A New Decade of Together JT Progress Report 2019/20
Nightingale Hospital with 180 beds to be built in Jersey
Nightingale Hospital
Joint message from our Chairman and CEO As this document goes to press Covid-19 is testing the Channel Islands in new and increasingly more difficult ways every day. Throughout all of that widespread worry and disruption, JT’s role is clear: to make sure the Islands, their people, and their businesses, stay connected through a period which has frequently been described as our most difficult since the Occupation. It is a time of national emergency; a time when every JT employee is being asked to step up to the mark, a time when we need to calmly deliver on the careful plans which we have made for keeping our customers connected in a time of great crisis. In these few words, we’d like to briefly set out how our team at JT has responded to the challenges which have been set for us, thus far, and what more we still plan to do. The rest of this document rightly focusses on what has been achieved over the last year; but the events of the last month may well have changed the world for some time to come, and as a provider of critical national infrastructure, we think our customers have the right to clearly see what steps have been taken to protect their essential services. Throughout our 132-year history, our first priority has always been to keep our customers connected, with a particular focus on those who are vulnerable. With that in mind, we have been working closely with the Government of Jersey to connect more people to our Island-wide fibre broadband network,
even those who previously relied only on a landline to stay in touch with family and friends, with no fixed internet connection. Clearly in this time of isolation for many, seeing a friendly face on the screen, even if only via FaceTime, Skype or WhatsApp, can be a real source of comfort. Secondly, we have doubled the minimum available speed for ALL Jersey broadband customers from 500Mb/s up to 1Gb/s, at no cost. Having our own families we know first-hand that having guaranteed extra broadband capacity has been a true godsend. Especially when the whole family use it, we’re all at home, working, learning and living – using video calls, streaming content, gaming and simply staying in touch with our loved ones all over the world. It is a tribute to the resilience of our Channel Islands infrastructure, and the commitment of our engineering teams, that with the vast majority of the Islands’ workforces now based at home, our systems have really delivered, with most customers reporting excellent connectivity, despite the significantly increased traffic on the networks. Thirdly, our contingency planning for an emergency such as this included preparations to keep the ‘blue light services’ going (covering the Police, Ambulance, Coastguard and Fire and Rescue Services), to look after our Community Care customers, to keep all our networks operating (including for our ‘wholesale’ partners) and to ensure essential Government, business and other public infrastructure circuits in both Jersey and Guernsey all operate as normal; that has all been done.
JT Progress Report 2019/20 We are also working with the Government of Jersey to support the hospital’s IT systems, and to provide the necessary connectivity should further medical space be required outside of the current buildings. We have increased the capacity of our customer care teams, and ramped up their ability to help our customers remotely, online or via our app. Finally, this has been a hugely stressful time for everyone in Jersey and Guernsey, not least the skilled JT people who effectively work in the background in order to keep our front-line medical and other health care teams in touch. Throughout this tough period, our HR team have coped admirably with increased sickness, absences and stress across the business, as well as the need to make sure remote working doesn’t also make our people feel isolated without the necessary support. We would like to thank every single one of them for that truly essential work. Turning now to our second key priority: to mitigate the financial effects of the crisis both for our customers, and for our business. We have made a number of commitments to our customers and suppliers: we have suspended all charges for going over broadband limits, understanding that connectivity is a lifeline for many in the current times; we have improved the payment terms for our small local suppliers, so that they get paid by us much more quickly; we are providing free local landline calls for all; and we have suspended all late payment charges for our customers, and asked anyone in financial difficulties to get in touch with us, to discuss a workable payment plan.
At the time of writing, it looks like this crisis may well get worse, before it gets better. If it does, then the planning we have done during the ‘good’ times will really prove its worth; we’re proud to say that JT has always been a company which looks to the future.
Throughout our 132-year history, our first priority has always been to keep our customers connected, with a particular focus on those who are vulnerable. We have heavily invested in our networks in Jersey and Guernsey so that they are resilient, and ready to ‘ramp up’ if demand for our services suddenly increases; well, that has now happened, and our networks have responded as designed. As this crisis continues, JT will be here, doing our job, connecting our customers and supporting our communities. On behalf of the Board of the Directors we would like to thank every one of the JT team for helping to make sure that happens.
We believe those measures will all help islanders and businesses who are fighting a financial as well as a health battle during this crisis. JT is a strong, well-financed business, and we have already implemented sound financial planning measures to make sure that we have the firm foundations in place to continue serving our communities for many years to come. However, our challenges are insignificant when compared to the medical, emotional, financial and health problems being faced by so very many across the world; simply put, in the midst of all that, we will calmly and efficiently continue to do the job our customers require of us.
Phil Male Chairman
Graeme Millar CEO
Nightingale Hospital – The facts JT provided all telecoms infrastructure for the Nightingale Hospital free of charge, also covering the cost of our external suppliers. We’re extremely proud to have been able to help in this way, towards such a vital project for our community. Our engineering teams carried out the following: • Diversely routed 1Gb Fibre to the site. • Provided corporate telephony and conferencing facilities throughout. • Added extra underground ducting and cabling for civil works. • Ensured sufficient 4G coverage for the entire site.
Adapting to our new normal Millions around the world are under lockdown, schools have closed, international travel has halted, global supply chains have been disrupted, but despite this our teams and our network have shown tremendous resilience in adapting quickly to a new normal.
Fixed line & broadband
increase on fixed line calls - free for all residential customers
increase in Broadband data usage - at no extra cost to customers
107% 71% 14%
increase in mobile minutes increase in SMS increase in mobile data
73% 303%
increase in website visits increase in visitors to our online help pages
Social media: JT Help Facebook & Twitter
i ncrease in volume of social media enquiries asking for support and advice
JT Progress Report 2019/20
Our network has seen unprecedented volumes which have been described by our engineers as similar to those we see on Christmas Day: every day since lockdown Fixed Broadband
Fixed Broadband
Broadband top 5 applications saw an increase of 56%
Broadband usage saw an increase of 26%
26%+ Volume (TB)
Total volume (bytes)
Apple – Services Netflix Secure – Browsing
Web – Browsing Youtube
Usage Volume – Download Usage Volume – Upload
Mobile call volumes
Fixed line saw 162% increase
Mobile call volumes saw 229% increase
Number of mobile calls
Number of fixed voice calls
Fixed Voice Volumes
Digital customer care: livechat and app
1,160% 72% 32%
i ncrease in emails requesting support and advice
i ncrease in livechats with our teams i ncrease in active JT MY Account app users
Contact centre Our team continue to work hard to support critical Island services including the Police, the emergency services, the Ports and the Government from home and remote locations
increase in customer compliments received by our Contact Centre during these challenges times, which is very much appreciated
Mick & Phil, Guernsey Fire Station
Marc Le Cornu, Aerial Photographer
“Jersey has such an incredibly rich and diverse history and to be able to show it from new angles is an absolute pleasure. Drone technology is amazing with thermal imaging cameras and live mobile data at our fingertips. This technology gives the emergency services a different perspective helping save lives when every second counts. JT’s connection is essential for those time pressured jobs where I have to create a field office to ensure that I get my imagery off to clients as soon as possible.” Watch Marc’s story at
JT Progress Report 2019/20
Joint message from our Chairman and CEO..................02 Adapting to our new normal................................................. 04
Contents Chairman’s foreword.................................................................. 08 CEO’s business review.................................................................10 World-leading fibre.......................................................................14 Network evolution in 2020 and beyond............................16 The future is here............................................................................ 17 Transforming Guernsey...............................................................18 The IoT revolution: Challenges and opportunities......20 SMART Islands.................................................................................22 JT’s tech trends for this year....................................................24 Our people........................................................................................26 Our progress.................................................................................... 32 Our performance...........................................................................38 Board of Directors.........................................................................42 Board effectiveness..................................................................... 44 Corporate governance............................................................... 46
To view an interactive version of this report, visit: www.jtglobal.com/progressreport
Year 3 class, Plat Douet School, St. Saviour
“Having the latest technology in classrooms opens up many new interactive learning opportunities for the children, helping support their cognitive, social and learning skills.” Miss Larissa Perree, Teacher
Chairman’s foreword I am pleased to report that JT has delivered a strong set of results. We are very aware that we have a critical role at the heart of the Channel Island’s digital future, and our substantial investments in fixed and mobile networks make an essential contribution.
Phil Male Chairman
We need to continue to play our part to ensure that the Islands remain at the leading edge of innovation, so their digital economies continue to develop and thrive. This means we must continue to invest in new technologies. We have successfully installed an Island-wide, full-fibre network in Jersey and we want to expand our full-fibre network in Guernsey as far and as wide as we can. We will also continue to invest in 5G, cybersecurity and the Internet of Things. Just as important is that JT increases investment in our people to make sure we have the right skills to take us forward. This involves maintaining a culture where people, whatever their age, gender and background, can flourish. Where bright ideas, effort, working together, putting our customers first and the confidence to challenge are recognised and rewarded. We need to continue our relentless focus on improving the customer experience. We are making great inroads but there is always more we can do. Simply put, we want our customers to be our ambassadors; we have given them speed, reliability and value for money, we must also give them exemplary service. We are definitely on the right path and there has been a cultural shift across the business globally so that the first question on everyone’s mind now, no matter what their job, is ‘how will our customers feel about this?’. I am particularly pleased to have seen the launch of JT Voice in 2019. Our customer insight panel makes it easier for anyone, customer or not, to share their views, experiences and ideas with us on everything from how they use technology, to our products and services.
