful with the standard assigned to one of our Juvenile probation approach. ISP offers Probation Officers: Deb Lindthe juvenile another means of Adsit, Brenda Parks, Felice being successful before out-ofWilliams or Connie Scigliano. home placement is considered. Terms and conditions of In addition to the terms listed probation vary by case and above, ISP may include: include some combination of • Daily contact with youth at the following: school, work, community • Regular meetings between service or activity sites; the Probation Officer, the • Weekly home visits; juvenile and parents • Closed school campus; • Visits to home, school, • Multiple drug testing per work or community service week. Page 18

2007 Campbell County Annual Report

ISP was first introduced into the Juvenile Probation Office in 2002 via grant funding. In July 2006, ISP became a fully-funded County position. Since ISP Supervision was introduced into the Juvenile Probation Office, 121 youth received some level of ISP with out-of-home placement being avoided in 68% of the cases. During the last calendar year, 28 juveniles received the following intensive supervision services: #

Type of Services


School Visits


Home Visits


Out-of-home Placement Visits


Office Check-Ins


UA Tests Conducted

supervision, the statistics demonstrate the high percentage of youth entering the system who are involved with tobacco, alcohol or drugs. Cases involving alcohol and/or other illegal substances include charges for DUI, Minor in Possession (of alcohol), and possession or use of illegal drugs. Despite ongoing community intervention efforts, these offenses continue to rise:

It is the expectation of the Program that with continued early intervention and provision of additional services, more juveniles can avoid out-ofhome placements completely. Electronic Monitoring: Use of electronic monitoring equipment is available for use in the Juvenile Probation Office and enables the Probation Officers to maintain geographic awareness of a youth whose movements or activities may be restricted to certain locations or environments, such as when under house arrest.

Regardless of the Court of referral, or the level of

Community Service: A crucial element of the probation process is to require that the juvenile makes amends to either an individual victim or the community in general. To that end, probationers may be directed to make payments of restitution, court fines and reimbursement for Courtappointed counsel, as well as to perform hours of community service. Community S e r v i c e Super v isor, David Anderson, provides service to both the Juvenile Probation and Juvenile Diversion P rog ram s, assigning and supervising community service hours imposed upon juveniles through

the Municipal, Circuit, Juvenile and Juvenile & Family Drug Courts, as well as those which are a condition of Juvenile Diversion. The benefits of this position are numerous. Court orders are being implemented and fulfilled in a more timely manner, serving as an on-going reminder to our youth that these orders should be taken seriously, and saving the costs which accrue with delayed compliance.

During the Year 2007, juveniles supervised by the Juvenile Probation Office paid monies or performed community service hours as follows: Community Service Hours Performed


All Courts Restitution Paid to Victims


Juvenile Court Attorney Fees Paid


Juvenile Court Fines Paid


Juvenile Court Total Monies Paid Through


Juvenile Court

Tobacco Education Group (TEG) Those juveniles who have Continued on page 19

Campbell County 500 S. Gillette Ave, Suite B600 682-0746 Continued from page 18

committed a tobacco-related offense may be required to attend the TEG Class in addition to their community service requirement. The TEG Class, which includes elements of lecture, video, demonstration and discussion, aims to move the participant through the stages of preparation and action to quit tobacco use. During 2007, 60 juveniles completed the program compared to 33 who were ordered to participate in 2006. Corrective Thinking Curriculum: The use of Corrective Thinking classes, which are aimed at teaching youth to become more accountable for their actions and develop their decisionmaking processes continues into year six. Juvenile Probation Officers are trained in, and utilize on a daily basis, Corrective Thinking methods to help juveniles focus on the choices that they have made to bring them into the

court system. Corrective Thinking addresses the juveniles’ thinking errors and reluctance to be accountable for their actions, providing youth with the tools necessary to make better decisions and avoid future involvement in the criminal justice system. Juvenile & Family Drug Court: Offers an alternative to District Court Juvenile Probation Supervision for youth 13 - 17 years of age, and their families, and focuses on juvenile crime involving the use of drugs and/or alcohol. Key elements of the 10-18 months program include: • Weekly Court sessions w/Judge Price and the Drug Court Team • Substance Abuse Treatment at Personal Frontiers, Inc. • Family and individual counseling provided by a YES House therapist • Intensive Supervision Probation with Probation Officer Tina Parde • Frequent random urinalysis/ breathalyzer testing Back Row Felice Williams, Brenda Parks, Connie Scigliano, Andreah Leu, David Anderson, Tina Parde, Susan Cahill. Front Row Deb Lind-Adsit, Judy Ratcliff, Nicole Bums, Shelly Sisneros

• Use of immediate sanctions and incentives to address program successes and infractions. The program utilizes a “team approach” in which the Judge, County Attorney, Public Defender, Probation, Department of Family Services, Substance Abuse Treatment Provider, Family Therapist and School District jointly address the needs of the substance abusing juvenile and his/ her family. Drug Court Probation Officer Tina Parde provides intensive supervision probation services to the program participants. To date, 38 juveniles and 89 family members, for a total of 127 participants, have entered into the Juvenile & Family Drug Court Program. The program is currently serving 29 participants, 9 juveniles and 20 family members. There have been many significant program successes: • 50 participants have graduated (13 Juveniles and their families) • 91% juveniles are in high school, high school graduates or obtained their GED • 88% juveniles have improved academically • 82% juveniles have improved school attendance • 81% juveniles have decreased school discipline referrals • 92% juveniles report improved family relationships • 77% juvenile graduates have had no new offenses since graduation

• 100% juveniles have been involved in an extra-curricular activity, obtained employment or completed community service. • 96.3% of the drug/alcohol testing has produced clean UA tests Although occasional setbacks are inevitable, thus far the program

has demonstrated its effectiveness in strengthening family bonds and decreasing substance abuse in a manner not equally seen in traditional juvenile probation. In the year to come, the Juvenile Probation Staff will continue to work cooperatively with it’s juvenile service partners -- Department of Family Services, YES House, Personal Frontiers, CCMH and local counseling agencies, School District, Law Enforcement and the County Attorney’s Office, among others -- toward our mutual goal of holding juveniles accountable and improving the quality of their lives. We continue to be thankful to the Campbell County Commissioners for their support of these essential juvenile programs.

