"Autumn" Presentation Template (Oct2013)

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PRESENTATION TEMPLATE “AUTUMN” OCTOBER 2013 Joann Sondy | Creative Aces www.creativeaces.com

Bullet Slide  Line

1  Line 2  Line 2b

TEXT & GRAPHIC LAYOUT  Introductory

text here.

Table slide

Row1 Row2 Row2 Row4









Bar Chart

Simple org chart

Universal Pitch Deck: Title Keep it simple: Company Name, Logo, Tagline and Website

REPLACE THIS TEXT WITH YOUR LOGO! Free Powerpoint Template (October 2013) designed by Joann Sondy | Creative Aces www.creativeaces.com

Overview Slide  Do

this last, it is the “attention grabber.”  Write concise and strong copy.

Reverse copy goes here. Keep it brief and don’t reduce the font size.

The Problem  What

is the problem that your services/product will solve?  If more than one, keep it clear and simple.  Why have customers contacted you in the past?  What situation is causing a problem for your niche market? Reverse copy goes here. Keep it brief and don’t reduce the font size.

The Solution  Describe

your business, be concise.  Include compelling benefits, accompany with a defining graphic that illustrates your product or service.

This is a critical point, you either have your audience hooked by now or you’ve lost ‘em.

The Opportunity  Quick

synopsis of market.

 Include size and growth of

market for the next several years; focusing on niche or segments of your market and percentage you’ll dominate. Graphs can provide visual interest and convey the message without copy blocks.

Technology ď ľ HOW

you/your company will deliver products and services to the client? ď ľ This is your value proposition.

Before and after diagrams from case studies, partners essential to the process, etc.

Unique Competitive Advantage  Team,

relationships, new insights, expertise.  What makes these special?  Why should your potential customers care?

This is also called your “unique selling proposition” or USP.

Competitive Landscape  Who

are your direct competitors?  What differentiates you/your company?

Everyone has competitor, so ask yourself, again, “why do my customers work with me?”

“Go To” Market Strategy  This

is your ideal customer profile and how you’ve crafted your marketing plan to address those key problems.

How and what do my customers buy?

Financial Roadmap ď ľ No

doubt this is the most critical slide in any investor pitch deck! ď ľ For those not seeking investment funding, this slide can be used as an exercise to establish projections for revenue and expenses; key to pricing your product/services.

This slide is best implemented for those seeking funding. A deep understanding of the business model and financial projections for ~ 5 years out. Revenue and expense analysis, capital investments, more. Be prepared for questions.

Current Status ď ľ What

have you already accomplished? ď ľ Next steps?

Reverse copy block for awards, certifications, target achievements, etc.

The Team  Emphasize

what YOU bring to the table; relevant accomplishments, etc.  Who’s on the team, strategic partners?  How do all team members contribute?

Reverse copy block for awards, certifications, target achievements, client testimonials, etc.

Summary Summarize your THREE strongest points; distilled down to memorable sound bites. Solicit feedback and interaction, “Q&A�. What is your CALL TO ACTION? How obtain more information?

Now, go back and rewrite the Overview slide/page.

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