Jordan Simonson Laura Elliott Tim Schley Sarah Christens Brianna Prosser ADVERTISING FOR THE LIFE SCIENCES LSC 431 ASSIGNMENT #4 CRAFTING A YEAR ONE ADVERTISING PLAN I. INTRODUCTION Hangover TakeoverTM is the only product on the market that ensures alcohol consumers will not have a hangover after a night of drinking alcoholic beverages. Hangover Takeover is a liquid additive infused with vitamins and is designed to be safely mixed with any alcoholic or nonalcoholic beverage. Hangover Takeover can be added to any beverage prior to alcohol consumption or to any drink throughout the night. We recommend adding it to the first drink to have a worry free night knowing you won’t suffer the painful hangover effects in the morning. Hangover Takeover protects against all of the common hangover symptoms including headaches, fatigue, stomach aches, nausea and sensitivity to light. Hangover Takeover works to cure your hangover before it even starts. Available in local grocery stores, convenience stores and bars, it will be sold in individual packets for easy transfer and sold in large bottles for bulk use. II. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS ● The advertising problem: Many individuals suffer from undesirable hangover symptoms the morning after consuming alcohol. These symptoms prevent individuals from having a productive day and going about their business as usual. Many people take sick days from work, skip school and avoid healthy habits such as exercise or maintaining a healthy diet the day after drinking. Hangover Takeover would increase productivity, save sick day expenses, lower student tardiness and promote a healthier lifestyle overall. ●
Advertising opportunities: College campuses represent a large majority of potential consumers for Hangover Takeover, with a vast opportunity to advertise and promote our product at universities nationwide. We will draw from college students’ willingness to talk about their experiences and products that they have tried on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. This practice will allow us to enter secondary markets without having to advertise to them. By strategically placing flyers in college bar bathrooms, we will be able to reach our target market. By placing flyers above urinals and on doors of
stalls, we will be using one of the most effective places to place flyers. We will also use table tents located throughout the bar for increased awareness. III. KEY PLANNING DECISIONS ● Advertising objectives: Build topofmind awareness and inform college students about the benefits of Hangover TakeoverTM to enhance their nightlife experience. ●
Target audience: Our target audience is anyone who consumes alcoholic beverages and may suffer from mildtosevere hangovers.
Target market: Our initial target market is college students in larger state universities. These students are likely to be enthralled in the college party life and would benefit from being able to cure a hangover effectively. They partake in drinking activities frequently and would be likely to spread awareness of the product by word of mouth. By doing this, they would also spread awareness of our product to other smaller college campuses in each state.
Competitive product advantage: Hangover Takeover is the only product on the market that cures a hangover before it even starts. There are no direct competitors because no product guarantees a hangoverfree morning via preventative methods. Our indirect competition consists of overthecounter morningafter hangover cures, pain relievers and vitamins. These products are taken the morning after drinking when your hangover symptoms have already hit and are already inhibiting normal daily functions. We also face indirect competition from household remedies such as a cold shower, coffee, greasy food or “hair of the dog that bit you.”
Product image and personality: Hangover Takeover is a safe and effective product. It is geared towards the individual in mind who likes to have a good time drinking at night and values their productivity the next day. The product also represents responsibility in the consumers actions because they want to make sure no consequences will arise from a carefree night drinking. It’s a safe, smart and responsible addition to drinking. Hangover Takeover’s tagline is “Naughty at night. Nice in the morning.“ This tagline is representative of our product personality. Hangover Takeover gives you freedom to have fun at night and allows you to be productive in the morning. We will use twitter to build a fun and lively personality.
