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비코라이팅 Home & Interior Lighting

Shini ng


Shining 비 코

서울 종로구 연지동 133번지 TEL. 02-745-7838 FAX. 02-745-7840

▶촬영ㆍ기획ㆍ제작:(주)동진기획 TEL:1899-4241◀


라 이 팅


빛나는, 반짝이는(bright), 반짝반짝하는 등의 사전적 의미를 가진 샤이닝은 더 좋은 디자인, 품질을 약속하고자 샤이닝을 브랜드 네임으로 정하였습니다.

Bico 새로운 조명문화를 선도하는 조명기구 전문 생산업체입니다. 고객여러분의 한결 같은 성원에 힘입어 고품격·고품질의 편안한 빛으로 다가갈 수 있도록 최선의 노력을 다하고 있습니다. 또한 외형보다는 내실에 충실하여 세상의 빛이 있는 한 건강한 기업이 되겠습니다. 고객 여러분의 아낌없는 고견과 격려를 부탁드리며 고객 여러분의 건승을 기원합니다.

BL-004-01 (1120) NAME 코지 8등 직부 SIZE W1,000×H450 LAMP LED E26×8

COSY LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-005-01 (0960) NAME 코지 6등 P/D SIZE W850×H450 LAMP LED E26×6

BL-005-03 (0140) NAME 코지 1등 B/R (다크) SIZE W160×D250×H400 LAMP LED E26×1

BL-005-02 (0420) BL-005-04 (0140) NAME 코지 1등 B/R (라이트) SIZE W160×D250×H400 LAMP LED E26×1

NAME 코지 3등 P/D SIZE W550×H450 LAMP LED E26×3

Shining Home & Interior Lighting


BL-006-01 (1120) NAME 케빈 8등 P/D SIZE W1,000×H550 LAMP LED E26×8

KEVIN LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-007-01 (0960) NAME 케빈 6등 P/D SIZE W850×H550 LAMP LED E26×6



BL-007-03 (0140)

BL-007-04 (0140)

BL-007-02 (0420)

NAME 케빈 1등 B/R (라이트) SIZE W160×D230×H550 LAMP LED E26×1

NAME 케빈 1등 B/R (다크) SIZE W160×D230×H550 LAMP LED E26×1

NAME 케빈 3등 P/D SIZE W550×H550 LAMP LED E26×3

Shining Home & Interior Lighting


BL-008-01 (0840) NAME 제우스 6등 P/D SIZE W1,000×H450 LAMP LED E26×6

ZEUS LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-008-02 (0420) NAME 제우스 3등 P/D SIZE W650×H450 LAMP LED E26×3

BL-008-03 (0280) NAME 제우스 2등 P/D SIZE W230×D750×H500 LAMP LED E26×2


BL-009-01 (1260) NAME 제우스 9등 직부 SIZE W1,000×H350 LAMP LED E26×9

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-009-02 (0140) NAME 제우스 1등 P/D SIZE W230×H180 LAMP LED E26×1

BL-009-03 (0140) NAME 제우스 1등 B/R SIZE W230×D300×H230 LAMP LED E26×1


BL-010-01 (1120) NAME 내츄럴 8등 직부 SIZE W1,100×H350 LAMP LED E26×8

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-010-03 (0280)

BL-010-02 (0420) NAME 내츄럴 3등 P/D SIZE W550×H350 LAMP LED E26×3


NAME 내츄럴 2등 P/D SIZE W230×D750×H500 LAMP LED E26×2

BL-011-01 (0140) NAME 내츄럴 1등 B/R SIZE W230×D250×H200 LAMP LED E26×1

NATURE LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-011-02 (0140) NAME 내츄럴 1등 P/D SIZE W230×H180 LAMP LED E26×1

BL-011-03 (0840) NAME 내츄럴 6등 P/D SIZE W1,000×H350 LAMP LED E26×6


BL-012-01 (0960) NAME 세라믹 6등 P/D SIZE W900×H400 LAMP LED E26×6

CERAMIC LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-012-02 (0160) NAME 세라믹 1등 P/D SIZE W220×H200 LAMP LED E26×1

BL-012-03 (0480) NAME 세라믹 3등 P/D SIZE W650×H450 LAMP LED E26×3


BL-013-01 (1280) NAME 세라믹 8등 직부 SIZE W1,000×H320 LAMP LED E26×8

Shining Home & Interior Lighting BL-013-03

BL-013-02 (0180)

BL-013-03 (0160)

NAME 세라믹 센서 직부 SIZE W220×H250 LAMP LED E26×1

NAME 세라믹 1등 B/R SIZE W220×D250×H300 LAMP LED E26×1 BL-013-02


BL-014-01 (0140) NAME 플라워 1등 P/D SIZE W180×H330 LAMP LED E26×1

BL-014-02 (1120) NAME 플라워 8등 직부 SIZE W1,000×H350 LAMP LED E26×8

FLOWER LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. BL-014-03 (0140) NAME 플라워 1등 B/R SIZE W180×D250×H300 LAMP LED E26×1


Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-015-01 (0840) NAME 플라워 6등 P/D SIZE W900×H500 LAMP LED E26×6

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-015-02 (0420) NAME 플라워 3등 P/D SIZE W550×H450 LAMP LED E26×3

BL-015-03 (0280) NAME 플라워 2등 P/D SIZE W700×D180×H350 LAMP LED E26×2


BL-016-01 (1600) NAME 비너스 8등 (불투명) P/D SIZE W1,200×H700 LAMP E26×8


BL-016-02 (0200)

BL-016-03 (0120)

NAME 비너스 1등 (불투명) B/R SIZE W250×D350×H450 LAMP E26×1

NAME 비너스 1등 B/R 小 SIZE W200×D250×H300 LAMP LED E26×1

BL-017-01 (1600) NAME 비너스 8등 (투명) 직부 SIZE W1,200×H500 LAMP E26×8

VENUS LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-017-02 (0200) NAME 비너스 1등 (투명) B/R SIZE W250×D350×H450 LAMP E26×1


BL-018-01 (0600) NAME 비너스 3등 (불투명) P/D SIZE W650×H500 LAMP E26×3



Home & Interior Lighting


BL-018-02 (0160)

BL-018-03 (0400)

NAME 비너스 1등 (불투명) P/D SIZE W250×H300 LAMP E26×1

NAME 비너스 2등 (불투명) P/D SIZE W700×H700 LAMP E26×2


BL-019-01 (1000) NAME 비너스 5등 (투명) P/D SIZE W900×H700 LAMP E26×5

BL-019-02 (0600)

BL-019-03 (0160)

NAME 비너스 3등 (투명) 직부 SIZE W1,150×H700 LAMP E26×3

NAME 비너스 1등 (투명) P/D SIZE W250×H300 LAMP E26×1



BL-020-01 (1120) NAME 크림 8등(투명) 직부 SIZE W950×H300 LAMP LED E26×8

Home & Interior Lighting

BL-020-04 (0280) NAME 크림 2등 (투명) P/D SIZE W150×D650×H500 LAMP LED E26×2

BL-020-02 (0140) NAME 크림 1등 (투명) B/R SIZE W150×D200×H250 LAMP LED E26×1


BL-020-03 (0140) NAME 크림 1등 (투명) P/D SIZE W150×H230 LAMP LED E26×1

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-021-01 (0420) NAME 크림 3등 (레드) P/D SIZE W500×H450 LAMP LED E26×3

BL-021-02 (0140) NAME 크림 1등 (레드) B/R SIZE W150×D200×H250 LAMP LED E26×1

BL-021-03 (0140) NAME 크림 1등 (레드) P/D SIZE W150×H230 LAMP LED E26×1


BL-022-01 (0840) NAME 크림 6등 (브라운) P/D SIZE W800×H450 LAMP LED E26×6

CREAM LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-022-02 (0140)

BL-022-03 (0140)

NAME 크림 1등 (브라운) B/R SIZE W150×D200×H250 LAMP LED E26×1

NAME 크림 1등 (브라운) P/D SIZE W150×H230 LAMP LED E26×1





Home & Interior Lighting


BL-023-01 (1440)

BL-023-02 (0180)

NAME 노블레스 8등 P/D SIZE W900×H450 LAMP E26×8

NAME 노블레스 1등 B/R SIZE W200×D300×H350 LAMP E26×1

BL-023-03 (0180)

BL-023-04 (0540)

NAME 노블레스 1등 P/D SIZE W200×H250 LAMP E26×1

NAME 노블레스 3등 P/D SIZE W600×H450 LAMP E26×3


BL-024-01 (1120) NAME 나폴리 8등 직부 SIZE W900×H400 LAMP E26×8


BL-024-02 (0140)

BL-024-03 (0140)

BL-024-04 (0420)

NAME 나폴리 1등 B/R SIZE W200×D300×H200 LAMP E26×1

NAME 나폴리 1등 P/D SIZE W230×H200 LAMP E26×1

NAME 나폴리 3등 P/D (일자형) SIZE W800×H450 LAMP E26×3

BL-025-01 (0840) NAME 나폴리 6등 P/D SIZE W800×H450 LAMP E26×6

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-025-02 (0280) NAME 나폴리 2등 P/D (일자형) SIZE W650×H450 LAMP E26×2

BL-025-03 (0420) NAME 나폴리 3등 P/D SIZE W500×H450 LAMP E26×3


BL-026-01 (0140) NAME 나폴리 1등 B/R (라이트) SIZE W200×D300×H200 LAMP E26×1

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-026-03 (1120) NAME 나폴리 8등 직부 (라이트) SIZE W900×H400 LAMP E26×8

BL-026-02 (0140) NAME 나폴리 1등 P/D (라이트) SIZE W230×H200 LAMP E26×1


BL-027-01 (0840) NAME 나폴리 6등 P/D (라이트) SIZE W800×H450 LAMP E26×6

BL-027-02 (0420) NAME 나폴리 3등 직부 (일자형/라이트) SIZE W850×H550 LAMP E26×3

HARDWOOD NAPOLI LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.

