Company Profile - JYT Perunding

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COMPANY PROFILE Perunding JYT Sdn. Bhd. founded since 2005 in Johor Bahru, in conjunction to the emerging developments and property m a r k e t i n t h e s o u t h e r n P e n i n s u l a r.


We p ro v i d e c i v i l & s tru c tu r al c o n s u l ta n c y s e rv i c e s a t th e hi ghest i n te g ri ty a s a te a m c l o s e l y w i th our fe l l o w c l i e n ts , c o n s u l ta n t t eams and c o n tra c to rs . We h a v e e s ta bl i shed o u rs e l v e s a s o n e o f th e l e adi ng C i vi l & S tru c tu ra l c o n s u l ti n g s e rvi ce p ro v i d e r ra n g i n g fro m P ro ject Pl a n n i n g , F e a s i b i l i ty S tu d ies, C i vi l & Stru c tu ra l D e s i g n , Te n d e r D o c u m e n ta ti o n , Va l u e E n g i neeri ng, C o n tra c t A d m i n i s tra ti o n a nd C o n s tru c ti o n En g i n e e ri n g & Su p e rv i s i o n , i n s a fe , to p , offi ci ency, re l i a b l e , l a s ti n g , i n te g ri ty, new and g o o d w a y.


Perunding JYT


COMPANY INTRODUCTION P E R U N D IN G J YT SD N B H D provi des C i v i l & Stru c tu re En g i n e e ri ng C o n s u l ta n c y S e rv i c e s a n d a ssoci ated c o n s u l ta n c y w o rk s fro m F e asi bi l i ty S tu d y, Pl a n n i n g P e rm i s s i o n , B ui l di ng P l a n , Te n d e r, C o n s tru c ti o n unti l fi nal h a n d i n g o v e r / C e rti fi c a te o f C o mp l e ti o n a n d C o m p l i a n c e. H eaded b y Ir. F o o S i a n g To n g , h a v i ng more t h a n 4 0 y e a rs o f e x p e ri e n c e i n the fi el d o f Pro j e c t Ma n a g e me n t, P ro j ect C o n s u l ta n c y a n d C o n s tru c tion and s u p p o rte d b y w i d e ma n a g e ment team i n p ro v i d i n g p ro fe s s i o n a l c i v i l & structural c o n s u l ta n c y s e rv i c e s to d e l i ver proj ects t i me l y, s a fe l y a n d c o s t e ffe cti vel y.


1 - 2 | Introduction / Mission Vission

MISSION To b e l e a d i n g c o n s u l ta n t p rovi di ng h i g h q u a l i ty o f s e rv i c e s c o ntri buti ng to th e c i v i l i s a ti o n o f th e n a ti on

VISSION We ta k e p ri d e o f e v e ry s i n gl e detai l s i n e v e ry p ro j e c t w e ta k e . We stri ve to p ro d u c e mo d e rn & s a fe desi gn to b u i l d i n g s a n d i n fra s tru c tu res d e v e l o p m e n t.


C ompan y Name : PE R U N D IN G J YT SD N . B H D . C ompan y Reg i st er N o . : 11 9 8 7 9 0 -W C orporat e S t at u s : Pri v a te L i m i te d C o m p a n y B usiness Ad d ress : N o . 9 -0 2 , J a l a n Se ti a Tro pi ka 1/17, Tama n S et ia Tr opik a , `8 1 2 0 0 J o h o r Ba h ru , J o h or. B ranch Ad d ress : N o . 4 0 -0 1 , J a l a n D e l i ma 4 0, 86000 Kl u ang, J ohor. Phone : + 607- 710 2 2 8 2 Email : per unding. jy t@ g ma i l .c o m

3 - 4 | Information / Structure








Managing Director Ir.Foo Siang Tong

Ir. Foo Siang Tong has over 39 years of Construction Industry Experience. During his earlier years, he served Public Works Department (J.K.R) Johor as Building Project Engineer. Thereafter, since 1982 he embark on his own company Liberty Construction Sdn. Bhd. and Liberty Consulting Engineers Sdn. Bhd. In 2007, to undertake the planning and design of a 160 Acres of Mixed Development Project. Liberty Professional Builders Sdn. Bhd, was founded by him involving in Project Planning, Design and Construction are Heavy and Medium Industries Factories Development, Housing Developments, Memorial Park Developments, Water Reservoir Structures. He had then established Perunding JYT Sdn Bhd in his efforts to re-shuffle and re-organise the companies’ resources and experiences.