Campbell County 500 S. Gillette Ave, Ste. 2600 682-3424 The year 2007 was a busy year for the Clerk of District Court Office, with three Judges and three courtrooms the Sixth Judicial District is one of the busiest districts in the state. Our goal has always been and will remain to help each and every person who walks into our office in a professional, efficient and respectful manner. The Clerk of Court also summons Jurors for District Court jury trials. Jurors are paid at the rate of $30.00 per day plus mileage, and most trials are completed within three days. In 2007 Page 19

we had a total of 21 jury trials, almost twice as many as last year. The Secretary of State’s Office generates a random computer list of possible jurors for our county. This list is compiled of names from drivers’ license records and voter registration lists. Jurors are required to either appear four times, serve on a jury trial or complete their four-month term. The Clerk of Courts office has trained staff to receipt and distribute child support payments. Our core staff function in concert with the Sixth Judicial District Child Support Authority and the State

2007 Campbell County Annual Report

Disbursement Unit staff ensure that child support is distributed in a timely fashion according to federal and state requirements. We continue to have success with Sandcastles. This program requires parents who are going through a divorce to enroll their children ages six to seventeen in a three and a half hour, one time group session prior to the finalization of the divorce. The program is facilitated by school counselors. It provides a safe environment for the children to discuss issues that worry them and to ask ques-

tions. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend the last half hour of the session in order for them to have a better understanding of what their children are feeling and to be able to develop a closer relationship with their children, Planning a trip overseas?? Pick up a passport application at the Clerk of District Court office, or for passport and travel information, please visit www. travel.state.gov. Applications are processed by the Clerk’s office and forwarded to the regional passport office.

Campbell County 500 S Gillette Ave, Ste 1400 • 685-8061

Engineering ~ Building ~ Planning~ Fleet Management~ Surveying~ Facilities~ Solid Waste On the capital construction front, we have a large number of projects in various stages of planning, construction, or post-construction phases. A few projects include: • The George Amos Memorial Building remodel project is complete, and offers the public three modern, state-of-the-art meeting rooms, as well as a newly updated home for the Public Defender's Office. • The Y.E.S. House Crisis shelter is progressing well, and will be a great addition to the Y.E.S. House campus. • The new Campbell County Fire Department facility is nearing completion and will be a tremendous asset to the community. • The new Recreation Center is in design development and construction will begin in the first quarter of 2008. • The new Technical Center at Gillette College is in design development and will begin construction the second quarter of 2008. • The Campbell County Detention Center expansion and remodel project is in full swing, and could be complete as early as late 2008. • Northern Drive planning is progressing and public meetings will be held in January 2008. • Bicentennial Park parking lot reconstruction is complete and will be a great improvement for users of the park. • Planning is underway for several projects, including the Children's Center office expansion, Sunny Slope drainage improvements, and improvement projects at the landfill. For the second consecutive year, our Building and Planning division saw near record numbers of permits, inspections, and subdivisions. Likewise, the landfill continues to see steady growth in solid

waste and recycling. Permitting for the next pit at landfill #2 is in progress. Our Fleet Management division expects to bring a new software system online in the first quarter of 2008, allowing a more comprehensive management approach with increased reporting capabilities. Our Facilities Maintenance division will implement the same software, allowing us to greatly reduce the staff time required to process purchase orders and to track maintenance costs. Kevin King. P.E. Director of Public Works ENGINEERING The purpose of the Engineering Division is: • responsible for project development, design development, construction oversight and management, construction budgets and the remodeling and modifications to all capital facilities owned by Campbell County. • delegated authority for small wastewater facilities, publicly owned sewage collection facilities, publicly owned water distribution facilities and publicly owned nondischarging treatment works as delegated by DEQ. • provide services to Joint Powers Boards for construction of facilities that fall under these boards. • administration of District Support Grants • provide subdivision planning services

Other 2006-2007 Construction Projects • Roof replacements Ice Barn, Diesel Building and Soup Kitchen • Bell Knob Bunker Renovation • Ball Field Lighting Upgrades • Little Powder River Road Overlay and Culvert installation • Sheriff Radio Tower relocation • Courthouse remodel • Landfill Electric Gate installation • County Parking Lot Repairs • County Road Maintenance • County Facilities Maintenance • Northern Drive • Soup Kitchen remodel • Wright Recreation parking rehabilitation • Landfill pavement rehabilitation • Bell Knob Entry Gates • Sinclair Street • Kluver Road realignment With continued population growth, the Department of Public Works and its many divisions strive to ensure the best possible services are available to the community. The department works as a team to ensure community services are housed in safe, adequate facilities; that roads and dust control continue to be a high priority, and that the citizens of Campbell County receive the highest level of professionalism and knowledge available. PLANNING

The year of 2007 was an exciting and demanding one for the Planning Division. Many new subdivisions have been finalized and more are in the planning process. The Planning Division had a new Planning Technician join the team. Megan Lehman was hired May 14, 2007. Megan is a 2007 graduate from the University of Wyoming with a Bachelor of Science degree in Geography and Planning. Megan’s knowledge and education is a welcome addition to the Planning Division. The implementation of the revised Subdivision Regulations also began in 2007. It has been a challenging experience for both staff and developers. With the county expanding and growing at such a fast pace, the regulations have been of great assistance in helping our county to proactively plan for the future.

order to provide adequate and convenient transportation, utilities, educational and other public facilities, parks, recreation, civil defense, fire protection, light and air • to minimize population and traffic congestion, air and water pollution, and flood damage resulting from inadequate land planning, including provisions for minimum area and width of lots and tracts, proper location and width of streets and roads, adequacy of water source and of sewage and solid waste disposal methods, and adequacy of drainage and flood control facilities • to protect and preserve the value of land and buildings throughout Campbell County, to minimize the conflicts among the uses of land and buildings, and to safeguard the common interests of the public, the landowner and the subdivider. Lot Density Comparisons: • Lots Approved by County Commissioners 2006: 251 • Lots Approved by County Commissioners 2007: 308 • Lots currently in the Planning Process: 1,33

The purpose of the Planning Division is: • to promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the present and future residents of Campbell County • to establish reasonable standards for design and construction of subdivisions and re-subdivisions in order to promote harmonious layout and use of the land, and to insure accurate and legal descriptions and monumentation of subdivisions • to guide the public and private policy and action in

The Planning Division looks forward to continued growth in Campbell County. Completion of open subdivision cases and implementation of the new Recreational Vehicle Park Zoning Regulations are two goals for 2008.

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BUILDING & ZONING The Building and Zoning Division provides building inspection and zoning services to the residents of Campbell County who live outside of the incorporated areas of Gillette and the Town of Wright. The purpose of the Building and Zoning Division is: • to provide information and help in determining the applicable building codes for new construction, additions, and remodels and provide information regarding the appropriate zoning for a specific use of property • to issue permits for the Minimum Building Standards adopted in Campbell County • to provide assistance and information regarding the minimum type of permitting and inspections required for the type of construction and use of buildings

FACILITIES MAINTENANCE Facilities Maintenance Division provides maintenance and custodial services for several Campbell County facilities. Facilities Maintenance Care Facilities Airport Public Health New Facility Bell Nob Golf Course (assist) Public Health Old Facility Children’s Developmental Services of CC Radio Towers Courthouse (Maint. & Custodial) Recycle Center YES House Campus Road & Bridge (Maint. & Custodial) Diesel Tech Center Rockpile Museum Extension Office Senior Citizens Center (Maint. & Custodial) GARF House Sheriff’s Office (assist) George Amos Memorial Library (Maint. & Custodial)