BL-027-03 (0420) NAME 나폴리 3등 P/D (라이트) SIZE W500×H450 LAMP E26×3

Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-028-01 (1120) NAME 비엔나 8등 직부 SIZE W1,000×H400 LAMP E26×8

BL-028-02 (0140) NAME 비엔나 1등 B/R SIZE W200×D250×H200 LAMP E26×1

VIEENA LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-028-03 (0280) NAME 비엔나 2등 P/D SIZE W600×H600 LAMP E26×2

BL-029-01 (0840) NAME 비엔나 6등 P/D SIZE W900×H600 LAMP E26×6

BL-029-03 (0420) NAME 비엔나 3등 직부 SIZE W900×H600 LAMP E26×3

BL-029-02 (0420) NAME 비엔나 3등 P/D SIZE W600×H500 LAMP E26×3


BL-030-01 (1160) NAME 프로방스 8등 직부 SIZE W900×H300 LAMP E26×8

BL-030-02 (0150) NAME 프로방스 1등 B/R SIZE W200×D280×H250 LAMP E26×1

PROVENCE LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-030-03 (0150) NAME 프로방스 1등 P/D SIZE W200×H200 LAMP E26×1


BL-031-01 (0860) NAME 프로방스 6등 P/D SIZE W800×H500 LAMP E26×6

Home & Interior Lighting



BL-031-02 (0420)

BL-031-03 (0300)

NAME 프로방스 3등 P/D SIZE W500×H500 LAMP E26×3

NAME 프로방스 2등 P/D SIZE W700×D200×H500 LAMP E26×2


BL-032-01 (1800) NAME 프랑소아 2단 12등 P/D (엔틱) SIZE W1,200×H700 LAMP E26×12


BL-032-02 (0140)

BL-032-03 (0140)

NAME 프랑소아 1등 B/R (엔틱) SIZE W200×D300×H200 LAMP E26×1

NAME 프랑소아 1등 P/D (엔틱) SIZE W200×H150 LAMP E26×1

BL-033-01 (1120) NAME 프랑소아 8등 직부 (엔틱) SIZE W950×H350 LAMP E26×8

BL-033-02 (0840) NAME 프랑소아 6등 P/D (엔틱) SIZE W800×H500 LAMP E26×6

BL-033-03 (0420)


NAME 프랑소아 3등 P/D (엔틱) SIZE W500×H500 LAMP E26×3

A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-034-01 (1800) NAME 프랑소아 2단 12등 P/D (백색) SIZE W1,200×H700 LAMP E26×12

FRANCOIS LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-034-02 (0140)

BL-034-03 (0140)

NAME 프랑소아 1등 B/R (백색) SIZE W200×D300×H200 LAMP E26×1

NAME 프랑소아 1등 P/D (백색) SIZE W200×H150 LAMP E26×1

BL-035-01 (1120) NAME 프랑소아 8등 직부 (백색) SIZE W950×H350 LAMP E26×8

BL-035-02 (0840) NAME 프랑소아 6등 P/D (백색) SIZE W950×H500 LAMP E26×6

BL-035-03 (0420) NAME 프랑소아 3등 P/D (백색) SIZE W500×H500 LAMP E26×3


BL-036-01 (1800) NAME 비코 버블 13등 직부 SIZE W900×D900×H250 LAMP LED 15W×9, 1W×4

BICO BUBBLE LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-036-02 (0700) NAME 계단 버블 4등 P/D SIZE 300Ø 조절 LAMP LED 15W×4


BL-037-01 (1200) NAME 비코 버블 9등 직부 SIZE W700×D700×H250 LAMP LED 15W×6, 1W×3




Home & Interior Lighting

BL-037-02 (0800)

BL-037-03 (0800)

NAME 비코 버블 4등 SIZE W600×D600×H250 LAMP LED 15W×4

NAME 비코 버블 4등 P/D SIZE W800×D250×H300 LAMP LED 15W×4


BL-038-01 (1900) NAME 사각 버블 10등 직부 SIZE W1,000×H450 LAMP LED 15W×10

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-038-02 (0180) NAME 사각 버블 B/R SIZE W170×D200×H250 LAMP LED 15W×1


BL-039-01 (1300) NAME 사각 버블 7등 P/D SIZE W800×H500 LAMP LED 15W×7

SQUARE BUBBLE LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-039-02 (0700) NAME 사각 버블 4등 P/D SIZE W450×H500 LAMP LED 15W×4


BL-040-01 (0800) NAME 회전버블 4등 P/D SIZE W650×H500 LAMP LED 15W×4

BL-040-02 (0600) NAME 회전버블 3등 P/D SIZE W700×H500 LAMP LED 15W×3

Shining Home & Interior Lighting




BL-040-03 (0400)

BL-040-04 (0200)

NAME 회전버블 2등 P/D SIZE W500×H500 LAMP LED 15W×2

NAME 회전버블 1등 B/R SIZE W300×D250×H300 LAMP LED 15W×1



BL-041-01 (1400)

BL-041-02 (0640)

NAME COB직사각 6등 P/D (블랙) SIZE W700×D1,100×H조절 LAMP LED 20W×6

NAME COB직사각 5등 직부 (블랙) SIZE W200×D1,200×H100 LAMP LED 5W×5



BL-041-03 (1400)

BL-041-04 (0640)

NAME COB직사각 6등 직부 (백색) SIZE W700×D1,100×H100 LAMP LED 20W×6

NAME COB직사각 5등 P/D (백색) SIZE W200×D1,200×H조절 LAMP LED 5W×5


BL-042-01 (1200) NAME COB정사각 5등 직부 (백색) SIZE W700×D700×H100 LAMP LED 20W×4, 5W×1

BL-042-02 (1200) NAME COB정사각 5등 P/D (블랙) SIZE W700×D700×H조절 LAMP LED 20W×4, 5W×1



Home & Interior Lighting



BL-042-03 (0400)

BL-042-04 (0400)

NAME COB직사각 3등 P/D (블랙) SIZE W700×D600×H조절 LAMP LED 5W×3

NAME COB직사각 3등 직부 (백색) SIZE W200×D600×H100 LAMP LED 5W×3

BL-043-01 (0560) NAME COB원형 4등 P/D (블랙) SIZE W600×D600×H조절 LAMP LED 10W×3, 5W×1

BL-043-02 (0760) NAME COB방등 5등 P/D (블랙) SIZE W600×D600×H조절 LAMP LED 10W×4, 5W×1



BL-043-03 (0760)

BL-043-04 (0560)

NAME COB방등 5등 직부 (백색) SIZE W600×D600×H100 LAMP LED 10W×4, 5W×1

NAME COB원형 4등 직부 (백색) SIZE W600×D600×H100 LAMP LED 10W×3, 5W×1


Shining Home & Interior Lighting BL-044-01 (0700) NAME 아지트(사각) 9등 직부 SIZE W900×D900×H180 LAMP LED E26×9


BL-044-02 (0280)

BL-044-03 (0210)

NAME 아지트(사각) 4등 직부 SIZE W400×D400×H180 LAMP LED E26×4

NAME 아지트(사각) 3등 P/D SIZE W150×D700×H180 LAMP LED E26×3

BL-045-01 (0840) NAME 아지트(사각) 12등 직부 SIZE W1,200×D750×H180 LAMP LED E26×12

BL-045-02 (0350)

BL-045-03 (0070)

NAME 아지트(사각) 5등 직부 SIZE W600×D600×H180 LAMP LED E26×5

NAME 아지트 1등 B/R SIZE W120×D180×H180 LAMP LED E26×1


BL-046-01 (0770) NAME 아지트(원형) 11등 직부 SIZE Ø1,000×H180 LAMP LED E26×11

BL-046-02 NAME 아지트(원형) 11등 P/D SIZE Ø1,000×H180 LAMP LED E26×11

Shining Home & Interior Lighting




BL-046-03 (0070)

BL-046-04 (0070)

NAME 아지트(원형) 1등 P/D SIZE Ø100×H180 LAMP LED E26×1

NAME 아지트 센서 직부 SIZE Ø150×H180 LAMP LED E26×1

BL-047-01 (0350) NAME 아지트(원형) 5등 직부 SIZE Ø600×H180 LAMP LED E26×5

BL-047-02 (0210) NAME 아지트(원형) 3등 직부 SIZE Ø450×H180 LAMP LEDW E26×3

BL-047-03 (0210) NAME 아지트(원형) 3등 P/D SIZE Ø450×H180 LAMP LED E26×3

BL-047-04 (0210) NAME 아지트 3등 레일직부 LAMP LED E26×3


BL-048-01 (0960) NAME 가디언 6등 직부 (블랙A) SIZE W1,000×D550×H270 LAMP LED 20W×6, PL 55W×6

BL-048-02 (0960) NAME 가디언 6등 직부 (블랙 B) SIZE W1,000×D550×H270 LAMP LED 20W×6

GUARDIAN LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.


BL-048-03 (0160)

BL-048-04 (0160)

NAME 가디언 벽등 (블랙) SIZE W100×D250×H420 LAMP LED 20W×1, PL 36W×1

NAME 가디언 벽등 (백색) SIZE W100×D250×H420 LAMP LED 20W×1, PL 36W×1

Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-049-01 (0640) NAME 가디언 4등 직부 (블랙) SIZE W600×D550×H250 LAMP LED 20W×4, PL 55W×4

BL-049-02 (0480) NAME 가디언 3등 직부 (백색) SIZE W450×D420×H250 LAMP LED 15W×3, PL 36W×3

BL-049-03 (0160)

BL-049-04 (0160)

NAME 가디언 1등 직부 (백색) SIZE W550×D130×H270 LAMP LED 20W×1, PL 55W×1

NAME 가디언 1등 직부 (블랙) SIZE W550×D130×H270 LAMP LED 20W×1, PL 55W×1

Shining Home & Interior Lighting


BL-050-02 (0240) NAME 비비드 3등 P/D SIZE W500×H500 LAMP LED E26×3

BL-050-01 (0400) NAME 비비드 5등 P/D SIZE W500×H500 LAMP LED E26×5

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-050-04 (0240) NAME 비비드 3등 -자형 P/D SIZE W750×D100×H200 LAMP LED E26×3

BL-050-03 (0080) NAME 비비드 1등 P/D SIZE W250×H100 LAMP LED E26×1


BL-051-01 (0640) NAME 비비드 8등 직부 SIZE W850×D500×H200 LAMP LED E26×8

BL-051-02 (0320) NAME 비비드 4등 직부 SIZE W700×D450×H200 LAMP LED E26×4

BL-051-03 (0240) NAME 비비드 3등 -자형 직부 SIZE W750×D100×H200 LAMP LED E26×3

VIVID LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio BL-051-04 (0100)

BL-051-05 (0080)

NAME 비비드 1등 센서 직부 SIZE W250×H150 LAMP LED E26×1

NAME 비비드 1등 B/R SIZE W150×D170×H100 LAMP LED E26×1




BL-052-01 (0400) NAME 엣지 LED P/D (백색) SIZE W600×D600×H조절 LAMP LED 60W

EDGE LIGHT SERIES BL-052-02 (0400) A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


NAME 엣지 LED 방등 (백색) SIZE W600×D600×H100 LAMP LED 60W

BL-053-01 (0400) NAME 엣지 LED P/D (블랙) SIZE W600×D600×H조절 LAMP LED 60W

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-053-02 (0400) NAME 엣지 LED 방등 (블랙) SIZE W600×D600×H100 LAMP LED 60W




CANDY LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.



Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-054-01 (0360)

BL-054-02 (2400)

BL-054-03 (1200)

NAME 캔디 1등 B/R SIZE W150×D200×H250 LAMP LED 15W×1

NAME 캔디 6등 P/D SIZE W600×H400 LAMP LED 15W×6

NAME 캔디 계단 3등 P/D SIZE W400×H800 LAMP LED 15W×3

BL-055-01 (0260) NAME 캔디 1등 P/D SIZE W110×H400 LAMP LED 15W

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-055-02 (1200) NAME 캔디 3등 P/D SIZE W400×H400 LAMP LED 15W×3

BL-055-03 (1600) NAME 캔디 계단 4등 P/D SIZE W400×H800 LAMP LED 15W×4


BL-056-01 (1400) NAME 바리스타 5등 P/D (주문생산) SIZE W800×D200×H400 LAMP LED 5W×2, 1W×2, 15W×1





Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-057-01 (0260)

BL-057-02 (0440)

BL-057-03 (0160)

NAME 다이아 1등 B/R (A) SIZE W130×D170×H170 LAMP LED 3W×1

NAME 다이아 3등 B/R SIZE W350×D170×H170 LAMP LED 1W×2, 3W×1

NAME 다이아 1등 B/R (B) SIZE W160×D200×H250 LAMP LED 3W×1


BL-058-01 (0100) NAME 라이트 1등 자바라 직부 (A) SIZE W150×D450×H500 LAMP E26×1

BL-058-02 (0090) NAME 라이트 1등 직부 (A) SIZE W150×D450×H200 LAMP E26×1

LIGHT LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-058-03 (0090) NAME 라이트 1등 B/R (A) SIZE W150×D200×H450 LAMP E26×1



BL-059-01 NAME 디자인 1등 B/R (A, B, C) LAMP E26×1




Home & Interior Lighting




BL-059-02 (A 0080) (B, C 0090) NAME 디자인 1등 직부 (A) / 자바라 (B, C) SIZE W300×H500 LAMP E26×1


BL-060-01 (0300) NAME 스페셜 PAR30 3등 레일 (블랙) SIZE W150×H250 LAMP E26×3

BL-060-02 (0300) NAME 스페셜 PAR30 3등 레일 (백색) SIZE W150×H250 LAMP E26×3

BL-060-03 (0500) NAME 스페셜 3등 P/D (메탈) SIZE W500×H550 LAMP E26×3

BL-060-04 (0100) NAME 스페셜 PAR30 1등 직부 (블랙) SIZE W150×H250 LAMP E26×1




BL-061-01 (1400)

BL-061-02 (1400)

NAME 매니아 P/D (라이트) SIZE W400×H800 LAMP LED 30W

NAME 매니아 P/D (다크) SIZE W400×H800 LAMP LED 30W


BL-062-01 (0240) NAME 크라운 LED P/D SIZE W250×H200 LAMP LED 10W×1

CROWN LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio BL-062-02 (0260) NAME 크라운 LED 크리스탈 센서 SIZE W250×H200 LAMP LED 10W×1


BL-063-01 (0240) NAME 오리온 LED P/D SIZE W280×H220 LAMP LED 10W×1

BL-063-02 (0260) NAME 모자 1등 LED P/D SIZE W280×H250 LAMP LED 10W×1

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-063-03 (0260) NAME 오리온 LED 크리스탈 센서 SIZE W280×H200 LAMP LED 10W×1


BL-064-01 (0700) NAME 자개 3등 P/D SIZE W350×H550 LAMP IL 60W×3

PEARL LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-064-03 (0260) NAME 자개 1등 B/R SIZE W220×D130×H200 LAMP IL 60W×1


BL-064-02 (0360) NAME 자개 1등 P/D SIZE W230×H400 LAMP IL 60W×1



JEWELLRY LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio BL-065-01 (0600)

BL-065-02 (0240)

BL-065-03 (0360)

NAME 쥬얼리 3등 P/D SIZE W450×H500 LAMP E17×3

NAME 쥬얼리 1등 P/D (미니) SIZE W100×H380 LAMP E17×1

NAME 쥬얼리 1등 P/D SIZE W350×H380 LAMP E17×1



BL-066-01 (0800) NAME 프랑크 3등 P/D (大) SIZE W550×H350 LAMP E26×3

FRANK LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-066-02 (0400) BL-066-02


NAME 프랑크 1등 P/D (小) SIZE W350×H350 LAMP E26×1

BL-067-01 (0800) NAME 푸르트 3등 P/D (大) SIZE W550×H350 LAMP E26×3

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-067-02 (0400) NAME 푸르트 1등 P/D (小) SIZE W350×H350 LAMP E26×1



BL-068-01 (0070) NAME 크리스탈 망 P/D (미니) SIZE W120×H150 LAMP E17×1

BL-068-02 (0140) NAME 크리스탈 망 P/D (大) SIZE W250×H280 LAMP E26×1

CRYSTAL NET LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-068-03 (0140) NAME 크리스탈 망 P/D (8") SIZE W200×H200 LAMP E17×1

BL-068-04 (0080) NAME 크리스탈 망 P/D (6") SIZE W150×H150 LAMP E17×1





Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-069-01 (0120)

BL-069-02 (0110)

BL-069-03 (0100)

NAME 카스 망 大 P/D SIZE W280×H550 LAMP LED E26×1

NAME 카스 망 中 P/D SIZE W230×H450 LAMP LED E26×1

NAME 카스 망 小 P/D SIZE W180×H400 LAMP LED E26×1


Shining Home & Interior Lighting




BL-070-01 (0600)

BL-070-02 (0300)

NAME 람세스 7등 P/D SIZE W500×H500 LAMP LED E26×7

NAME 람세스 1등 P/D SIZE W300×H300 LAMP LED E26×1

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-071-01 (0120)

BL-071-02 (0120)

NAME 사라 1등 P/D (백색) SIZE W300×H300 LAMP LED E26×1

NAME 사라 1등 P/D (블랙) SIZE W300×H300 LAMP LED E26×1




Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-072-01 BL-072-02


BL-072-01 (0120)

BL-072-02 (0120)

NAME 베니 1등 P/D (백색) SIZE W130×H350 LAMP LED E26×1

NAME 베니 1등 P/D (검정) SIZE W130×H350 LAMP LED E26×1


BL-073-01 BL-073-03


BULK LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio BL-073-01 (0100)

BL-073-02 (0140)

NAME 벌크 갓 P/D 2호 SIZE W300×H290 LAMP LED E26×1

NAME 벌크 갓 P/D (백색) SIZE W300×H350 LAMP LED E26×1

BL-073-03 (0140)

BL-073-04 (0100)

NAME 벌크 갓 P/D (검정) SIZE W300×H350 LAMP LED E26×1

NAME 벌크 B/R SIZE W250×D260×H290 LAMP LED E26×1


BL-074-02 (0140) NAME 알프스 P/D SIZE W400×H400 LAMP LED E26×1

BL-074-01 (0120) NAME 실버 P/D SIZE W250×H320 LAMP LED E26×1

PENDANT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio




Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-075-01 (0140)

BL-075-02 (0140)

NAME 꼬깔(브라운) P/D SIZE W220×H450 LAMP LED E26×1

NAME 꼬깔(투명) P/D SIZE W220×H450 LAMP LED E26×1

BL-075-03 (0140)

BL-075-04 (0140)

NAME 카카오(투명) P/D SIZE W250×H400 LAMP LED E26×1

NAME 카카오(브라운) P/D SIZE W250×H400 LAMP LED E26×1




BL-076-01 (B)

BL-076-01 (A)

BL-076-02 (A)

BL-076-02 (B)

BL-076-01 (0120)

BL-076-02 (0100)

NAME 로제 1등 P/D (A, B) SIZE W200×H250 LAMP E26×1

NAME 로레지 1등 P/D (A, B) SIZE W200×H200 LAMP E26×1

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-076-04 BL-076-03


BL-076-03 (0100)

BL-076-04 (0100)

NAME 카렌 1등 P/D (투명) SIZE W190×H250 LAMP E26×1

NAME 카렌 1등 P/D (유백) SIZE W190×H250 LAMP E26×1




Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-077-01 (0160)

BL-077-02 (0140)

BL-077-03 (0140)

NAME 카라멜 1등 P/D SIZE W250×H450 LAMP LED E26×1

NAME 시크릿 B형 P/D SIZE W250×H250 LAMP E26×1

NAME 시크릿 A형 P/D SIZE W200×H300 LAMP E26×1


BL-078-01 (1260) NAME 유니크 9등 직부 (원목) SIZE W850×H250 LAMP E26×9

BL-078-02 (0420) NAME 유니크 3등 P/D (브론즈) SIZE W900×D200×H400 LAMP E26×3

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-078-04 BL-078-03


BL-078-03 (0140)

BL-078-04 (0140)

NAME 유니크 1등 P/D (브론즈) SIZE W200×H350 LAMP E26×1

NAME 유니크 1등 B/R (브론즈) SIZE W200×D250×H350 LAMP E26×1

BL-079-01 (0700) NAME 유니크 5등 직부 SIZE W500×H250 LAMP E26×5

BL-079-02 (0420)

BL-079-03 (0140)

BL-079-04 (0140)

NAME 유니크 3등 P/D (흑니켈) SIZE W900×D200×H400 LAMP E26×3

NAME 유니크 1등 P/D (흑니켈) SIZE W200×H350 LAMP E26×1

NAME 유니크 1등 B/R (흑니켈) SIZE W200×D250×H350 LAMP E26×1


BL-080-02 (0200) NAME 포세이돈 망 P/D (흑니켈) SIZE W400×H350 LAMP E26×1

BL-080-01 (0200) NAME 포세이돈 망 P/D (브론즈) SIZE W400×H350 LAMP E26×1

BL-080-03 (0300) NAME 포스코 망 P/D SIZE W400×H500 LAMP LED E26×1

POSEIDON/POSCO LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-081-01 (0140) NAME 원통 망 P/D (흑니켈) SIZE W100×H350 LAMP E26×1

BL-081-02 (0140) NAME 원통 망 P/D (브론즈) SIZE W100×H350 LAMP E26×1

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-081-03 (0140)

BL-081-04 (0140)

NAME 원통 망 B/R (흑니켈) SIZE W100×D200×H350 LAMP E26×1

NAME 원통 망 B/R (브론즈) SIZE W100×D200×H350 LAMP E26×1




BL-082-02 (0140) NAME 사각망 1등 P/D (흑니켈, 브론즈) SIZE W160×H270 LAMP E26×1

BL-082-01 (0140) NAME 사각망 B/R (흑니켈, 브론즈) SIZE W160×D270×H270 LAMP E26×1

SQUARE NET LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-082-03 (0280) NAME 사각망 2등 P/D (흑니켈, 브론즈) SIZE W600×D160×H500 LAMP E26×2


BL-083-02 (0140) NAME 캔버스 1등 P/D (흑니켈, 브론즈) SIZE W170×H200 LAMP E26×1

CANVAS LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.