JT Progress Report 2019/20
Although our customers are at the heart of JT, we have other important stakeholders, including our shareholder and the regulator, and part of my role is to build and maintain relationships with these key partners. After the notable and much-publicised successes of 2018, including the globally significant completion of our full-fibre network in Jersey, our profile in 2019 was always going to be a little lower. That said, we were never going to rest on our laurels and a tremendous amount of work has been done to continually respond to new technologies and the changing needs of our customers. 5G, for example, is fast becoming a commercial reality and we have launched test sites in Jersey and Guernsey. The advantages that 5G brings are significant and we are making good progress to ensure we are ready when licences are issued. The technology also brings significant opportunities to JT International, which continues to bring innovative connectivity solutions to the market.
“We want our customers to be our ambassadors; we have given them speed, reliability and value for money, we must also give them exemplary service.”
I am proud to head up a talented, knowledgeable and committed Board, and I know they share my full confidence in the Executive Committee, led for the past decade, by Chief Executive Officer Graeme Millar. Over the past ten years, Graeme has overseen the transformation of JT from a business still strongly influenced, both in direction and culture, by its past Government control to a global operator at the cutting edge of innovation. The Board thanks Graeme for his continued vision and leadership. Finally, this year we will see some changes to the JT Board of Directors. Our Chief Financial Officer, John Kent, is retiring this year having been a constant and significant part of JT since 2012. John’s vast experience, exemplary leadership and strategic thinking has made him a valuable member of our Board, he will be missed. On behalf of the Board, I’d like wish John a very long and happy retirement.
Phil Male Chairman, 27th April 2020
JT Voice We’re better with your voice
Your opinion matters to us. Please join ‘JT Voice’ today to help us improve by sharing your honest thoughts, opinions and suggestions. www.jtglobal.com/global/jt-voice
JT Progress Report 2019/20
CEO’s business review After a high-profile year in 2018, when news of the completion of our full-fibre network in Jersey spread far and wide, 2019 was always going to be one of new focus. Not only did we enter the next phase of the ‘Gigabit Project’, we also took the opportunity to really get down to basics. To answer the simple question: what do we need to do to make sure that JT is around not just in five years’ time, but in another 100 years’ time?
Graeme Millar CEO
To achieve that we need an active, engaged and well-trained workforce, who are as diverse as the communities we’re part of. We also need to respect the world we live and operate in, and make sure we invest in the development of our people and our business. Doing so allows us to continue to deliver the very best networks, products and services. Put together, these three strands of ‘People, Planet and Profit’ will make up JT’s future Sustainability Strategy. JT has always valued its people, but that’s not to say we can’t do more. Our Progress Report highlights many of the great achievements of the global teams I’m proud to lead. From passing exams and taking on new responsibilities, to improving lives in our communities through fundraising and charitable work. It also highlights our successful apprenticeship and bursary schemes that help many local students fulfil their ambitions. We recognise the recruitment challenges that all businesses in the Channel Islands face, which is why we have increased the funding for these programmes in 2019 to help more young islanders learn a trade, or study for a degree.
Matt Porteous, Royal Photographer, Studio M
“Some things we do just wouldn’t be possible without fibre. We can turn around galleries in an instant and upload thousands of high-res images over the network in minutes. We have the world at our fingertips online, and are connecting with more and more new people each day thanks to JT’s connectivity.” Watch Matt’s story at
“Jersey’s ability to harness technological innovations lies not just in its community of skilled professionals but also in its world class infrastructure and digital capability. Advances in the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, fintech, cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence depend on a fast and reliable connection and JT’s full-fibre network has provided that backbone to take them forward.” Amy Bryant Deputy CEO, Jersey Finance
How Jerse y is futur its finan cial offeri nge-pro ofing high- speed innov ationwith powe rful globa l links and
2020 and beyon d
3 trend s drivin g Jersey ’s future
The Jersey found ation: one decad e on
One area I’m particularly keen to focus on is diversity and inclusivity. Not only do we need to better represent the communities we work in, we also need to shake off the stigma that our industry is better suited to males. That simply isn’t the case and especially not so at JT where 30% of our Leadership team are female. Our people are doing a fantastic job, but it is important that JT isn’t considered off-limits to any age, gender, colour or other characteristic we use to define ourselves. Talent is our only priority. The next area sharply on our minds is our planet and environment, collectively every one of us needs to do more as we’ve seen so vividly this year. However, it’s not just about JT being more energy-efficient, recycling more and using cleaner power sources, although that’s all part of our plan. We can have a far greater impact, by making more use of the technology that we’ve put in place to join people together.
We can have a far greater impact, by making more use of the technology that we’ve put in place to join people together.
For example, about three out of four houses in Jersey has a Sky box; the uptake has been one of the highest in the British Isles. Each of these 30,000odd boxes collectively draws a large amount of electricity. However, there’s no reason why Sky couldn’t use one single ‘virtual’ box, which could be easily hosted in one of our data centres, and then supply every household via the full-fibre network. Software and service updates could happen instantaneously, energy consumption would tumble, and our homes would be dish-free. It’s a win for everyone, thanks to the technology that is already here, now. It is initiatives like this which unleash the full potential of our fibre network which we’ll be pursuing. When it comes to profit and performance, as our Chairman covered, I’m pleased to say we’ve had a strong year across the business which reflects the entire Group’s collective effort. I am delighted in our Channel Island home, more people are porting their number to JT than leaving, meaning a lot of customers are returning to JT. There are many reasons for this, however I would like to highlight the tremendous work of the people who work in our ‘front-line’: our retail stores; our field force of skilled engineers; and customer contact centres. Whilst there is always room for improvement, the direct customer feedback I get tells us JT customer experience is the best it has ever been, which is supported by our own measurement. I’d also like to thank our teams who have developed the competitively priced products our customers rightly demand. Our JT One Unlimited plan which bundles services and our new roaming products has proved incredibly popular.
JT increased minimum broadband speeds from 250Mbit/s to 500 Mbit/s for all subscribers in January 2020. Senator Lyndon Farnham, Jersey’s Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture, and Deputy Chief Minister, commented: “This reflects well on Jersey as we enter a new decade very much on the front foot inside the sector. It places us well ahead of most places in the world for high-speed connectivity.” Senator Lyndon Farnham Jersey’s Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture and Deputy Chief Minister
JT Progress Report 2019/20
Our International team also had a positive year, particularly with growth of JT’s IoT SIM cards, allowing devices to connect with each other automatically across whichever network is the strongest and most reliable. We also launched fraud protection services in Australia, the only anti-fraud measure of its type to be fully approved by the country’s banking association. As a further endorsement of this innovative service, we also joined forces with part of CK Hutchison’s telecom division, one of the world’s largest telecoms companies, providing fraud protection across its 3 Group operators in Europe and Asia. We now have over 10 million SIMs around the world and this growing business is a measure of our expertise and foresight. This includes our eKit business, which sells prepaid SIM cards that offer significant savings on mobile roaming rates.
“I would like to highlight the tremendous work of the people who work in our frontline: our retail stores, our field force of skilled engineers and customer contact centres”.
During 2019 we also secured our largest ever global contract - to deliver global telephony solutions to the world’s fifth-largest food and beverage company Kraft Heinz – and reached a significant milestone when the final office was connected to the new network. In Jersey, a key focus in 2019 was to migrate our Enterprise customers onto the full-fibre network. We moved more than 2,000 complex services across over 1,100 sites, all on time and within budget. I would like to thank the tremendous dedication of the project team in maintaining the excellent momentum. In 2020, our ten-year Gigabit project will therefore enter the final chapter: the removal of the now-redundant copper wires that served our Island so well for over a century.
Locally, I’m also delighted that our helpful MyAccount app, which is our ‘shop window’ for many customers, won a silver award in the Best App category at the UK’s Digital Experience Awards 2019. We found ourselves again amongst far bigger enterprises yet were rewarded for our innovation, particularly the way we work directly with our customers to develop and improve our app using our own JT Voice customer panel.
“Behind all the great initiatives we do at Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust there’s a dedicated team – quality communications are essential for us. Without reliable connectivity playing its part in our story we couldn’t provide a quality customer experience and our conservation efforts would not be the same.” Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust Watch Durrell’s story at
1/7/2019 Jersey Evening Post
“When Jersey mobilises its resources for a good cause, levels of generosity and support are remarkable. What was designed as a Christmas initiative is still gathering strength thanks to companies such as JT.”
Andy Sibcy Editor, Jersey Evening Post
Looking forward, we have already started important work on preparing the islands for 5G, including establishing test sites in Jersey and Guernsey, to ensure we are ready for when licences are issued by the regulator to help bring this exciting technology to our Islands. In closing, it has both surprised and delighted me to reflect that 2020 marks my tenth year as CEO of JT and I have never been more proud to lead this fantastic company into our next decade. For eight of those years, I have been privileged to work alongside John Kent, our Chief Financial Officer, who presents his final Financial Statement in this Progress Report. On behalf of the whole company, I would like to thank John for his dedication, commitment, and friendship, and wish him the very best in retirement. 2019 winner of Broadband World Forum’s Award for the ‘Biggest Broadband Social Impact’
Graeme Millar CEO, 27th April 2020
Jersey Telecom became JT –
JT Rewards is launched and Gigabit Jersey is recognised for the first time at Broadband World Forum –
Jersey’s first 4G mobile network is launched by JT –
JT celebrates a decade of powering the technology behind Jersey Live –
JT acquires Neo Consult, which becomes JT Denmark –
JT powers the inaugural Super League Triathlon in Jersey –
100% of broadband customers connected to fibre / Winner of ‘The Fibre Connectivity Award’ at Connected Britain –
Winner of the World Communications Award for Best Network Transformation –
Broadband speeds double to a minimum of 500 Mbit/s for all broadband subscribers –
World-leading fibre
Daragh McDermott Managing Director Channel Islands and Fibre Programme Executive Sponsor
When I speak at conferences about what has been achieved in Jersey with our fullfibre broadband network, it’s not overstating the case to say people are ‘blown away’ by what’s been done here.
achieved in just a few years, and at no cost to the vast majority of users.
