Primary INSET days
Creative technologies in the classroom INSET days at the e-Learning Centres are ideal for schools that want: • to extend use of ICT in the curriculum • to improve the use of teaching with ICT • fresh ideas to take away Additional Information: • Refreshments will be provided • Lunch can be added at £6pp • Useful lesson resources will be provided
Please contact:
Jan Gray
tel. 0115 9152971 e.
NeLC contacts:
Martin MacGillivray Centre Manger tel. 0115 915 9511 e. Marie-Line Antoine Media, Languages, Video, Photography tel. 0115 915 9511 e. Jamie Tinney Design and Technology, Art, Creative tel. 0115 915 2971 e. David Ellis Music, Media, Animation, 3D modelling tel. 0115 915 9511 e. Janet Simner Maths, Textiles, Science tel. 0115 915 2971 e.
The cost of an INSET day is
£400 per Primary school
The cost includes planning and delivery of all workshops by Centre staff.
This cost includes refreshments and any resources produced. Please call or email to discuss and book.
Please check our Terms and Conditions.
Supporting schools across East Midlands
Creative Technologies
P r i m a r y I N S E T 1/2 day - Full day - Sequence of days at the
Nottingham e-Learning Centres
Supporting schools across East Midlands