Product position: For the college student who wants to avoid the consequences of a hangover, Hangover Takeover is a competitivelypriced alcohol additive that prevents hangover symptoms. Like no other hangover cure on the market, Hangover Takeover doesn’t cure hangovers, it prevents them. This position plays into the four p’s (price, product, promotion, and placement) by establishing a price range for our product and by differentiating our product from its
competitors since it’s the only preventative hangover product on the market. Our product will be sold in bars, liquor stores, and grocery stores. We will utilize promotional techniques in each of these locations. IV. IMPLEMENTATION/TACTICS Our strategy is to advertise to mass groups of college students that are in our target market. Our initial plan is to target the top 20 party schools in the nation as defined by the Princeton Review. We will do this by placing flyers near bar locations and known party locations on these college campuses nationwide. We will create a presence in bars using college representatives, named “Hangover Doctors,” who will frequent bars and parties to promote Hangover TakeoverTM with free samples and branded giveaways. We will promote and sponsor events at popular college bars where we can provide samples of the product and free giveaways. Our integrated social media campaign will utilize Facebook to tell party stories and give testimonials the morning after. There will be a contest that involves tweeting pictures to us throughout the night, and also tweeting pictures from the morning after. The people with the best before and after pictures will be rewarded with free products. The Hangover Takeover Doctors will tweet while they are out promoting the product, letting people know where they are. People can also tweet the Hangover Doctors to ask them to come to the bar they are at. Hangover Doctors will have flipcams to document their nights out and what people are doing on campus. We will upload these videos on YouTube and encourage college students to submit their own videos. V. EVALUATION We will know our campaign is working by analyzing social media sites and by using social media analytics such as to generate data on how often we’re mentioned. Each social media site has a useful tool builtin to track how many people interact with your page. On Facebook, we will monitor how many people like our page and interact with our activities. On Twitter, we will make sure to track how many people follow our handle, @Hangovr_Takeovr. Youtube has a built in hits channel to view how many people are watching our videos on our channel. Even our website will have a monitor to track how many people hit our website. Because social media is such an integral part of our marketing campaign, we will also use the useful tool, Google Analytics, to monitor all of our webbased activities. Google Analytics is very helpful because it analyzes all of our social media at once collects all of the data into useful graphs that we can easily view for maximum efficiency. We can also use our “Hangover Doctors” to help analyze things like wordofmouth and topofmind awareness. When they are handing out the drops, the doctors can ask whether or not the customer has ever heard of the product or the company before. Along with this, the doctors can also ask whether or not they would recommend the product to a friend. This question will give us insight as to how much wordofmouth marketing we are getting from our customers. On top of that, the doctors will also be able to track the number of drops given out in a night, giving us a sense of how many people are interested in our product.
Also, using our social media sites, we can administer an online survey to our followers and ask them to send it to their friends for a free drop. We think that this will boost participation in the survey, and it will allow more people to try our product. Over time, we will also be able to use sales data to better understand the effectiveness of our advertising. VI. BUDGET (Year One) 1. Total Yearly Salary for all hangover doctors: $240,000 a. $100/person/night x 2 people/night x 2 nights/weekend x 30 weekends in college year x 20 campuses 2. Free samples of Hangover Takeover to pass out including eye droppers: $100,000 3. Free goodies college representatives can hand out with product name/logo on them (shot glasses, key chains, tshirts, etc.): $150,000 4. Promotional posters to be used in cooperating bars and liquor stores:$1,000 5. Salary for our advertising services (5 people fulltime): $250,000 6. Website and Mobile Website: $30,000 Total Cost of Advertising Campaign: $771,000 We have a lower budget than normal, traditional marketing campaigns because ours is based primarily off of social media and generating wordofmouth. Social media is very cheap to maintain, and at this time, is becoming much more effective for reaching our target market than traditional media, such as television and radio. Most of our budget comes from paying the salaries of our employees, both the hangover doctors and the advertising agency. These people are integral to the success of our company, and they need to be compensated well for their work. The agency is developing new ways of getting the word out for our company and tracking the success of our campaigns. The doctors are the “faces” of our company, and they are implementing direct marketing techniques that are vital to our success as a company. We feel that, for now, no other media is needed to raise awareness of our company. VII. CREATIVE STRATEGY We are going to use charismatic, ambitious and friendly college representatives to create a positive image for our product. In addition, we will use contests and social media sites to create awareness of our product in a fun way. In order to give our advertising stopping power, we will dress our Hangover Doctors in white lab coats so they will stand out from the other people at the bars. We will use our tagline, “Naughty at night. Nice in the morning,” in our flyers and across our social media channels to make the message resonate. This will create locking power and topofmind awareness for our brand. When a person who has not yet tried Hangover Takeover wakes up with a terrible hangover, we want them to think of using our brand in the future.
VIII. MEDIA STRATEGY We will layer our media mix to make sure our message reaches our target audience. In addition to our Hangover Doctors, we will have promotional posters, table tents and other forms of print media in bars and liquor stores where alcohol is sold. An aggressive social media campaign will be implemented using Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The goal of our campaign will be to build brand evangelists who will help spread our message on social media sites. These three tactics will allow for the optimal opportunity for college students to have several brand impressions in order for the message to resonate. IX. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS TOOLS ● Sales Promotions: Hangover Doctors will pass out free samples at bars, large organized parties and social events, including walking around on college game days. ●
Packaging: Hangover takeover will be packaged in eye droppers to speak to the idea that Hangover Takeover is only a preventative measure.