Weed & Pest Gillette Library Wright Library Ice Barn Arena Wright Recreation Center Landfill Wright Safety Building Parks & Recreation (assist) The purpose of the Facilities Maintenance Division is: • to provide ongoing maintenance functions to County facilities • to develop and institute preventative maintenance programs to maximize the useful life of County facilities • to maintain clean, attractive and safe environments for County employees and the general public • to identify and mitigate potential hazards in County facilities The Facilities Maintenance Division of Public Works experienced a period of employee turn-over this past year. We are now at a full staffing level of 13. The combined experience of our staff enables us to perform most repairs in-house versus the need to hire outside sources. Not only does this afford a significant savings to the County, but also provides the ability to maintain County facilities at the highest level for the safety and well being of employees and the public. Our Custodial staff is second to none and takes great pride in their jobs. Their dedication is evidenced in the appearance of the facilities to which they are assigned. The Facilities Maintenance team are dedicated public servants and we are fortunate to have them as County employees. FLEET MANAGEMENT The purpose of the Fleet Management Division is: • to ensure a modern, efficient, and dependable fleet of vehicles is available to County agencies for use • to plan and develop a fleet for the future needs of the County The Fleet program continues to grow and succeed. In 2007 the Road & Bridge light duty vehicles were included in the program. Sheriff Department vehicles come into the program in 2008. The program saw a marked increase in vehicle miles driven and vehicle usage in 2007 versus 2006. The miles driven increased approximate 150% and the usage increased approximately 400%

during comparable time periods. With the growth of the program staff is working with the Information Technology department to add modules to the current AS400 program to better track and maintain fleet vehicles. SOLID WASTE - LANDFILL Mark J. Swan, P.G. began his duties as Environmental Services Manager in June 2007. Mark has been a resident of Campbell County since 1989. He has worked in the coal and methane industries with extensive experience in environmental engineering and geology. The purpose of the Solid waste Division is to: • provide a modern, efficient and environmentally responsible system for baling and transferring municipal and construction and demolition solid waste from the transfer station, to the landfills north of Gillette. • dispose of household hazardous waste and used oil. • provide a modern, efficient and environmentally responsible system, to divert products from the municipal waste stream, to be recycled. Solid Waste Division points of interest: • we have completed the closure of Landfill #1 by constructing a final cover system which incorporates the latest design techniques for preventing the infiltration of water into the closed landfill. • a Methane Extraction System has been installed, to evacuate methane gas from the closed landfill, thus minimizing groundwater contamination and the build up and movement of gas to adjacent properties. • in 2001 Landfill #2 was designed with a life expectancy of 12 years. Due to population growth and an increasing solid waste stream the projected remaining life expectancy is just three (3) years. • employees work 10 to 12 hour days and struggle to keep up with the incoming waste. This has made diversion of recyclables from the Landfill more important than ever. • Wyoming Solid Waste and Recycling Association has recognized the Landfill for having the best transfer station. • We are in the initial stages of designing a new transfer station to accommodate

the population growth and exploding solid waste stream. • the Landfill continues to adapt our operating procedures to facilitate new operating guidelines and new facilities. • the bale field has been recognized as the best in the state. • we strive to maintain consistency and accessibility for the community. • we have teamed with the Johnson County and Sheridan City landfill operators to complete an Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan, to determine the most economic and environmentally responsible approach

for solid waste management in northeast Wyoming. RECYCLE PROGRAM Recycle program points of interest are: • the Wyoming Solid Waste and Recycling Association has recognized the recycling operations as the best in the state • recycling operations include household and industrial recycle materials • Campbell County has the largest recycling program in the State thanks to the community commitment to recycling. • Julie Ruff joined the County as Recycle Manager in October 2006. Julie has extensive experience with the Campbell County Recycle Program. She spent many years as a volunteer in the Recycle Center before accepting the position as manager. We are fortunate to have Julie's enthusiasm, expertise and dedication to the program.

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by Jeani L. Stone, Campbell County & Prosecuting Attorney The County Attorney’s Office is responsible for the prosecution of criminal offenses occurring in Campbell County and represents and advises the various county entities in civil matters. The County Attorney’s Office is located in the basement of the Courthouse. Jeani Stone was re-elected Campbell County Attorney in 2006 and has completed her fifth year as Campbell County & Prosecuting Attorney. Bill Edelman continues to serve as the Chief Deputy Attorney. Jack Sundquist, Charlene Edwards, Carol Seeger, Bill Eichelberger, Wendy Bartlett, Brooke Steele, Dan Reade, Christina Williams and Doug Dumbrill served as Deputy County & Prosecuting Attorneys in 2007. Support staff during 2007 included Myrna Clark, Lyla Fevold, Jessica DeMott, Toni Ellis, Carolyn Waldrop, Sandy Wilder, Debra Jennings, Jackie Adair, Lorene Stricker, Gail Eliasson, Danalynne Miller, Doug Marler, Sarah Roberts, Lisa Kelhi, Teresa Kirkpatrick, Renee Proffitt and Jody McGee. Cherilyn Thompson, Monica Eskew and Charlie Hardin served in the Campbell County Attorney’s Office Crime Victim/Witness Office. The County Attorney’s Office supervises the Campbell County and City of Gillette Juvenile Diversion, Teen Intervention and Early Age Intervention Programs. The Juvenile Diversion Office staff consists of Erica Wood, Cindy Erikson, Janet Vaccari and Officer Randy Monk of the Gillette Police Department. 2007 STATISTICS During 2007, the County Attorney’s Office prosecuted 191 felony offenders. The numbers were similar to the preceding years. The Deputy County Attorneys assigned to District Court had 13 jury trials, with 10 guilty convictions, 2 not guilty and 1 not guilty by reason of mental illness or deficiency. In addition the felony attorneys filed 94 probation revocations, up from 88 the previous year. The volume of misdemeanor cases continues to increase. In 2007 9,859 misdemeanor charges were filed, an Page 22

increase from 8,523 in 2006 and 7,254 in 2005. Of the 9,859 misdemeanor offenses in 2007, 7,222 were traffic citations. The continuing influx of workers to the community together with targeted DUI patrols, has caused an increased DUI caseload. In 2007, 900 individuals were charged with Driving While Under the Influence, an increase from 680 individuals in 2006 and 540 in 2005. Four of the 900 DUIs were bound over to the District Court for felony DUIs. The Deputy County Attorneys assigned to Circuit Court participated in 16 jury trials, compared to 18 in 2006 and 13 in 2005. Wendy Bartlett, Christina Williams, Brooke Steele, Doug Dumbrill and Dan Reade primarily prosecuted individuals appearing in front of the Honorable William S. Edwards and Honorable Terrill R. Tharp in Circuit Court. There were 288 new Juvenile Court cases in 2007, compared to 235 in 2006. Of the 288 new juvenile cases, 100 were for delinquency, 27 for child in need of supervision, 36 for neglect, 93 for probation revocations, and 32 contempt of courts. There was an increase in the number of probation revocations and contempt actions filed from the previous year, with delinquencies, CHINS and neglects roughly staying the same. The Civil Department continued to be busy, advising the various county entities, collecting delinquent taxes, and handling involuntary commitment proceedings. FELONY DEPARTMENT During 2007, the County Attorney’s Office prosecuted 191 new felony cases in the District Court in Campbell County. The number of new cases was similar to the preceding years but does not reflect those cases filed in 2006 which were tried and reached a resolution in 2007. In addition to the usual hearings that occur in felony cases, the Deputy County Attorneys assigned to the District Court handled numerous probation revocations and appeals that were processed in the District Court. In 2007, the attorneys handling the felony prosecutions for the Campbell County Attorney’s Office participated in over twice as many jury trials as were completed in 2006. Several major cases were resolved during 2007 that resulted in substantial jail sentences being imposed. Deputy Campbell

