Educaching™ - A GPS Based Curriculum for Teachers
Field Sheet
Lesson: Finding Perimeter
Bring maps, waypoints, GPS instruction card, measuring device, string and stakes.
Let’s go
Use the back side of this sheet to draw the shape of your object. Use the table below to record your waypoints and distances between points. Beginning with point A list the distances between points. You may not need to use all the points given below to create your shape. N ____˚____._______ Point A
W ____˚____._______ N ____˚____._______
Point B
W ____˚____._______ N ____˚____._______
Point C
Distance Between Points
W ____˚____._______ N ____˚____._______
Point F
Distance Between Points
W ____˚____._______ N ____˚____._______
Point E
Distance Between Points
W ____˚____._______ N ____˚____._______
Point D
Distance Between Points
Distance Between Points
W ____˚____._______
Back at Headquarters Be prepared to describe your shape and draw and label the side lengths. You will have to demonstrate how your chose to measure each of the sides.