Faith In Place Annual Report (FY2012)

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2011 Annual Report

O u r M i s s ion The mission of Faith in Place is to help people of all faiths understand that issues of ecology and economy— of care for Creation—are at the forefront of social justice. As we have grown and gathered support, we have moved from a mission of dialogue on environmental sustainability to interfaith action. Our partner congregations have emerged as a powerful group dedicated to making environmental stewardship a part of faith practice. With committed volunteers and generous individual and organizational giving, we have seen tremendous progress over the last year. Our congregations are inspiring each other in the areas of sustainable food, energy and water conservation and policy advocacy.

The Faith in Place network reaches across hundreds of congregations throughout Illinois—Baha’i, Buddhist, Running through the heart of our program areas is youth education. Engaging Christian, Hindu, Jewish, the youngest members to explore their relationship with the environment is an Muslim, Sikh, Unitarian important way to instill reverence for all Creation. Establishing a faith-based Universalist and Zoroastrian. perspective to their religious education helps inspire young people to become stewards of the planet. Faith in Place is grateful for the generous support that has helped us establish our unique role in integrating environmental stewardship into faith communities. Protecting the Earth and its resources is an important matter of faith. It takes willing and open hearts to become good stewards of Creation. We welcome your congregation to join us.

O u r Boa r d o f D i r e c tor s

Left to Right: Cyrus Rivetna, Rand Sparling, Clare Butterfield (seated), Nancy Garcia, Rashmi Ramaswamy, Henrietta Saunders, Dr. Suzanne Canfield, James Vroman, Alison Gerlach Blaser and Cynthia Bowman. (Not pictured Percy Bell) Stronger Congregations for a Sustainable World


long time ago, when I first started working at what became Faith in Place, a very kind woman in a church basement told me to “write down the vision.” She was quoting scripture, and she was sure that the work we do was coming from a divine source. Her certainty and her kindness were divine, and I have never forgotten them. Now over 900 partner congregations live that vision every day. As we work together, we find that more have green teams than ever before and, more grow gardens of vegetables for their membership or for the local food pantry. More have had energy assessments or are planning ways to reduce their carbon footprints, have “bike-to-worship” days, and are using our new water curriculum, “Our Grandchildren’s Water.” More congregations are doing more than ever to practice their responsibility of stewardship for our beautiful planet. Every day more congregations and members are making the connection between the teachings of faith and practices of care and stewardship of our world. That’s our success story—your success story. Our vision going forward is to continue to build on our growing movement of environmental stewardship here in Illinois, which already touches more than 500,000 faithful congregants. Through our loyal and generous supporters and their work within their congregations, at home and in their communities, through faithful citizenship in support of our policy initiatives, and through generous financial support, we believe our vision will manifest.

“Every day more congregations and members are making the connection between the teachings of faith and practices of care and stewardship of our world.” Rev. Dr. Clare Butterfield Director

As we move into our second decade, one of healthy, continual growth, we must shift from reliance on the foundations that have helped us to start our work to greater reliance on the individuals and congregations who value and benefit from it. Loyal supporters like you have responded generously, nearly doubling our individual and congregational giving in three years. That shift must continue for us to make the transition from a start-up organization to a strong, reliable establishment that will continue to partner with you on the vision we share of a just and sustainable world. Thanks to your vital generosity, we know it will. In order to sustain beneficial growth for Faith in Place, we need the generous support of individuals and congregations who share in our vision of a sustainable world.