2007 Campbell County Annual Report

County Attorney William Eichelberger completed six jury trials, obtaining convictions in four of those. Included in those convictions were individuals convicted of exposing children to methamphetamine, commonly called the Drug Endangered Child statute. Additionally, Eichelberger successfully prosecuted Charles Haynes for two counts of sexually assaulting a three year old child. Haynes conviction was obtained notwithstanding the unavailability of the victim who was found unable to testify due to her age. Haynes received a substantial penitentiary sentence following his conviction. Finally, Eichelberger obtained convictions for delivery of cocaine, conspiracy to deliver methamphetamine, grand larceny, aggravated assault and felony drunk driving. In 2007, Deputy Campbell County Attorney Jack Sundquist participated in six jury trials, obtaining convictions in five of those six trials. Included in those cases were individuals charged with sexual assault, conspiracy to commit armed robbery, robbery and felony assaulting a police officer. All the individuals identified as participants in the 2005 robbery of the Foothills Kum and Go were successfully prosecuted and convicted. In addition to handling these prosecutions, Sundquist was the Campbell County Attorney’s office representative on the Campbell County Adult Drug Court which continues to successfully address defendants who bring substance abuse issues before the courts. 2007 also saw the resolution of all the murder cases and the underlying sexual assault case involving Jeremy Forquer and Bryce Chavers. In January 2007, Kent Proffit, Sr. was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole for his involvement in the death of Jeremy Forquer. In March, 2007, Mr. Proffit was tried and convicted for his participation in ordering the murder of Bryce Chavers, Mr. Proffit was sentenced to a consecutive sentence of life without the possibility of parole. Finally, in June, 2007, Mr. Proffit was convicted of sexually abusing Bryce Chavers by a jury in Thermopolis, Wyoming. Proffit received a consecutive sentence for those crimes as well. Jacob Martinez was sentenced to four consecutive sentences of life without the possibility of parole and Michael Seiser was sentenced to 20-25 years imprisonment for their

roles in the murders. In May 2007, LaDonna Carothers was found guilty by a jury and convicted of aggravated vehicular homicide, for causing the death of Madison Scalzo in a drunk driving crash. The County Attorney’s Office continues to prosecute individuals under the Drug Endangered Child Criminal statute. Beginning in 2004, parents and caregivers have been prosecuted in criminal court and juvenile court depending on the facts and circumstances of each case. 2007 saw a slight decline in the number of criminal cases charged in this area, when a total of 11 cases were filed. Finally, during 2007, the County Attorney’s Office initiated in excess of 20 cases alleging sexual assaults in different degrees. These offenses included allegations of sexual assault in the first, second and third degree. In July 2007, the State of Wyoming adopted new sexual assault statutes that address sexual crimes perpetrated against children. These offenses include sexual abuse of a minor in the first, second, third, and fourth degree. The County Attorney’s Office vigorously applied these new statutes and several have resulted in trials scheduled for early 2008. The method of classifying sex offenders and notifying the public about sex offenders changed substantially in 2007. In July 2007, the State of Wyoming adopted a new sex offender registration process which eliminated the previous system that required that an offender be assessed for the risk of re-offending. The new method does not require any court action by the County Attorney’s Office but instead is controlled by what an individual is convicted of. Individuals who are convicted of criminal offenses against a minor or sex offenses must register with the State of Wyoming. This registration requirement will continue following sentencing for fifteen years, twentyfive years or the offender’s lifetime, depending upon what they are convicted of. Additionally, a failure by an offender to abide by this registration act is a felony and carries a punishment up to five years for a first offense and up to ten years for a second or subsequent offense. MISDEMEANOR DEPARTMENT The volume of misdemeanor Continued on page 23

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cases continues to increase. Due to the increased workload, many of the defendants charged into traffic court have had a substantial wait prior to making their first appearance. In 2007 9,859 misdemeanor charges were filed, an increase of roughly 1,336 offenses from the previous year. Of these misdemeanors, approximately 7,222 were traffic citations. The continuing influx of workers to the community together with targeted DUI patrols, has caused an increased DUI case load. In 2007, 900 individuals were charged with Driving While Under the Influence, an increase of 220. In July, 2007 the legislature enacted enhanced penalties for individuals who drive under the influence and have a child in the car. During 2007, discussions were held regarding inpatient treatment needs of the community. In 2007, 243 victims of domestic violence were provided service by the County Attorney’s Office, compared to 234 cases the year previous and 249 in 2006. These offenses included Family Violence Battery, Stalking and Protection Order Violations. Of these, 181 were female and 62 were male. In addition, 4 felony battery family violence charges were filed in 2007, compared to 9 in 2006 and 2 in 2005. Domestic violence dismissal rates have remained consistent throughout the past several years, with the number one reason for a dismissal being a lack of cooperation by the victim. In 2007, 16 misdemeanor defendants were tried before a jury, compared to 18 the previous year. The number of attorneys assigned to Circuit Court was increased from two to four in September of 2007, to address the increased work load and cases. Wendy Bartlett, Doug Dumbrill, Dan Reade, Brooke Steele and Christi Williams were primarily responsible for prosecuting cases before the Honorable William S. Edwards and Honorable Terrill R. Tharp. CRIME VICTIM OFFICE Cherilyn Thompson and Monica Eskew are the Victim/Witness Coordinators for the Crime Victim Office. Ms. Thompson works with victims of property and non-family violence battery crimes, while Ms. Eskew works with victims of sexual assault, stalking, and domestic violence crimes. Charlie Hardin is the Assistant Victim/Witness Coordinator.