When you are sitting in an office, or at home, in Jersey it’s very easy to take that network for granted, we have already become so used to its speed and reliability; that is until you travel, and suddenly, using internet-based services just isn’t so easy as it is at home – it’s back to the days of waiting hours for a film to download, or trying to get a Facetime video call to reconnect.
What’s more, at the end of 2019, JT was able to introduce an ‘entry-level’ broadband speed of 500Mb/s for all customers, at one of the lowest pricepoints in the world. It’s only going back a few years, when on the previous copper-based network, that some argued an internet speed of up to 20Mb/s was enough for anyone!
That has pushed Jersey right to the top of various global broadband rankings charts and won numerous international awards.
And that brings me to the second ‘world-first’ which Jersey is on the way to achieving, to become the first place in the world to completely remove our copperbased telecoms network. That network has served us exceptionally well for almost a century, taking the island from the days of lots of telephone operators based in local exchanges, to the threshold of a digital age. But that’s the point at which we needed to thank the copper network for its sterling service, and usher in full-fibre, as the gateway to the connected-world which our customers now demand. In our business, it’s been a key transition, similar to the move from analogue to digital in TV; and it’s been one in which everyone will now have to follow what Jersey has achieved - giving its economy a true competitive edge, and its residents a service they can really enjoy. Some of the testimonials on this page demonstrate the actual effect of Jersey making that transition. To recap, Jersey is the first place in the world to connect fibre broadband directly to the home or office of every single customer. In a true partnership between JT and the Government of Jersey, that was
So, that’s why I use the phrase ‘blown away’ when describing the most common reaction to what’s been done in Jersey in recent years. It’s been a privilege to be part of it.
JT Progress Report 2019/20
“We film sporting events all over the world. This type of broadcasting or live streaming using mobile connectivity is being used by News Teams and Broadcasters at major sporting events, and much more on the world stage. Providing the connection is there, this can be done anywhere, but it is made that much easier using the reliable, superfast 4G we have at our fingertips here in the islands.” Phil Bouchard, Director, 3Ci Sport
“We’re a Jersey family business, established in 1954 when we began by repairing radios. Today we are one of Jersey’s largest electrical and technology stores, partnered with Euronics, one of Europe’s biggest brands. In our business, connectivity is a key integration into nearly everything we provide our customers, from smart fridges, washers and dryers, to cutting edge 4K smart TVs. Being connected helps people live ‘smarter’, making our lives more efficient – we have technology to thank for that, but most importantly the Fibre connection making it all happen when we want it to.” John Dingle, CEO, Fortuna
“Attention to detail is key to Blue Bottle’s success. As we expand into more markets, I am travelling much more. Instant communication with our customers and business partners is absolutely vital. From my mobile phone, I can now check stock in our New York warehouse whilst in Spain or, organise a shipment of gin from the UK to Switzerland without even being in the office. Our success and our growth is in part down to the excellent connectivity we have with JT.” Matt Polli, Gin Distiller
“We rely on connectivity; our invoicing, accounts and admin are online. Not just that, our website, booking system and social media accounts are essential for us to keep in touch with customers, and being on fibre – having reliable connectivity – just means things can be done seamlessly. It is easy to take it for granted these days, with fibre in our home and smart phones to hand all day, but reliable connectivity plays a fundamental part in helping us provide a quality customer experience.” Roger Le Maistre, Director, Valley Adventure Centre
Broadband speeds double to 500 Mbit/s for all broadband subscribers Being recognised during 2019 as the first jurisdiction in the world to make full-fibre available to every broadband user and being listed as the third fastest country/ territory in the world in terms of broadband speeds was a huge milestone for JT and Jersey. The next stage in the JT published roadmap was to further increase the minimum speeds available to every subscriber. From January 2020 the JT network began using its full-fibre network to deliver an increase to minimum broadband speeds from 250 Mbit/s to 500 Mbit/s for all subscribers.
Thierry Berthouloux CTIO
Network evolution in 2020 and beyond To those outside the telecoms business, it can be confusing to keep up with all the different generations of mobile technology – that is one of the roles which JT plays in the Channel Islands: ensuring that Islanders have the very best mobile networks, which are comparable to anywhere in the world. To deliver on that goal, we have invested £12m in the last few years to make sure the current 4G networks are the best they can be. We regularly get great feedback from our customers, and strong endorsements from internationally recognised ‘speedtesting’ companies, and we will continue to work hard on keeping our 4G services delivering for local residents and businesses.
The change will be more gradual than that, and our role here at JT will be two-fold: we need to keep developing 4G to ensure the network performs well, while also carefully investing in the new 5G technology, so that it is ready for Islanders to enjoy.
“We need to keep developing 4G to ensure the network performs well, while also carefully investing in the new 5G technology, so that it is ready for Islanders to enjoy.”
Contrary to many of the reports you read in the media, there is still a lot of scope for 4G, particularly in the Channel Islands, where our networks just aren’t as ‘busy’ as they might be in a densely populated big city.
That’s a role which JT has been proud to perform in the Channel Islands for the last 40 years, as various iterations of mobile technology have emerged, developed and then became obsolete as the kit, and its capabilities, steadily improve.
5G is a new term which is gaining all the attention, and JT launched two ‘pilot’ networks in Jersey and in Guernsey in 2019 to make sure that we stay at the leading edge of the new technology. Once we have received the necessary regulatory permissions, and the necessary handsets become widely available at the right prices, we will be able to offer those 5G services to customers.
Through a combination of full-fibre broadband, and world-class 4G, Channel Islands residents are already very well connected; we’ll make sure that continues through 5G and beyond.
But 2020 isn’t likely to be the year when all customers suddenly move from 4G to 5G, simply because the 4G networks already perform so very well, and still have so much capacity to provide the services our customers want.
JT Progress Report 2019/20
The future is here 2019 was the year 5G stepped up. Although we’ve been planning for its arrival for some time, this year it became a reality, with transmitters installed and test networks switched on. Of course, a lot of work still needs to be done, including the allocation of radio spectrum by the regulator, but 5G now feels a lot more tangible, no doubt helped by increased momentum and publicity in the UK and elsewhere. Once 5G goes live in the islands, it will complement our full-fibre networks perfectly and make the Channel Islands one of the most connected places on the planet. The islands will have a golden opportunity to let technology influence the future, whether that be through new business opportunities, improving existing practices or finding solutions to alleviate pressures inherent in small communities. How 5G will change our lives?
Smart St Helier 5G is the perfect complement to JT’s existing IoT technology and will allow Jersey to make far greater use of low-power sensors that can last for years without needing replacement. San Diego, for instance, has installed smart lighting systems that automatically dim when no one is nearby, saving the city $2m a year in electricity costs. And manhole covers in Indiana now have sensors that redirect water when sewer levels get too high. All clever stuff that could save Jersey time, money and manpower.
The World of Work At a basic level, 5G will allow more data to travel more quickly, eliminating many of the ‘latency’ issues that still affect 4G. Practically, the new technology will, for example, make the tracking of goods far more accurate, it will pave the way for more virtual and augmented reality and it will create more opportunities for automation. Perhaps the biggest impact in the Channel Islands, however, will be on the way we work: allowing for more flexible and remote working and greater collaboration across offices and jurisdictions.
Driverless cars We’re already on the road to driverless cars. Today, you can buy a car with parking sensors, automatic emergency braking, forward collision warning, blind spot warning alerts and automatic high beams. The next step is to take the driver out of the equation, not least because human error accounts for most accidents. However for driverless cars to become fully autonomous, they’ll need to communicate with the cars around them to avoid accidents and minimise congestion. They’ll also need to talk to traffic lights, road signs and pavements, and get back answers immediately. 5G is the first network technology to support those demands reliably.
Remote medicine Many of us already wear a Fitbit or heart monitor to track our activities and levels of fitness. 5G will allow these, and other wearable sensors, to communicate instantly with remote computers analysing the data. These could, for example, monitor our vital statistics and transmit them to our GP or health care provider, allowing them to detect early warning signs of heart attacks, strokes, or other life-threatening events. We could also have a ‘virtual’ visit to our doctor, or perhaps a specialist based overseas, through a videoconference, with wearable sensors providing real-time information. High-speed wireless networks will also enable telesurgery, where specialists in one hospital control equipment in another facility hundreds of miles away. That day may be closer than you think. In January 2019, a surgeon in China successfully removed part of a pig’s liver from 30 miles away using a 5G connection.
Virtual Spaces Thanks to 5G’s high-bandwidth and low latency, augmented and virtual reality could finally become a practical reality. This could change the way we watch sport at home, use videos to help us with DIY projects or browse through online department stores. All these changes won’t happen overnight but once we’ve introduced 5G to the Channel Islands, the technology will undoubtedly follow.