Professional Engineer ( P E R e g N o . 1 4 4 11 ) Member of the Board of Engineers, Malaysia (BEM)

“We believe in the development process of our organization.This is a reflection of that and speaks to the importance of stability.”

Member of the Institute of Engineers,Malaysia (MIEM)


Engr.Joseph Foo Chuan Hong Engr Joseph Foo Chuan Hong has 13 years of Construction Industry experience. During his earlier years, he was attached to a Consultancy Firm which he undertakes overseas posting to Bangkok, Thailand and Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam as a Project Engineer. There on after, he joined Liberty Professional Builders Sdn. Bhd. as the Assistant Managing Director and subsequently initiating the forming of Perunding JYT Sdn Bhd. Projects that he has been involve in Project Planning, Design and Construction are Medium Industries Factories Development, Housing Developments, Memorial Park Developments, Water Reservoir Structures

B.Eng (Hons) 2004 Civil Engineering Department University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

“Planning is the key to success, it gives the company direction, A path and makes everyone of us feel like we have something to aim for.”

5 - 6 | Key Personnel


Ir. Eric Yu Kok Loon Ir. Eric Yu Kok Loon has 12 years of Construction Industry experience. He began his career as Design Engineer in Perunding Wira, Johor Bahru and later on joined Multimax Development Sdn Bhd gaining development and site experience in mixed development. He had then joined TEP Consultants Pte Ltd, Singapore as Project Engineer, involving in the design and management of various high rise condominiums in Singapore. Thereafter, he joined Bandaraya Development Berhad as the Project Manager involving in the planning, monitoring and implementation of luxurious waterfront project, Emerald Bay in Puteri Harbour, Johor before he joined Perunding JYT Sdn Bhd.

( B . E n g ( H o n s ) , 2 0 0 5 C i v i l E n gine e r ing - U n i v e r i s i t i Te k n o l o g i M a l a y s ia , Johor Bahru, Malaysia. ) Professional Engineer (PE Reg No.16521 ) M e m b e r o f t h e B o a r d o f E n g ine e r s , Malaysia ( BEM ) “As a great company, we always focus on the industry porblem we can solve, it’s all about solutions.”

M e m b e r o f t h e I n s t i t u t e o f E n gine e r s , Malaysia ( MIEM )


Engr. Simon Tan Yu Chai Engr. Simon Tan Yu Chai has 14 years of Construction Industry experience. He began his career as Design Engineer in Perunding Wira, Johor Bahru and later on founded Tag Bumi Sdn Bhd involving in the construction of various factories and buildings project in Johor. He was also one of the founder of Green Conevo Sdn Bhd in providing Green Building Index consultancy services in Johor Bahru before he joined Perunding JYT Sdn Bhd.

( B . E n g ( H o n s ) , 2 0 0 1 C i v i l E n g i ne e r ing - U n i v e r s i t i Te k n o l o g i M a l a y s i a , Johor Bahru, Malaysia.) (M.Eng, 20 06 Civil Engineering - U n i v e r s i t i Te k n o l o g i M a l a y s i a , Johor Bahru, Malaysia.)

“When I think about great service, it’s about how you take every interaction you have with the customer and use that as a way to improve their perception of your organization.”

PLANNING & LAYOUT STAGE 1. Examine the land for the project for boundary conditions and existing services, co-ordinate for a land survey to pick up the above and existing features within the land. 2. Recommend and co-ordinate for other technical survey or investigations, e.g. soil investigation. 3. Consult and obtain requirements from local authorities pertaining to the planning and layout requirements imposed by them, e.g. building set back, parking space. 4. Obtain and study Client's Project Brief and together with feedback of (1), (2) and (3) above prepare a Basic Project Layout Plan. 5. Based on Client's Project Brief develop Building Sketch Plan for the buildings required for the project. 6. To inquire and confirm detailed submission procedure and requirements by the relevant authorities for the statutory approval prior to commencement of work and commencement of operation upon project completion. 7. Prepare and present for discussion and approval Preliminary Master Program for the project. 8. Prepare and present Preliminary Cost Estimate for the Project.