The Crime Victim/Witness Coordinators are instrumental in working with victims in criminal court cases in Circuit and District Court. The Coordinators provide crime victims an understanding of the criminal justice system and support during the court process. The Crime Victim Office files Wyoming Crime Victim Compensation claims, provides emergency services for victims in the form of food and gas cards, and provides referrals to other victim service providers as needed. The Campbell County Crime Victim Coordinators also act as a liaison between the Prosecuting Attorneys and victims providing, valuable case information and restitution figures. During 2007 the Crime Victim Office took out ads in the local community paper informing the community about services the Campbell County Attorney Crime Victim Office provides. The Crime Victim Office also participated in the local Woman to Woman Festival, presenting a workshop on understanding the judicial system in regards to stalking, domestic violence, and sexual assault crimes. JUVENILE CASES Jeani Stone, Charlene Edwards and William Eichelberger prosecuted juvenile cases in 2007. Juvenile court cases involve neglected and delinquent children and children in need of supervision. There were 288 new juvenile cases that proceeded in juvenile court, compared to 235 in 2006, 231 in 2005 and 177 in 2004. Of those, 100 were delinquent children, compared to 92 in 2006, and 78 delinquents in 2005; 27 children in need of supervision, compared to 28 in 2006 and 39 children in need of supervision in 2005; 36 neglect proceedings, compared to 30 in 2006 and 48 neglect proceedings in 2005; 93 revocation proceedings, compared to 54 in 2006 and 41 revocations in 2005; and 32 contempt of court proceedings, compared to 31 in 2006 25 in 2005 and 25 contempt of court proceedings in 2004. Court ordered treatment, counseling, probation, community service and the importance of education are emphasized in juvenile court. To date, the Juvenile and Family Drug Court program has had 50 participants and their family members successfully complete the program

and 29 participants and their family members who are currently in the program. CIVIL DEPARTMENT Carol Seeger, Deputy County and Prosecuting Attorney, was primarily responsible for civil issues for Campbell County government in 2007, including advising the Campbell County Commission and all other elected officials, appointed county boards and county department heads, other than the Sherifff’s Department who was advised by Deputy County Attorney Charlene Edwards. Some of these matters include road issues, planning and zoning, taxation and tax collection, and contract review. Carol Seeger also handled the majority of the Title 25 involuntary commitment hearings involving individuals who were suffering from a mental illness who posed a danger to themselves or others and who required court ordered treatment on behalf of the State. In 2007, 97 individuals were detained on Title 25 involuntary holds, with 8 of them resulting in Title 25 actions being filed compared to 9 in 2006 and 10 in 2005. This compares to 103 being detained in 2006 and 79 in 2005. Deputy C a mpb el l County Attorney Charlene Edwards continues to advise the Sheriff’s Department on various issues, including jail policies and procedures. COMMITMENT TO THE SYSTEM The County Attorney’s Office actively participates on the Sexual Assault Response Team, Child Protection Team, Adult Drug Court, Juvenile & Family Drug Court, Child Support Authority Board, Campbell County Community Corrections Board, Underage Drinking Coalition, and Coalition Promoting a Drug-Free Community, to name a few. COLLABORATION OF EFFORTS During 2007, several agencies have assisted the Campbell County Attorney’s Office in the prosecution of criminal offenses. The Campbell County Attorney’s Office acknowledges the cooperation and excellent job done by the Gillette Police Department, the Campbell County Sheriff’s

Department, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, the Wyoming Highway Patrol, Division of Criminal Investigation, Campbell County Fire Department, Gillette Abuse Refuge Foundation and the Department of Family Services in the investigation of cases and assistance given to the County Attorney’s Office. JUVENILE DIVERSION PROGRAM 500 South Gillette Avenue, Suite B300 Gillette, WY 82716 307-687-6311 307-687-6441 (fax) The Juvenile Diversion Program’s mission statement is to turn mistakes made by first time juvenile offenders into an educational opportunity and decrease recidivism of criminal activity. The Juvenile Diversion Program focuses on modifying a juvenile offender’s thinking patterns, curtail their criminal activity, improve school performance, improve parent/child communication, boost self-esteem and encourage positive decision making. The Program offers juveniles a record of no conviction if they complete the six to twelve month probation program under the supervision of the Diversion Officers. The Juvenile Diversion Program is a collaboration between the County Attorney’s Office, Campbell County Sheriff’s Department and Gillette Police Department. The Juvenile Diversion Team consists of Erica Wood, Cindy Erikson and Gillette Police Officer Randy Monk. Janet Vaccari serves as the Office Assistant. David Anderson is the Community Service Supervisor who works closely with this program. To be accepted into the Juvenile Diversion Program, juveniles must meet eligibility requirements and complete a screening process. Youth who have not been convicted of a previous crime and who otherwise qualify for the program must submit to random drug and alcohol testing, maintain a curfew, complete a corrective thinking course, community service, maintain good grades, and often times seek outside counseling services. Statistics revealed that since the program’s inception in September, 1999 through December, 2007, 3,459 juveniles have been screened. Of those, the program has admitted 752 juveniles. In 2007, 111 juveniles participated in the program, with 72 juveniles completing,

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31 failing, and 57 juveniles still in the program. The Juvenile Diversion Program has a 81% percent success rate for juveniles completing the program and not re-offending for a two year period after successfully completing the program. Of the juveniles who did not successfully complete the Juvenile Diversion Program, 61% of them failed due to drug or alcohol use while on the program and 39% failed due to not complying with program rules or committing a new criminal offense. The Diversion Program utilizes corrective thinking, a theory based on Dr. Stanton Samenow, which focus on decision making skills within youth and retraining the thinking process of youth to hold “themselves” more accountable for their actions. The Juvenile Diversion Program is currently in its seventh year of operation and is seeing remarkable

gains in changing criminal thinking and reducing recidivism. The Diversion Officers’ backgrounds are unique to many other programs in the United States as ours has both members of law enforcement and those trained in social work. A key component of the program is to improve communication within the family. In addition, education and maintaining grades are emphasized and improved following the corrective thinking class and the diversion program. The Juvenile Diversion Officers continue to participate in Camp Postcard, a week long camp which works with at-risk youth. During 2007, 16 at-risk fifth and sixth graders were invited and attended Camp Postcard with the Diversion Officers. Since the Juvenile Diversion Program began attending Camp Postcard with Campbell County youth, 28 at-risk youth have benefitted from the Program.

EARLY AGE INTERVENTION & TEEN INTERVENTION PROGRAMS 500 South Gillette Avenue, Suite B300 Gillette, WY 82716 307-687-6311 • 307-687-6441 (fax) In addition to the Diversion Program, an Early Age Intervention component is also available to youth 5-12 years of age, who are experiencing difficulty in school and are exhibiting disruptive behaviors. The program focuses on parenting, anger management, conflict resolution, and self esteem. Youth do not have to be involved in the court system to benefit from the services of the Early Age Intervention Program. The Early Age Intervention Program encourages parents to attend parenting classes and counseling with their child. Contact with the school, siblings and parents is a key component of the program. Involvement in community activities is explored. In addition, many juveniles in the Diversion, Early Age and

Teen Intervention Programs participate at the local community garden. The Early Age Intervention Program has assisted 148 youth and their families since the inception of the Early Age Program. Twenty-four juveniles were admitted to the program in 2007. One juvenile failed to complete the program. In late fall, 2005, the Diversion Program developed and began the Teen Intervention Program which is designed to help at-risk juveniles who are exhibiting out-of-control behaviors. To date, there have been nineteen juveniles and their families who have participated in the Teen Intervention Program. Juvenile Diversion, Early Age Intervention and Teen Intervention all work closely with the Campbell County School District, the Campbell County Sheriff’s Department, Gillette Police Department, and the Campbell County Attorney’s Office.