Paul Taylor Managing Director JT Guernsey
Transforming Guernsey Towards the end of 2019, we announced our partnership with Agilisys to support their work in transforming Guernsey’s public sector, by digitising Government services. That new ten-year contract builds on our successful work with the States of Guernsey over the last seven years, during which we have connected Government buildings, such as schools and hospital sites, to our super-fast fibre network. Essentially our remit is to make sure that IT here ‘just works,’ and we are delighted to be delivering that. As we build towards our 20th anniversary in Guernsey, that relationship with the States demonstrates our very firm commitment to the Island, its people, its economy and its networks – being the cornerstone on which the Island’s digital future is founded.
Over the past two decades, we have invested more than £49m in Guernsey, and that will continue as we extend our full-fibre network to more customers. Today, we’ve laid 60km of fibre in the island and have set aside considerable funds to roll out more fibre into Guernsey’s business districts over the next couple of years. We now have over a third of Guernsey businesses on the JT fibre network and have connected many new bespoke residential developments and small businesses to Super-Fast 1GB fibre broadband, including Havelet Waters and Royal Terrace. Our investment has also gone ‘over the air,’ with an advanced 4G mobile network, 4G+, which sees some of the best speeds not only in the UK, but across the world. Once again, it is fibre which enables that network to operate so successfully.
JT Progress Report 2019/20
As the only Channel Islands owned Tier One telecommunications firm, our ambition is to become the main provider for services in Guernsey. To get to that point, we have developed a robust, resilient and innovative infrastructure which draws on the expertise JT has gained through its operations across the world – such as in the Internet of Things, or Fraud Protection Services - it won’t be long before 75% of our revenue comes from those international operations. That work also helps us to promote Guernsey on the international stage.
“We chose JT as our Prime Partner because of their commitment to delivering the very best technology solutions, which really makes a difference for their customers. That dedication to excellence in delivery, combined with their local knowledge and more than a decade of operating in Guernsey as the Islands only locally owned telecoms operator, is exactly what this transformative project needs. They have also worked with the States of Guernsey on key projects for more than eight years.” Richard Hanrahan, CEO Agilisys Guernsey
Our global reach enables us to offer great training and career development opportunities – such as digital bursaries – to our young people, as well as being strong supporters of the Digital Greenhouse Guernsey. Those initiatives are a key part of how JT is investing in Guernsey’s future workforce. So, 2019 has been one of our most successful years ever in Guernsey, and I believe we are now seen as ‘the’ company to come to for telecommunications services. A major reason for that is, we put our customers at the heart of everything we do, something which will be our touchstone, as we continue on our path of investment in the Bailiwick.
“Smart Guernsey is the key enabler for Public Service Reform. In addition, it stands to transform Guernsey’s technology sector, creating opportunities for the Island’s businesses, entrepreneurs and students. We are very much looking forward to working in partnership with Agilisys and partners such as JT to achieve our ambitious goals.” Colin Vaudin, Chief Information Officer, States of Guernsey
JT Progress Report 2020
Barna Kutvolgyi Managing Director, JT International
The IoT revolution: Challenges and opportunities It’s been a fantastic year at JT international, with 10 million JT SIMs now powering a wide range of devices around the world, all of which has helped drive excellent growth for our Division. That work has given JT a reputation globally for being one of the most innovative ‘telcos’ in the world. Our workforce is now truly global with 11 nationalities, touching all corners of the world, among the 80 members of our team. That diversity is really important, given the geographical spread of our customers’ businesses. For example, it was with huge pleasure we were able to announce JT’s partnership with ARM, one of the world’s top tech companies, to provide the connectivity needed to join together hundreds of thousands of devices around the world, as part of the Internet of Things (IoT). The 150 billion ‘chipsets’ delivered by ARM continue to be the computing foundation for the convergence of AI, 5G and IoT.
Although most of the talk at the 2019 Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona was about 5G as the latest ‘trend’, the Internet of Things (IoT) is now very much embedded into our everyday lives. For example, in 2019 we launched our ‘eSIM’ product, which enables multiple operators to offer their services via one SIM card, something which will be the next big thing in the world of IoT - and JT is at the very centre of it.
“The Internet of Things (IoT) is now very much embedded in our everyday lives.” It is partnerships such as the one with ARM which are propelling JT International forward with around 40% of our IoT business now based in North America and a further 40% in the EU.
JT Progress Report 2019/20
Further afield, JT successfully launched its Fraud Protection Services (FPS) in Australia, partnering with the local operators and the country’s largest banks to reduce payment times to a few seconds, and help prevent fraudulent activities. From a technological point of view, the biggest development which will impact JT International in the coming years is the development of what are known as alternative Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) - they enable connectivity around the world and extend the battery life of devices. I am very proud that JT continues to be at the forefront of these technologies having launched its own test sites in ‘NB-IoT’ and ‘Cat-M’ technology. Building a LPWAN roaming footprint will be a priority for us in 2020 as more of our partners become ready to accept that level of connectivity. Our experience on the international stage is also paying dividends closer to home, as can be seen in our collaboration with solar panel experts, Sunworks, in Jersey – our IoT products provide the connectivity that allows their customers to monitor the performance of the panels. In 2020, JT International expects to continue last year’s developments through some truly innovative new products, and further growth into Asia will be a key focus.
“We are an approved supplier of Tesla; and supply, design, install and maintain cutting edge Solar Photovoltaic (PV), and battery storage here in the Channel Islands. Working with JT, we use special Data SIMs in the panels to monitor performance and usage. We make use of Wi-Fi or ethernet connections, powered by our local fibre network to make the smart connection possible. We look forward to a time when Jersey can say it makes the best use of our resources and we’re proud to play our part in making that happen, bringing worldclass, smart solar technology to our Islands.” Mark Brandon, Managing Director, Sunworks
Remaining flexible, as well as tightly focused on what we want to achieve, will be among the key challenges, as the market and the needs of our customers go through big changes into 2020 and beyond. But looking back, I am really proud of how JT International has grown over the last five years and become such a key part of the Group’s strategy; continuing to contribute to the Jersey economy and ensuring that Jersey’s place as a digital location is recognised worldwide.
JT Progress Report 2019/20
SMART Islands The pace of change in the telecom industry is unparalleled and technological advances coupled with changing consumer behaviour, have irreversibly changed the industry forever. Across the world, the focus right now is on a combination of advanced technologies which will help transform, design and innovate our smart, sustainable communities of the future. Here are some examples of how JT’s leadership and their teams are helping harness the power of technology and transform our customer experience and how they shop, transact and get help from us in a digital-first world.
Change coming to SMART Retail Retail is changing at an unprecedented speed, which brings both big challenges and opportunities. Smart retail is our way of describing how we’re using the power of technology to provide customers a better, faster, safer and smarter experience when shopping. We are embracing innovation and re-evaluating our traditional business models to make sure we offer customers new and innovative ways to shop and transact with us. You can already place your order online, buy goods, and even provision new services without even coming into a store.
Tamara O’Brien Group Head of Customer Experience
Our goal is to make sure however our customers interact with us be it, in-store or online, for order management, payment processing or delivery they get a consistent and efficient experience. We know from talking to our Customer panel customers now want smart stores where they have a swift, efficient and slick endto-end connected experience. They want a place where the physical products on display are linked to the Internet world, and where they receive personalised, highquality advice and assistance. Our team is working hard deliver this through our new and growing online shop alongside making sure we develop a retail strategy for the future based on using the very latest technology to deliver our customer needs.
JT Progress Report 2019/20
SMART Engineering Today, more and more businesses are focusing on technology that will help them transform their core engineering operations, to design and engineer new products more efficiently and make the maintenance of products much more effective through engineering. Already our Smart Engineering services are changing the way our business operates and this is only just the start of our journey. We’re combining intelligent and intuitive technologies to drive digital transformation in our engineering division. This enables our work force to work remotely, geo locate equipment and services, locate, diagnose and parameterise issues on smart devices, in the customer premises, and resolve in real-time, on the job.
Sara McCarthy Head of CI Operations
This SMART digital evolution has transformed our Engineering teams. This same technology supports our customers in building competitiveness and differentiation through the adoption of next generation technologies. It works towards future capabilities in Immersive Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and more, helping to transform and grow our business offering in the new digital era.
SMART App The award-winning JT My Account App was developed on the back of JT customer feedback to help them interact with JT in a simple intuitive way 24/7. The smart App remains unique in terms of the breadth of functionality it provides customers, enabling them to view their bills, track their usage and transact with JT, whether adding a bolt-on or simply paying a bill.
Dominic Vye Head of Commercial Development
Today, over 30% of our Channel Island customer base use the app as the primary method to manage their account and this proportion of the customer base is growing as customers become increasingly accustomed to online transactions. The app is continuously under development in response to customer feedback and our own analysis of customers’ usage patterns.
SMART Home We have now expanded our SMART Home offering by acquiring Zero1, a Jersey-based company that has made its name as a leading designer and supplier of home and business automation systems in the Channel Islands. Zero 1 was founded by two former JT engineers in 2010 and this acquisition now takes JT significantly “beyond the router” with an exciting portfolio of intelligent smart automation solutions with advanced interconnected technology. These offer simple and natural operation of complex audio visual, lighting, shading and temperature control systems in both domestic and commercial environments. These new technologies are rapidly evolving to improve energy efficiency which, in turn, helps to connect our customers to a sustainable future by ensuring that energy is only used when needed or wanted and never wasted. Jon Collinson Head of Product Development
Solutions can be seamlessly installed in existing premises and, increasingly, are being integrated as standard into the designs of new smart home and office developments of the future with tangible positive environmental impacts, so contributing to the Island target of ‘carbon neutrality’ by 2030.