BL-083-01 (0140) NAME 캔버스 B/R (흑니켈, 브론즈) SIZE W170×D220×H200 LAMP E26×1

BL-083-03 (0280) NAME 캔버스 2등 P/D (흑니켈, 브론즈) SIZE W600×D170×H500 LAMP E26×2

Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-084-01 (0140) NAME 베스트 P/D 大 (브론즈, 백색, 검정) SIZE W320×H250 LAMP E26×1

BL-084-02 (0120) NAME 베스트 P/D 小 (브론즈, 백색, 검정) SIZE W220×H250 LAMP E26×1



BICO Bubble CROWN LIGHT LIGHT SERIES SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. BL-085-01

Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-085-01 (0360)

BL-085-02 (0240)

NAME 크라운 인테리어 망망 3등 P/D P/D (소) SIZE W500×H450 W350×H400 LAMP E17×3 LED 5W×3

NAME 크라운 인테리어 500Ø 망 P/D P/D(대) SIZE W500×H450 W350×H600 LAMP E26×1 LED 5W×3


BL-086-01 (0050)

CROWN LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-086-02 (0070) NAME 크라운 센서 직부 SIZE W250×H250 LAMP E26×1


NAME 크라운 1등 P/D SIZE W250×H250 LAMP E26×1

BL-087-01 (0056) NAME 크라운 1등 P/D (아이보리) SIZE W250×H250 LAMP E26×1

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-087-02 (0076) NAME 크라운 센서 직부 (아이보리) SIZE W250×H250 LAMP E26×1


BL-088-01 (0080) NAME 크로바 1등 P/D SIZE W250×H250 LAMP E26×1

CROWBAR LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. BL-088-02 (0100) NAME 크로바 센서 직부 SIZE W200×H250 LAMP E26×1


Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-089-02 (0080) NAME 바로크 센서 직부 SIZE W200×H250 LAMP E26×1

BL-089-01 (0060) NAME 바로크 1등 P/D SIZE W200×H250 LAMP E26×1

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-089-03 (0060) NAME 바로크 직부 SIZE W200×H250 LAMP E26×1


BL-090-01 (0160) NAME 뉴크라운 P/D SIZE W250×H250 LAMP E26×1

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-090-02 (0180) NAME 뉴크라운 센서 직부 SIZE W250×H250 LAMP E26×1


BL-091-01 (0120) NAME 칸타타 1등 P/D (블랙) SIZE W280×H350 LAMP E26×1

BL-091-02 (0120) NAME 칸타타 1등 P/D (브라운) SIZE W280×H350 LAMP E26×1


BL-092-01 (0060) NAME 오리온 1등 P/D SIZE W280×H220 LAMP E26×1

BL-092-02 (0600) NAME 오리온 1등 P/D (백색) SIZE W280×H220 LAMP E26×1

Shining Home & Interior Lighting


BL-092-03 (0080)

BL-092-04 (0080)

NAME 오리온 1등 센서 직부 SIZE W280×H220 LAMP E26×1

NAME 오리온 1등 센서 직부 (백색) SIZE W280×H220 LAMP E26×1

BL-093-02 (0180) BL-093-01 (0180) NAME 옥타곤 1등 P/D (블랙) SIZE W400×H350 LAMP E26×1

NAME 옥타곤 1등 P/D (백색) SIZE W400×H350 LAMP E26×1

PENDANT LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-094-02 (0140) NAME 프린스 1등 P/D SIZE W300×H380 LAMP E26×1

BL-094-01 (0140) NAME 아리스 1등 P/D SIZE W350×H400 LAMP E26×1



BL-095-01 (0140) NAME 나팔종 P/D (A, B, C, D) SIZE W170×H250 LAMP E26×1

(C) (A)


BL-095-02 (0140) NAME 나팔종 B/R (A, B, C, D) SIZE W170×D200×H250 LAMP E26×1







IAN LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.



Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio BL-096-01 (0200)

BL-096-02 (0200)

NAME 이안 1등 P/D (백색) SIZE W300×H250 LAMP E26×1

NAME 이안 1등 P/D (블랙) SIZE W300×H250 LAMP E26×1



Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-097-01 (0240)

BL-097-02 (0240)

NAME 세잔느 1등 P/D SIZE W300×D160×H200 LAMP E26×1

NAME 이안 1등 P/D SIZE W300×H160 LAMP E26×1


BL-098-01 (0500) NAME 아르떼 1등 P/D SIZE W350×H350 LAMP E26×1

ARTE/EMMA LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.

BL-098-02 (0120) NAME 엠마 1등 P/D SIZE W220×H350 LAMP E26×1


Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-099-01 (0760) NAME 보름달 6등 P/D SIZE W800×H250 LAMP E26×6

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-099-02 (0800) NAME 세인트 900Ø P/D SIZE W900×H400 LAMP E26×5



SOPHIA LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio BL-100-01 (0500)

BL-100-02 (0500)

NAME 소피아 1등 P/D (A형/블랙) SIZE W220×H700 LAMP E26×1

NAME 소피아 1등 P/D (B형/블랙) SIZE W220×H500 LAMP E26×1



BL-101-02 (0500) NAME 소피아 1등 P/D (B형/쉐비) SIZE W220×H500 LAMP E26×1

BL-101-01 (0500) NAME 소피아 1등 P/D (A형/쉐비) SIZE W220×H700 LAMP E26×1

Shining Home & Interior Lighting



Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-102-01 (0260)

BL-102-02 (0180)

NAME 라벤다 3등 P/D (라이트) SIZE W500×H300 LAMP E26×3

NAME 라벤다 1등 P/D (라이트/小) SIZE W250×H300 LAMP E26×1

BL-102-03 (0220) NAME 라벤다 1등 P/D (라이트/中) SIZE W350×H300 LAMP E26×1 BL-102-02




LAVENDER LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio



BL-103-01 (0260)

BL-103-02 (0180)

NAME 라벤다 3등 P/D (다크) SIZE W500×H300 LAMP E26×3

NAME 라벤다 1등 P/D (다크/小) SIZE W250×H300 LAMP E26×1

BL-103-03 (0220) NAME 라벤다 1등 P/D (다크/中) SIZE W350×H300 LAMP E26×1


BL-104-02 (0300)

BL-104-01 (0300) NAME 주마 1등 P/D (엔틱) SIZE W350×H400 LAMP E26×1

BL-104-05 (0160) BL-104-03 (0300) NAME 보르네오 P/D (小) SIZE W280×H400 LAMP E26×1

NAME 우드 1등 P/D (小) SIZE W270×H300 LAMP E26×1

BL-104-04 (0360) NAME 보르네오 1등 P/D (中) SIZE W150×H600 LAMP E26×1


NAME 주마 1등 P/D (원목) SIZE W350×H400 LAMP E26×1



Shining Home & Interior Lighting



BL-105-01 (0240)

BL-105-02 (0240)

NAME 하우스 1등 P/D (엔틱) SIZE W160×H250 LAMP E26×1

NAME 하우스 1등 P/D (원목) SIZE W160×H250 LAMP E26×1

BL-105-03 (0160)

BL-105-04 (0160)

NAME 하우스 1등 B/R (엔틱) SIZE W150×D140×H200 LAMP E26×1

NAME 하우스 1등 B/R (원목) SIZE W160×D140×H200 LAMP E26×1


BL-106-01 (0960) NAME 소렌토 8등 직부 SIZE W950×H300 LAMP E26×8


BL-106-02 (0120)

BL-106-03 (0120)

BL-106-04 (0360)

NAME 소렌토 1등 B/R SIZE W230×D300×H250 LAMP E26×1

NAME 소렌토 1등 P/D SIZE W230×H250 LAMP E26×1

NAME 소렌토 3등 P/D (일자형) SIZE W950×D230×H500 LAMP E26×3

BL-107-01 (0720) NAME 소렌토 6등 P/D SIZE W800×H500 LAMP E26×6

BL-107-02 (0240) NAME 소렌토 2등 P/D (일자형) SIZE W700×H500 LAMP E26×2

SORRENTO LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.

BL-107-03 (0360) NAME 소렌토 3등 P/D SIZE W570×H500 LAMP E26×3

Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-108-01 (1120) NAME 발리 8등 P/D SIZE W900×H500 LAMP E26×8

Shining Home & Interior Lighting


BL-108-02 (0140)

BL-108-03 (0280)

NAME 발리 1등 P/D SIZE W200×H200 LAMP E26×1

NAME 발리 2등 P/D (일자형) SIZE W700×D200×H500 LAMP E26×2

BL-109-01 (0840) NAME 발리 6등 직부 SIZE W750×H300 LAMP E26×6

BALI LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-109-03 (0140) NAME 발리 1등 B/R SIZE W200×D300×H200 LAMP E26×1

BL-109-02 (0420) NAME 발리 3등 P/D SIZE W550×H500 LAMP E26×3


BL-110-01 (0640) NAME 그래미 8등 직부 (흑색) SIZE W950×H300 LAMP E26×8

BL-110-02 (0480) NAME 그래미 6등 P/D (흑색) SIZE W850×H500 LAMP E26×6

BL-110-03 (0240) NAME 그래미 3등 P/D (흑색) SIZE W500×H500 LAMP E26×3

GRAMMY LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.


BL-110-04 (0080)

BL-110-05 (0080)

NAME 그래미 1등 P/D (흑색) SIZE W210×H200 LAMP E26×1

NAME 그래미 1등 B/R (흑색) SIZE W210×D300×H250 LAMP E26×1

Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-111-01 (0640) NAME 그래미 8등 직부 (백색) SIZE W950×H300 LAMP E26×8

BL-111-02 (0480) NAME 그래미 6등 P/D (백색) SIZE W850×H500 LAMP E26×6

BL-111-03 (0240)

BL-111-04 (0080)

BL-111-05 (0080)

NAME 그래미 3등 P/D (백색) SIZE W500×H500 LAMP E26×3

NAME 그래미 1등 P/D (백색) SIZE W210×H200 LAMP E26×1

NAME 그래미 1등 B/R (백색) SIZE W210×D300×H250 LAMP E26×1


BL-112-01 (0840) NAME 소렌토 브라운 6등 SIZE W900×H500 LAMP LED E26×6

BL-112-02 (0360) NAME 소렌토 브라운 3등 P/D SIZE W600×H500 LAMP LED E26 ×3

BL-112-04 (0120) NAME 소렌토 브라운 1등 B/R SIZE W220×D250×H250 LAMP LED E26×1


BL-112-03 (0240) NAME 소렌토 브라운 2등 P/D SIZE W700×H500 LAMP LED E26×2

BL-113-01 (0640) NAME 프리지아 8등 직부 (아이보리) SIZE W900×H350 LAMP E26×8

FREESIA LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-113-02 (0240) NAME 프리지아 3등 P/D (아이보리) SIZE W550×H350 LAMP E26×3


BL-114-01 (0800) NAME 프라임 8등 P/D SIZE W900×H400 LAMP E26×8


BL-115-01 (0600) NAME 프라임 6등 P/D SIZE W800×H400 LAMP E26×6

BL-115-02 (0100) NAME 프라임 1등 B/R SIZE W160×D250×H250 LAMP E26×1

PRIME LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.

BL-115-03 (0300) NAME 프라임 3등 P/D SIZE W600×H400 LAMP E26×3

Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-116-01 (0960) NAME 엘도라도 8등 직부 (下) SIZE W900×H450 LAMP E26×8

BL-116-02 (0360) NAME 엘도라도 3등 직부 (下) SIZE W500×H450 LAMP E26×3

BL-116-03 (0720) NAME 엘도라도 6등 직부 (下) SIZE W750×H450 LAMP E26×6

ELDORADO LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.