Campbell County 1635 Reata Drive • 687-0200 “BARN IN THE USA” was the theme for the 2007 Campbell County Fair held the first week in August. The week kicked off with a sold-out concert by Country Singer, Neal McCoy. The rest of the week was jampacked with top notch entertainment and great livestock shows, horse shows, handwork and entries by some of the best cooks in the county. The Free Entertainment at the fair included a fiddle and dance group called “Everything Fitz”. The “Standards” also graced the stage with their wonderful a cappella harmonies. They had appeared in Gillette many times and have a great following. The “Extreme Canines” frisbee dog show performed on the plaza daily with great interaction with the crowd. The “Balloon Buffoon” strolled the grounds creating wonderful balloon animals for his many young followers. Dance Heads created some memorable DVD’s for fairgoers to keep and remember their visit to the Campbell County Fair. “Silhouettes by Lars” was a very popular feature in Central Pavilion using scissors to cut silhouettes of young and old alike. The Page 24

ever popular “Pet Stop” petting zoo was at the fair to give little participants a chance for some hands-on participation with the animals. Next to the petting zoo was the “Coloring Corral” for all youngsters to color large banners with Fair scenes. Schoeppner Shows brought their carnival rides to the fair to entertain the young also. The Energy Town Pro Rodeo was held on

Friday and Saturday nights featuring the nationally famous Burch Rodeo stock. The attendance at the rodeo was nearly double that of last year. “Mutton Bustin” was added to the rodeo this year for the little kids and proved to be a very popular event with

2007 Campbell County Annual Report

the crowd. The rodeo featured a “Tough Enough to Wear Pink” night which raised money for a local breast cancer charity. The Neighborhood Barbecue hosted by the methane producers of the county was held before the Saturday night performance of the rodeo and fed 1600 people on the plaza. Numbers were up in all 4-H and FFA livestock shows this year. Entries in Energy Hall were higher in most areas. There are always many beautiful handmade items on display to be judged during the Fair. Our commercial booth area was sold out and continues to draw more interest each year. The Coal Country Fiddle Contest and Pioneer Dinner are some of the most popular events at the Fair and were so this year also. Other highlights of the week included the Miss Campbell County Contest, the Fair Talent

Show, Sheep Lead Contest, mini-animal show, several horse events including jackpot team roping, youth rodeo, team penning, open horse show and junior horse show. The annual Demolition Derby was held on Sunday to complete the week of entertainment. The Youth Livestock Sale was held on Monday evening and was a great success thanks to the our local supporters year after year. There were 159 animals sold and the sale total was $401,658.65. Plans are already in progress and entertainment is booked for the 2008 Campbell County Fair, which will be held July 28 - August 3, 2008. Start on your projects this winter and come be a part of the Fair.

Campbell County 200 Rohan Ave • 682-5319 A New Beginning These are exciting times for the Campbell County Fire Department (CCFD) as it emerges into a new year. Everyone at the Fire Department is thrilled about the new Station One headquarters which is currently being built at 106 Rohan Avenue. This facility will be most welcomed by the organization as it struggles to keep up with Campbell County’s growing population. Equally exciting, after an extensive interview process, CCFD has a new business manager and a new fire chief. In late 2006 the Fire Board selected Tracey Schuh as Business Manager, and Don Huber was recently appointed Fire Chief. These are only a few of a great many exciting developments in 2007 at the Campbell County Fire Department. FIRE BOARD The fire department operates under the direction of the sevenmember Joint Powers Fire Board representing Gillette, Wright, and Campbell County. The Board navigated CCFD through a tremendously challenging year including major additions of equipment, facilities, and personnel. The Fire Board members are as follows: • Matt Avery representing Campbell County • Marilyn Mackey representing Campbell County • Tom Johnson representing the City of Gillette • Chris Knapp representing Campbell County • Joe Robidoux representing the Town of Wright • Sam Saunders (Chairman) representing Campbell County • Jeff Wagoner representing the City of Gillette The Board developed new Mission, Vision, and Values Statements for the fire department in their March 3rd Workshop. The new Mission Statement demonstrates CCFD’s commitment and responsiveness to the citizens of Campbell County:

‘Dedicated to the safety of our community through commitment, cooperation, discipline, and accountability.’ The fire department’s

were oversight of all financial functions including the financial presentation for the county boards and the budgetary process for the entire county.

NEW FIRE STATION ONE Everyone at CCFD is extremely excited about the new Fire Station One facility which is being constructed at 106 Rohan

classes, staff meetings, and crew briefings. The Community Room will be made available to the general public mostly for public education purposes as well as other public functions. A Kitchen and Dining Room are situated so they can be easily accessed PLANNING COMMITTEES In 2007 Campbell County Fire Department undertook major committee work oriented toward strategic planning. Key analytical studies addressed the following areas:

aspirations of the future are stated in its new Vision Statement. Our Vision for Continuing Excellence: • Responsiveness to changing community needs • Leadership in a period of change • Regional emergency services delivery • Commitment to planning for continual improvement The Board also developed a Values Statement which identifies the organization’s priorities. Our Values: For the Department: We strive for excellence through knowledge, motivation, and education. For the Community: We provide outstanding service through teamwork, confidence, and performance. For Ourselves: We maintain honesty and loyalty through effective communication and mutual respect. NEW BUSINESS MANAGER In November 2006 Tracey Schuh joined the CCFD family as its new Business Manager. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and has experience in many areas including Entrepreneurship, Accounting, and Financial Investments. She worked for the Commissioners Office as the Financial Specialist for seven years. Her main duties at the Commissioners office

The fire department is especially grateful for Ms. Schuh’s efforts in managing the budgetary process, instituting a new purchase order system, overseeing grant requests, updating the department’s Fiscal Policy, revising the CCFD Personnel Guidelines, and a multitude of other management functions. Ms. Schuh has performed these all these tasks admirably, but perhaps most importantly, she has been an invaluable source of leadership for the entire organization at an especially critical time. NEW FIRE CHIEF After an extensive interview process, the Fire Board appointed Don Huber as the fire department’s new Chief in November 2007. He served as Chief at Worland, Wyoming from 2001 until present, and before that he spent 18 years as a firefighter and eventually an administrator at CCFD. Throughout his career he has been heavily involved in formulating Hazardous Materials policy and programs on the local and statewide levels. Chief Huber serves as the chair of the Wyoming State Emergency Response Commission, and he is a member of the Wyoming Regional Response Steering Committee. He is an annual attendee of legislative sessions in Cheyenne where he participates in lobbying efforts for a myriad of Fire Department-specific issues.