Katie Corbett Director of Enterprise & Business Services
Cloud – The renaissance of digital innovation The exponential growth of the public Cloud is continuing to transform our daily lives. It is predicted that by 2020, public IT Cloud services will account for 58% of the £355 billion Cloud spend. Industry Cloudstored data is estimated to double in 2020 as the reliance on internal data systems reduces. Cloud storage offers a logical filing system and the software providers are responsible for keeping the data accessible for its users. Regardless of your storage requirements, the Cloud is expanding its holding capability to support businesses of all sizes. With careful use and well-targeted cybersecurity, tailored for your use and needs, there are many advantages to this expansion. Cloud offers users immediate access to an extensive range of resources and applications, without the need to host. This means that a number of associated tasks, like acquiring additional capacity, are done for you by the provider. This leaves you free to use the technology to do the job you actually want to, without any of the legacy problems that come with on-site hosting.
JT’s tech trends for this year Technology advancements impact the way we all do things, often without us even realising - changing the way we live, work and play. Some of the smartest and well thought through digital innovations have now become a socially inclusive part of our everyday personal lives and affordable solutions for our thriving small business community. Here in the Channel Islands, we have access to some of the fastest internet speeds in the world, and with 5G on the horizon, our islanders and businesses have the connectivity they need now and well into the future. To see what that future might hold, we asked our global team of technology experts for their tech predictions on the year ahead.
Dominic Vye Head of Commercial Development
Enjoy the sound of your own voice? The adoption of voice technology continues to surge with assistants like Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant becoming household staples. 2020 will see a vast increase in how businesses adopt these technologies to enhance their own customer experience. Already, 91% of businesses have started to make investments in voice platforms for their employees and customers. 71% of those seeing voice technologies improving their user experience based on personal habits. This is a huge selling point for tech retailers, and we’ve grown our own stock range based on our customers’ feedback and their growing demand for these popular products. People already use voice for a wide range of straightforward tasks including driving directions, checking the weather and playing music. However, most say they wouldn’t use it for more complex tasks like personal banking (61%) or booking travel (52%), I predict, this change will begin in 2020 as people become more comfortable with voice technology. This journey towards more conversational and complex engagements means voice experiences will become both highly intelligent and user-friendly for all walks of life, and as intuitive and trusted as the touchscreen is today.
JT Progress Report 2019/20
Ian Lavigne Head of Products, JT International
Nicola Reeves Group HR Director
The increasing need for cellular-IoT
Women in technology
The advent of cellular-IoT is seeing more connected devices move away from traditional 2G/3G/4G connectivity to lower power licensed radio networks, such as CatM-1 and NB-IoT. Not the catchiest of names, but their adoption promises to make the Internet of Things (IoT) a truly ubiquitous phenomenon next year. Being very low power, they are specifically designed to support devices that require very low rates of data transfer, transmitted very infrequently. This in turn means that future devices can be smaller and have extremely long battery lives. For instance, a sensor placed on a coast to detect landslides needs only to transmit tiny amounts of data when it detects a seismic event, which could be as little as once a year. Smaller, cheaper devices requiring less maintenance can be deployed en masse, generating vast amounts of data that can be analysed and curated with extremely beneficial outcomes. JT is actively engaged in the testing of these new radio technologies and the security protocols that will support their safe adoption. We are already working with our global partners to provide services across their networks globally and bringing the benefits of Cellular-IoT back to the Channel Islands for 2020 availability.
We’re already seeing an increase in women in technical roles, but next year I believe this will increase further as more women apply for digital positions in future-focused innovative organisations. But what’s driving this trend? Firstly, the growth of digital innovation has impacted everyone – it improves our daily lives, providing tangible and exciting opportunities that are accessible to everyone. In an era where ‘making a difference’ is now more of a driver than ever, what better industry is there to be a part of? As Artificial Intelligence (AI) drives more technology decisions, we’ll see an increase in the number of women in key decision-making roles across all industries. As more technologies are invented to interact with humans, these devices require greater emotional intelligence to be effective. The trend to be able to sense and communicate with human emotions is upon us and it is those skills that are often associated with, but not exclusive to, the female brain. With this is mind the tech brains of the future, regardless of gender, will need to lean more towards the emotive side of design in order to bring AI closer to the ‘real’ interactions that the market demands.
Tamara O’Brien Group Head of Customer Experience
Jon Collinson Head of Product Development
Digital-first customer experience
Security – Assessing risks and solutions
In a way, digital-first customer experience (CX) is the trend that encompasses all others. In 2019, 44% of companies had already moved to a digital-first approach for CX and as adoption increases this will grow even faster in 2020.
In May 2019 the world’s most successful Ransomware as a Service hacker group, retired after banking over $2 billion.
Our approach at JT is to always be looking for new products and tools which help us provide quicker, easier and more efficient ways to service our customers. 79% of consumers now shop and manage their services from their smartphone, so it’s easy to see why digital services are the investment of the future. Self-help videos and tools, and Virtual Assistants are now the norm and we’ll see an influx of new, intelligent technologies coming onto the market, driven by customer insight. Here at JT, the voice of our customer is at the heart of all we do and we couple this with technological innovation. In 2019 we developed an in-store Smartserve tablet, allowing retail advisors to engage with customers in a much more collaborative and transparent way - reducing transaction times by providing real time data and dynamic credit checking. Embracing digital enhancements and knowing what matters most to our customers is how we approach change. So 2020 will see many more exciting developments for us, including Smart Field Engineering and AI led assistance.
Cyber Threat Intelligence shows that this retirement, may only be temporary and suggests that they may come back in 2020 with an even more advanced threat. With GDPR implemented, we are going to see the need to be able to demonstrate an effective Cybersecurity strategy. Having a tested and constantly reviewed Cyber Incident Response plan in place, means that when an organisation does face an attack and potentially loses customer data, it can demonstrate that its Cyber responsibilities were taken seriously. With professional organised crime syndicates working on an industrial scale, companies of all sizes are going to be a routine target. With the growing need to maintain effective protection, companies are going to have to turn to Managed Security Service Providers like JT who can offer professional SOC services on a 24/7 scale.
To read JT’s full TechTrends 2020 eBook, please visit www.jtglobal.com/2020
Group HR Team
Our people
Simple logo usage guidelines for employers
Page 5 - The Living Wage employers mark
The Living Wage Employer mark
Our people are our greatest asset
Nicola Reeves Group HR Director The employer mark is exclusively issued to all employers are accredited by the Living Wage Foundation, enabling them to tell the world that they are a Living Wage employer.
LW_logo_employer_cmyk.eps LW_logo_employer_rgb.eps
Many factors contribute to being successful in business. Having a sound strategy, having a marketable product or service, and having efficient processes are all important. But it falls to the people within the organisation to implement the strategies, plans, and processes to make a business successful.
Channel Islands and around the globe are paid a fair wage for their work. is part of Citizens UK. Charity No. 1107264
We pride ourselves on being a responsible employer, this is our step to ensuring that people who live and work in Jersey have access to a wage which covers their basic needs, starting with our own people. Since 2011, we have supported many students through our JT Bursary Programme and continue to support local people to join our industry, promoting and ensuring gender diversity across all parts of our organisation.
At JT we believe in the importance of looking after our people, training and developing them, empowering them to provide excellent customer service and looking after their wellbeing.
In 2020 we will continue to enable our teams to give life and purpose to our business, to lead our projects, to develop and grow our Company and support our community.
In 2019 JT became Jersey’s first large-scale commercial business to become a Living Wage Employer, ensuring that all our employees in the
Peakon Our monthly people engagement score
New Starters
aggregated participation rate
comments received in the system
Outstanding record of service
20 380 41
individuals celebrated 1, 2, 3 and 4 decades at JT years were celebrated in total
years ago, Gary Birkbeck joined our team, and he’s still with us today
JT Progress Report 2019/20
Employee profile
JT Bursary Programme How we support CI students studying abroad In 2019, JT students worked
Diogo Veras JT Apprentice What prompted you to sign up for the scheme?
For a while, I’d considered going to university, but I knew that an apprenticeship would be better suited to me. I also liked the fact that you could get paid and learn at the same time.
What have you enjoyed most about it?
I would say the best part is the fact that it’s a learning experience in a real-life workplace, and I like that I am trusted with key accounts and significant products. Each of my placements at JT have provided real opportunities for me to participate in active projects within specialised areas, chances I wouldn’t have had elsewhere.
What would you say to other people who might consider becoming an apprentice?
The apprenticeship has helped me identify areas I really enjoy, helping me grow in confidence and recognise where my strengths are. I’m learning more and more each day, so I know whatever I do in the future I will be prepared. I’m determined to complete my training and become a fully qualified engineer and hopefully stay with JT. If you’re keen on learning something new or taking an existing interest further, then I recommend going for it!
across 12 internal departments, each being paid the Jersey Living Wage.
