John Sobkovich
Teaching Portfolio
Table of Contents Introduction/Purpose 3 Educational Philosophy
Resume 5 Letters of Reference
Educational Certificates and Awards 12 Lessons and Assignments
Volunteer and Extra-Curricular
Introduction/Purpose To whom this may concern: My name is John Sobkovich and this is my portfolio. I am a young aboriginal man who is a continuous life-long learner who enjoys growing and maturing as a person. I enjoy being around people and I have a love for my trade in which I would love to promote by becoming a graphic arts teacher. The past couple of years have been quite a transitional period for me. I left an industry in which I was making good money to pursue a teaching career. The reasons why I am becoming a teacher is that I really enjoy being around young people. Also, I want to teach students more than just the trade by showing them skills in becoming good citizens, and also enjoy in helping to make the community better. I am someone who is usually described as energetic, hard-working, passionate, driven, creative, sociable, and very approachable. Those to me are very important traits to have in becoming a teacher. I have worked with young people before at the local skateboard park in Selkirk. I assisted them with trick tips whenever they ask for help. I coached hockey in the 2008-2009 season, which led me on the path in becoming a teacher. What I have experienced so far in the schools is that since I haven’t been out of high school for that long, I find myself having an easier time relating to students and their needs. I have recently graduated with a Vocational Teaching Certificate in the Technical Vocational Teacher Education program at Red River College in June 2012. I am now in Red River College taking the Graphic Communications program. The reasons that I am taking this course are to enhance the computer, drawing, and design skills that I already have, along to become a suitable candidate to teach Advertising Art. The purpose for me writing this portfolio is to show my educational background, my skills as an educator and as a graphic artist, extra-curricular activities, and most of all, to show the kind of person I am.
Educational Philosophy To me, a good teacher teaches more than just the subject. With differentiating instruction, by using a mix of teacher and student centred learning, by using technology as a tool, the possibilities are endless. My educational philosophy is that learning is never ending. One doesn’t stop learning, even after graduating high school. Every single day is a new experience in at least one way or another. One grows as one learns through personal experiences. When one experiences, one learns. This is why to me, learning is infinite.
Wisdom and Learning
John Sobkovich Skills and Qualifications • • • • •
Knowledge on how to teach the graphic arts subject Technical abilities when operating computers and mechanical equipment relating to the graphic arts trade Continuous learner Great social skills, and very approachable Communication abilities and excellent one-on-one skills
Education Red River College September 2012 to Present Graphic Communications Graphic Communications Certificate (Pending) Red River College Technical Vocational Teacher Education Technical Vocational Teaching Certificate Manitoba Teachers’ Society Bursary Aboriginal Award
August 2011 to June 2012
Winnipeg Technical College September 2005 to June 2006 Production Art Certificate of Completion of program Lord Selkirk Regional Comprehensive Secondary School Grade 12 Diploma Graphic Arts Major Graphic Arts Major Award
September 2002 to June 2005
Substitute Teaching Experience Winnipeg Technical College September 2012 to April 2013 Production Art Lord Selkirk Regional Comprehensive Secondary School Graphic Arts Advertising Art Photography
September 2012 to April 2013
Student Teaching Experience R.B. Russell Vocational High School Graphic Arts Teacher Candidate
April 2012 to June 2012
Industry Experience Pakmark April 2013 to Present Graphic Design/Prepress Flexographic Pressman Freelance Designing September 2012 to Present Gateway Publishing April 2012 to November 2012 Bindery Operator City Press Ltd. September 2006 to July 2011 Pressman Bindery Operator Feederman
Hobbies and Interests Playing and coaching hockey Skateboarding Music Graphic Design Art Filming and Photography
Volunteer/Extra Curricular Experience Manitoba Metis Federation Member
September 2003 to Present
R.B. Russell Graduation June 2012 Set up, print, and assemble the yearbook, graduation, and award programs. R.B. Russell Aboriginal Day June 2012 Set up chairs and tidy up before and after blessing of roundhouse. R.B. Russell Hockey Club R.B. Russell after school activity.
November 2011 to March 2012
The FWD Newsletter Helping to promote student based newsletter about Winnipeg’s north end.
February 2012 to March 2012
Red River College Open House Promoting teacher education at Red River College.
February 2012
Gateway Gunners 13A2 Hockey Club Goalie and defensive coach.