Avenue. The current Station One at 200 Rohan Avenue has increasingly become more crowded to the point that several firefighters now occupy a mobile office unit. Clearly the time had come for a new building. The new Station One is a 43,000-square foot state-of-theart facility with ample room for firefighters, administrators, volunteers, apparatus, and equipment. The bay area can accommodate up to 12 apparatus, and included is a drive-through wash bay. There is adequate office space for all personnel and meeting/conference rooms appropriate for all fire department business. As a provision for the future, the station has Sleeping Quarters for 12 personnel. These are in anticipation of future population growth and an expected demand for 24-hour emergency response staffing. A Fitness Room (accessible 24 hours a day to accommodate shift workers) will enable the department’s nearly 150 volunteers and 18 career personnel and their spouses. It will contain treadmills, elliptical machines, free weights, universal weights, aerobic equipment, and much more. The Volunteer Room, designated explicitly for firefighters, will be made available for business meetings, social gatherings, holiday parties, and officer meetings. This room will also be utilized for training

Transition Planning: This committee tackled the enormous logistical challenge of planning for the move into the new fire station. In order to accommodate a late-February move date, this plan provides for change of address, moving of furniture and equipment, coordinating the efforts of career and volunteer personnel, and organizing a Grand Opening Celebration. Succession Planning: This group worked on a plan to help assure continuity during times of expected and unexpected departures of personnel. The plan is devised to help identify high potential individuals, train and advance them, and feed the organizational pipeline with new talent. Fleet Management: Vehicles and apparatus represent a major part of the fire department. As such, the Fleet Management Committee conducted extensive research in an effort to provide the community with the safest, most economical, and most dependable equipment possible. As 2007 comes to a close, the Campbell County Fire Department eagerly anticipates even greater accomplishments in 2008. Without a doubt, the people of this fine organization are by far its greatest asset, and together we vow to provide you, the citizens of Campbell County, with the highest possible quality of emergency services.

2007 Campbell County Annual Report

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Campbell County 1000 S Douglas Hwy, Ste A • 682-7281 Agriculture and Natural Resources, Lindsay Taylor: During 2007 Lindsay spent much of her time focusing on three main program areas, small acreage landowner education, camelina research and agricultural producer education. The remainder of the time in this position was spent with walkin and call-in requests for answers to specific questions. The small acreage project in Campbell County expanded this year to include two day long workshops, four short session meetings, landowner visits, the first publications of a quarterly newsletter and the creation of a 40 page booklet outlining many of the things these landowners may need to know. These activities have proven to be successful and relevant to Campbell County residents. Workshop evaluation data shows an average increase in knowledge of 37%. Knowledge increase for particular topics ranged from 17-43%. The camelina trials that were held in the spring and summer of 2007 did not result as positively as predicted. Producers learned some of the particular needs of this crop such as the ways it responds to environmental conditions and how to best harvest it. With more research it is still possible that this crop may become feasible to produce. However, at the present time due to high commodity prices, lack of marketing infrastructure and limited agronomic knowledge the use of this crop may be a way off. Other programs held this year included supplemental feeding for livestock, control and management of cheatgrass, estate planning seminars and a workshop on how to draft a pasture lease agreement. These meetings were all held based on a need seen through calls and survey results. Some of these topics will likely expand into larger projects in the next few years.

Cent$ible Nutrition, Lori Jones: The Cent$ible Nutrition Program provides nutrition, food safety, and resource management education. There were 104 families who completed the program in 2007. In the Food Resource Management category, 82% of the families showed improvements. These Page 26

improvements included menu planning, preparing a grocery list before shopping, and comparing prices. Although saving money is the biggest motivator in making a change in this category, fringe benefits include less stress, better nutrition, and more free time. Food Safety showed the least amount of improvements, with only 45% of the families showing improvements. This is due to better food safety practices through education in many other places, especially the media. More families are coming into the program with better food safety practices. The Nutrition category was the winning category for improvements this year. MyPyramid makes understanding and making better daily nutrition choices easier. It is far more personalized that the old pyramid and seems to have clearer instructions. There were 84% of the families that changed their nutrition habits. One of the focuses is to make half of your grains whole grains. Over 31% of the clients reported eating whole wheat bread daily on their exit survey. The biggest nutrition change came in the Fruit category. There were 44% of the families that reported eating fruit daily. One of the hardest changes to make was realized by 37% of the families. They achieved the goal of cooking home made meals more often. While these changes may seem small, they reflect huge health changes. Keep up the good work! One of the partnering agencies is the Climb Wyoming Program. There were three Climb classes this year and Cent$ible Nutrition was proud to be a part of each LifeSkills class. These women worked hard to make their lives better. Other partnering agencies include the Department of Family Services, Evenstart, Head Start, YES House, Early Head Start, the Council of Community Services, Campbell County High School, and Westwood High School. Special events include the Ag Expo and Children’s Festival. The Clean Team handwashing tent was put up at both events. It is a popular part of both events. Please visit us in 2008 to see how well you are washing your hands.


2007 Campbell County Annual Report

The position of horticulture educator is

currently vacant. Janet Thompson held this position from December of 1998 until the fall of 2007. Her major projects included Master Gardeners, Community Garden, a Farmers Market, segments on Gillette Public Access television and homeowner visits to diagnose problems and concerns with plants. The Master Gardener program consists of community members who receive 40 hours of training on topics ranging from plant pathology to soil science and much in between. Graduates of this program are then asked to donate 40 hours of volunteer time back to the UW Cooperative Extension Office. That way many of the calls received about basic plant concerns can be answered by these volunteers, and contacts are developed between community members. This group is also involved in many of the horticulture education programs in the county, such as the community garden and the Gillette Public Access television segments. Interviews will be held in January of 2008 to fill this vacancy. It is expected that the new employee will continue with many of the existing successful programs.

4-H, Jessica Gladson: More than 400 4-H events were offered in 2007. Program development ranged from Barn Tours at the Clover Corrals facility to a County Shoot in the disciplines of shotgun, muzzleloading, rifle, pistol and archery. Some popular events in the program in 2007 included: a Donkey Basketball game involving the whole county, a 4-H style Carnival that entertained and involved more than 2,000 youngsters, a camp focusing on natural resources, shooting sports, crafts, tobacco prevention education, leadership and recreation, a Chili Supper and Bingo Party and much, much more. The culmination for youth in 4-H is

the annual Campbell County Fair where they are able to exhibit and visit with judges in more than 200 project areas, including animals, welding, scrapbooking, leathercraft, woodworking, visual arts, family and consumer sciences, rabbits, chickens, llamas and geology. Campbell County had three hundred youth exhibit projects at the Wyoming State Fair, with division champions in areas such as Cake Decorating, Hunting and Photography. Campbell County 4-H also boasted Champions in areas such as Dog Agility and Obedience. The 4-H Clover Corrals town facility for urban youth to raise sheep, swine, goats, rabbits and poultry was full and youth reported an increase in the areas of responsibility and teamwork in their lives and project related interactions. Tours of this facility are available through the Extension Office to continue to educate youth in our community on information on livestock and agriculture. The 4-H Global Positioning Systems and Geographic Information Systems (GIS/GPS) group project for 2007 was to help local government plot and map safe neighborhoods as community service. Each youth in the group understands using GPS units and maps. Computers have been donated for a computer lab giving the group a place in 2008 to work on websites and mapping projects.