32 £70,000
students we’ve supported since launching the scheme in 2011
the amount we invest in the scheme each year
students currently on the scheme
40 5
different subjects our current bursary students are studying
the percentage of JT bursars who return to work in Jersey
bursaries offered in 2019
former bursars who work full-time at JT
30 “I am thankful to work with such talented and passionate individuals and would like to recognise all their efforts with this award, this is a reflection of our combined contributions”. Sam Therin, Winner of JT Ace 2019
Our JT ACE Awards scheme celebrates the great people we have at JT. Charles Scurr
CTS Division – Value Add Services Engineering
“Winning Bronze & Silver JT Ace has given me a real sense of achievement. I feel as though I am really valued by my colleagues, it’s shown me that my hard work and dedication to my role, my team and our customer base has not gone un-noticed. It has motivated me, not just for my own success, but also the success of the business. Thanks to all that voted for me.”
Duarte Santos
JT International Division – Wholesale M2M Sales Support “I have always believed that the way you treat your people is the way they will treat your customers, people flourish when they are praised. If you don’t create a great rewarding place for people to work, they won’t do great work. Appreciation is reciprocated in a thousand ways. Thank you.”
Being part of the JT family means a lot to us, and it means a lot to our teams. Their support for each other and their commitment to our customers is evident in their approach to everything they do. In 2019 we asked everyone across the JT Group to share with us stories of colleagues that had gone that extra mile, people who, without realising, displayed everything that JT represents, people who brought ‘the JT way’ to life. Each month nominations are submitted confidentially by people that want someone else’s work, efforts, achievements or general attitude recognised and rewarded. Here are the 2019 Silver and Gold winners, chosen by their colleagues.
Donna Hamon
CI Division – Customer Service Centre Supervisor “It makes me proud to know that I’m a positive influence within JT and that I’m improving the customer experience so much that colleagues around the business decided to vote for me.”
Kane Lihou
CI Division – Retail Sales Advisor in the Jersey shop “I was extremely happy when I found out I was nominated for a JT Ace. Working for a company like JT really does show that the hard work we all do on a daily basis is not only recognised but is also rewarded and the JT Ace scheme is just one of many ways that JT shows that.”
Torin Mitchell
Charlotte Kerfoot
CI Division – Digital Sales Executive “It was amazing to think and feel someone in the business thought enough of me to nominate me for such a great award. To be recognised by your team and colleagues for your hard work and your contribution to their day is a great feeling.”
CTS Division – Software Factory Release Manager
“Receiving the JT Ace Silver award was a very humbling experience for me. Due to the pace at which we operate, it can be difficult to step back and notice your achievements. Recognition from my peers in Jersey and Denmark showed me that my hard work was noticed above others and greatly appreciated across the teams I interact with.”
Andrew Howarth
CI Division - Global Service Desk
“I was extremely proud to be nominated for the JT Ace award by my colleagues. I want to personally thank everyone who voted for me. JT Ace has given me motivation and hunger to excel at what I do. It’s a great feeling knowing your work has an impact around JT.”
JT Ace awards
£16k + 62 564 246 22
awarded in prizes
winners so far (47 bronze, 9 silver) Russell Furnival
individual nominations made
employees nominated from across JT Group
nominations went to 1 individual!
Ben Leggett
Finance Division – Business Partner “My role as CI Finance Business Partner requires collaboration with colleagues across many different parts of the business. To hear that a number of my peers had nominated me was fantastic, it meant they recognised the value of the work I do. JT Ace is a great scheme, I hope it continues to inspire excellence across the company.”
Victoria Vautier
CTS Division – Senior IREG Engineer “Being nominated for the JT Ace Awards was a nice surprise and validated the work we do is important. For me it gave me renewed motivation to strive even higher and confidence to encourage others to do the same.”
Sam Therin
CI Division – Service Delivery Manager
CTS Division – Service Delivery Manager
“Being recognised by my colleagues for the JT Ace awards was quite a surprise and a lovely end to the year to receive such high recognition; for what I consider as ‘just doing my bit’! It truly made me smile and was an amazing award to receive from my peers at JT.”
“I am fortunate enough to be in a role where I get to build positive working relationships with everyone around JT. But it is all the guys behind the scenes who really make the impact and I’d like to highlight them through this award, as this is equally a reflection of all their contributions, not just mine.”
JT provides the smart data connectivity that’s needed in all of EVie’s e-bikes and electric vehicles used on Jersey’s roads.
Our progress
Tom Noel Director of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability
Committed to sustainability Purpose
Connecting our Islands and our customers to their sustainable future
Our people
JT has always been a huge part of Island life and we are proud to have played an integral part in connecting our Islands for over 132 years. As a local company we are committed to doing our best for our People and our Planet. Looking back at the past decade, it’s clear that our world today is very different from the world of 2010. There have been multiple extreme events around the world which underline that our planet is changing and is becoming increasingly damaged by human activity. These changes will lead to an increasingly unsustainable way of life, if we don’t make changes now.
We believe that it’s essential that businesses step up and play their part in energetically tackling these problems in an inclusive way for the whole of our society. For JT, that means starting at home. This is not about philanthropy; it is much more - this is the core of how we and the world will do business in the future. Over the past year we have been developing our Sustainability Strategy at pace, engaging with key stakeholders on the Island to exchange best available practices and ensure that we move in step together. As a result, we will be rolling out our 10-year Sustainability Strategy later in the year.
JT Progress Report 2019/20 This will align with the Group framework and JT’s purpose of connecting our Islands and our customers to their sustainable future. We are currently baselining our carbon emissions – not only in our own operations, but upstream in our supplier base and downstream in our customer usage. We will use this baselining to set realistic but ambitious targets that will be at the heart of our strategy, ensuring that we are playing our part in reducing carbon emissions. Through stakeholder engagement (our people, customers, community, suppliers and shareholders) JT will work on initiatives across ‘People’ and ‘Planet’ whilst ensuring they add value, either by providing more growth, more trust, lower costs or less risk. Whilst not yet launched, JT has already made some progress, for example: Planet – JT now offsets all carbon generated by off-island travel to the Ugandan Borehole scheme. The project works with local communities to identify and repair the many broken boreholes in Uganda - which is a Gold Standard Verified Emission Reduction Scheme.
People – We are Jersey’s first large-scale commercial organisation to become a Living Wage Employer, ensuring that all of our people in the Channel Islands and around the globe are paid a fair wage for their work. We employ the best people. As a digital company we are forward thinking and creative, we approach our work with enthusiasm, learn quickly from our mistakes, improve constantly, and celebrate our success, together. Everyone is welcome at JT — ours is an inclusive workplace where our people bring their values to work, which in turn builds our culture – together we are great. We firmly believes that we can be at the forefront of sustainability within the Channel Islands and is committed to making a real difference over the next 10 years.
By the nature of what it does, JT is a huge user of electricity. But how is it trying to reduce its use? We have installed Power over Ethernet products throughout our buildings, such as Wi-Fi, handsets etc. reducing the power demands. We are also future proofing our cabling designs as solutions become available.
What is JT doing to make its buildings greener? LED lighting is being installed throughout all of our buildings. All light switches are being removed and replaced with PIRS (Passive infrared sensors) which reduces the amount of time that lights are being left on. Solar film has been fitted onto the office windows at the Forum which reduces the amount of effort the air conditioning has to do to cool the office. Significant amounts of the meeting room chairs have been recovered rather than replaced during the Forum refurbishment. JT has introduced technologies such as Webex / Meetings / Teams and video conference systems reducing the need to travel.
By Jersey standards, JT has a large fleet of vehicles. Why aren’t they electric? Our vehicles are supported by a frequent servicing programme ensuring that the vehicles are operating to the best of their ability. Fleet Management tools are also being used to reduce the amount of time our engineers spend driving between jobs. We manage their journeys when they are sent out, reducing the travel period and improving our efficiency. JT will be considering replacement of our fleet as part of the overall Sustainability Strategy.
JT Progress Report 2019/20
Our stories, our communities At JT we are deeply driven to make a real difference to our community, create new jobs for local people, support a range of charities and work hard to protect the environment we live in. Being actively involved in our communities provides us with the opportunities to connect with people and reach our goals. Almost every week you will find a JT representative presenting to business groups, talking to students, attending world events, accepting awards and taking on challenges to raise funds for causes that are
important to us, because when we give back it makes JT a better place to be. We believe we have a responsibility to actively support the communities where our customers and people live and we work. We’re proud of the contribution and support we continue to give to our local communities and are equally proud of the work, time and dedication given by our people – together we can make change happen, together we can make a difference. This page showcases just some of our people who were active in and with our community during 2019.
Vanessa Garrett, Head of Change Portfolio Felicity Maclagan, Project Manager, Finance division
Our performance
JT Progress Report 2019/20
Performance review How are we doing? Revenue is obtained through providing telecommunication services to consumer, enterprise and wholesale customers. Services include fixed line, mobile, broadband, messaging and data services, private circuits and data centre rentals, interconnection and roaming usage, equipment sales, managed services of hardware and software and sales through International’s fraud prevention and IoT business. Revenue reduced by 18% to £206m mainly due to the reduction in low margin off-island wholesale voice revenues -44% (2018: -6%), partly off-set by continued growth in IoT 79% (2018: 34%). Gross profit rose by 2% to £96.9m mainly due to growth in IoT business 116% (2017: 29%). Operating expenses (excluding an impairment charge*) rose by £2.6m (2018: £6.3m), partly due to JT’s continued investment to enhance its platform resilience and core infrastructure and support growth in our International lines of business, especially IoT. This investment also led to a further increase in depreciation and amortisation charges (excluding goodwill) from £20.3m to £21.7m in 2019 (2018: £19.1m to £20.3m). An impairment charge of £2.6m was recognised against one of the Group’s non-core investments affected by the difficult UK retail sector performance and uncertainties surrounding Brexit, exacerbated by COVID-19 since March 2020. *
Operating profit was £4.9m (2018: £7.4m), reflecting the impact from the impairment and increase in operating expenses, partly offset by the increase in gross profit.