October 2008 to April 2009
Letters of Reference I have attached the following letters of reference to show what kind of qualities I can bring to your school and division. The letters of reference will not only show what I have learned learned in the college classroom to student teaching. In addition, it shows my passion, work ethic, and dedication in becoming a great teacher.
Certificates and Awards I have included my educational certificates and awards because they show how well I have done during my time in teacher education and graphic art classes. The following examples show how hard I have worked to get to this point in my career.
Above: Teacher Certificate from Red River College. Right: Awards night at Red River College.
Left: Certificate from Winnipeg Technical College.
Lessons and Assignments The following samples I have provided include a lesson plan, assignment that I have done while student teaching during my time at R.B. Russell Vocational High School. Other examples In this section include a project based learning assignment I have done at Red River College, along with an assignment I have created for when I have a graphic or advertising art class. These examples show my diversity of how to teach and create assignments.
Typogr a
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They sa y a pict ure is assign worth ment, a 1000 you ar very cr e goin words eative, g to re . But ty fun, an name. pe can d intros present 3 of paint a your st pectiv whole e task. ronges pictur t traits In esse e also. throug nce, it In this h typo will de graphy scribe Why are who yo . we doin u are by This is a using g this? your From the pr evious shapes assign . You ments realize using th at yo ho only th e letter w type can be u have done will re with th E, or so sim aliz e ple, an person e the creative parts of a w d yet be typogram an ord, yo . potent d with so repr ur firs ial that abstra esenta t name you ha ct letter tional. will be ve with Now in used. type, bu stead of In this t also re assign Instruc alize 3 m en t, you parts of tions yourse lf as a One w ay to he lp you idea to get star ask th ted is to e peop le that write do know wn all Draw you be of your am st abou strong t what your na inimum of 15 est attr your 3 me. thumbn ibut strong ail sket est attr es. It is also ches on ibutes a good how yo You ha are. ve to w ur pers rite a ra onality resem traits ar bles yo tionale u. that’s e repres a minim ented in um of Your so half a lution page as must co to why nsists your fi primar na You ca l soluti ily of ty n use or on pe, or alter an even as existing the mai You ca typefa n focu n use as ce, or s. ev en crea many traits . colour te your s as yo own u wan . t. It ca You ca n help n use an you ef fectivel y of th y show e design your pe progra It can rsonal ms. be lett ity er or ta bloid si zes Print an d hand in fina l soluti on alon g with typed ration ale.
Above: This was the final product from the lesson plan and assignment.
Typography- Self Portrait They say a picture is worth a 1000 words. But type can paint a whole picture also. In this assignment, you are going to represent 3 of your strongest traits through typography. This is a very creative, fun, and introspective task. In essence, it will describe who you are by using your name.
Why are we doing this? From the previous assignments that you have done with the typogram and with abstract letter shapes. You realize how type can be so simple, and yet be so representational. Now instead of using only the letter E, or parts of a word, your first name will be used. In this assignment, you will realize the creative potential that you have with type, but also realize 3 parts of yourself as a person.
Instructions One way to help you get started is to write down all of your strongest attributes. It is also a good idea to ask the people that know you best about what your 3 strongest attributes are. Draw a minimum of 15 thumbnail sketches on how your personality traits are represented in your name. You have to write a rationale that’s a minimum of half a page as to why your final solution resembles you. Your solution must consists primarily of type, or even as the main focus. You can use or alter an existing typeface, or even create your own. You can use as many colours as you want. It can help you effectively show your personality traits. You can use any of the design programs. It can be letter or tabloid sizes Print and hand in final solution along with typed rationale. 23
What you will be marked on Minimum of 15 different thumbnail sketches. . Rationale that is minimum of a half page, and successfully explains final solution.
Type is the main focal point.
The final solution successfully shows your personality traits.
Overall design makes you look at the whole piece.
/5 Total:
Volunteer/Extra-Curricular The following samples are to show some of the volunteer activities I have done. The samples include school and non-school related activities to help make a better community. This ranges from Red River College Open House, coaching hockey, my time with the FWD Newsletter, and R.B. Russell activities and events.
Left: Name tag and thank you card for being a part of the Open House at Red River College. Below: Team picture from my days of coaching hockey.
Above: This was during my time at the R.B. Russell Hockey Club. I designed the two pages for the Yearbook.
Left: Newspaper clip of a tabloid called The FWD. A project that I helped promote. Above Right: Here’s me at R.B. Russell at the roundhouse where I helped out with the Aboriginal day blessing of this beautiful structure.