BL-116-04 (0120) NAME 엘도라도 1등 B/R (下) SIZE W180×D220×H300 LAMP E26×1


Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-117-01 (0960) NAME 엘도라도 8등 P/D (上) SIZE W900×H500 LAMP E26×8




BL-117-02 (0120)

BL-117-03 (0720)

BL-117-04 (0360)

NAME 엘도라도 1등 B/R (上) SIZE W180×D220×H300 LAMP E26×1

NAME 엘도라도 6등 P/D (上) SIZE W750×H500 LAMP E26×6

NAME 엘도라도 3등 P/D (上) SIZE W500×H500 LAMP E26×3

Shining Home & Interior Lighting


BL-118-01 (0960) NAME 에버 8등 下 직부 (갓) SIZE W1,000×H300 LAMP E26×8

BL-118-02 (0360) NAME 에버 3등 下 직부 (갓) SIZE W450XH300 LAMP E26×3


BL-119-01 (0720) NAME 에버 6등 下 직부 (갓) SIZE W900×H300 LAMP E26×6

BL-119-03 (0720) NAME 에버 6등 上 직부 (갓) SIZE W900×H500 LAMP E26×6

BL-119-02 (0360) NAME 에버 3등 上 직부 (갓) SIZE W450XH500 LAMP E26×3

EVER LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-119-04 (0120) NAME 에버 1등 B/R (갓) SIZE W190×D220×H250 LAMP E26×1


BL-120-01 (1120) NAME 엘리스 8등 직부 SIZE W1,000×H350 LAMP LED E26×8

BL-120-04 (0140) NAME 엘리스 1등 B/R SIZE W200×D300×H350 LAMP LED E26×1

BL-120-02 (0420) NAME 엘리스 3등 P/D SIZE W600×H350 LAMP LED E26×3

BL-120-03 (0840) NAME 엘리스 6등 P/D SIZE W850×H450 LAMP LED E26×6

ELLIS LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio





Shining BL-121-01 (0720)

BL-121-02 (0360)

BL-121-03 (0120)

NAME 뉴컨츄리 6등 P/D SIZE W850×H500 LAMP E26×6

NAME 뉴컨츄리 3등 P/D SIZE W500×H500 LAMP E26×3

NAME 뉴컨츄리 1등 B/R SIZE W160×D250×H250 LAMP E26×1

Home & Interior Lighting


BL-122-01 (0720) NAME 포커스 6등 P/D SIZE W800×H420 LAMP E26×6

BL-122-02 (0960) NAME 포커스 8등 직부 SIZE W920×H420 LAMP E26×8

Shining Home & Interior Lighting




BL-122-03 (0360)

BL-122-04 (0120)

NAME 포커스 3등 P/D SIZE W470×H330 LAMP E26×3

NAME 포커스 1등 B/R SIZE W200×D160×H350 LAMP E26×1

BL-123-01 (0600) NAME 오페라 6등 P/D SIZE W800×H450 LAMP E26×6

BL-123-02 (0100) NAME 오페라 1등 B/R SIZE W200×D250×H300 LAMP E26×1

OPERA LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.

BL-123-03 (0300) NAME 오페라 3등 P/D SIZE W600×H450 LAMP E26×3

Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-124-01 (1200) NAME 팰리스 10등 P/D SIZE W1,000×H500 LAMP •가지 E26×8 •중심 E17×2

PALACE LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-124-02 (0600) NAME 팰리스 5등 P/D SIZE W650×H430 LAMP •가지 E26×3 •중심 E17×2

BL-124-03 (0120) NAME 팰리스 1등 B/R SIZE W150×D220×H280 LAMP E26×1


BL-125-01 (0960) NAME 팰리스 8등 직부 SIZE W900×H430 LAMP •가지 E26×6 •중심 E17×2







Home & Interior Lighting


BL-126-01 (0100)

BL-126-02 (0800)

BL-126-03 (0500)

BL-126-04 (0300)

NAME 시리우스 1등 B/R SIZE W120×D250×H250 LAMP E14×1

NAME 시리우스 8등 P/D SIZE W900×H400 LAMP E14×8

NAME 시리우스 5등 P/D SIZE W750×H400 LAMP E14×5

NAME 시리우스 3등 P/D SIZE W600×H400 LAMP E14×3

BL-127-01 (0420) NAME 프라하 3등 P/D (장식구) (흑/니켈) SIZE W500×H500 LAMP E17×3

BL-127-02 (0140) NAME 프라하 1등 B/R (장식구) (흑/니켈) SIZE W100×D170×H200 LAMP E17×1

BL-127-04 (0140) NAME 프라하 1등 B/R (브론즈) SIZE W180×D180×H220 LAMP E26×1

BL-127-03 (0420) NAME 프라하 3등 P/D (브론즈) SIZE W500×H450 LAMP E26×3


BL-128-01 (1440) NAME 스타우드 12등 P/D SIZE W1,200×H600 LAMP E26×12

STARWOOD LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-129-01 (0600) NAME 스타우드 6등 P/D SIZE W700×H450 LAMP E26×6


BL-129-04 BL-129-02

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-129-02 (0300)

BL-129-03 (0200)

BL-129-04 (0100)

NAME 스타우드 3등 P/D SIZE W500×H400 LAMP E26×3

NAME 스타우드 2등 B/R SIZE W400×D250×H400 LAMP E26×2

NAME 스타우드 1등 B/R SIZE W160×D250×H400 LAMP E26×1


BL-130-01 (2000) NAME 엔티크 2단 12등 P/D SIZE W1,000×H900 LAMP E26×12

BL-130-02 (0160) NAME 엔티크 1등 B/R SIZE W150×D180×H380 LAMP E26×1


BL-131-01 (1600) NAME 엔티크 10등 P/D SIZE W1,150×H600 LAMP E26×10

BL-131-02 (0480) NAME 엔티크 3등 P/D SIZE W600×H600 LAMP E26×3

ANTIQUE LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-131-03 (0960) NAME 엔티크 6등 P/D SIZE W850×H600 LAMP E26×6


BL-132-01 (0800) NAME 피렌체 8등 P/D (갓) SIZE W800×H420 LAMP E26×8

BL-132-02 (0600) NAME 피렌체 6등 P/D (갓) SIZE W800×H450 LAMP E26×6


BL-132-03 (0100)

BL-132-04 (0300)

BL-132-05 (0450)

NAME 피렌체 1등 B/R (갓) SIZE W160×D250×H350 LAMP E17×1

NAME 피렌체 3등 P/D (갓) SIZE W450×H500 LAMP E26×3

NAME 피렌체 5등 P/D (엔틱) SIZE W600×H500 LAMP E17×5

BL-133-01 (0840) NAME 피렌체 8등 P/D (갓/쉐비) SIZE W800×H420 LAMP E26×8

FIRENZE LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio BL-133-02


BL-133-02 (0320) NAME 피렌체 3등 P/D (갓/쉐비) SIZE W450×H500 LAMP E26×3


BL-133-03 (0450)

BL-133-04 (0110)

NAME 피렌체 5등 P/D (쉐비) SIZE W600×H500 LAMP E17×5

NAME 피렌체 1등 B/R (갓/쉐비) SIZE W160×D250×H350 LAMP E17×1


BL-134-01 (0960) NAME 돌체 8등 직부 (갓) SIZE W950×H350 LAMP E26×8

DOLCE LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-134-02 (0100)

BL-134-03 (0200)

NAME 돌체 1등 B/R (갓) SIZE W160×H200×H400 LAMP E26×1

NAME 돌체 2등 B/R (갓) SIZE W350×H200×H400 LAMP E26×2

BL-135-01 (0960) NAME 뉴돌체 8등 직부 (갓) SIZE W850×H450 LAMP E26×8

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-135-02 (0300) NAME 돌체 3등 P/D (갓) SIZE W420×H350 LAMP E26×3

BL-135-03 (0500) NAME 돌체 5등 P/D (갓) SIZE W650×H450 LAMP E26×5


BL-136-01 (0100) NAME 테마 1등 B/R SIZE W160×D220×H320 LAMP E26×1

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-136-02 (0800) NAME 테마 8등 직부 SIZE W900×H450 LAMP E26×8

BL-136-03 (0300) NAME 테마 3등 P/D SIZE W500×H450 LAMP E26×3


BL-137-01 (0800) NAME 테마 8등 직부 (쉐비) SIZE W900×H450 LAMP E26×8

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-137-02 (0300)

BL-137-03 (0100)

NAME 테마 3등 P/D (쉐비) SIZE W500×H450 LAMP E26×3

NAME 테마 1등 B/R (쉐비) SIZE W160×D220×H320 LAMP E26×1


BL-138-01 (1200) NAME 벨로체 10등 P/D (갓) SIZE W1,100×H700 LAMP E26×10

VELOCE LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-138-02 (0200)

BL-138-03 (0090)

NAME 벨로체 2등 B/R (갓) SIZE W400×D170×H300 LAMP E17×2

NAME 벨로체 1등 B/R (장식구) SIZE W120×D200×H300 LAMP E17×1

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-139-01 (0680) NAME 벨로체 6등 P/D (갓) SIZE W850×H650 LAMP E26×6

BL-139-02 (0600) NAME 벨로체 6등 P/D (장식구) SIZE W850×H650 LAMP E17×6

BL-139-03 (0340) NAME 벨로체 3등 P/D (갓) SIZE W520×H600 LAMP E17×3

BL-139-04 (0300) NAME 벨로체 3등 P/D (장식구) SIZE W520×H600 LAMP E17×3


BL-140-01 (0900) NAME 마이웨이 8등 직부 (갓) SIZE W950×H450 LAMP E26×8

MY WAY LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-140-02 (0340) NAME 마이웨이 3등 P/D (갓) SIZE W550×H450 LAMP E17×3

BL-140-03 (0100) NAME 마이웨이 1등 B/R (갓) SIZE W120×D200×H250 LAMP E17×1


BL-141-01 (1120) NAME 마이웨이 10등 직부 (갓) SIZE W950×H450 LAMP E26×10




BL-141-02 (0300)

BL-141-03 (0600)

BL-141-04 (0080)

NAME 마이웨이 3등 P/D (장식구) SIZE W500×H450 LAMP E17×3

NAME 마이웨이 6등 P/D (장식구) SIZE W750×H450 LAMP E17×6

NAME 마이웨이 1등 B/R (장식구) SIZE W120×D200×H200 LAMP E17×1


BL-142-01 (1400) NAME 클래식 10등 P/D SIZE W1,200×H600 LAMP E26×10

CLASSIC LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-142-02 (0140) NAME 클래식 1등 B/R SIZE W150×D180×H400 LAMP E26×1


BL-143-01 (0280) NAME 클래식 2등 B/R SIZE W400×D150×H400 LAMP E26×2

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-143-02 (0840) NAME 클래식 6등 P/D SIZE W850×H600 LAMP E26×6

BL-143-03 (0420) NAME 클래식 3등 P/D SIZE W600×H550 LAMP E26×3


BL-144-01 (0960) NAME 솔로몬 8등 직부 SIZE W900×H450 LAMP E26×8

SOLOMON LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.