As you read our program outcomes for 2011 and see the significant impact of generous donors and volunteers, we invite you to celebrate with us. Almost thirteen years ago, I listened to that very kind woman and wrote down the vision. Now, just over the horizon, I am beginning to see it. In faith,


Mosque Foundation Bridgeview, Illinois

“Environment and stewardship are spiritual matters.�

i n t e r fa i th power & light Through our Illinois Interfaith Power & Light campaign, we are helping congregations make energy conservation a part of their faith practices. We are working side by side with congregations to reduce energy and carbon emissions and switch to clean energy like solar panels, geothermal technology and wind power. At Faith in Place, we strive to help our congregations implement these changes at little or no cost. We have reached out to over 900 congregations throughout Illinois to help reduce their carbon footprints, and this year has brought astounding examples of interfaith action. Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church became our first partner congregation to undertake a complete geothermal

Stronger Congregations for a Sustainable World

retrofit for their heating and cooling system. Two years ago, the Mosque Foundation in Bridgeview became the first solar mosque in the country. Our summer partnership with ComEd helped 50 congregations receive free energy assessments, and 23 were able to proceed with recommended energysaving efforts. Faith in Place provides direction and resources as well as the education and training necessary to make these important changes a reality for our partners. Through projects large and small, Faith in Place is working to help faith communities make environmental stewardship a part of their faith practices. Tangible projects such as Big Green Workshops, From the Ground Up, worm

composting, community gardens, and “Bike to Worship” days strengthen congregations by actively engaging members. These successful activities will serve as practical examples to engage more congregations in the coming years. Energy conservation is the area where our faith communities are having the most success and progress. As we continue to grow the movement toward faithbased environmental stewardship, we look forward to expanding these programs and engaging more active volunteers. The successes of this past year are inspiring examples to others that the commitment to energy conservation can be a strong and functional element of faith.

“We’ve begun the process of our congregation becoming a green culture. Our decisions and focus have shifted—there is more emphasis on what is best for the community and the environment. Working with Faith in Place enabled us to measure our carbon footprint and find ways to reduce it. We enjoy working with them in these efforts, because they provide a clear theology that backs up sustainability. They have a great number of congregations working together, and it is a massive accomplishment to get so many people networked and really start to change the culture of the congregation. Our worship services are more creation-centered and there is a stronger connection between faith and values surrounding the environment.” Reverend Marti Scott Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church, Oak Park, IL

Solar Installation Mosque Foundation Bridgeview, Illinois

“The number of congregations together amplifies the voice of each.”


“You can’t have a community garden without a community.”

s u s ta i nab le agriculture Faith in Place has made sustainable food a significant part of our environmental mission. The goal of this program is to boost the supply of local food for urban people while renewing the rural economy of our state through a reinvigoration of smallscale food farming with sustainable methods. Our programs are designed to provide access to healthy food and to encourage the creation of community farms. The food that nourishes us is inextricably linked to our lives and our faiths. We believe that all people should have access to healthy, quality food. To achieve this goal, we supported winter farmers markets across the Chicago area. These off-season markets brought significant extra income to more than 30 farmers and provided increased access to local food for people throughout our faith-based Stronger Congregations for a Sustainable World

communities. For the first time in 2011, we were able to accept the Illinois LINK card at our markets, ensuring that income does not impede access to wholesome, nourishing food. Getting to know the individuals who grow the food that feeds us is one of the many benefits of small, local agriculture. We’ve developed close relationships with the farmers who vend our markets, and we encourage local congregations to do the same. By serving as drop-off sites for community-supported farms, congregations can provide their community members with access to local, sustainable products and support local agriculture. We take this commitment to local agriculture further by helping our partners to develop their own community gardens. This past year, St. Matthew

Lutheran Church in Urbana established a farm on its adjacent field. With the assistance of Faith in Place, the church was able raise start-up costs for the farm, which will have its first growing season in 2012. Their farm, Sola Gratia, will donate at least 10 percent of its fresh produce to the Eastern Illinois Food Bank and use the remainder to provide community-supported agriculture shares to the public. By providing resources, education and encouragement, we will continue adding new congregations to our list of community farms over the next year. With support and volunteers, we are helping our partner congregations recognize the value of sustainable food. This important program ensures that people throughout our communities have access to healthy food and promotes agriculture that has a gentler impact on our land and precious resources.