The Campbell County 4-H Horse program had great success with the addition of some rodeo events including team roping, breakaway roping, goat tying, calf roping and dummy roping. The addition of these events was a positive change to the program and involved more than forty more youth in the horse project. Campbell County 4-H also remains a presence at the Youth Ag Expo. In 2007, we focused on “Field to Table” and wool felting. The “Field to Table” program educated youth on the nutritional value of whole wheat grains and how they get from a farmer’s field to their table. This included youth being able to grind their own flour from wheat with hand grinders. The wool felting allowed for education on the sheep industry in the textile area. The 4-H Clover Bud program saw tremendous growth in 2007 with over 40 Continued on page 27

Campbell County 1000 S Douglas Hwy, Ste A • 682-7281 Continued on page 26

youth ages 5-8 participating. Our young members in this program are able to experience 4-H opportunities along with special ones of their own. The highlight of their year was a two day camp with activities that included ice cream football and gun safety education. Jessica Gladson worked with more than

250 4-H volunteers and over 450 youth to develop a wide array of educational seminars, events, local and state contests, and state and national trips. Educational efforts remain strong due to the volunteer leadership base and in 2006 there were 26 4-H Clubs and approximately 430 youth in the traditional program. 4-H members in 2007 were competitors or ambassadors

at 38 state and national events throughout the year, including members judging at local, state and national contests for wool, horse and livestock judging. This past fall Rindy West left our office after seven years of working with the Campbell County 4-H program. The full-time 4-H/Youth Educator position is currently open to applicants.

Gillette–Campbell County 2000 Airport Road • 686-1042 Fixed Base Operator Flightline, Inc., the fixed based operator provides aircraft maintenance, flight instruction, charter flights, hangar rentals, and aircraft fueling services. Flightline’s total fuel into aircraft was 646,654 gallons, a 22 percent year over year. For more information concerning their services call Flightline, Inc. at (307) 686-7000. Air Traffic Control Tower The GCC Air Traffic Control Tower realized a increase of 8 percent year over year in aircraft landing and take-off operations. The control tower is staffed with veteran controllers that have more than 80 years of combined career experience. Airline Service The GCC Airport had a total of 50,936 passengers utilize commercial air service in 2007. This is a 19 percent increase in airline passengers using the airport year over year. This increase doesn’t include the private and corporate air travelers using the GCC airport annually. In 2007, Great Lakes Airlines was the only airline to provide local air service to the GilletteCampbell County community. Great Lakes Airlines has served the airport with the larger 30 passenger Brasilia turboprop aircraft for the last three years. A fifth flight was added in February 2007, and an additional flight was added on Sundays in June of 2007. All flights are to the Denver International Airport (DIA). On November 21, 2007 United

Airlines announced its plans to start service at the GCC airport starting March 30, 2008, with three daily round trip flights to and from DIA. United Express/ Mesa Airlines will serve the airport with 37 passenger Dash 8 turboprop aircraft. As a result, Great Lakes Airlines will cut two of their daily flights, but they plan to continue serving the GCC Airport with 3 daily round trip flights to and from DIA with their 30 passenger Brasilia turboprop aircraft. On December 19, 2007, the Campbell County Commissioners signed an agreement with the Wyoming Aeronautics Division for air service enhancement. The agreement will fund a revenue guarantee with Delta Connection/SkyWest Airlines in exchange for providing air service to the Gillette-Campbell County community for one year. The state will obligate a maximum of $799,038 (80%), and the county will obligate a maximum of $199,758 (20%) for the air service. The combined total is the maximum risk the state and county would have to pay Delta Connection/SkyWest Airlines. However, the greater the percentage of passengers (load factor) using the new air service the less the state and the county will have to pay the airline in revenue guarantees. Delta Connection/SkyWest Airlines will serve the GCC Airport with 30 passenger Brasilia turboprop aircraft with two daily round trip flights to and from Salt Lake City, Utah. Delta Connection/ SkyWest Airlines plans to start service as early as March 2008.

Airport Marketing On May 8, 2007 the Fly Wyoming statewide marketing campaign kicked-off in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The Fly Wyoming marketing campaign was made possible by a federal transportation grant totaling approximately $1 million. All ten of Wyoming’s commercial air service airports participated in the marketing campaign. The Fly Wyoming campaign included advertising in the local newspapers and magazines, radio and television commercials, and billboards. For more information about the Fly Wyoming marketing campaign, or additional information about the commercial airports in Wyoming contact the website at www.flywyoming.org The GCC airport continues to receive air service marketing and promotional grants from the Wyoming Aeronautics Division. On December 18, 2007, both the Campbell County Commissioners, and the Wyoming Aeronautics Commissioners approved $80,000 in additional funding to market the new air service. The Campbell County Economic Development Corporation has greatly contributed to the GCC Airport’s advertising and marketing campaign by providing the services of their professional marketing staff. Airport Receives Perfect Safety Inspection Each year the GCC airport receives a safety inspection from the Federal Aviation

Administration (FAA). The FAA safety inspection ensures the GCC airport is in compliance with all FAA regulations pertaining to FAA certificated airports. This year the GCC airport was found to have no discrepancies, and therefore received a perfect inspection from the FAA. Only a small percentage of airports in the United States annually receive a perfect safety inspection. At the July 10, 2007 airport board meeting the airport board honored airport operations personnel Michael Boruvka, Terry Fundenberger, and Todd Chatfield with certificates of achievement. These employees are dedicated to ensuring the airport is a safe and secure environment for all those traveling in and out of the GCC airport. Airport Grant and Aid In 2007, the GCC Airport was reimbursed $1,650,206 in grants received from the Wyoming Aeronautics Commissioners, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Typically, federal grant projects are paid 95 percent by the FAA, 3% by the Aeronautics Division and 2% by local county match. These grants were used for construction, equipment, and marketing projects. Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) Truck In March 2007, the airport received a new aircraft rescue and fire fighting (ARFF) truck. Justification for the new ARFF truck was because of the age and limited capacity of the previous

ARFF truck, and because larger passenger jet aircraft are using the airport. The Rosenbauer Panther Index B ARFF truck carriers 1,500 gallons of water, holds 260 gallons of Aquarius Film Forming Foam (AFFF), 500 pounds of secondary clean agent, cost $589,000, and took approximately 1 year to be manufactured and delivered. The new Panther ARFF truck replaces the 1985 Oshkosh ARFF truck. The County Commissioners donated the Oshkosh ARFF truck to the Camp Guernsey Wyoming Army National Guard (WANG). The WANG plans to refurbish the ARFF truck, and then place it within their inventory at Camp Guernsey.

Airport Board Members The airport board is comprised of five members appointed by the county commissioners. The airport board meets the second Thursday of each month at 4 p.m. in the airport conference room. Current board members and airport executive director are: Kelly Peters – President Penny Schild – Vice-President Jerry Dilts – Secretary/ Treasurer Hein Kalke – Member Will Cunningham – Member Jay Lundell – Executive Director

2007 Campbell County Annual Report

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Campbell County

Commissioner Commissioner



Amir Sancher • 682-7283 Chris R. Knapp • 682-7283

Dan Coolidge • 682-7283

Roy Edwards • 682-7283




Susan Saunders • 682-7285

Craig G. Mader • 682-7283


Jeani Stone • 682-4310


Nancy Ratcliff • 682-3424



Tom Eekhoff • 687-6179

Shirley Study • 682-7268

Clerk Of District Court

Troy Clements • 682-7266

Bill Pownall 687-6160

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