BL-144-02 (0360) NAME 솔로몬 3등 P/D SIZE W550×H450 LAMP E26×3


Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-145-01 (0720) NAME 솔로몬 6등 P/D SIZE W750×H450 LAMP E26×6

Shining Home & Interior Lighting


BL-145-02 (0240)

BL-145-03 (0120)

NAME 솔로몬 2등 B/R SIZE W400×D200×H350 LAMP E26×2

NAME 솔로몬 1등 B/R SIZE W160×D200×H200 LAMP E26×1



BL-146-01 (1200) NAME 발렌타인 10등 P/D SIZE W1,000×H600 LAMP E26×10

VALENTINE LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio




Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-147-01 (0600)

BL-147-02 (0300)

BL-147-03 (0100)

NAME 발렌타인 6등 직부 SIZE W650×H450 LAMP E26×6

NAME 발렌타인 3등 P/D SIZE W500×H400 LAMP E26×3

NAME 발렌타인 1등 B/R SIZE W160×D200×H300 LAMP E26×1



BL-148-01 (1200) NAME 루이스 10등 P/D SIZE W1,200×H600 LAMP E26×10





Home & Interior Lighting


BL-148-02 (0280)

BL-148-03 (0140)

BL-148-04 (0600)

NAME 루이스 2등 B/R SIZE W400×H220×H420 LAMP E26×2

NAME 루이스 1등 B/R SIZE W160×D300×H420 LAMP E26×1

NAME 루이스 5등 P/D SIZE W620×H500 LAMP E26×5

BL-149-01 (0960) NAME 파로스 8등 직부 SIZE W950×H450 LAMP E26×8



BL-149-02 (0360)

BL-149-03 (0720)

NAME 파로스 3등 P/D SIZE W450×H450 LAMP E26×3

NAME 파로스 6등 P/D SIZE W750×H450 LAMP E26×6

BL-149-04 (0240) NAME 파로스 2등 B/R SIZE W450×D200×H450 LAMP E26×2

BL-149-05 (0120) NAME 파로스 1등 B/R SIZE W160×D200×H450 LAMP E26×1




BL-150-01 (0800) NAME 마도로스 8등 직부 SIZE W900×H450 LAMP E26×8





BL-150-02 (0100)

BL-150-03 (0300)

BL-150-04 (0600)

NAME 마도로스 1등 B/R SIZE W160×D300×H300 LAMP E26×1

NAME 마도로스 3등 P/D SIZE W550×H500 LAMP E26×3

NAME 마도로스 6등 P/D SIZE W750×H500 LAMP E26×6

BL-151-01 (1120) NAME 벨로체 8등 P/D (브론즈) SIZE W850×H650 LAMP E26×8

VELOCE LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-151-02 (0420) NAME 벨로체 3등 P/D (브론즈) SIZE W520×H600 LAMP E26×3

BL-151-03 (0140) NAME 벨로체 1등 B/R (브론즈) SIZE W170×D230×H400 LAMP E26×1


BL-152-01 (0800) NAME 시드니 8등 P/D SIZE W900×H500 LAMP E26×8




SIDNEY LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-152-02 (0100)

BL-152-03 (0600)

NAME 시드니 1등 B/R SIZE W160×D250×H250 LAMP E26×1

NAME 시드니 6등 P/D SIZE W800×H500 LAMP E26×6

BL-152-04 (0300) NAME 시드니 3등 P/D SIZE W500×H450 LAMP E26×3

BL-153-01 (0100) NAME 플러스 1등 B/R SIZE W160×D250×H350 LAMP E26×1

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-153-02 (0800) NAME 플러스 8등 P/D SIZE W900×H500 LAMP E26×8

BL-153-03 (0300) NAME 플러스 3등 P/D SIZE W500×H450 LAMP E26×3


BL-154-01 (1080) NAME 에세이 9등 직부 SIZE W900×H450 LAMP E26×9

ESSAY LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio BL-154-02 (0360) NAME 에세이 3등 P/D SIZE W500×H450 LAMP E26×3

BL-154-05 (0720)


BL-154-03 (0240)

BL-154-04 (0120)

NAME 에세이 2등 B/R SIZE W400×D250×H350 LAMP E26×2

NAME 에세이 1등 B/R SIZE W160×D300×H350 LAMP E26×1

NAME 에세이 6등 P/D SIZE W750×H450 LAMP E26×6

BL-155-01 (1080) NAME 에세이 9등 P/D (니켈) SIZE W900×H450 LAMP E26×9

BL-155-02 (0720) NAME 에세이 6등 직부 (니켈) SIZE W750×H450 LAMP E26×6

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-155-03 (0360)

BL-155-04 (0120)

NAME 에세이 3등 P/D (니켈) SIZE W500×H450 LAMP E26×3

NAME 에세이 1등 B/R (니켈) SIZE W160×D300×H350 LAMP E26×1 BL-155-03



BL-156-01 (1200) NAME 마리아 10등 P/D SIZE W1,000×H700 LAMP E26×10



Shining Home & Interior Lighting BL-157-01

BL-157-01 (0600)

BL-157-02 (0600)

NAME 마리아 6등 P/D (쉐비) SIZE W720×H500 LAMP E17×6

NAME 마리아 6등 P/D (엔틱) SIZE W720×H500 LAMP E17×6


BL-158-01 (0720) NAME 렉서스 6등 P/D (쉐비) SIZE W800×H500 LAMP E26×6

LEXUS LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-158-02 (0360)

BL-158-03 (0140) NAME 렉서스 1등 B/R (쉐비) SIZE W160×D250×H350 LAMP E26×1


NAME 렉서스 3등 P/D (쉐비) SIZE W600×H500 LAMP E26×3

BL-159-01 (0720) NAME 렉서스 6등 P/D (블랙) SIZE W800×H500 LAMP E26×6

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-159-02 (0360)

BL-159-03 (0140)

NAME 렉서스 3등 P/D (블랙) SIZE W600×H500 LAMP E26×3

NAME 렉서스 1등 B/R (블랙) SIZE W160×D250×H350 LAMP E26×1


BL-160-01 (0800) NAME 뷰티플 8등 P/D SIZE W900×H500 LAMP E17×8

BL-160-02 (0300) NAME 뷰티플 3등 P/D SIZE W450×H450 LAMP E17×3

BL-160-03 (0600) NAME 뷰티플 6등 P/D SIZE W700×H500 LAMP E17×6

BEAUTIFUL LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.


BL-160-04 (0180)

BL-160-05 (0090)

NAME 뷰티플 2등 B/R (엔틱) SIZE W350×D150×H300 LAMP E17×2

NAME 뷰티플 1등 B/R SIZE W150×D150×H300 LAMP E17×1

Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-161-01 (0960) NAME 크라운 8등 P/D SIZE W900×H500 LAMP E17×8

CROWN LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-161-02 (0360) NAME 크라운 3등 P/D SIZE W600×H500 LAMP E17×3


BL-162-01 (1200) NAME 엘도라도 10등 P/D (엔틱) SIZE W1,000×H500 LAMP E26×10

ELDORADO LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-162-03 (0120)

BL-162-02 (0720)

NAME 엘도라도 1등 B/R (엔틱) SIZE W160×D350×H350 LAMP E26×1

NAME 엘도라도 6등 P/D (엔틱) SIZE W750×H500 LAMP E26×6

BL-163-01 (0960) NAME 뉴 수호천사 8등 직부 SIZE W850×H450 LAMP E26×8

BL-163-02 (0720) NAME 뉴 수호천사 6등 P/D SIZE W800×H450 LAMP E26×6

BL-163-03 (0360) NAME 뉴 수호천사 3등 P/D SIZE W480×H400 LAMP E26×3


BL-164-01 (1800) NAME 헤르메스 12등 P/D (블랙) SIZE W1,100×H600 LAMP LED E17×12

BL-164-02 (0500) NAME 헤르메스 3등 P/D (백색) SIZE W600×H500 LAMP E17×3

HERMES LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-164-03 (0500) NAME 헤르메스 3등 P/D (블랙) SIZE W600×H500 LAMP E17×3



Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-165-01 (1500)

BL-165-02 (1120)

NAME 헤르메스 8등 P/D (레드) SIZE W800×H550 LAMP E17×8

NAME 헤르메스 6등 P/D (블랙) SIZE W800×H550 LAMP E17×6


BL-166-01 (0960) NAME 포인트 6등 P/D SIZE W800×H500 LAMP E26×6




POINT LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-166-02 (0320)

BL-166-03 (0160)

NAME 포인트 2등 B/R SIZE W450×D200×H400 LAMP E26×2

NAME 포인트 1등 B/R SIZE W160×D250×H400 LAMP E26×1

BL-166-04 (0480) NAME 포인트 3등 P/D SIZE W600×H450 LAMP E26×3

BL-167-01 (0720) NAME 루치아 6등 P/D SIZE W600×H500 LAMP E17×6

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-167-02 (0360) NAME 루치아 3등 P/D SIZE W500×H450 LAMP E17X3

BL-167-03 (0240)

BL-167-04 (0120)

NAME 루치아 2등 B/R SIZE W450×D200×H400 LAMP E17×2

NAME 루치아 1등 B/R SIZE W100×D250×H400 LAMP E17×1


BL-168-01 (0720) NAME 뉴올리비아 6등 P/D SIZE W700×H500 LAMP E17×6

NEW OLIVIA LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-168-02 (0360) NAME 뉴올리비아 3등 P/D SIZE W450×H500 LAMP E17×3

BL-168-03 (0120) NAME 뉴올리비아 1등 B/R SIZE W150×D200×H300 LAMP E17×1


BL-169-01 (0720) NAME 에코 6등 P/D SIZE W750×H500 LAMP E17×6

ECO LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-169-03 (0120) NAME 에코 1등 B/R SIZE W150×D200×H250 LAMP E17×1

BL-169-02 (0360) NAME 에코 3등 P/D SIZE W500×H500 LAMP E17×3


BL-170-01 (3600) NAME 엠파이어 15등 P/D SIZE W1,100×H650 LAMP E17×12, E26×3

Shining Home & Interior Lighting




BL-170-02 (0400)

BL-170-03 (0200)

NAME 엠파이어 2등 B/R SIZE W400×D200×H250 LAMP E17×2

NAME 엠파이어 1등 B/R SIZE W150×D250×H250 LAMP E17×1

BL-171-01 (1800) NAME 엠파이어 11등 P/D SIZE W1,000×H450 LAMP E17×8, E26×3

EMPIRE LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-171-02 (1200) NAME 엠파이어 5등 P/D SIZE W600×H450 LAMP E17×5


BL-172-01 (3600) NAME 히어로 2단 15등 P/D SIZE W1,100×H700 LAMP E17×12, E26×3



BL-173-01 (1200) NAME 히어로 6등 P/D SIZE W750×H500 LAMP E17×6


HERO LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-173-02 (0200)

BL-173-03 (0600)

NAME 히어로 1등 B/R SIZE W120×D200×H250 LAMP E17×1

NAME 히어로 3등 P/D SIZE W550×H500 LAMP E17×3


BL-174-01 (1600) NAME 포세이돈 11등 P/D SIZE W850×H580 LAMP E17×11



Shining Home & Interior Lighting


BL-174-02 (0200)

BL-174-03 (1200)

NAME 포세이돈 1등 B/R SIZE W130×D250×H280 LAMP E17×1

NAME 포세이돈 6등 P/D SIZE W800×H450 LAMP E17×6

BL-175-01 (1200) 빈센트 8등 P/D (아이보리) W900×H500 E26×8


BL-175-02 BL-175-04

VINCENT LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.