“Tomato Mountain Farm has committed to participating in every winter market Faith in Place has planned this year in Chicago and we feel very strongly about having them succeed. The people who come to them are generally thrilled at having a farmers market in the winter, and it’s good for our business. This year we’ve headed into new communities that haven’t had access before, communities that are geographically and denominationally diverse. At Tomato Mountain Farm, we are set up to offer shelf-stable products, so we were made for winter farmers markets. Now we no longer have an off season!” Robin Schirmer Tomato Mountain Farm Brooklyn, WI


“Intersection of global environmental issues and spirituality go beyond any socio-political boundaries.�

Advocacy At Faith in Place, we are building a movement toward faith-based environmental stewardship. As we gain support from over 900 congregations, we are able to bring this movement to a larger population through our policy advocacy work. The protection of the Earth and its precious resources is a concern that transcends all faiths and political boundaries, and our efforts are designed to amplify the voices of our congregations in lobbying for positive environmental policy in a way that is powerful, effective and respectful. Each year Faith in Place selects a small number of important policy issues to pursue. Our largest efforts this year focused on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, which is a process to excavate natural gas from reservoirs in subterranean rocks. Â This process, which is currently unregulated in Illinois, can lead Stronger Congregations for a Sustainable World

to dangerous groundwater contamination and air pollution, putting both people and the environment at risk. Faith in Place drafted a bill that would apply much-needed safeguards to the fracking process. We have worked tirelessly to push this bill through the Illinois House and Senate. We have already seen great success in passing the bill through the Senate, and it is now well-positioned to complete its journey toward becoming law. This was moved along greatly by the response to our annual Springfield Day, which has grown in number and strength over the past two years. With more than 60 people, we made up the largest contingent among organizations participating and were able to personally distribute materials to every member of the Illinois General Assembly.

Through our advocacy programs, we rely on dedicated volunteers to show that environmental policy is an important matter for all. We are working to increase the rights of citizens to protect themselves from environmental harm. Our proposal will allow citizens to file suit against agencies who have not acted to implement environmental regulations they are charged with enforcing. By providing resources, education and a network of enthusiastic partners, we can magnify our impact on environmental policy change. Our “Healing the Ecological Divide” event in June 2011 drew more than 100 participants to the Field Museum for a robust day-long conversation on environmental policy and its impact on communities of color. This group is more than ready to bring their congregations into a more active partnership in our advocacy efforts in the future. With their support, we are well on our way toward building a robust, diverse, inclusive and powerful collaboration to ensure that policy in Illinois protects the Earth and its people. Faith in Place is focused on bringing together people of all faiths to change their individual and congregational practices for environmental benefit. Through our advocacy efforts, the generous time and support of those who lend their voices to advance this important spiritual mission, our impact reaches far beyond our congregations.

When I first met Clare at Faith in Place, I didn’t see how social activism mattered to my congregation, but she showed me that it can be a spiritual path. Now, almost 10 years later, I have made this advocacy a part of my spiritual life. I discovered that no matter the religion, we need to manifest our values to the world. The first time I went to Springfield for an advocacy day, it was on a lark. But I found it fulfilling to be with people of all religions and faiths coming together in conversation. Often, faiths are at odds in the world, but here our different faiths lead us to work together to take care of God’s creation. Over the last two years, I have been advocating for the fracking bill, which relates directly to taking care of creation and not laying waste to the Earth. What’s inspiring is that our numbers have exponentially increased since I began and we now have people developing their own voices over time. Working with Faith in Place and the variety of people they bring together doesn’t make me doubt my faith, but rather deepens it and causes me to see the truth that others have in their own. It gives me more faith in humankind. Richard Pokorny Member Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation Oak Park, IL


“As residents of the Great Lakes states, we are stewards of 20 percent of the world’s available fresh water, and we are responsible for the quality of this water.”

