Notes to the financial statements (continued) 10. Intangible assets
Non-current assets
Goodwill £’000
Development costs £’000
Website purchased £’000
IP & IP rights £’000
Capital work in progress £’000
Total £’000
37,824 (22,314) 15,510
21,887 (17,246) 4,641
153 (148) 5
59,864 (39,708) 20,156
15,510 (65) (3,860) 11,585
4,641 303 118 1,856 (103) (21) (2,681) 4,113
5 8 31 (4) 40
8,873 2 5 (395) 8,485
1,887 (1,887) -
20,156 303 2,013 8,873 (101) (81) (3,080) (3,860) 24,223
37,759 (26,174) 11,585
20,987 (16,874) 4,113
192 (152) 40
8,880 (395) 8,485
67,818 (43,595) 24,223
37,759 (26,174) 11,585
20,987 (16,874) 4,113
192 (152) 40
8,880 (395) 8,485
67,818 (43,595) 24,223
11,585 (3,951) 7,634
4,113 573 (64) (2,448) 2,174
40 (13) 27
8,485 546 (34) (1,149) 7,848
2,054 (573) 1,481
24,223 2,600 (98) (3,610) (3,951) 19,164
37,759 (30,125) 7,634
21,496 (19,322) 2,174
192 (165) 27
9,426 (1,578) 7,848
1,481 1,481
70,354 (51,190) 19,164
At 1 January 2018 Cost Accumulated amortisation and impairment Net book amount Year ended 31 December 2018 Opening net book amount Reclassifications from tangible assets Reclassifications from goodwill to development costs Additions Additions - through acquisition Transfer from capital work in progress Disposals Exchange differences Amortisation charge Impairment charge for the year Closing net book amount At 31 December 2018 Cost Accumulated amortisation and impairment Net book amount At 1 January 2019 Cost Accumulated amortisation and impairment Net book amount Year ended 31 December 2019 Opening net book amount Additions Transfer from capital work in progress Disposals Exchange differences Amortisation charge Impairment charge for the year Closing net book amount At 31 December 2019 Cost Accumulated amortisation and impairment Net book amount