BL-175-02 (0840)

BL-175-03 (0240)

Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

NAME 빈센트 6등 P/D (장식구) SIZE W750×H500 LAMP E17×6

NAME 빈센트 2등 B/R (장식구) SIZE W350×D200×H250 LAMP E17×2

BL-175-04 (0120) NAME 빈센트 1등 B/R (갓) SIZE W160×D250×H250 LAMP E26×1


BL-176-01 (0600) NAME 티파니 5등 P/D SIZE W600×H450 LAMP E17×5

TIFFAVY LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-176-02 (0240)

BL-176-03 (0120)

NAME 티파니 2등 B/R SIZE W350×D180×H400 LAMP E17×2

NAME 티파니 1등 B/R SIZE W150×D180×H400 LAMP E17×1

BL-177-01 (0660) NAME 티파니 5등 P/D (갓/아이보리) SIZE W650×H450 LAMP E17×5

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-177-02 (0260)

BL-177-03 (0130)

NAME 티파니 2등 B/R (갓/아이보리) SIZE W350×D250×H400 LAMP E17×2

NAME 티파니 1등 B/R (갓/아이보리) SIZE W150×D250×H400 LAMP E17×1




BL-178-01 (0640) NAME 메트로 5등 P/D (장식구) SIZE W680×H450 LAMP E17×5

BL-178-02 (0420) NAME 메트로 3등 P/D (갓) SIZE W550×H450 LAMP E17×3

METRO LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-178-03 (0260)

BL-178-04 (0140)

NAME 메트로 2등 B/R (장식구) SIZE W400×D200×H300 LAMP E17×2

NAME 메트로 1등 B/R (갓) SIZE W160×D250×H350 LAMP E17×1

BL-179-01 (0700) NAME 오리엔탈 5등 P/D (장식구) SIZE W600×H600 LAMP E17×5

ORIENTAL LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-179-02 (0420) NAME 오리엔탈 3등 P/D (갓) SIZE W600×H500 LAMP E17×3


BL-180-01 (0840) NAME 헤라 6등 P/D SIZE W650×H500 LAMP E17×6

HERA LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-180-02 (0420) NAME 헤라 3등 P/D SIZE W450×H500 LAMP E17×3

BL-180-03 (0140) NAME 헤라 1등 B/R SIZE W150×D300×H300 LAMP E17×1


BL-181-01 (0900) NAME 아카데미 5등 P/D SIZE W650×H450 LAMP E17×5


Shining Home & Interior Lighting


BL-181-02 (0540)

BL-181-03 (0180)

NAME 아카데미 3등 P/D SIZE W600×H450 LAMP E17×3

NAME 아카데미 1등 B/R SIZE W150×D250×H350 LAMP E17×1


BL-182-01 (0500) NAME 포이즌 5등 P/D (엔틱) SIZE W550×H500 LAMP E26×5

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-182-02 (0100) NAME 포이즌 1등 B/R (엔틱) SIZE W150×D250×H300 LAMP E26×1


BL-183-01 (0500) NAME 포이즌 5등 P/D (아이보리) SIZE W550×H500 LAMP E17×5

POISON LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio BL-183-02 (0100) NAME 포이즌 1등 B/R (아이보리) SIZE W120×D200×H200 LAMP E17×1


BL-184-01 (0840) NAME 베로니카 6등 P/D (엔틱) SIZE W600×H500 LAMP E17×6

VERONICA LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-184-02 (0280)

BL-184-03 (0140)

NAME 베로니카 2등 B/R (엔틱) SIZE W400×D200×H400 LAMP E17×2

NAME 베로니카 1등 B/R (엔틱) SIZE W160×D200×H400 LAMP E17×1

BL-185-01 (0720) NAME 베로니카 6등 P/D (쉐비) SIZE W600×H500 LAMP E17×6

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-185-02 (0120) NAME 베로니카 1등 B/R (쉐비) SIZE W120×D200×H300 LAMP E17×1


BL-186-02 (1000) BL-186-01 (1000) NAME 명품 5등 P/D (갓/아이보리) SIZE W600×H400 LAMP E17×5

NAME 명품 5등 P/D (장식구) SIZE W600×H400 LAMP E17×5

BL-186-03 (0720) BL-186-04 (0200) NAME 명품 1등 B/R (장식구) SIZE W100×D180×H250 LAMP E17×1


NAME 명품 3등 P/D (갓) SIZE W500×H500 LAMP E17×3

BL-187-01 (0840) NAME 프레디 6등 P/D (장식구) SIZE W700×H450 LAMP E17×6

FREDDIE LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-187-02 (0900) NAME 프레디 6등 P/D (갓) SIZE W800×H450 LAMP E17×6


BL-188-01 (0700) NAME 보리수 5등 P/D SIZE W550×H450 LAMP E17×5

BL-188-02 (0140) NAME 보리수 1등 B/R SIZE W100×D220×H550 LAMP E17×1


BL-189-01 (0960) NAME 루벤스 9등 P/D (장식구) SIZE W680×H580 LAMP E17×9

BL-189-02 (0540) NAME 루벤스 3등 P/D SIZE W320×H580 LAMP E17×3

RUBENS LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio BL-189-03 (0320)

BL-189-04 (0160)

NAME 루벤스 2등 B/R SIZE W400×D220×H250 LAMP E17×2

NAME 루벤스 1등 B/R SIZE W100×D250×H250 LAMP E17×1


BL-190-01 (1600) NAME 판타지 8등 P/D (갓/엔틱) SIZE W850×H800 LAMP E17×8

FANTASY LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-190-02 (0360)

BL-190-03 (0200)

NAME 판타지 2등 B/R (촛대/엔틱) SIZE W350×D200×H380 LAMP E17×2

NAME 판타지 1등 B/R (갓/엔틱) SIZE W150×D200×H380 LAMP E17×1


Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-191-01 (1100)

BL-191-02 (0540)

NAME 판타지 6등 P/D (엔틱/장식구) SIZE W850×H650 LAMP E17×6

NAME 판타지 3등 P/D (엔틱/장식구) SIZE W380×H450 LAMP E17×3 BL-191-02


BL-192-01 (1120) NAME 골드스타 8등 P/D SIZE W800×H500 LAMP LED E17×8

GOLD STAR LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.

BL-192-02 (0140) NAME 골드스타 1등 B/R SIZE W100×D200×H300 LAMP LED E17×1


Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-193-01 (0840)

BL-193-02 (0280)

NAME 골드스타 6등 P/D SIZE W600×H400 LAMP LED E17×6

NAME 골드스타 2등 B/R SIZE W300×D200×H300 LAMP LED E17×2



BL-194-01 (1200) NAME 판타지 6등 P/D (갓) SIZE W850×H650 LAMP E17×6

Shining Home & Interior Lighting


BL-194-02 (0400)

BL-194-03 (0180)

NAME 판타지 2등 B/R (갓) SIZE W400×D200×H400 LAMP E17×2

NAME 판타지 1등 B/R (장식구) SIZE W120×D250×H350 LAMP E17×1

BL-195-01 (1100) NAME 판타지 6등 P/D (장식구) SIZE W850×H650 LAMP E17×6

CANON LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio BL-195-02 (0540) NAME 판타지 3등 P/D (장식구) SIZE W450×H420 LAMP E17×3


BL-196-01 (2500) NAME 캐논 15등 P/D (촛대) SIZE W920×H720 LAMP E17×15


Shining Home & Interior Lighting


BL-196-02 (0130)

BL-196-03 (0800)

NAME 캐논 1등 B/R SIZE W120×D250×H300 LAMP E17×1

NAME 캐논 420Ø P/D SIZE W450×H500 LAMP E26×3


BL-197-01 (1600) NAME 캐논 11등 P/D (촛대) SIZE W920×H550 LAMP E17×11

CANON LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-197-02 (1700) NAME 캐논 11등 P/D (갓) SIZE W1,050×H550 LAMP E17×11


BL-198-01 (0240) NAME 나이키 3등 P/D (삼각) SIZE W430×H450 LAMP E26×3

BL-198-02 (0240) NAME 나이키 3등 P/D (촛대) SIZE W430×H450 LAMP E26×3

Shining Home & Interior Lighting




BL-198-03 (0160)

BL-198-04 (0080)

NAME 나이키 2등 B/R (삼각) SIZE W430×D430×H450 LAMP E26×2

NAME 나이키 1등 B/R (삼각) SIZE W250×D350×H350 LAMP E26×1

BL-199-01 (0480) NAME 그랑프리 6등 P/D (삼각) SIZE W900×D900×H350 LAMP E26×6

BL-199-02 (0640) NAME 오라클 8등 직부 (갓) SIZE W800×D800×H400 LAMP E26×8


BL-200-01 (1280) NAME 바빌론 꽃 8등 직부 (백색) SIZE W1,000×H400 LAMP E26×8

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-200-03 (0480)

BL-200-02 (0160) NAME 바빌론 꽃 1등 B/R (백색) SIZE W200×D250×H200 LAMP E26×1


NAME 바빌론 꽃 3등 P/D (백색) SIZE W600×H500 LAMP E26×3

BL-201-01 (1280) NAME 바빌론 꽃 8등 직부 (엠바) SIZE W1,000×H500 LAMP E26×8

BABYLON FLOWER LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-201-02 (0480) NAME 바빌론 꽃 3등 P/D (엠바) SIZE W600×H500 LAMP E26×3

BL-201-03 (0160) NAME 바빌론 꽃 1등 B/R (엠바) SIZE W200×D250×H200 LAMP E26×1


BL-202-01 (1120) NAME 마루마리 8등 P/D (엔틱) SIZE W900×H350 LAMP E26×8

BL-202-02 (0840) NAME 마루마리 6등 P/D (엔틱) SIZE W750×H350 LAMP E26×6

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-202-04 BL-202-03


BL-202-03 (0420)

BL-202-04 (0140)

NAME 마루마리 3등 P/D (엔틱) SIZE W550×H400 LAMP E26×3

NAME 마루마리 1등 B/R (엔틱) SIZE W200×D300×H250 LAMP E26×1

BL-203-01 (1120) NAME 마루마리 8등 직부 (원목) SIZE W900×H350 LAMP E26×8

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-203-02 (0840)

BL-203-03 (0420)

NAME 마루마리 6등 직부 (원목) SIZE W750×H350 LAMP E26×6

NAME 마루마리 3등 P/D (원목) SIZE W550×H400 LAMP E26×3


BL-204-01 (0240) NAME 러브 6등 직부 SIZE W600×H160 LAMP E26×6

Shining Home & Interior Lighting BL-204-02 (0240) NAME 빈 3등 P/D SIZE W500×D400×H180 LAMP E26×3


BL-205-01 (0240) NAME 뉴주름 600Ø 직부 (브라운) SIZE W600×H160 LAMP E26×6

BL-205-02 (0240) NAME 러브 6등 주름 직부 SIZE W600×H160 LAMP E26×6





Home & Interior Lighting

BL-205-03 (0160)

BL-205-04 (0160)

BL-205-05 (0180)