water Each and every day, we use water to quench our thirst, to cook our food, to clean our clothes, our dishes and ourselves. It is the one resource sacred to our lives and to our faiths, yet we so often take it for granted. As our energy conservation programs continue to gain momentum, we now turn our attention and efforts to this fragile resource. We have promoted practices to conserve water inside our congregants’ buildings through fixtures and practices of care. Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation of Evanston implemented water efficient features in their new building that are projected to save 41 percent on water consumption over the life of the building. We’ve encouraged the incorporation of native plants and permeable surfaces outside of our houses of worship. Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church replaced their asphalt parking lot with a permeable surface that collects rainwater to prevent hazardous runoff, erosion and flooding while evenly dispersing water to the soil below. Stronger Congregations for a Sustainable World

We have created and distributed a new curriculum, “Our Grandchildren’s Water,” to commence a community dialogue about the role of water in our lives and the ethical implications of its use and distribution. In the first month of its release, we had a dozen congregations request the curriculum. Participating congregations will use this tool to challenge their communities through knowledge and action. Activities such as our “Two-Gallon Challenge” ask participants to not only conserve water but to understand its importance in their lives. This curriculum is the first step in helping to articulate a personal and collective understanding of the role of water in our world and the ways we can all conserve and protect this precious resource. With more resources, we can help implement additional water-saving techniques, including rain gardens and rain barrels, and water-conserving fixtures. As environmental stewards of the faith community, we look forward to the positive impact our congregations will have on protecting this pure and vital resource.



Homes Homeshelped helpedtotoconserve conserve energy energyvia viayouth youthprograms programs

Homes Homesqualified qualifiedfor for middle-income middle-incomeofferings, offerings,

11 55 00 ananaverage averagevalue value ofof$4,700 $4,700each each

Kilowatt Kilowatthours hourssaved saved

150,000 150,000


Weatherized homes through Weatherized homes through youth weatherization program youth weatherization program

Congregations Congregations took tookup upthe the ComEd ComEdChallenge Challenge



8800 330000

Youths Youthstrained trainedtotoinstall installlow-cost low-cost weatherization weatherizationkits kits

Weather Weatherkits kitsinstalled installed


Youths Youthsparticipating participatinginin after afterschool schoollearning learning programs programs Summer SummerComEd ComEdYouth YouthAmbassador Ambassador Program ProgramParticipants Participants



Face-to-face Face-to-face interactions



Congregations Congregations reached reached


Seminars taught



Income Income generated generated for for farmers farmers

ADVOCACY ADVOCACY Congregants Congregants Participating Participating in 2012 Springfield Springfield Lobby Lobby Day Day

Winter Farmers Markets



Invest i n g i n t h e F u t u r e Faith in Place strives to be a community-driven organization, both in impact and direction. This past year, we conducted a survey to learn about our members’ efforts in ecological stewardship as well as the tools and resources they need from us. As each congregation increases their stewardship efforts, Faith in Place looks forward to extending the scale and depth of our programs. We will address the need for more practice guides and tip sheets. As our water program gets off the ground, we will implement a green infrastructure pilot program, using congregations as construction and maintenance models for water management. A community-supported agriculture farm in Urbana will serve as an important model for this ecologically and economically sustainable new approach that we will encourage as a new kind of ministry for our congregations.

This year’s Youth Summer Program, in coordination with ComEd, will expand from 14 to 70 participants, and we will retain 15 students as year-round Eco Ambassadors. Cultivating youth leaders is a theme that runs through all of our programs and will be an important area for growth in the future. We have made great strides with our policy advocacy, and our strong relationships with our congregations will enable us to be a powerful force in affecting state policy. Together, Faith in Place and its congregations are a strong, positive partnership in faith-based environmental stewardship and we look forward to the increasing impact we will have in the years to come.


f i na n cial overview Faith in Place has grown significantly since its founding more than 13 years ago. This phenomenal growth has been facilitated by start-up capital from charitable foundations. While this kind of funding has been indispensable, to be sustainable, we must now raise a greater proportion of our budget needs from other sources. Thankfully, generous donors and congregations have increased their giving over the past year and the number of individual supporters has grown.Today, it is this generosity that allows us to achieve our common mission.