DESIGN & REGULATORY APPLICATION STAGE 1. Depending on the timely feedback by the client of design requirements and confirmation at the various stages of the design, some or all the following design scope may be carried out in two stages, i.e. Basic Engineering Design Stage and Detail Engineering Design Stage. With these there is a choice of early submission and / or early tendering of the work based on the Basic Engineering drawings and calculations as the situation dictates. Detail Engineering Design can be completed in time for incorporation before finalising and awarding of contracts. 2. Scope of Design: A. Architectural Design for the buildings of the project B. Civil Works including pavement, drainage, sewerage, water supply and distribution,and etc. C. Mechanical and Electrical Services including regular and standby electricity supply and distribution, fire protection system, air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation system, lightning protection system, telephone and public address system, and etc. D. Process Engineering, mechanical design, instrumentation and control, process piping, tank, and etc. E. Structural Design including foundation and superstructure design for buildingstructures F. Structural Design for foundation and / or structure for process equipment and machinery, e.g. dock leveler, weighbridge, and etc. 3. Update Preliminary Cost Estimate based on the design completed at this stage. 4. Revise the Preliminary Master Program prepared at the Planning and Layout stage, to reflect the updated situation.

7 - 8 | Our Services

PROCUREMENT & TENDERING STAGE 1. Prepare contract structure for various packages of works. 2. Prepare Tender Documents, inclusive of specifications and special conditions of contract, for each package of works. 3. Carry out pre-qualification of contractors/suppliers for the various packages of works. 4. Carry out tender or bid exercises for the various packages of works. 5. Prepare analysis and report on the relative merits of the tender received and make recommendation on the contractor to carry out the works. 6. Prepare letter of award for the various packages of works. 7. Prepare Contract Documents for the various packages of works.

CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT STAGE 1. Providing competent personnel for full-time on site supervision and coordination of all construction works designed and tendered under the respective stage. 2. Ensuring that all works are carried out in accordance with the required design and specifications and within time schedule. 3. Coordinating all works with various contractors/suppliers by having site and coordination meetings on a regular basis. 4. Check and certify progress claims and material on-site claims by various contractors on a monthly basis. 5. Regularly update project budget based on variation of works (addition or omission) that arise during the course of the contract. 6. Regularly update the master program and monitor completion of works for each stage of the construction activities. 7. Advise the client on contractual issues such as extension of time, Liquidated and Ascertained Damages (LAD), and etc, for various packages of works. 8. Coordinate the availability of services such as water, electricity, and etc, for the commissioning and test run of the equipment at the appropriate time as scheduled. 9. Implement the client's and legal requirements for safety and health at site.

FINAL COMPLETION STAGE 1. Carry out punch list for defects before issuance of Certificate of Practical Completion and ensuring that the defects are rectified within time allocated. 2. Prepare Final Account for each package of works. 3. Coordinate the rectification works for defects that may arise from time to time during the Defects Liability Period. 4. Coordinate for submission documents including drawings and certifications required for making proper application to the relevant authority, ministry or department for their issuance of Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) in order to legalise the occupation and commencement of operation for the project which has been constructed according to the Approved Plans.



1. FEASIBILITY STUDY - technical analysis - cost analysis


2. PLANING PERMISSION - data collection - infrastructure design


3. BUILDING PLAN - building design - reinforced concrete (RE) / steel / composite design



- tender management - project management consultancy (PMC) services



5. CONSTRUCTION - inspection & supervision - QAQC - technical support


- certificate of completion & complianre (CCC) - defect liability period (DLP) monitoning & support