Headline results
JT Group Limited 2018 (£’m) 2019 (£’m) Revenue 250.5 206.0 Gross profit Operating profit
94.5 7.4
96.9 4.9
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation
Revenue (£’m) 300 250 200 69%
100 50
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation was £0.8m (2018: £2.2m). Capital expenditure during the year was £20.5m (2017: £31.3m), reflecting strong investment in core infrastructure as well as international enablement.
Jersey (£’m)
Rest of the World (£’m)
Gross Profit (£’m) 100 80 60 40 20 0 2018 Gross Profit (£’m)
Ordinary dividends paid during the year stayed steady at £4.8m. Cash flow from operating activities decreased by 11% to £28.8m, mainly due to increased working capital. Of this cash generated:
• £20.3m (2018: £21.9m) was used on capital expenditure, equivalent to 10% (2018: 9%) of revenue • £6.5m (2018: nil) represents the net repayment in long term borrowings • £7.3m (2018: £7.4m) was paid to States of Jersey as corporate tax, preference share interest and dividends • £2.2m (2018: 2.2m) was paid as pension contributions and other non-Jersey taxes • £2.2m (2018: £2.0m) was for net interest on borrowings • no further investment activities took place during the year which compares to the prior year when £6.1m was paid in the first instalment payment to acquire a further 80% of NeoConsult Aps and Nomad IP Aps, which offset against £4.3m received from the sale of JT’s share investment in Energous Corporation
Leaving £7.3m (2018: £16.9m) in cash at bank at year end.
Dividends paid (£’m) 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 2018
Ordinary dividend (£’m)
Cash outflow from investing and financing activities (£’m)
Jersey income tax
Dividends and preference share interest
Pension contributions and other non-Jersey taxes
Net borrowings repaid
Net interest paid
Capital expenditure
A copy of the detailed audited consolidated financial statements may be obtained via www.jtglobal.com/progressreport
JT Progress Report 2019/20
Board of Directors
Phil Male Chairman
Phil Male has been involved in the development of Internet, media and telecoms services in the UK for more than 25 years. He founded one of the first electronic media businesses after graduating with a degree in Computing Science from Imperial College, and went on to develop the UK national news agency, The Press Associations’ digital media division. From there he joined Internet pioneer Demon in 1992 as CTO, floating that business as telecommunications operator THUS in 1999 where as COO he saw it grow into a FTSE 100 company. In 2008 he joined the executive at Cable & Wireless Worldwide and managed their subsequent IPO process. Since 2010 Phil has served on a number of Boards as a Non-Executive Director and Chair including Comic Relief and SmartDCC (the UK smart metering company), actively invests in new technology businesses, and works in an advisory capacity to a number of institutions in the City.
Sean Collins
Joe Moynihan
A Chartered Accountant and a graduate in Classics from Cambridge University, Sean was formerly a senior audit and advisory partner at KPMG, where he had worked since 1972. From 2009 to 2012, Mr Collins was Head of Markets, Asia Pacific, responsible for the firm’s business development in the Asia Pacific region. He also led the Global Communications and Media practice for over a decade. Mr Collins has deep and extensive experience of corporate governance, financial reporting and other corporate disciplines, gained during many years as lead partner for a large number of major international clients. He was the Senior Independent Non-Executive Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Millennium & Copthorne Hotels Plc until December 2014. Other appointments include member of the Conduct Committee and Case Management Committee of the Financial Reporting Council, former trustee of the Royal Society for Asian Affairs, Trustee and Finance Chairman at Cystic Fibrosis Trust, Governor and Chairman of More House School in Surrey, England. Sean is also a Crown Representative at the Cabinet Office, overseeing the provision of telecommunication services by major suppliers to the UK Government.
Joe Moynihan is an experienced international financial services executive with senior level commercial and public sector experience. He has held a wide range of board level positions in Jersey and International businesses during a career that has spanned over 30 years. This includes being President of the Jersey Bankers Association, Chief Officer/ Director of Financial Services for the States of Jersey, and consultant to a number of financial services projects in Jersey and Internationally. Joe has an MBA from the CASS Business School, University of London, is a fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and a graduate of the Irish Institute of Bankers.
Non-Executive Director, Chairman of Audit and Risk Committee
Non-Executive Director, Chairman of the Remuneration Committee
Meriel Lenfestey
Non-Executive Director, Senior Independent Director Meriel has experience driving and enabling a shift to customer centricity with forward looking companies across a wide range of business sectors. After receiving her MA from the Royal College of Art, and after spells working at Microsoft in Seattle and the BBC in London, in 1997 she founded a Londonbased customer experience company and grew it to become the UK market leader and highly respected globally. Her work has included tactical and strategic engagements with clients embracing digital transformation across many sectors including Financial Services, Consumer Electronics & Software, Telecoms, Media, Retail, Transport, Energy and Public Sector. She chairs Gemserv in London and is a Non-Executive Director for 2 FTSE 250 infrastructure funds as well as Aurigny Air Services in Guernsey. She holds voluntary Board roles with the IoD and Arts for Impact.
Graeme Millar
Chief Executive Officer Graeme was appointed JT CEO in January 2010. A Cambridge science graduate with a postgraduate engineering qualification, Graeme has almost 30 years of telecoms experience. Graeme has worked in countries as diverse as the USA, Russia, Hungary and the Netherlands for companies such as Vodafone and Motorola. Immediately prior to taking up his role at JT Group, Graeme was the Chief Commercial Officer in Russia for MTS, Russia’s largest mobile telephone operator. In addition to his role at JT, Graeme is also a Non-Executive Director of Wellington Partners Management Limited and is a Fellow of the Institute of Directors.
Hélène Narcy
Chief Financial Officer (Appointed 27.04.2020) Having joined JT in July 2019, Hélène was recently appointed Finance Director and a member of the Executive Committee. A graduate of the French business school ESCP, she also holds the French accounting diploma DECF. Hélène brings more than 25 years’ experience, having held various senior finance positions across different industry types. She started her career with Gemalto (now part of Thales Group) and more recently spent ten years with UBS. Hélène has worked in different countries including the UAE, Jersey and the USA. Representing Finance in senior management committees, she led a number of finance transformation projects with positive impact to the business.
John Kent
Chief Financial Officer (Retiring 27.04.2020)
JT Progress Report 2019/20
Board effectiveness Annual report statement This year the Board undertook an external effectiveness review as part of our commitment to the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code. The review was undertaken in April 2019 with 360-degree questionnaires and interviews, independent observations made at Board meetings, the Board materials, and access to Hogan personality assessments for all Board members. It was followed up with further interviews in October. As well as the Board members themselves, it also involved the Group Company Secretary, the Executive Committee and a selection of external stakeholders. It was based on the Institute of Directors Competency Framework and the process was independently run by Darren Briggs from Flametree Communication Ltd.
The JT Board and its committees were found to be effective across all categories. The range of expertise brings a healthy challenge to Board discussions and drives confident decision making; the Board pays sufficient attention to strategic issues around changing technologies, customer expectations, competitive landscape, political and regulatory developments, resource availability and value generation; and there have been significant improvements in governance and process in recent years. Together, with a strong focus on improving Board effectiveness by the current Chair in response to the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code, these have proven to be a good platform on which to build a robust and effective Board culture.
However, the Board recognises the need to constantly monitor and improve, in particular, the following areas for attention were identified which the Board began addressing during the year and will continue through 2020:
Continuing improvements in Board procedure and materials
The range of knowledge and skills must be maintained through Executive succession and Non-Executive rotation.
There is room for further improvement in Board processes and materials.
Communication in general and in particular ensuring a common language.
45 45
The Board has agreed, and started implementing, the following actions:
Nominations Committee development of detailed rolling Board succession plan with attention to specific Hogan profiling and the Institute of Directors competency framework for Directors as part of the selection process.
Personal development opportunities around both knowledge and skills based on Hogan assessments and individual feedback from this study.
An improved induction process for new Board members customised to their role on the Board and based on their personal Hogan assessments strategy.
Deepening relationships between Executive and NonExecutive members to further build trust and respect through externally facilitated sessions.
Continual improvements in Board procedure and materials.
The Board this year will welcome a new Chief Financial Officer, and a new Company Secretary and is undertaking the selection of new Non-Executive Directors in accordance with the detailed Board succession plan. These processes have been significantly improved as a result of this year’s Board Effectiveness Review.
JT Progress Report 2019/20
Corporate governance Compliance with the UK Corporate Governance Code (the ‘Code’). The Company adheres to the principles of good corporate governance and best practice set out in the Code and, in particular, has in place a sound system of internal controls to safeguard its shareholder’s investment and its assets.
Directors and the Board The Board During the financial year the Board consisted of six directors, two of whom are Executive Directors and four of whom are Non-Executive Directors. The Board has a schedule of regular meetings, normally between six and eight per year, with any additional meetings convened as and when required. The Board is collectively responsible for the long-term success of the Company. This is achieved by setting the overall operating strategy, approving detailed business plans and overseeing delivery of objectives by continually monitoring performance against those plans. The Board establishes the culture, standards and values of the Company. The Board oversees the management of risk, monitors financial performance and reporting and ensures that appropriate and effective succession planning and remuneration policies are in place. Whilst maintaining oversight at regular meetings of the Board, the day to day operation of the Company has been delegated to the Executive Directors. The Board is supplied with a sufficient level of regular, detailed and timely management information to allow it to discharge its functions efficiently.