2011 Revenue Foundation Earned Income

Individual & Congregational


Our success this year has encouraged us to grow our programs so that they may reach even more people throughout our faith community. With your help, we can continue this important work in $750,000 communities across Illinois. When caring for creation, even the slightest change $500,000 can make a big impact. So too can even the smallest gift. If only 40 members of each of over 900 partner congregations donated $5 a month, it would cover $250,000 more than half our program costs. Through onetime donations, monthly gifts or gifts of stock, generous individuals can help Faith in Place bring $0 2009 about a sustainable future.



Earned Income

Earned Income



Government Corporate


Individual & Congregational

Corporate Individual & Congregational


$250,000 2010






Three-Year Revenue Breakdown (Reflects Cash Flows) Individual and Congregational Corporate Government Foundation Earned Income Total Income Growth

Stronger Congregations for a Sustainable World

2009 $ 63,100 3,100 39,237 384,401 11,247

2010 $ 69,895 44,434 72,707 334,560 11,741

2011 $ 87,560 88,120 94,298 386,993 10,807

$ 503,094

$ 535,347 6%

$ 669,789 25%

Growth 39% 2,743% 140% 1% (0%)

Program Uses 2009 versus 2011 Interfaith Power & Light


Interfaith Power & Light


Education & Outreach

Education & Outreach

Water Sustainable Farming

Sustainable Farming Youth Programs

Youth Programs

2011 Foundati on, Co rpo ration & Govern men t Grants Chicago Community Trust

J.R. Albert Foundation

City of Chicago - Department of Environment

Lumpkin Family Foundation

ComEd Collaboration

Polk Bros Foundation

Delta Institute

Rockefeller Family Fund (REAMP)

Education Foundation of America

The Regeneration Project

Field Foundation

Topfer Family Foundation

Ford Foundation

US Forest Service - International Programs

Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelley Foundation

US Department of Agriculture Farmers Market Promotion Program

Grand Victoria Foundation Illinois Environmental Council (IEC) Collaboration

Youth Network Council YSCEP Grant

Interfaith Power & Light (IPL)


2 0 11 Don ors

We wish to thank the following for their generous support. $3,000+ ComEd Dominican Sisters Sacred Heart Convent (Springfield) Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation (Oak Park)


Alison Gerlach Blaser and John Blaser Rev. Dr. Clare Butterfield and Edward Maldonado Diana Doty and Naomi Sobel Dr. Julia Eckersley and Ian Morrison Kristina Entner and Ed Malone Nancy and Gregory Garcia Adrienne Meisel and Rand Sparling Sally and Dr. Michael Merritt Rosalyn and Francis Priester Henrietta Saunders and Richard Day Maria Sigman and Barry Bursak Joan Slotnick Fenwick Taylor Rev. Ruth VanDemark and Dr. Leland Wilkinson Susan and James Vroman Chicago Sinai Congregation Earth, Wine and Fire (Chicago) Episcopal Diocese of Chicago Parachin Design Studios (Chicago) Unitarian Church of Evanston Wesley United Methodist Church (Urbana) The Woodlawn Organization (Chicago)

$500-$999 Charles Askey Ellyn and David Bullock Lynn Donaldson and Cameron Avery Jan and Dr. Earl Kellogg Veronica and Rev. William Kyle Jean Linsner and Dr. Paul Heltne Dr. Robert McKim Lauren and Peter Nowak Jacqueline Quern Berry and John Berry Rashmi Ramaswamy and Ceasar McDowell Isabel and Scott Schechter Katrina Van Valkenburgh and Mike Newman Ellen Wehrle and Rich Pokorny Dick Whitaker First Congregational Church of Wilmette Lutheran School of Theology (Chicago) McCormick Theological Seminary (Chicago) The Mennonite Foundation Inc. (Goshen, IN) Prairie Circle Unitarian Universalist Congregation (Grayslake) St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church (Wilmette) United Church of Hyde Park (Chicago) Yorkfield Presbyterian Church (Elmhurst)

