2 minute read
Manasota Scrub Preserve 12
2695 Bridge St., Englewood
Also features: Home to some of the county’s remaining scattered pockets of scrub habitat.
Jan. 26, April 13, May 4 / Ages: 12 and up / Fee: Free / Meet at the Bridge Street parking area / Thursdays, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Join Sarasota County Environmental Specialist Diana Donaghy to learn about strategies used by preserve managers when the preserves are in the midst of the suburbs. You will learn an introduction to some of the many plants and animals that are found in this natural area sandwiched within an urban setting. Get acquainted with special management practices and some of the challenges involved with managing fire-dependent habitats while strolling through them. Participants should wear comfortable, neutral-colored clothing, sunscreen and insect repellent and bring drinking water, camera (optional) and binoculars. To increase the possibility of seeing wildlife, pets will not be allowed on the walk. Sarasota County nature walks prohibit participants from smoking. Space for this walk is limited to 15. Reservations are required. Call 311 or email parksonline@scgov.net for more information.
March 15 / Ages: 12 and up / Fee: Free / Meet at the Bridge Street parking area / Wednesday, 9-11 a.m. Join a UF/IFAS Sarasota County Extension educator and learn more about our amazing and unique Florida ecosystems. Take a leisurely stroll through some of our beautiful and environmentally sensitive lands that have been preserved in Sarasota County and learn more about what makes these areas unique and important, the plants and animals that inhabit them, how to be watershed wise and the management issues faced when trying to preserve these lands for future generations. Participants should wear comfortable, neutralcolored clothing, sunscreen and insect repellent and bring drinking water, camera (optional) and binoculars. To increase the possibility of seeing wildlife, pets will not be allowed on the walk. Sarasota County nature walks prohibit participants from smoking. Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/425676980307
Feb. 2 / Ages: 12 and up / Fee: Free / Meet at the Bridge Street parking area / Thursday, 8:30-10:30 a.m. With the help of an experienced birder, come learn the basics of bird watching at one of the favorite stopping points for many migrating and residential birds. While searching for birds, you will pass through pine flatwoods, scrubby flatwoods and hammock edge. Participants should bring binoculars and drinking water, wear comfortable clothing, walking shoes, sunscreen and insect repellent. To increase the possibility of seeing wildlife, pets will not be allowed on the walk. Sarasota County nature walks prohibit participants from smoking. Space is limited to 12 people. Reservations are required. Call 311 or email parksonline@scgov.net for more information. Pine flatwoods