Pittwater Professionals Partnership Prospectus

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The PiKwater Professionals Our group is a collec.on of nearly forty, local small businesses, who meet weekly to support each other, and the local community. We all live and work on Sydney’s Northern Beaches and are passionate about our home. This year, as a group, we have added an addi.onal focus to our business network, that is ac.vely doing something that is going to benefit our area and our families. We all take part in charity fundraising individually, but it is .me to put our collec.ve power behind a cause close to us all. The Humpty Dumpty Founda.on is the perfect cause. 100% of money raised goes to the hospital nominated, it is local and produces clear and immediate benefits to countless local pa.ents. Several of us in the group have also been touched by the Founda.on or by the need for new equipment at our local hospital. This charity ball is our way of helping this worthy charity, locally.

The Humpty Dumpty Founda.on Founded by Execu.ve Chairman and Founder Paul Francis, Humpty has been providing support for children’s services since 1996. Humpty buys essen.al and oQen life-­‐saving medical equipment for Neonatal Units (Newborn Care) and Paediatric Wards (toddlers and children to 16 years) in hospitals and health service centres across Australia. Humpty also provides funding for special projects including the magical Fairy Gardens (which encourages healing), paediatric fellowships (for graduate doctor training), weekly visits by the ‘Clown Doctors’ and the establishment of The Humpty Dumpty Paediatric Gait Analysis Laboratory at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead. Over the years, Humpty’s corporate and community support has grown and we now provide equipment to over 200 hospitals around Australia.

The Humpty Dumpty Founda.on We would all like to believe that our hospitals have all the necessary equipment they need to look aQer our children in an emergency, but put simply, they don’t. Humpty’s vision is to ensure that hospitals and health service centres across Australia have the right medical equipment they need to save the lives of sick and injured children. By purchasing medical equipment off Humpty’s Wish List donors are helping to give medical teams the best possible chance of aver.ng a tragedy.

Where the money raised will go On the night, we will present The Humpty Dumpty Founda.on with a cheque for the amount raise in .cket sales and the live auc.on. This money will go to one of the items on their “wish list”. While this list changes regularly, at the .me of print both Manly Hospital and Mona Vale Hospital had items on the wish list that they needed.

ALGILIA INFUSION PUMP: $2,270 -­‐ Manly Hospital, Special Care Nursery, NSW These pumps assist with administering drug flow at the correct pressures for neonatal use. Currently the special care nursery has different pumps to the rest of the hospital, and having these would complete con.nuity of equipment across the paediatric services.

VEIN ILLUMINATION DEVICE WITH HANDS-­‐FREE STAND: $9,110 each -­‐Mona Vale Hospital, Children’s Ward, NSW When medical staff need to find a vein to insert an IV line or to obtain blood samples, some.mes it can be difficult in babies and children. A vein illumina.on device is used to locate a baby’s veins which minimises pain and reduces the number of inser.on aKempts. This saves .me in emergency situa.ons and reduces the risk of damaging the baby’s delicate veins.

The Charity Ball PiKwater Professionals will throw a black-­‐.e ball on Saturday 18th October 2014. The ball will include both silent auc.on items and a live auc.on of some key items. We will be dona.ng all proceeds to the Humpty Dumpty Founda.on. This includes .cket sales and the auc.ons, plus any sponsorship funds. All businesses within the PiKwater Professionals group have donated their .me and business services to the organisa.on and running of the event. We have chosen the ICMS (St Patrick’s Seminary) in Manly to hold the ball which will include: •  A red carpet champagne welcome •  A red carpet photo opportunity with Humpty Dumpty •  Pre-­‐dinner canapes and drinks in the lobby, lower balconies and garden (weather permijng) •  A three course meal in the Great Hall •  A photo booth opportunity and social media share kiosk •  Silent auc.on •  Live auc.on of key items •  Live bands •  Dancing •  And more…

How you can help Our target for funds raised on the night is $20,000. This will allow us to buy a couple of pieces of key equipment for local hospitals and then donate anything leQ over to go towards more cri.cal equipment. In the room will be approximately 200 guests, including local businesses, media and VIPs. The opportunity exists for the following offers: •  Monetary sponsors for the event •  Prize dona.ons •  Service dona.ons All backers will be thanked online, on both the PiKwater Professionals website, social media (including the social media kiosk posts on the night), through video presenta.ons on the night, as well as logo and contact details on the press banners etc. This is a great opportunity to, first of all, support your local community where it needs it most, and secondly, expose your business and services to a powerful local business group focused on networking and business referrals.

Authority to Fundraise The Humpty Dumpty Foundation grants permission to; Pittwater Professionals to raise funds on its behalf for the following event –Pittwater Professionals 2014 Charity Ball – Saturday 18th October 2014. On behalf of the Humpty Dumpty Foundation we wish the Pittwater Professionals all the very best with their fundraising. If you have any questions please contact Angela Garniss on (02) 9439 0511 or email angela.garniss@humpty.com.au Kind Regards

PAUL FRANCIS OAM Executive Chairman & Founder

Humpty Dumpty Foundation Limited Patron, Ray Martin Executive Chairman, Paul Francis Talus Street St Leonards NSW 2065 T 02 9439 0511 F 02 9439 0410 ABN 47 402 442 321

What’s next? The opportuni.es to come onboard as a partner are limited. In order to get involved, please email your enquiry to: charityball@piKwaterprofessionals.com.au Or call Jonathan Sharp, intouch Marke.ng 02 8006 5159 0403 877 157

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