Stronger Congregations for a Sustainable World


Lynne Atherton and Frederick Chase Dr. Suzanne Booker-Canfield and John Canfield Patsy and Stephen Carrow Angelica Taylor-Cortes and Rev. Alan Taylor Nancy L. Cowger Laura Davis Renee R. Denault Julie Dorfman and Jerry Herst Erika D. Dornfeld Frank Fletcher Lisa Ginet and Robert Spatz Janet and Michael Hanley Suzanne Malec-McKenna Marianna Delinck Manley and Kirk Manley Connie March-Curtis and Larry Curtis Abby Mohaupt and Nathan Fleming William Muenster Carol and Tony Niec Richard Peterson Joan and Jeffrey Petertil Bev and Steve Pinaire Sandra Rau Cyrus Rivetna Eleanor and Robert Roemer Robert Rowlands Gabrielle and Brian Sauder Janelle and Scott Sauder Mary and Marvin Sauder Katherine and Bill Schrank Nancy and Mark Smith Amanda Sonneborn and Peter Malecki Avalon Park Community United Church of Christ (Chicago) First Congregational Church of Crystal Lake First Mennonite Church (Urbana) Sixth Grace Presbyterian Church (Chicago) St. Mark’s Episcopal Church (Barrington Hills) Trinity United Church of Christ (Chicago) Wisconsin Council of Churches North Shore Unitarian Universalist Congregation (Deerfield)

$100-$249 Anonymous Donna and Robert Appleberg Julie and David Asplund Judy Ball Lois and Ronald Barliant Sr. Pat Bombard BVM and Sr. Kathy Conway BVM Cynthia L. Bowman Thomas Chesrown Veronica Cook Jim R. Cubit Bill Dawe Dr. Brian Deal

Courtney and Nick Eccles Elizabeth Helen Florczak Ellen Mason Foster and Jeffery Foster Judy A. Gaietto-Grace Leanne M. Gehrig Susan and Rev. David Gibbons Cleo Hagen Russ W. Hahn Kathryn C. Hayes Fatemah Hermes Paula and Dr. Theodore Hiebert Jane T. and Steve Huels Beth and Jay Jayapalan Stephanie Kiesling and David Layden Linda P. and Paul E. Koptak Mary Rose Lambke Pat and Ken Manchen Lola and Paul Mayes Barbara and Ronald Moline Nancy and David Napalo Debbi and Mark Nussbaum Elise and George Packard Bill Peterman Hope and King Poor Anne Puotinen and Yazid Ebeid Doreene Reifel Harriette and McLouis Robinet Karen Dexter Rolison and Frederick Rolison Nicole Schall-Plotner and Christopher R. Plotner Carol H. Schneider Rev. Dr. Marti Scott Amy Shanahan Dr. Orrin D. and David Sherwood The Rev. Patricia W. Snickenberger Mary and Alex Sproul Mary and Robert Steenson Sally Stovall and Dick Alton Lois Strzyzewski Joan Suchomel Charlotte and Derek Supple Amanda and Ryan Wallace Jennifer Walling Rev. Avena Ward and Thomas Corbett Catharine White Ashburn Evangelical Lutheran Church (Chicago) The Central Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church (Chicago) Church of the Good Shepherd (Chicago) Congregational United Church of Christ of Arlington Heights Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church (Oak Park) First Congregational Church (Glen Ellyn) Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church (Chicago) Illinois Conference United Church of Christ (Westchester) Interfaith Action of Evanston

2 0 1 1 Donors

We wish to thank the following for their generous support. Lincoln Memorial Congregational United Church of Christ (Chicago) Sacred Heart Parish (Winnetka) St. Luke’s Lutheran Church of Logan Square (Chicago) Unitarian Universalist Community Church (Park Forest) Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth (Portland, OR) Unity Church and Spiritual Center (Urbana)