NAME 뉴주름 350Ø P/D (브라운) SIZE W350×H220 LAMP E26×1

NAME 러브 주름 350Ø P/D (아이보리) SIZE W350×H220 LAMP E26×1

NAME 러브 주름 400Ø P/D (블랙) SIZE W400×H220 LAMP E26×1


BL-206-01 (0260) NAME 파우스트 600Ø 직부 (라이트) SIZE W600×H160 LAMP E26×6





BL-206-02 (0160)

BL-206-03 (0100)

BL-206-04 (0270)

NAME 파우스트 1등 大 B/R (라이트) SIZE W160×D250×H500 LAMP E26×1

NAME 파우스트 180Ø P/D (라이트) SIZE W180×H300 LAMP E26×1

NAME 파우스트 타원 P/D (라이트) SIZE W540×D250×H250 LAMP E26×3

BL-207-01 (0260) NAME 파우스트 600Ø P/D (브라운) SIZE W600×H160 LAMP E26×6

BL-207-04 (0120) NAME 파우스트 1등 小 B/R (브라운) SIZE W160×D250×H350 LAMP E26×1

BL-207-03 (0270) BL-207-02 (0120) NAME 파우스트 200Ø P/D (브라운) SIZE W200×H320 LAMP E26×1

NAME 파우스트 타원 P/D (브라운) SIZE W540×D250×H250 LAMP E26×3


BL-208-01 (0240) NAME 라떼 600Ø 직부 SIZE W600×H160 LAMP E26×6

Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-208-02 (0160) NAME 라떼 300Ø P/D SIZE W300×H300 LAMP E26×1



BL-209-01 (0360) NAME 실크로드 600Ø P/D (아이보리) SIZE W600×D550×H280 LAMP E26×6

BL-209-02 (0360) NAME 실크로드 600Ø P/D (블랙) SIZE W600×D550×H280 LAMP E26×6

SILK ROAD LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-210-01 (0380) NAME 실루엣 800Ø 직부 (아이보리) SIZE W800×H250 LAMP E26×8

Shining Home & Interior Lighting



BL-210-02 (0380)

BL-210-03 (0320)

NAME 실루엣 800Ø P/D SIZE W800×H200 LAMP E26×8

NAME 실루엣 650Ø P/D SIZE W650×H170 LAMP E26×6

BL-210-04 (0260)

BL-210-05 (0200)

NAME 실루엣 500Ø P/D SIZE W500×H170 LAMP E26×5

NAME 실루엣 400Ø P/D SIZE W400×H170 LAMP E26×3




BL-211-01 (0300) NAME 맘모스 600Ø 직부 SIZE W600×H160 LAMP E26×6

BL-211-02 (0300) NAME 맘모스 타원 3등 P/D SIZE W550×D250×H280 LAMP E26×3

BL-211-03 (0240)


NAME 맘모스 타원 1등 P/D SIZE W400×H400 LAMP E26×1



BL-212-01 (0300) NAME 포르테 600Ø P/D SIZE W600×H160 LAMP E26×6



Home & Interior Lighting


BL-212-02 (0160)

BL-212-03 (0100)

NAME 포르테 400Ø P/D SIZE W400×H200 LAMP E26×1

NAME 포르테 180Ø P/D SIZE W180×H280 LAMP E26×1


BL-213-01 (0300) NAME 펜디 600Ø P/D SIZE W600×H160 LAMP E26×6

BL-213-02 (0140) NAME 펜디 350Ø P/D SIZE W350×H220 LAMP E26×1

BL-213-03 (0100) NAME 펜디 180Ø P/D SIZE W180×H280 LAMP E26×1 BL-213-02



BL-214-01 (0500) NAME 마무지 3등 P/D SIZE W540×D250×H250 LAMP E26×3

A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.

BL-214-02 (0160)

Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

NAME 마무지 1등 P/D SIZE W180×H250 LAMP E26×1

BL-214-03 (0160) NAME 마무지 1등 B/R (下) SIZE W180×D200×H250 LAMP E26×1




Shining Home & Interior Lighting

BL-215-01 (0300)

BL-215-02 (0160)

NAME 요트 500Ø P/D SIZE W500×H250 LAMP E26×5

NAME 요트 350Ø P/D SIZE W350×H250 LAMP E26×1




Shining Home & Interior Lighting


BL-216-01 (0500)

BL-216-25 (0700)

NAME 모자이크 3등 P/D SIZE W500×H450 LAMP E17×3

NAME 뉴엘로이 5등 P/D SIZE W500×H500 LAMP E17×5

BL-217-01 (0260) NAME 월계수 2등 B/R SIZE W400×D150×H400 LAMP E17×2


BL-218-01 (0160)

BL-218-02 (0160)

NAME 파인스 1등 B/R (라이트) SIZE W160×D200×H550 LAMP LED E26×1

NAME 파인스 1등 B/R (다크) SIZE W160×D200×H550 LAMP LED E26×1

FINES LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-219-01 (0180) NAME 캘리 갓 B/R (흑색) LAMP LED E17 ×1

BL-219-02 (0180) NAME 캘리 갓 B/R (백색) LAMP LED E17 ×1

BL-219-03 (0150) NAME 캘리 장식구 B/R (흑색) LAMP LED E17 ×1

BL-219-04 (0150) NAME 캘리 장식구 B/R (백색) LAMP LED E17 ×1

Shining Home & Interior Lighting



LODIS LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-220-01 (0220)

BL-220-02 (0120)

NAME 로디스 2등 B/R (촛대) SIZE W250×D150×H350 LAMP E17×2

NAME 로디스 1등 B/R (갓) SIZE W160×D200×H350 LAMP E17×1


BL-221-01 (0140) NAME 제시카 1등 B/R (장식구) SIZE W100×D200×H350 LAMP E26×1

BL-221-02 (0170) NAME 제시카 1등 B/R (갓) SIZE W100×D200×H350 LAMP E26×1

JESSICA LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio





Home & Interior Lighting BL-222-01 (0120) NAME 회전 1등 B/R (브라운) SIZE W160×D조절×H300 LAMP E26×1

BL-222-02 (0120) BL-222-03

NAME 회전 1등 B/R (아이보리) SIZE W160×D조절×H300 LAMP E26×1

BL-222-03 (0120) NAME 회전 1등 B/R (니켈) SIZE W160×D조절×H300 LAMP E26×1


BL-223-01 (0200) NAME 다비드 2등 B/R SIZE W450×D200×H450 LAMP E26×2




Home & Interior Lighting

BL-223-02 (0100)

BL-223-03 (0100)

BL-223-04 (0100)

NAME 잉카 1등 B/R SIZE W160×D200×H450 LAMP E26×1

NAME 마야 1등 B/R SIZE W160×D200×H400 LAMP E26×1

NAME 다비드 1등 B/R SIZE W160×D200×H450 LAMP E26×1






BRACKET LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio


BL-224-01 (0160)

BL-224-02 (0140)

BL-224-03 (0140)

NAME 스틸 갓 B/R SIZE W220×D240×H500 LAMP E26×1

NAME 스케치 1등 B/R SIZE W160×D200×H550 LAMP E26×1

NAME 스마트 1등 B/R SIZE W160×D220×H450 LAMP E26×1





BL-225-01 (0120)

BL-225-02 (0240)

NAME 파이프 기둥 1등 B/R SIZE W160×D200×H400 LAMP E26×1

NAME 파이프 기둥 2등 B/R SIZE W400×D200×H400 LAMP E26×2

BL-225-03 (0180)

BL-225-04 (0120)

NAME 세븐 1등 B/R (大) SIZE W150×D200×H450 LAMP E26×1

NAME 세븐 1등 B/R (小) SIZE W100×D150×H250 LAMP E26×1


BL-226-03 (C형)

BL-226-01 (A형)

BL-226-02 (B형)

Shining Home & Interior Lighting


BL-226-01 (0160)

BL-226-02 (0130)

BL-226-03 (0140)

NAME 뉴캐슬 B/R (A형) SIZE W160×D200×H420 LAMP E26×1

NAME 뉴캐슬 B/R (B형) SIZE W120×D200×H300 LAMP E17×1

NAME 뉴캐슬 B/R (C형) SIZE W120×D120×H350 LAMP LED 3W



CROWN LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-227-01 (0100)

BL-227-02 (0100)

NAME 크라운 1등 B/R SIZE W180×D300×H250 LAMP E26×1

NAME 크라운 1등 B/R (아이보리) SIZE W180×D300×H250 LAMP E26×1


BL-228-01 (0300) NAME 알파 2등 B/R SIZE W120×D200×H500 LAMP LED 15W×2

BL-228-02 (0240) NAME 알파 1등 B/R SIZE W120×D200×H450 LAMP LED 15W×1


BL-229-02 (0240) BL-229-01 (0240) NAME 로코코 1등 B/R SIZE W280×D200×H550 LAMP E26×1

NAME 빈티지 1등 B/R SIZE W150×D150×H450 LAMP E26×1


BL-230-01 (0760) NAME 맘모스 S/T SIZE W400×H750 LAMP E26×1

STAND LIGHT SERIES A livingroom lighting is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room. Structurally, chandeliers may be much heavier than other ceiling light fixtures. Some may require special attachments to the ceiling and specially reinforced ceilings. Many do not require special supports and can be directly attached to the electrical box like any other fixture. Instead they specify that the electrical box be specially reinforced. This reinforcement can typically only be done at the time of the installation of the box. Subsequent installations of a chandelier may require extensive renovatio

BL-230-01 (0170) NAME 한스 S/T SIZE W250×H450 LAMP E26×1


센서 센서 시리즈 시리즈

BL-051-04 (0100)

BL-013-02 (0160)

NAME 비비드 1등 센서 직부 SIZE W250×H150 LAMP LED E26×1

NAME 세라믹 센서 직부 SIZE W220×H250 LAMP LED E26×1

BL-089-03 (0080)

BL-087-02 (0076)

BL-090-02 (0180)

NAME 바로크 센서 직부 SIZE W200×H250 LAMP E26×1

NAME 크라운 센서 직부 (아이보리) SIZE W250×H250 LAMP E26×1

NAME 뉴크라운 센서 직부 SIZE W250×H250 LAMP E26×1

BL-092-04 (0080)

BL-092-03 (0080)

BL-063-03 (0260)

NAME 오리온 1등 센서 직부 (백색) SIZE W280×H220 LAMP E26×1

NAME 오리온 1등 센서 직부 SIZE W280×H220 LAMP E26×1

NAME 오리온 LED 크리스탈 센서 SIZE W280×H200 LAMP LED 10W×1

BL-046-04 (0070)

BL-088-02 (0100)

BL-086-02 (0070)

NAME 아지트 센서 직부 SIZE Ø150×H180 LAMP LED E26×1

NAME 크로바 센서 직부 SIZE W200×H250 LAMP E26×1

NAME 크라운 센서 직부 SIZE W250×H250 LAMP E26×1


비코라이팅 Home & Interior Lighting

Shini ng


Shining 비 코

서울 종로구 연지동 133번지 TEL. 02-745-7838 FAX. 02-745-7840

▶촬영ㆍ기획ㆍ제작:(주)동진기획 TEL:1899-4241◀


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