Meetings and Committee membership During the year, the Board met 7 times. Details of attendance at Board meetings are as follows:
Number of Board meetings in 2019
Sean Collins
Joe Moynihan
John Kent
Meriel Lenfestey
Phil Male
Graeme Millar
Director independence The Board considers all of the Non-Executive Directors to be independent in character and judgement. In determining independence, the Board considers the specific circumstances of each Director. The Board has concluded that Sean Collins, Joe Moynihan and Meriel Lenfestey shall be deemed independent, with Meriel Lenfestey adopting the role of Senior Independent Director. Phil Male, as Chairman of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2019, was considered independent on appointment and, in accordance with the Code, is not subject to the independence test thereafter.
Performance evaluation In order to ensure that the Board continues to operate effectively, the Board and its Committees carry out an assessment of performance across key areas. The results of the performance assessments and appraisals are fed back to the Board as a whole (as appropriate) and action taken accordingly.
Other significant commitments Under the terms of engagement for each Non-Executive Director, an indication of required hours is agreed that should enable the Non-Executive Directors to discharge their duties to the Company. The level of commitment to the Company has not been impinged by other significant commitments for any of the Non-Executive Directors.
Reappointment The Company has adopted a policy of requiring all Directors to seek re-election on an annual basis in line with the Code. Directors appointed to fill a casual vacancy must seek formal appointment by the shareholders at the next Annual General Meeting (“AGM”).
Relations with the shareholder
Audit Committee
While the Company is wholly owned by the States of Jersey, under the terms of Article 32(6) of the Telecommunications (Jersey) Law 2002, the Minister for Treasury & Resources (the “Minister”) is charged as its representative in matters related to its shareholding in the Company. Limitations on the powers of the Minister, which relate principally to share ownership matters, are set out in that same Article. In order to ensure an appropriate accountability framework, a Memorandum of Understanding exists between the Company and the Minister, and that Memorandum of Understanding recognises the obligation that the directors have in regard to cooperating at all times in the best interests of the Company.
During the year ended 31 December 2019, the Audit Committee comprised Sean Collins (Chairman) and Joe Moynihan. The auditors, KPMG LLP, and the Executive Directors also attend the meetings by invitation. There were four meetings of the Audit Committee during 2019, with full attendance at all but one of those meetings. The terms of reference of the Audit Committee require it to meet at least twice per annum. Additional meetings may be called where deemed necessary. The Committee is charged by the Board with the following main responsibilities:
Internal Controls The Board is responsible for ensuring that there are effective systems of internal control in place to reduce the risk of misstatement or loss and to ensure that business objectives are met. These systems are designed to manage and mitigate (rather than to eliminate) the risk of failure to achieve business objectives and can only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance against material misstatement or loss. The Company has developed and adopted corporate and operational risk registers detailing and grading the significant risks faced by the Company. Alongside the register is a process through which the significant risks faced by the business are identified and evaluated on a regular basis and the controls operating over those risks are assessed to ensure that they are adequate.
To monitor the integrity of the financial statements of the Company and any formal announcements relating to the Company’s financial performance. To provide advice, when requested by the Board, on whether the annual report, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for the Shareholder to assess performance, the business model and strategy. To ensure that arrangements are in place for the proportionate and independent investigation of concerns raised confidentially by whistle-blowers about possible improprieties in matters of financial reporting or any other matters.
The process of risk assessment and reviewing the effectiveness of the systems of internal control is regularly reviewed by the Audit Committee, accords with Turnbull guidance and has been in place for the whole of the year, up to and including the date on which the financial statements were approved.
To review and monitor the adequacy, operation and effectiveness of the Company’s internal financial and other controls and make recommendations for improvement where necessary.
Controls adopted by the Board (or its Committees) to ensure the effectiveness of the systems of internal control include the following:
To oversee the external audit process and manage the relationship with the external auditors.
The review of the corporate and operational risk and control registers maintained and updated by the Company and of the status of any actions arising from their regular review. The receipt of confirmation from Senior Management of the proper operation of controls throughout the period of the review. The review and approval during the year of the schedule of matters specifically reserved for its attention. The review of reports received from the Audit Committee concerning the findings of the external auditors on the financial statements of the Company and the systems of internal control.
To make recommendations to the Board as to the re-election and remuneration of the auditors at the Annual General Meeting based upon its assessment of the performance of the auditors and giving due regard to their continued independence and any other regulatory or professional requirements. During the year ended 31 December 2019, the Audit Committee formed the view that there is a continuing need for an internal audit function and has assigned accountability for this to a senior accountant reporting to the CFO.
JT Progress Report 2019/20
Review of financial statements
Remuneration Committee
To enable the Audit Committee to discharge its responsibilities effectively in respect of the financial statements, a number of processes are in place.
During the year ended 31 December 2019, the Remuneration Committee comprised Joe Moynihan , Sean Collins, Meriel Lenfestey, and Phil Male. The Executive Directors, Graeme Millar and John Kent, may also attend the meeting by invitation. No director is allowed to be party to discussions regarding, or play any role in, the determination of their own remuneration. There were two formal meetings of the Remuneration Committee during 2019, with full attendance at each of those meetings. The terms of reference of the Remuneration Committee allow it to meet as and when necessary to:
The Audit Committee is briefed by the Chief Financial Officer in advance of the year end on the significant issues pertaining to the financial statements and how they will be dealt with. These issues are generally focused on the areas of subjectivity in the financial statements, changes in accounting or disclosure requirements and the accounting or disclosure implications of one-off events occurring in the year. Where necessary, the Audit Committee considers evidence and independent third-party advice on the key matters for consideration. At the year end, the Audit Committee reviews the financial statements and related announcements and considers them in the context of the significant issues identified, the suitability of any key assumptions and the extent that they have been disclosed. The whole process is completed in consultation with the auditors, whose view is sought by the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee also consider, based on their knowledge of the business and issues arising, whether they can advise the Board that the annual report, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for the Shareholder to assess the Company’s position and performance, the business model and strategy.
Auditor appointment and additional services The performance and effectiveness of the external auditors is monitored continually and formally considered by the Audit Committee before a recommendation is made to the Board regarding their reappointment. Length of service of the incumbent audit firm, effectiveness of the audit process, the independence and objectivity of the team, the depth and breadth of the audit approach, the level of fees and the quality of the service provided are all taken into account. The current auditor is KPMG LLP who replaced Deloitte LLP following a competitive tender for audit services for the year ending 31 December 2017 carried out in 2016, following which the Audit Committee’s recommendation that the Board appoint KPMG LLP as the Company’s auditors was approved. The Audit Committee considers the impact of the provision of any non-audit services by the external auditor on the objectivity and independence of the audit. The consideration has regard to the nature of the non-audit work, size of the fee relative to any audit, any potential involvement of the audit team in the work and the longer-term effect of the non-audit services on the relationship with the audit firm, including an assessment of their continuing objectivity and independence.
Review and determine the level of remuneration of Executive Directors. Review and determine the level of remuneration of the Senior Management Team. Review periodically the terms and conditions of employment of the Executive Directors and Senior Management Team. Make recommendations to the Board on the Company’s overall framework of salaried staff remuneration and costs. Review and make recommendations to the Board concerning the remuneration of the Chairman.
Nomination Committee During the financial year ended 31 December 2019, the Nomination Committee comprised Phil Male (Chairman), Sean Collins, Meriel Lenfestey and Graeme Millar. Executive Director, John Kent may also attend the meeting by invitation. There were two formal meetings of the Nomination Committee during 2019, with full attendance at that meeting. The Nomination Committee is primarily responsible for the selection and appointment of the Company’s Executive and Non-Executive Directors, as and when required. The other duties of the Nomination Committee include:
Making recommendations to the Board as to the re-election of Directors under the ‘retirement by rotation’ provisions in the Company’s Articles of Association whilst giving due regard to their performance and ability to continue to contribute to the Board in light of the knowledge, skills and experience required. Reviewing and making recommendations to the Board as to the succession planning for Executive and Non-Executive Directors. Regularly reviewing the structure, size and composition, including the balance of skills and attributes required of the Board, compared to its current position and making recommendations to the Board with regard to any changes. Keeping under review the leadership needs of the organisation, both Executive and Non-Executive, including succession plans, with a view to ensuring the continued ability of the organisation to operate effectively. When selecting candidates for potential appointment as a Non-Executive Director, the Nomination Committee evaluates the needs of the Company and identifies the necessary skills and experience required by candidates for consideration. The Nomination Committee makes recommendations to the Board taking into account the performance of the candidates at interview, their skills and experience and their ability to meet the specific needs of the Company. Consideration is given to the use of external recruitment consultants and open advertising in the recruitment process. However, this is weighed against the cost of doing so and the specialist needs of the Company as a Jersey based telecom provider.
It is the policy of the Board to populate itself with Directors who have a diverse range of skills, attributes and backgrounds, so that collectively the Board is appropriately resourced to discharge its duties effectively and meet the changing needs of the business. A wide range of factors are considered in determining the appropriate composition of the Board including but not limited to technical expertise, local market knowledge and experience, independence, length of service on the Board and diversity.
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www.jtglobal.com Facts and figures correct at time of publication. April 2020.