$1-$99 Dr. David Aftandilian Amy Allen Denise Turner Alston Barbara Anderson-Morris M. D. Applebaum Ann and Cal Audrain Lois and Gregory John Basil Nancy Brandt Rev. Robin Brown Gladys N. Bryer Matt Cardoni Suzanne S. and Stephen C. Carlson Ann and Brent Carstensen Deborah Cavanaugh-Grant Cheryl Chrismon Joyce Coffee Georgetta Cooper Cynthia Copp Laurie Coughlan Sarah J. Coulter Margaret Craun Rev. John Crist Rabbi Robin Damsky Lisa and Clayton Daughenbaugh Lisa Den Besten and John Erickson Ann Drover Teresa M. Edlin Pat Eichenold Robin Eisen and Dr. Steve Perkins Martha and Rev. Donald Farley Nancy Freehafer Pam and Sam Furrer Cathy Fussell Elaine D. Gillies Marj and Galen Gockel Jill W. Graham Georgette Greenlee-Finney Esq. and Rev. Dr. Leon Finney Lynne and Charles Gunn Karen Hutt and Steve Tiwald Peter Jaffe-Notier June Kiebler Sr. Sue Kilduski OSB Sheri and Pavel Latash Joan and Dr. Murray Levin MD Barbara Livermore Dan Lloyd

Rebecca Lorentzen Karen M. Lundell Sr. Therese MacKenzie SHCJ Rita Sand Maniotis Rev. Charles T. Mason Jr. Jeffrey Matthews Allen McVey Hal Mead Lori Mendoza and Antonio Garcia Barbara Monisor Mary P. Morony Holly Nelson Darlene Obejda Bonnie and Donald Oulman Jessica Palys Sylvia Parks Sharon Ferguson Phillips Michele and Jerry Ptaszek Katy Regalado Nabeela and Dr. Jalees Rehman Shirley Rieck Sandra Roberts and Dr. David Rhoads Linda and Paul Safyan Lillie May and Neil Shadle Mavis and Jack Shook Debra Shore Georgia Smith Andy Stevens Christine Steyer Karen and Mark Syverson Verna and Stephen Todd Dr. Mary Evelyn Tucker Julia Wahl Kristi and Marc Wakat Laura Wetzel Martyne and Conrad Wetzel Edward C. Wosylus Kathy Wyman and Doug Waco Adrienne Wynn Raymond Chal-York Yee Barbara Young Elliot Zashin Lord of Life Lutheran Church (Schaumburg) Temple Beth-El (Northbrook) Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Bloomington Normal

In - K i n d Anonymous Matt Cardoni Heidi Hedeker Nancy Horan Mary Rose Lambke Barbara and Ronald Moline Joan Slotnick All-Ett Barker Mansion Better World Club Black Valley Films

Bloomingdale Trail/Trust for Public Land Boulevard Bikes Bright Endeavors Brookfield Zoo Cenacle Retreat and Conference Center Chelsea Publishing Chicago Architecture Foundation Chicago History Museum Chicago River Canoe & Kayak Chicago Symphony Orchestra Chicago Wilderness Coco Loco Cortiva Spa Dawn Publications E/The Environmental Magazine Eve Organics five Accessories Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust Green City Market Green Monkey Catering Green Zebra Greener Cleaner Greenheart Greg Christian Consulting Historic Pullman Foundation I-GO Irv & Shelly’s Fresh Picks Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation (Evanston) Katherine Anne Confections Malia Designs Mata Traders McCormick Bridgehouse and Chicago River Museum Milwaukee Zoo Mountaineers Books Music Box Theatre Organic Valley Parrot Cage Restaurant Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum Shedd Aquarium Solar Service, Inc. Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies Taliesin Preservation, Inc. Terracom Public Relations Tweet Ultralast Green Uncommon Ground VERVE, Inc. Whispering Winds Retreat Haven Wild Blossom Meadery and Winery WomanCraft, Inc. Women & Children First

We hope to add your name to this list in next year’s Annual Report! 15

CHICAGO cha mpaign 70 East Lake Street, Suite 920 1001 South Wright Street, Room 7 Chicago, IL 60601 Champaign, IL 61820 Ph: (312) 733-4640 Ph: (217) 649-1898 Fax: (312) 726-6108

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