7. SUPPORT - annual review - quality assessment - engineering review


9 - 10 | Approach / Clients

PROJECT REFERENCE Permohonan pelan kerja tanah, jalan dan peparitan, Tetuan Parkland City Sdn. Bhd. dan Tetuan Kemajuan Tong Tor Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 14,000,917 Permohonan pelan bangunan bagi cadangan membina restoran 1 tingkat beserta pelan tingkat bawah, Tetuan Cincin Restaurant Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 6,250,000 Machinery foundation redesign for Messrs Efco Malaysia Holdings Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 468,383 Permohonan pelan bangunan untuk cadangan tambahan ke atas kilang sedia, Tetuan Holcim Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 1,830,000 Proposed 1 nos 1000 MT tank & 2 nos 500 MT tank for Messrs Menajaya Oils and Fats Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 750,000 Cadangan membina jalan masuk pembangunan pelan induk sepanjang 2.35KM dan 2.5KM untuk Tetuan Country Garden Pacificview Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 37,000,000 Permohonan Pelan Bangunan ke atas cadangan mendirikan sebuah batching plan, Tetuan Excel Ready-Mix Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 2,200,000 Permohonan permit sementara bagi sebuah dewan serbaguna, Tetuan En.Chuan Seong Peng & En.Koh Seong Kooi Gross Construction Value : MYR 2,200,000

Paper recycling factory proposal for Ginhua PSN Printing Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 8,000,000 Proposed flooring and curb construction for cold room area, Life Land Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 32,280 Permohonan kebenaran merancang untuk pusat bangunan sukan, Mr. Lee Boon Kher Gross Construction Value : MYR 1,200,000 Permohonan permit sementara ke atas cadangan mendirikan sebuah batching plant baru for Excel Ready-Mix Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 1,280,000 Cadangan Projek Pembangunan bercampur, Kemajuan Tong Tor Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 6,800,000 Civil Construction and conversion works for cadangan pecah sempadan secara serah balik dan kurnia semula, Ecogreen Plantation Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 250,000 Permohonan pelan bangunan bagi cadangan membina sebuah gudang, T & J Metal Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 800,000 Permohonan kebenaran merancang bagi tujuan pembangunan industri ringan, Kalsen Enterprise (M) Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 135,000

Permohonan pelan bangunan bagi cadangan mendirikan pembangunan projek taman perkuburan, Tetuan Reliable Memorial Services Berhad. Gross Construction Value : MYR 15,000,000 Proposed renovation works for Wisma JARO Gross Construction Value : MYR 1,200,000 Proposed Hot-dip galvanizing factory for Kingsfield Galvanizing and Services Sdn. Bhd. & Parent Co. All Pak Industries Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 6,800,000 Permohonan kelulusan pelan bangunan bagi cadangan membina perkuburan bukan islam untuk Tetuan Kerajaan Negeri Johor & Petoliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) Gross Construction Value : MYR 52,000,000 Pengalihan perkuburan bukan islam untuk pembangunan hub minyak dan gas pengerang untuk Tetuan Dialog Pengerang Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 9,477,203 Permohonan pelan bangunan untuk cadangan tambahan feed Mill Silo and packaging plant untuk Tetuan Malayan Flour Mills Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 6,950,496 Permohonan pelan bangunan untuk cadangan mendirikan 1 unit kilang beserta pejabat dua tingkat untuk Tetuan Kalsen Enterprise Gross Construction Value : MYR 11,700,000

11 - 12 | Project Reference

Civil and structural works management project for 160 acres of mixed development, Kemajuan Tong Tor Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 200,000,000

Associated with

Civil and structural works management project for 416.76 acres of mixed development, Tetuan Kemajuan Tong Tor Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 850,000,000 Permohonan kebenaran merancang bagi cadangan susunatur perumahan & perdagangan, Tetuan Parkland City Sdn. Bhd. Gross Construction Value : MYR 350,000,000 Permohonan pelan bangunan untuk cadangan membina asrama 3 tingkat beserta basement di tingkat bawah, Tetuan Kluang Ching Hwa Chinese School Gross Construction Value : MYR 600,000

Liberty Professional Builders Sdn.Bhd ST Foo Consult

“Projects we have completed demonstrate what we know, future projects decide what we learn.”

Main Office & Branch : Johor Bahru HQ 9-08, Jalan Setia Tropika 1/17, Taman Setia Tropika,81200 Johor Bahru Tel : +607-7102282 Fax : +607-7102282* Kluang Office No. 40-01, Jalan Delima 40, 86000 Kluang, Johor. Tel : +60-7-388 9189 Fax : +60-7-388 9190

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